'The'OREGON StXtESSIAK, em; ?OreW Thniay ilornlrtg, April 1933 Society News and Club Aff airs OliYl M. DOAK, Society Editor Smwsn : - ' National Group ' Meets Today Am In Salem Members ot a national untver ltjr organisation for women. Dal ' eth Tetb Gimel, will convene In national convention here Friday. Delegate from Moscow and Pull man will Join with the 40 mem bers of Willamette university cbapter for tbla affair. All cnap- t- ters ot the organization are In the northwest and will be represented . at this conference. ' Friday morning scenic drives , . tare been arranged tor the pleas ' f ure of the guests and this will be ,.; followed by luncheon at Lausanne ' hall. Business sessions will occupy the afternoon hours and a banquet , at Masonic temple will be hem I in the evening. j Saturday .morning a scenic drive t through the valley Is being plan 's ned and this will be followed by a picnic luncheon if the weather will Derm It. A reception and tea iu h held at 3 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bish op, residence of the local chapter d resident. Miss Elizabeth Bishop Thm evening will conclude with " a buffet supper and final business It is expected that about 10 delegates from the other two chanters will be In attendance. Offices for Wllllamette chap ter, in addition to Miss Bishop. include Miss Hannah Haselton, -ricB-nresident: Miss Mylle Law ver. secretary, and Miss Harriett Sandera, treasurer. Miss Frances j Jackson' has charge of the social events planned tor the visitors. v i' Women's Church Meet Well Attended i Th executive meeting of the wnman'a emincll of the First Christian church was held in the ' fireplace room Tuesday. sectional leaders present were: Mrs. Arnold Smith. Mrs. Arthur Flint, Mrs. E. J. M auk. Mrs. J. C. " Dickenson, Mrs. I. A. Murphy, Mrs. Albert Noth. Mrs. Bert Macy, ' Tr AddiA Kenvon. Mrs. W. H. Gardner. Mrs. C. J. Emerlc. ' Directors: Mrs. Lydia Bowen. Mrs. Dene Shoemacher, Mrs. D. B. RimDson. Mrs. E. J. Reasor. Mrs. . , Mina Olmsted, Mrs. Ed Cole. Miss Agnes Griggon. Mrs. Gay Drill. Mrs. Bertha Ray, and the pres ident, Mrs. Nan Smith. ' .' i Thla afternoon between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock mothers 1 ot Girl Reserves and other in terested mothers, will meet with i the Girl Reserves committee of the T. W. C. A. in the organlsa 1 s tloh social rooms for an informal discussion led by Mrs. C. A. ' Downs on the subject of "The Older Girl In Relation to Her " 1 Home!" Mrs. J. R. Simmons. Mrs. George Boyd and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher will represent the Girl Reserve committee and tea will ' "be served by Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Percy Kelley and Mrs. A. M. Chapman. A nursery in charge ot Girl Reserve advisors win iaae J care of small children for moth ers who would like to attend but "have no one with whom to leave babies. . j The Temple Baptist young peo ple recently met at the home of t Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cross tor their annual business meeting and so ' cial time. During the business ses sion the following officers were ' elected for the ensuing term: president. Blllle Cross: vice pres ident. Helen Page; secretary treasurer, Juel Hobson; pianist. Mildred Abbott and chorister, Ivelyn Olene. SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, April 6 Joint meeting of mothers and Qlrl Reserve commit tee, T. w. O. A. social rooms, between hours ot laud t o'clock; any mother welcome, Kelzer Ladles Aid, all-day meeting with Mrs. Roy Melson. All members of the Women's Relief Corps wishing to attend Marlon County Veterans meeting la Woodburn. by way of specially chartered bus be at Senator hotel terminal at 9 o'clock. Brush College Helpers, meet tor afternoon meeting. Mrs. Walter Buchner hostess for one o'clock lunch eon complimenting Priacilla club. Lenten Fellowship ot First Congregational church, f:30 o'clock supper in chureh; speaker, Carl Gregg Do ner; Mrs. E. J. Don'nell, chairman of supper committee; members and friends Invited. Hayesrllle Women's club with Mrs. W, McMelleon, from 2 to 4:30 o'clock. Chapter O of P. E. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. C. K. Logan, SCO Judson street, 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon; program to follow. Women's Benefit association, at Women's club house, 9 o'clock. Friday, April 7 Card club ot Business and Professional Women's club, with Mrs. Blanche King, 445 South 21st street Women's Alliance tea at home of Mrs. J. N. Devers, program planned. T. M. C. A. lobby program, illustrated talk by H. M. DuBois, curator of Portland museum of natural history . on "Birds in Vicinity ot Salem". Open to public. Englewood Women's club, 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. J. M. Scharff. 