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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1933)
Th OREGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregon, Tharaday Morning, April 4L 1S33 PAGE SEVEN r r i .f I J r V' a a . .. Business Directory Cards In this directory run oa a moathly basis only. Rate $L0 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, the brake and shimmy ctoe. 17 S South Comnwirta! Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Milter Beauty Shop, dial 7953. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. S753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R- E. Northnesa, - CHIROPRACTORS Da a L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. tit h. align, -e iw " Correspondence Instrnction inrnationi iCorrcsDondeaee achoola Business, technical courses, Bx. ICS. i C. McGHHvray. rei. is. DRESSMAKING MRU SNELOROVE, 465 N. Cottage. Tel. 744S. Hemstitching. e yrj; : FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun aral wreaths, decoration C F. Brelt haupt flot 1st, 677 Court. Tel. 6904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. Uth A Market. TeL 9591. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel. SIPS. Walter J. Downs, 680 Breya INSURANCE BSC KB HENDRICKS m N. High : Tel. 494T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ins. Tel. 8432. LAUNDRIES ' TUB NEW SALEM AUNDRY THIS WELDER LAUNDRY 143 a High TeL 8128 CAPITAL. CITY LAUNDRY virt in Quality and Service Telephone 3HS 1884 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. -The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CbuwUled Atrtlstas Single insertion per liae.lOe Three insertions pr line ste Six Insertions per Una. .SOc One month par tin.. $1.0 1 Minimum charge ...... 2 Is Copj for this page ac cepted until f:30 the en ins before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which car ap pear In adYsrtlsements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement in which the typographical mistake ocemra. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tional advertising. It fur ther reserves thr right to. classify all advertising an dor the proper classification. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product. Nationally adver tised. Craxy Crystals, lis a. iiign. FOR SALE Real Estate SACRIFICE BY OWNER Classle. S bedrooms, mod. bungalow. double plumbing, fireplace, hd. wood floors, furnace, garage, in walnut para this. REAL, COZY HOME 4-R. mod., nook, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, garage. Clear ta exchange for S room mod. House te good shape. In the NK Salem. van at. QIUXK 114 Oregon Bid. Ph. TIM. An Ideal place for hop culture. $ acres of which 59 are No. 1 bop soil. IV heavy timber 4tt mL out of Albany In Santlatn basin. For sal by owner Address H. R. Schultx, Bal timore Bldg:., Albany, Ore. Two modern houses. 4 and rooms on largo lot, hardwood floors, base ment, nice location, marked down to sell, price only $3800 for both. Splen did modern 6 room home with base ment and hardwood floors, raraa-e. large lot. paved street for only $2000., on easy terms. 4 room house, fireplace, garage, paved street, nice location for only $1250.00 on easy terma Melvln Johnson W. M. Pennington 275 State Street -. .--. - -.-n-.nqrLUJV- SPKCIAL. S room house on large corner, close to business district. For sale at low iiguro or owner will consider small prune larm as part. SEE Mrs. EUIs with CHILVDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 470$ "- s si -a,.-. , nira MUXajtji ruu AT CITY LIMITS Immediate possession of a strictly modern 10 room home with cheerful rooms, large llvlnar room In front with fireplace, full basement, furnace, dou ble garage, large corner lot with nlos grounds. Cost over $12,000. Price cut very low ror todays market and will accept small Home as part CHILD 3 ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 4708 Seed potatoes. Earliest of AIL Early Rose, Early Ohio, British Queen, Net ted Gem, Burbank. II. A. Hyde Co., 269S Portland Road. TeL 9596. Fresh crabs now at Fldlera stand. Intersection Silverton-Portland road. HAY, ALFALFA, first quality. 