PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. April 8, 1933 ARREST PIES IY FOR TEST Kahll to Face Trial Upon Beer Sale Charge; , no .v 8rew Available . i Ooettnuad from pto 1 Its belts one of the imnl beT erages banned by the city ordin .". . . ' Al the same time the thirsty flocked te tie one source of beer la the etty yesterday, hundreds of motorists struck out north snd south along: tbe highway seeking a roadside stand stocked with tbe beverage. Tbe result was that applies of beer lasted but a few hour at most. When mors beer . would be available -was unknown. It .was generally expected little beer would be on sale again until . next Monday and later when ship ments will begin coming in from - San Francis eo end eastern brew-, eries. Sharkey First to with Beer Graham Sharkey "scooped" all others when be arrived in Salem ' at ILS. yesterday morning, his light truck bearing fotir 16-sal-f ton Itegi ef beer destined for Sa lem Golf club. Yesterday after noon the first keg was tapped mere ana lis contents aeau to . dozens of club members. 1 Keanwhile In surrounding i towns others of the thirsty ' throated upended steins and bot tles of brew. SUverton residents greeted a beer truck last night. DALLAS, April 7 Kersey's restaurant here dispensed two barrels of 3.2 beer here In two hourg today. Other business houses were expecting bottled beer shipments Monday or later. The latest to obtain a city beer license Is the Blue Garden confec tionery, operated by Paul Skeels. MONMOUTH, April 7 C. E. Fetser. proprietor of the Vio let Ray cafe here, made applica tion this week for a license to sell beer in Monmouth. As the city council ruled that while the beer may be non-intoxicating. It Is alcoholic, thereSore eontra renlng the city charter and or dinance No. 1. Fetzer got no license. MT. ANGEL, April 7 Beer was legally saleable by licensed dealers here today through ac tion' of the city council. The li censing system will be in effect, atJeast, til June S, when the voters will decide on a proposed charter amendment to . empower the" city to engage in the buying and selling of non-intoxicating beverages and of Intoxicating beverages In so far as the law may allow. Gate to Crater i: Lake Open Early ; KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., April T--(AP) The Klamath entrance to Crater Lake national park was opened today, three days earlier than In 1932. The Klamath en trance has been the first to be . open for the third successive year. The first car to be driven to 'the rim was by George Mc Murphey, Portland advertising ' man. J SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT' or T-i9 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE . COMPANY OF AMERICA t Mewaifc. In the state of New Jersey, mi .. Slat rfM A TW.Mh.. 1 U11 -j ithe tnsaranca commissioner of th rtxt, nf Oregon, pursuant to law: CaaHal. iAmoont of capital stock paid Bp . .1 S.000.000.00 flfota! pMmtum lncomt for tha year f 669,310.48AM Sa'.erest. flvldtadi and rcata racaivad durlns ttta year lz7.7M.34S 83 Swrni from other sources t-acetTCd during the jrear. 33.6S0.3U.73 Total laeoma . 720,727,l3. Pts tars 1 1 xata. fsM for lasste. endow. : mente. annnlUea and sur- ' render vaaiea $ Nl.e0,S34.3 S7.M3.28S.U 470,000.00 S8.737.US43 13.510,737.18 47.T11.75S.81 vivwrnu, ius in sknicj. hokiere diizinr the veer. . PiTtdeada paid oa capital stack durtag the year. .. . Comrataaieaa and aalarlea paid durlog tbe year, to clodlnc BBtdteal . leea aw 3 f eea for Inspect toa risks TtJrea, Uceuea and fees . paid during the year Amount of all ether es- J Total xpenditarea . U1.153.00A 07 Tslue of real estate us aed (Bsarket value $ owaed (market ar a war Used values) x,UT,80.860.M toane caortgagM and , collateral, etc J.il4,81.3i.l4 srnmw amies ana pohct - loans .7. Cum tn esoks. en haod aod ' la ttaaalt ......... . rlet aaooiiwrtsd and deferred premiums , Interest aad rents deia and accrued Other assets (net)........ SS,443,4S.3S St80t.40S.S4 es.eoi.3M.2o 80.035. 838.03 44.SOO.00 ' - Total Mmlttsd assets... .JJ.n3.7M.344.S0 UaMidca. . Ket rssn isa XX, 445. 463. 730. 00 Orass claims for losses m.'0-90''"'-'' Apeortione m one, payaDte la 1933. 39.(70.783.00 sea to the credit of v : ewterred dividend policies iT.ant.oaa aa ui vussr usmuoes 3s,oue.oi.u Total itabQUea, except tcapital paid n &,ooo.000.oo Surpioa aver all UeMHtles. . SA37A00Xg2 BurpKst aa regarda poitoy. Total ...I.773,7,JU.1 fartkoXaar. Scddaat aad feeattk pre- mlums recelead . Croaa premluma receired during Ue year......... : Pramsnna and dtvtdeads ra turaed darlag tbe year.. Lasses and cielme paid du 61 U, iSf W057A70 0.3T1.U 1.591.414.03 S3S.4SS.ST S0g.UX.SS Of the 8470.000 Paid atacbhaMaea. UM . - 144.08 aa ratonied to the compear for distribution to the poUcyboUersToaitork purchased by the eosapany aad mow held f : by Vivlaa If. lerte aad James Karaey. . troataea for the peilcyholdsrs. r t M.023,SS1 00 par TaJue of eapttaT ftork ef the cutapaay haa beea parehased pursoant to the provisions of chapter the Laws " ,Tr. .J?rw2 the year-1013. and is now hold by Vivtea U. lewis and Jasaea 5w"y trustee, tor tha poucybeldera of tha casapany. - TM TVCDTTCltkl. INSTRANCsI COMT ANT AKXJUt A ! EDWARD XK DUrrnXD, Proa. WHXIAsf W. VAN NALTS. Baa. rt, ' ' OnCK . 8TERKXB. ; ssosar OrdWary iept. U. g. Basal Bldf- RULED TRIAL o - ... , o 5 - Superior Judge Louis B. Ward, of San. Francisco, who granted the motion ef defease attorneys and ruled that Torn Wooney. who ha? erred II years of a life sentence in San Quentin for alleged participa tion la the 1916 Preparedness Day bombing, is entitled to a sew trial on an indictment which was unused against him at the time of his con viction. Judge Ward fixed April 26th for the ooenin? of the trial The Call Board Bj OLIVE M. DUAE ELSINORE ' Today Constance Bennett in "Our Betters." CAPITOL Today "Untamed Africa," and Jack Holt in "When Strangers Marry." HOLLYWOOD Today MItzi Green and May Robson in "Little Or- phan Annie." GRAND Today Regis Toomey and Anita Page in "Soldiers of the Storm." "When Strangers Marry," the Columbia melodrama of the trop ics, win be the attraction at the Capitol theatre starting today. Jack Holt is starred as a dynamic engineer who fights to finish a railroad and keep his wife in the exotic but deadly Jangles of Java. The story Is one of mad mar riage between two individualistic, high-tempered people who find their love going to pieces under the wilting heat and dull mono tony of a tropical sun. In addition to this will be "Un tamed Africa." a tale of animal life of Africa and carrying with it an interest! eg story of dramatic incidents according to those who have seen the picture. HAWAII GOES WET HONOLULU. Anril 7. ( API Governor Lawrence M. Judd to day signed a bill providing for the regulation and taxation of beer, bringlne Hawaii within the uom of the national act. The Royol Fomfly of 8 lo) f t t wt,TJay IK Mickey Mouse Matinee ':br0A? Today at Hlvi P.m. -XUft ADDED ff Ys'' Sf FEATURE ( JMlW "Rebecca of 4?fZSliSiftJ02, Sunny Brook "OUR BETTERS Of Coars mh ANITA LOUISE A Big: Stag GILBERT HOIAND Show 1 CHABIES STARRETT (IB 3 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY He Startled the World.. . This mad monk who posed as a Saint and 'Ji'T&Le an Empire JSss, r l : -v. , v Mid- V c -' f ? v 't i night V " I Show A'j Tonight I . t . - ii;3o jj x..:.:.y and raiNi ri 4V 5UVU Li- i n n snion Dr. A. L Suhrie of New York Will be Guest Speaker; Others too MONMOUTH. April 7 Prep arations sre