V. -ST: . - fr-sr" h ,r r The OREGON STATESMAN, Sska, - Oregca, Friday Morning; April 7, 133 pagh niTvm J k1 I Business Directory - Cards la U-ls directory nan monthly testa ouly. Ht: L00 pr lie per month. AUTO BRAKES Mlk PaiMk. th brak aed ihlninay Ooetr. t7 Booth Ctxnmorrta! Street. BEAUTY PARLORS UUIr Beauty Shop. 411 Tt. CATERING Burt Oary. the caterer. Pte. tltt. CHDINEY SWEEP TMwhone 445. It R. Nerthne, I CHIROPRACTORS DR. Oi 1 BCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, t6l K. HKh. TeU Kea SIt, . Correspondence Instruction Tntmmtionl Correstmodeoee achoola Buatneaa, tadinieal ceuraea, Ba C MoQIlllvray. Tet 41H. DRESSMAKING Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adwrtistas etagl tnswtloa per ll5.10c Ttara tasertloa pw lln I0 SU Inswrtloiui pr Ua..S0c Or uo&th pt Uus. .1.0 MUlKsm etjurc ......tit i Copy for UU pagt V cfted ntu :Sv thrwtt 1&S bfor publlcatton for clan!flcatloa. Copy ri celred after taU time will ba nrn tXQder the headlnj Too Late to Classify. The States maa astimes bo financial responsibility for irron whlca may op pear la adTortlsementa ptto llaned In lt colamns. ana In case vaero tbt paper ia at taalt wM reprint that part of aa adTextisemenl In which the tTPOStaphlcal mlstako oeemra. The Statesmaa res err es the rltht to reject objeo tlonal adrertlfllnf. It far ther reeorree taa right to classify all adrertlslaf ai der the proper elasslflca-tton. HELP WANTED BCRSt SNEU3ROV 4IS N. Cottaga, Tet 74ta HemetltcMmr. te yard. . FLORISTS S ladles and S men experience not necenaxr. Wminaness to work will net you goed return. Apply 171 S. Com'L, between s:se and :3 ana to l. , CUT flowers, weddbui kouquets fun- haupt Clorlat. 7i court, tei. AIAm kinds ot floral wort Luts Flor ist. 18th tt Market. Tel. 51. SITUATIONS WANTED r Part time work wanted by married man. E. MacMurray. Betlevne. FOR SALE Real Estate aa Ideal place for how culture, t acres of which : ! are No. 1 hop oil. It heavy ttmbeir 4Vi ml. out of Albany la Santlam baala. For sale by owner Address H. R. Bchulta, Bal- umore m as., Albany, ore. 8PECIAI room house on larso corner, close to business district. Tor sale at low flrure or owner will consider small prune larm as part. BEE Mrs. Ellis with CHUM s MIIXER. Bealtors S44 SUte Street Phono 7l AT CITT UHTT8 Immediate possessioa of a strictly modern 10 room homo with cheerful rooms, large living room m front wits fireplace, full basement, furnace, doa ble garage, large corner lot with nice ground. Cost orer $11,000. Price out yery low for today's market and will accept small homo as part, , CHIU3 A MILLER. Realtors 314 State Street Phono 7lt FOR 8 ALU OR EXCHANGE t acre 10 hole niahee golf course, beautiful view, convenient location. large modern club house suitable for dancing parties, 8ell cheap, or will ac cept clear Salem property as part pay UICDt. CHILD8 MUXER. Realtors J 44 State Street . Phone 0700. AAAMMsjewsVBhA4t0ej1SMeaerfBi lit seres, creek, springs, buildings. Take clear house. Owner. 441 Hood St WHT PAT RENT? 10 down, baL like vreat, buys cosy 4 R." bungalow, gardgo, practleaUy new. paving and walks ttt and ni for. SEE BECHTEX, or THOMA80N. EXCHANGE Real Estate i ..... iir. ririiqoji i X hare some rood stocked and oauin. ped dairy farms, to trade for smaller acreage or city property. Now Is the time to get that farm yon have boon wanting. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 1002. GLASS Auto and window glass mirror. Tel. Otoe. Walter J. Downs, 080 Breya INSURANCE FOR SALE MIscellaneona Exclusive product. Nationally adver tlsed. Crasy Crystala 118 S. High. Seed potatoea Earliest of AIL Early Rose. Early Ohio, British Queen, Net ted Gem, Burbank. H. A. Hyde Co. 2698 Portland Road. TeL 0S90. r PTr7TTfS a HENDRICKS It n. High TeLOOT COTTBST-SMITH, genJLJnaTjl:8tS. HAVE INCOME PROPHHTT CLEAR, well located, to exchange for u io ze acres improved. VAN M. GREER 1 Oregon Bldg. ph. T6JJ, MONEY TO LOAN Borrow oa personal property ; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN GO, SUte lis. S-ltt. ttt Guardian Bldg. Tel. MTT. FOR SALE WOOD No. 1 10 to. Old fir. 84.00. Tel. 4400. Dry wood flee, Phoa 141 L dreea tnd srrowthr fir 10 In. tS.lt. George Ueltxler. Marlon. Or. GUARANTEED DRf TeL tOOO Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Old fir. tnd growth, Tel. 8TI0. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel eiL Gall oa us tor ericas, We givs sjooa moaswra, gooa quality m C-a servico. RMER TRANsTER STORAOE Telssooao Sill Asn. fir and oak. TeL tits. Tr00-0?1. j?!. Ai' OldrM", iXoi. XAMllt L-: Large sen. 10- tt-OO. Dial 0174. PERSONAL Anyone knowing the wnbreaboute of Natalie Du Boise please wrtto Box 108, petroK. Oregon, important. FOR SALE USED CARS 1018 Chevrolet Coach. IttO Ford Phaeton. lOSt Light six Btude. Sedan. ISO. It. 1020 Cher. Truck, as la, SIS Botrego s S40 N. Liberty TeL SlSt. FOR SALE FARMS ""--- 1-, -I,- - I-, -LnjuTj-uxrui LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRT , SO a High Tel. Ollt CAPITAL CITT- LATJNDRT First In Quality and Servico Telephone 8105 1H4 Broadway ! LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man. MATTRESSES 4 j Mattresses from factory ; to noma, Spring mattress 18.00. Renovators and fumlgatora. Kugs cleaned. Capital' Bea ding Co. TeL 400 V'8030 Capltot t New mattress made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, elslng ; flutl rug weaving. Salem FluK Rag A Mat tress Factory. 8. 13th WUbor. TeL -1441. Otto F. Zwicker.-Eat 1011. Freeh crabs now at Fidlers stand, intersection Silverton-Foruand roaa. HAY. ALFALFA, first quality. 411 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8482. HOP PLOWS Sloper hop plow second hand. 8300. New ones, new design, all steel con struction, 1560.00. Side cutters one way, $55.00. Side cutters two way. $107.00. SLOPER BROS, Independence, Ore. Marshall strawberry plants, extra good stock, 84 thousand. Wilbur Wheo ler. TeL 00F18. -DATvrrt vno cat p mic Aft like new. 8S9.S0. Terms. $S down, $5 monthly. See Mr. Jans, Will's Music Store. WANTED Miscellaneous Whs throw away good money T The hosiery mending dept. at Grand 8ilver store repairs hose like new, to to 25c. Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletzlng, Statesman office. MUSIC STORES We pick op dead and worthless horses, cows snd sheep free of charge. Valley By-Produeta TeL 4889. MISCELLANEOUS BEST FARM BUYS 100-A, good improvements wlthafio. 80-A. cult. S9-A. timber, price ftOOO. term St-A. SUBDIVISION CLOSE IN moaern nome, good soil A snsp at 86800.00; take house In Salem as part iiV-A. bTUUK RANCH 240-A. cult, 1 dairy imnrovementa plenty water, some fine timber, good location, seals house, machine shed, electric pump, t horses, t cows, 100 goats. 4 heifer 20 aheen. aejut nA hay. A real snap for 880.00 per acre, uanojr location. ' Tan part trade. J AS. Dt SEARS. REALTOR 1S8 South High Street ACREAGE - -i-r-rvirirL-u-u-i-n-n For sale 6 acres of good fruit land 2 miles from Liberty, a-ood room house and good building. Small down payment, balance easy terma Call at mi 17th St or phone 054L PRICED FOR CASH acres. 4 per acre. Near Psrry dale. good road, electrio lights avall- aDie, ana large wpring. SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS For Farm Bargaos "M M MM "M - s-i n rxrtsvxjuxr LOOK LOOK ALMOST GIVEN AWAT 4S acres, mostly timber, located IU miles Salem. Owned by widow, nrleed to seu quick, sizes, snown oy ap- ; pomonent only.; bee' BECHTEL THOMASON 841 State Street no 6 u 1C. PRICES MIXED McKay's used cars with an a k. that counts 1920 Bulck Standard Sedan, good rob ber, upholstering and finish In fine condition, excellent mechanical shape for only .8IH.W 1981 Chevrolet Coach, new tires and paint new seat covers and complete ly overhauled. This car drives Ilk a new one. Try It .. , 8868.00 1980 Chrysler "TO" Sedan in the finest condition throughout 8471.00 1982 Chevrolet Sport Coupe? six wire wheels, trunk, rack and etc Looks ana runs iocs new. Has bees arrvea only 8100 mllea Carries new car guarantee and service. Save 8200.00. Price 8878.00 1982 Isdlaa motorcycle. Run less than ivoo mues tsio.to Open evenings and Sundays TERMS TRADES McKAT CHEVROLET CO. SIS Center Phone 8189 4 SO N. Com'L i f "-oaruuwi n r-j-irirn t rr ixeasrsarxri-ru Extra Special A dandy buy In a 1020 Cher. 4-door sedan, new rubber. Original paint Looks like new. Buy It today at a special pries. 