The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning, April 14, 1933 PAGS FIVE -A X -r-r T : i, IK MB J BACK SILVEHTWS BAND Hundred Residents Also Ex pected for Firm Sup port at Tourney SILVERTON, April' IS 811 verton business men are seeing to It that the Silverton school band' goes to the state contest with excellent appearance, while Prof. Hal Campbell is taking care that they will hare the training for competition. Carl Stamey, of the .Silverton Laundry,' will wash, Iron and press the uniforms of the entire contesting band jot 35 , pieces; Pete Schmidt, the shoemaker, will attend to the shoes of each boy, and the H and I Barber shop will give each member ton sorial attention; The services of these are donated to the boys. Those who loaned instruments art Scott McPlke, I I. Campbell, O. Cooley, A. Moffett and George Isrealson. The soloists engaged ' In . the individual championship events will leave for Eugene early Fri day morning. They are W. Kleeb, H. Moffett, trumpets; E. Lee, clarinet; Thor Thorkildaon, bass horn; M. Winters, trombone. They will be accompanied by Prof. Campbell, who . will - play their pianoforte accompaniments. The contests for Individual numbers will commence at noon Friday. The full band contests will commence at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning' and will last until late that evening. It is ex pected that over 100 persons from Silverton, besides the 35 boys will make the trip to Eugene. 4-H EVENT 28th TALBOT, April 13 The 4-H forestry club of the local school has set Its Achievement day for April 2. At the meeting this week. Dale Turnidge gave a demonstration on mounting spe cimens. OFFERED, SlFEW At Armory April 26, 27, 28; Homemakers' Bureau To be in Charge Announcement has been made of a forthcoming cooking school to be conducted by the Safeway Stores Homemakers' bureau at the Salem armory three days, April 26, 27 and 28. This Is the second school to be put on here by this organization, a very success ful school having been conducted in February, 1932. The organiza tion has presented schools In vir tually all the cities of the west; and ladies who attended the school last year will be pleased to know of Its return this year. The In structor this year will be Mrs. Marian Spencer, who has made an enviable reputation as heme econ omist. 2i TV? 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET GOOD MEAT FOR LESS All BccS Hamburgo? pound Sugqp Cured Hams pound E) IBeeS !P5)E3Es Choice Beef Roasts lb. 7c Leg of Pork lb. 10c Lean Beef. Bofl lb. 6c Center Shoulder Roasts Oc Short Rib Bofl lb. Sc Lean Pork Steak lb. 9c R. or T-Bone Steaks 15. 12c Small Loin Chops lb. 12c Sirloin Steaks lb. 10c Pig Hocks lb. So Swiss Steaks lb. 12c Spare Ribs lb. Oc ft Free Delivery Open Until 9 p.m. Sat. Nite- Dial on nooa Mil AT 610 North Capitol Street APRIL 14TH, ALL DAY We are the MEW ID)1EILISI& for the r3cSi?fflmnei - Peecrucag Hume G and are having our Opening Day Today See the new Baby Farmall Do a Big Job Inspect the Enclosed Gear No. 7 Mower See the McCormick Deering Cream Separator Ride in the new Y2 Ton International Truck Bring a sack of your grain and we will grind it with the Economic McCorm-ick-Deering Hammer Mill Learn all about the Harvester company's plan on Wheat and Corn Price Guaranty which will help you buy the machines you want Gabriel Powder and Supply Co. Powder Lumber Building Materials -rIime-',;-; Platter 610 N. Capitol Salem, Ore. Telephone 9191 Th. gateway Stores Homemak ers' bureau 1 : now in 1U third year f organisation; maintains its headquarters in Oakland; and has 30 women employed at its headquarters, and others In other parts of th. country. Its founder and director is Mrs. Julia Ln Wright, whoso work aa cooking school Instructor, lecturer and aa radio broadcaster on cooking and allied matters has mad. her nam. familiar to many thousands of women. Last year 160,000 west ern women attended the cooking schools; and the number will be greatly exceeded this year. Mrs. Wright has exercised great car. ln building up her organiza tion. ETery one of th. home econ omist employed has either un iversity training or practical ex perience in th. commercial field of horn, economics. Mrs. Wright herself is a graduate of