The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    -ThaJOTtEGON STJLTESIIANSal-Orejroii. Saturday Morning, April 8. 1933
Society News arid GliiB Affairs
iOlivi M. Doax, Socitty Editor
525,111 ARB
Bridge Afternoon
Charming Affair
for Maid
A charming afternoon will be
that of today when Mrs. A. C.
Kof t will entertain at the home ot
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Albert for her sister, Miss Jose
phine Albert, j
Miss Albert has spent much of
her time since her graduation
from Willamette in. the east where
nhe attended Columbia uniTersity
nnd took special work in TOice.
Just before her departure for
New Tork she was the center of
much entertainment and at thai
time announced her engagement
to Bruce Spauldlng, Willamette
law student and now practicing in
since her rather recent, return
from New York she has been bus
ily connected witn tne music ac
tivities of the city and has done
much radio work.
Guests bidden to compliment
Miss Albert this afternoon, most
f whom will come for bridge ana
some of whom will call for tea
Mrs. Winsor Calkins and Miss
Martha Patterson of Eugene; Miss
Cadtlda Majotorema ot Los An
geles; Miss Grace Jorgensen ot
1'ortland: Mrs. Charles Swan of
N'ewberg; and Mrs. Paul Pember
ton of Woodburn;
From Salem Miss Genevieve
Thayer, Miss Rosalind Van Win
kle, Miss Pauline Johnson, Miss
Florence Power, Miss Elisabeth
Clements. Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss
Eillie Cupper, Miss Margaret Pur
vine, Mi3s Sue Prlngle, Miss Lil
lian Scott, Miss Jennie Delzell;
Mrs. Oscar White, Mrs. Gurnee
Flesh er, Mrs. Clarence Emmons,
Mrs. Frederick S. Bynon, Jr., Mrs.
Roben Maaske, Mrs. Wallace Grif
fith, Mrs. John Griffith, Mrs.
Charles Kaufman, and Mrs. Gar
land Simpson.
Miss Rath Kitchen entertain
ed Thursday evening for Miss
IUta Claggett, bride - elect of
George R. Goodrich of Camas,
Wash. The marriage will be an
vent ot April 30. Bridge was
fn play at five tables. Mrs. Char
les Claggett won high score. A
pretty shower for. the -bride-elect
preceded the coffee hour at
which time Miss Kitchen was
assisted by Mrs E. W. Kitchen
and Mrs. Marion Curry.
Yalsets. One of the gayest
r parties of the year was given at
the D. A. Grout home Tuesday
. sight tn honor ot the house guests
of Mrs. Grout, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Kagley of San Francisco. Bridge
' was enjoyed. Mrs. Frank Heydon
received first prize and Mrs. Amos
' Den no second.
Mr. and Mrs. Bagley left Wed-
nesday for Portland, where they
will remain.
. . Saturday, April 8 .
Salem Women's clubhouse; annual
nomination ot
Zonta Club Makes
Extensive Plans
I Plans were further developed
by the Zonta club in a social and
business meeting held at the home
of Miss Alene Phillips Thursday
night tor the district conference
which will be held April 22-23 at
Everett, Wash.
At this time Katherlne Maddox,
national president, will be in at
tendance and later will visit the
Salem chapter.
At the April 20 meeting of the
Zonta club election will be held
to fill the five vacancies on the
board of executives for the clpb.
Nominations made include Eliza
beth Gallaher, Frances Jonasson,
Helen Pearce, Kathryn Gunnell,
Helen Hockey. LaVerne Winkler,
Hazel Cook. Belle Brown, Wini
fred Herrick, and Barbara Barnes.
It was announced too. that
April 13 would be the last nlxht
for community programs to be
presented by Zonta club members.
This one will be presented at
Looney Butte and Is under the di
rection of Helen Yockey. Dr. J.
Vinton Scott will show pictures
taken by himself In China. Miss
Hazel Cook will introduce the
numbers, and Gladys Mclatyre
Thomas will be soloist. Students
of Miss Barbara Barnes will give
a group of dance numbers.
Following the business meetine
refreshment were served by the
nostess assisted by Mrs. M. D,
Phillips and Miss Hazel Cook.
Tfce Coterie club was enter-
tamed by Mias Frances Graham
and Miss Mable Dotson in the
Green Gate room of the Spa,
Tuesday night.
Bridge was played, and win
ning scores went to Miss Edith
Starrett and Miss Marie West
Mrs. Mark Fowler was a guest
of the evening. Club members
present were Miss Helen Fletch
er, Miss Isobel Bartlett. Miss
Marie Westhoff, Mrs. Mildred
Samuelson, Miss Edith Starrett
Miss Frances Graham and Miss
Mable Dotson.
