.L, The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, fr2ayMoiir'-P rti 1.71933 PAGE NINE -i erUs ?r n. n' iM n n f nC ?Mn rRK7Mnfcrss IBYA (PJZ iSJ ' Y iW 11 th I 1 r ' I"' t rf Business 1 Directory; :-L ; 1 Cards In this directory run on a monthly basts cmly. Rate: $1.0 per 11m pr month. : - AUTO BRAKES yj - ltiit. PiiMk. the brake and shimmy I f- flm-tee. 17 5 South Commute! Btreet. BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Beauty Shop, dial Tilt. CATERING Bart -tv- the caterer. Ph. 783. CHIMNEY SWEEP Northneoa. CHIROPRACTORS DR.- tX U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, it N. High. TeL Roa $572. Correspondence Instrnction T-lAna1 ramiDOndCBM BchOOl. IwlMMi technical courses, o. nOOtnivrav. Te. 4 in. DRESSMAKING MRS. SNEXQROVE. 4(5 N. Cottage. r.i Tin HimmicnmK. - j FLORISTS CUT Hewers, weddlna bouquet fun eral wreaths, decorations. . P. Brelt fcaupt. florist. 67T Court. Tel 8904. V V ALL kinds of floral wort ima eior N .S Int. lSth Market Tel. 9692. I GLASS and window glass mirrors. Tel AulA HO. Walter J. Downs. 80 Breya. INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS '189 H. High TeL i " rcnrrr re Y-SMITH, gen, ins. TtJ. 8632. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THB WELDER LAUNDRY HIS Hl-h Tel. 1S I CAPITAL. C1TT LAUNDRT I First In Quality and Service gelephone 8145 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. BARRT W. SCOTT. The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES . fmm r rt ftrV to n.i- n.itnu ti oa. Renovators and fumlgatora, Rugs cleaned. Capitol Bed- Sing CO. Tel. U aojv . New msttresS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag St Mat Eesi rectory. & lSth WUbur TeL fc44t Otto F. Zwicker. Est 191L MUSIC STORES r -kt n WTT.T Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet muslo and piano I.,r.i. n.niirini radios. Dhonograpba find sewing maenmes. b Belem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything I can use. Storhow. 450 Court MEDICINE rt- rhan in Chinese Medicine Co. flours Tuesday and Friday. 10 :S0 a-m. O 4:3 P. m. lt n.jguuurrei PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph .... .Ama hooka or any kind of nrintlca. call The Statesman Printing I DeDartment, 215 8. CommerclaL leio- nhone 9101. PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement. Income Tax Report Auditing. 110 N. ComX Tel 3030 er 617. -i REAL ESTATE -BECKS A HENDRICKS, TeL 494T. W. IL QRABENHORST CO. ,34 a oerty St. v TeL $ BOCOLOFSKT SON 804-$ First NatL Bk. Bldg. TeLtlOT, 1 STOVES BTOVK3 and stove repairUig. Stovee or aula, rebuilt and repaired. AU kmdeef woven wire fonoe, J rr K.va honka. loeaa book. ?, -rl KtoT. Worka, 242 v... T.l 47T4. R. R Fleming. j1- TRANSFER " . . niTV Tr-jnaa-ar Co. tit I itoU Tat TeL 1772. DU IbuUnfc for "" a rfn our soecla Ity. waroi-u Get our ratee, . .- FOB local or distant transfer storase, call r12L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks o Portiana oaur. WELL DRILLING w West 20 years erperisuce, HFTJ S. Ro 103 EL TeL HF5. TtrxBTfM Snrll 10.- (AP) n OPTIMISM IS FHT. BOSTON WOOL : fr fQT. I V mildly optimistic sentiment . Ia t v notleeabl lu th undertone of the wool market, in spue oi w yet lack ot trad and the absence 4-finit neoura-ement from in --- gne gooas m.". " - facturers nav oeeu t a-i .-t rMsntlv for atseabl Hues of wool. Askiaf prices oa the more attracUr lines are fteady t ran ores auoted last week. - Receipts ot domestic wool hr during th week ending April 8, ! estimated by the Boston Grain and Floor - 'exchange, amounted, to (20.100 . pounds, compared . with , .-, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Cfotttneft AdTertlstsg j Single insertion per llse.lOe Three Insertions per . line toe Six Insertions per Un..30e Oce month per Hoe.. $ 1.0ft Minimum charge ......tie Copy tor thU page ac cepted until 0:39 the even ing before publicattoa tor classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be- run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisement pab- : llaned In Its columns, and lH cases where this paper Is at fault will, reprint that part of an advertisement tn which the typographical : mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther resenres the right to classify all advertising aa der the proper classifica tion. - HELP WANTED MALE M-eMakBMwr' ABLE: MAN (or distributing and de livery work. Pays $24.5 no. Keeded at once. Must own car. Address Al bert Mills. Route Mgr.. 2370 Mon mouth, Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted Specialty salesmen to work In Salem and nearby towns. Commis sion basis. See Mr. Beyer 20 North Church, after 2 p. m. SITUATIONS WANTED Girl wants work home. Tel. 4748. In exchange for FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product Nationally adver tised. Crazy crystals, lis s. Hign. Seed potatoes. Earliest of All. Early Rose, Early Ohio, British Queen, Net ted Gem. BurbanK. H. A. Hyde CO, 2698 Portland Road. Tel. 1596. Fresh crabs now at Fldier- stand, intersection SUvertoB-Portland road. HAT, ALFALFA, first quality. Guardian Bids. Tel. 8182. 41 RADIO FOR SALE $155.00 Phileo, like new. SI9.se. Terms. 5 oown. monthly. See Mr. Jans, Will's Music Store. , Nine weaned piss, 1 milk goat, heifer, reasonable.: W. M. Boyd, 7th St. Independence, Ore. WHI PAT MORE? Drlw out to The Hollywood Furnl tore ft Auction Market for new and used furniture. New 0-Ib cotton-wool mattresses f 3.98$ w Inner spring mattress 17.75: silk floes, II only, $5.75. -We sell for Less." New phone S7e. Cow manure. $1.25 yard deL Ph. 3335. For Sale. Good as new. "Flavor Zone" Westlnghouse electric stove with automatic clock, 4 burner and large oven. Or would consider good wood range as part payment Call at 177 N. Capitol Street Salem. For Sale seed potatoes; Garnets, Burbank, Earliest of All and Early Rose. Wm. Fay, 581 Highland, Salem, 200 White Leghorn year-old hena Laying 80. 60c each. Chas. Gru- benhoff, Shaw, Oregon. For sale Improved Oregon straw berry plants, first year, and Young- berry plants. Clyde L. Fowler, Rt L Hay for sale. Mixed alfalfa and bald barley. Excellent feed, good col or. Price $15.00 per ton delivered to you la truck lots or 80 cents per cwt, small lots, you come and get it D. C Erock, one mile south of airport on oin 'inirner rona. TRADE Miscellaneous I Trade, Steel pickup body Dodge truck with license, for good work home. R, 4, Bqt 8JB. WANTED Miscellaneous -m -i-i -i i -, , -- i --a-xfjjnjLrxn Why throw away good money 7 The hosiery mending dent at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, 6c to 25c. Wanted used hath room scale. See Kuetzing. Statesman office. e pick up dead and worthless horses, cows and sheep free of charra. vauey u y-rroaucts. xei. 4569. WANTET Used tractor disk. Will pay cash. Phone 9493. MISCELLANEOUS . Best hair cut Adults 2c. child.. 15a. Two blocks & of library. S. winter. Paint Kalsomlne and Carpenter re- pair; estimates free. Phone sin. FOR RENl ROOMS Furnished rooms with board. Tel. 377. or without . ROOM AND BOARD Board, na, near P. O. $2. TeL 14 82. Mod. rooms, reasonable. $45 Marion, Room and board. TeL" 4375. i For ladles, mod. horns, reasonable, blocks from State St, 345 Bellevue. FOR RENT APARTIENTS Pattou apartraects Jownto . OsH Pattou's book Fur. 2 B. apt, 221 HaseL TeL! 17444..- Mod st. heated apta. TeL 8490. 2 rm. furn. apt, 255 Center St. J japta. $1. $13. $91 N. Com'l. 1st floor furn. TeL 4:69. ; Furn. - apartment, 1040 Leslie. , - m,.r ouuuon n-is., mceiy tunu s. - i front apt 570 N. winter. Nice funs. apt. 89 Union. H. K. room CtiuTch. ' Bent prtoa. 191 FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. end enfura. houses. R. rorkner, 141 N.( Cottage. Tel. 2 0 FOR RENT HOUSES . Small turn, house. 110 8. 2Srd. In. quire Service Station 21st and Market. I 1250 North 21st Street, modera home, 4 bedrooms, large yard, gar. SX5.09 1S30 North 17th Street, living room. dining room, kitchen, bath, bedroom, (downstairs), 2 bedrooms up, base ment, furnace, no garage .ttl.tS 1097 Fir Street. 