The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday, April 12, 1933 tacts tustu r i t I. 5 Local News Briefs ; Stone Speaks Tonight The ! public Is Invited to . hear Hurry Stone of Portland, at the first Methodist ehurch tonight at 7: SO o'clock. Mr. Stone will giro tome Tree limb Broken H. Stein- i Stage Line Answers Answer to! M.rfi. .i. grnbe, 2S61 State street reported a damage salt recently tiled by cent trIp t0 Rn8gU and tne to city police last night that hla Fred Lewis against the Pacific orient, mrk had broken off a limb of a Greyhound Lines. Inc.. and Wll- y walnut tree In the 1500 block on Ham J. Kern, was filed in circuit I Sins for Creditmen A Quartet -c -1 .lust Tha Iran net- rnnrt Tn ao(a. v I .v. e.i. ri.l M.T. .va UUeauvatd,. - - 1 " u uv ii(d tuui" 1 uuui iuv oarem viiv uiaig .uv longs to H. C. Hillpot. 155S cne- pany. The firm alleges that Lewis will sing at the meeting of the meketa. An automobile driven by was grossly negligent in his con- Salem Retail Credit association E. Mllander, 435 Market street, duct after he alighted from a this noon. The quartet is eom skldded on wet blacktop pavement Greyhound stage near Hubbard posed of R. D. Barton, Wendell at Market and Cottago streets, last January. The company claims Robinson, Herbert Hobson. Ron struck a machine operated by A. Lewis walked behind the stage aid Craren, with Mrs. Kenneth L. Cummins, 1310 Nebraska, and which had stopped and did not ob- Rich accompanist, ran up onto a lawn, Cummins no- serve the approach of a south- , . , 4 . . . tified the police last night. No bound car which Itft Lewis and Fashion Reyue at Millar's tonight, one was injured. Three other ac- Injured him severely. Come! cidents were reported yesterday: ti Tha R..r ..v-i t..w.. ccc .r, VrtirlHatrA Rimini.' vntr "Bearcats Lead The Bear- ' u ltH- in. a T 9 - cat" side of the Klwanls club a uu a a tuu tivuueuvo vvu- 951 On Honor Roll Approxl- test which has Just begun, ac mately 40 per cent of the grade cording to announcement this school membership of Salem or I week of Charles Wiper, club sec- 951 pupils are included on thelretary. Wlllia Chadwick captains health honor roll for this year ac- (this group. The "Roosters" side cording to announcement made Is headed by William Brann. br Carlotta I- Onwlev. lompn. I tarv school sunerrlaor Poor con- 1 Mercer Candidate William K. Imported oil tan leather boots, dittos of their teeth caused 21 Mercer of Oersham filed Tuesday Friendly Five, $5.00. Only at pmers to be left orr the roll. Se- wun me secretary u aer- tu w. . curinr a nlace on the honor roll delegate to the constitutional entails living up to general health convention to vote on repeal of lions Official Here Vernon laws Including nroner eatinz and ihe eighteenth amendment to the . Galloway, sneclal representative sleeping, cleanliness, vaccination I federal constitution. Mercer fa- ' of Lions International, with head- and immunization to contagious Tors repeal of the amendment, quarters At Chicago, arrived here diseases. tw . yesterday to spend three days con- Jf t " to Avttead "J-? f u 1 1 Medium and heavy hens wanted. I ber ot members or tne local ki r -iv -,m ..., tv. ,inh Cross Market. 265 N. Liberty, wants club are planning to at luncheon at the Gray Belle res- "one 4133.. tend the district conference of nr, , . . Klwanls clubs to be held at Mc- p. mrt vittiVwin ttiv mi Broadcast Program A nam- MInnville May 27. Rep. Hannah Martin will talk on ber of Salem w . Khool mn8. - !v V ', i. quT clans went to Corvallis last night Est Bank The estate of tb,ClT, ch"u9wunJ' to present a program over radio Fred Krieger. valued at $3165. is rection Of Prof. B. W. Hobson .,. vckn hm,. Anttrelv In cash In a local bank. rJI1 wf;.8 rraned y Belle Tartar. L. C. Krieger. administrator ot are Wendell Robinson, Ronald.,. . , .v I th nmiurtT. ranArtAd veaterdav V t Belmont; G. E. Dalton, 2578 East Nob Hill, and an unidentified mo torist at Cottage and State; N. E. Edwards, 1849 State, and an un identified driver, at 12th and Fer ry streets. Fishing season opens Saturday. Try a pair of our 