542 Chemeketa Open Evenings and Sundays Slack Business Brings Low Wool Bids at Boston Walnut men Start' Cleanup, Sell at 10-13o Pound; Onions Neglected PORTLAND, April (AP) The advaaee of le docen la the price quoted oa standard egg la some qaartera meant little Inas much as there continued a badly mixed price gltaatloa all through the local territory. While it was qalto probable that those quoting the rise will be able to force the lssne. competing eggs wero prac tically unchanged. Market for hatter coatlnued to reflect at least steadiness within the local territory with ao change suggested ia ope market or x change prices, Bntterfat, however remained firm with most local bids 18c for churning cream. Lira hen market eoatiaaed to show a rather liberal degrea of strength here bat without further price changes. Light hens were till in far the beet call with tew arriving. Broiler easier. Practically the entire country killed meat- market was today showing; a steady tone at least here. Even real were bow moving out ia improved yolnme but at late prices. Hogs and lambs were la active call. There was still more or less neglect ia the market for onions at Willamette valley sources. Buy ers wero practically out of the market for carlots but growers were still holding. Texas new crop was moving to the east. Determination of walnut grow ers to clean sip supplies has led to the lowering of values to the trade. Sales wero being made here 10-lSe lb., the latter being top. WHEAT BESTS YEAR'S QUOTATIONS ' at ,, ;'?,;' INITIAL LAMB OFFERS MADE HERE Top is 63c a Bushel; Possible Inflation. Frosts Reasons CHICAGO. April (AP) Oraia trading broadened out to day to a volume seldom equaled and wheat prices Jumped to heights unreached la over a year. 3 eeats a bushel. . Extraordinary action of the markets, some pit authorities said, was mainly duo to wide spread notice taken of agitation for possible legislative measures to inflate United States currency. outer reasons given included killing frosts that threatened ser ious Increase of almost unprece dented damage to domestic winter wheat southwest. At today's high point, wheat was p 7 4 cents, corn S cents. oats a cents and rye ia cents above last week's lew point. Wheat closed unsettled, Tfc-IK above yesterday's finish, corn also Tt-tt P, oats advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May. 87-; July, SepU Corn May. 33 -3 4; July, 3S :3I; Sept., 17. Oats May. 20; July, 31; Sept., 31-. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.20 per hundred. Surplus 05c. (Itllk baaed ea semi oettly enttertat everege.) Batterfr Sweet 17c, soar 13c. Prints 10c, cubes 17c f lists paid to grower ty Saleta bsyera April e fTse Prices belev. seephed r a toeal greeer. are indicative el tee daily taarket SSt are e (-nersat fer T SMtatsMa) rtuii a0 vsezTAsua . ArUekekes. dot. .00 Ol.h-. iMai am SO Aapengee .0714 $7.50 Quoted. Lamb; Season is Behind; Hogs at $4.10 First offers on 1133 spring lambs wero quoted by local deal ers yesterday, with 17.59 the fig- uro. Only a lew iamb are com ing in so far.. The season Is considerably be hind 133. Last year, opening of fers on spring lambs were made March 17. with ft the market. Ia week the market climbed to $1.50. but dropped back to the IS tlgaro, where ft stayed until quantity offered Justified a tow ered price. Hogs made a gain on the local mart Thursday, with 14.10 the top offer. Garrets. CaUL, crate Oreea