PAGE TWO SEER'S HDHT HERE IS QUIET No Celebration; Sale Today And Prosecution Test it On Program, Seen t .j tCenttnued from page 1) twees Woodbura ml Hubbard f was expected to take, delivery oil -Portland bMr as quickly as it could bo brought to by track. Dim Balls to be i Pwled 8ale Blfffat ! No beer can be sold ia dance halls la Marlon county or within 2ie feet thereof, tbe county court . ruled late Thursday in a formal order tiled here. - . Tbe. court took tbe action un der authority rrven It by state law to, regulate the condvet of dance balls la tbe county. Members ot tbe court felt It would ba unwise ' many young people iwsnti for en tertainment. - ,1 District Attorney Trlndle was ordered to notify all license bold , ore la the county of the court's action. Tbe or der does not affect road house where beer will be sold. e 8ILVERTON, April C. (Spe cial) While numerous suverton residents thirsty for legal beer planned to stay awake and greet "beer day" la what they deemed fitting manner." and licensed re tailers announced they were con fideat of having sufficient supply te meet the demand here Friday, the city council held a special meeting here tonight to consider additional license applications. Licenses, all of the $10 variety which permit serving; of the "non Intoxicating" brew, were granted te Harold Craig of Mt. Angel, who . is reopening the Cosy restaurant; to George Manolis, who plans to serve beer at tables In his estab lishment, and to Berger Penelde, proprietor of the Duck 'n Swallow, CPfiflD t First OUUUr: Today & Tomorrow DEFIANT! UL TRA - DARING! A wedding ring to her kind was too middle class . ... it took away all the romance of love ...... Extra "Red Shadow" From the Desert Song TONIGHT IS "LEA IP NDHM ON THE STAGE BIG. REVUE Singing! Dancing! Everything! Come on down and see the great event of the year and Tvo Feature Pictures "Air Hostess? and "That's My Boy" TOMORROW and Tvb First Ilun Featuffca a. - K Hon "si se I . VHunn raoti mm mm a m '-I Ok ft r, a i m " - m r m. What, No Beer? is Genuine Worry ct Silver ion Today HILVKKTO, April 0 SHverton's big worry at the l)refnt time is that, while berrmay be sold , at Silver ton Friday r none may reach here to be sold.' Late Thurs day no beer had arrived at tfUTntOB and things were looking down far those who had hoped to i have their tlrt drink Friday. Whether or not a consignment will arrive Friday morning no one could say. Prttzela are also mlnsiiig at SHverton. H. Long, feed store proprietor, took out a license to sell In the original package, this license cost ing only f S DALLAS, April . Pour li censes to sell beer In Dallas were braed Wednesday night when the city council met to consider ap plications filed with the auditor ,-nd police judge. Eight applica tions were placed before the coun cil but tour of these were refused for various reasons. Retail establishments licensed were Dallas Creamery, operated by E. A. Wagner; C. L. Crider, grocery store, and F. A. Nusom, confectionery. These places may sell beer either by the bottle or case but it can not be consumed on the premises. Tbe only business licensed to dispense beer was Kersey's Coffee shop,- operated by F. E. Kersey. Eeer may be served at Kersey's either with or without meals but may not be sold at the counter. Those desiring It must sit either in booths or at tables. SPURS, KNIGHTS MEET CORVALLIS, Ore., April S (AP) Approximately 100 dele gates were here tonight for the annual divisional convention of spars, sophomore service honor society for women, and lnter-col-legiate knights, similar organiza tion for men. The delegates repre sented 12 institutions of higher learning in seven western states. Pictures of Survivors of the Akron achievts a heart' strike tnW.Sam' ersetMauam's sage success.' Ufl BETTERS with GILBERT ROLAND SALEM HIGH wild in.cji- AStefSvagCcaimibaltr v JiZiAvntitr f 1m everflashed on the .Tbtl f Allow liaWalsutf thrill 1A - - ' V It took two years to make this amazing : pietore AND The strangest story of the strangest romance! - " 1 in . , " When Strangers with LIUian Bond Continuous Shows nj SaW Sun. 2 to 11 P. M WC Political tie-up Prevents Vigorous Enforcement of Law, is Finding Suspension of Sheriff Gordon L. Schermerhorn ot Jackson coun ty for a period of not to exceed tO days or until such time as the peace officers, are able to cope properly 'with, the situation there. was recommended in findings fil ed by