PAGE SVN 1 . I - The OREGON STATES1IAN, Salecx, Orejrdn, Tuesday lloralnsr, April 4, 1933 1 r I It Business-Directory Card lit this directory run en a monthlr bast ely. Rat: $1.00 per Mm pr month. AUTO BRAKES If lk Fan-, th brake and hlmmy Spftor. 876 Sooth Commercial Street. BEAUTY PARLORS iv i Miller Bonty Shop, dial 7953. CATERING Burt Crary. th caterer. Ph. 8763. CHIMNEYSWEEP Telephone 4450. R- E. Northne CHIROPRACTORS DR. a 1 SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, lit N. High. TeW Re. SS7-. 1 Correspondence 'lnstraction International Correspondence echoola. uatnes. technical course, ex. McQllllvray. Tel. eiz. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELUROVE. 4(5 N. Cottage. TeL 7466. Hemstitching, he yard. FLORISTS mit flow era. wedding bouquet fun- Aral wreath, decorations. C F. Brelt- tiaupU florUL 677 Court. Tel. 5904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. lth t Market. TeL -. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel. 0. Walter J. uowns. s nrgyn. INSURANCE BECKS 111 N. UlSh HENDRICKS TeL 49T COFFHT-SMITH, gen, lna. Tel. glli. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT ' TUB WKIDER LAUNDRT til S. High TeL 1121 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT First in Quality and Service Telephone Ills 12 Broadway LAWN MOWERS ' . ; - Sharpened, repaired and traded. . HARRT W. SCOTT, The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. jnaitnu It 10 Renovators and Cumlgatora.- Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 40. 8080 N. CapltoL . tjm m.nM mads to order, old remade ; earpet cleaning, slsing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Mat retorr. 8. lttb A Wilbur. TeL S441. Otto F. Z wicker. Est 1I1L MUSIC STORES nvr c WILL Piano A. radio, aew- in. MnhinM. ahaet musle and piano tudle Repairing radios, phonograph and sewing macnues. mw wm. Balenv ; MUSIC INSTRUCTION WIU trad guitar and lesmun tot anvtlun I can uee. Storhow. 450 Court MEDICINE rw r'Vi.n I Jim Chines Medlcln Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 jtfO s-m. to 4:30 p. m. n n. wimreiy PRINTING w.T oTiTinvERT. cards, pamph lets, programa, book or any Wpd ot Jn:.iT. V. n Th. statesman Printing l&menWM a CommerclaL Tel- phone.- 101. ' y PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement. Income Tax ReporUL Auditing. 110 W. ComX , Tet 8016 or ig7. . REAL ESTATE 'BECKH Si HENDRIC1CS. TeL 4147. .n i nn t omiHOMT A COL rrTBT Tt nrvWimlTT A SON a triTM KarL Bit Bldg. TeL T60T. svw-w - i STOVES BTOVE3 and stove repairing. Stove for sale, r rebuUt and ipah-e. All kinds of wove, wtr, fncUncyand w.l" vt.. T.1 4774. R. a Fleming. , . v . . . TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 3X6 Staf. St TL iX .,kuSfu: mritins -ana atw Get our rat. - - ' - FOR local r distant transfer storage, call 31L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks j to Portland oany. - WELL DRILLING R. A RFD 6. West 80 years experience, n 103 Ew Tel. 11 er a. Hops Now Held On West Coast Under 9 32 Mark - Hops held In Pacific coast grow ers' hands April 1, this yesr, were 6,39 bales under the growers holidlnxs Anrll 1. 1932. a check shows. Holdings April 1. 1932. totaled 30.305 bales, as compared to 30.930 bales this year, April 1, for Oregon, Washington and Cal ' ifornia. - ;. ' No salea In the local' market were resorted yesterday. Late Saturday, Horst bought 12$ bales of fuggles from Arch Jermaa at 29, cents,.. 