the Un iversity of Washington, and has wide experience in her field. Western women have found the bureau a mine of information on recipes, entertainment ideas, ta ble settings, meal planning and dietics; and the . local cooking school brings the practical results of th. bureau investigations and experiments direct to the people. Special Services For Good Friday Planned at 'Grove GIIGE LIFE PAPER LIBERTY, April It Th. Red Hill grange met Tuesday night. Potluck dinner was. fol lowed by th. lecturer', program which included readings by Mrs. Van Trump of Salem and Jac queline Judd. Dr. D. B. Hill of Salem showed motion pictures. - At a short business meeting it was voted to extend to Mrs. Kate Holder a life membership in the grange. Mrs. Holder was this grange's first chaplain.' Club Meets Friday The community club will meet Friday evening, April 14. The women as losers ln . last month's program contest, will "treat" the men at dinner. Dr. Robert Gatke of Willam ette university will speak on "The political Situation in Ger many." All who are interested are invited to attend. Tiny Tot Program Given at Session Of Eastern Star MIDDLE GROVE, April 13 Good Friday, April 14, at 3 o'clock, at the Middle Grove church, the Young People's Chris tian Endeavor society will hold a business meeting with Commun ion service following, in charge of the pastor. Rev. H. R. Scheuer man. A special Easter service is being prepared to be given at the church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Christian Fischer has been called to the bedside of her daugh ter, Mrs. Dale Potter, who is ser iously ill at her home near Prine-ville. WOODBDRN, April 13. A tiny tot program was given at the Ma sonic hall Monday night after the meeting of Evergreen chapter, Or der of Eastern Stsr, Mrs. Maude Scott being in charge. Those tak ing part with music and readings were Bonney Susan Scott, Corlnne Gill, Beverly Hughes, Joan Twee die, Jack Rae, Milllcent Evenden, Herbert Gill, Teddy Gibbons, Wil mer Lessard. Muriel Beckman. Bernice Sayre, Bobby Miller and Virginia Olson. After the program refreshments were served by the committee. Mrs. Ida Garrison, Miss Ina Bonney, Mrs. Cairle Young, Mrs. Myrtle Cole, Mrs. W D. Simmon, and Mrs. Ida Parr. GIJARU INSPECTION HELD. SILVERTON SILVERTON. April IS Dis tinguished visitors called on Co. I 16nd Infantry. Oregon Nation al guard, - Tuesday night for a surprise Inspection. In th. group wer ten. Thomas Rilea. Col. J. Schur, and Captain Willis E. Vincent. The officers expressed considerable satisfaction with the Silverton company and said they wer. favorably Impressed with the spirit of th. company and th. condition they found It in upon their surprise visit. Th. first of th. three typhoid inoculations were given to 40 men of Co. I at the Tueeday night drill. Capt. Walter E. Hempstead, medical officer of the 184th infantry gave the inoc ulations. They will be followed by two others each seven days apart. Company I has also completed its small bore- qualifications of the indoor shooting galery. This is the first tlm. the local com pany has qualified one hundred per eent. The men will begin their out door rifle practice on Easter Sunday at their range in Smalls canyon. Jefferson Council To Date Takes no Action on Permits fills east of th. aw bridge. Frank Bullla ha a crew of men remov ing th. dirt from th. bank In front of th. Jones, Banks and' Coins properties. Dr. ' J. Vinton Scott of Salem showed moving pictures ot th. orient at th. Looney Butt, school Thursday night, April IS. These pictures wer. taken by Dr. Scott whil. he was living in China. C. E. Wilson and H. R. Crawford of th. Salem chamber of commerce wer. also present. Mrs. M. Schneider Resided , at Hubbard HUBBARD, April 13 Mrs. Maud. Schneider who was killed at a grade crossing near Clacka mas Monday is well known ln Hubbard as the family have lived east of here for a number of years and three of her sons, Ray, Har old, and Grant are members of the Hubbard band. Besides these sons she is survived bv a married daughter, Marie and an eight year old son, P. J. Schneider, Jr. The children make their home with their father. BURIAL RITES HELD SILVERTON. April IS Pri vate gravesld. services were held Wednesday afternoon at