The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon," Satinrdiy Morning, April 8, 1933 PAGE SEVEN -. : h Y Business Directory Cards la this directory ma oa a monthly basis ouly. Bata : $L0 par Una par month. , . AUTO BRAKES Mtfr Panek. tha braka and shimmy doctor, 873 South CowMWrial Street BEAUTY PARLORS MHloc Beaoty Bhor. dial T333. CATERING Burt Crary, tha cnfrr.rKjnt1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R- B. Northm CHIROPRACTORS UR. a I SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, fit N. High. TaU Re 1571. , Correspondence Instruction I International Corr-spcKlanca schools. Buelaeaa, technical coaraea, Bx. 1M. C McOUHvray. TeL4133. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELGROVE. 488 N. Cottage. TcL 7446. HematUchtng.feyard1 4 FLORISTS " CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fnn aral wreaths, decorations, a F. Brelt- baupt flor 1st ii wourx. xei. . ALL Unda ot noral work, Luts Flor ist lth Market Tel. 8833. GLASS .N. Md window -lass mirrors. TaL 1104. Walter J. Downs, b reys. INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 111 M High Tat 34T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina Tel. 8632. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LA0NDRT 888 a High TaL 8188 CAPITAL CITI LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 8188 1884 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. JTAJtRT W. SCOTT, The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory, to boma. Spring mattress $8.88. Renovators and romlgatora. Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. Tel. 4068. 8018, K. CapltoL New mattress made te order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing vfluff rug weaving. Salem Fluit Rag Mat tress Factory, a ISth Wilbur. TaL 8441. Otto F. ZWIWW.gH1ni1. MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machine 4S2 Bute Street. Balem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION win tnda cuitaC and lessons for anything I can use. Storhow, 450 Court. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Ce. Houra Tuesday snd Friday, 10 :30 am. to 4 :30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call Tha Statesman Printing Department. lis ew vuunui -. phone 910L . PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT u r ntmn iit Tnenme Tax ReDOrtS, Auditing. 110 N. Com'L Tal 8030 or 547. REAL ESTATE BECKS HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 a Uberty 81 v TaL 8488. SOCOLOFSKY SON 304-8 First NsfL Bk. Bldg. TeL T30T. STOVES stoves and r!i"fl.Blo7n for sale, raonus kinds of wove wire fence, fancy jane plain, hop Daaaeuv Salem reace - ""irr,-" -UltV'Tel. 47T4. a R Fleming. TRANSFER .t riTT Transfer Co. 136 State St. TeL TT73. DlaUib-tlag. for- warding ana storage w at- Oet our ratea FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 813L. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks tOBPortlandflaflyiM WELL DRILLING R, A. West, 8S years experience, RFD S. Bos 103 E. TeL 110F8. Farmers Happy as Warm Days Come; a ' r a I ActlVlty IS AareatJ "WV " I WEST STATTON, . April 7 Due to "the niCO weather thO past few days much spring plowing and planting Is being 'done. - - A large acreage or Deans ana tomatoes is to be grown thla sea son for the West Stsyton Cooper ative Canning company and the Ray-Mallng cannery at Hillsboro. AT MARTIN RANCH LYONS. April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis and Miss Grace . ..;. Johnston ot roruana, ana d. j.i home and income propertt Hndlor nf Hinnr Cimil. at . No. I DUPLEX. One 3. and one S room kaod. Urts. were callers this - week the M. Martin ranch here. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdverUsLaa; ' Single Insertion per liae.lve Tbrse Insertions par Una toe Six Insertion par Una.. Sic On month par Una. .f Minimum charge tl Copy tor this page ac cepted antll the even ing before publication tor class' flrstlon. 