being msde for the seventh annual educational con ference at the .Oregon Normal school, to bo held here Saturday April 22. Dr. Arne 8. Jensen Is again acting chairman of the con ference committee. The leading speaker will be Dr. Ambroso L. Suhrle, professor of the department of education - in New York university. Other edu cators participating in the confer ence will be Dr. John R. Mueller, university of Oregon; Dean H. G. Sheldon, University of Oregon; Miss A. Frances Lawrence, of eastern Oregon normal school; C. A. Howard, state superintend ent of public instruction; Superin tendent C. A. Rice of Portland and others. A library display of books at tractively arranged will be a spe cial feature. Exhibits In the pri mary department of the training school; and in the art department of the normal are planned. An added feature of interest will be the attendance of repre sentatives from the placement bureaus of the University of Ore gon and Oregon State college who will be here to aid high school teachers In finding positions. Op portunity also Is offered to grad uating students to Interview su perintendents concerning post tions for next year. Unmarried Men IS to 25 First On Forest Jobs PORTLAND, Ore., April 7 Unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 25 will be the first selected for the reforestation work In President Roosevelt's relief program, according to word received from Secretary of Labor Frances Perking today by Raymond B. Wilcox, chairman of the Oregon state relief com mittee. Oregon's quota In tha first group Is expeeted to be about 2500 men, It was announced. The men, It was ; said, must be selected not later than April IS. A total of 250,000 men through out the country are eventually to be employed. Gaynor Granted Divorce; Claims Husband Jealous LOS ANGELES, April 7 (AP) A recital of the marital tribulations of 5-foot 100 pound Janet Gaynor of the movies, won her a divorce today from Lydsll Peck, screen writer. The diminutive actress, who Is known to thousands of film fans in her habitual parts as- an nnsophisticated young girl, charged that her husband up braided her about her firm work. was Jealous and suspicious of her, spoke abusively to her at parties and at times drank to excess. Americo'f $how; world in Mickey NOTES Yast uttft warn Loan Nit at tha Capitol wotta mob -wotta mob. What kind of weather are we going to have? ... M. M.C. Somethlnr ssecial for all Mick ey Mice today. ... BI. al. O. The drawinsr contest will h concluded today. ; M Is C How do tod Ilka "Baota im white flannels. I think he ought to throw them In th river. 'VAa and keep them on while doing It,) GREAT NEWS ' TTncia Al Adolph Is back. M.M.C. I Special nlcture todar nhra of Sunnybrook Farm. M. M. C. Do yon know that In Washine-. ton. D .C. there la a tflz-V Motue club of just, colored boys and girls? M. U. C. Just beard that Mart An Tirana got a pair of white flannels. (X guess u s too Did.) M. M. C. Some program today! Be there, hub? So Long ZOLLIS. Bf APRIL 27, SAKS Prune trees la the Liberty sec tion will de well to be In bloom by April 17, E4 A. Jory, Salem resident who has an 80-aere prune orchard la that section, said yes terday. He indicated that he does not think there Is a chance for the Cherrian celebration of Blos som day to come April II, as an nounced. Mr. Jory sets the date as the 7th, with ordinary weather; if more cold weather should come, blossominr wonM be forth re tarded. Peach trees on his home place at 425 Hoyt street are la bloom this week, Mr. Jory reports. Obit uary Lewis At Ue residence. 