th. Silverton cemetery for Mrs. Ser ena Fetsch, who died at Seattle Saturday. Mrs. Fetsch la surviv ed by her widower at Seattle and a brother, Ola. Hlllard of Brush Creek. PHlliJPSRECEljfB- 8CIO. April IS Earl Phil lips last night received ootlc. of his appointment as acting Scio postmaster, and will assume du ties as soon as he receives his bond. H. succeeds Mrs. B. Sti cha, who became postmaster last year after her husband's death. She had been assistant postmast er for 10 years prior to that time. Phillips is an ex-service man and was born and reared ln the Jordan community near here. He conducted a mercantile business at Jordan before moving here, where he haa continued a con fection store. He has two chil dren. The new acting postmaster has made no announcement as to whom his assistants will be. A fire at the Tom Donahue re sidence late Wednesday was ex tinguished without serious damage. O HONOR ROLL CENTRAL HOWELL. April 13 Pupils on the honor roll for th. past month are: Florence Hansen. Hollis Ramsden, Vernon Beals, Roy Wilcox, Bertha Palleson, Glenn Beals, Donald Steffer. Don ald Nafxiger. Clarence Simmons, Bobby Simmons, Haxel Beals, Clara Whitehead, Francis King. JF.FFF.RKON. April 12. At the regular meeting of the city conn- j hi Monday nhtht. H. Conn was i granted a permit to build an addi- I tlon, 14 by 15 feet, to ma awejung on North Main street. No action was taken on permits to sell beer. Leland Friend of Corvallls Is operating the steam shovel used for broadening the highway to the r These Prices Good FRL, SAT & MON April 14, 15, 17 St fCVSJ-: Fresh Extra Ihggs For Easter Your Safeway Stores Will Have Them at Lowest Prices Ham and eggs are to Easter what turkey is to Thanksgiving. Oar hams are mild, sugar cured and full flavored. Bake, boil or fry them for Easter. And eggs! . . . you know we are particular about our eggs . . . they're strictly fresh, large size with easy to color shells. Color them for the Easter Baskets or serve them freely for breakfast. ASPARAGUS long, green, tender New Potatoes Fancy extras ior your lousier ouifr ORANGES jweet juicy Navels bunrhee MUMS. Borden's Eagle Brand can i i 31)c Peanut Butter Max-l-muM Jell -Well Ass't flavors Pkgs Mayonnaise O(o)r ttent Food, foil p. A- 312c PEAS Del Monte Xo. 2 cans SPINACH Ubbys S cans Baking Powder Cain met l lb. ca V Grape Nut Flakes r P Healthy cereal pkajs. J V S ANKA Enjoy It any time, 1 lb. can COFFEE Airway, use the beet lb. FLOUR Hardwheat 40 lb. sack COFFEE Edwards Depend. 1 lb. ran 22c 2c Corned Beef JJbhj i a ox. can Pork and Beans Campbells Rolled Oats 8 lb. sack SUGAR Pure cane 14 lbs. Chocolate Circles The new Choc. Eclair lb. Egc Sc 2c E)c iMarktt features Mayonnaise in Bulk, the very best HC pt. Pork Roast Cut from young grain fid hogs, nice and lean c lb. Easter i More Hams. Cudahy, Puritan, Skinned Hams, tha tgood tasty kind Whole or Half HdflVkc lb. Armour's SHORTENING Very good 3 lbs. EQc Sliced Two large center cut from this Delicious Ham U cuts for 2 Fresh HALIBUT to Fry or Bake $l2C lb. Good Young Chickens and Frys. Service with a smile at Safeway Market. . r CHARLIE DUVAL, Market Manager. No. 37162 N. Commer cial Phone 6169 No. 661978 N. Capitol Phone 8620 Save at the following Safeway Stores t Wm Reserve the Rlfht to Limit QaasUUee 91.00 orders delivered free excepting features No. 519 270 N. Com mercial. Phone 9432 No. 78 1927 SUte Phone 94S5 JSP Swing Smartly Into The Easter Parade In Ward's ini $11 .98 Otic StjUt Glort! Opens! Oxfords! Ties! T-Strtps! SandaU! One-Straps! With cut-outs! Braided leather s buckles : : piping ; ; perforation. Cuban, coo ti ne ma 1, Louis and Jr. Louis keels. Smsrt Ltmtlertt WsuttJ Ction! Black patent. Coro aan beige kid. Black kid. kafior. Black calf Chaff beige kid, Wanted sizes sod widths. CP IfaJ&IK FOR MEN $5).98 Black & White Tan & Brown Sports Shoes If you don't buy anything else for Easter, buy a pair of these smart oxfords. Goodyear Welt construction. CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.00 buys so much in shoe quality, tardiness, work manship. More today than ever before. Lts of new styles from black patent, black calf to two- tone dark smoke oxfords. Sizes 8ft to li, 11 to z. Montgomery 275 N.Liberty TeL 8774 Salem, Ore.