The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 13, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning April 13, 1933
& .
Assembly Program
Announced for
Salem Delphians are anticipat
ing the Friday program which will
be air all-day spring event of the
Mid-Willamette Valley assembly.
Mrs. Iran E. Warner is president
of the organization and will open
the meeting at 10 o'clock In the
First Presbyterian church where
all the sessions will be held.
Mrs. J. C. Collins will lead In
the group slnglng-which will open
the morning session. Mrs. James
D. Goble and Mrs. Roy Owen will
bring greetings from the Portland
Following is the program:
Living pictures by Sigma Alpha
Chi chapter of . Dallas: "With
Grandma," painted by Walter
McEwen, posed by Mrs. Cynthia
Henkle and little Vivian Richard-
on; "Boy With a Rabbit." paint
ed by Raeburn, posed by Mrs.
Maurice Dalton; Introduction to
picture by Mrs. Oscar Hayter.
Ladies' trio by Sigma Theta
chapter of Monmouth - Independ
ence: . '
"Cradle Song" Brahma
"Elfin Dance" . . . .Grieg-Sticklea
"When de Banjo Plays". .Wilson
Mesdames Maurice Butler, Ellen
Davis and Dwlght A. Hoaf, accom
panied by Mrs. R. D. Elliott.
Original poems by Sigma Nu
chapter of Salem; poems by Mrs.
William Merriott and Mrs. David
Wright, read by Mrs. Wright,
Dance, Sigma Nu chapter.
A dramatized book review, "A
Daughter of the Samuari," by
Chi Delta chapter of Salem, Mrs.
J. Vinton Scott, assisted by Mrs.
Ij. D. Lambeth, Mrs. J. T. Delaney
and Mrs. E. V. Wooten.
Vocal solos by Sigma Theta
chapter, "Contrabandler." from
Carmen (Bizet); "SI ml chiam-
no," Mimi's aria from La Boheme
,t Puccini), Mrs. J. C. Collins, ac
companied by Mrs. Hal Hoss.
Chapter experiences by the four
chapter presidents, Mrs. Frederick
Beckebach, Mrs. L. D. Lambeth,
J!rs. II. W. Hagmeler and Mrs.
Harry Pinker ton.
Informal open-forum discussion
t present day problems, led by
lira. Q. C. English.
Luncheon, recess and social
Group singing, led by Mrs. J. C.
Collins. Vocal solos, Mrs. Harry
H. Harmes. Address, "The Second
Delphian Six-Year Course," by
lrs. James D. Goble.
E. J. Petersons
Hosts to Players
Business details occupied the
attention of Chemeketa Players
Tuesday night, when they met at
tl.e home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Peterson on Hines street.
Nellie Rowland Greene and
Johnny Nathman were admitted to
membership in the group, each
l aving participated In three plays
Alaxlne Pettyjohn, assistant prop
erty manager and costumer, was
rhosen to head that department;
ts'ellle Rowland Greene was made
member of the easting commit
tee, and the work of historian was
!aced with Margaret Mary Zer-
With business details out of the
way, production problems of the
Itoming play. "The Black Shadow,"
thrilling detective mystery, were
The Standard Bearer girls of
3aoa Lee church met at the home
of Hazel Mason Monday night.
'.After a short business meeting,
devotions were condncted by
Blanche Baumgartner. The lesson
-as led by Mary Lois Driggs, aft
r which refreshments were
served. Those present were: ad
ylHor, Mrs. Waller, Hazel Mason,
Gatha Bressler, Helen Marcy,
Mary Lois Driggs, Wanda Gam-
tie, Wilma Godsey, Esther Busch,
Marguerite Clark, Loretta Pro,
Blanche Baumgartner, Lavlna
Mrs. Wallace Carson entertain
ed at her home Wednesday even
Ing complimenting her contract
bridge club. Mrs. Frank Decke-
bach, Jr. assisted at the late cof
fee hour.
