Ths) OREGON STATESilAN, SaJeru Oregon, Wedaday MorajnAprn 5, 1933 PAGE SEVEN slipMii: t Business Directory Cards In this directory run on monthly basis only. Rat : $!. pr line per monta. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. the brak and shimmy doctor. 17S Sooth Comme-rlsl Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Millar Boaaty Shop, dial T358. CATERING Burt Crarr. the caterer. Ph. 3753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telerthatio 445. TV R Northness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. XX I SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. K. High. TeL Res. 3573. Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence school. Business, technical courses. Bx. IS. a McGUUvray. Tel. 4123. DRESSMAKING MRS. SNELGROYE. 485 N. Cot-. Tel. 7488. HemBtUehmg. a vara. FLORISTS CUT Orwsrs. wedding bouquets fun eral wreatha. deeoratle. C. haupt. narbu. 677 Court. Tel. SJ04. ALU kinds of floral work. Luts Fior 1st. Hth 4 Market Tel. 953. GLASS Auto and window (lass mirrors. TJ I1M. Walter J. uownn. INSURANCE BECKS ti HENDRICKS 181 N. High Tet 484T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ins. TeL 8832. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY tvtw. nrmiER LJkTJNDRY itl a. Hlah TeL 81XS CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY im tn Duality and Servte Teleohono US 1284 Brdway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man . MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to homo. Spring mattress $8.00. Renovators and v"' -i rieA- I fumlgatora ugs cleaned. Capital Bed- I dine Co. TeL 40. 10SO N. Capito. I ding Co. mr imu mad to order. Old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving- saiem iun iub tr?.s Factory, a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est l'.UL MUSIC STORES nipn r WILT -Pianos, radios, sew ing Inachne aht musle and piano Btudlcs. wepairin t ." " "rT, and sewing macainea. uk w Balem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION win anUar aadl lessons for .nvVn. 1 earn oW Stornow. SSOCourt. T MEDICINE n. rh vaa Chhteso Medicine Co. Hour Tuosday aad FrWjqieO a.m. to 4:80 p. aa. " "" PRINTING nrn trt aTTfwrEHTL card. '? pamph Lr-Ia & CasaaaarclaL Tele AyW' a'wp - " - phone 8101- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT VT n rinmaH. Tax Reuorts, AudUin'g. 110 Jt Canal, or ,j Tel REAL ESTATE BECKB gBaCDRICKS. TeL 4947. W. H. GBABHKHOstST CO lit & Llbarty BU TeL 0488. sr, wcv-T a. CON 804-S a. Blda. Tel. 7807. STOVES STOVES sad stow repairing. Stoves for mL WBX and repaired. All tor J, w fancy and ..!T7riT?. R. B Fleming VnSTTTJ nyti ai aaaaaasaBBSBaSSSa v TRANSFER ivnfer Co. 226 J A- .. TiliaIHlttlriat for 3TinViL Distributing, for- -aal MiiHt. our specialty. Uet oar . transfer storage. Sail IlIU LaVmeVrransfer Co. Truck. to Portland oany. , WELL DRILLING. . n a. west. 80 years experience. RJ . n io V- Tet I1QFS. Wool Sales Light, Quotations Steady ROSTON. April 4 (AP) The volume ot sales in wool continues very light. Prices show little change but Quotations are steady on the principal offerings. Con siderable attention is being given to the far west where new wools are being bought or contracted by Bobton houses. Activity in the west la reported steady, :r. GEORGE .PENROSE WINNER DATTON, April 4 George Pen rose of Wheatland, a junior of the amity Union high school who won the Future Farmers ot America lounty public speaking contest at McMInnvflle. his subject being, "Why Education 't or ? life on th Statesman Classified Ads CaSl 9101 ! Classified Advertising Single insertion per llsr.JOe Three Insertions per 11a , ,.10c Six insertions per line.;. 3 9e 0 month per Una. . f 1.0ft Minimum charge .... ..lit Copy tor this page ac cepted until fi:30 tha even !n$ before publication (or classification. Copy re ceived after this time' will be run under the heading Toe Late to Classify. j The Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. i The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the Tight to elassify all advertising un der the proper classification. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive DroducL Nationally adver tised-Crazy Crystals. 118 S. High. Seed potatoes. Earliest of AIL Early Rose. Early Ohio, British Queen, Net ted Gem. Bin-bank. H. A. Hyde Co., 2698 Portland Road. Tea. 919 1. Freah crabs row at Fldler stand. Intersection Silrerton-Fortland road. -iii-ini-m i i riri( iiri mjen .m HAT. ALFALFA, first duality. 411 Guardian Bldg. Tel. 8482. Burt-anX seed potatoes. Quality and quantity, as. cnnningham. Tel. Z1F2. HOP PLOWS Si oner hop plow second hand. 1300, New one, new design, all steel con struction. Bide cutters one way. 155.00. Side ratters two war. 1107.00. ELOPER BROSL, Independence, Ore " " mZ7 r: n "nZZ? - ' - nsed wood range aa part payment on Westingbouwi "FUvor Zona" electric atove. In first eteaa eoaAtkm. ksa tban tbTM years old. coot aw $200. Will IT or awn terma to r 2msIrf?,Sr- ?.-,US?ILoc Uem I I day at ITT N. Capitol. Salem. I FOR SALE Good oat bay. Cromley uroa. rnoae soinz. Wen rotted barnyard fertulser torr"; ' sale, reaaanable. Phono 4984. TRADE Miscellaneous TRADE FOR CAR Lot on paved street Concrete walk, no Indebtedness. Phone BS54. WANTED Miscellaneous " y mrow away gooa money t 'ine hwerjr menalng dept at Gran(1 SIlv.r r.n,lr- hni iik n.w. En to S5e. Why throw away good money? The store repairs hose like new,' So to 25c WANTED Two ton second b. gal- Tanized hop wire and stove. Chas. Schrelber. Mullno, Ore. K. F. JJ. 1, Box 147. WANTED Contractor to finance Mil tkiilM (90S Do hnm, on 1 1 5 of 1 terma O. Sigurd son. R. .8, Sclo, Ore. Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletzlng. Statesman office. MISCELLANEOUS Best hah- cut Adults 20c. child.. 15a Two blocks S of library. 8 Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Fnrnl3hed rooms with or without board. Tel. 8797. ROOM AND BOARD aaaajSaaaMMisaa Board, rm.. near P. O. 220. TeL 5482. LARGE, NICELY furn. heated room, with hoard, special rates I or two people. Tel. 4375. 8TUDENTS, business women. TeL 3202. ROOM OR RM. and bd. for gentle man in modern home near state nouse. Box 133, Statesman. Mod rooms, reasonable. 645 Marlon trim I?WT APrTIK'VTSlr:;!Z. nd Tuesday. TL i.j. . . . . ..... . - Patton apartmenta down town. Call Pattern book sivre. Fur. 2 R. act. 2201 Hazel. TeL T684. aasaaasasMssW Mod st. heated apta, TeL 8490. First floor apU Hll Court. yjriry--'iti'mTr 1-" i Nice) furnished apt. K90 Union. tiaaWMMe,aM wVaiiiaeai t rm. furn. apt., 251 Center St. sjjfxrajiriru-srurs i -ii- - Apta $10, JI2. 891 N. ComX Furn. apt. 1S98 Court Et 1st floor furn. Tel. 4269. FOR RENT HOUSES vrinrLrxrtrwVM-iri-i- "i" " - - - - - Furn. and -unfurn. bouse a ! K. I Forkner. 181S N. Cottage. TeL 803L 1 aalfcaaaa,, . . 8 room bungalow for rent. izs -na- i w..w. yrrr Attrae. furn. 6 R. cottage. TeL S274. mwv.- a ttnnvs. nartiy rurnisnea. neai, .inu in. Inaulre 94 S. xlign. . - GOOD S.R. HOUSE. 475 S. Winter. House at 234S State St., partly fur nished. 310 ma For rent 7 room modern home in good district. Partly lumisneu n uy- l aired, electrle remgerawon, eieciriw range, win rent ior a immui. anonslble iiarty. nmno au. Trow RENT Several residence properties with large gerden spots. Rent from 87.80 to 110.00; 4ii Rt. Street Phone 808. Strictly modern 4 -room house. Reas-1 eniMi . InTurr 21 nrroan ot. FOR RENT wr REST OR SALE, cheap, by I nia- a A 1 ml from Salem. 6 rm. I . - - - -ha, big chicn no- eic.;. iin , S. Bx. 27A Far rent, furnished 8 room subur ban home, p!Je, wash, maehinex acre -fruit, chicken coop. Would Ilk to leas for a year. Fair view Ave., B 3, Box 18. "WANTED TO RENT FOR RENT 4 aera fruit tract Lib-I orty dtatric. - rsa . to, a -U bans and cblckea house. Cash rent. Phon FOR SALE Real Estate SACRIFICES BT OWNER - Class!. S bedrooms, mod. bungalow, doubl plumbing, fireplace, hd, wood floors, furnace, garage, In walnut park see thla REAL COZT HOME 4-R. mod., nook, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, garage. Clear to exchange for S room mod. Hons tn good shape, tn the NE Salem. VAN M. GREER 114 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7SK. -i-i-iririrmririrxTLTLnAu An Ideal place for boo culture. 