411 Guardian Bldg. Tel. S48Z. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE 99 acre IS hole Illahee golf course, beautiful view, convenient location, large modern club house suitable for aancing parties. Sell cheap, or will ae cept clear Salem property as part pay ment. CHTTJDS a TLjTT.T.'trW. T?Tfr.r-. 344 State Street Phone 6708. "i'i'iV -ii nr rut n - - tnj GOOD BUY SlaOO farm. 1S4 A-r-rp a w vmiu barn, estimated 2000 cords -of wood Interesting Pacts , ' i i-- mm BEAT mm DQlVil PRICES II years ago today United States entered the World war. Mayor McKay har asked that flags be displayed today. Portland Tone Firm; Eggs Still Mixed; few Onion Sets in Supply PORTLAND. April ft (AP) Flooding ot Los Angeles with northwest batter, which could The airship Akron flew over I hare been sold to better advan- Salem Wednesday, May 25th, last) tags t home, was attributed as year. j the real reason for the recent ef- . o ions or snippers to beat down The Akron was 7S5 feet over- Portland prices so as to make it all. Its height was 141.5. It had appear that they were getting eight engines with H. P. of 4.480. better values on their southern Its maximum speed was 84 miles 1 shipments and had a cruise range ot 10,580 miles. MONEY TO LOAN While shipped in supplies have recently increased here because ot the movement of Independent stock as a result ot the Los Ange les congestion, the home make TOEAT HTTS55 TO 60c IN SALEJVI CHICAGO GRAIN PRICES SOAEING Large Amount Here; Buyers Offer 5 c On Mohair A sharp lift in local wheat prices, featured the Wednesday market. While wheat went np a cent, to 57 cents, at warehouses following the Portland market. White 4b Son advanced the price to a top ot 40 cents a bushel, with a range of from 55 to 40 cents. The stlffer market will have little effect upon seeding, it is said, as there is a large quantity of wheat available, and most ot Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 120 per hundred. Surplus 05c. (Milk beted ea teal Boats! itUrfat event-) Bnttcrfff' Sweet 17c, sour 15c. Prints 10c, rubes 17c srtri 'Bells of Harmon v. lo with the best de-lv dolUr d w.wle few Jocal jwii i.cUL"lfc- DdlS OI nannonys . mf.nSmrA mnA potatoes are offered, some buyers r. Caaf, is. Heard over XOXN dally ring out a loan service that is really really different. TOTJ OET THE) TOLL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL, INTEREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERYICB ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM so-called extras. Butterfat values continue to reflect strength. Market for eggs continued its mixed appearance in the local ter- Prices paid te grewer ky Balei April 6 (Tke prices fcele. sappiieS e a local those Who Intend to SOW wheat al- I grocer, are laamtiT el the daily atarket read havit tha hmi1 i hBt maraate by Ta 8talesiaa) reaay nave ia seea. I rtnir im vcoeTiiui The potato market is also Artichoke dea. .o Ses. .30 .07 Vi .1.75 to 2.00 .IS .IS 02 2S .1.00 has further decreased. This hM 'troSr'.dM to ca",ty; ,TaV" KS.toesU left a rather firm tone .11 through No-tf. are qoUJ wlwlgeej. -. erste dibuu iui iMuuira ana uuaor-1 - . . . . ... I r.,K. ik grades and the poorest call for ",Te ".ao.u" gen" Oeieas. dox. bnae1ies ermiiy oiierea lor oesi block. i FeUteea. Takiaui Ne. 3 Asparagus is more plentiful and I Local cheaper, at 7 cents a pound. I , For the first time in months, I r.t " r.TTf buyers are making an offer onlOoiens. alia Wails mohair, with the erica at 5 cents I , m .75 to 1.00 os. .1.50 ritory with a big abundance of un- . " a w, 7 9 PrWiPT hV.dred dergrades being dumped here Dud; a bIt doDwn- l - - from all directions. So-called ex tras were selling retail as low as 11c with a reported top wholesale list of 14c. Strong demand continued in the market for live hens and especial- Boom WrSXTvJSJlSFl JZ Ftoorl ,T th8 1Jht weight sorts. Receipts AAXV4V04A A. Ol A1U 81S Stste Street Tel. 3-T-4-. 