Judge . W. M. Duncan cf Klamath county in the executive department Wednesday. The Investigation ot Schemer, horn's fitness to hold office pend ing disposal of the ballot theft m Jackson county was ordered by Governor Meier at the reoueet of a "committee of one hundred a Medford organisation. The com mitter charged that Schetmerhorn was implicated In the destruction of the ballots and 'otherwise had obstructed enforcement ot the criminal laws." Mention also was made ia the incm&si of tha alar-1 ing of George Preecott, constable! ot theb Medford district, by L. A. i Banks, ex - newspaper publisher and head of the so-called "Good government congress." What action Governor Meier will take In connection with the recommendation will depend upon the outcome ot a conference with Attorney General Van Winkle lat- er this week. Officials said Scher- merhorn would draw his salary I during the tenure of the suspen sion. The findings -read, in part That Gordon L. Schermerhorn was politically aligned with that political faction in Jackson coun ty, on whom bad been cast a strong suspicion as the ageney which destroyed the ballots cast In the last election In Jackson county. That because of the Influence exerted upon him by this political faction the said Gordon L. Scher-1 merhorn has not In a sufficiently vigorous and efficient manner en- forced the criminal laws of the I state, and more especially the destruction of the ballots with such firmnese and celerity as re- nulred In such an emergency as the present. PASSED Of SEDATE t Continued from page 1) shop, factory, or manufacturing establishment situated In the United States. In which any per son was employed to work mere than five days In any week or more than six hours In any day." The secretary ot labor would be given discretionary power to ex empt any industries where "spe cial conditions" made It Impossi ble to adopt the drastically re duced work week. It would not affect farms or railroads. Articles specifically exempted Include newspapers and periodi cals, perishable commodities such as fish, sea foods, fruits and veg etables; milk and milk products; and all farm products "processed for first sale by the original pro ducer." Mlfl-PROPEBTYTIX f Continued from pas 1) f-rvi--. t. a I ZSX5-15 congressional districts. Follow ing are the members: First district Willard L. Marks, Albany, C. Ingalls, Cor- valils; John Eakin, Dallas; B. C. Judd, Astoria; Ben F. Dorris, Eugene; James E. Burdette, Me- Mlnnvllle, and Ben- Chandler, Marshf ield. Second district Mac Hoke, Pendletun; Robert W. Sawye, Bend; Mrs. William Maboney, Heppner; Dr. Thompson Coberth, The Dalles; W. B. 8nlder, Pals- ley; Andrew M. Collier, Klamath Falls and Fred Phillip, Baker. Members from the third con gressional district will be ehosea tomorrow. Mother Enlists Police Help to Find Daughters Her two daughters missing sinee 9 o'clock yesterday mora ing.Irs. Gertle'Rlpley, 393 North Church street,' asked police assist ance late last night In locating the two girls. Lillian, it. and Viola. IS. She said she knew they had not gone to school yesterday but aad ao idea where else they might barer gone. The younger girl was wearing a long blue coat, the elder a green coat. : Both are Ught-complex- ioned aad blue-eyed. Lillian stand ing tour feet, three inches, aad weighing 07 pounds," Viola five feet tall aad weighing 135 pounds. Salem Wet But With Chemically Pure Raindrops The weatherman, not to be but done in Oregon's . going 3.2 per cent wet, upended hia sprinkler at tbe stroke of 12. or thereabouts. this morning and, doused the city la a flurry ef spray-like raindrops. Tbe wind which, during Thursday was generall y north westerly, shifted ; lata - to westnorthwest bringing la the rain clouds from to sea. - - ' .Laset tied weather la predicted for today and tomorrow. Too Late to Classify KMrbrg plants., Bartruff. Bt Bx. 124. 