The OREGON STATESMAN, Balera, Oregon, Friday Morula g, April 7, 1933 page mm T 0 sf vr -r 4. r. ir :. X r J . .V i 4. FIE FIGHTER UNDER ABREST Harold Sorg Charged ,With incendiary Blazes; Grand " Jury Indicts DALLAS, April ". Harold Sorg, member of the Independence fire department, .was, arrested .Wednesday at Oregon City and re turned here the same day by George Thomason of the state po lice. 8org waa indicted Tuesday by the Polk county grand jury on a charge of setting fires in Inde pendence. He waa placed In the county jail here and wUl be ar raigned next week. - fi ; Albert Winklebfack. indicted by the , grand Jnry Tuesday on a charge of assault with a danger ous weapon, was arrested Wed nesday and brought to jail here. He pleaded mot guilty when ar raigned and his trial waa set for Tuesday, April II. The court ap pointed Robert Kreason of Dallas as his attorney. Albert Chalmers' 21, of Cooper Hollow, pleaded guilty Wednesday to a charge of petty larceny and will be sentenced Monday, April 11. He was Indicted Tuesdiy on this charge r and waa arraigned Wednesday morning. - These arrests opened up two more Indictments returned by the grand jury during their session M onday and Tuesday. Only one in dictment remains "ecret. The jury has been dismissed aubject to call and Is expected to meet again be fore the April terra of eourt is fin ished to consider other mitten. A complaint was filed la. the clerk's office here Wednesday by J. W. Rogers and Bell Rogers ts. S. L. Pawk, to collect $160 due on -the sale of wheat to the de fendant. . .. .- ..: -IT ;- 1TAUGES LOCATED BRUSH CREEK, April ; I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauge are making their home here with Mr. Hauge's mother, Mrs. O. 8. Hauge for the present while Mr. Hauge is working out of Salem. He drives forth and back morn ing and night. The Hauge's hare been Urine at Eugene for the past sereral years. 294 N. Commercial St. 4 Deliveries o Phone 3527 Do yon know that we are one of the largest egg and chicken buyers in Marion County, and that we employ all local help in our Firm? We carry a complete line of Fresh Fruits, Vegetable, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Chicken and Dairy Feeds with other. Farm supplies. - Ton will 'scree with the other 100s of our customers that our prices are right. Kerr's Flour and Cereals, Whole 9c Wheat 10a ... aWC Rolled Oats 10s 27c Hot Cake Flour 10s 39c Corn Meal 10s 19c Coarse or fine Graham 10s ... 25c Kerr's White Eagle Hard Wheat QO Flour 49s OoC Peanut Butter, lb. Bring container 7c Hodgen Brewster Chick Start Mash O A with milk, yeast... .OU H. B. Chick Starter with milk . 2.10 Crown I HQ Bulk Coffee, A1 Flour 49s J. LJ3 1 lb. 15 3 lbs. tO C Uneeda Baker's Chocolate Fountain Yellow OC- Eclairs, 1Q Corn 2s, 3 for. aWC one lb. leC Can't be beat Broken 1Qi Snow Drift 4AM Rke,81bs. AJC 3 ib. can Nice Fancy Hams 1 A !T" 10 to 12 lbs, per lb. AtC Sugar 41c Fresh Extra Eggs,. Qt 2 doz. for. adlC H. B. Chick Starter O A A Mash, plain "U All Pure Milk, or tall cans, 6 for WC polished . 1 OC , Crax Corn 100s..!. laCD Hodgen Brewster Dev. Mash with milk and ,OT1 , a sg 2.20 sasa,- $i-is H. B. Dev. Mash O AA Mill OA with milk 100s fraUU Run 80s ; UvL. H. B. Dev. Mash, 1 AA We pay one cent mora plain, 100s 1 eaU in trade for eggs We Are Your. Friends and Neighbors Soap Ivory Bled. Size Das 6 Soda G & H Baking large size Pitg. Phone 4018 - We Deliver Quantity Orders - 245 N. Commercial (SoCOee M.J.B. 1-lb tin ..... 30c 3-lb tin 85c Fine Granulated 8Lbs. 33 c 2 Egg c Fresh Extras from Salem farms Doz. 23c Vhito Iting 27c 3b. 11c Granulated Lge. Pkg. Mission Ben Toilet Soap. . . Toilet Tissue Waldorf or Blue Crest 3 for . llC FLOUR Homebound Brands a Hardwheat flour 49 Lb- Bag 77c Boonac Small Baby Limas 3 Lbs.....u-. 