The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, April 8, 1933 PAGE THREE Local News Briefs lfJnn!l UL I llullLU UUU1I - Leave Headlight A bashed la sedan and a broken headlight lying on the ground marked the site ot an automobile collision at fourth and; Gaines streets uimmnr. rnnt Biae. whose se dan was smashed In on the light side and shored Into a vacant ot, reported his machine was struck In mld-lntersectlon by a car bearing license number 117 018. which police said was reg istered to Archie M. LaDue. 2010 Ferry street. The latter motor ist stopped briefly alter the col lision, then drove away, leaving his broken headlight lying. No one was injured. F.ncT Loxes tilled with our fin est Easter candy, 20c to $1. The Spa. . ' Miles Estate In The estate of the late B. J. Miles has been filed for probate In court here. It has an estimated value ot $18,000, of which $10,500 Is in real property and $9500 In personal property. The Ladd ft Bush Trust company is to be administrator. Anna Belle Miles, widow. Is to hare a life in terest In the estate, and the body of the trust, upon her death, is to ko equally to Marguerite Knight, Portland, and Roderick Cook Miles, Sacramento, Cal. There are few minor bequests made In the will. Wanted, used furniture, tel. 5110 City Blasts Stumps Explo sions heard in the vicinity of the irmnielnal auto camp, west of smith Winter street, the pastl few days emanate from stump blasting being done by a city street department crew in clear ing the creek bed. To effect bet ter drainage the crew is dredg ing out the creek and clearing away the brush. In past winters the streams coursing both sldeB of the auto park have overflowed the lower end of the grounds. iManta. cabbage, lettuce, cauli flower, tomatoes, Bermuda ionB, Salem's Petland. Fouts Files Seneca Fouts, Portia-d attorney Friday filed with the secretary of state here as a delegate to the constitution al convention to vote on repeal tho 18th amendment to the Many Students Helped About $8000 has been made available this year from various loan funds to aid students to continue their work at Willamette university. One hundred and twenty students have taken advantage of the funds.. Loans are made without interest nntil the student with draws or finishes school. The loans then must be amortized, at Interest. Fewer students have discontinued school work this year than usual, Dean Frank M. Erlckson reports. Accepts Invitation The Sigma Lambda society, newly organized ehapter of the National Honor society at Salem high school, yes terday accepted an invitation from the Alpha chapter of Eugene high school to attend the semi-annual ceremonial there Wednesday, April 12. A dinner and initiation services will make up the ceremonies. Inside Rebuilding is Under Way; Many Permits Issued This Week A few chicks Salem's hundred White Leghorn from Tuesday's hatch. Petland. ' on- Miss Crowley to Speak Miss Carlotta L. Crowley, elementary supervisor of Salem public schools,, will discuss newer meth ods in primary education at Port land today at a meeting of the Primary Council group of Multno mah county. The Portland group is headed by Mrs. Susie Emmons, Multnomah county school super visor. Fresh made Easter Candies. Spa. Bound Over Scfficient evi dence was developed at the pre liminary hearing in justice court yesterday in the case of Roy Campbell to bind him over to the grand jury for further investiga tion. Campbell Is accused of re moving fixtures from mortgaged land. J. C. Savage made the com plaint. Campbell is out on his own recognizance. Fraternis Dance Tonight Fra ternis club will hold its spring dance at the lllahee club tonight starting at 9 o'clock. Members and their guests will participate. L. M Rebuilding ot the Inside ot tho Breyman-Wbite buildings at Court and Commercial streets was fully underway yesterday and completion of the task was ex pected within 60 days, Breyman Boise, who Is superintending the work, reported. Ho said tho inner structure, destroyed by tiro in March 1932, would bo rebuilt and finishing work carried as tar aa possible, pending