PACE THIRTEEN" Tt" 4 t If The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morn in er, April 14. 1933 '0 - f a. i 4 a uv - 1 ! Business Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis, wily. RaU: $1.00 per line pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Fanelt, tho brake and ehimmy d ortot. 375 South Com-teer!-'. otreet. BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Beauty Shop, dial T953. 'CATERING Burt Crarr. the caterer. PjJtTSS CHIMNEY SWEEP T.lAnhnn.' 4450. R K. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR.aU SCOTT, PSa Chiropractor. 21 W. High. Tel. Re 1572. Correspondence Instruction International CoiTespWene schools, Buslnefsa. technical course. Bx. 166. C McGllHTray. Tel. 4128. DRESSMAKING Rq SNELGROVE. 465 N. Cottage. TL 746. Hemstitching. c yard. " Dressmaking In your tome. K-p. $8.60 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7984. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquet fun eral wreaths, decoration. C F. Breit florist. 677 Court. Tel. 6994. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutt ""I" 1st, 16th A Market. TeL 9592. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL I Gl. Walter J. Downs, INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 189 K. High TeL 4947 COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ins. Tel. 8622. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY tt a High TeL 9126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 2165 1264 Broadway LAWN 3I0WERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. - . . . . . ... crT"P "Tio rrvr-lA Man . n a it n i . ' . . . MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress $8.00. Renovators and tumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. Teu 4Ut. 4ua . New mattress made, to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, slaing:fluli rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Mat tress. Factory, a 13th A Wilbur Tel 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 191L MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonogrspns and s6Wlng maenmes. as otim wwi. talem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trad guitar and lessons for anything lean use. Storhow, 450 Court MEDICINE Dr Chan It" Chinese Medicine Co. Hour Tuesday and Friday, 10 -.30 a.m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N,l CommerclaL PRINTING id ctt nK ti. caras. oiuuvu- nnfrimii hnnitt or any Kind oi nrintirz. call The Statesman PrlnUns Department 315 S. CommerctaL Teie phone 9101. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT U. D. Clement Income Tax Reporte. Auditing. 110 N. Corn't Tel 8030 or S267. REAL ESTATE BECKfi HEX PRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Uherty St Tel. 6468. SOCOLOFSKY A SON a 804-S Bt- Bids. TeL 7907. STOVES HTOVES and stove repairing. Stove man nnuui ana rcym w kinds ot woven wire fence, fancy and pialn. nop baskets, coo-, i TrlZ. f.nM stove Works. 862 , STr.-. T.rijf4 R R Fleming TRANSFER CAPITAI. CITY. Transfer Ca-226 state at to. in. rrzrt.TtV warding ana sorae Get our jiea FOR local or distant transfer toraga. call 313l7Lnner Transfer Cc, Truck to Portland dally. WELL DRILLING R. a. Wast 80 years experenc RKD 6. Box 103 fci. ejLi Women, Men Vie In Proeram Event For Fairview Club -imviEW. Aorll 1$ (Spe- Hai- Fairview community Club will offer nnusual entertainmen. Friday night when women and men of this district will present a competitive program. - Jndaes wilt decide the winners. Stunt presented by the women will excelL The losing side will nrorHs SB OTsteP BB8r iot iu c.h faetlnn -II 1 II s I .Villi iiiuiiiLTa - wlll have 4$ -minute for its pro- grams. Mrs. Martin Schmidt ia chair man of the women's group and Ralph Dent for the masculine Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per llse.lOe Three insertions per line ..10e Six Insertions per line.. J 8c One month per Hoe. .ll.Oe Minimum charge ...... 