5 rooms $!. 170a Fir Street, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, S bedrooms, bath, garage, full baaementtli.et 2105 Front Street, 4 rooms, gar age 2115 North 4th Street. 4 rooms-tlS.eO 148 Leslie Street. 5 rooms $15.t 1735. N. 20th, 5 rooms modern .$20.0 P. IL BELL 325 Oregon Bldg. TeL 2902. 2 room turn, house. Close in. TeL 5010. 7 R. mod. house. TeL SCS9. FOR SALE Real Estate GARDEN TIME IS HERE BUT TOUR SMALL ACREAGE NOW We have several choice suburban! homes with immediate possession, acre to 5 acre tracts well located and close in. Prices vary from $800 to $2,- bo witn terms uks rent If you wish a suburban home. EEs! I US before choosing. CHILDS . ft MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone 4702 274 acre dairy ranch, a good full set of buildings, running water, plenty wood for own use. A bargain at $55.00 per acre, wiu consider trade. - Choice building lots at a bargain. A choice strictly modern S room house close tn. Cost $15I0V Will sell at I $3000. Easy terms. ze acres A No. 1 land, 9 miles from Salem, good improvements, fenced and cross leneea, lamuy orchard. A srood buy at $3900. Easv terms. S room mastered house. In nod con dition, finedarge lot, fruit trees, paved Rireeu a. snap at sizuo. very terms. J. F. ULRICH COMPANT 225 State Street TeL 2472 ' TIMBERED TRACT S I-10 acres not far out on cood road, electric lbrhta. rood soil, heautl-i rui piace to buiie a borne. Price only $soo, worth double. CHILDS it MILLER, Realtors 244 State St .- Phone 4702 WEEK END BARGAIN Owner leaving cltv offers hla rty at low price for quick sale. This I is a large corner lot Joining city lim its, several large cherry trees and Bur den spot. Modern house of large rooms, basement and furnace. Lovely view of mts. Close to grade and Jun ior schools. Priced low at $2500. easy LCI II IS. CHILDS A- MILLER, Realtors 144 state Street Phone 4702. - -t-,nnii uu si tf1 rtn m m NOW BUT NOW .... 5n,t Wlt Anr Longer $175 Down. Price $1800.00. Balance at $13 per mo. Dandy 5 R. house, basement, furnace, etc , ANOTHER DANDT BUT $500.00 Down. Price $3500. Strictly modern R. house. Restricted district. Paved streets. WANT TO TRADE A nice modern 5 R. house for u modern home with $ or 4 bedrooms, See801 locat,on- Pay ca8h difference. -AS. D. SEARS 132 & High St -S- s-nruxjisu- . n. isuMiALUW SNAP $50 down, baL like rent Prioe re duced to $1250; has 3 bedrooms, nice kitchen with builtins; nook, fireplace, bath, wood shed, garage. Paving paid. Shown by appointment only. See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St .MiMM ATTRACTrVB 2 bedroom mod. htin galow, double plumbing, fireplace, hd.1 wood noors, furnace, garage. In Wal nut tr. we nave other good buva VAN M GREER 214 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7533 -....-.---- For Sale: Small Stock of rrnoerUa and fixtures, good location, doing good business. I will be glad to tell too I wuy ms man wants to sell. Also ; small income property to trade for 5 to 10 acres. H. C. SHTELTIS Oregon Bldg. TeL 2902 .......... . , . n--in -n-Li-i i uijuu' Beautiful Kinrornori vUw tracts city Improvements, among active home uuuams; unusual terms. C A. Robert son, uei. oia. -.'------ . 5 room modern home with 2 acres land, nice view, lots of fruit and ber ries, garage and chicken house, 1 mile uuui saiein, aztvu. 28 A. fine timber, estimated 2000 cords of wood, $60 per acre. Melvln Johnson "W. Pennington 275 State Street Phone 6796. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Neat 5 room modern bungalow In Oregon City to trade for small home or suburban tract near Salem. Balance of $1850 soldier's bonus loan. Will as sume like amount SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone (703 ini.ujic rKUftmr near for sal or tmde. Tel. 4280. coast FOR SALE FARMS - - i i i ' ."WTfifwA f i-i -i.nrtonjxjj, NEAR DAU.AS 25 acres 5 room housi. hum mh.. I out-buildlngs. 15 acres cultivated and iruii, Kome timoer. Price only 32000.