80 acresof which SO are No. 1 bop soil, 10 heavy timber 8H ml. out of Albany In Santlam basin. For sal by owner Address H. R. Schultx. Bal timore Bldg.. Albany, Ore. Now the time to buy that bouse. I have a complete list of modern houses to sell like rent H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL StOZ. FOR RENT About So acre hnttom farm land ; also chicken ranch espe cially well equipped. Close in, paved road. Phone 9823 or 1SF12. ""' " .-uu-.rL-iju Two modern houses, 4 and S rooms, on large lot, hardwood floors, base ment, nice location, marked down to sell, price only $3800 for both. Splen did modern S room home with base ment and hardwood floors, garage, large lot, paved street for only 8300., on easy terms. 4 room house, fireplace, - garage, paved street, nice location for only flSSO.OO on easy terma Melvin Johnson W. M Pennington 275 State Street ww ... - ww. SPECIAL room house on larg corner, close to business district. For sal at low figure or owner will consider small prune farm as part. SEE Mra Ellis with CHI LPS 4k MILLER, Realtors S44 State Street Phone 8708 ....... .....llll)ir ,1,, AT CITY LIMITS immediat possession of a strictly modern 10 room horn with cheerful rooms, large living room In front with fireplace, full basement, furnace, dou ble garage, large corner lot with nice ground a Cost over 812,009. Price cut "rr iow lor today s market and will accept small home as part. CHILD 8 MILLER, Realtors Misstate street Phone 8708 - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE " c,ie 18 le inahe golf course, beautiful view, convenient location. laga modern club houa suitable for dancing parties. Sell cheap, or will ac cept clear Salem property as part pay ment. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors -144 Stat Street Phone 8708. - - , "i-i-.-ii i r nil n m ..w- - i ! iiiiw... ., m . finon TTTTV SISOO farm. 154 mnrmm A T V f?te.a cord, of wood m juacv, running water, on mil of a good town. Best buy In vaUer 8EB BECHTEL or THQMASOV 24 1 guti i - - " l r ;- lit acre, creek, snrlnak. lmndin. Taka der hOM- Owner. 448 Hood St, - s. EXCHANGE Real Estate LOOK Far nk or dairy ranch. 4 miles a E. or Tilla mook, good land, good bars, house. some rruit. Will trade for smaller ranch In valley. Alta Ruch, R. 1, Box j n j a rsv t . FOR SALE FARMS --- - - - - -i-ini-,i-irw-,n.-rcn- GOOD FARM HTIYS 25-acres. Good hor or notittn mnVI mall house and barn. Price $1500.00; 25-ACRES 828SO.OO -Ff nAlllA TVnvllt W Vimian Vvrt 1 - T f v J aavW0k uai uf 7J a. uaua, Kgooa toil), give terma ZZO-ACKES $9500.60 lin.l milt- fhnn la.Jk r . ber. running water, good, bottom land. Hop yards all around thla i1jm a n nuse. Darn. Good poultry house Give lerms. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 131 Booth High Street ACREAGE or aaie i acres of good fruit land 8 miles from Liberty, rood S house and good building. Small down payment, balance easy terma Call at j. iiin sst or pnon 9541. mm m m m -y n nXJlSOai. PRICED FOR CASH 10 acres. 840 rer aora. Nur Warm- dale, good road, electric lights avail able, and large spring. esttia HAWKINS A ROBERTS For Farm Bargains Business Opportunities ' rin-inri-inn.n.ii. For rent garare anA senrtw aHnn on busy highway. Tel. 8593. I IVRSTHrK anA PniTI TtV I ",M SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at riric prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch ing. Hatching eggs. Phon 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. Salem, Oregon. Custom hatching. S00 em at IKe . late jLe s Hatcnery. 1ill --ui riii JU1ffWL-M 1200 lb. hora. 1 trenh row. 1 A. Herrliiff, Route , Box 9C FOR SALE Good grad Jerssv cow, freshen April 21, S5. Tel. 80F4 arter p. m. ------- - i- - n n nj 8 mules. 4 horse EH N. Front St. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADS en furnltur. cars. salarlM or other good security. Rapayabl monthly. When tn financial need see us bfor closing a loan. UEltRRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bide. Phon 8SSS. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor I Offlc lira. 10:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. 1 Telephone 7783. Sute license No. , wrrow on personal properry; repay j tn monthly Installments. . WTLLAM- I ETTE LOAN CO- Stat 11a. 8-189. SOB i uuaraian max. TeL IS7T. I wwwwwwwom MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Csn tracts Raflnanosd Arrange to reduce youi paymoats Too keep th ear P. A. EIKKR Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry J phone 4733 Saiam. Ora POLLY AND HER VARND K Row THAT THE K r3ARTERSySTEM IX YVOULDNT livvORK IN THE ST . .m-j t onu--, wi rw 1 l -. . aa. . ' ss I lr . I n .ni ow 1 1 rv . au u a m y we , w ni I ar -T. ff n l r -1 i v , w i . s i f m MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOXN dally rug out a loan service that Is really really nitterant. TOT7 GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on loans fie te isoe Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM x Room 119 New Bligta Bldg. ind Floor LICENSED BT STATE 818 State Street Tel. 8-7-4-. LOANS WANTED WILL PAY 10 INTEREST ON $700.00 FOR ONE YEAR. EXCEL LENT SECURITY. Box 175. States man. FOR SALE WOOD " m m s-"" r iTB-r'rirtri njiruLP-rLr No. 1 18 In. old fir, 84.00. TeL 448. Dry wood 14.00. Phone J41L s1taAssssaav4rMsssSksSMaassl Green 2nd growth fir IS m. 83.7S. Georg Meltaler, Marlon, Ore. GUARANTEED DRY TL 8000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad a Cottsge. Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 9788. . DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel U Call ee o for price. W giro eoo SMasvr. good euailfir aad good serrte. LaRMKR TRANSFER A STORAGE Taloahon 8181 Ash. fir and oak. TeL 1848. WOOD Old fir $4.18. Tel. 89J2. Old fir If. $40. Tel. 81T8. - LOST AND FOUND LOST Black traveling bag on high way north of Salem. Phone 6668. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS '28 Essex Coach $ 48.00 '21 Ford Tudor Sedan 298.00 '29 Bulck Sedan , 288.00 20 Chrysler "70" Sedan 478.00 '31 Ford Long w. b. truck $85.00 CHEVROLETS 28 Conn t 80.00 8 Sedan .... -,. 46.00 81 Coach 888.00 '21 D Lnx 8daa 448.00 '28 Special Sedaa 878.00 28 Track , -, 18S.O0 81 Long W. B. Truck McKay Chevrolet Co. i TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays 232 Center Phone 2189 480 N. Com'L 1930 Chevrolet coupe. Don't overlook this car. Today only. S43 Chemeketa. ir"i-ij-Tj-kf"f"Mii ii r,i"-rririrj" USED CARS Specially Priced This Week 1929-Pontlac Sedan, thoroughly reconditioned 8275. 1929-Ford Sedan. A-l 115. 1927- Chev. Coupe SS. 1928- Chev. Roadster, tip-top It. 1928- Whippet Sedan 9S. 1927-Pontlae Coupe 128. 1927-Chevrolet Cabriolet 90. 1929- Chev. Truck 180. Be Us Before You Buy or Sen We Buy Tour Equity Borrego's Car Market 240 N. Liberty Phon 8888. WANTED USED CARS Wanted, 25 Used Cars See us at one. Onen vnlngs aad sunaay a 54 z cnemeketa Bt. High School Casts Study Over For Sox MILL CITT, April 4 Loud sock day which in recent years has taken the place of "flunk day" of the seniors was observed by the student body ot the high School Friday. : Lessons were discontinued for the day and In place entertain ment was provided by the pupils, each one having to contribute to the fun. In the forenoon a parade Was held, and the various cos tumes of those taking part called forth many expressions ot raerrl ment. i Completing the holiday was the annual basketball banquet which was enjoyed that night with the faculty and members ot the school board and the team as guests of honor. Ed Neil and Woman Get Prison Terms For House Burning DALLAS, April 4 Ed A. NeO. 34, and Miss Essie Hickman, it. were sentenced to serve three aad one years respectively, in the state penitentiary, Monday by Cir ctJt Jndge ATlIe O. Walier. The v.,. -1r-aal -arrtttaa ennfea- sions in which they admitted that they had set fire to si house on the iT. J. Primus place near Indepen dence early In February In order to collect Insurance. They were taken to the prison Monday afternoon. PALS - EBHBHri 1 1 l I . , a. I I L . i .. i. s- "'mrrxjrT ews c -Til I t5 2. furMf Anm rr tviicTN MoT u-v I I T. . - . r .a I I T. ZZf e " aw-ss's -rai s mm a - r n s - w i w s i r . m -at -a. saw a a ar va- a ' i a -a. iw-aa ai a sn . . . . A PESSIMIST. X 1CS PRTTVI-Jw VENO I Tfl ITl ( tl iftM I ) TrO.. ClZX m MIF HE jr iNEW WF6RV TJ ZiSiS . f . ! 