Will Be a
among the smart new coats, suits
and hats, and the lovely dresses
which we have assembled for you!
The price is always the lowest,
for quality and style
iNews ana
fli tit 11T ' PnUTT
Thursday, AprU 13
- Nile club regular meeting, one o'clock In Masonic
temple. - s '.
Women's Relief Corps, social afternoon at Miller's
hall, cards in play from 2 to 4 o'clock.
Willing Workers-class of First Christian church,
2:30 o'clock in church parlors.
Junior Artisans, 7 o'clock. Fraternal temple; bus
iness meeting 7 to 8 o'clock; attendance urged, especial
ly of new officers.
Dr. P. O. Riley r of Hubbard, speaker for Zonta
luncheon meeting at Marion hotel, 12 o'clock.
Mid-Willamette valley spring assembly of Del
phlans. First Presbyterian church; opening session at
10 o'clock.
Sewing club of Business and Professional Women'a
club; 6:30 o'clock potluck supper; home of Miss Ruth
nd Miss Phebe McAdams, 756 South 12th street. Bring
own table service.
Marion County Federation of Community clubs, 8
o'clock; Waldo Hills community clubs; business meet
ing and program.
Friday, AprU H
Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil war, Salem
Women's clubhouse; official visit of department pres
ident, Annie S. Warren; potluck dinner, 6:30 o'clock.
Women'a Missionary society of First Bapti3t church,
with Mrs. E. M. Bailey on Portland road. Topic is "Our
Black Friends"; bring loyalty gift boxes; meet at church
at 1:30 o'clock.
Club Sponsors "Men's Nighf;
School May Queen is Honored
Hubbard Women Attend 7 Third District
j Meeting in Oregon City
Orchard Heights A family
dinner, honoring the natal days of
Larkln Grlce and his daughter.
Mrs. J. B. Bert, was given Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Adams.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Cannoy and son Leland
of Woodburn; Mr.' and Mrs. Arba
Martin and children, Victor, Walt
er, Doris and Ardis of Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Taylor of Sunny
side; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Schwartz, Dell Schwartz, Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Fox, Jr., their daugh
ter Beverly and Miss Mary - St,
Pierre, all of Kingwood Heights;
Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Grlce and
daughter, Irene, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Castle, Dalton Castle, Les
ter Lippert, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Best, Larkln Grlce, the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Adams, Shirley and Am
mon Adams.
Brooks A large crowd attend
ed Harmony Rebekah lodge Sat
urday night, a special feature be
ing the official visit of the presi
dent of the Rebekah assembly of
Oregon, Mrs. Maude Rogers of En
terprise. Harmony Rebekah lodge
exemplified the degree work, ini
tiating Mrs. Myrtle Oaks of Har
mony, and Mrs. Josephine Ander
sen of St. Alexle of Butteville.
Adam Knight, treasurer of the
grand encampment, talked, and
Gervais lodge furnished orchestra
Cloverdale Mrs. John Schif-
ferer entertained the W. C. T. U.
at her home recently. Mrs. I. Had-
ley had charge of the devotlonals
and Mrs. L. E. Hennle the bus
iness session. A special service ob
serving Easter consisted of read
ing by Margaret Miller; aolo by
Miss Crooker ef Los Angeles;
reading by Mrs. A. A. Dumbeck;
and song by Joyce Kunke and
Norral Hadley.
Woodbnrn The Episcopal
Guild met at the home of Mra.
Harold M. Austin Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. H. L. Gill, president.
presided. Devotlonals were led by
Mrs. Frank Wolfe. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. L. M. Bitney on April 25.
Scotts Milla The depression
club met Saturday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Shepherd. The evening was spent
in dancing.
The Marlon County Federation
of Community clubs will meet
Friday evening at 8 o'clock In the
Waldo Hills community hall. This
will be a business meeting and
will be followed by a program.
Society Editor t
Amity The sophomore class
which nominated as candidate for
May queen. Miss Bobbie Mitchell.
gave her a May queen party re
cently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Petrle.