- v, pawn paiance oca hawkius ec ROBERTS For Farm Bargains WANTED REAL ESTATE "' ' ' hi n" n I n CASH BUYER FOR FAHM. nnr.n. STIN, 1522 12th Ave., San Francisco, OAVK 25 U IKK. rar 1 M. rnim home, N., that $5 to $100 down and ii mo. win buy. Bee me today. VAN ML GREER 214 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7533 Business Opportonitles M- - - n.r.n -Lnj- njn.rui. For rent garage and service station on busy highway. .TeL 353. For Sale Lease on filling station and confectionery, one m Upfront city innue on ntgnway. mfm jhi. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany, its a POLLY AND HER a. 3L ;t .. ...... FOR SALE USED ;CARS Big Sunday Special 193S Chevrolet Sport Coupe. Car must be sees to bo fully appreciated StTI 1921 Chevrolet 4-dr. standard sedan. Original paint, Stew rubber. See this .car I ,.tU5 1929 Ford Sport Cabriolet No down payment, no finance charges. Bee 'and drive this car today. Only -SXSI 192S Essex 4-dr. sedan. The boss said sett this car with sew paint, good rubber and tn tme condition for only $151 1927 Dodge Bus. Coupe. Here Is a buy. lots of car ior too money, only -its Ma ay others (or $25 and up. Bill and Bob USED CAR EXCHANGE TERMS TRADE 542 CHEMEKETA STREET Open Evening end Sundays Used Cars 1991 Chevrolet Coach 1921 Ford Coach -f345.ee . 275.00 . xft.es . 125.ee . 195.0 1919 Erskine Tudor 1919 Ford Spt Rdstr. 1929 Dodge St Coupe 1922 Essex Sedan 145.ee i4i.ee 1922 Essex Coach And lots of others to sick from. See Larry for Used Cars 355 & Com. BAM Garaew Aoress from Marlon Hotel LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BABT CHIC I at rifle prices Tuesday end Friday only. See our bargains. Custom batch tag. Hatch tag eggs. Phone 123F2. uere Hatchery, galeae, oregeev. Custom batching. I0 eggs at lHe every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. HORSES. HORSES. HORSES Must sell II head good work horses, weigh from 1250 to IT 00. Well broken, gentle. Several good single workera Clearwater stab lea TeL 4544. Baby chicks and custom hatching. Warmer's Hatchery, 2140 No. Fifth 8L Team for sale; weight about 1350; 1143 Edgewater, W. Salem. Choice bronse turkey eggs, 75o per doses. GEORGE THOMASON 341 State Street BABT CHICKS every Wednesdar. Hanson strain White Leghorns from pedigreed stock. R. L Reds. Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes. Reduced prices. Custom batching et turkey and chicken eggs. Ruby L. Wood ward, Rt 9. Bx. S9R TeL 44F2L HONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that Is really really different TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRTVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $1 to $30 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 11 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor UCEN8-D BT STATE 513 State Street TeL 3-T-4-0. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly, when In financial need see 1 'is before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bunk Bldg. Pfcoea 2551 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANT 212 Oregon Bunding. 2nd Floor Office are. 10:0 A. M. te :S P. M. Telephone 7783. State license No. 3-145. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Tow keep the ear P. A. ETKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4732 Salem. Ore Borrow on personal property; repay in monthly installments. W1LUAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State lie. S-149. 605 Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. FOR SALE WOOD No. I ll tn. old fir, $4.0. TeL 4450. UDry wood JtfOO. Pn5',4.t; Green 2nd growth fir 14 la. $3.75. George MeltxWr, Marion, Ore. GUARANTEE- DRT wood coal TeL 5000 8alem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 979. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel elL CaB est us tor prteeu We give gooa measure, good quality and rnnA mmi ti a. URH58 TKANStSK A BTUtUU. Teleohene 2131 Ash, flr and oak. TeL 514$. Old fir 15", $4.00. TeL $17 Large ash, 18" $5.00. Dial $374. -MMMMSkeUksMsaS-,s For Sale 20 cords thoroughly sea soned fir wood. E. T. Pierce. TeL 7252. LOST AND FOUND LOST Cameo pin, Illihee club Sat. night Leave at Benson Bakery, ward. Re- PERSONAL EFILEPST EPILEPTICS ! Detroit lady finds complete relief for hus band. 8pedalUs heme, abroad, failed. Nothing to aeU, A letters aaswered. Mrs Geo. Dempster, Apt S-ltf, ssee 1 1fa yetto Blvd. Wees. Dotrutt. Mlek. PALS McKATS USED CARS WITH AN a K. THAT COUNTS 1922 Bulck Standard Sedan, good rub- Mr. -oboist ertng and nniaa m cue ! condttion, excellent mechaelcal shape for only $115.00 1931 Chevrolet Coach, new Urea and paint, new seat covers and complete ly overhauled. This car erives lucei a new one. Try it $315.01 itaa rtimi., "ra- c m h nt 1 eoa-mon throe rhout ' Il7t.es 1932 Chevrolet Sport Coupe: six wire wneeis, truna, rack ane etc. looks ana runs like sew. Has beea driven only 210 miles. Caiilee new ear guarantee aad service. Save $200.0. Price ,, is7sna 133 Indian motorcycle. Run less than i 10 miles -$25.M Open evenings and Sundays TtKMS TRE3 McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 233 Center Phone 311 43 N. Coml ' HI Chevrolet Coach, $14. 192 Ford Phaeton, $145. 1924 Light Six 8te.de. .Sedan. $5. 193s Chev. Truck, as Is. $135. Borregft's 24 N. Liberty TeL 2 C 3 2. WANTED USED CARS TRADE Section la Belcrest fee I car. detains earlier IS. Tel. I 3554. ' - up; stocks h Commodities Quoted Higher,1 Bonds Firm; Steel Sets Wall Street Pace NEW TORE. April 10 (AP) Accumulating signs of acceler- Accumulating eni wi av r- i atlon in Industry and a fairly gen- eral advance In commodity prices, H stimulated stocks to their best I rally slncp Msrch IS today. Sales I totaling l.TIMR share. w the largest since March 10. With Wheat. Silver. COPper, ea- gar, Xlae, eOCOa and eottoa qQOted Abetter levels and bonds firm. StOCks ObvlOUSly felt Impelled tO reflect the Improved spirits so no ticeable. U. S. Steel common and prefer red, up 2 and 2 points, respective ly, set a good pace for their divi sion. Bethlehem rallied more than a point and its senior Issue was up 3. Vsnadlum, Youngs- town, National Steel, Anaconda, Kennecott, American Smelting, Inland Steel and Homo Sound im proved major fractions to nearly 2 points. U. 8. Smelt g. Inter national Surer and National Lead gained more than 3, while Union Pacific, American Telephone, Con solidated Gas, General Mills, and Du Pont advanced 24 to I. Allied Chentlea! aad Case rose 4 each. Numerous preferred stocks, especially of meeal producers. jumped 2 to 2 or so. Stoek exchange call loan got bask to t lli per cent renewal rata and seme eoaeeeaioa were made on time loans and prime commercial paper. Portland Market In Hops is Quiet PORTLAND, April 10. (AP) The local hop market over the past weekend and the first day at the new week was very quiet, dealers reported. Brewers and dealers seemed to have enough stock on band for Immediate use. Radio Program TXTESDAT, APUX 11 KOIN Portland tie K. 6:30 KOIX- Klock. 10:00 Marie. Little French Friafets. 11:15 Cooking School, X.T. 11:30 American School et the Air. 1:30 Book ot Lif. 3:00 Fominia faceio. DLBS. 4:45 Cecil and SaUy, X.T. 8 : 00 J an Froman. Looaard Hartoa's orchestra, CB8. 6:15 Threads of Happiaess. CBS. :80 California Melodies. CBS. 7:80 Edwin C. Hill, CBS. 8:00 Redding White, teaor. :15 Unknown Hands. X.T. 10 :00 Fiorito'e erehestra, CBS. 11:00 Bose City Beevere. FTliO C oi fall- 550 Xe. 7:00 Mominr Ifeditatiens, led by Dr. James E. atilligaa. K0 Morning concert 13:00 Farm koar. 2:00 Memory Book of Mual. 3:30 Mrs. Vera Haakall Braadoa "The Oldar Child and Els Home." 2:00 Pans market reports. 7:0 Dr. . K. Broaaaisa "Oera ' Oieelag." 7:15 Dr. Ttetor P. Morris "TV World ia Review." T:0 Tlr-u D. Petwin "Edocatiea During the Depression.' -Miaslaae O'Neill "Poetry 7:41 preetatiea ana creative wnuag ia Children." 