tennancy. Some 20 men were at work on tho heating system, plumbing, electric wiring and carpentering. . Apparently encouraged by tho open weather prevailing till yes terday, building owners all over the city were taking out per mits for repair work and con struction has been started on one house and two private garages Tho 15 permits Issued this week have a total value ot $2715. Four of the latest permits tak en out are: By Carrie Chaso to alter a dwelling at 639 Center, $450: Frank Whittemore, alter dwelling at 309 South 24th, $75; R. Schwabbauer, repair dwelling at 1675 South High, $275: Em ma Weller, erect garage at 665 North Liberty, $175. A permit was issued earlier to Emery Dehut for erecting house at 1145 Rural avenue cost ing $1300. F. D. Martin Is tbo builder. West Salem News ' WEST 8ALZM, April 7 Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hllke moved back to Bellfiold, North Dakota, Wednesday. They will motor back and ho expect to begin at onco to have a crop pat 1 oa their half section ot land. Tho C. L. Millers are moving into tho residence vacated by tho Hllkes. .Word has reached relatives hero that Charles Warm, who has been in tho Veterans' hospital all winter In Walla Walla, is very low and no hope held for his re covery. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lacey were hosts to a Jolly eard party at their homo oa tbo Heights ono evening recently. Present were Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Dalo Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Nowgont, Mr. and Un. Frank P. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. EL Lloyd Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Gos ef. Mr. and Mrs. William La Duo, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ferguson and John, Miss Lottie MeAdams, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. cook, Dean and Gordon Tracey and tho hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lacey. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wood ot Klngwood moved this week into a residence on McNary avenue aeross from tho school building. SM SEEKS S275S TAX, W10RLEY ESTATE Case of the State of Oregon against the estate of Geromo Mor ley, deceased, was heard before Speed" Benson, club vice Judge John Slegmund, and the president, is rangements. in charge ot ar- Hollywood Services Evangel- r Hr serrlppn will he. hM In federal constitution, Fouts Js ior Hollrwood at Capltol and Hant repeal ot tho amendment, ueie- streets nightly at 7:30 o'clock, bo rates to the convention will do s,in,,a.. .i-m. with s A. the special election oh.r known - oberz. the con- 21. sates to rlinnen at tn h. held In Oregon July There are 116 delegates to be elected. One Accident Fatal There was ono fatality due to indus trial accidents In Oregon dur ing the week ending April 6, ac cording to a report Issued by the state Industrial accident com mission Friday. Tho victim was Marion H. Christman, logger ot x'nrtft Pnwdr. There were z Oberg, known as verted Swede." in charge. Oberg is from Los Angeles. Used clothing, etc., would be ap preciated by Salvation Army. Phone 9437. Reports on Estate Lon Wain, executor of the will of the late Mary E. Halley, filed his annual report In probate court Friday. In come for the year has been $578 which has gone to pay outstanding court later took tho matter under advisement for a later decision. The state seeks to collect $2755 in inheritance tax from tho estate which amounted to $22,92$. T. M. Hicks, aa administrator, resists tho claim on tho ground that tho entire estate went to tho Silver ton hospital which is run without profit as a service institution and thus need not pay Inheritance taxes on a bequest. Tho Morley estate was largely in Liberty bonds, almost all of which have either been sold or turned over to tho hospital. A sum of $3000 was set aside pend ing tho court decision on tho in herltanco tax matter. EXPECTS TO REDEEM VHK CT MY Tho state ot Oregon probably will redeem all of its warrants in dorsed "not paid for want of funds" by July 1, Fred Paulus, deputy state treasurer, announced this