25e Copy for thU page ac cepted until 6:30 the even Ins before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after this Ume will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap-. pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and in cases where thie paper !s at fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. , The Statesman reserves ' the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising nu de? the proper classification. HELP WANTEU FEMALE Woman wanted as companion for el derly lady to go 60-50. Mary Town Bond, 840 N. 18th. SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking- in your home, $1.60 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 798. 00000000000000000000 Work wanted, any kind by man In need. Thomas Shirley. Open Door Mission. North Commercial St. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product Nationally adver- tlsed. Crasy Crystals. 118 8. High. Seed notatoea Earliest of AIL Early Rose, Early Ohio, British Queen. Net ted Gem. Burbank. H. A. Hyae ca, 2698 Portland Road, Tel. 9596. Fresh crabs now at Ftdlers stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland road. - HAY. ALFALFA, first quality. 411 Guardian BIdg. TeL 8482. Nine weaned pigs. 1 milk goat, 1 heifer, - reasonable. W. M. Boyd, S. 7th St. Independence, ore. Cow manure, 8335. $1.25 yard deL Ph. For Sale seed potatoes; Garnets. Burbank, Earliest of All and Early Rose. ,Wm. Fay, 681 Highland. Salem. Far sala Imnroved Oregon straw berry plants, first year, and Young- berry plants, uyde owier, it- i. Hay for sale.-" Mixed alfalfa and bald barley. Excellent feed, good col or. Price $15.00 per ton delivered to you in truck lots or 80 cents per cwt. small lots, yon come and get it. u. u. Brock, one mile south of airport on old Turner road. Alfalfa hay, at Greenwood station. E. F. Brown. R. 1, Independence, Ore. Am wrecking house, 1244 Ferry, cor ner 12th and Ferry. Old People's Home. Everything sold at depression prices. Lots of good material. Place orders early. S. V. HALL. Marshall Ftrawberry plants for sale. John Mack. Rt 1, Box 45, Sublimity. FOR SALE Corvalli strawberries No. 12, $2 thousand. P. W. Woelke, I Tel. 104F32. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade baby turkeys for any kind of seed grain. Geo. Thomason, 341 State Pt VVANTEDMiscellaneous Why throw away good money? The I hosiery mbndlng dept at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, oc to zee. Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletzlne. Statesman office. uiiuvuuwui. .w rv r.i i .a . r.iii I waaa I Best hair cut Adults 20c. child., 15c Two blocks a of library. & Winter. Permanent wave, 50c, Beauty Maid Shoo. Over Ptensloff Mkt. Tel. 4486. ROOM AND BOARD asaaiaaiaaeaasss ss Board, rm.. near P. O. $20. TeL 8482. Mod. rooms, reasonable. 645 Marlon. Room and board. TeL 4375. For ladies, mod. home, reasonable. 4 block from State St. 4 Beuevue. I XTtJxrxru'xrLru'u'VviJiii -- - Board and room for ladle. Close In. Tel. 6678. 695 Cmirt St. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattou apartments downtown, cau PaXtn'i hnn atsra. I wmwmwowwmwwmoww r fjtw. z a. mvt ii ii 1 Mt4 , Mod. st heated apt. TeL 8490. 10000t00000mi0m m ' 000 t rm. turn." apt, 255 Center SL aurU"sJTJTJbjnj"ir-ilfi-'i,r- -1 mmm Anta $10. $12. 891 N. Com'L f0000f000000m0000000000 Fum. apartment, lt40 Lesila. Nice furn. apt 690 Union. H. K. rooraa Best price, 191 S. Church. 8 room -unfurnished apt, garage. lights, hot and cold water, heat, ranee, $15 mo. 1599 State St FOR RENT HOUSES rLn.ri.rLri mr i - .--!--.-- - Furn. and unfurn. houses. R. A. Forkner, 161 N. Cottage. TeL SOIL fj-y-irtf-'vmkr'i'' - ---- - " 5 Urgre rooma $19. Tel. T204. . , JUnjnsTjiJi.ririjM - . Small house partly turn. 2430 Leslie. 7 R mod, honwf. Tl. 6639. ' , FUR KENT Small farm for rent, 381 Stat St.; j Room 20, Palem FOR SALE Keal Estate - -RartnAtNS rff HOMES $1000.00 buys a good R. house tn Norm saiem imv aown. u rent. ' ' , -L - ciean en knv. sT? haua. with 1 -eiiL Mnrtb lem. 8S80 rtewn. rrlo $3600.00 buy a - z - ... . dandy T-R. Ens list. t"P home tn fine location. r-a atrictiy Rooerv. x.- V..A l..