Present were: Bobbie MitchelL
Myrtle and Mildred Petrle. Kilt
Kokta, Margaret Darling, Verner
Setela, Velma Glandon. Wavne
Massey, Stanley Nash, Dorothy
Groves. Cart Voller. Hazel Hol
land, Mildred Will, Esther Var-
ney, La Valne Cannell, Viola
Woodward, Arnold Kraitz, Del
phlne Martin, Chris S.tarr, Ruth
Heinenon. Miss Edna Strout. clasa
advisor, Edna Cockron, Professor
and Mrs. Arnold. Eleanor helped
Wallace Road Forty-six mem
bers and guests attended "men's
night" at Willamette lodge conn
try club when the men were In
charge of all arrangements. Cards
ana a social evening followed a 7
o'clock dinner. Mrs. James Smart
won high score for women and
M. P. Adams for men.
Hubbard Mrs. L. M. Scholl.
Mrs. E. U. Anderson. Mra. A. 7.
de Lesplnasse, and Mrs. Waldo
urown motored to Oregon City
Tuesday to attend an institute of
the third district Federation of
Women's clubs. In the nreeldent'a
parade, Mrs. Scholl reported for
Kin k wood Mrs. C. J. Jarkaon
was delightfully surprised Satur
day nigm Dy me arrival or a
group of friends to celebrate her
birthday anniversary. The guests
included Mr. and Mrs. John Car-
rick, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Boost
er, Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Davis,
ants istnei Brown, Miss Norma
Sutherlin and Dale Jackson.
n . i
J1 AA runs.
I and greter
X' .A
3 -r Am to tussj A ana atnmr
3 Thomis Desert Tone amorteel
Federation Meet
Is April 27
Anouncement is made of the
spring meeting of tin Marlon
County Federation of Women's
Clubs, which win be held at the
Union Hill grange hall April 27.
with the Union Hill Women's club
as hostess.
This will be an all-day meeting.
As usual, the morning will be de
voted to reports. The yearly re
ports of work done by the various
clubs Is one of the most interest
ing parts of the program. Sister
clubs glean many Items of Interest
and inspiration for their own
Election of officers la another
important item of business.
During the afternoon there will
be an address by an outstanding
A complete program will be
published later. This is 'being pre
pared by the federation president,
Mrs. B. E. Bower of Sublimity.
Third District
Meeting of Interest
An exceptionally large attend
ance marked the Tuesday meeting
of the third district, Oregon Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, in Ore
gon City Tuesday. Large delega
tions attended from Salem, Wood
burn, silverton, Hubbard and oth
er valley and coast towns.
Among prominent speakers
were Mrs. Hannah Martin, presi
dent of Salem Women's club, who
gave a review of the work of the
club this past year, and who also
gave a discussion of the measures
passed by the Oregon legis'tur
this past session, and Mrs. Doro
thy Lee who spoke on procedure
of the legislature. Both Mrs. Mar
tin and Mrs. Lee are member of
the Oregon legislature.
Rainbow Girls
To Initiate
Chadwlck chapter, Order of
Rainbow for Girls, will meet tor
formal Initiation Saturday night at
7:30 o'clock In Masonic temple
and at this time will take Into the
order Miss Barbara McDonald.
Miss Margaret Savage, worthy
advisor, assisted by Ruth John
son, Iris Jorgenson, Margaret
Hauser, Ruth Melson and other
officers, will act as the Installa
tion group.
Following the Installation work
a reception will be held. Miss Mar
garet Hauser and Misa Ruth Mel
son are in charge of plans for the
social hours.
Artisans Will Meet
For Social Evening
Salem artisans will meet tonight
for a social session to which Ar
tisans and Invited guests are urged
to com. Special guests for the
evening will be delegates from the
Artisans lodge in Eugene.