peppers, OeliL. Is. Peas, Calif, la. Cebaere, la. Oaieaa. doe. beaches. Potatoes, Yaknaa Ke. S .1.70 te 1.00 4t at -es -i LOO Florida, new. Ik. goiet potatees. etats Lsttmee, Calit. Ontces. WsUa Well . Lsbiak. cot .73 te LOO OS. -1-50 General Markets Paraaipe, haadred - B-osorb. loeal OaiiC. Ik Ceierr. Calif., tt crsU Haaieae TemaUea Italian Brocceli. lb. Apples Wtnesspi, tmney Extra fancy S.7SUS.St -t JO 1.50 .08 .OS .25 8.50 7 te .08 Xewta-as, C gra4e raacy Xxtrs faaer OeaUflewsr. Calif, crate RaUbasae. kaadred Oraagea. p.p. ... raacy rxoovca -xcHAroa POSTLAKD. Ore.. April 6. (API Predaee escbaag . set prices : Better I Beeta Calif, doe. uiras loe. staaesras its. prt-se tirsts XTe, urste lee. En Tresk extras lie. ledieau lte. Taraips, Catif, crate . Sefaaea, Celif, craU .90 1.40 .50 .00 LtS ss .1.00 U 1.25 .1.50 U L7t S.OO te 4.00 .TO 2.50 2.25 Portland Grain Baaaaas, lb. ea stock . Baads - hops Top. 1132, lb. ; Tap. 1931. lb. Best hair cut. Adults 20c, child, 15c nts-n r WTL.I Plaaoa. radios, sew- log Quvchines, sheet inuslO and Po I Two rJerka 8 of library. & Winter. ; studios. Kepainna r-"""; K;ZZirT j and sewing machines, 412 State Btreet, Salem. BOSTON. April . (AP) Lack of business la wool has en couraged some low bidding. A few buyers are trying to eeeuro aver age French eomblag 4s and finer territory wool at 87-38 eeourec basis. It is understood, however. that little wool is available at these figures and tho market is WANTED-REAL ESTATE 'SXi llTii 43-48 scoured basis, but there is practically no demand at these CASH BUYER FOR FARM. OOLD STIN, 1S22 12th Ave., Baa Francisco, figures. c J MUSIC INSTRUCTION - oim Atm.An ml tar and lessons for ..no, 1 anything 1 can use. Stornow. 410 Court MEDICINE n. r-h.- fm Chinese Medicine Co. Boer's Tuesday and Friday. 10:30 xo. to 4 :80 p. m ri. PRINTING lets, progTams, books or aay kind of prtoties. call The Sttteamaa t WnUM itepartmenV 1 . CVnorelaL Telo phono 0tit:--- , PUDLIC ACCOUNTANT N D. Clement, Income TSJt JBeports, AuditnVg. 110 N. ComX; Tel 8020 or 6287. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished rooms with or without board. Tel. 8707, ROOM AND BOARD 1 VWWWWWWWMWWWMW Board, rm.. near P. O. 220. TeL 5182. LARGE. NICELY furn. heated i room, with board. Special rates for two people. Toi. 43. ROOM OR RM. and bd. for gentle- maa In modern home near state house. Box 128. SUtesmaa. Mod. rooms, reasonable. 045 Marlon. Business Opportunities -i-i-i i.,.ip rvi on rijirLfinra. For rent garage and servico station on miay Mghway. Tet 8508. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY fc" "i-iinii(eniraniirsj s.nn njLTLfvjXJs SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at aa rifles prices Tuesday and Friday only, See our bargaina Custom hatch ing. Hatching, egga Phone 122FS, uee s Hatcnery oal em, Oregon. Custom hatching, 500 eggs at le every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 12SF1. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE I"resh cow and calf. 1 miles east on Silverton road, R. T, Mot s. Alien Met "a in. Pepperi-oint, Hops Planted on Farms In Talbot Section FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa anartmontsdowntown. Call Patton's book store. Fur. 8 R. apt- 2281 Hazel TeL 7864. TeL 8490. MONEY TO LOAN TALBOT. April f Wm Krebt is planting 88 acres of hops on his ranch near Talbot, David Jacobson has added one aero mora to his field of hops and Claud Johnson la putting out about 30 acres of hops. Several acres of peppermint are being planted in the Talbot vicinity this spring. Geo. Potts and sons have plaated about five acres of mint and D. B. Tarnldge has put out a small acreage. . NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On Saturday the 16th day of April. 