10 cents on medium and 8 cents on coarse. Calif. It General Markets Calory. Calif.. H Crate ktaxicaa Tomatoes Italian Broccoli, lb. Applao Winetapa. fancy Extra fancy ,, ,, Kawtovaa, G grade rsaey . 3.75 U 3.25 .SS .85 1.50 .03 .05 23 .3.50 .07 to .08 Burbank seed potatoes. Quality and I on place, running water, one mile of a gooa town, west buy in valley. SEE BKUHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street quantity. B. Cunningham. TeL 31F3. HOP PLOWS Sloper hop plow second hand, $300. New ones, new design, ail steel con struction, $50.00. Side cutters one way, $55.00. Side cutters two way, $107.00. SLOPER BRO&. Independence, Ore. Well rotted barnyard fertilizer for sale, reasonable. Phone 4944. Loose hay for sale, reasonable. TeL 100FZ3. FOR SALE WOOD No. 1 IS In. eld fir. $1.00. TeL 44St. Dry wood $4.00. Phoae till. - Grn 2nd rrowth fir It he IS.7S. ITU SlrrJI snvWa3r tnrinffb IhiIMUm Take dear house. Owner. 44$ Hood It. I 5S!twl)-rr Me!r' MrioB On. EXCHANGE -Real Estate GUARANTEED DRT wonri maJ TeL 1040 Salem Fuol Co Trade Cottaga of all hens were small. There was an increasing supply ot broilers reaching here from western Washington. There was a famine ot onion madinms i2e. sets, as expected, and some firms were entirely out ot supplies al though they were still nominally quoted at 7c. Boilers were being used instead PEODTCB XXCHAJTOa PORTLAND. Ore.. April 5. fAP) 1mAttm .r.k.H. ma, am..- Yin,, aw Extras lie, standards 17c, priau firsts 17c. iirsta isc H-ft rrask extras 14c, Portland Grain Extra fancy Cauliflower. Calif., "crate Rntabarss. hnedrad Oraaget. p.p. - - fancy Reati. Califs dox. Taraips, Calif., crate Spinach. Calif., crato . Bansaaa. lb. oa atock . Bands .80 1.40 .50 .90 1.35 .95 .1.00 to 1.35 .1.50 to 1.75 .3.00 to 4.00 .70 3.50 3.S5 .05 New Seasonal Records Set; Crop Reports Highly Adverse CHICAGO, April S (AP) Soaring prices for grains today swept almost the entire list to fresh top records for the season. In some cases, there was a max imum rise of S cents bushel. Sensationally adverse wheat crop reports went hand In hand with Washington legislative de velopments which many traders took as indicating that every gov ernmental aid practicable would be afforded to bring about higher agricultural values. A senate com mittee report recommending an increased volume of money be placed in circulation received par ticular attention in many quar ters. Big speculative buying devel oped la wheat and corn especial ly, and prices closed strong al nearly the day's top, wheat 1-14 cents above yesterday's finish, corn -Ts up, oats ad vanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 5SH-K; July. 57-fi; Sept., 51 ,-. Corn May. 3 2 -3 3; July. 35 35; Sept.. 3SH-. tts May. zOVi-; July. 20 ; , :pt., 21. Too. 1S33. Ik. PORTLAND. Ore- April S. fAP) Too. 1S31 lb. W-eat Open ilirh Low flnu Sales Of onions Vn rirlnni Int. I Mar. naw 53 5J 53 53 U. were reported as extremely slow; jy'!!! U t in tact Ot nominal volume at the Caih Wheat No. l: Bid Bead Blueftte. HOPS ii J. ' . . l via nr. na growTn. io tl. I source. Jeadls; buyers report al d,rk aard winter, 13 per cent 40, liv acres, cows and farm machinery, I -,"-w-----i.iw.w-ww-- I , . -. , . I 11 rr coat BSVt soft whito sat w 0n of 5f. dalr3r 'arm In valley DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal J Of orders from Other points. lXtl1 aora spring 33 ' krd owner will take -man acreage or res- I and fuel ea Call on us for prices We I Local market being supplied with wi-ur 1 - 7 VJItlr. i Ii u, ' mence property. Easy terma Thla la a 1 giro arooa msswra snod aualltr and I nnn. good one. Kxtrat ... Rtandarda Mediami EOGS Baytag Prices .05 H .30 .55 P0RT11D GRAIN IN ON DAY'S ADVANCES WANTED Miscellaneous Oregon bias. H. C. SHIELDS TeL $902. Why throw away good money? The hosiery mending depL at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, to to 25c. Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletsing, Statesman office. FOR SALE FARMS BEST FARM BTTTS 1C0-.A flrood fannrmrcminit. w,ltK wMm WANTED Used bath fixtures and fflf- cult- -A.. timber, price $000.J good serrlco. LARMER TRANSFER BTORAOf Taleoheoo 3131 Ash, fir and oak. TeL 144$. WOOD Old fir 34.2S. TeL 1933. - - - - - i - "i-Ti-r n ii i rxTLni-uru-tr Old fir II", $4.00, TeL $17r keeping There continued a noticeable drag in sales ot country killed calves here although no further general change In the price was shown. Hogs, lambs,, and beef were in good call Cora No. 2E yellow 19.t. lillran standard $15. Old roosters . Colored . Mediant bean Li cat kens Bakers rODXTET Llcht fryers Portland Produce '"Hu" HEAT toilet call 200 Gray Bldg., or write Joseph Barber, Rt s. Box 53. PERSONAL WANTED Forge Or forge-blower, cheap. R. Watts, RL 4, Salem. Phone 102F2. terms. 3 1-A. SUBDIVISION CLOSE IN Ioiwiwwxwwmwwwwwxxw aiooern nome, good soil a snap at I Anyone Knowrng the whereabouts of $800.00: take house In Salem as part. I Natalie Da Boise please write Box 118, horses, cows and sheep free of charge. rBra from factory to home. T. k dU mr,A I norsoa, om ana wrap ni Spring mattress $8.00. Reno ra tors ana 1 Val By-Products. TeL 4869 lumigaiora, nugs cioa-cu. w ding Co. TeL 4069. 3030 N. CapltoL 329-A. STOCK RANCH-. 240-A. cult., dairy Imnmnnunti Plenty water, soma fln timw mnj We pick tip dead and worthless I i Jio?Z' ma,cnin ""f- New mattress made to oraer.old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Baiem iun m m tress Factory, a 13th Wilbur tTeL $41. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. 191L MUSIC STORES OEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet music and piano studies, Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State Street. Balem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c chDd. 15c Two blocks a of library. S. Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished rooms with er without board. Tel. 8797. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rax, near P. O. $30. TeL S432. rjtRGE. NICELY furn. heated room, who board. Special rates for eiectno pump, s horses, S cows, 100 goats. 4 heifers. 2S sheen. mA anrf nay. A real snap for $80.00 per acre. tuuiujr lucation. -xaae part trade. J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street ACREAGE --------- - -,-ii-m-i i ii-ii-i n n nn tor sale 5 acres of a-ooA fmitr lan.l t miles from Liberty, good S room house and good bull dinar. Small down payment, balance easy terms. Call at in am st or phone 9541. - - pu-u-utruxr FKICED FOR CASH 49 acres. 340 ter acre. Near Pornr. u-kj, gooa roaa, eiectno ugnts avail- aoie, ana large spring. SfcH HAWKINS 4 ROBERTS For Farm Bargains TVrrrdt. Orearon. Important FOR SALE USED CARS ' ' '- "i'j psgCBtsOrsfi iirui'r j'inji McKay's Used Cars WITH AN O. JC THAT COUNTS 31 Essex Coach PORTLAND. Ore- April S. (AP) tJBttar mats, aeora or better 20c; poaaa, sianaara j.wc xxia fscitie r sultry rrodacers' soil- lag prieoa: Frosk extras lie, staadsrds nt. meeituas iza. Coaatry 0100103011101 price to ratal at Oaaatrr -killed bora, beat bnUbora. vndar 150 ponnds 5 V. -6c; Taalera SO to WOODBURN. April B The .D7ia iTi. 7rtr7. . Woodburn fire department was!5, caaaer oowa VaUe Slefnoon1 SET flrSf iT" f-itSSria afternoon. The first call at 2 is, fiibaru 20 32a ooeana aoa. P. m. prOVlnsr a false alarm, the I Cessam bark Buying price. 1933 pool. Steers Cows Heifers Balls Trio Fire Alarms in Brief Period Heard .10 .09 .09 .04 .10 .OS .OS .09 JO 1.00 4.00 . 