Judge George Rossman will give
the address of the evening and
this will be followed by other pro
gram numbers and then dancing
will be enjoyed. Special guests
from Portland will be H. 8. Hud
son, president of the Artisans, and
other guests.
fortahle stocking top stretches tod
ayetip and down and round and
-round. Feels better, looks better
under your frocks. It msj be gartered
to varying lengths without fear 4
Msdo of Certified Sia tor
beauty, longer wear.
Ml 1 I M
Miss Delores Mills
Chib, Hostess
- -
MUs Delores Mills was hostess
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Mills, Tuesday
evening in compliment to mem
bers of her club. Cards' were In
play for several hours. Miss Lot
tie Nash held winning score. At
the coffee hour Miss Wilma King,
and Miss Marguerite FHslnger as
sisted Miss Mills.
Easter motif was used in the
decoration for the guest rooms
and the coffee hour.
Guests Included Miss Lottie
Nash, Miss Georgia Nash, Miss
j1 ranees neia, uui Constance
Krebs, Miss Dorothy Krebs, Miss
Wilma King, Miss Marguerite Fll
singer. Miss Loretta Varley, Miss
Merle Thatcher, Miss Jennie Coo
per, Miss Phyllis Hoage, Miss Alta
Johnson, Miss Kathryn Rows,
mus June Fltzpatrlck, Mrs. Verne
Mathls, Mrs. Don Sodaman, and
Miss Delores Mills.
Surprise Party For
Mrs. W. A. Cladek
Mrs. W. A. Cladek was the in
spiration for a birthday surprise
party at her home Tuesday even
ing. The evening hours were
spent in playing pinochle and at a
late hour refreshments were
served. A feature of this hour
was the beautifully decorated
birthday cake presented as a gift
to Mrs. Cladek by Mr. Cladek.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. I. N
Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. William Ros
enthal, Mr. and Mrs. Van Wal. Mr
and Mrs. Walter Bondell, Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Stlffler, Mr. and Mrs
W. A. Cladek, Miss Elvira Rosen
thal, Miss Jean Cladek and Miss
Marydale Cladek.
Miss Rosenthal and the Misses
Cladek served at the refreshment
Mrs. Pearl Harris was hostess
at her home in Brooks Monday
night to members of the J. U. G.
club. A beautiful arrangement of
daffodils and spirea was used for
the guest rooms and for the late
supper table a color scheme of la
vender ana yellow was used. -Special
program numbers were given
by Billy Clyde Harris and Mar
jorie Jean Bressler. Present were
Mrs. Dorothy Walker, Mrs. Flor
ence Bressler, Mrs. Hallie Lynch,
Mrs. Nora Busy, Miss Lillian Kay
ser, Miss Bessie Strang, and Mrs.
Salem Credit Women's break
fast club was entertained Tues
day morning by. a male quartet
from the Salem Civic Male chor
us and this was followed by a talk
concerning her office work In one
of the local service stations by
uus Laura Cheney. Members of
the quartet Included Wndi nnh
insoa, D. D. Barton, Herbert Hob-
son ana Ronald Craven. At the
business session discussion was
held concerning Northwest Credit
association meeting to be held In
Vancouver May lf-lf. Several
from Salem plan to attend.
All Junior Artisans are bain
urged to attend the regular busi
ness Thursday night meeting to be
held between the hours of 7 and 8
o'cloek at Fraternal temnle. a
special announcement of Interest
is Being made at this time. Newly
elected officers are esDeciallr err
ed to be. present.
No Hips, No Hips
Miss Slim'
No blpst ... let Miss Slim
prove ltt Come to Miller's
and be fitted perfectly in a
foundation that will flatten
tas "tummy" and five yoar
fashionable dress a "break."
Come see bow easily this
famous garment glorifies
the figure. Other prices to
For self and Easter gifts ve
suggest an early shopping
tour ef Miller's. lingerie sec
tions today. Buy high qual
ity sow at ridiculously low
prices. French erepes. satin
crepes in plain tailored or
lacs trimmed slips, dance
sets, step ins and gowns.