1933. at tea o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, in Salem. Oregon. X will sell at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash all the right, title and Interest of the within named defendants. In and to the following described real property situated in Morion County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot 18. Block 7, Oaks Ad dition to Salem, Marion County. Oregon. Said sale is made by virtue of a foreclosure Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, to me directed la the case of The Prudential Insurance Compaay of America, a corporation. Plaintiff o. A. Richard Schmalle aad Lil Han Schmalle, his wife; A. Lin ooln Schmalle aad Vinnle Schmal le, his wife; Newton 8. Schmalle. single; Esther Schmalle Holmes and H. T. Holmes, her husband: Raymond A. Schmalle and Grace Schmalle, his wife; Fred S. By non and Stella L. Bmoa. his wife: J. F.i Ulrlch and Business Men's Adjustment Co., Detendaats. A. C. BURR. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. Deputy. waiter Fshrer, Attorney for Plaintiff. M 17-34-31 A 7-14 POBTLAXD. Ore.. AvrA 0. (AP) wasai uoea Hlra Lew CIm Key, new Sttt 54 61 54 May.etC 54tt tS 54 U 551 Jaly 50 t7 58 56 lash waeat Ae. 1: Bis Bond bluetta i os; ear ears winter. iz pr cent 61H. ix per eeat o i y : -on waite : wast ers wblte. nortaera sprint 63 Vs ; hard winter 64 ; western red 62. uace xe. a waite g.z. Cera Ke. 2K yellow flt.50. JUUria sUBdard f 15. Extras .... SUadards ktodiams S0O8 Saying Prices Old roosters Oeiored hsns . sfedmai bens Uca seas Bakers Ur fryers . rotn.TBT Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. Asril 0. (API -utter mats. S3 score er better 20. : ponna. staaasre ivc. acc fscUis Fealtrv Prodncera' sail inj priees: froah extras 14c. staadards lie, aeaieaui 12c Country aasate Setllnt prtee to retail ers: Ueeatry-killed Begs, beet butcbora. under ISO poaads 5-6e; vealsre 00 te lov peaaaa, 7-ss: laaas 12-18 e, spriaga 10-10e; yearling 5e, heavy owes e-ae, caaaer sows --SHe. SaUs 4-4 sin--ursrea walaata is-ise Donee. peaaets loe, itrasus U-le, eltaeads 1S- isc. filberts Z0-2?a seeaaa SOa. Caseara bark Burtna Driea 1932 aeoL -si poeas. iepe aeemiaaL 1832. .IK-lOo. Bstterfat lirect te sfcipperst Mtetiea. lt-lii: aortieas aeuverv on-. ohara lag cream la-iTa. sweet ereaai Barker. Lire poaitry Baytag erica: Uaevy Seas, eelere-. 4 seaMls lie: So mmAl- aaut lis; ngnts lie; spriaga ngat 14c. seery lee; ois reealem be. docks. Pi kins broilers ll-lSe, old 1112e. colored xee. Oaioas Bellias price te retailers: Ore gon tl.2S-l.l5 ceatei. Ysklsaa Spaalsk voe-si-S eoataL Petatoes LeeaL 65-7as eraase boa: Desehatea Gesas 81-S5-L50. de Bakers Sl.5o-.SO, Yakima wonts 81 U 5. Mow seta tees riortSa s-Te. Wool 1982 clip, Boa-Laal: Wlllamstte valley 12-15e peaad. eettern Orogea 10-120. Hay Bayiar cries from prodecer Alfalfa 818.00-14; elever 80-9.50: east era Oregoa timothy 010; eets sa vetch 814. 1088 spriag babe lies-se. top . Hoc, top rurst cats Steera Cewe . Heifers Balls MEAT .05 .05 .to .25 .10 .00 .08 J04 .10 .08 .06 .00 JO Dressed voaL top Preset a bo-i .. 7.50 4.00 4.10 8.03 .04 to .04 .01 te .02 .02 to .03 .02 te .02 .05 . .00 60 00 OUAXaT AST HAY Wboet. wettera red .55 to White. Ke. 1 .55 te Barley, top, tea 10.00 to 20.00 Oeta. ton 20.00 to 35.00 nsy. eeytns Prtei Oeto eed vetch, toa 12.00 to 14.00 Alfalfa, valley. 1st cat. Bastera Oregon Olo er say .18.00 to 15.00 .10.00 -Cedhua Oaene . Mohair . WOOl. .12.00 te 14.00 .10 .00 .05 25 Acres of Loganberries Grubbed Out WACONDA. April 8 Twenty- five acres of loganberries are be ing grubbed out on the McGil Christ berry farm three miles norwest of Waconda oa the Wlientland Ferry road; and tug grain will be planted. Iwenty-tlre acres of old vines were removed . last fall. This leaves 50 acres In bearing this year. A 25-acre tract of logsns to yield its first crop this season has made remarkable growth in spite of the cold winter. Those removed have been in bearing a number of years, and there was also some loss throngh freezing. In the patch. Most berry growers here are optimistic. It is generally thought that a fair price will be receiv ed for logons dne to other fruits having suffered damage. There are almost no strawberries here dne to freezeout. The fine, weather this past week has enabled rural folks to fairly "see things grow." The seasons work is in run swing at last. Plowing is under way in a number of hop yards here and spring grain Is being planted. Several farmers took advantage of the gas war last month and are busy at present using their low-priced fuel in tractors, hur rying to get plowing done before It rains, or before the long-ab sent sunshine dries off the ground too thoroughly for cnl tlvstlon. . Stocks and Bonds APmrx, s (Copyright. 