3.75 .04 to .04 .01 to .03 Vx .02 Vb to .OIS .03 te .03 Vi .05 CO Dretiod veal, top . , Drtiied kota 0&AI9 AND BAT Wheat, western red .55 to .60 White. No. 1 55 to .W) Barley, top, tea 18.00 to 20.OO Oata. tan 10.00 to 25.00 nay. aayiag prieoa Oata aad vstck. toa PORTLAND. April 5 (AP) After an early start with fraction al advance, the market for wheat options developed considerable) strength and a further price ad vance followed. Everyone wanted wheat with little offered. On tha Portland futures market, new May with no trading was up V4e at the close with old May up 4e with sale of 1000 bu. July closed with a rise of lHc and sales to taling 5000 bu. Cash wheat was le higher for local on the merchants exchange with Montana up t Mc bushel all around. Some millers advanced flour 10 to 20c bbl. late yesterday with a general rise probably with in the next 24 hours. Alfalfa, valley. 1st cat Easura Orogoa Ctevtr bay .13.00 to 14.SO .18.00 to 15.00 16.50 '31 Ford Tudor Sedan '39 Bulck Sedan fl Aatnnrl W O ASa ft aCk-4 Vo- as 1 a. n- I.. I 8-8 Vie ponnd. - tj m intuitl u - ., - - - i . . . . uv . m mit u m m m - aa,.u. 'Irlii S ' nK n lU IOT a press ButWOlrfet f shippers: Statics. 1 ""I inirnini mr J nss. -wriAlrtnvfs mIab l 1 4l7i ortlavvisl dl-tltwvw' Je-i I BE A - - vav as ITS, M - I , - Z 1 - - w- 473 o ln works. Another alarm was ,ZZ.Z-' 'b lu- miehlna a t (h. jTamjIVm .i... I ln.l.-j .1.1 ; - -. v ... H I . uw V. WWUUUdl f.Vail I . - m v-,,..,. ucuv m 'is m i I Ti .- .71 aa II iiTJvn - k tl.JX; iiian snniid1 wh-n U m Z I . t-riry Baymj prioo: Uee-? - -FznTz i ::rc " ' r: " " iuuttu wuini..mii- ness. re- IXedinta Ooaroo . Mohair . wool. .12.00 to 14.00 .10 .OS .05 '34 Coupe sedan 81 Coach : '81 De Luxe Sedan '32 Special Sedan '28 Track Jl Long W. B. Truck " l th flr lepartment answered the kuaVe.r.ii IleS ie I 3ii o call and with chemicals and the Si? brw"r " "e" ,ld 11 "' Stocks ant) Bonds colored That weather conditions har been against the growth of rseed ed wheat area in the semi-light lands of Morrow county, was the statement of Carl J. Peterson, a prominent wheat land owner in. the lone country. Mr. Peterson confirmed that the winter crop was froien out and that dry weather has retarded stoollng of the spring sowing. The future de pends upon the early rainfall. Will trade guitar and lessons for I two people. TeL 4375 anything I can use. Storhow, 450 Court MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday. 10 :29 a-m. to 4 :30 P- m. 14 N. Commercial. PRINTING ! STUDENTS, business women. Tel. 3203. ROOM OR RM. and bd. for genUe-j man tn modern home near state house. Box 133, Statesman. Mod. rooms, reasonable. 445 Marlon, FOR RENT APARTMENTS WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH BTTTETt VA PW cim.Tk. ST IN. U52S 12th Avt Bmn TViLr-fsrv. Business Opportanities i......... ...... -ri-inrin n n n n i For rent rarace and aerrlea ataMna on wisy Mghwny. Tel. 25S. McKay Chevrolet Co. TERMS TRADES Open evenlnas and Sundara 338 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Coral. 'T-airdJvrarna -ajn i-irsiio fkurjxJTnaLs USED CARS Soeciallr Priced This Wook 1939-Pontiao Bod an, thoroughly reconditioned 8371. 1929-Ford Sedan. A-l ISt. 1927-Chev. Coupe $5. 1926-Chev. Roadster, tip-top , Tl. izs-wnippet sedan 95. 1927-Pontiae Coupe 186. al of the extinguisher again put ;aft ou tumes. 415.90 HOXOR MRS. WRIGHTMAN SILVERTON. ADril 5. Mrs. Helen E. Wrightman was honored at a party at her home Monday, the occasion being her birthday Onioas Selling price to retailers t Oro goa $1.35-1.83 cental, Taki-aa fipaniik 0e-$lJS sestaL Fotateos LecaL S5-7Se eraaro boa: Doaebatae Ooau S1.34-1.&0. do Bakers 1.50-1.60. Yakima Ooaxs $1-1.85. law potatoes Florida -7e. Wool 1033 ells, aomiasl: WitUmstto valley ll-lla pound, oaitarn Oregon 10 la. Hay Bayiag price front prodaeet anniversarr. Mrs ,. " ls-50 14. ?7f ; v ; V "'V " : . . a wregoa timotay been ill for several weeks but is now Improving. 14. 