0 o p j rev celred After Ula Urn will be run coder the heading Too Lata to Classify. Tha Statesman assumes mo financial respjnsibtllty tor errors which may ap pear ta adrerUsemeats puo Ushed la tts ' columns, and ta eases where this paper 1s et fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement tn whleh the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the riant to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted Specialty salesmen to work tn 8alem and nearby towns. Commis sion basis. Sea Mr. Beyer ISO North ennrcn. a iter p. m. SITUATIONS WANTED Part thne work wanted by married man. K. MacMurray, I54a Believne. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product Nationally adver- tbed. Crary Crystals, US & High. Seed potatoes. Earliest of All. Early Rose, Early Ohio. British Queen, Net ted Gem, Burbanlc. H. A. Hyde Co., zssb Portland Road. Tel. 8596. Fresh crabs now at Fidler's stand. Intersection Sllrerton-Portland road. HAT. ALFALFA, first Quality. 411 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8482. HOP PLOWS Sloper hop plow second hand, $200. New ones, new design, all ateel con struction, 8550.00. Side cutters one way, 855.00. Side cutters two way, $107.00. SLOPER BROS., Independence, Ore. Marshall strawberry plants, extra rood storlr. 84 thnumnrf. W'llhiir When, f ler. TeL 88F18. j I kauiu for SAi4 fias.wo Phiico, I monttuy. sea Mr. janr, will's Music I Nina weaned pigs. 1 mUk goat, II 1 .cu . iiitiB u.l. . . neirer, reaaonaoie. w. ml uoyo, s. 7th St., . independence. Ore. EUerberc nlanta. Bartrnff. at. T. 1 Bx. 124. I WANTED MlsceUaseons WTh tlin nm r mm pa m -nnA iMimf PK 1 I hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver I store repairs nose ilka new, 5e to 25c I Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletzing, Statesman office. We rick no dead and worthless horses, cows and sheen free of charge. Valley By-Products. Tel. 459. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c. child, 15c. Two blocks & of library, a Winter. x-a.mi, xvajiKjiumo "a wpjuior ra- . . , . pair: fstimnfes free. Phong B218 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished rooms with or without board. Tel. 8797. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rm., near P. O. $20. TeL E182. Mod, room, reasonable. 845 Marlon. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattou apartments downtown. Call Patton s book stare. Fur. 3 R. apt, 2281 HazeL TeL 7664. mmrmmmm'mm0mmmtrm--' 4rf---fc Mod. st. heated apta TeL 8490. 3 rm. furn. apt, 255 Center 8L Apta $10. $13. 881 N. ComX I mmmmfmfmmfmrmrmmmmmmmmmmrm0mmml Furn.. apt. CortBt. 1st floor furn. TeL 4289. Fum. apartment, 1040 Leslie. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses R. I Former. Tile N. Cottaga TeL 3031. I w... - . I , room bungalow for rent 1348 Che 1 meketa St. GOOD S R. HOUSE. 478 a Winter. For rent 7 room modern horns In I good district. Partly rumisnea u ae aired, electric reingerawonj . . - . , . . . ranra. Will rem tot a monuia w - " ... t or ii FOR RENT Sv-a1 raaMenca oronertlea with large garden spots. Bent from 7.60 to Bto.oo. ciTTT.rtg -t ureLER. Realtors 844 State Street Phone 6708. -Modern furnianea a -room noaae. close in. Anderson Court TeL. 5910. I aWseaaiamaaaaSaa C large rooms 10. TeL 7304. I 0mmi'mfmmrmmmmmmrmmmmmkmmmrmm0 Small furn. house. 210 8. 23rd. In quire Pervlre Station 3 1st and Market FOR RENT m reat, rurnianea e room auiur- ban-home, piano, wash, machine, acre m I. .VL.t, -Am WmM Uwm trt Jl 11 LI I .1.1.-.. w " - - leas for a year. Falrvlew Ave., R. 8. -r. . a I )WW(Wwmwimiimw Sleeping room. Garage. Adulta. 