PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. Salen, Oregon. Thursday Morning, April 6, 1933 LYONS SCHOOL US BOERS At Santiam Convention; Mill City Chosen for Next - Gathering - AUMSVILLB. April I. The fantlam - dlvisloa- of Sunday schools held its quarterly meeting et the Christian , church Sunday with a large crowd present. Rer. lfscaaly preached in the morning. At noon basket dinner was serr- 4 to nearly 300 persons. . An Interesting afternoon pro gram consisted of: Talk. Fred de fnes; a special, ftiozan tapping, and a special by members of the Turner Christian, church. The Ly ons Sunday school won the ban ner tor the largest number pres ent and another banner for bar ing memorized the largest number ml yerses. Churches represented were the 8tayton Christian, Lyons Chris tian, Turner Methodist, Turner Christian, AumsYHle Betbei. Me kama Christian, Mill City Chris tian, and the entertainers, the AumsTllle Christian. Glenn UcClellan presided over the business meeting held in the . Afternoon. - The next eonrentlon will be. held some time in July t Mill . City. . Thursday night Aumsvllle and Turner will compete in a dramatic contest at AumsTille and the win ner at a later date will go to Sa lem and compete with winners from the other districts. This is all done .under the head of the community club. The Aumsrille Jay, .Neighbors. bas the follow- . lag cast: Gladys Burgess. Mrs. Loretta Bradley, Louise Highber- ger, lira. T. C. Mountain, Virgie Bradley, Wayne Ransom, Sam Weiss and Mabel Kullander. no fide mis ! BUT DUE AUMSVILLE. April 5. A fire f unknown origin started in the auto freight depot about 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Due to the quick action of the men and the fire department Mrs. Johnson's drug store and Fred Hannon's garage, which connect with the building, were sared. i This Is the third fire in the dis trict in the last few days. Satur day the Fred Nichols house caught fire but no serious damage was done. Recently the brooder house at the Frank. Tucker place burned and he lost 0 little chicks. Record Graduating Class For Scio Hi Prospect For June SCIO, April 4. Twenty seniors will graduate from the Sclo high school in Julie, provided they sat isfactorily complete the work they are now carrying. This year's sen lor elass Is the largest in the his tory of the school, with two more than the- class last year. The graduation exercises will be held In the Z. C. B. J. hall Thursday night, June 1. As yet ao speaker has been selected Checking ot grades has begun to determine who will be class rale- dletorian and class salutatorian, West Salem News WEST SALEM. April I i Of ficers Installed at an impressive ceremony held by the Klngwood Post of the American Legion in the West Salem community hall included, Commadder, Nick Her- rell first vice commander, Waldo E. Bixel; second vice comman der, Robert White; adjutant. Mi lo Jensen; finance officer, H. F. Borton; chaplain, Charles I Ad ams aud sergeant-at-arms, .Wil liam Schwarts. A degree team from the Newberg post conduct ed the initiation of those be longing to the order. Entertainment was furnished by the Haywire orchestra I and Salem Drum corps. Notables present included two state offi cers,' Jack Eakin, commander, of Dallas, and Carl Moser, adjutant of Portland, Fred Deiner, district 1 HFITI WISE BETHEL. April 6. Fifteen new members have joined j the Farmers Union In this vicinity within the past two weeks. They are Melrin Leln. Joe Gerlg, Frank Beutler, Martin Rehm, Otto Beut- ler, Gideon Welty, Nicholas Gerlg, Peter Kufner, John Roth, o. s Kesllng, A. A. Hager, George B Hager, John Amort, Fred Hersh and W. E. Branch. Otto Beutler and John Roth are Joining the Central Howell local and the others have become xnem bera of Bethel local. S. Hamrick presided at the meeting Monday night at Bethel, in the