16; oats aa vaten AEU, 5 (Copyrigbt 1933. 8taatard StatUtiea Oo.) STUOS vaAU 50 20 20 Ind'la KR'i Ut Today ea? 3.5 62 rio-ieasaay 48.1 za.s ei.s ao.s Week ace 4S.4 24. S 6S.S 48.3 Tear ago 52.2 24.7 83.4 58.5 Syoariace 201.2 140.0 .75.1 304.3 Illgk 1933 55.2 CO.O 95.8 58.3 Low 1938 42.3 23.5 61.S--4S.8 HigbltSS 72.8 39.8 111.0 78.9 Low 1933 35.1 13.2 51.8 35.0 ii STOCK PAIL FADES WHEN GRAINS BOOM 1927-Chevrolet Cabriolet i-z-Chev. Truck See Us Before You Buy or Sell we Buy xour Equity ISO. KJB&T&ttlSZV?""" "'1"VEST0CK aid POULTRY Borrego's Car Market printing, call The btatesmao rnouus i JMWwtMWM-MMMwv UeDartmenL $15 a CommerctaL Te 1 - , 2Ztl HaseL TeL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement, Income Taa Rfports. Auditing. UOVi N. Com'L Tel 3030 REAL ESTATE BECKS A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. -134 a Liberty St TeL 4$a. SOCOLOFSKT A SON S4-f Sfirat Nat'L Bk. Bldg-TeL TB0T- 7464. Mod. st lieated apta TeL 8490. Nice furnished apt 1590 Union. ii-ii-ii-innju SURPLUS BABT CHICKS at I nnce prices Tuesday and Fridav oniy. reo our Bargain custom hatch ing. Hatching egga Phono 13JF2. uee s tiaicnery. Baiem, Oregon. Custom hatching. S00 eres at lUe I every Saturday ana Tuesday. TeL 1332. Lao s Hatchery- --il-iWWVWWWWWhi 1300 lb. horse, 2 fresh eowa L. A. 2 nn. turn, apt, 23 center ot xrwi n iTjiriji nni-ii,-n"i-i -i T - Apt $10. $12. 891 N. Com'L Herring. Route . Box 9C. Turn. ftpt. 15 5 S Court St aasas-tlss4nVje STOVES 1st floor furn. TeL 4269. I aj-L-L-Li-uu-u-u-i-i- - "i- .-.---- -.-- Furn. apartment 100 Leslie. , FOR RENT HOUSES aLnlnJ-ll-ln.l-l-'- " - - - irura. and unfurn. booses, K. Forkner, Kit N. Cottage. TeL 3031. MM 1 M h-e 1- " - ' 1 $ room bungalow for rent m vie mekeU St 4 ROOMS, partly furnished. Neat close In. Inquire S94 N. Hfsn. J -0i-1 ' ae . '" """" GOOD R. HOUSE. 475 a Winter. FOR SALE Good grade Jersey I cow, freshen April 21, $35. TeL 80F4 after s p. m. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. 1 miles east on suverton road, xv 7, hot -8. AHen McCain. 240 N. Liberty Phone $43$. ""''-------- i-ii-M-ii-in ri ri.nnj-iruxnji 1930 Cher, snort cne. Dont ore-look this car. Today only. 642 Chemeketa. mm , . i yVV-ft(-ari ifmMrxjuUKS Special Today Only Late 1921 Ford Snort Cabriolet uooa conaiuon. NO DOWN PAYMENT NO FINANCE CHARGES 542 Chemeketa Radio Program TKUXSOAT. AT SIX. S KOW Portlana 620 Xs. T:00 Organ con cart, KBC. 7:3e Organ eeacwt, KBC. 7:45 Brooa and Do Beso, NBO. 8:00 Siagiag Striaga, KBC. 0:15 Jack aad Patsy, KBC. 9:15 Oookiag aoaooL 9i80 Martha Meade seelatv. HBO. 10:00 Wotaaa's Magaatae et the Air, NEC. ll:O0 Staaeard Scaeel Breadeast, KBQ. Portland Livestock PO&TLAKD. Oro April S. (AP) Cittla KecoipUk 150, cairos 10; steady. Steera. 650 to 900 panada, good $5.50 5.85, medium 14.50 5.50, eomaioa $3.50 4.50; 900 to 1100 pounds, good 5.25 5.75. modiura 4.25-5.25, common 3.25 4.25; 1100 to 1300 pound, gooi 4.75- 5.35, medium S3.25-4.75. Heifars. 550 to 750 poaoda. good $4.50-5, coaaoo-Bi-diuai 2.50-4.50; 750 to 900 poaada, good-choice 4.85-4.75, common-median S2.60-4.8S. Cows, good 3.75-4.10, iw mon-modiaai 3.75-3.75, low cutter aad cattor L25 3.75. Balls, yearUnga ex cladod, good (beef) 2.75-t6. eatur- aioaiaai SX-I.7S. Voalors, good-eaoioa 5JiO-.6a, modiasa 4.3 5-5.5 0, ean-eooa-saea 2.50-4.33. Calvea, 15 te SOS poaada. rood-chaiee 4-5.60, coauaoa-mo- uata S.-4. BOsTD AVERAGES 20 20 30 CO led la RK'i Ufa Tots! Today 59.6 37.5 74.1 63.8 Prrioua day 59.6 57.9 Weak ago Tear ace 8 years are High 1933 . Low 1933 High 1933 . Low 1932 60.6 60.8 64.9 65.8 94.3 106vS 66.1 65.7 68.8 57.0 71.8 78.0 55.2 47.4 74.3 76.1 79.S 99.1 65.3 74.2 86t 70.9 63.9 65.8 69.8 99.9 72.0 63.6 78.1 57.5 Catherine Shattuc Dies; Rites Set W 55 TT'R-t-. Waa-IJa-el 13:lf Westeri Fa To Mrs. Oo Miller 11:45 Skakaspaeroaai Plara. KBO. WOSH KBO. Boaae hear. STOVES and stove repairing SWves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AU kiadsf woven wire fence, UnzT plain, bop basket-, hooka, log- books. Seler. Fence and Stove Worka. 