14 in. or IS in. r - . a i auu vuuoiDhcu wa, u uacii. uuai" CTaven, k. carton, tierpen fot i .,, in orobate court here. Hobson and Mrs. Kenneth Rich, accompanist. selections. An original composi tion by Bob Read was presented " Coming Events April 14 Beethoven dab ' of Willamette mnlverslry, program. April 15 Local music pupils contest, piano, voice and violin, sponsored by music teachers of Salem, to be held at chamber of commerce. April 18 Union Easter sunrise service at Belcrest Memorial park, 5:30 a. m. Easter services in all local churches. April 18 Zone Rally of Nazarene youth. April 18-20 Quilt exhi bit. Knight Memorial church. April 21 Lena Belle Tar tar to present musical pro gram. May 5-6 Annual May festivities, Willamette uni versity rampns. May 7 Music week opens tn Salem. Final Philharmon ic concert today. May 12-13 Oregon State Association of Master Plumbers, annual meeting. June 1-4 Evangelical conference. First Evangeli cal church. June 2-4 Fourth Annual Willamette Valley Flower Show. June 10 Willamette uni versity commencement. June 21-23 G. A. R. and affiliating bodies annual en campment. July 24-26 Annual En campment, Spanish War Veterans. Sent. 4-9 Oregon state fair. II OF I CIVIC aid fnsds recently was diverted for use under the president's for estry relief program. - Similar assurances recently were received from Senator Stel wer and Representative Pierce. by Jean McElhlnney and Rachel EjI1RII166T t IT 122 S ' ' M!V..?!?.f: Methods Probed tertalners to the state tuberculos- gang an original mixed quartet is hospital for a program tomor- number by Ruth Welty. row night are badly needed, ac cording to Bill Braseau who Is In Fashion Revue at Miller's tonight, charge. Persons willing to donate Come! D!.eir,tild1."emr' Technocrat. Meet - A large " . " ."I5.-'" " ... I prnwd tiiraaa nut at th Ht-r If- I wiuyuu municate wun uraseau oy camng "i" ni-Orego Power company are 4939. The group wm leave nere at , i.itl I compensatory and In ac- 7 o'clock and return by 9. For ni" mii-V Uw w" ordered r.i vxr Ttraioan hiLi Tiro-1 technocracy by Willamette stu- . v. v.., VikA mhw VnltainrnVnta' it of Dr. Laughlin's sociology Z"'Zf:i Z class. The debaters showed them- . " ,7 .7 'a selves exceptionally well inform- Lv J.00,"".!1.!?. -A -" ed. A lively discussion with the 1""J VlvXtZY k. iv debater, acting a. chairmen took I 7. tJZ l.PTb f place afterward. Tonight the I " Investigation to determine whether the charges, practices and kervlce of the Byllesby En gineering A Management corpor ation to the Mountain States Power company and the Califor- Tided monthly entertainments at the hospitals Fashion Revue at Miller's tonight. Comet Two Roofs Blaze Roofs of two nouses were damaged by fire here yesterday. In the forenoon fire men extinguished a small blaze on the roof of the house at 79 North Winter street, occupied by Mrs. Martha Clark and owned by H. E. Stiff. A roof fire In a bouse at 22nd snd Hyde streets in the ear , ly afternoon did considerable damage. M. N. Crowe was tenant of the house, which Is owned by Walter Keyes. Fishing season opens Saturday. Try a pair of our 14 In. or IS In. Imported oil tan leather boots. Friendly Five, $5.00. Only at Bishop's. Miss Blgelovr Here Miss Alida Bigelow, Oregon field representa tive tor the American Red Cross, is spending several days in Salem this week conferring: with local leaders In the various Red Cross was haled into Justice court yes- activfties. The Red Cross chapter terday on an n. s. f. check charge here cooperates In relief work, I DUt when he agreed to make conducts first aid classes and g00a the checks, the private pros anonaors the work of the Junior 1 auntnr and state consented to Beethovens Will Give Program at Y Friday Night The Beethoven society of Wil lamette university will be in charge of the regular Friday night lobby program at the T. M. C. A., Friday night at 8 o'clock. The program, entirely musical. will consist of three piano num hers by Frances Lawes, Ruth Schrleber and Morjorie Odell; to cal solos by Elizabeth Clement and Maurice Dean; violin selections