'rA i:;:V-;: ' Per capita consumption of anges tn the United States has in- crossed 25 per cent in the past Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUMlfted Advertising ingle Insertion per Use.lOe Three Insertions per ! ... 10c Six insertions par Un..30c On month per line.. f 1.00 Minimum charge ..... .tie Copy tar this pat ac cepted, until 6:30 th oven Ins before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after this tint will b rua under the heading Too Late to Classify. Th &Utesman sssume no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished in its columns, and la cases wber this paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an adv.rtUeuiani la which th typographical mis talc occurs. Th Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tion al advertising. It far Iher reserves th right to classify an advertising un der th proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE BOY WITH BICYCLE for paper route. Apply In peron. Oregonian. 463 Ferry. SITUATIONS WANTED RESPONSIBLE couple will care for apt for an apt. Box 254, States man. FOR SALE Miscellaneous . Excfttsive product. Nationally adver tised, uraiy crystals, ill s. Hign. Seed potato"."?. Karliest of AIL Early Rose. Early Ohio, British Queen, Net ted Gem. Eurtauik. It. A. Hyde -Co., 2S98 Portland Road, Tel. 59S. Fresh crabs now at FiJlera stand. intersection SUvcrton-Portland road. HAT. ALFALFA, first finality. 411 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8432. Burba nk seed potatoes. Quality and quantity. B. Cunningham. Tel. 21F2. HOP PJ.OW8 Slooer hoD plow second hand. 1100. New ones, new design, all steel con struction. 1559.0. Side cutters one way, 155.00. Side cutters two war. 1107.00. SLOPER BROS- Independence, Ore. FOR SALE or will consider good used wood range jia part payment on wesungnouse "flavor zone electric stove, in first class condition, less than tare year oW. cost new 8200. Will take $7S cash, or some terms to re sponsible party. Call Sunday or Mon day at 1770 N. Capitol. Salem. FOR SALE Good oat har frnmlev Bros. Phone B0F12. . TRADE Miscellaneous TRADE FOR CAR Lot on saved street Concrete walk, no Indebtedness. Phone 6354. WANTED Miscellaneous ------- - --ii--ir-inivVvirMvwftuiji Why throw away good money? Th hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver store repairs nose like new, 6c to 25c. WANTED Two ton second h. gal anised hop wire and stove. Chas. Schrelber. Mallno, Ore. R. F. D. 1, Box 147. WANTED Contractor to finance nnd bu!d 1900.00 home on $16.00 term a O. Slgurds-n. R. 3, Sclo, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 10c. child.. 15a. Two blocks S. of library. 8. Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Mod. rooms, reasonable. 645 Marion. Roomsh- -hot and cold water. Court Tel. 9490. Nicely furn. 93 ROOM AND BOARD Board, m, near P. O. $30. TeL 6482. LARGCELY1 "furn? heated room, witn board. Special rates tor two people. Tel. 417 a. STUDENTS, business women. TeL 8283. i , ROOM OR Rid and bd. for gentle man In modern horn near state bouse. Box 133. Statesman. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa jartments--lowntwn. Can 1 Patton s ttooa au Fur. 2 R. apt. 3261 HaseL TeL 7664. . yoq. t heated apta. TeL 8490. First floor apt, 1411 Court Nice furalshed apt 590 Union. 