2237 Nebraska street, , Hal Hibbard auxiliary, 2 o'clock in armory. Women's Missionary society. First Christian church, 7:30 o'clock in church parlors; husbands invited to at tend. Ladles Aid of Women's Relief corps, at fair grounds; potluck dinner at noon. T'sMennettes will meet at home ot Mrs. George Rhoten, 46S South 23rd street; special program of mu sic and talk on '"Africa" by Rev. Hugh McCallum. " Saturday, April 8 Women's elubhouse; annual nomination of Salem officers. tsriae - - Meet is Honor Guest Tanight Complimenting Miss Elisabeth Atkinson who leaves for her home la California Friday morning. Miss Marian Bret will entertain tonight at her homo with aa In for mal bridge evening. Mils Atkinson has been spend ing some time in Portland and last week announced her engage ment to Pant Waltseth. Jr. of Los Angeles. The wedding date has been set for Juno. 22. Miss Atkin son will Join her father in San Francisco upon her departure from Oregon Friday: Intimate friends of Miss Atkin son. Delta Phi sorority sisters, will make up the guest list for the party in her honor this even ing. SILVKRTON. April f. The March library report shows that 18S2 books ana 13 i magazines passed over the circulation desk during March. , Twenty-five new readers were aaaee arig . ue month. Ko books were purchased dur ing March but 15 were donated. Fifteen books were removed from circulation. Donations of books and magasines are credited to Mrs. Sam Bailer. Mrs. U H. Fisch er, Mrs. Reber Allen, Vene Ashur, Mrs. R. A. Cowdea and Mrs. C. I Bowen. Trinity Sunday school teachers were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hatteberg Monday night with Miss Lillian Block as hostess. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Silas Torvend. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Torvend, Mrs. M. O Gunderson. Mrs. Elmer Olsan, Hennr Torvend. Mr. and Mrs. u. H. Meyer. Boxing Contests Banned by Board Group at Hubbard HUBBARD, April 5. At the regular meettng of the board ot education it was decided not to have any more boxing contests sponsored by the school. They re called the warrants that are out and in their place will issue war rants bearing 6 per cent Interest Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Luts and son Leroy moved here this week from Mulino, and now own the "Coon" Troudt place east of Hub bard, having traded their farm at Mulino for it. Mr. and Mrs. Troudt and family moved to Mulino Sat urday. LARGE CROWD OUT FOR H. S. 1 market enforcement with the de partment ot agriculture at Salem. Mrs. Kappaars work comprises the following, . market enforce ment . of weights and measures. gasoline standardization, whole sale produce dealers, commission merchants,' cash and credit pro duce buyers, peddlers ot fruit and vegetables, feed manufacturers and dealers, lnsectleldee and fun gicides, commercial fertilisers, ag ricultural limes sad publle ware houses. George Kappauf. her husband. and Mrs. Kappauf visited here Sunday. it. emits BEER REFERENDUM MT. ANGEL. April 5. At Its regular meeting Monday night the city council passed a referendum ordinance changing the city char ter which will permit the city to engage la the business ot buying and dispensing legal liquors. This referendum measure goes to the people early in June. Mr. Berchtold has been granted a license to operate a place where beer will be sold. No other busi ness place will be licensed to ban die beer. Regulations governing the sale will be fixed by the Ju dlciary committee within the next few days. Women at Chemawa School Mrs. Ryan's Guests at Wigwam Mrs. Neal Wolfe Hostess to Waldo Hills Women's Club Chemawa Women of the Che mawa campus were entertained at Monday afternoon tea at the Wigwam by Mrs. James T. Ryan. Assisting the hostesses were Mes dames W. A. Sherman. H. E. Knapp. T. L. Ross, C. D. Rainey. M. L. Smith, R. Sanders and Charles Steward;-and the Misses Mary Samanskl. Clara Strauch. Edith Reed, Rose Schafer and Mabel Richardson. Special gud'.s were Mrs. De Witt Good of Greensburg, Indi ana, and Mrs. J. L. Peterson of Portland. A feature of the afternoon was the first aid demonstration by Junior Red Cross girls under di rection of Miss Florence Fout. Roberts. Mrs. Ester Query, Mrs. J. P. Bressler and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich were hosts to the wom en of the G. T. club with a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Query home recently. Contest prizes went to Mrs. Raphael Bettencourt and Mrs. Robert Judson. A new member, Mrs. Louis Sal chenberg, was introduced. Shaw. The Waldo Hills Wom en's club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.