282 T-i 774, R. R Fleming. TRANSr lli i For rent 7 room modern home la I i utrl- Partly furnished If de- ...m-rii pttv Transfer Co. 22$ I -ix electric refrigeration, lelectrlo o.T,. s. ti 777$. Distributing, for- I W1U rent for months to re sponsible parry, rnono saex. Hottse at 2345 State St, partly fur nished. $10 mo. ouuo at. rMmltW. warding and storage w-r Get our rates. ; Witt RENT Several residence properties wltn . si -. ota n mfm t ItH'S-.tOa call 3 LairmerTransf Co. Truck. I UrTe rden tota. Bint from $7.6. to Portland dally. WELL DRILLING ft A. West. SO years esperlenca, RFD 6. Bos 103 g. Tel. tlOFS. Hazardous Curve J At Church Corner Being Eliminated in aa rini Ti a MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone S708. afrioti- modern 4 -room house. Reas- onablfe. inquire zio xrejn-au - -rf Unt,n furnished s-room- nouse. clone tn. Anderson Court Tel. 5010. FOR RENT DAYTON, Ore.. April 6 Mrs. O'Delia Miller was united In mar- .! Txr a rrn v. eraanviT. iniita I w i. o. v na at ai -IADS) .ea furnlrura, cars, salaries home at 12:20 o'clock Sinday, MONEY TO LOAN or other good oecurlty. Repayable monuiiy. wnoo la nnancuu a sea see i us before closing a loan. usngral in v Eif rsacrrx CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg- Phono HIS. fc MW -- M rf JWWMMIMM by Rot. 7. X. Fisher in the presence of Mrs. Jennie Murphy, mother of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sweeney and family, brother-in-law aad sister personal installment loans I of Mr. ITRen, and his two sons. . , . o ,ti. LU .2 William and Robert. They left 212 Oregon Building. Sod Floor I. am.' Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to :30 P. it 1 icnmeuiaieiy iwr a wcuuing my Telephone T788. State license No. to Portland. 8-115. 1:4J ht sale Kastera. KBC. 3:00 Al Poareo aad His Osag, HBO. o:w -xeieey isora, ncu 4:45 Arioa Trie, KBO. 8:0e Asaes 'a' Aadr. KBC 8:16 Staadard Smpkeay hear. KBO 9:15 Howard Tbarstea, tfagleiss, KBC 10:18 Hotel stark Hireklaa tmaae-ra KBC I Iamba SO aaasda do re. aood ottotoe 1 1 :00 Aabaasadar Hotel erekestra. KBC I $5.35-4. 6S. -aediaaa 3.6-f.3S; SO te 96 Borrow oa personal property; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO- State Ha B-149. $05 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to redneo yout paymoats Ton keep the car P. A. ETKER Cor. Liberty st aad Ferry 11 :30 Organ eoaeert, HBO. XOZH lrUaa 4I SO. I:3 O.S.O. far-a extoaalaa talk. 7:80 Mo-la Ckstter. 8:30 Drl-BrlU Was. CBS. 10:00 Mario, Little T reach Priaeesa, DBS. 11:80 Americas Bckoel of tha Air. CBS. i:so book er aie. 4:41 Ooell sad Sally. K.T. :00 Batk Ktting. Leeaard Hsytea's onhostra, CBS. S:0 Boddias Vrkibs. toaer. SHIS ' Sal-atoro BaataoUa'e Maala, B.T, B-UX 1,1 DLBI WOODBURN, April I. Three 10:1$ 8eerl riaskes. WOOdburn Students Of the Uaiver-1 Xl:ee -Bees City Beavers. sity of Oregon hare been named NEW YORK. April S (AP) With grain markets rising to new! highs for the season and mid week trade news reasonably cheer ful, -tocks overcame their reeer. indifference today. Sale? or 1.141.650 shares were the largest since March 17. Union Taclflc was off 4 points, and there were sympathetic de clines of fractions to more than a point for Santa Fe. Pennsylvania, Southern Pacific and New York! Central. Norfolk and Western was off 2i,. rr r? j JI . Al ine ciose. l. s. steel. Amer- a-ur i nuay ivausat Cgn can. Du Pont, Case, Harvest- er, American Tobacco "B." North 8ILVERTON. April S Cather- American. General Foods. Nation- Cti.ttn, O t Aim A -aTit al T9lan tt-l- Iloca Hoaslpla 150: steady I w " umuik, uuiui iua racainK, uiht uchi. 140 te iso aiaadi swad-1 stterBOon. and funeral services Cuban American Sugar. American chaise $3.50-4.35. Lightweight iso te I wriu fe held Friday at 10:30 a. m. SmelUng and U. S. Smelting were Z-.r73.Ta wll wai-Ct. iSi om ttt LBMOn chapel, with fin- up about half a point. General le sse pevaaa, STo-a.S5; ise le sac I un w a v. v v.v&v.