-.. i CTTV . WW 1W-w,, JAS. D. SKAK4 Roaltor, 182 S. High If you want to boy, sell or exchange any thins: see General Exchange, 33$ FOR SALE Real EstaU Beautiful Klnrwood view tracts. city improvements, among active home building-; unusual terms. C A. Robert eon. TeL 6154. 6 room modern home with S acres land, nice view, lots of fruit and ber ries, garage and chicken house. 1 mile from Salem. $2100. 28 A. fine timber, estimated 2090 cords of wood, $40 per acre. Melvtn Johnson W. M. Pennlnrton 275 State Street - Phone 6796. ---------- i i-r-iiriririn.nn.rairi One acre with 4 rtn. plastered house and attic, bath, elec, some bulltlns, small barn, chicken House and garage. sizuv. win take car or vacant lot as down payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street FOR SALE Drastic reduction in price of one of Salem's finest homes for immediate sale. House Is modern In every detaiL extra large creek lot beautifully land scapes Best residential district In Sa lem. Shown by appointment only. Ask us about it. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. EXCHANGE Real Estate nwu rKOFERTi near for sale or trade. TeL 428$. coast To sell or exchange good 111 acres, buildings, creek, spring, piped water, near Salem. Take clear house. Make offer. Owner. 1626 Broadway. Modern home, all modern Mmrm. fences, lily pond on lot. In small town, $1500, or will trade as first payment on farm of SO or 40 acres with creek on place. Must be rood land. location not important General Exchange, Sit .i . wouiraercuu Direct. X have a real 100 A. farm with mm stock and equipment clea; owner wants to trade for city property ; give terms on baL Will go most any place ib u vtuiey. xnis is a good one. !- H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bids. TeL $902 FOR SALE FARMS 1niriiinn n nn- 65 A. W. of Amity, river bottom, 5 room nouse, gooa. electricity, wster pressure. 2 hen houses, other out build ings, silo, good hop land, $5250. $1000 down, federal loan or will trade equity Including house In Salem for smaller piace, ciear. uenerai Exchange, 328 N Commercial St ACREAGE --- - i rinnru u '. Priced for Cash SS acres all clear land. acres s to sears, 10 acres vounr nnin arch. ard. This is a choice piece of land for oniy si.zau cash. See Hawkins and Roberts For Land Bargain ,-n-i run ui ii-u-u-lTlti SMALL ACRKAOU S acres ready for planting", close m, good road, some buildings, well, elec tric lights, gas and mall route. Price $850 and pay like rent 6-10 of an acre, paved road. 2 room house, well, electric lights. Price $888. 1 Vt acres well located, fine set of buildings, water system. Price $2500, little down and baL easy. We have a large list of Small acre age and suburban homes. SEE US be fore choosing. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 670$ FOR SALE OR LEASE 61 acres on traveled rd a num house, barn, fruit, good spring, garage. $2600. $300 down, or $250 lease. Will take small trade. VAN M. GREER, 214 Or. Bldg. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY ''"--' - - - Custom hatching. 500 egg at lc every Saturday end Tuesday. Tel. evs fiaicnery. Baby chicks and custom hafr-hlnr Wariness Hatchery, 2160 No. Fifth SL No. 1 16 in. old fir, $4.00. TeL 4450. SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at ae- -ju"x-rir rific prices Tuesday and Friday oniy. see our Dargaina Custom hatch ing. Hatching egg. Phone 133F2 Lee's Hatchery, Salem, Oregon. . - -- Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany, zoo ri. aimer. MONEY TO LOAN 'Belts of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM ' Room 119 New Bligh BIdg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 618 SUte Street TeL 3-7-4-0. ----ivwyv'irV-ir'Ln nJinjuulJCi PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salarle or other rood security. Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Poor 8581 000000000000 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY , 213 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra, 10:00 A. M. to 60 P. M Telephone 7783. SUte . license No. 8-165. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to redoc your payment Too keep the car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferrr rhone 4733 - SaVstn. Or. Borrow on personal nronertyt renav In monthly Installment. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO, Stat He, 8-169. 666 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8377. POLLY AND HER FOR SALE WOOD Diy wnod t.a. Phon 941L Green tnd growth fir II In. $2.75. George Meltxler, Marlon, Ore. i GUARANTEED. DRY wood oal Tel. 1000 Salem fuel Co. Trade Cottage. 00000000000 m0000l00000000 Old fir, tnd growth. TeL 1719. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel ell Call en u for prlcea We give goeo measure, good Quality sad good bm ic LARMIER TRANSFER STORAGE Teleohene 8181 Ash, fir and oak, TeL 1148. For Sale 200 cord thoroughly sea soned fir wood, XL.T. Pierce. TeL T25S. White fir, cord length. $2 cord en the plsre. TeL 6958. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's used cars with an a x that counts 1929 Bulck Standard Sedan, good rub ber, upholstering and finish In rtn condition, excellent mechanical shape for only $385.00 1921 Chevrolet Coach, new tires and paint new seat cover and complete ly overhauled. This car drives like a new one. Try it. 2345.00 1930 Chrysler "70" 8edan In the finest condition throughout "s as 1932 Chevrolet Sport Coupe; six wire wheels, trunk, rack and eta. Look and runs Ilk new. Has been driven only 8100 mtlea Carries new car guarantee and service. Save $200.00, Price $676.00 Indian motorcycle. Run less than 1000 miles $250.00 upen evening and Sundays TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 331 Center Phone $189 430 N. ConVL ... - -, ,- - -innn rurinj-L-m '27 Ford truck, nix tell, new saint ruooer. vneap xor casn, or small trade. see at ISIS a. Fourth Street Used Cars We buy, sell and trade. Look over our stock be for yon boy. Bill and Bob Used Car Exchanca 643 Chemeketa Open Evening Chrysler 77 S. 8. Coupe reconditioned as need ed. Re finished tn deep green 6 wire wheels and other extras new car ser vice on this on. State Motors, Inc. 625 Chemeketa Borrego's Easter Specials 1929-Ford Sedan 1929- Poatlac Sedan 1928-OtdamobIle Sedan .. 1930- Pord 8pt Roadster 1928-FWrd Sedan $185 276 . 196 195 165 95 135 65 35 UK 1928-Whippet Sedan . 1928-Old Coach 2-Chr. Roadster . 1926-Ford Sedan 1929-Ford Phaeton Model-T nlf fcnn n We have some re nomar inert nr. that can be purchased very reasonable. zi in . l.iperty Phone 3688. WANTED USED CARS interested In Mod. T Ford touring. 80,000 Pounds oi Hops Sold at 20c By Hurd Brothers PORTLAND. April 13 fAP)- Local hop market was quiet but very firm. The prevailing price. locally, for good grade 1932 hops wss 29e pound. Deals In one-year contracts are ranging from 22 to 23c. Foreign bidding was very quiet as foreign dealers have dropped out of the market during the past few weeks. In Eugene two contracts calling: for a delivery of 80,000 pounds of this year's crop for 20c was filed with the county clerk. The two lots of 40,000 pounds each are to be delivered to Washington, D. C, by the Hurd Brothers, signers of the contract. The prevailing Job bers' price in Eugene is 28 to 29c pound. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On Saturday tho 15th day of April, 1933, at ten o'clock A. M. at tho West door of the Court House. In Salem, Oregon. I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash all the right, title and Interest of the within named defendants, in and to the following described real property situated In Marlon County, Ore gon, to-wit: Lot 18, Block 7. Oaks Ad dition to Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale is made by virtue of a foreclosure Execution issued out of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Marion County, to me directed in the case ot The Prudential Insurance Company ot America, a corporation. Plaintiff vs. A. Richard Schmalle and Lil lian Schmalle . his wife; A. Lin coln Schmalle and Ylnnle Schmal le, his wife; Newton S. Schmalle. single;- Esther Schmalle Holmes and H. T. Holmes, her husband; Raymond A. Schmalle and Grace Schmalle, his wife; Fred S. By- non and Stella L. Bynon, his wife; J. J Ulrica and Business Men's Adjustment Co., Defendants. A. C. BTJRK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON, Deputy. Walter Fuhrer, . Attorney tor Plaintiff. M 1T-24-31 A 7-14 PALS 1 I I (UXX VADT VtXJPc) ' CAT MS E-VBI! I Y VtXJ , ArrlHArjfSOTnr ) I f tuiwtiW COUFOUMDED ANSEt-SJ THIS HERE JS RMMT SUSIE. 