2 f IT. LET MIMf T I I fc.'lfi I tROlL9.BOSl?J 4 'l&J Y7m ZJGs W VnVi I 1 ? IT VVORKED 1 N II p - r i mm w - w w , ,ja- arm a w - v-- w n - a - m a--' . - r a m inmnimii i n IS KD Western Season is Delayed; Californians Holding Fop Higher Prices CORVALLIS. Ore.. April 4 (AP) With the honey season de layed throughout the west by a lata spring, beekeepers through out California are expecting a light flow this year and are re ported holding present stocks of sage and buckwheat honey for higher prices, it was stated la a review issued today by the U. S. D. A. bureau of agricultural eco nomics cooperating with the O. S. C. extension service. Lower California is still very dry bo that a light crop of buck wheat and sage honey Is expect ed unless more moisture is forth coming. In Oregon the opposite situa tion holds in that excessive rain west of the mountains has kept bees la the hive up to a few days ago, while east of the Cas cades, where some of the largest commercial apiaries are located, spring is so late that maple and pussy willow have been the chief sources of pollen and nectar. Some feeding has been necessary. 8ome sales have beea reported through the eastern Oregon dis4 tries with large lots of white ex tract, ea Bringing c z-l cents a pound. Throughout the country. local aalea ot honey have improv ed recently with lncreasedcarlot inquiries and some carlot sales completed. A wider range of winter losses than usual are reported In indi vidual states. Conditions are bet ter in the Intermountaln region except in eastern Colorado where water shortage la serious. Sup plies or honey are not heavy. WOODBURN, ApM 4 The Marlon County veteran's associa tlon will held its annual spring meeting in the Methodist Episco pal church Thursday, April I beginning at 10 a.m. The business will be transacted in the morning after which pot luck dinner will be served in the church din lag room. A program is being prepared by the committee, Mrs. Mabel Nendel, Mrs. Emma Tysson and Mrs. Laura Liveeay, and will be presented after the dinner hour, All veterans and members ot pa triotic organisations are invited to be present. Other committees are: Kitchen Mrs. John Glatt, Mrs. Mabel Non- del, Mrs. Ida Harper and Mrs Nora Broyles; dining room. Miss Mary Hershberger, Mrs. Ella Cammaek, Mrs. Mattlson, Miss Mabel Jackson, Mrs. Mary Ban man and Mrs. Martha Faulconer reception, Mrs. Alice Ouyer. Mrs Emma Bidwell. Mrs. Louisa Blurt and Mrs. Annie Miller; decora tloas. Mrs. Mae Otjen, Mrs. Eliza beth Hanlon, Mrs. Amelia TJppen dahl and Mrs. Carrie Finch. Radio Program WEDNE8DAY, APKH. S SO IN POST LAND 910 X. :J0 KOIN Klock. :SO Betty Croaker. 10:00 Marie, Little French Princess.-f UBM. 11:30 American schoot ot the sir, CB9 1139 nook ot laie, 8 :00 Fecniain rsaclaa, DI.BS. C:00 Bing Crosby, Leonard Hsytea's orchestra. CB3. T:38 Black El, K.T. 8:00 Beddlag WhiU. saaor. 10:00 Ted Fieri to's orckettra, OLBS. 10:30 Ie Honey s asae band. so ac convAxua eso XU. 7:00 Morning Meditation led fey Bar. W. Raymond Wilder. 8:00 Mraiag oaert. 9:00 Hosa aeoaaasie bserrar. 12:00 Keoa tans hoar. 8:00 A Tea Lik It, witk Aatheay Kaver. 