1 rm. fur, apt. 355 Center St A?f, f f. y?r. ?'k .... -Furn, apt 1596 Court St FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and anfurn, housea R. i Forkner. 1610 N. Cottage. TeL 3 OIL t room bungalow tor rent 134$ Che- meketa SL Attrac furn. S R. cottage. TeL 6276.! 4 : ROOMS, nartlr furnished. Neat, ! do In. Inquire 694 N. High. GOOD S R, HOUSE. 475 a Winter. House at 3345 State SL, partly fur-1 nlshed. $10 mo. MMM.. 0000 .-Nw .W" Hi For rent large list of honse and apta IS to $30. Furnished $lt-$16-$30 no. SEB BEt;HTIrlHUH.MI.l, Ifl Stat For rent 7 room modern home la good district. "Partly furnished if de sired, electrie refrigeration, electric range, will rem tor montn m vwwibl Party. Phone 9541. FOR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE. Cheap, by wnr. 4 A. 1 mi. rrom sawn. rm. I ho.' big chick b etc. U. Hansen, fix. 6, Ft. 207 a. " WANTED TO RENT r - l FOH RENT S SMT fruit tract L rty district. rw , ssnau barn aad chicken house. Caah rent Phon ; FOR SALE Real Estate TOO CAN BUT I -A Horn With Small Payment Down, Balance to Suit I room comfortable bom to K. sto len) near highway. Price fUSO. Choice corner' lot in & Salem, sev eral bearing fruit trees, garden spot. I room residence needing some repair, rtreet pared and walks In. Price only To close an estate. X room cottage with electric lights and plumbing; small corner lot Price only 1700. To buy your home, SEE CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 34t Stat Street Phon C70I sysJSsWesaSassssw SACRIFICE BT OWNER Classle. 1 bedrooms, mod. bungalow, double ; plumbing, fireplace, hd. wood floors, furnace, garage. In walnut park see this. i REAL COZT HOME 4-R. mod., nook, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, garage. Clear t exchange for B room mod. House In good shape, In the NE Salem. VAN M. GREER 214 Oregon Bldg. Ph. V. MOMWUKI m .. , i-ir.rj-u-Ln.-ui An Ideal place for hop culture. 80 acres of which 60 are No. 1 hop aoiL 10 heavy timber 1 ml ut of Albany in Santiam basin. For sal by owner Address H. R. Schulfs. Bal timore Bldg- Albany. Ore. Now the time to buy that house. I have a complete list of modem house to eell like rent H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8102. FOR RENT About 50 acres bottom farm land; also chicken ranch espe cially well equipped. Close In, paved road. Phone 923 or ISFlt. EXCHANGE Real Estate " " fYir n riusxj-LJi good trade Two bouses, 12500 clear. Trade for acreage same value. What have youf See my agents BECHTEL-THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. ONLY 11000 good lot J blocks axate nouse SOCOLOFSKT ---- - ii - rinn n-" .-' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 1 H acres short distance out. 4 room plastered house with plumbing, elee- k.,,1. . KW. weH- waur system, b"''1 hj! 'IreP'ae. garage and wood shed. Price $28(10. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtor 344 State St. Phone 708. FOR SALE FARMS uuou FARM BUYS -5-acres. Good hop or potato o!L small house and barn. Price $1500 00: bottom land. . t 25-ACRES $2650.80 6-R. house, poultry house, barn. 3H A. aUalfa, (good soU, give Urms. 220-ACRES $9500.00 130-A. cult (hop land). 50-A. tim ber, running water, good, bottom land Hop yards all around this place. R. house, barn. Good poultry house Give terms. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street ACREAGE BA"aMesasjsSi 31 acre A Na 1 oU east f Sal am. Fin creek, wood for own use. Electric ll5hIt,.?mUy frult- A special bargain at $3200. Strictly modern 5 room house nearly new. This 1 an exceptionally, fin house. Cost $4500. Will take $3000 Good terms. 280 acre dairy ranch. 110 acres un der Irrigation, free water rights, 8 sets of buildings, fine running water. Plenty wood for own nae, 30 head of cows, an Implements, lots of wild game. A place where you can make money and enjoy. Will trade. 8 room semi-modern plastered bun galow In good condition, fine large lot fruit trees and good garden ground. A genuine bargain at $1200. Very easy terms. Remember, we write all kinds of in surance. ..Our trading station is located at 325 State Street Tel. 8678. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY - - - mnin.i-i."i-ii.ririi-iri.iiii.--LarLn is acres bottom land )ia house. orn, a. logans. acre or more of iiici i icjs xamuy iruit 4 nn. $2700. house, 35 A. on Wallace road and on river, fully stocked and eoulnnei with vnrA. son and all necessary farm equipment j, viucKena, etc. MOOd b HTL. nouse with modern convenience mortgage or $1600, will take clear uuuM in saiem. Bee me at my uvawu in ocnaior otei Bid. 519 Court Street' tor saie s acres of good fruit land 2 tnlle from Liberty, good 6 room house and good bulldlnr. Small ir. ?5fmt5t,.b1nc ey torma. Call at . iua oi. or pnon 9541. wwwwiii 1 .... 1 . .-.1-,11-m.j PRICED TO SELL j '20 acre for only $22.00 per acre. unv-osu wear land, balance pasture and good timber. Running erater, fair nous,, alectrlc lights available. 18 miles north of Salem. 20 down, bal ance terms, or will take small place a part payment y ANOTHER ONE 100 acres. T miiea n r s.i. u cultivated, balance timber and naZ jure. Kunnlng water, good 6 room iVT j srtKx per acre. 20 down, balance terma anus HAWKINS ROBERTS For Farm Bargains Business Opportrmities For rent garsjra ai mw .m on bniry highway. Tel. 3698. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY 1 mm m m ,nrBJJU- SURPLUS BART PHinrs rifle . prices Tuesday acid -Friday only. Se oar bargaina Custom bateh- i". H.at5tn Phon 183FX, Lee's Hatchery. Salem, Oregoa. Custom hatching. 800 gg at 144 Minnu; ana mesTIST- TeL 18SF8. Lee's Hatchery. 1100 lb. horse. 9 fraah mwa. T. A Memng. Kout S. Box 9C ------ - - rrn-nnnrirwnnnjiji WANTED to buy ant tins- faena. SL S. FOR" SALE Spaa mulea workers. X W. -Barling. Rt. 4. Salem. MILK GOATS, fresh, wfll sell ar trad for chicken R. S, Box 208. - - - - -''.. iri.i i iijLi'i.rL' oT.' 1-fvifi FOR - 8ALE Oood grad Jersey rresaen ADru il as. tl bofs after p. m. . ?- POLLY AND HER (SUPS. BOSS 1 , . s 1 I sz r. I tXI GOTAPfXXSiOhlUl a VSCfT'KJ 1 r-riA aS I EB-OEVB IH VTOK. HERE'S A- ( .GlY!LV00 -g " AjnTChA? l-ABOR tS WkAH. SLXZkJ (SesTk rT (THE 13v4J7T3?J ( HtMMi Rp MJ j (A &2KSrKAN3jBVT I AJNTT AS GOOD AS GCLDj X OCTTTA SyTOAM v I .vl r- VYB FER QNS Interesting Pacts 01 1 - 8txten years ago today war resolutions woro ia order. With signs ot spring basin ess improves. Watch The Statesmaa this week for important merchan dise announcements. The weather a year ago today was cloudy with threatening rain. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY BABT CHICKS every Wednesday. Hanson strain. White Leghomn, from pedigreed stock, R. L Reds. Barred Rocks. Whit Wyandotte. Reduced price. RTJBT I WOODWARD JEU. , Box MB TeL 44F81 ah-a m.. r,vvv-AvruLn I mil eft. 4 horses. 51 K. Front St MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN dally ring oat a loan service that Is really really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE SIS Stat Street TeL 8-7-4-0. PERSONAL LOANS MADB en furniture, ears, salaries or other good security. Ranayabl monthly. When ta financial need e is Derore closing a loan. , GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. fha 8618. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 313 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office bra 1:00 A. M. to :30 P. M. Telephone 7783. State license No. S-165. Borrow on personal property: repay In monthly Installments. WIT .LA M- ETTB LOAN CO.. State Ila 8-169. 60S Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduo youi payment Yon keep the car T. A. KIKEB Car. Liberty 8t and Farry ine 4T SaWti rV LOANS WANTED WILL PAT 10 INTEREST ON $700.00 FOR ONE TEAR EXCEL LENT SECURITY. Box STS. States man. FOR SALE WOOD No. 1 16 m. old Mr. $4.00. TeL 4410, Dry wood $4.00. Phon 9411. Green 2nd growth fir 16 In. George Mettaler. Marlon. Ore. $3.1. GUARANTEED DRY TL 1000 Salem Fuel Co. Cottsga Trad 4 Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 9T49. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel 1L Call on n for price. W glv goo measure, good quality and eood servfe. LARMER TRANSFER A 8TORAQB Teleohen 8181 Ash. fir and oak. TeL 6648. WOOD Old fir $4.25. Tel. 8932. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black traveling baa on high way north of Salem. Phone FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars 1981 Chevrolet Coach .$145.00 . 876.00 . 136.00 . IT6.00 195.00 166.00 1931 Ford Coach , .... . 1939 Ford Spt. Rdstr. 1939 Krskine Tudor 119 Dodge St S Coup 1938 F-ssex Sedan 1838 Rasex Coach li.e And iota of others te pick from. See Larry for Used Cars ' 836 8. Com. S If Garag Aero tram Mario Hotel McKay's Used Cars WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS '86 Essex Coach f 46.00 '81 Ford Tudor Sedan 898.00 '39 Btilck Sda , , 385.00 8 Chryaler -T- Sedan . 476.00 '81 Ford Long w. b. track 886.00 CHsrvROLSTa '34 Coup , I 60.00 18 Sedan . 41. '81 Coach - 31 D Lux Sed&a 446.00 88 Special 8daa 675.00 'SS Track i 135.00 81 Long W. B. Track - ,,. 415.00 McKay Chevrolet Co. TERMS TRADES Ona veinr and Sunday SS8 Crater Phon 8188 48 N. Coxal Ford Snort Cabriolet Se and drive Oil ear t Appreciate. Easy terma 48 jnnata. "Jv"AJTKD 2s ud eara See us at coo. S43 Chemeketa SL Open lag aad Sundaya PALS EIISIEillHlll I0CEBMJ1IHI D. O. Brock left Satnrday mors- lag by track for Willow Creek, eastern Oregoa taking the Rho ten hay baler with bias and win return with a load -of baled bay. S. A. Rhotea part has ad orar 100 toss of hay ia th stack sad Is sending his owa baler frost bars to sssist with the baling. Warren Creech of th Bethel neighbor hood will go to operate the baler. Mr. Rhoten reports that mach ot the alfalfa fields la the eastern part of the state were badly dam aged by the t reeling of last win ter, some fields being entirely rained. It appears that the fields ot Grimm alfalfa have stood the winter better than the Up rooted varieties and while It has all been damaged, there