Luncheon is Pretty
Event at
Hoyt Home
A pretty luncheon ot Friday
was that for which Mrs. F. M.
Hoyt was hostess to members of
the Fidelis class of the First Bap
tist church, of which Mrs. Helen
Prescott Is teacher. Covers were
placed for 45! guests at a charm
ingly arranged table centered
with spires and daffodils flanked
with yellow tapers In crystal hold
ers. Place cards were dainty
hand-painted creations in yellow.
Mrs. Hoyt was assisted by Mrs.
F. A. Erickson, Mrs. W. L. Meek
er, Mrs. P. J. Blesslns, Mrs. Mark
Skiff, and Mrs. T. D. McClain.
Following the luncheon hour a
program was presented by Mrs. J
Yinton Scott, who spoke on China
and Japan; solos by Hoshla Wat
anobl accompanied by Miss Gladys
Edgar, and an amusing skit under
the direction of Mrs. Clifton Mudd
and presented by Mrs. W. 1.
Meeker, Mrs. Ernest Peterson,
Mrs. F. A. Erickson and Mrs.
Rainbow to Observe
Members of Chadwick chanter.
uraer Mr Rainbow Girls, are
attending church in a body Sun
day morning at St. Paul's Epis
copal church. They will meet, at
10:45 before the church and
enter together, where they will
be seated In a special section.
This is an annual custom on
the part of the organization
and Is a compulsory part ot the
ritual. The occasion is the ob
servance of -the anniversary ot
the founding - of the national
order; each chapter Is to attend
church in a body on the Sunday
nearest the date of April 6.
Dayton. More than 40 people
attended the district missionary
meeting of the Christian church
held at Hibbert's hall In Dayton
Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Bailey
ot Eugene was the principal
Dallas Missionary Society Has
Meeting With Falls City Group
Mrs.. Dean Morris Entertains on Birthday of
Daughter; Mrs. Lacy is Hostess
Delphian G roup
To Meet Here
April 14
Of interest to a Urge num
ber of matrons ot Salem and vi
cinity is the announcement of
plana for the Mid - Willamette
Valley district Delphian assembly
which, will be held la Salem Ap
ril 14.
The meeting will be held at
the First Presbyterian chureh
and will open at 10 o'clock;
Luncheon will be served in the
church dining rooms and all
chapter members attending are
requested to make reservations
with their chai'er presidents.
Mrs. James D. Goble, western
representative of the national
organization, will be the chief
speaker for the assembly. Mrs.
Joy Warner ot Dallas, president
of the assembly will preside.
Mrs. English and Mrs. Owens of
Portland will be special guests,
and Mrs. Rich will talk on
technocracy." Mrs. Harry Harms
will present a group of solo
Several members ot Salem
chapters will attend the district
assembly being held by Portland
district Wednesday at the Port
land hotel, and reports from
this meeting will be made at
the Salem meeting.
Represented in the Mid-Wil
lamette Valley district assembly
will Include five chapters. Delta
Chi and Sigma Nu of Salem, and
chapters each from Monmouth,
Independence and Dallas.
Englewood Women's
Club Elects Officers
Englewood Women's club met
at the home of Mrs. J. M. Seharff
Friday afternoon. At this time
annual election of officers was
made with the result that Mrs.
John Marr, Jr., will serve ai
president, Mrs. 'Frances Welch,
vice - president, and Mrs. Victor
Woodneld as secretary.
Assistant hostess for the after
noon included Mrs. Victor Wood-
field, Mrs. Harry McWhorter and
Miss Margaret Townsend.
A program of mnsie was pre
sented by the orchestra of Parrish
school and vocal number from
Englewood school.
- Mrs. A. R. Tartar will be host
ess to the group tor the May
meeting. Present for the after
noon were Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs
A. I Skewis. Mrs. J. H. Ryan
Mrs. H. C. Grant, Mrs. Rooert
Forkner, Mrs. J. C. HiU, Mrs. J
A. Wonderlick. Mrs. W. M. Me-
Morris, Mrs. W. L. Gilbert. Mrs
O. A. Chase, Mrs. Earl Chappell,
Mrs. Watson Townsend, Mrs.
A. Barker and Miss Margaret
Examination of Records . to
Precede Mailing out
Of 210 Checks ,
Seed loan checks to the number
of 210 and totaling nearly $11,-
000 were received Thursday
morning hy . the Marlon county
seed loan committee, and will be
disbursed by mall to the borrow
ers as rapidly as possible. Checks
for the Woodburn sub-office are
also in the lot.