3:80 Dr. Henrietta Morris, "Keeping Taralosa Oat ot Oreroa 7:00 D. B. T. Simnu. "Car of th Tonag faal.. 8:15 Oregon Tarmart' Uaiea prograas, ddroa by U B. McBee, at to president. gQW POATLSsTTV 63J Xa. T:00 Orgoa eoaeart. NBC. 7:15 Axaaricaa I'reduce compaay mar- . kt report. T:30 Organ awneart, NBO. T :48 Aeooralaaa, MBO. 8:30 CraMeato rrom th Log of ta Day. NBC. 9 :15-Oooxin4r sahooL 9:45 Orgo eeaeert, KBC. 10:00 Sarah Kraiallar, NBO. 16:80 Woaaaa's Xagax-ie at tk Ale, MBO. 11:30 WaatauasUr ebotr. VBO. 8:08 Al ar aad Hi Gang. 3J80. "Bird of COW HOB e Hiiw GRAINS EXCEPT WHEAT BUOYANT PRICES GO Selling for Profits Depresses Wheat; Corn, Oats up CHICAGO, April 4 (AP) Buoyancy characterised the entire grain list today except wheat. Fresh high-price records for the season were attained in corn, oats. rye and barley 4 Liberal selling to realize prof its on recent huge- purchases ot wheat acted as a curb against new advances in that cereal. Enlarged speculative demand for grains other than wheat attracted much notice. Opinions were expressed In some quarters Chicago wheat prices had moved up too fast ot late compared with Winnipeg and Liverpool. Wheat closed unsettled at the same as yesterday's finish to cent lower, with corn - ad vanced, oats H-U up. Todsy's closing quotations: Wheat May, 55,- : July. Sept., 57-57. Corn May. July. 34 Sept.. 35. Oats May, 19 -20: July. 20 K; Sept., 20. General Markets raODXJCB SXCHAKOX POSTLAKD. Ore.. Anril 4. (AP) rroaae exebsage. net prices: Batter Extras 18e, standards 17a, prima firsts lie. urns me. Em rresh extras 14a atediaaai 12c. Portland Grain POKTLAXD. Or.. April A (API Wheat Ooaa Ilira Low Cln May. M ; 65 S3 58 68 May. old 54 Vs 54 H 54 64 July 54 V4 55 U 54 U 54 4; Cask wheat: No. 1: Bis Bead bloestam oi ; aara bard winter, 13 par cent 59 H 11 per cent 55V; soft vhita S3V, western white, northern sarin- 51U hard winter 62 H; western red 50 H. UaU a. 2 white $21. Cora No. 2K yellow 319. Milh-oa standard 315. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. April 4. (AP) uaiier rnnix. score or better 20e pound, standars 19e. Ltth racrfi PonlU Prodncara ail ing prieaa: Freah extras 14e, standards 4ze, meaiaaaa ize. CounUT meats 8ellias Dries te ratal! era: Country-killed hogs, best batchers. under ISO pounds S ft -tie; yealers 60 to tuu pooaoa. THi-8e: lamb 111214 c aprisga 1819c; yearling 5c. heaty wa oc. caanar cows z-dftc, Dalla 4-4 Mats Oregon walnols 15-1 He pound, peanuts lOe, Braxil 12-14e, almanda 15 16c, (llbertt 20-22e, pecans 20e. Casc'sra bark Baying eriee. 19S2 pel. 3-3 He ponnd. Hope Nominal. 1932. 28 H -30c Buttarfat Direct to shippers: UUtion. lie; Portlaad delirary prices, eharaiag creaat li-17e, sweet cream higher. 1.1 a poadiry Buying price: Heary bens, colored, 4i pound 13e; do medi ums lie; lights lie; springe light 14c. heavy 14e;xold roosters 5e, daeka, Pa ktne broilers 1112c, aid ll-12e. colored lOe. Osioss Selllag prieo to retailers: Or goa 31.ii l.35 cental, Takima Spanish VOc-31.35 ceauL Potateet Loeil. 65 75a orange bax: Deschutes Gems 81.35 1.49. do Baker 31.50. Yakima Gems f 1-1.35. New potatoes Florida 6-7e. Wool 1932 clip, nominal; Willamette raJIey 12-15 pound, eastara Oregon 10 12. Hay Buying price from producer Alfalfa 313.50-14; clorer 39-9.50; eaet era Oregon timothy 316; eats Tetch 14. Portland Livestock POBTLAKO. Ore Cattle ReceipU 75, heifers 25e higher. April 4. (AP) calyes 10; cows. bterrs. 550 to 900 pounds, good 35. 5 5. 85, medium 34.50-5.50, common 13.50 4.50; 900 to 1100 pounds, good 35.15 5.75, medium 34.25-5.25, common 33.25 4.25; 1100 to 1300 poands. good 84.75 5.85, medium 33.25-4.75. Heifers. 550 to 750 pounds, good 34.50-5, common-medium 8 J. 50-4.50; 750 to 900 ponads, good choice 34.S5-4.75, common -medium 33.50 4.35. Cows, good 33.75-4.10, common-medium 3.75-3.75, low cutter and catter 31.25-2.75. Bulls, yearlings ex claded, good (beef) ' 32.7S-3.25. cutter-mtd-uin 32-2.75. Vealors, good-clioice 65.50 6.50, aoediaai $4.25 5.50. call-cem- on SI.50-4.J5. Calres. 250 te 600 pounds, good choice 34-5.50, comaoiet- niam 2-e. Hogt Receipts 300; about steady. Light light, 140 to 160 pound, good choice 33.50-4.35. Lightweight, 160 to 160 pound, 34.25-4.35; 180 to 200 pundt, 34.25-4.35. Medium weight, 200 to 220 paaads, 63.75-4.85; 220 to 250 t 290 poaads. $3.85-4.13; 290 to 350 penads. 