are few fields of Grimm alfalfa that will have to be plowed up this season, while it Is not deemed profitable to leave the fields of the other Yarieties in many cases. There was practically a 100 percent kltl of fall sowa wheat In Umatilla. Morrow, Gilliam and ad' Joining counties, bnt for the greater part the farmers have been able to reseed and the spring sown wheat Is now coming up snd with hoped for spring rains the spring sown wheat may make a satisfactory crop. The farmers are receiving from SS cents to 31 cents per bushel for wheat, bnt there is no general selling. Here and there Individual lots have been taken over by the large grain companies but moat of the warehouses are full of wheat be ing held for higher prices. The flour mills require hard wheat for their best flour. Varieties ot soft wheat are being used foH spring seeding. It is believed that much higher prices win be paid for the old crop hard wheat next fall for milling purposes even though the world market might be the same. DAK'S STOCK MART NEW YORK, April 1 Indeci sion was still th mood in today's irregular stock market. With vol ume down to 400,440 shares, prices worked back and forth las lly. Final quotatHtvs averaged In to a nominal net loss, with th most active leaders finishing com fortably above the day's mini mums. Tobaccos again strengthened and favorites elusg to gains of 1 to around X. Industrial leaders seemed content with recent quo tations and contributed littl to th day'a changes. American Tobacco "B" and Lig gett & Myers "B" wer strong. American Can was well supported, waue Montgomery Ward. Sears Roebuck. Lambert. Great Westers Sugar, Borden. Du Pont and Gen eral Electric, returned moderate gains. North American and Cana dian Pacific closed with a frac tional toss. Santa Fe Preferred slumped 5H In a thin market. while Eastman Kodak, whose management hopes to maintain th present dividend barrier a further decline in business, drop- pea z. Radio Program TTJSSDAY, AT SIX. 3L8W Portland 630 Ka T:00 Orgs concert NBC t:IO Happy Jack, KBC. S :0O Teur Child, KBC. 0 .0 Cooking school. 9 :38 Martha Vsade Society. HB0L 19.00 Arioa Trio, KBC. 1:8 Woman's Marsala. NBO. 11:80 Rhythm Tenders. NBC. 18:18 Wester Farm 4 Hem hoar. ABU, 1:00 Stringweed Xasemble, VBO. S:00 A Pearce aad fits Oaag, NBC 8:15 Melody Mixers. KBC 3:30 Mid-Week Federation Hyms. ISO S :45 Friendly Chat, 4:45 Tea-Ttmers. NBC. S:0O Mahdi. th Msgicisa. 5:1S Roaad th World Clab. SBtt 00 -he BaUsdette. NBC :10 Book Chat. 8:00 Amo 'a' Aady, KBC 8:15 Memory Laae. KBC. e.-eo Masieal hUaarqviaa. KOXO. 10:80 Hotel Hark Heykias rekestra, KBC 11 :00 Hotel Ambnaaador erebestr. KBC 1 1:80 Orgs eeaoert, KBC. XOAC Cerratlls 5 SO X. T. -00 Morning Mediattie, led by Dr. Freak B. Matthews. 0:0 Heaae Economics Obaerver. 13:00 Karm how. 8:90 Mrs. Bar Watt Prentiss "Year Child as Ha Grows Older." B.