30-flOI WEEK LAW COMMITTEE FORMS TheOREGON STATESMAN, Salem, The Gall . ' T ..t ( . , Board; By OLIVE M. OOAR XXSIXORE Today Constance Bennett la "Our Betters." - CAPITOL . Today Double bill: Richard Cromwell. "That's My Boy- and Evalyn Knapp In "Air Hostess." " HOLLYWOOD Today Mi til . Green and May Robson In "Little Or-, phan Annie." GRAND Today Regis Toomey and Anita Page in "Soldiers ot .the Storm." . ' Traditional ia Salem high school and dear to the heart ef all those students of the high school past and present Is "leap" night. This will be observed, tonight at the Capitol theatre where so many before it have been observed. Oa this night the glrla ot the school make the dates and spend the money and all Is merry. At the Capitol tonight the theatre tare will be a doable bin. "Air Host ess" and "That's My Boy" and In addition to this will be a stage frolic, dancing and singing, with Zollie Volchok as master of cere- monies. E 61S FAVOR H (CoQtlniMd from pas 1) ence is made to toll highways. A telegram was sent to Senator Mc Nary Thursday night asking that he urge the required amendment to the Reconstruction Finance corporation act. -roe teiegram was signea by Governor Meier ana members of the organisation eom- mlttee, Actual construction operations would be under the direction of the state highway commission and both hlghwaya would be classified as self-liquidating projects. Funds received from toll would bo ap plied on the loan from the govern ment agency. The proposed Wolf Creek high way is approximately 12 miles In length and the cost waa estimated at 14,100,000. The Wilson river road Is it miles in length, with a cost estimated at $4,000,000. Both are on the state highway map. In addition to these roads the corporation also would expend ap proximately $3,000,000 In the construction of new bridges on tbe Oregon coast highway. INSANITY PLEA DY PORTLAND, Ore., April 6 (AP) Intimation that an In sanity plea will figure ia the de fense of William J. Moore, 34, charged with first degree murder la connection with the death ot Harold F. O'Connor, Brooklyn, N. T., tourist, when the case Is called for trial at Hood River next week was made today by Tom Garland, defense attorney. Garland today served the pro secutlon with a motion asking Uh. court to direct that a depo- secution with a motion asking sltion be taken from a Chicago resident to show that Moor Is mentally unbalanced and unable to distinguish between right and wrong. O'Connor was shot to death on the Columbia river highway just west of Hood River. Moore, hitch hiker whom O'Connor had given a ride, is charged with the shooting. His trial Is sched uled tostart Monday at Hood River. Multnomah county will as slst ia the prosecution. Umatilla Rapids Project Backed PENDLETON. Ore.. April t. (AP) Backers ot tbe Umatilla Rapids project oa the Columbia river organised hero today and elected George Hartmaa ot Pea dleton president. Tice-presideats chosen were: 8. B. Notsoa of Heppner, Roy. Bishop ot Portland, Dorsey Hill of Walla, Walla, Wash., Mark Means ot Lew 1st oa, Idaho, J. J. Stllllags of Heppner. J. C. Tucker of Umatilla aad C I Sweek ot Pendleton. el Aft Stmdar 1 moobe Indicated T 77Z I v"v X seo' v illi Born Una setAe Oregon, Friday Morning; April 7, 1933 Pi bob m Oil CHECK CI Officer Expected Here to Seek Woman's Return to California Justice Mrs. Doris Lewis and Panl Lew is, apprehended here late Satur day oa forgery charges, and slnoe learned to be sought by several r.iihnii iMa am iniiia.r ennrs es were bound over to the grand jury weanesaay noon, iouowuh preliminary hearing before Judge MlUerHayden, Neither defendant took the - mm -i. - dtAfsancA At I toraey. Ed Keech. to nave ino charce aralnst Lewis dismissed oa ground that there was no evidence he had part in tne auegea crime were fruitless. Keech also at tempted to have grand Jury probe waived and the pair go direct be fore the circuit Judge, but this was denied; Both Lewis and Mrs. Lewis. who are known in coast cities by a series of aliases, were nonchal ant about tbe Justice court ap pearance. . Police aay ahe has employed nearly 80 different names In her activities, with 21 arrests listed, for her in California. She escaped from a San Francisco hospital prior to her trip north. Ball for the pair was continued at 11.000. and they are still 1b the county Jail here. Fort Lewis Will Be Mobilization Jnin-f- or AT 17 TACOMA, Wash., April (AP) Fort Lewis will be the as sembly and training point tor all northwest recruits for the army of civilian conservation workers now being mobilized by President Roosevelt, unofficial reports said here today. Preparations have' been made at the fort to receive and care for a force ot men estimated to num ber between 2,500 and 4,000. Barracks are being aet aside aad arrangements made to feed and clothe the men, as well as give them the Intensive two weeks inem tne intensive two weeks training which will precede their actual employment in forest areas. Democrats to Prove Brew is fJnt Tntnvinnni- 11UL lIlLUXlLd III PORTLAND. Ore., April (AP) The Willamette society, a democratic organisation. Is plan ning to hold a "beer party" at a restaurant here Saturday, mem bers disclosed today. Those attending will "conduct themselves llkegentlemea add ao one will bring anything on the hip." Del more Lea sard, chairman ot the society, declared. Word was received that mem bers ot the W. C. T. U. .might stand outside the restaurant to note how the democrats conduct themselves. 