8:15 Albany college prograa. KOW Portland 20 Xe. 7:00 Orgaa eeaeert, NBC 7:20 Orgaa eeaeert. NBC 7:80 Happy Jack, JIBO. V:88 Bra-- Md&e Reee. 3TBO. S:00 Cxt-ta Psoas the Lag ef the Day. NBC :15 Coekiag school, :SO Martha Mead teeietr. HBO. :4A Tkrougb the Loeklag Qeaas with :2eWemau't -agaaiae, VM tSS Bkythai Teaders, KBC O H SPEEDS "Th Ha iwritirig: cm t i WaS" WHEAT VISIBLE SUPPLY CALIFORNIA - a - All Cjraina UD! rOt . . ' Damage Greater Than Expected CHICAGO. April 10. (AP) Well-grounded belief the gov- ernsaent April report wouia snow worse) crop damage than private advices Implied gave wheat values a lively upturn lste today. A decrease of 2,59 6,000 bushels la the United States whest visible supply hsd a further stimulating effect, and so too did reports of dust storms southwest, with pre diction of Treexlng temperatures tonight. Utile attention was paid to .Inflation talk, crop news being the dominant factor. WllMl lm4 firm 1.1 knn a.A - . i-i.v iz k . 7 u.. oats aarancea. Today's eloaing quotations: Wheat Msy. 8 8 - U : July. Bt-8H; September. (I-C014. Corn May. 32: July, 3IH tt; September. 3-. Oats May. 20; July, 20; September, 214. General Markets rnoxmca zxouroa POBTLASTOl Oie Asril 10. (API Predmee esehaace. act price : Batter Katrae lSe, etaadards lSe, priate UeU lSe, tints 1T. Ecxr Freak eztrae lee. audiasM lie. i Portland Grain I a urucuiu teuh . fob TLiJrn. o se-n is tir Wkt op Uigk Lew cuee .e- rt n s , -. CaU wkeet Ke. I: Big Bead bluest dark Sard water 13 per cent SI, -"V.1? SS.'S-S 1st; western red 61. Uats Ae. S whiu $22. Ora Ne. SK yellew $10.1. Miliraa et-adard $15. Portland Produce FOB TLAXI). Ore. April 10. (AP) Butur Printa, 93 acere er better 20 pevad. suadarda line Xgga Pacific Poultry Producers' seU lag price: Irek extras lte, suadarda le, aiadiaaut 13c eatry ata gelBag prise te rrUvQ- i: Uonn try-killed kegs, beet katskera. seder 150 peeads S.-Se: vaelere SS le panada. T-Se: leaks 13-12 -. apriags lS-le; yearlings Sc. keavy ewes e ss. eaaaer cews i-jt, sails 4-4 H. Bats Oregea valnets IB-IBs peaae. peaaeta lbs, Braail 12-14a. almoada 1 1, filberts 20 220, pecans 20a. Cascara bark Baring orice. 1933 seeL 8 He poena. Hope Momiaal. 1931. liia-ioe. Batterf st Direct se akisDers: SUUea. 14-17s; Portland dalivery prices, chura- iag ereaat 15-17, swoet ereaa kirher. Live Doeltrv Borias oriee: Heavy liana, colored. 4 pounds 13c; do medi ans lie: iir-te lie: spnars lirst ltc hoary 14; eld rooaters Se. ducks, Pe- uae sreiiers ll-ile, eld 11-lZe. eolorod lSe. Oaiees SoIIiag price te retailers: Ore- gea S1.2S-1.B5 cental. Takiata Bpanlek SO $1.15 caataL Potatoes Local. 05750 oranr bos: Dosehnte Oeas $1.40-1.50; do Bakers 1.50-1.80. Takima Oeas $1.10-1.35. Now potatoes rlorida S-7e. Wool 1B11 oUb. aoaiaalt WUlaaette vaaey 11 15e pouad. eestera Oregon le-ise. Hay Bayinf price from prodneer AUe IS. 50-14: elever S-.: east era Orogeu tiaotky $1; eats an vetch fl. Portland Livestock POB TLAKD, Or, April 1. (AP) GatUe Beeeipu 3400, ealvee 73s mam laalty steady. Steers, 550 to 900 pound I, good $5.50 J.5, aaediesa S4.5O-80. eommea 8A0 4.10; e to 1100 pounds, good $5.15 5.75, aiodiom $4.25-5.25, cramoa $83.35 4.35; 1100 to 1300 pounda. good 34.75 5.65, mediam $3.35-4.75. Heifers, 550 to 750 ponsds, good 94.50-5, commoa-me-dinm $2.50-4.50; 750 to 900 pounds, food choice $1.85-4.75, common-medium 12.50 4.85. Cows, good $3.75-4.10, commoa-mo-dinm $3.75-3.75, low cutter and catter 15-1.7S. Bnlla. yearlings excluded, good (beef) $1.75-3.25. catter-mdeioa $2-2.75. Veaiore, good-eholee $5.50-6.50, mediam $4.15-5.50, caU-coauaea 83.50-4.25. Calvoe 350 te 600 ponads. good-choice $4-5.50, eeaaea-mediura $2-4. Hogs Beeelpts 2800: about steady. Light lifht 140 te 160 poaads, rood ekoiee, $3.50-4 85. Lifhtweifht, 160 te 19 peeads. $4.23-4.85; 180 te 300 peeads, $4.35-4.35. Medium weijht, 200 te 320 ponads. $3.75-4.85; 220 te 250 poaads, $3.50-4.25. HeaTjweifht, 250 to 200 poand. $8,85 4.15; 20 to 350 IMWada, $3.25-4. Pskinf sows. 275 te 350 poaads, rood 33.25-3. 85, 850 to 43 Tonads S.25-8.75. 