147 Waller street, April 7, Mrs. Mary M. Lewis, aged 74. Widow of the lat Henry Lewis. Mother of Mrs. Minnie Hughes of Belling ham. Wash., Mrs. Gladys Seymour ef Centralis, Wash., Mrs. Ethel Mode of Centrarla, Mrs. Llla Irersoa of Salem, Mrs. Nona Hooker and Mrs. Rath Brady of Dallas, E. R. Lewis of Beaver. W. p. Lewk of Salem. P. 1. Lewis of Fresno. Cslif., Guy Lewis of Falls City; also sur vived by two brothers and two sisters. - Funeral announcements later by W. T. RIgdon and Son. Parrish At the residence, 1SS0 Mar ket street, April , Msttle Ann Parrish at tha age of IS years. She leaves a son L. R. m. Pierce. Graveside services at Forest Grove Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the direction of W. T. RIgdon and Son. mm blossom TODAY AND SUNDAY Two Big First (ff S . A' Two years in the making. You'll wonder how they ever got back dice after taking' this amazing picture of wRd Ufe in darkest Africa. -AND - fjtZe l3CWWi SPIieOPBtT SILVEIIII IS WET j ' v' ,r (Ceatmuod frees page 1). spring- opening program was un der way created a lot ef interest. Everything was orderly. Ames Hardware store won the grand prise la the window contest. Other prises were: Variety stores Handy's. General merchandise J. 6. Penney, Brelsr's. Specialty shops Van Ada, Mi lady. Eat shops Duck 'a Swallow, Sllvertoa Grille, Jewelers Lerfald, Caisu Cleaners Cooper's, Autocrat. Shoe shops Kellner, Schmidt. Hardware Ames, Starr. Furniture H. L. Stiff, first and second prises. Plumbing Johnson, In man. Meat shop City Market Barber O.K. Bakery Fish. Electric Goods General Else- trie. Drugs Steelhsmmer, Olsea. Grocers Porter, Aim's. CHJUIIT1ES PROVIDE FOR 314 FAMILIES Tbe need of indigent residents ef Marlon county still is very great. Mrs. J. H. Ross, executive secretary of Salem Associated Charities, Informed the directors at their monthly meeting Thurs day. She listed work of the charities In March as follows: Three hundred fourteen fam ilies, consisting of 7(0 individ uals, cared for; 134 grocery or ders vslued at given. 41 wood orders at $s?.5v, tour al lotments of bedding and furni ture at 1 7. 154 articles of cloth ing, including layettes, at $ss.S4. and 1150 meals at fill. Total value of donations to tTle needy was I43S.S3. The -board expressed appreci ation for tbe excellent support ef the public especially In the mat ter ef cash contributions. New Sheriff of Jackson County To Take Office MEDFORD, Ore.. April 7. (AP) Walter . Olmscbeid, ap pointed by Governor Jnllus L. Meier yesterday to act as Jackson county sheriff dnrlng the 90 dsys' suspension of Sheriff Gordon L. Sehermerhorn, will take the oath of office Monday ,it was announc ed today. Official notice of his appoint ment was received here today. Sehermerhorn is under indictment for complicity in the theft of 10,- O&e ballots from the county court-. house on the eve of a recount to determine tbe legality of his elec tion. Better Highway Maintenance in 1933 Predicted PORTLAND, April 7. (AP) Dr. E. B. McDonald, president of the Oregon State Motor associa tion, ssld here today that Oregon motorists may expect from IS to Run Features! Arm these strattce creatures the AN-MATING APES you've read about? Are these the gorillas Rus sian scientists are mating with humans to find the miss ing link? They are only one of the hundreds of strange jungle species flashing across the screen in this most excit ing of all adventure pictures! Ml?) Strangers in Love! Friends in Hatred! Jack Holt in ..... " " Marry" with Lillian Bond Continuous Shows Today and Sunday, 2 to 11 P.M. Only nr Anytime 10 per cent better maintenance oa their highways la llll than IB 1111. Maintenance costs la 11 IS. lie said, were tl.7SS.717 and ths general maintenance Item la the budget for 1ISS la 11.15 0.0 00. Estimated savings . la salaries, supplies and equipment will be lt per cent. r SWAYS 10 ooi am The state treasurer yesterday repaid to the ststa highway com mission 