week. Paulus declared receipts from tho personal Income, corporation excise and intangibles taxes were quite satisfactory and that the state's outstanding obligations would bo wiped out as fast as pos sible. In addition to receipts from these taxes the state treasurer will receive In excess ot $700,000 from the state insurance commis sion and $1,500,000 ot first-half property taxes duo Juno 1. During tho last week tho state treasurer paid oft $730,000 o: $1,000,000 borrowed from the state bonus commission, and $181,644.60 of $700,000 borrow ed from tho state highway de partment. No part of $1,024,000 borrowed from Portland banks has been paid. Other payments on tho state highway commission obligation will be made as fast as revenues are received at tho treasury de partment. As soon as this loan Is paid off funds will bo applied on tho remainder ot tho obligation duo tho World war veterans state aid commission. Outstanding warrants now total In excess of $700,000. fore Justice of tho Peace" Miller Hayden tor sentence. She Is serving tho fine out In tho county Jail at rate ot $2 per day. Judge Hayden stated that tho tine was the maximum that can bo assessed in tho case, and that this was given in view of the fact that Miss Grace Taylor, county health nurse who was struck by Mrs. Farlow, Is still nnder tho care ot another nurse. FIVE COUNTY ROADS SURVEYED NEW ST AM SUPPLY E PUT IN BY IMiY Five proposed county roads were ordered viewed and sur veyed yesterday when tho coun ty court met In a regular road hearing session. Tho petitions acted upon follow: Petition of J. E. Kinsey and others for short road off Silver Falls road. Petition of William McGll- christ and others tor road lm provement In Salem Heights. Petition of William Tschopp and others for road In Auburn district Petition ot W. J. Bettencourt and others for road improvement connecting with Riverside drive south of tho city. Petition of Emmett Kimes and others for road near city limits of Hubbard. Petitions for road vacations asked by H. E. DuVal and others and C. T. Towo and others were set for hearing Juno 9. pi fob mil; OUUFJBY ELUS Present River Tonnage Held Sufficient to pay for Cost of Project Plans for a $91.00 terminal dock and warehoaso la Salem were discussed yesterday before tho Salem Ad club by William P. Ellis, who has been active In bringing tho project to tangible form hero. Ellis reported that ap plication for a loan from tho R, F. C. for tho project would need now to bo held np for ap proval of tho eounell, since con sulting engineers had agreed $95, 000 Instead of $75,000 should be sought in order to build a more substantial dock. Ellis said the project would pay nnt on the basis of the 60.000 annual tonnage ot incoming and outgoing river ireigm now nan died in Salem. He said there was likelihood that much more river traffic would be developed with such a terminal built and declared It would bo of aid in urging fed eral canalization ot the river. Ellis said the city council naa nothlnr to lose but the strip of land along the river front from Court - to Chemexeta streets, whereas at the end of 25 years It stood to have title to the dock. The R. F. C. loan would oe se cured by tho land, the building and a 25-year lease ot tne baiem Navigation company. HREUT1 11', EH 5 Children Admitted April 15 For Three Eggs, to go . To Needy Tots Just present three eggs and any boy or girl In Salem or Its en virons can see "Penrod and Sam," a great movie, at tho Capitol the atre Saturday. April 15, at 9:30 a. m. Arrangements were completed yesterday by Carl Porter, War ner Bros, theatres manager here, whereby a p re-Easter matinee will bo conducted tor the kiddles, with the coop I a tl on of the Salem Lions club and The Statesman. The service organisation will arrange to distribute all tho eggs received, to needy children In this territory. One ot the three eggs presented for admission must be colored; the other two are to be fresh, nncolored eggs. The colored eggs will go to needy children for help of the Lions club while the uncolored eggs will be placed In storage tor later