4 xSiSJWJ, L UjUSTITilTED New Grade "Aw Delivered at Portland Announced; Buying Price 20c PORTLAND, April IS (AP) Turmoil and uncertainty in the butterfat market was believed to have reached an end -here today as leading traders announced that hereafter only one quotation will be offered and that this will pre vail throughout, both for deliv ery and country price supplies. A new grade called "A" was an nounced, with a buying price of 20 cents a pound delivered at Portland. This will be the only grade on .which quotations will be made. The grade "A" Is described aa two or three-day old cream which will produce 12-score but ter. What has been known as "churning cream" will henceforth be known as "standard". It will bring a price somewhat lower than the basic XO-cent quotation for grade "A", while fresh sweet cream will be higher. The so-called "country price" has been dis continued. For months, it was said here, some of the Portland and Willam ette valley creameries have been vying with one another In trying to pay more than the other. It de veloped Into a contest and Instead of the country creameries paying a lesser price than In Portland, some were actually paying 2 cents more. The situation became so tan gled that butterfat quotations re cently were printed to show the 'basic price which was the price the creameries said they were paying, and the "actual price," or what the farmers were receiving. There was a further advance in the price ot butter "during the late session of the produce ex change. The new prices on cube butter were one cent higher all around. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the unaersignea nas been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate ot Susan McMnnn. deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified. to me. Salem. It. P. D. 8. Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 14th day of April, 1933. ELLA McMUNN. Executrix of the last will and tes tament and estate of Susan Mc Munn, deceased. R. J. HENDRICKS, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. A-14-21-2S-M-5-12 Radio Program TBXDAY, APRIL U 7:00 Orsaa eoaoert, KHC. ' 7:20 Orsaa concert, NBO. 7:90 Happy Jack, NBC. 8:15 Jack and Pstay. K&C. :30 Crosscuts from the Log ef t Day, HBO. 9:15 Cooking school. 9:5 Arion Trio, NUO . 10:30 Woman'! Mari'in el the i NBC. 11:45 Orran concert KBC. 13:15 Weatera Farm sad Home hour. 12:45 O. 14. rinmraer. 1:00 Coaatopolitana, NBC. 1:45 The Arcadiana, NBC. 3:00 Al Pearce and His Gang, NBO. 3 :00 Talk on If antal Hyrtena. 9:15 Melody Mixora, KBU. 3:45 Friendly Chat 4:45 Mniie Koom. NBC. 6:00 Mahdi the Majiciaa. 8:30 Little Orphan Anaia, KBO. 0:00 First Kifhter, NBO. 7:00 Big Six ot the Air, KBO. 7:45 Bits of Melody, NBO. 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy. NBO. 9:15 Howard Thnratoa, the Magician NBC. 10:15 Hotel Mark Hopkias erchestis, NBC 11:00 AmbsMsder Hotel erekettrs, NBO 11:30 Organ concert MIU. KOIN Peruana 40 X. 6:30 KOIN Kleek. t:30 Betty Crocker, DLBS. 10:00 Maria. Little French Princes. 11 :00 American School of tho Air, CBS. 1:80 Book of Life. S:00 Feminine Fasies. DLBS. 6:00 Jane Freaian, Leonard Hsytea' ereneatra, CBS. :SO Kdwia C, HiU. CBS. 7:30 Black a Bine. X. T. 8:00 Redding White, tenor. 9:00 Ban Box XeTe.!B.T. 10:05 Fieri te' a reheat ra. DLB3. 10:16 Sport Flashes. . 11 :00 Rows City Beavprs. KOAO OeraUis 550 X. 7:00 Morning Meditations, led by BUT Harold Bewsrd. 8:00 Moraine eeaeert . t:16 Mesis Appceeistiea, a illastrsted leetare aoarae by Byron Araeld. V:45 Home Eeememtes Ohaervsr. 19:10 Prof. G. V. Oaoa--'Cros That As to te do iaeeaiatea." 3 :00 As Yoa Like It Aathoav lower. 1:30 Mrs. Lers Hansen 'if Toer Child Dee Ko4 Uk U Bead.' 