. i '
Sad Floor
Robin ct Keher "
.' Takes ChcUenzt V
Of Portland Bhd
KKI7.KR. April IS Not
to be outdone by other
ro um unities who have : had
visitations from the shadow
boxing robin, one .baa taken
vp hls residence on the
Seymour- Jqnei place. -
He files around the
house, lights ha a maple
tree near by and dashes
against the window pane In
an attic window. Then from
the railing of the front
porch be dives at his sha
dow against the dining
room window,'
He was first discovered
Tuesday when the family
were attracted by a peon
liar tapping.
Beta Chi Alumnae.
Miss Florence Voung entertain
ed for the Beta Chi alumnae
meeting at her home Tuesday
evening and was assisted by Miss
Marvelle Edwards and Mrs. Wal
lace Griffith.
An Easter motif was carried out
in arrangement of spring flowers.
Jigsaw puzzles offered entertain
ment for the evening hours. Mrs.
Merrill Ohling will be hostess 'to
the group for the May meeting at
which time officers will be
Dinner Party
An attractively informal dinner
party of Tuesday night was that
for which Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert
was hostess at the Gilbert home in
compliment to the birthday of Mr.
Gilbert and Sidney Kromer.
Spring flowers were used for
the centerpiece for the table at
which were seated Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Schramm. Mr. and Mrs. Sid
ney Kromer, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Laws
and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert.
The Mother's study club organ
ised as a project of the Y. W. C.
A. Girl Reserve committee will
continue its study at the home of
Mrs. Percy Kelly -Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. R. Si
mon ds Is leader of the group. Any
mother Interested In the older
girl and her relation to the home
is welcome to Join the study
Salem War Mothers who are
planning on making the tour to
the Portland Veterans hospital to
day will be at the armory at 9:Sv
o'clock. All contributions being
sent to the hospital must be wrap
ped and ready to go by that time.
iaster Fashions
Here in
Great Assortments
Printzess. Betty Rose, Kompsrell coats
that glorify the new fashions In beauty
of line, quality of fabric and workman
ship and, of course, the season's full
range of colors as sponsored In the
Paris openings.
For dressy wear, for sports, for
utility well show frocks for
every personality regardless of
taste or purse. Crepes, satins,
wools in new ways, knitted .
sports frocks ready to go afield.
Man tailored suits are
constantly rising in favor.
Especially since the new
accessories a e e e ntuate
them with the feminine
touch. Tweeds, boucles,
knits, worsteds, at their
very best.
Oldest Resident to cut Birth
day Cake Marking Fifth
Year of Club
RICKEY, AprU 12. What
promises to be one of the out
standing events of the Rickey
community club is the booster Ju
bilee scheduled for Friday night,
AprU 14. That date the club starts
its fifth year and all community
club members and all who live In
the community are invited to take
part In the program.
On the program will be a play,
"The Fun School," under direc
tion of Mrs. Minnie Joeckel; a
skit, under direction of Mrs. W.
D. Horner, and a play, "Joint Cas
tles in Spain," under direction of
Margaret Magee. A club song will
be dedicated with past officers as
the choir and H. E. Martin, first
vice-president of the club, as lead
er, and Mrs. A. E. I-aBranche,
past president, as accompanist.
A huge birthday cake will be
cut by B. B. Gesner, 83, the old
est member of the community,
and among the honor guests will
be Mr. and Mrs. Felix LaBranche,
the only couple In the community
who hare celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary. Mr. La
Branche is also the second oldest
man in the community.
The newly elected officer. Mrs.
M. M. Magee, president; William
Carorhers, vice-president; Olive
Crabb, secretary -treasurer; K.
Sheridan, sergeant-at-arms, are in
charge of the program, and Mrs.
K. Sheridan and Mrs. Ivan Brown
of refreshments.
PRATUM, April 12 (Special)
The 25th wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholaus Gerlg
was observed here Sunday, with
92 guests' present to enjoy the
occasion. A cafeteria lunch was
served out of doors.