distribution. The theatre management will donate the film rental and the op erating costs for the matinee. Dr. Carl Emmons has been named by the Lions' club to secure a list of needy children through the local schools and to plan to distribute the eggs which will be received. At the low prices of eggs cow prevailing, the theatre manage ment thinks every child can take - advantage of tho pre-Easter treat. Tho picture dramatizes tho noted book by Booth Tarklngton and 1a very suitable for children. Vernonians Buy Gray Belle; to Renovate Fully Purchase of tho Gray Belle restaurant and confectionery here was announced yesterday, Mrs. L, R. Heltham and H-. E. MeGraw ot Ternonla acquiring tho property located la tho Klett building on State street. The new owners have Immedi ately began complete renovation ot tho plant and considerable re decorating. They hope to open for business next Wednesday.. Mr. MeGraw was a member of tho house here In 1931 and. Is experienced In business as is Mrs, , Heltham. it LA CLOTHES3 INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED) As low as $15 See the Smartest Spring Models D. H. MOSHER 474 Court St. TeL B4l a?crident.OWrepo'rted to tho com- cUhns. The; DTamatiC COIiteSt mission. m . ruminations to Be on Thursday South, East Are After Hop Roots; No Extras Here Some eastern and southern In quiries for hop roots have been received by growers in this sec tion, without avail. Probably all tho hop roots available In Oregon will stay In the state. Ono Inquiry came from Florida. and former hop growers In Oneida and Madison counties. New York. Chemeketans to Hike on Sunday To Silver Creek Silver Creek falls will be the destination ot a party from the rrhATOPketan hiking club of Sa lem tomorrow, under the leader ship of August Notdurft. Tne nix r will leave tho Jenny Lind con fectionary here at S:30 a. m. by automobile, park at North falls, probably meet a group ot Port land Maramas, and set out on the four-mile hike around the var ious falls at 10 o'clock. Trail fee will be 10 cents and transporta tion 50 cents. mission. Saturday special. Choice Roses 89c per dos. C. T. Breithaupt Florist, 657 Court. Mangold Estate In Tho es tate of the late Francis E. Man mid, nrominent Gervais citizen. w admitted to probate here Friday. Estimated value of the assets is $2500; 1500 being per sonal property and $1000 reai .m1rt, n t. Wadsworth was rivyi. -' named administrator of the es tate an' J. F. Nathman, A. Nib ler and H. Hiller, appraisers. Parkers Pay np While a atack of bench warrants lay on the municipal Judge's desk here osterdav. two more motorists om in and said $1 fines for violations of parking regulations As soon as all ot the warrants ra nrpnared. cltv nollce will set about serving them. Salem Laundry company, 263 South High street, will operate its iewn steam supply within a few weeks. E. L. WIeder announced yesterday. Work was under way 'yesterday preliminary to erecting tho ffO-foot smokestack wnicn win provide the draft for tho auto matic oil burner with which tne big 80-horsepower boiler, now set I have been in correspondence with Demands Hearing Robert H. Patzer pleaded not guilty in jus tice court yesterday to charge of uttering a forged instrument, and demanded a preliminary hearing. His case will be up April 10 at 2:30 o'clock. He Is still In the county Jail. r Seeks 600 Hazelle Gearhart yesterday filed suit against W. R. Ellis and others seeking payment of a $700 mortgage loan made In 1927 on which $100 principal nas been paid and interest up to this year. Jackson Will Lecture Dr. "Rob ert Jackson of Toronto, Canada, Is scheduled to deliver a lecture on "How to Remain Well," at the St. Paul's parish hall on Cheme- keta street tonight at 8 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend. Chimney Blazes - - City fire men were called out at 9:10 a. m.. Easter candy of tne Deuer l-yesterday to extinguish a chlm grades. The Spa. I ney blaze at 360 East Washington street, residence of ciauae I. tes ter. No serious damage was done by the flames. Larking Pays $5 Pleading guilty in municipal court yester