425 te 630 pound SStS-l.75: 375 te 550 Poanda. modlna $3-6.90. rdr aad stockar pics, 70 to 18S poaads, good choice S2.75-S.75. Sheep sad lambs Receipts 1000; steady. Lambs. SO poaads dowa. rood-choiee $5-5.35, eommoa-medioa $3.50-5; 00 te 98 poaada. goed-choie $5-5.25. Tearliag wetaera. 00 te 110 pounds, food-choice 83-4.10, mediam 8l-. w, so te ise peeads, geed-ehoiee $2.25-3.75; ISO te 150 pounds. S-3.50; all weights. mediam. $1-2. 12:11 Western farm and Heme beer, XBO. 1:00 "Striafwood Xesoakta. XBC. 2 :00 Al Peeree aad Hi Oang, KBC 3:15 Melody Klxete, NBO. S :S0 Mid-week Federation Byaa, NBO 8:45 rrieedly Chat 4:45 Tea Timers, NBO. :0O Mshdi. tke Marieiaa. :ls -Boaad Ue World elab. NBO. S:86 Little Orpkaa Anal, KBC. 6:10 Book Chat 8:00 Asses 'a' Aady. NBC." S:H Memory Laae. KBC . : Maale-l Maaaoeaias. COKO. :S0 Ben Borate's Blae Bibkea erehes tra. NBO. 10:15 Hotel Mark Hepku is i 11: Hotel iahomaoT kostra, XfO UUte Organ ssessri. use WOTS THE MEAtm'OP THS tVr7T!NAB. YTRN DAU6R? I DEMAND A XPl-ANATIOKIJ ERRIES DUE T O DAY Salem Markets Grade B raw 44 rnCk, co-op pool price, f 1 O per hundred. Surplus 05c (Milk bated ea teal atoetily Satterfet aTerage.) BuUerfr. Sweet 17c. soar 15c Prints 19c, cubes t7e. rriees pals te sve-ers Sy Saieei bayers April IS (The prices Seie-. ee-eiie ey a teeal gmeer. are iadieaUve ef Ue Sally surkat bet ere ee rearaeteed Sy The Staleeaisa) rBUIT AID enoZTAALES ArUckekea, des. .84 BodUSea. leeaL Sea. M Asparare .0 te At Cerreta. CaUt, emte OreeS Beppera, OanL. la, FeWa. Calif., Ik 1.75 te 1.00 41 .0 .02 .2 1.00 Caskege, Ik. Oaioaa. doa. kaa ee , Petateea, Taka he. 2 .75 te 1.00 OS. Tiesida. . U. 8 eat peiateea. crate .1.50 Lettoce. tur. .S.25 te 4.2S A .S5 1.50 .OS Oaioaa. Walla Walla LaMia. evt. P-nalpa. kaedred Uabmra. leeal Oaiit, Ik , Celery. Calit. H crate .15 Mealeea Teatatees Itaiiaa Breecotl, Ik. Applae Wieesaae. faacy s.o .ST te .OS . .SO L40 Xxtre fancy Sew te as. O grade raaey .00 Extra faacy .LSS Caaliilower, CaUf. crate Rata b fa. Aaadred Oraaree. p.p. . . 1.0S .1.00 te Lt .1.50 te 1.7 i I.0O te 4.00 .te 2.50 raaey Beets. CatiL. des. . Taraipa, Calit. crate SaiBaek. CaliL. crate .2.25 Bananas. Ik. ea stock Hands Strawberries . .05 . 01 .3.75 . .8 - .25 HON Tap. 1S3. Ik. Tee, 1981. Ik. BOOS Baying Prices Extra Staadards .10 .0 .0 J4 4 .0 JDS X a ktediams POULT BT Old roosters Ceiered keas . UediwB keas Ugkt keas Bakers Heat fryers . KBAT 1933 rprinf laabt Lsabs. top 1 1 , Hot a. top First cats Steers Cows Heifers -.50 to 7.00 5.0O 4.10 15 .04 te .04 .01 te .03 H .01 to .03 .03 te J3 .00 Bulls Dressed veal, top . Drsased kor jse QXL XN AMD BAT Wkeet. weatorn red .55 to .SO White. No. 1 .55 te .SO Rartoy. top, toa 16.00 to 20.00 Oats, toa 30.00 te 15.00 Hii. boyine price - Oats and vateh. toa 12.00 te 14.00 AlfaKa. Tailor. 1st eat Eaatora Oregon . .18.00 te 15.00 18.50- Clover ha 7 . J1.00 te 14.00 WOOl, Vediam Coarse Mohair . .11 .0 .OS Stocks and Bonds APUX 1 (Copyright 1933. Standard tatisties Co.) STOCK ATBXAOZ1 50 20 20 SO Ind'ls RK's Ct's Total Today 53.7 26.5 67.8 61. Previoaiday 51- 35.0 63.5 49.8 Week ago 47.7 25.0 61.8 46.S Year ago 49.0 23.1 77.8 50.1 3 years at 202.4 138.S 270.8 205.8 High 19RS 65.2 30. SS.S SS.S Low 1933 42.8 23.5 61.5 SS.S Uifh 1932 72.3 8.S 111.0 78. Low 1932 85.1 13.3 51.8 85.0 BOH AVBKAQES 30 20 lad'ls RK's Today SO.l 67.9 Previous day 50.6 57.4 Week sco 59.6 58.5 Yaarace 61.5 63.5 3 yean ago 93.8 106.1 High 1933 C6.1 65.7 lw 1933 68.8 S7.0 is se Ut's Total 74.S 64.1 74.3 63.7 64.1 67.6 99.8 72.0 6. 