83.26 4. Packing sows, 375 to 850 pounds, good 33.25-8.85, 250 to 425 rennds S3.S5-S.75. 425 to - 850 poaads 1.25 8.75; 875 te 550 poaads. mediam $8-1.50. feeder sd stocker pigs, 70 to ISO poaads, good-eheiee $2.75-8.75. Skeep and lamb kteeeipts, 7S; steady. Lamba. SO pouada dowa, good-choice M.33-5.6S, medioa 33.50-S.2S; 90 to 98 pounds, good-choice $5-6.50. Yearling wethers. 90 to 110 pounds, god-ekle $8-4, medium 32-3. Ewes. 90 to 120 rounds, good-eheiee $2.25-2.75; 180 to SO pes ads. 33-20; all weights, com-mon-stediam, $1-3. 8:00 Better English talk, Mr. Orace Ely Skeels. S:1S Melody Mixers. NBO. 4:80 Elvis Allman, tbe California Cocktail, NBO. 5:1 J Round the World club. VB0. 5:30 NBO program. 8:0 Amos 'a' Andy, NBC. 8:15 lUand U World la Giaat Am phibia. 8:29 Jimmy Camper, KKC. 8:89 On Ma' Family, NBC. 9:15 AdveatOT of Sherlock Holmes. NBC 10:15 Hotel Mark Bapklaa orchestra, NEC. 11 :00 Amhaaeadar Hotel orchestra, NBO. 11:80 Organ ceaeart. NBC a Feather" 4 HIGHER FOR PRUNES Salem Markets Grade B raw A mDJt, co-op pool price, SI .20 per hundred. N Sorploa 03c. (KUk aa4 aa seasl meathly tUrfat svermg.) BaUerfat iwet 17c, sour 15c. Prints 10c, cabee 17c. Priees paid t growers by Sale) bayera April (Th prieas biaw. sappliad oy a local grocer, are Udiesti t tha daily asarkct but are ne gnarantee br ' Buittnat) Artichokes, dot. . .90 Radishes, local, dot. .30 Potatoes, new Plorida .OS Aaparagaa .00 t .13 Carrots. Calif., crata Grsa peppers. Calif., lb. .1.75 to 2.00 .18 as Pom. CaUf, lb. Cabbage, lb. .02 Onions, dot. bsnrhea Potatoes, Tax una Ho. I .85 Local .75 to 1.00 1.50 Sweet potatoes. craU Lettnee, Calif. .2.75 to 3.25 .85 .85 1.50 .08 05 2S 8 50 07 to .08 Onions. Wall Walla Labish. ewL Parsnips, hand red Bhabarb. weal CaUt lb Celery. Calif.. H crate Mexican Tomatoes Italian. Broccoli, lb. Apples Winetaps. fancy , Extra fancy - ,. Kewtowns, C grade Fancy . Extra fsncy Cauliflower. Calif., crata Rutabagas, hundred ... Oranges, p.p Fancy 90 1.40 .50 .90 1.35 .95 1.00 to 1.25 1.50 to 1.75 . 3.00 to 4.00 .70 2.50 2.25 .05 Beats. Calif., dot. Tarnipt, Calif., crate Spinach. Calif., crate Bananas, lb. on stock Hinds .05 H HOPS Top. 1932. To. 1931. lb. lb. .80 .25 ESGS Baytag Prices Fxtras 10 .09 .09 .04 .10 .OS .06 .09 .10 Standards Mediums Oid roosters POULTBT Colored bans Mediam hens . Light hens Bakers . Light fryer Lambs, top Bogs, tpp First cuts Steers . Cwwa Heifers MEAT S.00 4.00 3.75 .... 04 to .04 4 .Of t .03 4 .02 to .03 Bulla .03 to .03 .05 Dressed real, top Dressed hogs 06 OBwAXn A-jD HAT Wheat, western red 56 White. No. 1 56 Bsrley. top. to 16.00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 20.00 to 25.00 Hit. buying prte OaU and vetch, toa 12.00 to 14.00 Alfalfa. Telle, lot cat. .13.00 to 15.00 Eastara Oregon 16.50 Clover hay 12.00 to 14.00 WOOL Mediam .11 Coarse .08 Mohair - market Stocks and Bonds April 4 (Copyright 1933. Standard Statistics Ca.) btocs av-Jtauiia 50 20 20 90 Ind'ls Kit 'a Ut'a Tots! Today 48 1 24.6 61.S 46.8 Previous day 47.7 26.0 61 8 46.6 Week ago 49.6 27.5 67.S 49.3 Year ago 54.5 26.S S9.1 56.1 Syaaraaro 199.6 140.S 271.7 202.8 High 1033 55.2 30.0 95.S 58.8 Low 1933 42.3 23.S 61.5 High 1933 71.3 39.8 111.0 Low 1932 85.1 13.1 61.8 BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 Iod'ls Rli's tit's Total Today 59.6 57.9 74.3 68.9 Previous day 59.6 58.5 74.4 64.1 76.2 6.0 79.9 70.2 99.0 100.0 85.2 72.0 Week ago 60.6 61. 64.9 65.9 94.5 106.5 66.1 65.7 5.3 57.0 71.3 7R.0 53.2 47.4 Year ago 3 years ago High 1933 Ixw 1933 High 1932 . 