by Jeanette Scott and Jeanette Smith, and trumpet duet by Gus Kemple and Wesley Roeder. Mayor Bespeaks Patronage For Opening Concert, Monday at Armory 8upport tor the Salem Civic Men's chorus was urged yesterday by Mayor Douglas McKay. "Sa lem has long felt the need of such a group for conventions and en tertalnment of a civic nature and It should have all the support needed for this enterprise." said the mayor. He urged citizens to support the club and to attend the open Ins: concert of the season which will be given Monday at the arm ory. A varied program of music for this program Is to be announced this week by Professor E. H. Hob son. director. Twenty-five local men make up the personnel, . all being singers of ability. Solos and quartet nubmers will add to the attractiveness of the coming concert. McKay explained yesterday to the Salem Klwanls club that the local chorus is to give three eon- certs yearly and that all proceeds from the chorus will go to Its sup port so service clubs, civic clubs and other organizations may have musical entertainment furnished by the chorus for their own as well as convention programs. At the luncheon meeting of the Klwanls club, a quartet from the chorus sang two numbers which were well received. In the quar tet are Richard Barton, Ronald Craven. Wendell Robinson, and Herbert Hobson. The latter sang a solo at the luncheon meeting. Hall Sentenced But is Paroled Loren Hall, arraigned yester day before Jndge L. H. McMahan and eharged with Illegal cohabita tion, pleaded guilty as eharged and was sentenced for six months in the county jalL He was then paroled from the bench under the customary court restrictions. Irene N. Matlock, Indicted with him, did not come before the court. Gabriel Powder Co.TakesOver International Gabriel Powder A 8upply Co j Is taking over the agency for In ternational Harvester company line of farm Implements, snceed lnr the Calloway Implement Co. Gabriel Bros., will continue their other lines, lumber, powder and building supplies, a business they established eight years ago. Mr. Calloway expects to return to Leb anon. Besides their location here on North Capitol, Gabriel Bros., have , a store in Eugene, and will handle tne international line mere aiso. IleS) -sr 4 lbs. 2 Peanut Butter good quality in bulk Dev. Meat Uiin 4 cans Mott, Steiwer Pledge Aid on Road Question Letters were received at the state highway department Tues day from Representative Mott and Senator Steiwer that they would use their influence to have the government reinstate $2(0. 000 of emergency relief funds and $200,000 of forestry funds for highway construction in this state. This balance In these federal Pride of the j T See Charlie at the Safeway Market Fresh Veal Stew lb. 91.00 orders delivered free excepting features Save at.tbe following Safeway Stores x We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities DISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTWASTE No. 87 162 N. Commercial Phone 6169 No. 66 1078 N. Cmpltol Phone 8620 . Technocracy forum will meet as usual at the library auditorium at 8 o clock. Everyone is Invited. Arehart and Aldrlch in new loca tion at 161 K. Liberty, where we will continue to make foundation garments and carry a complete line of millinery. Wo also make and remodel hats. Pre-Easter Service Services j for nrayer and humiliation in commemoration of Christ's suf- ferine and death will be held Friday from 10 a. m. to S p. m. in the House, of Prayer ehurch, 17th and Chemeketa, announces the castor. Rev. A. -J. Smltb. Several visiting ministers will give brief messages. Fresh made Easter Candies. Spa. N. S. F. Checks Boh Austin Red Cross. Medium and heavy hens wanted. Cross Market, 265 N. Liberty. Phone 4133. Miss Taylor Better Miss Grace L. Taylor, Marion county health nurse, yesterday was reported feeling better but not yet ahle to dron the charges. Complaint was made by Frank Stoddard of the Bligh Billiard parlors. Easter Lilies. Choice selection at Olson, Florist, 499 Court. Zinser Make Denial There Is no authority for published state ments that