'Gra MB T T INFLATION BUTTERFAT Wheat up Three Cents To Highest Mark This Season CHICAGO. April 13. (AP) Taking fire from indications that mores to inflate United States currency had aroused world-wide attention, grain prices shot sky ward late today. An Immense new buying move ment, developed in wheat and swept values up beyond any point heretofore attained this season. Sharp advances in foreign ex change rates preceded the action of wheat, which just before the close registered nearly 3 cents a bushel almost vertical rise from the bottom. The maximum was reached simultaneously with Washington announcement that the house had adopted the admini stration farm mortgage relief bill and with word of persistent legis lative efforts to inflate money. Wheat closed flurried. lA-2 cents aSore yesterday's finish. corn ltt-tt up. oats -4 ad vanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May. 0-; July, Sl-?4; September, 62S-. Corn May, 32,; July, 34- ; September, 38. Oats May, 20-; July, 21; September, 21-. General Markets PEODUOn XXCHAVOB PORTLAND, Ore.. April 18. ( API Free ace exekaoga. net prices: Batter litres 30e, sUadards 19 He, prhae firsts 19 He. firsts 16 He. Est Fresh extras 14a, stadias 12c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. April IS. (API Waaat Opca Hies Lew Close May. new May. eld Jaly -64 64 69 k -54 H -65 5SH 54H 55H 67 - S1H 64 H 6SH 54 55 87 Saptanber Cask wbeet Me. 1: Kir 63; dark hard winter, 12 par rmt 60 H, 11 per eeat 66H ; toft whits 54 H; west ern while, northera aprieg 53 S; hard winter 6H wasters red 61H. Oata No. 3 whita $22. Cera No. SS yellow $19.35. Millrmn standard $15. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. AnrU 13. API isoir rnnu, irs icore er better 2te pensd, standards 21He. issa facifie rouitry Predaeera' Bail ing price: Freah extra lee, standarda a. medinms ize. Oo-untrr meat Seilicc erics W rotallr erst Couatry-kilied hoe, beat batchers. under 150 peends SH-6c; Tealers 80 to 100 pound., 7H'Se: lamb 12 11 He. spriagt 14-10e: yesrliaz 6c. hesry ewae e-M. cannar cows itt-3tt. balls 4-H. Hsta Ortroa vslaata lslsa sons. paeanu lue, Braul is-lc almoad LS- lSo. filberts 20 22a eaeana 20a. csscara bark Buyinc one. 1933 eeeL -e pound. Uops Nominal. 1932. 2.-29e. Butterfat PortUnd deli Terr. "A" grade 20a, sweet cream higher. Un ponltrr Burinc once: Gaarv has, eolored, 4H pound 13e; do medi ums lie; light lis; apnsg light 14c, heavy 14e; old rooaters 5c, ducks, Pe- kiae broiler 1112c, eld 11-lte. colored ice. OaioBi Sellla prie to retailor: Ore gon $1.25-1.35 eeaul. Yakima Spanish 75-BOe; $1.35 crate. New onion Texas Bermuda $2.25 for 60 ponnd crate. fotstoes Local. 65 75a oranc box: Deachutes Corns $1.40-1.60: do Bakers $1.50-1.60, Yakima Game $1.80-1.40. New potatoe Texa 6e. Straarberrie California. 81.50 per 13- box crate; Louiilana, $2.50 per 24-baaket crate. Wool 1933 clip, nominal: Willamette allay 12-lSe posed, ea stars Oregon 10-lZe. Hay Baring price from producer Alfalfa 31414.50, aler $11, eattera Ore fo timothy $14.50-15, oats a ad vetch 914. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Or.. April 13. (AP) Cattle Receipt 25, calves 10; weak ten dency. Htoert, 50 to 900 pound-, rood $5 5.25, medium $4-5, common $3-4; 900 to 1100 pound, good 85-6.25, medium $4 6, common 63-4; 1100 to 1300 pounds. food $4.25-5, medium $3-4.23. Heifers. 50 to 750 pounds, good $4.50-4.75, com-men-medium $2.50-4.50; 760 te 900 peends, gSod-choieo $4-4.25. common me dium S2.50-4. Cowa, good S3. 50 3.75. son mon odium $2.50-8.50. low cutter and (utter $1-2 50. Bulls, yearlings excluded, good (beef) $2.75-3.25. cutter-medium $2 3.75. Vealers, good-choice $5.50-6.50, me dium $4.25-5,50, cull common $3.50-4.25. Celres, ISO te 600 pound, good-choice $4-4.50, common-medium $3-4. Hog Receipts 850; steady. Light light, 140 to 160 pounds, good choice. $3.50-45. Llfhtvaigbt, 160 to ISO ponada, $4,35 4.35; ISO to 200 pound. $4.25-4.35. Medium weight. 