74.2 Rfi.8 70.9 23.6 73.1 57.5 I.ow 1982 New 1938 low. Trio High School Productions Draw Large Audiences MONMOUTH, April 4 The three high school plays: "Vision of Sir Launfal." "Green Sha dows" and "Elmer." presented re cently by students of the high school drew out a large attend ance each night The performance was highly creditable, and much praise was given Miss Edith Clark, play director and coach. Tbe high school orchestra di rected by Roy M. Miller ple&ed with opening numbers and be-tween-act music Milne Reported Still In Serious Condition CENTRAL HOWELL. April 4 Everett Milne, seriously Injured Friday night by a kicking horse, is still in a serious condition at the Silverton hospital. The doctor states he is slightly improved. He has lucid moments but is in a semi-conscious state most of the time. He haa been found to have a fracture at the base of the skull, beside his broken Jaw and other bruises and cuts about the head. - - Sales Volume is Good; Prospects for 1933 Crop Rosy PORTLAND. April 4 (AP) A surrey ot the prune market here today showed prices perhaps one-half cent higher in both Ore gon and California, and in spots even better Values were indicated. The shortage of very small sizes has canned price increases in this grade, although all prices were considered very favorable. Volume of sales was good in both Oregon and California with both foreign and domestic buyers participating. The trading tone was much improved. The Scan dinavian countries continued the best buyers of Oregon prunes. The sale of a fair Fixed package ot Oregon prunes to Buenos Airea was confirmed. Canada bought l small supplies and sales to New York were at least seasonable. The survey indicated current prospects for the 1933 crop were exceptionally good,' with the sea I son later than usual so that blossoming may take place after danger of frost. The Oregon price range today was 20-30S. 3 cents; 3t-40s. 4 certs; 25-35s. 4'i cents. Forty- ifi's were not quoted generally & t nly ncninal stocks were on hard. BUTTERFAT FOLLOWS PORTLAND. Ore., April 4 (AP Th ups and downs of the price list on butter hare created an abnormal situation in the open market. The advance of lc lb. in extras to ISc was forced by ship ping interest. Others were un changed lor the session. Butterfat followed the adranco In extra cubes, although most but- terfat buyers did not lower ttao price at tbe last change. Make ot butter is showing little change. Market for eggs continues more or less unsatisfactory and at s wide price range here. Pood quaU ity continues to dominate rales and prices but real good stuff was apparently steady. Good trading to new as suggest- ed in latest deal In the live chick en market. Hens were in call and more bo than spuply, resulting is higher prices being offered la spots. Broilers were lower in spots. There remains a fair demand for dre&s ed turkeys with of ferine continued of very light volume Occasional small lots ot good hens were quickly sold and at extreme prices. Others show a wide spread. Market for country killed calves continues its recent drag along the wholesale way. There wan however, ao change in prices. Hogs, lambs and beef remain in good call. GERVAIS. April 4 T. A. Mangold. SS. pioneer merchant of Gervals, died here Monday. He had conducted a hardware and implement store for more than 50 years, a part of that time in part nership with his father-in-law, the late B. A. Nathman. For more than 40 years he was clerk ot school district No. 1. a record surpassed by but few in Marion county. Up to about a month ago he was able to conduct his business, except for a short time about a year ago, when he suffered a slight stroke, at which time and since, his eon-ia-law. F. II. Can nard, has assisted la conducting the business for him. About seven years ago his wife died. He is surrired by fcur children Marie, a former poetmiire of Gervals under President Wilson. Sylvester, Joseph B., and Mr. Rose Csn nard. The funeral will be b,ld.: Wednesday morning, April 5, at f o'clock, at tbe Sacred Heart church. Rev. Fr. We Walsh offi ciating, and burial will follow fa Sacred Heart cemetery, east of CerTa!. ( ALL FOIt BIDS We.t Salem school asks bids for 41 cords wood. Delivery by Aug. 11. No wood accepted that win not go through. 3 by 11 in. door. Board reserve right to reject any or all bids. Close April IX. MRS. NINA DeLAPP, 2SC Oerth Ave. DlsL Clerk. A-2-4-6 By CLIFF STERRETT i if: k s h A. Wm IS . SUMMOID BEYOI .11 Farm?" . 854L - ,