-OO Farm trk6 report. :S0 Tar boor. WANTED USED CARS WANTED Lata tnodel llgnt co-pex Must be ohap tor cash. TeL 6367. - , ; 'A Burnt INDECISION SEEN III GRAIN ADVANCES CONTINUE HERE SMALL WINTER CROP BOOMS PRICES Barley Goes to $20 in Salem; Hogs go to $4.10 Hundred Further advances la th local graia market were -reported yes terday with wheat quoted ap two ceats. to If cents on both red and white. Barley took a $4 leap. to a rang from III to flf for both whit and gray. Scarcity aad Increased demand combined hare forced th barley and oat prices -np. While Quan tity available U limited, those who bsv th products will not sell unless offered a premium. Hogs were np 10 cents a hand red, to a top of 14.10. New potatoes, received from Florida and tor which demand is very limited, are quoted dowa two cents, to six cents a pound. Asparagus, more plentif sL ia dowa to a range of from to It cents a pound. Taklma potatoes are stronger, at f a crate. Bmau lots of artichokes are coming In, at 90 cents per dozen, General Markets rnomrcn kxohastob PORTLAND, Ore.. April 8. (AP) . .WWW, . . .WW Extras lie, stsadarde 17c. prime first Tie, urn ise. err- rrea extras ise. bmiiii lie. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. April 8. (AP) War. Ope High Lew Close slay, new stay, eld . -81 -58 H 6 SS Sl 58 54 S 54 64 53 84 Jul; ly CsU wheat Ke. 1: Big Bead blueitem 61; dark hard wiater, 13 per eeat 59. per eea sett waits Stt; wester wkiU, aertkerm spriaf 51; hard wiater 62; wester red 50. OaU h'e. 9 white 821. Tor No. 81 yallew $1. Miliraa stsadard $15. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ors.. Anrit 3. (AP) Batter Prists. 93 score ev better 19e posed, standard 19e. Is(( Facifia PoaKry Prodacera seU lag price: rreak extras 14e. standards lli. aadlnau 13c. Caa try aaeats Sellisg price te ratal I : Uoua try-killed hogs. Vest batchers. uader 150 pounds 5-Se; vaalere 80 to 100 pwenda. T-Se: lambs 11-11 Uc. ipriags 1819c; yearliaga 5c. heavy ewe -. caaoev cows s-the, sail t-la. Sate Vrego walnst 15-1S posed, pesauts 10a, Brasil IS-14c. alaiead ls- lOe, filbert 20-Z2. paeaas 80c Cascsr bark Baytag nric. 1938 seeL 8-8 e pound. Hops .Nominal, 1S33. 3IV-30c Batterf st Direct t shippers: StKa. 14c: Portland delivery prices, churaia cream 14-lie, eweet creass higher Live pealtry Bayiag pnee: Beevy heas. celored, 4 ponads 13c; d saedi aai lie: light 10-1 ly; spriaga light 14e, heavy 14c; old roosters 5c. dueka. Pe kiaa, spring ITe. old ll-lte, colored 10c. Oaie Selliag prlee te retailers t Ure- sea 9l.2S-l.S5 ceataL Tskima Spanish 90C-81.S5 ceaUL Petatees Lecal, 65-T5e eraage hex; Desehate Oems 81.85-1.40. do Bskers S1.50, Tskima Gem $1-1.85. bew petatoea Florida 6-7c Wool 19J3 slip, eontlnal; Wlllamett valley ll-15e poaad. esttera Oregea 10-18. Hay Baying pnee from prodecer Allalfe $18-18.50; clover 69 0.6; east era Oregea timothy $16; eats aad vetch $18.50. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., April 8. (AP) Cattle Receipt 1400, eelvee 50; steer ad ike slaff 25e aad mere higher. Steers, 650 te 90O penada, good $5.50 5.85. mediam $4.50-60. Cemme $8.50 4.50; 900 t -110 peaads, goad $5.25 5.75, aediom $4.25-5.25, common $3.35 4.85; 1100 to ISO peoads. good S4.T5 6.85, medium $3.25-4.75. Heifer. 550 to 750 pound, good $4.50-5, com moa-me-dinm $2.50-4.50: 750 to 900 peaads, good-choice 94.85-4.75. eemmea-mediem 83.50-4.35. Cow, good $3.75-4.10. cm-moa-medhua $2.75-3.75, low catter and cutter $1.2 5 2.75. Bulls, yearliaga ex eladed, good (beef) $3.76-8.25. eutur msdiam $2-3.75. Vealers, good-eheiee $5.50-0.50. mediam $4.25-5.50, call-common 82.50-4.35. Calves, 350 to 500 penndi. good choice $4-5.50, common-medium 92-4. Hogs Receipts 1950: steady to firm. Light light. 