17c Sajp Crystal White 10 Bar 23C Extra Large Italians 4tbs.. 17c Bliss Coffee, vacuum packed, lb. 25c Purex Bowl Cleanser, , ,. -39c .12c Syrup, Log Cabin, med. size. Minute Tapioca, package . Posts Bran Flakes, try them, Pkg. 8e Posts Whole Bran, for a change, Pkg.10e Tree Tea, lb. Green 25c; M lb. Black 32c Wheaties, Cereal Bowl Free, 2 Pkgs. le Calo Dog Food, 3 cans. . -23c Geisha, Crab Meat, y2s can .29c .17e .10c Wheat Flakes, 4 lb. sacks. Small White Beans, 3 lbs.. Jig Saw Puzzles, 340 - 380 pieces 2 for 25e Bread & Butter Pickles, 2 jars. 19e Bugle Salmon, tall cans, 3 for. 25e Peaches, No. 2y3 Mission, Sliced or Halves, 2 cans 23e Dates, fancy, bulk, 2 lb- pkg. 15c Matches, 6 Box Carton . 19e Crackers, 2 lbs. Snowflakes, ctn. 24e Cocoa, Our Mothers, 2 lb. tin ; . 17e Jell Powder, 8 assorted flavors, pkg..4 Bottle Caps, Bull Dog, pkg 15c oaiau juressing uoia aieaai, qis. ze Sardines, a special feature, 3 cans . , 10c in' w Onions Boilers 25V 17c Onxoa Sets Med. size 4 Li 10c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Offangcs Extra Sweet Small size, doz.5 Med. size, dor. 13c Large size,' dor. 29c Asparagus Long Green Fancy California 'Full' Pound Bunch ; r.. 9c Carrots, Beets Turnips Green Onions Radishes 3 1A Irnnchp vt i PURE PORK OAUGAGB ;H lb. PURE BEEF Hamburger? :( lb. f PRIME YOUKO BEEF POT IIOAGTO QVQ Ok ground with Baeair' , Fins ISSS lb. COEJTJCIL FAILS TO CHANGE BEEfl LAW WOODBtTRN. April f At the regular business jaeetln of the city council Wednesday night it was decided to make no change la the city ordinance in retard to the selling; of. beer. .- The street committee reported they had made an lnTestifation In regards to board side walks and recommended the condemning of all board walks oa Lincoln, 100 feet on Bottle and Settlemler streets, all board walks on the west tide of Settlemler and recom mended the placing of a concrete head near the Hugill property where there is now concrete tile. Other wslks named as unsafe were on Ogle, Brown. Wilson. Stark, Oswald, Cast Hays. Cupid. Blala and Byron streeV and on the west side of Second street. There were no plans made to build new walks at the present tuna. . -..' -'."' Flit BITES HELD FOB IS. A. THE BEST Vcgc'Dlo CEioffttcning a lbs, ag KETTLE RENDERED PUEE LAQD . : lbs. Eg STAYTOM, April fMrs. Ana Adams, 83, who died at her Port land home Monday, was burled from the Weddlo chapel here Thursday afternoon, with Inter ment at the mausoleum at Balem. Mrs. Adams suffered a broken hip last fall and was in a Portland hospital from Not. 11 untU March 11. She was bora la Monterey. California. February 11. 1875, and came here about 10 years ago, when Mr. Adams purchased 03 xvith DjouUcHestedi WwddcAditml Schaefer s Drug Store The original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store of Salem 1SS V. Commercial St. Dll 017 Penslar Aceacy When You Think Drugs, Think Schaefer Friday and Saturday Only Stock up on Schaefer's Horns Remedies Made fa Saleaa by a ta ov owa laboratory aad gaaranteed to raUero or meaey reraaded Free Yourself From Troublesome Corns It's so easy and so pleas ant to use Schaefer's Corn Remedy. Just apply a drop of the remover to the center of the corn. Yon can actually feel the pain leaving the tender spot After five days, at the most, the entire con can be removed with the fingertips. 25c Bottle No Cure No Pay Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam When you buy this fam ous Salem remedy you are getting a sure relief that soothes almost in stantly as it relieves. Try a bottle of this won der remedy for that cough or cold. Sold only and guaranteed by us. 50c $1.00 BOTTLES Bewizo and Schaeferize Mint Straws 60c lb. regular Weekend Ofl Special lb. Horehound Drops Our own 1 C formula, lb. IOC Two lbs. 25e 35c Bayer Aspirin 18c Cash Buys,' d the Lotsest Price 'Always Mead's Dextri-Maltbtt 59c Ice Cream Soda flavor lt Emil Schaefer's Hand Rolled Chocolates 11.50 Eft Quality OUC lb. All Centers Different Easter Eggs Plain and Chocolate coated lc to 5c Also baskets , snd noreltiaa Oval tine Ik00 69c 50c Tek Tooth Brush 25c 15 Corn Pads 9s 15 Ziao Pads 27t 25e Bins Jay 17s S5 Freezone 19t S3e Gets It 2Zc l Out Gro 69e Dollar Mints Dark Chocolate 18c 2 lbs. for 35c Colgate's Tooth Paste 3 for 49c Candy Eggs For Easter 19c1 2 lb, for 35c Turkey, hen. duck, stork, and rooster We reserve the right to reasonably limit quantities the Staytoa - hardware aempaay. Ha died abont a rar lstp ' m.nA last Tear aha mored to Portland. Eumnng are three daughters, Mrs. Mao Neltllng, Stayton, ,M18 Eaa Adams saa rrandsco. and Mrs. 