Before the checks are ready to
be turned over to the applicants,
records will be searched before
the mortgages are recorded. If
the seed loan committee la then
satisfied that there has been no
misrepresentation in regard to se
curing the loan, the check will be
delivered through the maiL
The county committee here has
made an excellent record on Its
seed loan endeavors, for the only
change from its recommendations
has been an occasional paring
down on the size of the loan, it
was stated yesterday.
The committee urges that ap
plicants for the loans do not come
In person tor the checks, as the
only way in which distribution'
will be made fs through the maiL
The checks received yesterday
are less than half the number
which will ultimately be received
la this county, as total applica
tions will likely exceed trfe 100
mark. More checks are expected
In smaller lots right along until
au come, some applications are
still being made.
Now Is The Time
wood n
2564 TV OL.OUs
Falls Cltyl ' Ther Missionary
Society of the Dallas Methodist
church hold its regular monthly
meeting in the local church Wed
nesday afternoon and presented
an interesting program ot playlets
I and musical numbers. At the
close of the Missionary meeting
a delightful pre-Easter silver tea
was served in the social room of
the church by the local M. E.
Ladies' Aid, with Mrs. D. J.
Grant, Mrs. E. G. White. Mrs.
M. I Thompson and Mrs. Martin
Deal In charge. About 35 Dallas
people were present.
Monmouth Mrs. R. B.
Swenaon and Mrs. F. O'Rourke
were hostesses Wednesday at
the Swenson home to the Social
Hazel Green Mrs. Ralph Wor-1
- i i mi t a j
ftlLTS 3?i2! w2kST " ciuTmVt7. rjriSi
di7mMHnrtft nnm :rt " George Beckner for an all-day
day meeting to quilt. Seventeen
members were present. Mrs. B.
C. Zlelinskl will be hostess tor an
afternoon meeting April II. Mrs.
Charles Zlellnski's side won la
the attendance contest. They
will be treated by the losers at
the Hazel Park May 2, which, will
be the last meeting for the sea
son. Mrs. Clifton is captain of
the losing side.
Misses Imogene and Lucille
Wood will be hostesses to the Ot-
quilting and pot-luck dinner.
loans. Only conservative valua
tions will be used. Home-owners
whose property Is unencumbered
will be urged to make modest
loang for improvement and re
pair purposes.
Flavor that can't
bo copied .
Application for 11 shares of
terbein Guild Sunday at 1 o'clock, ... -A T.
at th. Pearl Wood home lntsead TC!
SLil iSrfi.. Mutual Earing, and Loan asso-
elation here. The par ralue of
Hour club. The nrorram fnclud- i .JHX' w-lST. "-Tit: la the home loaa bank- entitles
ed two readings by Martha Mae when a group of friends came to th,e loeil ocIat!on "ffure
Blair, a Tiolln duet by Barbara help hhn celebrate his 40th birth. Tanc " " 11 times
Powera anil Harriet Rosalie I Hav Tit. v. i- I -" tsiu ui me iukl,
Chambers: and a talk on child d.u'.ht. ui nii nrn.iv; The local association has ap-
psycb-'.ogy and parent-teacher Mrs. Joseph Ziellnski. pUd,f?.r ?20'000 1 ? u
problems by Miss Clara Trotter, Those present were the honor inPlet,tt . peet4 ortT;
annArTiaor nf th trainlnr school. I niMt Vn WaIV u, M I ine iunas, wnen receiveu, win
th nmrram Th wTt itiMtinr Uni Tam mnh iitiiaVf I or tne local associauoa ana we
will Ka mf f-YtA " Vi tv V ora rinma I jil1tAi Jf anil Tm TMa I residue will be used for new
with, Mrs. Harriet Chambers of Mathes and daughter, ot Middle
Salem as one ot the hostesses. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Laud, Salem
I Mr. I)aillT TriaTin Mm Wllllim
McCormarlr and inn TTAnnAth. VTr
raua uy lao couuiry name nd Mrs. Perrr Sanndirann Un
or Mrs. h. Aiatner smun was tne Frances Galnard and Robert
scene of a aeugnuui social eveni Delm. Oninabr
Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. I
smith and ner motner, Mrs. Anna scj0. A birthday party honor
Vedder, entertained the Women's iQg Evelyn Katsel was held Wed
club with a one o'clock luncheon, nesdav afternoon at th hom of
f resent were Mrs. tr. tn. unggs, her mother. Mn. n.n Morria.
Mrs. Eldon Frink, Mrs. m. ju. Miss Doris Neotune and Miss Dor-
mom pson, jurs. i. u. jaenrung, ifl Clark assisted Mrs. Morris.