1032. Standard fltetUUcs Co.) BTOCSv AV&XAUeS 50 20 20 tnd'la RB's Ut's Total Today to.e 2 At 6i.t 40.1 PreTteeader 48.7 23 62.0 47.1 woekere , 4S.S ze.s se.g its Yes ego 60.0 23.8 00.1 01.0 Syeerssge 20l.3 140.0 275.1 20.s High 1030 , 65.9 30.0 0f.S 60.8 -"-' - 2S.S SI.9 4S.S High 1038 T3.S SO.O 111.0 73.0 LOW 1933 S5.1 13.2 51. B 35.0 REAL ESTATE r. i p-'r K rr 1. "bECICB A HENDRICKS. TeL 484T, - ; Vf. H. GBABKNHORST A CO 120 a Uborty 8C - SOCOLOrSKT SON STOVES BTOVES and stove repeJrlr Stores -V -lie. rebuilt and ropeired. AU KLtarwotoTwIro fe-co. taacy d mn- TeL 4774. K. TRANSFER Mod. st. boated apta - 2 rau furn. apt, XL5 Center 6t Apta $10. 812. 891 N. Com'L I SssJrtJ"Vwerii'VV'Vii'" " " - -a -a Furs. apt. IB 9 8 Court St. 1st floor furn. TeL 4269. Fnrti. apartnante l4t Lreali. FOR RENT HOUSES Sn . and onrurn. houses. iForkner, 1610 N. Cottase. TeL 803L 8 room bunsalow for rent. 1248 Che- mekeU St. GOOD 8 R. BOU3IS. 478 8. Winter. House at 2848 SUte St partly fur alabed. 810 soo. Hop Fields Open Up, With Nearly 100 Men on Jobs 'Bells of Harmony Heard over K.OTS daily ring out a loan service that is really really different. TOTJ GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 810 to 1800 i Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Biish Bldg: 2nd Floor I and spring seeding; la being dona j-oinsiiaj ox o lAi bi nn-mm . . . A.. , 1 " 919 BimiV OLlC'l AMU --. Radio Program DAYTON. April 8 Ninety- seven men are employed in the 230-acro hop field of Ross Wood near Dayton, hoeing preparatory to the cultivation to be started at once. Twenty cents an hour is received for the work. All farm work is In full blast For rent 7 room modern homo la . , i I . Ea,1- AiUtit If S. ii . ,.a i nna auuici. .. - TraplTAL CITY Traasxor v-1 electrte rerrlgorauoo, eiectrio R.ai. BUTeL 7713. DLsUitnitio tor I MkB W1U mt tor months to re state . Aiir SDOCUUty. I rrriwt. . Ch-a BS41 -.ardliuc and swr-sw Got our ratea sponsible party. Phono 954L WWw" - WOW REST Several residence properties with larse sarden spota. Rent from 17.56 to 820.00. CHILDS A .MILLER, Realtors S44 Stats Street Phone 8708. . . - . . m m m - - sti-i-tt madera 4 -room bouse. Reas- enablu inquire ziv ureyo-a du afodern faralshed S-room bouse. done In. Anderson Court, tbl pi. PERSONAL LOANS MADE ea furalture, ears, ealarleel Cri------y-i--. Ua- Mtaal or other ood aecursty. 'Reaiytsu -Mv-iew aawu siseua monthly, wnen in nnanrisi aes us Beinre eiostns a loasx. i. GENERAL INVIiSTalKNT ? i CORPORATION First National Bank Blc Phono 8818. i--iiaw-i--wwi-aiwi PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE- LOAN COMPANY " I Has TeriipcrxTiry Quiet SILTERTON, April 8 Six ty-eight hales of hops were ship ped from 8Iiverton Thursday by Herat and son of Independence : FOR RENT 'S - . . i.M-it frmnafer StOTSSe- LiLTrm-rTraaafer C Trucks to PerUandjM-----m- i WELL DRILLING "" A. West. 80 years.: expertencs, ttwO aT Dos It? 11080. Grade Teachers at . : . . a SkV : t; ' va i ry lenmeu - - UayiUU - .""rr I , ---. furnished S room subur- i Frtei CnmlnCt " I earl baa homo, piano, wash, ichlne. acre L ; P Or -VUItlAlij; . a I . -hi-k-n cooo. Would like- to i' t v ' ' - " - " - lease for a year. Falrrlew Ave-, R. 8, .-j.