-i - v. unci inoncu, i. i te tse poaada. $3.35-4.13; 240 830 1 ium. gett and Myers "B" Union Car Rl..5!-. ..'. MTAa Mrs. Shattnc a native of New bide, Owens Illinois. Penick and " r - a .--.--, m w - , a m . i w m m , ii i - . ( .... . i twMK-a ax sx-B l ass - ISA i iora sat mmra aero it years, xviu auua uriuicat i ei-iu- $ t 7S to ess peeads. saodisai She leaves her widow. C. 8. Shat- ed net gains of one point or more. tuc a daughter. Mrs. A. H. Smith American Telephone lost ail but ef SilvertoB. and two sons, Clark I H of an extreme 2 point ad- E. and Theodore, both of Chicago, and sevoral grand and great grandchildren. - 3-8.50. Feeder aad stockoe pigs. IS So 130 poaaoa. -wodaeUe 2.T-s.TS. neap aad usass atecatpts, t; stsasy, ranee. , poaada. f aad ehoioo 5-S.t9. Toar-ag wetAera, SO te lie poaada, Vaed-eheloo ps-a, saeataat gs-s. awes, re so ssv peeads. gW-ekelee 8.33-1.78 1 180 te 14S poaada. 3-8.50; aU welgkls. l-a. drsatatU OX HONOR ROLL $:0e sfasleal Kewspaper. 1:15 Meade Pratt fitaita. :0a The Bosae Gardaa. 8:05 Mra. T. B. Sherrard ''Ooaaor atlea." S:t0 9. A. Cetkeort 'Tke I-xpro-w. Grayce Dunagan is Hired as Teacher For Noble School Hop Market Firm At Portland But Sales are Slack as honor students for the winter term. They are Margaret Poor- man, Kenneth Qillanders aad Ce- Phone 4782 Ore eil J. Espy, Jr. SCOAO Oarvami 884 BU. 7:00 Merala kfodltetieae. led ky Kiss MUdred Bexthoiesaow . T:30 Rcaoatag the Head an as. s Moraisg ee 11:00 rams he-. PORTLAND, April f (AP) 8COTT3 MILLS. April I Miss I Local hop market was fraiet but Grayce Duaagan was hired to I firm here today. One small lot hav Woitlst arhAl arala this I eonalstin-f of 17 balaa racantrr 8 3a SlrtaruTt" McC"" I fU. at a board meeting Monday sold at Caampoeg at ITe a pound. Oraara a Work la aoaaaao I Blgnt. I xbw grower waa nuiuui as eaicw B. B. Hsrrick. county surveyor i ror s lie is. price. and Bob Hart, chairman, ot Sa- InUrset tn the market has leas, were surveying a road near waned because of lack ef sales, the Catholic church at Crooked but the market was 3ts firm as Finger Saturday. ever. T:ee Prof. A. O. Laaa 'Thaety Poaltry Potatora" T:80 Hsatlag aad fish lag eeaditteas U Oregon y tae state ga-ae ooos- Btaaia-u 8:00 Unlraraity el Orogoa Masieale. POLLY AND HER PALS 'AnEje for Tooth" By CLIFF STERRETX ifkfkjjrvwtm,tri r " '' ''' FOR RENT OR SALE, cheap, by owner. 4 A. 1 mi from Salem. C rm. ho., big chick ho etc. IL Hansen, Rt 6, Bx. 207A. . ..nn r.rviryiii-M-ii-i 1 . .. cr,i I For rent furaurtiad roota.sunur- ROS ED ALB, April 5. Super-I ba wah. machme, acre Tlor O D Needham has a large t of fruit hcke-a coop. Would like to Vl-or U. V. flw"", lease' for a year. Fall view Ave- R S. crew ot men ai wwx - . - box is. road near tne, menus -uaiv. r- mg room. Garage.. Aduita. 498 hazardous turn at the northeast In. Uberty. ' corner of the church grounds is I " being improved by cutting the j 'WANTED TO RENT bank and making a rounded turn. L OR rent S acre fruit tract jlib- The chamber of commerce will rty district rm. houee, small barn gtte the lrogrm at the RosedBle and Chlckea Bouse. Cash rent l"oone community club Saturday night, r"- - n- r -rinlnn Qott alia lived in Shanghai when ' the Japanese I FOR SALE Real Estate Ha. aha-.,. tKat altw aHoBX. a Year 1 wwmmmiw -MmmMa0im in .how marliir nictnres he I FOR BENTAboat 60 acres bottom ------ --- - ,: k,, I farm land; also ehickea rancn ortjenred during the bombard-1 , anniooed. cvoo in. C-Uiy well equippen. wrr - in, yaTs road. Phone 8433 er its-is, ifco vt-s i era revn. i I s- - r 1- - s m v i r our My swzs 1 thja wotcha J X-vou shine im uf? hesJ KmSIaSW (hovvs ths rEto i orreV IsSt i irrt do, boss.- r-l iL? bv ms.s yrf..- fp r ' ' " . ; " . . ' ! -