78.1 57.5 74.4 77.8 99.1 85.2 74.1 86.S 70.B High 1932 71.S TS.O Low 1932 53.2 47.4 C0RVALLI3. April 10. (AP) With arrivals et butter at eoast markets unusually light for this season, quotations the past week remained unchanged except at San Francisco, where an advance ot on cent la wholesale price was forced lata la the period. It was stated la a review Issued by the U. 8. D. A. bureau ot agricultural STORAGE MID IKE OF BUTTER UU6 economics cooperating with the O. S. C. extension service. Normally, considerable butter Is placed la storage la April, but this year the movement Is lagging be hind. Pacific coast holdings April 1 totalled only about 147.000 pounds compared with about 434, 000 la 1932. Th manufacture ot butter la lagging farther behind on the Pac ific eoast than elsewhere, though th conatry as a whol shows th max to b t to II per cenf-elow a year ago. U BHlNI7Af J DWINDLES Local Wool Market is Stiffemrig; Spring Lambs Down 50c First California strawberries of the season are duo oa the local market today, and will replace the higher priced offerings which were reeclred last week 'from Louisiana. What price the Cali fornia berries will take dealers did not know yesterdsy. The local wool market Is stif fening; up a bit, with medium and coarse hair quoted a cent a pound higher. Offerings are scant, as the sesson's clip will not get un der way for-a time. Spring lamb prices dropped on the livestock msrket to $C50 from $7 a hundred. There Is a scarcity of the yonng lambs. - Wheat - prices remained the same to open the week, and dairy products were unchanged. Cauliflower Is quoted higher by 10 cents a crste; green peas are down a cent; and asparagus Is higher, due to cold westher in the south. C0J3T WHEAT PRICE REFLECTSSTRENGTH Gain is 3 to 5 Cents; Local Demand is More Active; Shipments are low rue srKet .ews service re view of the whest market the past week says of the Psciffc eoat sit uation: Pacific coast prices were 3 te 5c higher, reflecting strength at eastern points snd a more active local demand. Domestic mill de mand .continued to Improve at Portland and Seattle and was principally responsible for strong cash Bltnatioa. Inquiry from Cal ifornia bayers also Increased but bo export business was possible at prevailing prices. The recent ad vance In wheat was reflected is larger country marketings and re ceipts at Puget Sound and Colum bia river terminals totaled 478 csrs for the week compared with 23 S cars for the corresponding week last year. 35,000 basbels additional arrived at Portland by river boat. Shipments from Puget Sound and Colnmbia river terminals continue below last season snd totaled only .489,000 bushels daring March, bringing the sea son'g total to 1.04C.000 bushels, compared with 47,382.000 bushels for the corresponding period last season. The poor Quality of the 1933 crop was reflected in March Inspections of which only 14.6 per cent graded No. 1 compared with 32.2 per cent for March. 1932. California wheat markets ad vanced 7-10c per 100 and reached a new high point for the season. Strength ia outside mar kets was principally responsible, for the advance at San Francisco and Log Angeles bat a strong holding tendency on the part of California growers was also a strengthening factor In local sit uation. Sacramento valley grow ers were asking 81 per 100. ware house receipts basis, which wss 5c to 10c under current terminal quotations. Receipts at San Fran cisco during March totaled 10,500 tons, only 200 tons of which was local wheat. IS STEM PRICES POULTRY OUTLOOK PORTLAND, April 10 (AP) Th week opened 1b th chees market with little change in the general situation. Prices were fully steady at all points with receipts backward for this time of yesr. Triplets were ruling 13 cents at Tillamook and loaf 14 cents. Traders here se no immediate chang ia either th movement nor th price. No apparent change developed la th egg situation. Th market ruled about stead to weak and prlcea were more a matter ot speculation than normal supply and demand. With raster elos at hand and th dressed poultry market al ready firm, traders look' for fully steady prices this week. Due to low prices, turkey demand still holds. Th Initial shipment of Texss wax onions was reported In. They war priced at S3.ZI for the 10 lb. crate Local leitoe BiAxket appeared la food eoaditloa, prices steady. By CLIFF STERRETT ! -i " OOOt K. HOUSE. 478 8. "Wtnter.l 138.700 pounds - the prenous V- . ireek. Urge rooms $1. TeL 7X04.