F. Howard Zinser will return to work. She was painfully De a part time official In charge of bruised about the lace a wees: ago tke B0y scout orrice, zinser Biaiea when struck by Mrs. Rose Farlow at Washington school. Miss Taylor said she hoped to Tesume her du ties Thursday. Fishing season opens Saturday. Step out In a pair ot our famous Friendly Five fishing boots. $5.00. Only at Bishop's. 1, f ' 4.1 t Tuesday. Any such arrangement will have to await a legal meeting of the executive board of Cascade Area council, and negotiations with regional headquarters, he said. Co-op to Meet Members ot the Salem unit ot the Dairy Cooper- . ..onnlatlnn will Tn Apt at t f! P. Lesion Council Postponed lrl.,v, McSherry, secretary, announced Frlday nlgnt Rt s o'clock. An im yesterday that the meeting of the DOrtant discussion regarding the Manoa cuuuij vuuuvu '"" feed situation will be neia. une American legion, scheduled tor probiem 0 the group at present fa, . v . a e a, a a r t v. A ae .a k 4 I . . a is In regard to contracting ior hay. Used clothing, etc., would be ap preciated by Salvation Army. Phone 9437. The man who could sell more life insurance than any man I ever heard of never shouted. Notice the men who hold the records for selling . . they just talk in a quiet easy way. 3P ' Friday nleht at Silverton, had been postponed. The move was made on account of the pre-Eas-ter day, Good Friday. Fancy boxes filled with our finest Easter candy, 20c to $1. The Spa. i 21 m A- TP Gelhlar New Member Max ftaihiar. director of the state de- flnardian Reports The Ladd & I Af arrlcnlture. became a Bush Trust company, guardian of new member of the Salem Kiwan- the estate of Anna viuesi, insane, clQD yesterday. He was present made its annual report In probate wUll nlg membership pin by Dr. eourt here yesterday. Income to Qeorge h. Alden of Willamette the estate tor tne year a bu i nnlversity. 11280 including saie ot certain property: outgo has been $94$. Wolf Called Away Fred Wolf, The value of tb estate at present Salem high school principal, was la $834. called to forest Grove yesterday Vr thA lllnega of a member of his Easter Lilies. Choice selection at I famuy. He expects to be back to- Olson, Florist, s uourt. day or tomorrow. fines on Contract S h e r m Swank filed suit here yesterday aaklnr for title to real property which he sold In 1922 on contract! to O. H. Colgan and others. The agreed price was $4500 and $1,- 987 has been paid on this price, $2510 being yet due, together! with certain taxes and Interest. O o Births I . o i i if h i o Weston To Mr. And Mrs. Charles O. Weston. 1595 South Commercial street, a boy, Stanley! Louis, bom on April at Salem general hospital. . Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxers To Rent Call 6910, Used Furniture Department 1S1 North High Crating Moving - Storing - ? Larmer Transfer & Storage . PHONE 3131 We Also Handle Fuel Oil, Coal and Briquets and High Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Burners :: x--.-:-y-;-'--.:A:.w.-.-. .;..:.;.v-.::-.;-.J; :-.x-.:: .-. .yM .- t v 7 I H: Of. Yv rri ft 1 .1 . -'-" -'" V ir r'Y V'" ViVn ufins i a9nisYiis1ini vnesrter a Open Ereningai - U in 11 f n ir n t 1 Mr b 111 3 H at 9 A.M. H III H U I IB Stocks of I III t t . H 1 an m tawv snse wm a. and D fCj"l tVl tV VT A Compton's College VXANJ p i & a IA 1 V Shop I V- f 1 R of Portland 1 IS- -ILcl r II I II clothing event in Salem R gn II lU daring the past 10 years! cflrr 1 lb. MLO r" v 7 ad 1 1 I r 1 l ' I III I I LJ 0 U LJ EUI "I 1 So. MO 270 N. Commercial Phone 04S3 So. 78 1027 State Phone 0485 It's like this: Chesterfields just go along in their own quiet way making friends from day to day. There's no noise about it, no "back talk." The Chesterfield slogan Just two words, 'They Satisfy" is a plain simple statement telling about Chesterfield's merits. It means that Chesterfields are milder they taste better. nek ccjareffe tuzth milder cigarette ttat tastes better Lf 3 I Come Early free merchandise to first 15 customers RALPH W. - EBONS he: 426 STATE OPEN EVEX1XG8 - IMS. lieesrV a Unas Tobacco i