'Louise Adams. Portland; also to brothers la California. SAME PROCE 0Cozieuf AS 42 YEARS AGO buSavouiBuwnaf(C 1 YooSavain UsmqKC ECONOM ICAL id EFFICI EMT CARRIE HAMBERG UillJULfeUfeUL,- WsU)lib IStelsW J CALLED BY DEATH SILVERTON, April f Funeral serrlees for Mrs. Carrie R amber g. 71, who died Wednesday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Inga Carlson, near Toder, will be held from Rot. H. Rogen's church at Monitor Saturday at S p. m. with interment in the Simmons cemetery; Mrs. Ramberg hsd llTed near Toder for the past 38 years. Mrs. Rambarr wui Knrn la Korwsr. Sentember 7. It si. Rh is surrlTed by the following chil- aren. August Ramberg of Can- oy, airs, canson or Toder, Rich ard Ramberc of Mnl&lli- Mm Alma Moe and Mrs. Sophia Marine 01 wooaourn; Alfred of Ererett. Washington; Mrs. Jennie Moen of Minneapolis and Chris Ramberg of Monitor. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Larson a Son. No tied to Sliop fqrr Bargains FIDLES 'SELLS FOR " LESS BECAUSE HE SELLS FOR CASH ELECTRIC RANGE 1 Used full enamel, all automatic Westinghouse electric range. Only $47.50 NEW DINING SET 8 pee. walnut dining set With 60" buffet to match. Beautifully finished and massive-look- CC!Q C A Ing. A regular $79.00 seller. Our Price w DlOU Ton save $30 Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose . Just received a complete stock to be held at the low est possible cash prices. I Used 50 lb- ice box. side bargain at $9.00 1 Used 100 lb. ice box, a real buy at $12.50 Ctofclajr Oat nflnUrxsd farnitare at 25 off. Breakfast tables and chairs not iscladed. Filler s Furniture Store NEW AND USED 255 N- Commercial Tel. 8425 These Prices Good FRL, SAT, & MON April 7, 8 & 10 St S5rffii blir ti 1 VM If you are nickel and dime conscous. here's the sals for you. This list Is only part of the many I and II cent Items featured. Come and sfs. Barker's lfi-ox. loaf ru. ,0 BREAD Baby Lima Beans Libby's Peaches Campbell's Pork & Beans Van Camp's Hominy Cadumet Starch Rose City Macaroni Brown or Powd. Sugar Maraschino Cherries Ammonia or Bluing' . With I BsOs Lee Tissue shpthig sag rr Crystal White Cleanser NUCOA lb. 1 OC Ubby's Deviled Meat 3 foc 10 Candy Bars and Gum 3 r 10 Cheese, Fancy Full Cream rwu i(r Highway Catsup Btu 10" Pancrust Shortening 10 Camel Cigarette. 10" Sop ? 5 10" Highway Matchei 3 w. 10 Tomatoes, Ex. Standard tj Bakert Cocoa M-. 10 5c as. tin 5 Cast 5 Me. SM eaa O 5 5" 5' SmaS betUs 5 BatUa 5 RaB 5 2 cam 5 SALE' Milk Uai-l-muM. taQ oans, eaca 4' Flour Safeway raaaQy ; 98c Buy sow before the adTanos Max-l-muM Syruv 29 8aowflakas Sodas 2 25" 7aIl-o Dessert MaaTl House Coffee 27 Airway Coffee S lbs. 6Se Nob Hill 22c lb. 9T Coffee Jtt-.Te Pi b' i-Chamst will eat aS btt ta baU. S gaL eaaa, ft.s ts1 ae for '1 .39 STRAWBERRIES raavsy Slpa rbsa Haver. Oti S bazas awar ;Ja1ey HawYvVli lHttt ORANGES ASPARAGUS 215' ?r17V 9 WEINIES or FRANKFURTS Mas aad Xalay Far year smldmlt 2 lbs. 25c iiAYOiniAisn 1 5o P'nt SWISS STEAKS Mas far Saaday Diaasr Ost trosB Tawag Beef 1 2V2e Ib. BACON Cmrad Nice Very gwai or Waato Prtee I3y2e SHOETENTNG- Very Oead 3 lbs. 19o PORK BOAST Cwt freaa Kfce aad Leaa Tea wQ aaaaftaa tbe CM a fan af Si a Safeway Marks ta, Charge Pwyml. KARCTT MAW 4 OCT fLOO orders deUrared free exceptias; feat Its. 17 162 N. Commer cial. Phone 6169 No. 661978 N. Capitol Phone 8623 Save at the f oHowin Safeiray Stores t the Bleat ta Lfaaft Qualities No. 811 270 N. Com mercial. Phone 1122 No. 78 1927 SUU Phoae I4&5 r T