- - ' - '. j- BOX 18. ' T VTONf " April 8 f TnO wiwwwwwwowwmww-kwo DiytoV UMon high school teach- L Garase. . Adulta 498 Z haw not been elected for ' u?'nmmmm next Year but that is expectedl , room houao. barn, ohlcken house next jew t, , t W1 -,--, mn a&rden. Can work for to be the impori-uv v-- i ;"r(rgnt. V, mt Liberty. next scnooi - -m- George Hessler, the chairman, re ports. : ' ' . , :v The riavton trade school Telephone 9-105. 812 Oreeron BuUdlnc 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 a. m. to o :20 t. m. t -who purchased them a week ago T-Lnhnae tlSS. Stat- tl- Ha WBW V V W T . -- i era--a --- i-vaoi ". - nnvaat I A A V AAA UW,& JW4)0Weae . At a- HVgV have bean with the "Warehouse i Service Corporation of which Georsre Ltrealson is manager. No recent sales are reported here. Growers are said to he holding for hl"her prices. MONET LOANED ON AUTOCt Contracts Refinanced Arrang to reduce yout peymeate Too keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty SL and Ferry Phone 4782 t Bslssa. Ore. raiDAY, APsUX T SOW Portlaad 20 Ka. 7:00; Orgaa eoaeert, KEC. 5:80 Heppy Jack, NBO. T:4i Pair of Pianos NBO. 0:00 Smaekoat, NBO. 0:18 Oeekiac acheeL 10:80 Womaa'i Mafastae it ttt Ah, 11:48 Orraa concert. NBO. it: is waiters rena aal Hosw hear. 12:48 O. M. Phuasaar. 2:48 Tha Arcaaiaaa, KBO. 8:00 Al Pseree aad His Oaag, XBa 8:00 Talk ea Xestal Hygisae. 8:45 rrioaily Chat. 4:40 Marie Kooea, HBO. 5:00 Mahal the Msgleiaa. 7:4 BtU of Melody. Ba 7 :lt. Kaead the World la a Giaat A sduataa. 8:00 lmesa' Aadr. HMO. 0:18 Howard Thaxitea, the XagieUa, KBO. 10:20 Betel Mark Hopkiae erskeeera. HBGL 11:00 Ambaasador Hotel orchestra, KBO ti:3S vrgaa cseesri. KOTJI Pertisad 040 Es. 0:80 KODi sUeek. :00 Betas Crocker. DLBA. 16:00 Maris, Little r rosea Prtaeees, 11:00 Isisriees School el Ike AU, CBS. s :oo reseiaiae ran clot. dub. -,a n - J ci.ii Wee 0 :00 Jaao Presaae, Leonard Heytea's ereaeeara, vbs. 0:00 K4wU C Hln, OB 8. T: 80 Black Btaao, K.T. 0:00 Rod din c While, teaev. 0:0O Bead Bos Bevsa, AT. 10:10 .Sport Pharieeev 11:00 Bee City Beavers. EOAO Oorraltta 650 Xe. 7:00 Moraine- MaeieabU-aa, led by lev. rred Mat Portland Livestock POATLA5D. Or.. April 0. IAP) Cartlo ateoatpta 175, ealvea IS; stesdy. Bteers. 0 to voo peuass, gooa f a.ao S.83. Baedlaat 84.60-5.50. coounoa 88.50- 4.50; POO to 1100 panada, good f5.25 5.75. B-odiaai 04 25-5.25. corn-won 88.25 4.35; 1100 te 1300 peaads. good 04.76 6.25, -aadiaia 83.35-4.75. Heifers. 550 to 750 poaade, good 84.50-5, coma-OB-aie- diaai 02.60-4.50; 750 to 000 Bemads, .-ki ai.ji t .i.. 82A0-AJ5. Cows, good 82.75-4.10, co- Bsoa-ateaiaai S2.T5-3.7, low eatter and eatter 21.25-2.75. Bells, yeerUags ex- eladod. good (beef) Sa.75-S.2t, eatter-e-ediaa-. 82-2.76. Veaiera, geed-eaeiee OUO-0.60. asodiasi 84-25-8.50, cull-ceaa- mm ul. -i- ia . . KIUl V. r ) I I V " . . WW rww poaads. goed-ckolee 84-6.50, coe-aaos-aie- diura tl-4. Hore Receipts 475: steady. Uskt UrhL 140 to 16 sewads. Stood- choioe 83J0-4.35. Ligbtweight, 160 te 180 peaads, 84.25-4.S- IBS te 20 peaads, 04.26-4.35. llediwsi weight. 200 le Se peaads, 63.76-4.8S; 22 to 280 to SOO aweavds. 8l.854.lt: 800' to 850 eeoada 1 2.26-4. Paekiss sews. 878 SAO mMmmdm fw1 ll UULll MO 3S peaads 82.25-3.75. 426 to S6 peeada 88J6-S.76; 978 te ttO peaada. sjedniei 88-8.80- Feade aad steefcwr 1 Today BOYS AVEXAOES 20 20 lad-la Bit's 59.5 57.5 Previeosday 69.S 67.T Week axo 60 J 60.9 Yeerego 63.6 64 2 S years sre B4.S 108.6 HlxhlS2 SS.t 5.T Lew 1933 58.1 ST. High 1932 71.0 78.0 Law 1932 53.2 47.4 New 1921 low. 20 SO Ot's Total 74.1 63.7 74.2 62.8 75.0 65.4 79.0 69.0 9ft. 1 99.0 65.9 72.0 74 1 63.0 66.2 76.1 70.9 57.S MECIATIII 1 STOCKS UU r pigs. Ti S2.7t-8.75. be Receipts 000; lambs 180 peaads, seed si Sheep aad ls-be-aboat 25-6 So lawee. La be, 00 peaads dews, geed-cholee S5-SAA Ssadiwm 82.00-6 : 00 to 0 peaads, rood choice 6-8.28. Tee .Hag weeaeaB. 90 to 110 ponnsa, gees aaeics tt-A. sdhsss S2-S. Swos. to 120 Msaea aeed-ehole 82.13-2.71; 120 to 180 peeads, 09 1.50; all weights. oa ndhwa. 01-S: a tfto .Waratae- aaaeart. 