498 ';.Mm,.: room honse. barn, chicken house. i pasture ana garaen. van .wora ir .a- uft 89AibflnAsmeV 3 1 eves B jf.4 rn l. a. 1 1 C-'-.i a;rm.. iv WANTED TO RENT FOR RKNT 5 acre fruit tract Lib erty district 8 rm. houae, small barn and chicken house. Cash rent Phone 9541. - FOR SALE Real Estate at I tnm. TlH. locaed- van m. greer. 111 Oregon Bids. FOR SALE Real EstaU Aa Ideal place for hop culture. II acres of which it are No. 1 ben soil, is heavy timber H mi. eat of Albany la Santlam basin. Far sale by owner Address H. R. Bchults, Bal- nnrora J3iag Aioaay, ure. SPECIAL. f room house oa large corner, close to business district. For sale at law flgnra or owner will consider small prune rarm as part. . SEE Mrs. EUia with CHILD3 A MILLER, Realtors 144 State Street Phone (711 ...,........., , r j-j-ixl-ltu AT CITY LIMITS Immediate possession of a strictly modern IS room horns with cheerful rooms, large living room la Croat with fireplace, full basement, furnace, doe- large corner lot with nice grounds, cost over 113,009. Price eat very low for today's market and will accept small hornVaa part m,.1Ls MiLLEB, Realtors i ii pages or a as or brewery ana 844 State Street Phone 79llal1fA 1-dnstrtA. T-rldnw FOR SALES OR EXCHANOB " 11 hola niahee golf course, I iuL.j2?w'...?reBWot -- uiwuci ij uuw atuaaa) bvuIULDIv Zmm dancing parties. Sell cheap, or will ae oept clear 8alam property aa part pay. CHILD3 at MTLLBTR. Tmlti 844 State Street Phone 748. WHY Pat mrwrt 50 down, bat Ilka rant, buys cosy 4 R. bungalow, garage, practically new. r-avinr and wslke tn Mis for. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASOK. t EXCHANGE Real EstaU --"-" ' - n -i -i -i i ii -iru-ij . i. I hAVe Some rood atwk4 mmA util. I iw ourx larms, 10 iraaa ror smaller acreage or city property. Now Is tha ume to get tnat farm yon have been wanting. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL lift - 1- ii-liflllilHM up,.. HAVE INCOUR PSnvcmrv CLEAR, well located, to exchange for I a iu v acres improved. VAN ML. GREER ZI4 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7188. FOR SALE FARMS JVJ1rriy'araris- n nix J NEAR DALLAS Sfi m-(TmM.R rrvAm tiniiea Vw. st.. out-bulldlnga IS acres cultivated and 1 ruu. some umoer. ran only 82008.- I down, balance f t SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS or jrarm Bargains .... , . mlujj ALFALFA RANCH . Acres, all plow land. Modern noma. Basement, ffcuwf hsn. ... . sood alfalfa, running water. About uuw oi taisra. wtce 8100 per acre. .uiiui ncreago u pan. A RRAT. ntpniw . 108 Acres, close ta Monmouth, v . w . etc- Pressure water ays- Suiu rT,CB u Pr A. -" v w jsib. 8339 JAa D. SEARS. Realtor 188 a Hlrh ACREAGE - . sale 5 acres of good fruit land from Uberty. good 5 room ana mvoa Dunning, small down J,u Bt- or pnone 854L ALMOST GIVEN AWAY . ' . . ,T- "y iimoer, located 5 I ii-S D'w.. VtteM Polntment only. SEE . . Huica. tizvv. onown oy aa- BECHTEL THOMASON 341 State Street tVsKTfn DDiT t?o-n a farts WiOwwiO.hi. . . Sxr T?R TOR PARM. OOLD- , - a ATe- BtM 'ranclsoe. i --caa Business Opportunities '"VoVnt garage and scrvlcs staon onbu highway. Tel. S59S. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY i-innmumiu SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at sac- rirlcs nrlsea Tnesdav nnt thh. Onlv. ffll. hnrmfn. fi ..nn. V...V I ------ ...., ir- ing. Hatching egga Phone 132F2 Lea x ia i cilery, taiem, Oregon. " "-------- - , n r. I-. , Custom hatching, S00 egga at lo every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL iiiii. e s naicnery. ., jtok sale Freah cow and calf. 1 miles east on Silverton road, a T. Bo 9K. Aiien McCain. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan" service that Is really really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASFI ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ujm lAJANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Fleer i-CENSED BY STATE BIB Bute Street TeL 8-T-4-8. .............. . I-, rtri jimjmj PERSONAL LOANS MADE en furniture, cam salaries St" SSL hTESS or other good security. Repayabse mommy, wnen m nnant us before eloslnn a loan. I . ka - GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION .""f.' " First National Bank Bldg. Phone fSSt PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 813 Oregon Building, Snd Floor i . . t.wu Duiiuini. I Office hra 10:00 A. M. to 8:88 P. M. 1 T. .nhi TVS a.... l w i - f- - S-165. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced -Arrange to reduce your payments You keep the car P. A. BISTER Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry Phone 4713 w wmwwmii)ww a MjaawMiei Borrow oa eersonal nrooertrs rane.v In monthly tastallmenta. VvTLLAM- i .rti-. o wii. iiu. o-iii, aaa ii. m o. . M m . . Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. POLLY AND HER LHCW yVQaAjSI X AINT SMART ENOUGH PER "TH BARTER l SYSTEM.! SON?) " I ammmmmmmmmmmmm a Interesting Facts Television was first shown six years ago today. Those wno voted tor the return t beet admit they did not Vote for the return of the saloon, r .... " . . . , The Milwaukee Journal earrled Easter comes one week from tomorrow. Easter Sunday will bo Salem Blossom day. FOR SALE WOOD Na 1 II to. eld fir. Tat 44IS. Dry wood $4.. Phone MIL OrwB tnS amrwtli fir It tm. I1.TB. I j-j as. s w-. I GUARANTEED DRY TaL leee Salem Feal Ce. Trade fMtm mm Old fir. Xnd growth. TaL Tlf. DRY BTR AND OAK WOOD, oa! aad fuel ea Can ea aa tor prtcea We give aeee measure, aood oualltr aad I iawvTr -rn l msttu a tmsint I Tslasfaana 8181 Ash. Or aad oak. Tel, 1848. ajSaasajaaSs-SsaS--SSSaai wmmm1mmmrm'tmmlmfmmjmJ WOOD Old fir 84.25. TaL 8888. Old fir 18", $4.00. TeL 8178 Large ash. If 15.88. Dial 1874. 18 dry 2nd fir. 88.58 per load. Dry planer wood. 88.68 per load at Tracy's, I Tel. if st FcVsale-lOO cords' thorough "sea- soned fir wood. EL T. Pierce. TeL I 7858 PERSONAL taarafirsrbi-ifiiri-sr nnn n n i Anyone knowing tha whereabouts of Natalie m Boisa please write Box 188, mrrort, urestwi. important. FOR SALE USED CARS - "11 M-nir ir ji.n.ri.iujuijxojn 1928 Chevrolet Coach. 1928 Ford Phaeton. 1924 Light Six Stude. Sedan. $18. unev. xruca, as is, f 11s. Borrego's e IIS N. Uberty TeL 8888. Mc KAY'S USED CARS WITH AN a K. THAT COtTXTa 1988 Bnlck Standard Sedan, good rub- war, upnoistsnns; ana unian ia rnte cpnuition. excellent mecnanioai ananei . - 7TrZ.:C "ZT"T.t:i . " ,Vri ", 0,01 ; - i-r- 1 paint, new seat covers aad complete-1 feet, and broke lis leg above the ir -J-T?eiJ 90 drtT?f.il5;knee, Tuesday morning. A piece 1930 Chrrsler -79 f.n h. t. - ss-rw vir A1F . condition throughout $478.88 is uMTvroiec Bport uoupe; aix wire rS.l-rJ1fc-i2 . r: . . oniy siow mnea Carries new car guarantee and service. Save $200.00. Price KTSti .w. " -5jw law uan 1VUV milSS lllttlH Open evenings and Sundays i re mm TRADES CPbo,?1? NCoaVl I NEW YOKK. APrll 7 I API. Grains nrorided less enthusiastic leadership for shares today and "" I " "m. ".:", w ass iuvou uaiivm UlOftUiaf volume was down to 154.655 shares. uoia mining equuiee took a sprint, paced by homestake. Buy ers ot that Issue found the avail able supply scarce and the quota tion soared 19 -points to 195. a new high; the close was 193, up 17. Alaska Juneau, Mclntyre Porcupine and Dome were moder ately higher. Standard Oil of New Jersey Jumped 3 and Cali fornia Standard did nearly as well. Industrials were firm. Am or I can Tobacco, Corn Products, TJ S. Steel common. Du Pont and Union Carbide had small net los ses. Profit taking dipped a point from American Sugar's recent rise. American Telephone was down half a point, Union Pacific lost one. . but rails on the whole were mixed and quiet. Hay and Grain Go