200 te 320 pound. S3.75-4.S5: 230 to 350 pound. $3.60-4.25. Haarj weight, 350 to 890 peeeda. $3,85 4.15; 290 te 350 pound , $3.35-4. Packing saw, 275 to 350 peends. good 33.35-3.83, 350 to 425 pound $1.35-8.76, 425 to 669 peends 8.15-8.75: 116 So 850 panada, ssodium $9-8.60. Feeder sad srecker pigs, 70 to 180 pound, good choice $3.75-8.76. Sheep and lamb Beeaipt 100; weak tendency. Lames. 90 pounds down, good-ehoiee $4-4.56, eemmon-modiom $8-4; SO 4 98 peends, good ehoiee $4-4.85. Yearling wethars, 90 to 110 pounds, good-choice $8-3.50. Ewe, 90 to 120 pounds, good-' choice 83.25-3.50; 120 te U pouad. $2-8.8 ; eU weights eemmoa-medluaa $1-1. 0:80 Farm hour. 0:81 In the day's news. 6:45 Market .end crop reports and weerhet" foreeaat. f:00 O. T. MeWhorter "Orchard Corer Crops." 7:40 Business Institute ef the Air. 8:15 Albaay high school program. - Aology" TALK LIFTS GRAINS QUOTED UP 2 CENTS Salem Markets . Grade B raw 4 mQk, co-op pool price, $31.20 per hundred. Surplus 95c. (Ml Ik esse sewl-aestUy Sattsrfst STtrsge.) Butterfat Svrrct 20-21C, sour 18-lOc. 1 Tints 21 c, cube 10 e. Prt teid le grevers ty Salem ssysrs April 18 (The prices tole. sepplie ey a leeal greeer. sre lasiestite the daily sssrk sot are ao taarsotea T tuumiii rOIT AJTO VE43KT AXLES String fceaas, is., wa. . , .11 Ariiehekes. dos. 0 Badisbes. (eesL ox. .SO Aspararo .04 te .OS Carrots. Calif, rau Gra peppers. Oalit. Is. Peas. CaliL. Ik. 1.75 te X.04 J J Canker. I. 2 K ODieas, des. boacba Petateee, Yakima Ke. 1 .zs LOO Leeal .75 to 1.00 00. rfaeie. saw. lb. Shrees petsteea, erate .1.60 4-at tart, calif. -3.25 t 4,15 ' .S5 .83 1J0 .08 .OS .25 Oateos. Walla Wall LabUk. ewt. , ,, Parsoisa. basdred Bkabarb. Weal Calif, lb Calary. Calif, H erate maxicaa Tomatoes IUlUa Broccoli, lb. 8Je .07 te .OS Apples Wineaapt. fancy Extra fancy Vewtovn. C grade . .90 J.40 . -SO - SO .1.S5 1.05 Fancy Extrs fancy Cauliflower, Calif, crate Koiabaga. hundred .1.00 to 1-25 .1.50 to 1.75 .8.00 te 4-00 .70 2.50 8.25 .06 Orange, p.. Fancy Beets. Calif, do. Turnip. Calif, crate SDlaach- Calif- crate BaRaaa. lb. on stock Hand X5 Strawberries. 13-ber erate, wh. 1.j0 HOPS Top, 162. Tb. .28 To. 1B31. lb. .1 COGS Baring Prices Extras ... 8tandard Mediums .10 .09 .09 .04 rl .09 .OS .09 POULTRY Old roosters - Colored hent Mediums hens . Light hen. Bakers MZAT 1933 (prist lmb Lamb, top Hogs, top Pint cuts Steers Cow Heifer Ball Dressed teal, top ..8.00 .5.00 .4.10 .3.85 .04 te .04 H .01 te .02 H .02 4 to .03 H .01 to .02 tt .. .or, Dressed hogs .OS OS 19 AND HAY V Tsaet. weter n red White. No. 1 .so .60 Barley, top, ton 16.00 to 20.00 Oats, ton .-20.00 to 25.00 Hit. baring eriees Oats and retch, ton 14 00 Alfalfa. Taller. 1st cut 15.00 tatrn Oregon IB. so Clorer hay .12.00 to 14.00 WOOL Medium Coarse Mohair . .11 .09 .03 Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, 19-3. 8tandard Statistics Cav.) APR XL 19 i STOCK AVERAGES SO 20 20 90 Ind'is RR'a It's Total Pre Tiooiday 52.4 25.7 67.4 50.S Today S3. 8 26.4 B9.4 S2 Weak ago 50.0 24.1 61.8 48.1 Year ago 46.1 31.0 76 1 47.5 yeareaf 202.3 1J7.8 279.8 20V6 High 19JS 53.2 30.0 O.I.S 5S.S Lw 1938 42.8 28.5 61.5 43.9 Hich l!.12 72.8 .8 111.0 78.0 l ow lpn2 83.1 13.2 51.8 35 0 BOIVD AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 Ir.d l RA's Ut'S Total Todar POP 68.8 74.5 64.5 Previous i!r 60.8 68.2 71.2 M'eekaro 59 57.5 74.1 Year ago T9.9 f.1.3 77.5 8 years ago 94.3 lu. 99.1 High 1933 66.1 65.7 85.1 Low 1933 . 58.3 57.0 74.1 High 1983 71.3 79.0 A6.3 lwlr2 53.2 47.4 70.9 1.1.2 C3.7 r,r..; 99.9 73.0 68. S 78.1 57.5 III . HOG DEMI PORTLAND, April 13. (AP) -Trading In the egg market con tinued badly mixed as to price even though the major marketing concerns were quoting 14e for ex tras. Peddlers and stores handling uncandled supplies were chiefly respontsble. Market for live chickens con tinued to show well maintained strength and price here, which was not changed during tb day. Receipts were moderate) in all lines except small broilers from western Washington. Market for dressed spring lambs wss wesker with aa ava lanche ot supplies due within the next 24 hours. Few sales were be ing made beyond 15c for tops; 16c being; nominal