1119,911.40, covering the balance of $700,000 originally borrowed for use of tbe general fund. Of the amount repaid IS1I.4SI.40 represents principal and IS It interest. A payment of 1181,544.40 previously wss made on the loan. ' Repayment of the full $700,000 transferred from the highway fund to the general fund and $710,000 of the $1,000,000 re paid te the World War Veterans 8tate Aid sinking fund leaves out standing only $270,000 to be transferred to the bonus commis sion account and $1,0X4,000 with six months' Interest thereon, to the Portland banks. The letter loan draws five per cent iaterest. Treasury department officials estimated that by May 1 approxi mately $100,000 of the bank loan and Interest would be repaid. This would live $850,000 owing to the Portland banks, with approxi mately $1,900,000 of first-half property taxes payable June 1. The bank loan probably will be paid early in June. County Holiness Group Meeting Here Thursday The regular monthly meeting of the Marion cosnty Holiness association will be held at the Highland Friends church here Thursday, April 11, beginning at 10:10 a.m., when Rev. Herman Maey of the Scotts MlUs Friends church wfil bring the message. At 2:10 o'clock. Rev. E. W. Pettlcord of the' Evangelical church of Salem will deliver the sermon, and at 7:20 p.m.. Evan gelist E. W. Cox, who Is con ducting meetings at the Highland Friends, will apeak. Bird Life Here Is Discussed by Dubois at Y. M The T. M. C A. lobby program last night, featured by H. M. Du bois, naturalist, in an. illustrated talk oa "Birds ia the Vicinity of Salem." proved popular with Sa lem residents, especially among the school children. Preceding the main program a banquet was held in the dining hall in the nature of a boys camp reunion. Boys planning oa .going to summer camp this year and those who had been there in pre vious years were present. The lob by program was sponsored this week by the boys' camp committee. US COMING MONDAY True and authentic in every detail. It's an event to startle and amaze with its vital facts. No adult man or woman in Salem should miss it. The Most Sensational Motion Picture Ever Filmed a- i - Nothing before like 1L It comes di rect from an Oakland run. It will be offered here exactly as presented in America's largest cities. Ladies Only 2 to 4 p.m. MRS. JARDINE McCREE Noted Authority am Sex She will tell yea what causes divorce; hew te bold your husband end other astonishing facta. 4 Men Only 7 to 11 p.m. PROP. HOWARD GOLDIN No One Under ie Ad. mitted to Any Shew Noted sex philosopher, will tell you na ture's laws and other delicate secrets Of life remember, knowledge. Is priceless. Trained Attendance QCC A real "a blood care of expectant mothers; and many other asnaaiag scenes. Do you hare children? Do you want children? What causes crime? What are the laws ef lore? Would you know happi ness? Would you aroid misery? Oeaa Deceat Meral I S UTS EXTBiSI RELIEF Monthly report of the Open Door Mission, SIS North Com mercial. shows the largest activ ities since the mission was opened for relief of needy here. This in creased work has beea made pos sible by the full cooperation of various churches in the city, states Pastor Earl J. Sechrist. The relief department of the mission -last month gave to the needy: SS pairs ef shoes, $4 child's garments, 76 adult gar ments, at relief prices valued at $50; lodged 910 transients; took care of SS aick persons; checked 1500 articles without charge; gave te transients oely 250 hair cuts; and served 4.119 meals to transients and others. Allowing $0 for the clothing distributed, a cent each for tran sients lodged and articles cheeked, 10 cents each for meals and hair cuts snd a dollar each for sick pa tients, the total cash value