Mrs. E. G. White, Mrs. D. J. I OauU itUndliir wam nrnln
Grant, Mrs. D. J. Ickes, Mrs. C. P. I Flanagan. Natalie Phlllina. MTtn
Morn ana ine mviiea guests mtb. i Biiren June Cyrus, Juanlce Thay-
anerman osier ana airs. e. y. i er, Llla Lee Thayer and Donald
tieigerson. Gonser.
- I In a contest. Natalia PhiUina
Br ANNE ADAMS ' I GerraU The Hermosa so-1 received first oris for hirt eora
What the well-dressed matron j clal club met at the home of Mrs. and Carolyn Flanagan, the eonso-
ehould weaT . . . tne moaeiisam . urown xnursaay aiter- ration,
sketched today decides that ques-lnoon. Those present were Mrs.
tlon tn a rery pleasing manner. I F. w. seeiy, Mrs. Konert tiar- Gervaia Mrs. George Ramp,
The dainty nointed lace restee I per. Mrs. O. J. Moisan, Mrs. Mrs. M. H. Hennlnsr and Mra.
and pointed skirt seaming are I Sumner Sterens, Mrs. A. De Jar- Sumner Stevens attended a meet-
slenderizing and tha shoniaer ain. Mrs. u. w. uuisionn, mrs. mg of NydU Court, Daughters
capes are gracefully flared tojM. D. Hennlng, Mrs. J. V. Kep-ot the Nile held at the Masonic
further narrow .the aunonette. I ptnger, Mrs. u. t. waaswonn, parlors in Woodburn Tuesday
rintm. mill tw; fnr fhnlct of I Mrs. 8. H. Manning and the I af tarnnnn Mn. Iniit ' WiMm
y back treatments. Printed sheer I hostess. queen of Nydla temple. Mrs. Q.
erenes or cottons . would be everi . . Murnhr. Mrs. Tharaa Caatnar
o delightful for this model. I aerrau. ine ot. ita aitar ana Mrs.- Dorothy Hopkins, all
pattern 2584 may do oraerea i society mei at tne pama "m i or Portland were honored guests.
only in sizes Is, 18, 40, 41, 4riesaay aiternooa to quui. mrm.
and 41. Slza SI reqnlrea Per prauu, mrs. rrea jcaer ana
yards 1 inc fabric and yard Mrs. M. Marsters were the host-
tt Inch lace. Illustrated step-by- esses.
atep instructions included , wit - a
. , . ?;Wasonda. Mr. and Mrs.
Axtnnr uoma ana vaoir uiutaur
Connie Gofrln entertained Sunday
at their home. The .occasion be
ing tha 10tb wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Ooffln. .
WOODBURN, April 7. Burton
W. Dunn has been chosen by the
Woodburn school board as super
intendent ot public schools to suc
ceed V. D. Bain, resigned. Mr.
Dunn has been principal of Shedd
high school the past three years.
Dunn is a graduate of Kimber-
ly. Idaho, high school, Idaho State
Normal at Albion and attended
Oregon State college, receiving his
eacneior or science decree tn
1910. He also taught the seventh
and eighth grades of Greenwood
Central school at Hazelton. Idaho,
a number of years.
His salary will be S1S00 a year.
as was aeciaea by the budget com.
mittee at iU last meetine. Wed
nesday, April 12. has been named
as the date for the next budget
meeting, when teachers' salaries
win he set for the coming year.
Four Teachers at
Scio Renamed Now;!
Maybe More Later
8CIO. April T At a school
board meeting Tuesday night, the
roiiowing teachers were re-elected
to teach in the Scio schools:
Mr. Gallegly, principal, beginning
ais 7th year here: E. P. Cald
well, ninth year as teacher In the
7th and 8th grades; Miss Mil
dred Gardner, Srd and 4th
grades; Miss Dorrls Kllndt, pri
mary instructor.
Other teachers will not be
chosen natil some time la July
or August.
feat fiftom entt (He) la !
r ttamp feias pifm4), (of
this yttenu Write pUtr T
addrM sb -atrto nabr.
B au to tut ait waatod,
flul for h Aaaa Alaas t
salaa hook. It coouiaa It lortml
paffM at Jo1t Faria-laapiMd - .
la far rrery wvlay aaa
kowa kw to ha hl at rrrry haar
tt taa r. XTry atjrt 1 prartls
al, aad eay to auka. Tkara ara
atodala far tka larcar tigvra aad
acM at delightful Joalor and kU
it atylea. Lavaly llanria. aad a
arnnory pattoraa, to, rrlea af eata
las; fiftoaa casts, aatalor aad pa-,
tora tofethns, twaatr-nva aanta.