absence of. the president. W. L. Creech. " J. R. Carruthers and Roy Mar chand, delegates to the county convention at Marion, rz.a re ports of that meeting. The play. "Who Says Can't?" sponsored by the Fruitland com munity club, was presented. Mrs. A. H. Bressler Introduced the players and directed the , play, Mrs. uuo a., ramus or saiem was present as Judge. At the close of the play lunch was served by Mrs John Zak and Mrs. George Bahn- sen. J. JOINI LOST, NEIGHBORS FEARING commander of Newberg; from the Polk county council. " Mr. Chriatainaoa of Monmouth and Allen Carson, commander of Sa lem. The Cherry City Baking Co. furnished doughnuts for the en tire attendance. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newton are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a baby . boy In their home early. Monday morn Inc. The little lad weighs nine pounds and has been named Tra vis He has two sisters. Mrs. Homer Harrison will be hostess to the members of the Jolly-Time quilting - dub this week at her home in Salem. The matrons will have a pot luck noon luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Neal McCoy and N. T. McCoy 'and family were Newberg visitors Sunday. They formerly resided there and own property there still. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Steadman accompanied by Miss Jean Johnson were Eugene guests Sunday. They were guests of Mrs. Steadman's sister and her family. Miss Helen Beler of Portland, a Parrlih worker of the Evan gelical Mission there was a house guest at the John Friesen home last week. Mrs. Friesen and Miss Beler visited at the Henry Goerfs family in Dallas, one day. Mrs. Goerts Is Miss Beirs mother. .LeRoy Wells was given birthday party complimenting his 18th birthday last week. Cards and refreshments were the di version. Present were the Misses Helen Gosser, Mona Tosburgh. Hasel Curtiss and Barbara Whipple and LeRoy Wells. Reg lnald Vosburgh, Robert Mathis Melvin Zwicker, Wlllard Wells and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs Frank P. Wells. PEP RftLLY STAGED BY BBUS1I COLLEGE With Zena Sunday , School Members as Special: Guests at big Event eompaalment: numbers by Brush College young people's chorus. Lucy Mae Peterson, EtheL and Rlincba Bonner.' Nina ' Tansey. Milea Munson. rred and Eldon 01- sen and Francis oisen, aceompan ua bv Mrs. Karl Harritt on the piano, and Miss Marjorle Harrlt oa the Ylonn; soio, tsuiy uuey, accompanied by Mrs. Utley. Cap tain Hall held preaching services after the program. The Brusn college helpers wui snnsH college. Aoril 8.- One of the largest meetings ot Its kind to be held here in recent are. with approximately 1Q0 present, was the pep rally, day Sunday when Brusn college sun hool entertained Zena Sun at school a.t an all-der meeting. F. C. Ewing presided throughout the day. Numbers on tne morning program were: Song, Alice Craw ford. Ethel ana Ida jaciunney, pi anist. Rnth Shenard: inspiring Ulk. "Springtime, the Seed Time of Hnnef illness." CanUin U. I. Hall of McMlnnvllle; duet, . Mrs. A. E. Utlev and son Billy: solo. UttU Arden Sheoard. Those wbo participates in tne round table discussion on prob lems of a-eneral Sunday school work, which followed a basket dinner at noon, were Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Shepard and Mrs. W. N. Crawford of Zena, Mrs. U. J. Leh man, superintendent of the Brush College primary department: Mrs. Esther Oliver. Dr. C. L. Blodgett. F. C. Ewing and O. J. Hull ot the First Christian chureh ot Salem, who told of their newly organized gospel band. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Miller of Salem sang a duet and encore, ac companied by Mr. Miller on the guitar; F. C. Ewing gave a brief sketch of the Brush College Sun day school which was organized it years ago, April 24; duet, Fred and Eldon Olsen, accompanied by Mrs. Olsen; duet, O. J. Hull and Earl Miller, banjo and guitar ac- Scus6vz NORTH HOWELL, April 5. State police were notified Mon day of the disappearance Sunday night of John Johanson, about 30, who came to this community a month ago and purchased a small farm from Mr. and Mrs. K. D Coomler. When last seen he bad finished his supper at the home of W. M Oddle, where he was boarding, and was preparing to spend bis first night alone in his newly built cabin. It was known that he carried a large sum of money on his per son. The performance of a large Bulck sedan driven by a man In livery who seemed much interest ed In the location of Jobanson's cabin Sunday afternoon may have something to do with the unusual affair. EKffl Again we oiler rouodtrips for about U a mile to almost everywhere in the West. Start your trip on one of these dates: ni?im us, ikvus, w Be back by midnight, April 23 Try our new "Meals Select" Complete luncheons and dinners for 80 to $1.25 and breakfasts for 504 to 90, on all S. P. dining cars. Examples of "Dollar Day" Roundtrips, Salem to PORTLAND ..... I .90 SAN FRANCISCO ..$15.05 EUGENE 1.40 LOS ANGELES 23.40 KLAMATH FALLS.3&.6.50 SEATTLE 4.85 ROSEBURG ...3.15 SPOKANE 9.00 MEDFORD 6.00 MARSHFIELD 5.05 Similar low fares between all S. P. stations rTl A. P. NOTH. Agent Passenger Depot, 18tb A Oak Tel. 8902 no la every cornet of die world, both ben and overseas, wherever you find oj in life, 'ris slwsys "Lnckies Please" -mf,3 fCj j " " V ' P I ; Georgia suhert fit tobaccos grow "Cream of the Crop" . gives character . . . Toasting" makes them inild What puts character in a cigarette? The quality of the tobaccos. Lucky Strike's tobaccos are carefully te . lected for quality, for tenderness, foe distinctive flavor ... the finest, most Carefully selected tobaccos grown. : And Lucldes are truly miU- because these fine tobaccos are "Toarted"1 . mellowed and purified by the exclu rive Lucky Strike process. For these two reasons Character and Mild Dew Luckies Please ! )-v . .' xV.'----:C:i:::'fr:Vv-..::: if no. mM mt th'm hAffll tkt Uff. TJxTTY Bonney TUnrsday, April C. Mrs. rranx Rivets win oe joins uosieu. HOXOR 6CHOOL TEACHER FIR GROVE. April I Mrs. Oslo Best, teacher of the Tlr Grove school, was honored by neighborhood . residents oa occa sion ot . her birthday, April S. This is Mrs. Best's second year as teacher here. Queener BerTymen Say Crop Greater : t yhaxi' Firit Report QUEENER; April I Clyde Wakelee and family of Payas Tille,' Ohio, arrived - by - automo bile Sunday to spend the summer at the Chas. Wakelee home. Several of the strawberry growers of this locality report prospects for better than a ! per eeat erop this 'year hat that nearly all the cane berries vera frozen. MOVE TO MACLEAT -SHAW, April I Mr. and MT Jess Neeloa and family who have been living about a mil east of here for the past two years, have moved to a small place near Mse leay. . . . - Corttcht. itss, a ecauseliVs to asie V v ti Hundreds More Articles On Sale Besides Those Listed Hcroi FREE METAL IUU CHEST Free with every set of 4 of our genuine Edison MAZDA Au tomobile Bulbs purchased at our regular LOW PRICES. PEDAL PADS rut FAIR High grade rubber pads for Ford or Chevrolet. Perfection Pedal Pads For other cars . . . pair. rcoTicir ate uni nee TWO-WAY 10c Shows entire certi ficate or only name. 39ctefittl9c and 35c HEEL PROTECTORS Ladles' Heel Protectors, for French or Cuban heels. Per pal rl4C V7 Heavy Rubber FLOOR MATS PSil 77c ""VIA Sj i- . . , il Thlclt. mw rubber . . fit most cars. Other Mats 7e to $1.49- Quick Automobile Repainting Outfit $245 Reflnlth your own car quickly and easily St s saving. All for. Outfit Inclmd ... 1 avert Cei-O-Tee Aete Eeat si any color except red or maroon. (Red or maroon 30c extra.) 1 ajat CeJ-0-Tee Tep Dressles, pint CeMMee If lae Eaemel black. 