of this work, all done without eharge, was $S4S. Mr. SechrUt states liberal do nations to the mission have made this showing possible. A number of Salem pastors are occupying the pulpit eaeh night. thus siding the temporal and spir itual needs. STATE' CONVENTION The first annual convcf .CTon of the Oregon Building congress, to be held at Oregon State college April 28, will consist of a noon luncheon, farm building confer ence and evening banquet with approximately 150 delegates at tending, according to L. R. Scho- ettler of Salem, who with R. D. Slater, W. J. Liljequlst and E. A. Balderee Wednesday night con ferred with the convention com mittee at Corvsllls. The state college is sponsoring the builders' program. Among the speakers at the var ious meetings will be Governor Julius L. Meier, Lyle P. Barthol omew of Salem, Ralph Hamilton, O. M. Plummer of Portland. State Senator F. M. Franciscovlch of Astoria, and Deans Lawrence and Rogers of the college. Dean Sehoenfeldt will be the presiding officer snd Frank Branch Riley the speaker at the banquet. Twenty or more members of the Sslera chapter will attend. Hug is Defeated For President of Inland Educators SPOKANE. April T. . (AP) Some 2000 members of the Inland Empire Education association elected a president and other of ficers, passed resolutions and closed the 15th annual conven tion of the organisation here to dsy. Dr. Charles A. Rice, superinten dent of city schools at Portland, Free The First 100 Ladies in Line Mon day at the Box Office win Be FREE as Guests of of Management One Price to An SSe Doors Opea l:SO aad 7p.m. Nurses in at Every Show Ctvesariaa operatioa; transfusion Doors Opca at 1:89 p. tau T . m. Bites US SIMS J was elected president.-succeeding Miss Ruth West of Spokane. Dr. Rice, the choice of the nominating committee, won the post from George Hag. superintendent ef schools at Salem, Ore., a former vice-president, after, a battle ea tbe convention floor. F The Marlon county seed loan office at the Salem chamber of commerce will be continued for another week, P. H. Bell, legal ad visor to the committee, announced yesterday, following a visit from Ira Hyde, in charge ef the Port land office for the federal agri cultural department. Earllre announcement had been made that the local otfiea would be discontinued today. Fifty more checks were receiv ed yesterdsy from the Minneapolis olziee of the seed loan enterprise. This brings the total number of checks received here ia two dsys to 2 SO, representing about $10.- ooo ia cssti lor Marion county farmers. Paciic A. A. Has Office Here Now Opening a Salem office at 20 North Cottage street the Pecifle Coast Auto association is now better able te Uke care ef the demands of its membership la this territory. It operates to provide motoring information and legal and other service to members. G. J. Beyer Is the lo cal manager. 1 -.Srwrf .-raj . - 'f ea is:-- MAH(XK0l1sdllK2tEr PS OILYVOOUI Mickey Mouse Matinee Today 1:30 P.-M. The Comic Strip of Millions Now Brought to the Uvrns 8crem wuk Mrm cnEEN MAY BODS OXi Also "Our Gang" Comedy, News, Mickey Mouse and Final Chapter "Hurricane Express" ATTEXD OUR 9 O'CLOCK 8ATCRDAT NIGHT SHOW AND REMAIN FOR OCR 11:15 MIDNIGHT MATINEE FREE! "The Old Dark House" STARRING KARLOFF and Melvrn Douglas SUNDAY, MONDAY? AND TUESDAY' ConUnnoos Pevfonnaaee Sun day, 3 to 11 P. JL NOTE Regular price of 23e will pre vail on this picture. FIRST SHOWING IN SALEM tOTlC DRAMA OF THE BAUNESE i nvc RITES The Powerful Drug that awakens the Passions of the Hu man Bodyl Directed by Andre Roosevelt St Armond Denis Also laurel Hardya eraas, News aad Dance Re wewy Guest tJrkets void on this program. SEED TAKE! El OIliEfi WEEK Al i m -usss fVWgSe. Up $4 AtEnds S SnniLiw 7 vA ri