Thoss present were : Mr. and Mrs.
August Dallmann, Misa Luella DaH
mann. Mr. Kmfl Dallroann. Mrs. Rob
ert Harris and son Leonard. Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Lierman and children Viola,
Erelyn aad Carl. Mr. and Mra Samoal
Gerts and dan enter Mildred. Mr. aad
Mra Aug-uat Carl and sranddaushter,
Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerlg and
children Laura. Lydla and Henry. Mra
Jay Bailey, Miss Esther GlroO. Mr.
aad Mra Gilbert Haury and dauca
ters Josephine and Adellna, Mlams
Emma and Ludla Stauffar, Daniel
Staufrer. Miss CHhrla deViies, Rudolph
and Arthur daTrlea.
New wrist bands are being shown la wide variety . . . neck
laces, too, show every indication of great popularity, that's
why yon will see the newest designs at Miller's f"A 4l
this week. . Prices very ordinary. UUCto V a
Choose front hundreds of scintillating eolors that
seem to say "brlgbtsn nn with me. In fast color
taffeta silks, Roman stripes, CQa "Cl
plaids and other bright patterns . ... 0" C to )i
Mrs. NorHs Oiarm sad ehfidrea . '
Gladys and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. U
una- aaa mm ErnM. Mr. aa Mfm,
Fred OvHr and davghUrs Gladys and
Tbalme, Miss EsUr Ovris. Mr. Peter -Blachott.
and Mrs. J. M, rrans
and mm Laadr, Arthur aad Ewald. '
Mr. aad Mrs. Waalay Kaerar and
daughter Lola aad Ltona. Mr. and
Mra Homer Lata? aad daufhters Btt
ty, Dorothy and Leona.
Mr. and Mrs, Jtsa McKlbbaa and
children valyn, IToraaca. MelTtn. Iter
non, Ray aad Harry, Miss Vlolatu
Raa. Mra. E. 3. Woity aad children
Grover. Rut and Homer. Mlae Past
Rutschman. Rot Rutschman. Mra,
John Rotk aad children . Elaie and
John, Mlas -Esther Ealke. Miaa 1T.U
Herr sod the boats,. Mr. sad Mra
Nlcbolaua Gcric aad children Bertha.
Martha. Miaa. Buwna, 8vh. Kathtr
ina, Lena. Goldla aad Dorothy.
MACLEAY, April 12. With
40 members of the Union Hill
grange present the Union Hill of
ficers conducted the regular meet
ing of Macleay grange Saturday
night. Harry Martin, Jr.. was giv
en the first and second degree and
Mr. and Mrs. L. White's names
were proposed for membership.
A resolution was adopted ap
proving the appointment of Roy
R. Hewitt as superintendent of
transportation.' Reports on legis
lation were made by Frank Bow
ers and W. A. Jones; on agricul
ture by A. Mader and A. H. Fuest
man; on relief, J. F. C. Teken
burg; on home economics, Mrs.
M.-M. Magee.
Mrs. W. Tate had charge of the
"When yon an offered si
substitute for genuine
KeHogg'sv remember it is
seldom ia the spirit of
Complete your Easter ward
robe with the newest of acces
sories from MUler's. Your Per
rin gloves carefully selected
and fitted. Your bag chosen for
its color and unique fastenings.
A bright scarf to perk up your
dark auit or coat. Kerchief,
too, show individuality. Hosi
ery and footwear here la treat
Perrln -gloves In fine kid are so well
known by fashionable women they
need little description. These pull
ons in the new shades of grey, beige,
brown, black and white will comple
ment your outfit perfectly. And,
what a wonderful Easter gift.
Pricei $1. 98, $2.95
What a simple thing ... to choose a new bsg
this season. Shades for every costume. Intrigu
ing gadgets, new flaps, all make them interest
ing as well as an accessory tfo nn
worth while daaaatO
1 1
4 ITU-',,
115 N. Liberty, Salem
t it j . , -