4 sheers seeds-apsr sity welglit. 1 Qaick lecqeev bmah, 2-1. else. 0 SPRAY OUTFIT 95 Operates from air pressure from auto tire or tube. For home or ga rage. Mfgrs. List Price $1.50. on UTOE Costs mfM j WESTERN GIANTS r art guaranteed ro give you r . : service at least equal to any riii 1 : other First Line tire on the fl , marKer ana to give you com plete satisfaction ... yet we sell them for 33 to 37 LESS than other First Une Nationally Advertised Tires For example - ' 29x4.40-21 $Q48 KJ iach 28x4.75-19 Wesr'n Giant Standard Quality 2a4.40-21 29x4.50-20. 10.4.50-21 2ti4.75-l e ruu. it ruu. II , nits nits II riu rta U IMarTial IIMrTiM 1 Tltll M TIKI) II J S3.4S I S4.PS y 1 I.7S I SJll B I S.9S I 5.3a I 4.28 5.5t H J 4.4S I S.7S H i a i n J 4.5S I tf.ll n .. 4.70 6.80 P '.. 4.1S 6.4S H 5.25 H r-r i Tt 5.5S 7.1 1 5.70 7.3S 5.75 7.1S tf.00 7.0 tf.25 1.05 Wesr'n Giants New Stock Felly Guaranteed 30.6.00-II. 3 1 .6.00-1 9. 32.4.00-20. 29x4.75-20 10x4.75-21 29x5.00-19 10.5.00-20... 13x6.00-21. 14x6.00-22. 12.6.50-20. 11x5.00-21 12x5.00-21 21x55-1 S 29.5.25-19 14x7.00-20. 35x7.00-21. ntu s mt 1 Tlt S7.I0 7.95 8.20 9.90 10.23 10x5.25-20. 11x5.25-21. 21.5.50-1 1 29x5.50-19 30.5.50-20 6 end 8 Ply Under Tread Om tires ere FULL 4 sad 6 FLY htm bead te UU. A Catkioa Strip aad a Irctkar or Caihioe Cap eder rae tread aiake tkeai eeaal te se-cslled "6 U I tty Uader tee Traad tkes ethers advertise. PENN UPCIEME Guaranteed 100 Pur Pennsylvania Oil DeeUe Dkritled, Tri4e Filtered, Sharpies Frees- 99.76 Carftea rsui Per Gallon SA.E. 30-40 In Your Can Lett thmn ISc m evert tfken bought la gallon Ye Cae't Boy a Setter OH at Any Price For Viscosity, Flash and Fire, and Flow at all temperatures. PENN SUPREME tests as well or better than Nationally Advertised Penn sylvania Oils selling at double our LOW PRICES. u "Utility" Quart Measure with every purchase of 5 aallona or mere. 5-Minute Vulcanize r Complete with three telf-hcarlng patches . . . Tire Parches according to slii 8c u 23c SPE-D-CAR Handsome toy automobile with real ruDoer Tire. Attractively enmtld Chromium plated De Luxe model Form Fitting SLIP-ON Seat. Covers 98 s DUKO NOUYWOOO .98 $1.69 . 1.96 8.15 . 1.9S 8.15 Coupe or Roadster- Reduced to onfy- Tudor Sedan or Coach ' " Reduced to only 4-Door Sedan ' Reduced to Jy Hollywood "Kustum Bllt" SEAT COVERS ft" See eor large assertaMat ef Materiel Saalee Radiator Ornaments 66c Clearance Lamp Beautiful chromed ornament, 6Vi Inch wing spread. Other ornaments. 66ero$1.19 e Imperial GASOUNI FILTER Black enamel fin ish with 2Vx-n. lens. Red, white. 1kL29c 59 Filters Impurities from gasoline. Improves motor performance and protects your engine. Storage Battery BARGAIN 6 Volt 15 Plate Defender $369 With Your Old Battery Guaranteed for 15 Months This ALL NEW MATERIAL battery Is ruggedly built and Is a wonderful value for small 4 and 6 cylinder i THE FAMOUS WESTERN GIANT AND WIZARD 8ATTERIES AU Spedeffy Meed fmr tkU Cecal '&A." Heat Indicator A A striking modernistic floure full chromed with a dependable heat Indicator. . e Step Platea DANDY" Fits Many Cars 69c ad. Aluminum frame, heavy rubber pad. Other Step Plates. A Genuine Splitdorf SPARIC PLUGS MODEL T FORD 29 Other Popular 34c Ntttonally famous for '.. dependability. WIND WINGS Plate Glass . . chrome brackets Ir A f.e-fe. Pa Splendid wind wings, regular $2.93 value, for closed cars. "Superior Closed Car Wind Wlese Newdesl extra $4.45 Sure-Tito Gas Tank Cap 39 Thia patented cap prevents theft of cap or gas. Sensational value. DUAL MIRROR Shows both sides of road te rear. Much safer than single gn BICYCLE TIRES High Grade, Non-Skld Tread 25x1 World's Oldest and Largest Retailers of Auto Supplies 1 170 Strain tlaTfet K . . ea ' i "" wLmm 1 201 NORTH COMMERCIAL . ; SALEM. OREGON r. m-'v A. K. COL-O-TEC Automobile Polish Made by Gild- den ; finer at any' price. For ell finishes. Ret