Up in Smoke With Branson Barn Fire PRUITLAND. April 7. A barn belonging to A. N. Branson hurn- l ed to the ground Tuesday with a ; loss ot much hay and grain. Some poultry and a stock trailer also ' were lost, Several neighbors were i attracted ta tha arna and ertin- .i.v. a. vi.. wkiaK -T'-ZZ- Lr."" . ui .11. an u m uiiuiinuini iwu. . . . T The barn was a complete loss. PALS o-r-TIg er jr GOLD Mi SHARES HURT IN HHIPEHI DF VETS DISCUSSED Helen Southwick of Salem Elected Head of County ' Organization WOODBUBN, April 7 More than 100 people from Salem, 811 vertoa and ether communities -at tended the spring meeting ot the Marion County Veterans associa tions at the Methodist Episcopal church. Thursday. The morning session was devoted to the rou tine business, some time was de voted to discussion of reduction aad abellsli-nent ot pensions ot the. KnjMiuii w.e .Mn nlcarreney Inflation as a stlmulat- vwm.uwu. w Vw ( lem were read aad adopted. A pot lack dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Mabel Nendel. chairman ot the kitchen commit- too ta charge. After the noon 1 hour memorial services honor- inr thmt ks im mu! ab in the year, were conducted by Mrs. I aa "bsb wereiueiees. Nora Brorles. Mrs. Ella HaB.1r'ely overcome late. Po YsU-. Ke. s xr twwi nt. jiv too, u a as mi XAavagg tuaaast. . nil 8 iwtb wia.hf ni aa. ajta trude Beach, Miss Mabel Jack son and Mrs. Mabel Wright Oerwades Honored Flowers were placed In mem orv to Fannie Drake. BTIa Phelps. Kelllng Maaldlng and V JmrA rratottr u ne mivartAn- Thomas Harris. E. O. Mills. Nor- ma Terwuiiger, o. h. Byiaaa, E. I B. Dickenson, and. H. Camahan of Salem; Mrs. Meadie Durant ot Woodburn. A splendid program in charge of Mrs. Emma Tyson followed. Newly elected officers are President, Mrs. Helen South- wick of Salem, secretary; Mrs. Laura UVesay. WOoaDUrn: tress-1 W f roriou, sergeant-at-arms. a. n Mcwhorter or saiem; committee on reeoluticns: Mrs. Louisa Blast. Woodburn; Mrs. Frances Ourley of Silverton, and Mrs t;iara Adams Ol sal em The next meeting will be held st Silverton August S. mM M maSLiJU. ADIU I. - A . I Beckman. a Workman on the new .i. m.ji .v. .1.1 1 Mrn ii r III m M- I Ml, I ..III LDP. I inmnT . AUfnm f Knnt 10 r "V 7. "v V,. 1 .V" 4vl f m. a I oi umoer cangni in nia cioum, 1 which caused him to fall. The am- i bulance was called from Salem. At a recent meeting of the I n ...nm i -. v - , v I ocieimn ctuu ai iub aumo ui sv. Tsgelskl. with Nettle and Philip' . . . . sagouiai aa aosia, v. a omnn waa i .. t Trr vtpu picojunm. . . wii.i vice-president, and Mrs. O. K. Smith, secretary - treasurer. Mr. JfFflS tertain the April meeting ot the club. Mr. and Mrs. William Grens are the parents of a baby daughter, born to them at their home about two miles southwest of Jefferson, April 2. As Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and children of Salem were call ers at the home of Mr. Jones' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones west of Jefferson. Mr. Jones be came ill. He consulted an Albany . v""OU4lou A'ua"J -d WSS found to be suf- - ta f aBnllldk.,tI.. .n(1 mmj. immediately rushed back to Salem where ho underwent an operation. Radio Program SATTTEDAY, April KOm 840 K&-Portland 8:30 KOIH Kleek. f :10 Maris Chat tar. 1:80 Book of Life. a.. j a. ft. v nr. 8:00 Biag Crosby, Leeoard Haytea' etekestra. CBS. 8:00 Beddias White, tenor. S :00 MeEtroy'e Oreater Oregoaiaaa. :4S DeHoaey's dsaee baas. 10:18 Sport Flashes. 11:00 Bote City Beavers. KOA0 650 Ka. OorvaXHs T:00 MornUr Meditations ted by Caas. It. Oramly. 8 :00 Morning Concert. 9:00 Morning Matlaee. 18:00 Neea farm Hear. 3 :00 Ted-vil. 3:80 AeeUaa Xeaoea. 6:80 Farm Boar. XaW SSS JtS-YerUaad T:00 Orsaa Ceaeert. XBO. T:15 Amerieaa Predace Ce. Market Xe- T:30 rgsa Ceaeert. V0. 7:30 Ls Trie Olmrmaat NBC. 8:00 Melodies at the Saath, 2TB 0. 