- Neal Wolfe when a short business session was held and the remainder of the af ternoon spent in needlework. Late in the afternoon Mrs. Wolfe served lunch. Members present were Mrs. Edmond Goffln. Mrs. John Amort, Mrs. John Bat- liner. Mrs. Francis Nusom. Mrs Bryan Wells, Mrs. William Harod. Mrs. Charles McAllister. Mrs. Ivan Putman and the hostess. Mrs. Neal Wolfe. Mrs. George Clayton was a soecial guest. The club will meet In two weeks with Mrs. By ron Wells. ZiBna The Spring Valley Wom en's club - which was organized in March, held its initial meeting April 6 at the home ot Mrs. Frank B. Windsor. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Ival Utterback, Mra. John Chllders, Mrs. D. R. Ruble. Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, president. and Mrs. Hugh Craig, vice-preal- dent. are a committee to draw np a club calendar and by-laws. Youngest Pupils At Swegle School Editing Newspaper 8COTTS MILLS. April 5. A large crowd attended the high school play, "The Time of His Life." given at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday. Those la the play were: Rex Nicholson, Viola Moberg. Jack Taylor, Alma Stanford, Keith Macy, Dora Teren, Lawrence Mc- Cracken, Charles Jayne. James Nicholson. Selections were given between acts by the orchestra, glee club, and Miss Athey and Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Bethel Taylor was coach. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shute have returned from San Francisco, where Mr. .Saute attended a com mittee meeting of the order ot Railroad and Telegraphers, he being local chairman in this dis trict. In May he goes aa a dele gate to the O. R. T. convention In Montreal. Csnada. Aggie Department SWEGLE. Aoril 5 Children of prJm?H '."AeJ " Mrs. Kappauf Has J 9 VI UBTW jilt WBUDU W. m 1 t second "Tiny Tots Herald", a two- JOD as imet ierK page illustrated scnooi newspaper. The young publishers are: Ruby West, editor; Loralne Meyers, as sistant editor; Wayne Knight and Bin Aidncn, advertising man agers: Laura Dalke, Norma Kroe plin. Patsy Chapman, Mary Whitehead, Claire Swingle, Dean Fisher and Dorothy Dalke, report ers. BETHEL. April 5 Mrs. Betty M. Kappauf ot Eugene, who has served for five years as state sec retary of the Oregon Farmers un ion recently resigned, took up her new duties on Saturday. She is now chief clerk of the division of 25 More Lots Are Available as Free Plots For Gardens CARNIVAL FRIDAY' ground, it was dcUled at the city council meeting Monday evening. FOR SCHOOL GROUP PERRTDALB. April dainty luneheon was served to 15 women ot the Red Frame com- inanity by the 4-H club girls. Sat-1 urday, at the homo oi tneir leacn- er. Mrs. Emerson, xno prepara tion and serving was supervuea by the dub leader. Mrs. J. W. Crowe. The March honor roll at the Red Prairie school Is: Gene Crowe. Barbara Crowe. Betty Anne Crowe, Betty Palanuk. Ca therine Palanak, Josephine Palan uk. Bill Denton. Friday night la carnival night at the Perrydaie nign scnooi. There will be a free program in the auditorium at I p. nu with two one-act plays, both comedy and musical skits. After the pro gram the carnival will be held In the gymnasium booths, sideshows and contests are being arranged. Candidates For May Queen Announced WOODBURN. April 5 Candl dates for May queen for Wood burn high have beea nominate' and will be elected by the studen; body In the near future. Those named are Mary Alice Conyee, Daisy Shroek sad Thelma Leek. Plans are going forward also for the Junlor-eenior reception thai will bo held In May. HAIXS FAMILY RETURNS BETHEL. April 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haia and daughter Jeae arrived from Klamath Falls Sat urday evening. - They have sold their ranch which they purchased there ft tew months ago and have returned hero to Ure. They are at the J. M. Nichols and Mra. Haln's home and will be located a little later. J entered Bethel school Monday. WEST SALEM. April 5. About 25 lots hare been selected for gar dening purposes by West Salem residents for vegetable gardening and there are plenty left for those who wish to avail themselves or the use ot the ground. There were about 60 lots avail able and the seed that Is tOvbe furnished for those unable to pro vide their own is on the way. Mon day it came to Dallas from Port land and it was expected to be here in a few days for planting. April Fool Party Held at Residence Of Clyde Robbins PIONEER. April 5 An April fool party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robbins Frldar nlaht. Jig-saw pussies and social conversation filled the evening. Those who attended were Mrs. Roy Black and sons Elmo and Carl. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dornhecker and children Ruth and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Curtiss, all ot here, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robbins of Rlckreail. The Dancing club held Us reg ular meeting Saturday at the club house. A number of the lo cal people were present and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Patty and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patty and Rosens Dorn hecker of Amity and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Schneider and daughter of Dallas were outside guests. SPRING! The call to arms New duds must te recruited. ' Union Hill Officers To Pay Grange Visit MACLEAT, April 5. Officers of the Union Hill grange will pre side at the regular meeting of the Macleay grange which will be held Friday night. Mrs. Winnie Tate is Union Hill lecturer. Howard and Donald Mader will decorate the altar and Mrs. A. H. Fuestman and Mrs. W. A. Jones will have charge of the refreshments. HOSE New custom fit top that mini mises garter runs, exclusive feature in these Phoenix hose. Service and Chiffon. 1.3S 135 Further Proofs of Spring Days Come To Light, Dayton DAYTON. April 5 Many resi dents report having seen hum ming birds among their flowers Saturday, the first this year. In 192 April II was first reported here. Saturday, April IS, has been set as clean-up day tor Dayton and trucks will be on hand to pick up all rubbish In sacks or other containers placed on curbs and haul it to the city dumping BAGS Pine quality leather bags for rpring ensem bles. Or ays, black, brown, red, tan and slue. 2.95 Sftk Bags US An Interesting evening is being planned by the Women's Mission ary society of the First Christian church for Friday evening at the church at which time a special rrogram is being presented and this to be followed by refresh ments in compliment to the hus bands of, the organisation. The meeting' Is called for 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. M. Scharff will enter tain members of the Englewood Women's club at her home on Ne braska street Friday afternoon. Special music will be presented by students from the Parrlsh and En- gelwood schools. Tea will be served. v Because of the Marion county veterans association meettng In Woodburn today the regular j Thursday meeting of the Ladles Aid of the Women's Relief Corps will meet Friday afternoon at the r-j fairground with the usual potluck ' dinner at noon. The council women of the First f Christian church are sponsoring a benefit dinner Thursday night In the church dining room be tween the hours of 5:30 and 7:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. For rest of Manzanlta motored over for the week end, to be with Mr. Forrest's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Forrest. e Mrs. James Teed . was hostess Wednesday afternoon to members of the Adolynk bridge club. , Lincoln Mrs. D. R. Ruble was hostess at a dinner at her home Saturday In compliment to Mrs. Alice Simpson and D. R. Ruble whose joint birthday anniversar ies were celebrated. Those present were Mrs. Alice Simpson. D. R. Ruble, Mrs. Cella Walling, Miss Jeanne Smith and Mrs. Ruble. A delightfully informal after noon was enjoyed by the Yomar- co class of the First Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Wal ter Minier Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Zimmerman was assist ing hostess and at the attractive tea hour Mrs. John Foley assisted in serving. Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs. James Laidlaw and Mrs. Richard Stols were special guests for the bridge luncheon with which Mrs. Willard Marshall entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon In compliment to her club. Zena Ted Horten entertained with an old fashioned dance Sat urday evening in compliment to his niece. Miss Easter Olen whose birthday was a recent event. Mrs. George Kendoll was host ess for a quilting afternoon at her home Tuesday afternoon. A tea hour concluded the Informal hours. the world's most popular Replenish Your Medicine Cabinet at the qibb ieiie Necessities Week Sale STARTING THURSDAY, APRIL 6th m wF I. MI "Remember when you are offered a substitute for genuine Keliogg's, it is seldom in the spirit of service. OW BATTLI CIIII SOJJX89 Chogolat f 1 SQUIBB VITAVOSE PRODUCTS A rich sourca of Vita min B and Iron Vitavoae $1.00 per tin Dextro- Vitavosa .79 per tin Chocolate- Vitavose 69c per tin SQUIBB EPSOM SALT Pure and effective 14-lb. tin -1 .15 -lb.tin .25 1-Ib. tin .35 Special Friday and Saturday Only We are giving FREE with each 50c par chase of Squibbs mer chandise a 12 inch cake or sandwich plate, of seamless glass, dog wood etch ing decoration, rose color. I AD EX ' SQUIBB ADEX TABLETS A vitamin concentrate of Cod-Liver Oil Box of 80 tablets$.89c SQUIBB LIQUID PETROLATUM PRODUCTS Non-habit forming non-fattening Liquid Petrolatum $ .63 Liquid Petrolatum with Agar 89 Liquid Petrolatum Agar and Phen olphthalein 89- JACOB VOGT has moved his shoe shop across the street to the South Salem Garage, 080 S. Com'L Customers are Invited to call at the new address. Silverton Legion Groups Preparing For County Confab SILVERTON. April t. The lo- eal auxiliary and the American Legion group are mating plans for the Marion county council and assemblv at Silverton Friday, -4 1 'T - April 14. George Manolls. Ken neth RiiiMB and rred.Cavender will arrange for the Legion and Mrs. Jean Cunningham; Mrs. Ar thur Gottenbnrc and Mrs. George Tows will arrange for its aux iliary. --'-ut''--;'.:' At the regular meeting the Le- I r giOB went on Tecora as utvonug, I President Roosevelt's economy I ). TEE- I 1 I X!e 5 V tjofol tlttM NO MAIM Wfw MS "Buy American" SQUIBB COD-LIVER OIL (Plain and Mint-Flavored) Vitamin-Tested Vitamin Protected 4-oz. bottle -? .89 12-oz. bottle .79 SQUIBB ASPIRIN A product of highest parity Tin of 12 : 1 .15 Tin of 24. .25 Bottle of 50 .89 Bottle of lOO. 49c SQUIBB MILK OF MAGNESIA An effective antacid Mildly laxative 4-oz. bottle I .25 12-oz. bottle .89 SQUIBB MAGNESIA " WAFERS Tin of 18,. -$ .25 squibb cold cream vanishing cream Delicately perfumed 50c a jar SQUIBB TALCUMS Smooth, soft Italian tale of highest quality Three odor and unscented . 25c a tin No Farther Away Than Your Telephone The certainty of accuracy, th long experience of professionally trained pharmacists, is yours to command. And, in addition to filling your pre scriptions correctly in every sense of the word, we make assurance doubly sure by using whenever possible Squibb quality .chemicals and pharma ceuticals. You may depend upon us for complete drug store service and our store is no farther away than your telephone. We Recommend These SQUIBB HOME NECESSITIES For Your Medicine Cabinet Squibb Cod-Liver Oil with Viosterol-10 D 3 oz. bottle Squibb Boric Acid 3-oz. tin Squibb Sodium Phosphate Effervescent 14-lb. bottle Squibb Glycerin Suppositories Bottle of 12. 69c ....25c 60c Squibb Laxative Mints Tin of 18 Squibb Zinc Ointment Tube. Squibb First Aid Powder 2V-oz. tin. Squibb Analgesic Balm Tube Squibb Corn Collodion -oz. vial Squibb Liquid Court Plaster. 30c ...25c -25c .25c .50c -25c ,25c Squibb Compound Licorice Powder 8-oz. tin. -25c Squibb Dental Lotion 3-oz. bottle. Squibb Rhubard and Soda S fl. oz Squibb Rochelle Salt S fl. oz. tin -50c 35c 25c 1 SQUIBB SODIUM BICARBONATE An effective antacid lA-lb. tin ..S .15 -lb. tin .25 1-lb. tin .35 SQUIBB CASTOR OIL (Tasteless) 3-oz. bottle $ .25 6-oz. bottle '. .45 12-oz. bottle 75 SQUIBB SHAVING CREAM Gives a smooth, fast shave 34c a tube 1 tubes .'.$1.00 SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM Contains over 50 Squibb Milk of Magnesia 34c a tube 8 tubes $1-00 SQUIBB ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION Corrects unpleasant breath 4-oz. bottle $ 55 16-oz. bottle .49 SQUIBB DI PHEN The new personal germicide for feminine hygiene 1 Trial size $ 55 Large size .75 Gloves Mew -perforates" in cape sUa vita trim to harmonize the costume You win Uke these sprlnr punom. 31-95 Lingerie Lorraine ua derthlngs were made especial ly tor women who are "otT rarona. PANTIES 59c & 85c SLIPS 1.00 & 1.98 GOWNS 1.00 & 1.95 RGQSEVELT THQfflAS A- 6H.DtR5l6VC nvR. The sjpS'Safl w&ms Sweaters Late Spring sweaters with novelty necks sad sleeve treatments, light shades St white. 95c VISIT OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT; Comer State and Liberty Sts. J. H. WILLETT Telephone 3118 New organdi and dimity blouses in plain colors and stripes, puffed sleeves. Quality March&ndise Popular Prices THE GREATER SHIPLEY'S STORE l-gr,,. . rrr..