'Those planning to at tend the party agreed to "set aa example of Chesterfleldiaa de corum." Jury Tampering Charge is Move ' To Save Winnie PHOENIX, Arlt., April (AP) Charges of Jury tamper ing were hnrled anew tonight, by counsel for Winnie Ruth Judd, ta another, and perhapa final, legal move to save her .from death oa the gallows April 21 for murder of Agnes Anno LeRoi. Earlier ia the day the Arizona board of pardons and paroles had denied her application for a re prieve, which she had asked In order to gain time to reorganise her forces In a last desperate bat tle for life. VENUE CHANGE DENIED BURNS, Ore., April . (AP) Circuit Judge W. W. Wood yes terday denied a change of venue to Harry Riley, charged with first degree murder ia connection with the slaying ot his young wife aad her father, Carey Thoraburg, here last tall. 1 n AltoOvMdTlBjter pv XlO&tVlVOOMf To-NlU Saturday To-NIto Is Aautfevr Nlto Three Prises 89.00 aad 81.00 The comie strip of millions brought to the living ecreoa ssst Also 'Our Gsatg Cotoedy, News, Mickey Mouse and Ftaal chapter of Hurricane Express EUckey Mouse Matinee S&tarday, 1:30 URGE Fear of Law l.'U Still flings To Imbibers CHICAGO. April T (AP) (AP) Citizens ttilli drink beer vlth Qualm of conscience and a fear ot the law. So sail Karl EiteL hotel owner, early today after watching his pa trons drink the foamy brew tor the first time legally la IS years. "People smacked their lips. blew off the i foam and aettled down te drink their beer enjoy- - - beUere It. every time a Pouceman ?r JbltJ J!??i'Ah!! Ar laviTQ juBftl unuvr iu iaotbj m ucu th law here Into view. Force ot habit. I guess. But they'll get used to It." ' HBIESM "The old-timers want work but many et the youngsters don't care It they ever work or not," R. N. "Tiny" Tonkers. cook at Hotel de Mtato. declared yesterday when asked about the stream of unem ployed men and boys which pours through the police "flophouse" daily. With the spring weather in still lag the call ot tho road in more men. the "hotel" la as busy as during the winter and provides an average ot over 100 meals dally. The trend of travel Is not In any one direction; men com from the south as others head toward the south. Latest talk among the transients Is "government camp work" and Chicago world's fair, according to Tonkers. Most of the mea visiting the flophouse say they hope to strike out for Chica go this summer. How much longer the "hotel" will be kept open Is as yet unde cided, according to Chief of Po lice Frank Mlnto. He la consider ing closing the place up sometime this spring. It was kept In opera tion all last summer. J' 0 f. U 323 212 OpeQKS m rv . t io neaun i,iud Tomorrow Night Dr. Robert G. Jackson of On tario. Canada, a health authority. m address the Progressive Health etna of Salem Saturday night oa "How to Keep Well", which Is also the subject ot one ef bis published booklets. The meeting will be held In the old Episcopal church chapel at 660 Chemeketa street, Just back of the present St. Paul's church. I The meeting will open at 8 p. A. Englebart is presdeat of the ilem health club. Next Week GtOfftinc GINS OF LOVE THE MOST DARING PICTURE OP THE ENTIRE YEAR True and Authentic in Every Detail SEE A REAL CAESARIAN OPERATION Trained Nurses Attend All Shows And Hear Drnaisic SEX LECTURE . LADIES ONLY 2 to 4 p.m Sirs. Jartllne lleOreo Noted Authority mm Sex She will tell you what causes) divorce: how to hold your husband aad other astonishing facts. MEN ONLY 7 to 11 p.m. Prof. Howard Goldin Noted set philosopher, win ted you nature'a laws and other delicate secrets ot life remember, know ledge is priceless. Lev Romance Passion First Bua WE SHOW YOU THIS BIG ROAD ATTRAC TION AHEAD OF PORTLAND , DT1EE2 The first 100 ladies In line at the Box Office Monday Matinee wtQ be admitted free as Cnest of the manage ment ' All Seats 25c BUY PAMIIZED MONDAY . 0. 