8:11 Jack aad Patsy. Una S:1S Caekins- eekeaL S:45 Hatiaaal Parm aad Heme Hear. 10:30 Wemaa's Magasiaa ef the Air, BO. 11:80 Orgaa Ceaeert. HBC I llis wt-a aa-taatta-a. into. I liltal l.-kVm I a tall. vna 1 t 80 Baaet ee kteledlea, XBa raerin JEFFERSON BRIDGE WORKED IS IIIJiED K3ttCttCy ------ - fA LIGHT? S SMCKES,-J SZS. V CORN BREAKS, BLOCKING GRAINS BUYERS QUITTING COUNTRY EGGS Buying is Renewed At Lower Prices; Await Congress CHICAGO, April 7. (AP) Grain ' markets ran against a stone wall today ia the ahapo of 3 V4 . cents a bushel collapse ot corn values. Big rifts appeared In general speculative demand for cereals. especially com, aad many trad ers expressed doubts as to m- paaais wmcn in various quar ters aad been placed oa possible inr factor. Numerous other tsad- I ? ""L n?' nc I f0Pt waiting attitude pend- r JL "aTsiauve oeveion- men wasaingxon ta regard 1 commodity measuroa. I wwer wreis oi pnees, now-i mr, renewed buying support mr. miM nnnnr unnnrt I Wheat closed nervous at "the same as yesterday's finish te cent lower, cora,- down, otti Ta 7B Today s closing quotations: I Wheat May 57-: Jl7 1 September 51- Corn - Mar 21 U-U : Julr September 37-17 waia saay juiy sw; September 21. General Markets FBODUCS ZXCHAVOa MBTLAliD. On. Anril 1 fA) rrodsce esehess. net prices: Battel T-r .T.c I aaediaau 13e. Portland Grain . 1 PORTLAND. AarU 7 (API Wkm On.. Hlvh T.w Close I Key. sew 54 54 it 88 Mar. old -55 88 84 H S4H rfaly 59 85 Cash wkcat Ke. 1: Bis Besd bloestess t; osra aara winter is pet OS, II pet 58 ; soft white 58 ; wertora white. Bortaera spriag 54; harS wtater 55; wesTera ra as. Oats No. 8 whits $22. Corn No. 3K yellow 918.50. MiUraa standard $15. pfMvrr.Avn n 1 tm I OUnfT mill. US MOM mr ttr IK- I Pao. suaaare ise. 1M117 r rwicii aau- lag prieee: Freeh extras lie, taa4erds las. niHs ISc. Oeaatty saease Selling prise te retail- ra: Oaatrr-kllled heca. bees bateaera. aaeer isa peaaea -ae: veeiers ee te 100 peases, 7-Se; iambs 13-13 c. 1 springa 18-19 ; yearlings 5e, heavy ewes 4-5. caaaec sows 3-8e. balls 4-4. aawvregea wsiaaw lS-iSe pees peenate 10a, BrssUa 13-14. 18- toe. aiaerte xe its. eeaas so. uaseara aark Baytag priee. 1983 peel. I S-8e aooad. Hoos Namia.L 19SI SBU-BOs. Bettertav CHreet te ss la oars: Statiaa 14-17 : Pertlaad Salivary erica, ckara- ing cream i-i7e, sweat cream aigker. Live elttT Beriae arte: Bean hen, colored, 4 poaaea lSe; de medi- oats lie: ngnte spring iirht ia. heavy 14e: eld reostere Se. docks. Ps- kiae breimra 11-lSe, eld 11-13. eolored 10. Onion Bellini price to retailers: Ore gea $1IS-1.8S cental, Yakima Spanish vOe-31.89 eeataL Petateea UoesL 65-75 ersax bea: Detonates Gems $1.83-1.80. de Bskm 31.SO-1.40, Yakima Oems $1-1.88. Mew aeutoee Florida S-7. Weol 1933 clis. aomtaal : Willamette valley 13-15 paved, eestera Qrsgoa 10 13e. Hay Bnytae price from producer allalfs 813.80-14: clever 89-S.S0: east ra uregoa timotay fis; eats aa vstea Portland LivestocJc Cattle Receipts 150. calves 30;nomlnal- ly steady. Bteera 550 to 900 pounds, sood 85.50- 8.85. mdiam $4.50-5.50. eommoa 83.60 4.50; 900 te 1100 pound, food 35.25 S.T3. m odium $4.38-5.38, common 33.35- 4.J2 1100 t 1800 penada. food 84.78- .8i. mediam $3.25-4.75. Uelfers ,550 to 750 posads. gooa 34.50-5. eoauaoa-me- dinm 83.50-4.50: 750 te 900 peeads. ins v a- B-saFv--a s -w iw-siiaai $3.50-4.35. Cows, good $3.75-4.10. eoat- mea-medinm 83.75-8.75, low alter and cstter 9 1.35-1. 75. Balls, yearliass es- claded. sood (beef) 89.TS-8.3t. eatter- medism S3-S.75. Vealsra, geoa-cneiee 85.50-6.SO. sseeuam 94.15-5.50. eeU-eem- men gS.SO-4.3S. Calves. 350 te 800 poena, geea-ekotee 84-5.50, cemmoa- aiam 8S-4. Hog Bsceipts 800; nominally steady. Lisas usak 140 ta zee nomad as, gaod- sbeiee 8334-4.35. Lightw.Ifht, 160 te ISO seaada 84.35-4.85: ISO t 900 poaada 84.35-4J5. Modiam weight. 