day to a charge of speeding, G. C. Larkln, 462 State street, paid a $5 fine Imposed by Judge Mark Poulsen. . Elimination contest In the county community club dramatic competition will bo held at Tur ner high school Thursday night. April li, at 7:30 o'clock, an nounces E. L. Moor, president of the county federated community clubs. The elimination event includes the plays staged by Aumsvtlle, Hayesvllle and Frultland clubs. students to take part In a special program at 7:30 o'clock. Poppe Fined 50 R. M. Poppe pleaded guilty in Juatlee court yesterday to an assault and bat tery charge, and was fined $50; Tho fine was suspended and Pop pe placed on a year's probation. up, will oe ureo. An suvv-ganon underground fuel tank nas just been Installed. The boiler is being Installed as an economy move, according to Mr. WIeder. It will bo housed In a fully tiro-proof brick structure, so that insurance rates In that block will not bo affected. In tho past tho laundry has been supplied with steam from tbo Portland Electrle company's pow er plant. Oregon and coast growers to se cure hop roots. This section of New York, once a largo hop district. Is going back Into tho business with advent of legalised beer, and word Is that that district has been In contact with growers In Germany, Eng land and on the coast here. In an effort to get sufficient roots. Jbkaw Own reproducer PRESENT Last Time Tonight 'Diamonds or Diamonds?' Sparkling Baseball Comedy Score: All Laughs No Dull Momenta Arimisfdon Curtain 15c-25c 8:15 P.M. NELSON AUDITORIUM SALEM'S INTIMATE THEATRE" Clienicketa at Liberty Rose Farlow is Fined $50 For Attack on Nurse Mrs. Rose Farlow, who Thurs day admitted assault and bat tery chargo growing out of an episode at tho oarfieia scnooi tho nrevious day, was fined $50 when she appeared yesterday be- Jndim Marries Them Anthony James Sunzerl, 24, and Letha Ev ans, 20, were married yesieraay by County Judge Slegmund. Both reside at Jefferson where Sunzeri is a deputy constable. Rnm Take licenses A num ber ot fishermen have come to the county clerk's offices this week to talrA nnt fiahina- licenses. The trout season opens April 15. Coming Events ' April 8 Dr. Robert G. Jackson of Ontario, Canada, speaks before Progressive Health crab, S - MO Chemeket street. April 10-11 Opera, "The Bohemian Girl. April 14 Beethoven clnb of Willamette smlversity. program. Anrfl 15 Local music papils contest,' piano, voice and violin, sponsored by music teachers of Baiem, to bo held at chamber of commerce. Anvil 10 Union Easter snnriso service at Belcrest Memorial park, 5:80 a. aa. April 10 Easter services In all local church ee. April IS Zone Rally of Kazareae youth. April 18-20 Qnllt exhi bit, Knight Memorial church, April 21 Lena Belle Tar tar to present musical pro- May 5-6 Annual May festivities. Willamette uni versity campus. May 7 Moat week opens in Salem. Final phflharmon to concert today. May 112-18 Oregon State Association of Master Plumbers, annual meetings June 1-4 Evangelical conference. First Evangeli cal chnrcb -r 1 Jane 2-4 Fourth Annual Willamette " Valley Flower ' 'v. i r v-".--:-,-: -- June 10 Willamette uni versity commencement. " . July 24-28 'Annual En campment, Spanish War Vcterana, . - , New Director Named G. W. Moore of Detroit was named di rector of the school there yester day by Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county school superintendent. He succeeds Burl Davra, resigned. Special Services Sunday night will bo observed as high school students' night at the First Chris tian church, with more than $0 370 STATE STREET 5 FREE DELIVERY 2nd Door West of The Spa Obit uary Barber At a local hospital, April I, John D. Barber, aged 85 years. Survived by daughters, Mrs. A. L. Oglesbeo of SUetz, Mrs. Viola Bar rett of San Francisco: son, Ells worth Hyatt of Battleground, Wash.; nine grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Funeral serv ices from tho Ciougn BarncK chapel. Saturday, April 8, at 10 a. m.. wun tne uaa r eiiows louge and Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Interment I. O. O. F cemetery o-, - . o 1 Births I o o Valaitls To Mr. and Mrs. F. V. valaltls ot Jerrerson, a seven pound daughter, born yesterday at tho Bungalow Maternity homo. Invalid Chairs to Rent Call ! 