received. Country killed veal and hogs were showing a rather good de mand along tho wholesale way with practically unchanged prices continued. Beet was In very good call tor all sorts. LAMBS WEAK Two .Prices are ' set. Depending on. Time Of Deliveries Butterfat price advanced two cents resterday. and at the same time creameries announced that as an experiment two prices for but terfat had been agreed upon. A premium of a cent per pound will be paid all producers who deliver their butterfst two or more times each week. Under the new arrsngemept. butterfat is quoted at IS and 19 , cents per pound tor sour. The 18 cent figure prevails for once--week deliveries; the U-cent for more frequent ones. Prints advanced a cent a pound l yesterday to 21 cents and cubes were quoted at 18 cents. Local markets received nrsi green string beans of the season yesterday from the south. Tne are quoted wholesale at around 11 cents, and retail at 15 cents. Strawberries are coming in more plentifully, and demand Is picking np slightly, tnough stiu slow. The retail low hangs around two boxes tor 25 cents. fStayton Chamber Again Vote Aid For Fall Festival STATTON. April IS The local chamber of commerce has again given a vote ot cooperation for the West Stayton Fair committee. The chamber named E. C. Denny, Georre Keech and Chris Neltllng to work out further plans with the Weat Stayton group. The chamber named J. I Pounds and Dr. H. A. Beauehanip to cooperate with the city council for the annual Stayton ciean-up An influx of 10 famines con nected with the Bend highway work is reported coming here next week, and the chamber will assist with arrangements in housing them. NOTICE OF FJOGCrXOR-S SALF. OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE! that S. M. Endioott. as exeCutor of the last will and testament of Cornelia A. Paris, deceased, will sell st public auction for cash in. hand on Saturday the 22nd day of April, 1933, at Turner. Marion County. Oregon, at the hour ot 1:00 o'clock p. m., all the person al property, equipment, parapher nalia and household furniture lo cated in the residence of paid de cedent and not otherwise disposed of by the last will and testament of said decedent, said property consisting ot miscellaneous items of beds, bed-clothing, tables, chairs, carpets, rugs, pictures. stoves, clocks, mirrors, organ, bric-a-brac and other household furniture and paraphernalia. S. M. EXDICOTT. Executor of the last will and tes tament of Cornelia A. Davis, Deceased. A-l 4-16-20-21. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE On Saturday the 6th day of May. 1933. at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, in Salem. I will sell at pub- lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the within named de fendants in and to the following described real property sitn.Ked in Marion County, Oregon, to- it; Beginning at a point 299 feet Easterly from the point of In tersection of the South line of Hood Street with the West line ot McCoy Avenue in the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, on an Easterly ex tension of said South line of Hood Street from said be rtn- ning point, and extending thence Easterly on the same line to the Westerly line ot the property of the S. P. Rail road Company; South erly along the Westerly line of the Railroad property to a Una 87 feet Southerly from and parallel with the North line above described; thence Westerly along said last de scribed line to a line 29 feet Easterly from and parallel with the Westerly line ot Mc Coy Avenue; tbence North erly parallel with McCoy Ave nue S7 feet to the place of beginning. , This sale Is made by virtue of aa execution foreclosure and order at sale Issued out of the Circuit Court ef tb State of Oregon for Marlon County, to me directed la the case ef Mutual 'Saving and Loan Association, a corporation. Plaintiff vs. Nellie E. Woolery. Karl a Becke, and Helen Lovell Becke, his wife. Defendants. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON, Deputy. A 7-14-21-28 M f By CLIFF STERRETT . tide. N. Commercial at. -