800 te ISO posads, gs.Ts-4.a9; .so ta so to 390 noaads. 33.35-4.15 : 390 ta 850 peend. 33.35-4. Peekiag sows. 8T8 te 850 peaads. rood 3t.3S-8.65, 350 to 435 I peaads 3J.25-t.75. 438 te 850 pound; sis vs ss aoaaas, medium 88-8.60. Fseder sad steeker piss. TO 180 BMada. ied-hetee 8S.75-8.7S. Sheep sad lambs Seeelpts aeae; Seedy. Lsmbs. 90 seaade dewa. reed-eholee S-S.8B, awtdiam 88.50-8 ; 98 te 98 penada geed-ckotee 38-8.38. Yeertiag I wethere. ee ta lie panada, gaed-ekeie SS-4. medium 88-8. awes. BO te 130 aeoads. feed-enelee Sl.l5-S.TS: no te ISO BMada. 83-8.80; eU weights. mea-madiam, 81-a 8:00 Walderf A atari arcbestra. NBC. 4:45 Organ- Ceaeert, BcHX 6:11 Bern Oerdoa. Tke Eibltser. KBC. 7:00 U.S. Tth Iafaatry Beat. 8:11 Be! Tabaria erensrtra, JTBO. 9:00 Spotlight, 3TBC 10:38 ManieeJ Eehaea. KBC ii:oo Hotel Ambassador ereaestra, 11:30 Oas Aimkalm'aarakeatra. XBO. aw the Msrket" Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, . eo-op) pool price, $1.20 per hundred. Surplus ftSc (aOIk based ea seat! Bwatalr katterfal average.) Batter-fa'. Sweet lTc, soar 15c Prints 19c, cubes lTc Prleea paid te grevers Sy Baleai bayers Ann I T (Taa prUes beiev. sapplied ay a loesi I ...... ., . I. III. II.. .f II, . I iTZ. .m br Vi. stlt.T) 1 ra An vxoaiABLEa riT-. .00 .80 7p. o.rr. cul, er.t. -05 te .0T ,7$ te S.00 48 10 pp-. s. . r- .e24 Lecel .TS te 1JJ0 oe. rievideaew. la. Sweet seteteea, erste J.S0 " .jnr .8.85 to 4.8S .88 .88 1.60 .08 .es J5 Lebisa. cwt. Psruips. ksatited ou!l it Celery. C.Ut. tt ersU sfemieaa Tewstees , Italisa Broeeoli, lb. .07 te .08 asp'1 iaeseas, tssey . .80 .1.40 . .SO . .90 .1.85 Eztre Isaey Fewtearns, 0 grs4e reney Eztrs fsoey Cealiflower. Calif., crate .S5 Kate bans, hsadred .LOO te US .1.50 te L7S .8.00 te 4.00 .70 8.50 1.25 .05 Orasges. p.p. , , fancy , Beets. Calif., do a. Taraips. Calif., crate . Kpmacb, ualil rrste Bananas. Ib. ee stock s?r? 05 8.75 Bora Top, 1033. lb. Top, mi. lb. .80 .25 BOOS Baying Prices Extras .10 .00 .08 JO .10 .08 J .00 .10 Standards Medlnas rOUXTBT Old roesters . Coiered bsas . afedisai besa Light boss Bakers Ugbt fryers MZAT 1983 spring lambs Lambs, top tiers, top IStee H.7f fin eats Steers .04 te .04 ill te .03 .02 te .03 s for Balls .08 to .03 I n.j .08 III .Ml S mmmr a 08 OSAIB ASO BAY Wbest. western red .55 te .60 Wiita. Ko. 1 .55 te .80 Barley, tea, toa 18.00 te 30.00 Oats, Sea 30.00 te 25.00 nsf. aortas erteee Oats sad vetch, tea 12.00 te 14.00 Alfalfa, valley, 1st cat. -18.00 to 15.00 Eastera Oreroa 16.50 Clover hay 12.00 te 14-00 WOOL. Keaiaai Oearse . Mohair . .10 .08 .05 Stocks and Bonds April t (Copyright, 1933, SundaH Statistics Oa.) STOCK aVtUCAOES 60 80 90 80 In-1 RR's rjt's Totsl Today 50.8 24,8 63.3 48.S frv. day 50.0 24. S si. 8 48.1 Wk axe 47.2 25.8 82.1 44.4 Year age 60.S 38.5 78.T 5LS S year ago 200.1 139.3 273.8 303.S HtghJ983 55.2 30.0 95.4 SS.S Low 19SS 42.8 23.5 61.5 43.9 High 1983 T3.S 89.8 111.0 73.9 Lew 1938 35.1 13.3 51.8 35.0 BOND AVEBAOES 20 30 30 60 Ind'ls Rii' Ut's Total Taday 59.8 57.8 74.8 63.T Prev. dsy 59.5 57.8 74.1 6S.T Wsek are 60.0 69.1 75.S 64.9 Yesr sge 63.8 04.3 78.5 68.S 8 years see 94.2 106.4 98.9 99.8 High 1938 66.1 65.7 B5.3 73.0 Lew 1938 s a 57.0 74.1 S.S High 1933 Tl.S 78.0 88.3 78.1 Lew 1938 58.8 4T.4 70.9 57.5 Portland Wheat Gains Hali Cent During Comeback PORTLAND, April 7. (AP) Wheat scored a general come- back after ahowlng a fair loss la futures early. On the Port land market new May was cent at the closing while old May lost 4 cent and the July cent bushel. Cash wheat, however, was strong with local up cent bushel on the merchants ex change while Montana spring aad win tor were unchanged. Sales of futures Included 12,000 bushels old Msy and S00O bush els July. BROWXS OX -VACATION TALL8 CITY. April T. Mr. aad Mrs. K. P. Browa left Sun day morntng by motor for Phoe nix. Arts., for aa extended visit. The Browns have operated the Pord garage hero for a number Df -aara. Their sons. Prank snd s mmaa m m ., .. mvv a.