0010, Csed Furniture ' . Department . i 151 North High Kitchen Queen MILK Hard Wheat Tall FLOUR 4 14c ia n 1 cans AX 4s7 lb. sack. 0s7C . 8.AW. MAYONNAISE COFFEE Fresh, delicious. OC O AQC Full qt .. nWC lb. can taC Oregon Full Cream Blut Ribbon CHEESE MALT Per lb 9c 3 lb. can .. 49c TOMATOES ZT1 No. 2 cans ! COKIM M cans 25c 3 can8 23c Whole Peeled ' Fancy Larje APRICOTS RIPE OLIVES l-Ib. tall cans The Finest In the Land 3 cans 29 c 2 cans 25 C Fresh, Tender Fresh New ASPARAGUS PEAS The Season's Best Well Filled Pods I 14b. bunches.. 15c 2n,s... -25c We Redeem Red Cross Orders Prescriptions C. L- WELUIAN, Ph. G. Dnif s Phone 6188 In "The Market" i?0 N. Commercial NO LIMITS, BUY ALL YOU WANT; NOT A CHAIN STORE SPECIIALS JFOU. Friday Saturday Monday 1 Pint vacuum Bottle 49e Tobacco Wing cigarettes, pkg. - 9c Camels, Luckies, Old Gold and Ch esters, pkg He Cremo cigars, 1 box of 50 for $1.39 Reme&et $1.60 Petrolagar 85c $155 S. S. S. Tonic.79c 70c Sloan's Liniment 41c 60c Veronica Water..S9c $1.00 Nujol 55c 85c Squibb Petrolatum ae 60c Bromo Seltzer 36 $1-00 Zonite 63c $1.00 S. T. 37 79e "FALL IN" I For" Tho II PAPA rw HI The line of march starts at III THE GREATER SHIPLEY'S STORE I HATS I I HI Svsry deahrod creation m straws aad straw fabric II HI a new sclpmsnt of sued fabrics and stttehod brim "sorttss." 1 II I ul Cray desired style for Batter. 1 1 II II E.9S to 405 COATS DRESSES III white Polo eoaU m plain and New Sprmc printed Ills H novelty weaves- erepea, waahable erepee and I Ijl waahable peques II 7c9St0lUS0 gjyg Swatter eoats, plains sed wzrK-XND SPECIAL Two- II llll novelty mixtores piece knitted dressea Special II 7.95 - 9.93 4.74 HI THE GREATER . II SHIPLEY'S I K STORE - , li Hill TISIT OT7R BHOX DIPARTUXNT . 1 lEriti nrrill For Colds $1.00 Listerine 69c 75c Vicks Rub 49c 65c Mistol 45c 75c Musterole 49c 100 Bayer's Aspirin..69c 100 Norwich Aspirin..39c $1.00 Rinex 165c 60c Mentholatum 36c Jumping Squeak. OC ing Fur Rabbits sWC Baby Foods S1.00 Ovaltine 69c 75c Dextri Maltose 59c $1.20 S. M. A 89c $1.20 Lactogen -S9c 75c Borden's M. M-..39c 50c Collates tooth paste. 50c Colgates tooth brush, all for 49c $1.00 Ambrosia cleaner, $1.00 Ambrosia cream, $1.00 Ambrosia pow der, all for... 75c Btdk Drags Bring Your Own Container 1 Quart Water Glass 20c (For preserving eggs) 1 Quart antiseptic solu tion, for gargl and mouth wash -50c 1 Quart Formaldehyde 50c 1 ,Pint C P. Glycerin 25e 1 Pint Aromatic Cascara 75c (Lilly & Co.) 1 Pint Bay Rum 25 1 Pint Witch HazeL..5e (Dickinson double distilled) 1 Pint Tincture Iodine $1.00 1 Pint Castor Oil 40c (Bakers, odorless and tasteless) All the above drugs are the best Quality wt can bur. You might buy drugs for less elsewhere but Quality is the ttand- - ard used when purchas ing at our store! .14c 20c Zinc Oxide ointment 75c Ben Gay 45c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer..69c 5c Corona (Log Cabin) Cigars 10 for 20c Pills and Tablets 25c Feenamint 16c 50c Phenolax 29c 50c Lac Tax -23c 30c Bromo Quinine -21e 50c N. R- Tablets .33c 60c McCoys C. L. Oil 39c $2 00 Reducoids 89c $1.00 Vannay 59 50c Ex Lax Chocolate 39c 30c Wrights Silver Cream 22c 75c Johnson Glo-coat 59c 1 lb. Agar-A gar, fine quality, CCr uncut sJall Toiletries 25c Listerine shaving , cream 16c 60c Amolin Powder 39c 50c Woodbury's hair gloss 26c 50c Keen shaving cream 23c 75c Lilac Vegetal 39c 25c Packers Tar soap 15c FISHING TACKLE esgg, spinners, lines, leaders, hooks and flies Drags Sassafras bark U & 10c Psyllium seed, blaek, clean and best quality, 3 lbs. for 65c 50c Cod Liver oil. 1 pt. 100 Hinkle Pills 25c Mercurochrome 16c 40c Ammoniated. mer cury, 1 02. tube29c Sterno 3 in 1 combina tion Milk warmer for baby; camp stove; cer eal cooker; complete NOTICE This advertisement, as published Friday, quoted Cam el, Lucky Strike and Chesterfield cigarettes at 9c per package, which was Incorrect. The correct price, 11c per package, Is shown above