Addraaa all atoil erdora e Tka
Ortraa Statoamaa Pattora Dprt
aant, S4S W. ITtk etraat Krw
Tark ettr. ; ' ' . - -
West Stayton On tha even
ing ot April first. Mrs. Weston
Lacy entertained at bar home
with an -April Fool party; At I
contest, Clyde Comstoek took
first prize. ; .
"When yon ara offend
smbstitnte for genniao
KelloggVt remember tt la
seldom la tbo aplrlt of
service. -
$10.00 On Permanent 1100.
Shampoo, Tingerwave, Mar
cel and Haircuts, each 25c
and KOey Mrs.- Snelgrora,
beauty specialist, is now as
sociated with this .beauty
shop. ...- (
Beauty Maid Shoppe
Over Stenslof fs Phone 4 48 1
Ladies Attention
Don't fail to attend tha Ironer demonstration at
Abo demonstration at your homo if desired
TeL0023 ' -450 Btata 14.
Enter your child In
I : IV
- U
In Cash Prizes!
And a number of photograpk
prtaes. Our popular photo
graph studia wOl photograpb
your child and make two, tins
photographs ... one of which
goes te ron. the other for the
window contest. ' A slight
aharrt af only See wQ be
made for this eerrtca.
Also ewr special for ICcthart
Day . . . beauHrul txio moh
dae portrait for onh . Pur
man. women aad. ahfldram.
TJnta April llth.
wk ihow noon
For Fina Photograph
Exfraordinary Purchase
Pure Silk. Crepe Lined
This special purchase group of new polos
how all the newest shades for bow and later
wear. Light grey, green, taa, beige, etc A
grand atlllty coat for all purpose wear. Come
save today! 2nd floor.
New Swaggers Special
If seats in this greap from which te safest
swagger far spring and soamer wear ... adorabk
taehiene ... the eheieeat ef sett, eapple woolens ta
the new beiges, white, black and white, bright Maes,
aarinap reds, grey, Ugfct taa aad saaay ethers. Also
eales, tweeds aad ether reach fabrics ta this gravy.
AB are aflk crepe lined. Stses 11 te 4s. tad fleec
Special Value Group of
Values to $29 JO
Herafr a awiiil nhat mn mi aOlk mBt
' " W " - "
rar sataraay taat sheaM tatereet every thTtfty.
faahlesi hamtlag pane, flat ercpes aad raft
crepes wtth the avaeh talked ef styU featarca
far the seaeea. Capes, puff aleavee, new eeDare
and all the waaeea Maes, browns, reds, black,
eta. Prints sa new ways as wall as pUla shades.
bj Gossafd
Of oourae yon want yoor
new frock to fit over the
perfect foundation. The
logical procedure Is that
of obtaining the perfect
ftt with the perfect
foundation. Millar's be
lieve Oossard Ida that
xequlrament and are
prepared to show Salem
women the new MUSlra
pUdty garments at
I3M to $1X30 wtth ax.
pert fitting service! 2nd
New Tailored
If QtxiU The Thing"
Broad shoulders . . . puff sleeves . . .
slim looking skirts in knit or crochet.
Tour sport and town clothes of the
newest nubby yarns . . . pastel cottons
and lacy wools. Classes la this fssdnst
lng work every Saturday, Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons. Main floor.
These new tailored, close
fitting slips are an import
ant item In your wardrobe
this season. Satin and
French crepe with shadow
lace trimming or plain. The
best pastels, such as pink,
tea rose, white. 2nd floor.
New Gowns
Just arrived I Hand em
broidered, flowered ba
tiste gowns with rayoa
lace trims . . dainty, prac
tical and an excellent bar
gain at this low price.
.Your choice ot colors.
2nd floor.
700 Pain of New
Bare they are! Another big shipment of
those value giving. aQ pore silk chiffons
hi tha newest of spring and rammer
Fun fatbiODsd . . . ploot tops . . . run -stops
. , . aUpptr foot . . . trench, heel. Tha
clearest, sheerest stocking m town at this
low price I
SHADES: Bon beta, taupe mist, blonde
tone, natural beige, brown beige, gray
taupe, fawn brown. AS sisee. Uam floor.
V -v m
Special Showing
Today fcs WHITE FOOT
WEAR DAT at Miller's.
Mala floor aad baaenaeat
aboe departments. All tha
new whites tndadiag fabric,
back, pigskin, kid and calf.
Priced ai.5 ta SS.OO.
I : til
3k mi
For Edaltr
New Dept.
Ealem'g Leadina Department Store
R pairing;
' r