9:18 Maeic Apprestotlea, aa ilhurfraUd leetave coarse sy eytwa are iota. t il TIa Bkaa-a-iee Oaeereor.- . 18 Pvwf. X T. Cesses-Metaods Putt tar Oat Laa-eat oanare. 2:00 As Ye Like It Aatkeay Eawec 8 :80 Reaa Heagea ' ' AttraeU veaeas TiMire ActMrr- 0:4 Mara at aad erop ispertf" aad waether forecaa. 7:00 Pre A. 6. B. Beeraet "Iasect Oeatrot to the lariy Gar," 7:40 Isslsns IaattOate el aa air. NEW YORK. April 8. (AP) Speculative Interest la the com modity advance qalckened today and with this broader activity weat appreciation la stock prices. Shares, bubbling up 1 te more than 8 points at the outset, en countered enough sales thereafter to whittle down the rise, although tt grains of 1 te 3 were fairly naaerous. (shares up ovpotat er two net lneladed Chicago Northwestern mnoi and preferred. Northern Fields. New York Central, Santa re. TJ. S. Steel. Bethlehem- Am erican can. Chrysler. American Telephone. Allied Chemical and Union Carbide. Case, Cora Prod ucts, American Sagar, U. 8. Smalt lag, International Silver, Good year. Penney. St. Joseph Lead, American Staeltlng aad Proctor Gamble Imptwved from hsu ooist to abeet 3. Turnover was 1-333.838 shares. KLKCT MISS GOPLKUL'D BRUSH CREEK. April 8. At a meeting of the Brush Creek scbool board held Monday night Miss Inga Goplerud. daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. John Goplernd. was elected teacher for the coming school year. Miss Margsret Gle xik has been the teseher here for the past three years and plana to get a school nearer her own home. SHERIFF'S XOTICE OF HALE On Saturday the 8th day of May. 1933. st ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, in Salem, I will sell st pub- lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the within named de fendants In and to the following described real property sltnated In Marion County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 398 feet Easterly from the point Of In tersection of the Sonth Use of Hood Street with the West line of McCoy Avenue In the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, on an Easterly ex tention of said South line of Hood Street from said begin ning point, and extending thence Easterly on the same line to the Westerly line of the property of the S. P. Rail road Company; theace South erly aloag the Westerly line of the Railroad property to a line 87 feet Southerly from and parallel with the North liae above described; theses . Westerly aloag said last de scribed line to a line 390 feet Easterly from and parallel with the Westerly line of Me Coy Avenae; theace North erly parallel with MeCey Ave nue 8T feet to tha place of beginning. This sale Is msde by virtue of aa execution foreclosure and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon for Marlon County, to me directed In the case of Mutual Savings and Loan Association, a corporation, Plaintiff vs. Nellie E. Woolery, Karl a Becks, and Helen LotsU Becks, his wife. Dafends-ts. A. a BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. Depsty. A T-14-31-38 M S POLLY AND HER PALS A Painful Extreutlo- By. CLIFF STERRETT WANTED TO RENT teachers have i been i re-elected -mi kmti acre fruit tract Lib erty district. 8 rm. house, smaupari i r r - and are Miss Lena StilwelL prin-l;,n1J house. Cash ranc Pboes clpal and. teacher t)t tue sevenin ttti. -- -- - - - - and eighth - grades; ; Miss iClalr . . Wagner, fifth and sixth grades ; pQj SALEReal Estatt Miss Ruby, Brishane of Dundee, I -.UT.nj' 'i i.r - -- -- -- - .-.-- w- third and foarth; Miss4Bernice home and income property .. v - . , it - - niTPT.vTir ftnm 2. and one S room moo. 2 S -hSS. Sill laR itti-N 'I Ume teacher . , VAN M. GREER, 818 Oregoa Bldg. iTX WtSH VtXTD E-P1JJN 1 JL--3 I tXI TRM3Q YOUR 1 1 JfE FiXA-MPLE.- TTRAXXk) 1 I 1 HZ.'S A THtS BAJTER l3USUSlSSa T - TOn. OR TRINKETS J A NCJT W FiLEJ3 hdY STOrPlr4 &T juJ VDCSPiXXS3 J. DONT UNDERSIZND XTl) C RSR GOKfeBUUCf adjZXCnx0 HIS SERVICES. Il-L- BET VJftQ ,&JL)l, 1 V-if c - l B - K 'k 9 n it r