0. F, PLM COiMIO IB Officers of Chemeketa lodge No. 1, L O. O. F., re busy with ar rangements for the county con vention to be hold la Salem April t, at Odd Fellows balL They are anticipating over 30 to be pres ent. As there are some unusual topics ot great importance to be brought up before the cenventlon it will be a closed meeting. . At :Sft o'clock an Odd Fellows and their wives are invited to at tend the dinner that the F. L. girls ot the Rebekah lodge are putting on In the dining room of the Odd Fellows hall, under su pervision ot Lillian Fleener. There will be a small charge per plate. As the officers of Chemeketa lodge have been working diligent ly to perfect their work la the first degree ot Odd Fellowship, thhey will be able to do so In a creditable manner under the able direction ot George Nadtrman. Officers of the convention will be: R.' H. Jenas, grand master; . H. 8hank, grand patriarch; Maade Rogers, Rebekah assembly president; J. C Formlck, presi dent; B. F. Adams, vice-president; B. A. Scnaerer, warden: 8. A. Har ris, conductor; L, H. Wright, In side guard; George 8.-Berry, out side guard; C. W. Wilson, secre tary; Ted Hobart. treasurer. All Odd Fellows' are Invited to attend this year's convention. University Beer Party Notice is Only Joke, Found Upon entering the lobby ot Eatoa hall Thursday morning, Willamette university students were confronted with tha fol lowing startling announcement, posted upon the bulletin board: "A big beer, party will be held at Lausanne Ann Friday Bight, Dr. Doney will pour, as sisted ny Dean DahL" Inaulrr revealed. haer that the whole thing was nothing but a Joke, and tha offnUn- notice was taken down by Coach "spec" Keene. Virgil Kruschke Case Tried but Verdict Delayed Decision in tha Af vtrrfi C. Kruschke, tried In Justice coun yesterday afternoon oa 71 150 N. Commercial Phone 5563 E?t?Ge D3)ellilvei?sr FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Carrots, Radishes Onions bu. i?aimges Each J-kVy Asparagus All green, extra fine, pound 5c CRACKERS Snowflakes 22V23 box COFFEE S.&W. 2 lb. tin 49c HOFFMAN'S New Location QUALITY MEATS AT SOME OF Beef Q Roast, lb. Oi 10c 'and Sirloin Rib Steak Steer r 121: Pure Lard -I. 3 ibs 20c Best Oleo Q Margarine 3 lbs. aCUC We have a alee selection of" Try our own home made. sugar cured ham and ba con. Also sausage. It tastes better,. charge ot pointing a gun at Clyde D. and L J. Frost, wiu bo aaaaea down Monday morning by Judge Miller Haydenv Eight '-or nine witnesses were presented 1 during the trial, some being character witnesses against the complaining witnesses. Some gun play was admitted. ATZER MISTED II Robert H. Patter was arrested here yesterday oa charge of sign ing six forged Barnes to a $500 installment contract note given to F. M. Robertsoa last Febru- . ary 17. and due. ending August 1. 113$. The specific charge Is utter ing a forged instrument, Patsea appeared before Judge Miller Haydea yesterday aad took until H a.m. Friday to enter plea. He asked the court - to appoint an attorney, and Avery Thompson was named. Patter 1s in Jail, In lieu ot raising $1000 baJL Patter signed bis own name and the following others, alleg edly false, to the note: George A Tueker, Viola Tucker. Julius Pat- ser, Emily Patter, Ed H. Patter. Juanita Patter. Two Cars Stolen At Elk? Temple While Elks club members were Installing their new officers last Bight, thieves made off with two sedans of identical make from in front of the temple. One was reg istered to Mrs. Carl Bart ruff, route five, with Oregon license 115-085. and the other to Karl E. Wenger. 1330 North 17th street, number 00-374. police were notified. DAUGHTER IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Foster ot Salem have received wprd of the birth of a daughter, Annette Eli nore, weighing seven -pounds and 11 ounces, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lottis of Honolulu March 20. Mrs. Lottls formerly was Elaine Foster. This i the Fosters first grand child. IHOLLYWOOMI Conilag Sa inlay Salem will go ga-ga for "Goona -Goona" "Utterly ew aad different, vitally Interesting." . Turnips 4c Beets, bu 50 lbs. No. 2s Mayonnaise racked in Pantry OA Jar,fuilat-.e7C SALAD OIL Pure Vegetable quart . Gallon .48c Bring container BROOMS Good 4 tie Each 25c MEAT MARKET 150 N. ComP LOWEST FOSS1BLU PBICE3 OUR ITEMS Pork Roast, lb. L 8c Pork Chops, lb. 12V2C Vet. orteninffaJ lbs. 20c Sh Bacon Scares Jowls, lb. 8c fresh aad drawn ehJekeas Yen