-ia I Sioyu, Viu carry a vua hiuuo. T.50 . .5.00 4.10 3.85 Low Grades Retard Market; hen Trade Is Very Firm PORTLAND. April 7 (API- Market for egga was so demor- allied by undergrade offerings as well as aneandled stock that some of the former mere active buyers nave practically quit pur chasing supplies at couatry points. Lack of uniformity tn tha prieee has never been so gen erally shewn as during the last couple of weeks. With retailers actually offering aupplloa at pricee that are lower than what I . 1"" WA pectin g for -eggs, there was aa entire lack ot profit la handling. This condition appears due mostly to the contlnuanee of the big run ot country or farm eggs which are being traded to re tailers for goods aad then re sold to Portland wholesalers or retailers below their actual worth because the cash. Is needed. Lack of proper inspection of the mar kets, duo to Insufficient funds to carry on the work, was slfo a big factor. Market for butter continued to reflect more or lees of a steady tone locally and without general pri'i change for either prints or cubes. Best demand continu es In the standard and lesser stores along the coast. Butter- fat remained firm. Market for heavy hens was very firm with the approaching Jewish holidays, is some in stances an advance in the prire has beer forced. Light hens con tinued firm at full pricea. Broil ers alone were easy but unchang ed la price. There continued a surprising movement of turkeys Into the Portland market. Total volume was not heavy but considering the season, was more then usual. Prices were held at least steady. The public was evidently not very keen sbout buying higa priced strawberries. Those front Louisiana here shown good color and quality but it has been nec essary to drop the price to $3.50 a crate. LID OFF MID FEE AURORA. April 7 "The butch er, the baker ana canaie eutk maker" or all regularly establish ed places of business now operat ing in the corporate limits of the city of Aurora, may upon appli cation and accompanied by a fee of $1 per month, paid quarterly in advance, be issued a temporary permit to sell legalised beer and light wine. So it was decided by the city fathers at an adjourned meeing of the city council held Wednesday night. Those selling the beverage muf conduct an orderly place, but should they violate a provision made that it will be unlawful to sell the beverages mentioned, ia dance halls, or to persons under the age of IS years, to habitual drunkards or Intoxicated persons. the permit will be revoked. No wine or beer is to be t-old between 12 midnight and a. m. Only one application for a HcenKO has been made to date. T BUT DOLLAR STILL LABISH CENTER. April 7 The standstill in the onion mar ket which occurred after the prico advanced to $1 a hundred still I continues. At yesterday's meet - 1 lng of the association directors. 1 ra 11 MAR 1 off! the price was maintained at the I ssme level, but word from varl- I oua buyers indicated there would I bo little or no activity for a week I or 18 days. If- mrA Um TJ T T . - K lng felleiUted over the arrival of a daughter, Barbara J- Friday al Portland. Thlg U their first child. She is a .granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dow. Miss Margaret Sewell of Salens ls visiting her sister. Mrs. Charies Hinds. Miss Sewell win leave shortly for her home in England. CLEAN UP ROADS QU1NABT. April T. Tha I county relief workers have been I Improving the roads and cleaa I lng out tha ditches from tha I Labish school to Qalnaby, aad i a k s sa w mr rrv . w.- uuwa w us aacwiay piBcw. By CLIFF STERRETT -r