140 to 160 poaadt, geod ehoiee $3.50-4.35. Lightweight, 160 te 180 peaada. $A3-4.35; ISO te 300 peoada, 84.15-4,85. Mediam weight, 800 t 330 peaads, $3.75-4.35; 330 to 260 te SO peaads, $3.85-4.15; SO to 850 peunda. $8.35-4. Pachisg aewa. 875 te $50 poads, good $35 8.85. 350 to 425 peaad $3L35-S.7S, 425 to 650 ponads 88.35-8.73; S75 to 650 ponads. mediam $8-8.60. Feeder aad Meeker pic. 7 e 180 peaaA. geed-ehoiee $2.75-3.75. Shoe aad Uaabe Reeaipt 8500; flr- ly steady. Lamba, SO poena down, S5.2S-S.6S. mediem 83.50-6.1 ponads down, good-fholce eXkaa $3.50-6lS; 90 t 86 posmd. geoe-ebeice $5-6.50. YerHg weUer. 90 I 110 po ad a, gooa-esoice $8-4, mediam $3-8. Ewes, 90 te 130 poaade, geed-eheUe $1.95-3.76; IS to 15 pons ex, f i-x.o ; u wetgnte. eese-moa-aeareas, $1-3. 7:16 Dr. Victor P. Vorri "The - WhU ia Review." 7:48 His Clara Aag-asta Trotter' Little Child ShaH Lead Them.' 8:0ft Orere But celiac mctieal. 8:15 Listield college pregram. KOUT Per- 940 K. 8:80 KOIN Kmc. 10:00 Maria, Little Freaeh Pria CBS. 11:80 Ameriean School of the Air, CBS. l-OO P-ntnlne Panel. DLB9. 6:00 Jaae Fremaa. Leonard Haytos's orchestra. CBS. 8:80 California Melodies CBS. 7:80 Ed wi C. HUL CBS. 8:00 Redding White, toner. 9:15 Uahnswa Hands. R.T. 10:00 Fierito's orchestra, DLBS. 10:00 Rose City Beaver. Offeinf,, Salem Markets Gnuto s rw 4 milk, co-op pool price, fl-M per hsjrdred. Sarplas 5e. (MUk e aI-MtUy Sunsets average.) Battertat Sweet 17c soar 15c Prints 10c, cnbes ITe. Price paid 6 giewet fer Sale. Vayera April S (Th priee belsv. sapphoS y Weal greeer. r Udlettlv f the daily stark ht ace rearaetecd by Tb Stateaatsa) rSOTT aJTB tXOXTABUS Artiekekea dea. .00 adiswes. local, doe. .se Petatees, arw Fieri Asparar- . 9 te .18 .1.T8 t i.oe as 46 . Oairets, Calit. ere4 Ores pepper, Callt. La. Pea. OaUt. ta. Cabete. lb. Oaleaa dea. baaehee. . Petatees. Yak lata Ke. 1 Local .V5 t 1.00 Sweet potatoes, crate Lettace, CmHf. Oalooa VVaUa Wall . .1.50 .8.T6 te 8.86 .as . lo Labiah. cwt Partaipe. haadred - Rbaberb. Weal CaUf, lb. Celery. Calif.. crate Msxiea Teeaatsce Italia BreeceU, IK Apples . Wieaaapa. taaey . JOt AS .38 8.50 J)T t .OS . JO -L40 . .50 Extra faaey Hawtowae, O gral Fancy Extra fancy 1.85 .S .1.00 te 1.96 .1.50 t LTS .8.00 te 4.00 Cauliflower. Calif, crate Batabarae, haadred Araares. P P. H raaey Beets. Calif, in. Turaipa. Calif., crate Spinach. Calif, crate Banaaae. lb. ea stock .310 .3.35 . .06 Hi ads - .05 HOPS Top, Top, 19S3. 1981. lb. .to .36 lb. COOS Bering Price Extra ... Standards Mediums ao .0 .06 POULTRY Old rooster . .04 JO .OS .0 .0 ae Colored he . Medium baa Light heas Baker . Light fryer . STRAY Lambs, top .8.00 .4.10 Hers, top First eats 8leers Cows , -Heifers -04 te .04 .el to .02 te .03 te .02 .05 -02 .03 Balls Dressed veaL te Dressed bore QHADT AND HAY Wheat, waster red White, Me. 1 .OS 5 se Barley, Up, tea 16.00 te 30.0 Oats, to 20.00 to 85.00 Hay. beyias Oat sad vetch, to 12.00 to 14.00 Alfalfa, valley, lat cat. .18.00 te 15.00 Eastern Or Con 16.50 Clover hay -83.00 to 14.00 WOOL Medina. Coasee . Uebair . .11 .06 -a star hot Stocks and Bonds APRIL S (Copyright, 1933. Standard Statistics C.) stock ava&Au-a 60 20 80 I Ind'l SB's Ufs Tout Today 47.7 85.0 61.S 48.8 Previse day , 47.0 33.3 63.8 40.7 Week are 48. 24.8 SO S 4 8 Year age S4.S 3.0 88 64. Syearssg 19A.S 119.6 347.0 199.S High 1933 65.8 80.0 95.9 58.8 Lew 1933 42.3 SS.S et.8 48.0 High 1938 7S.S 89.8 111.0 79.8 Lew 198? 85.1 18.S 51.8 38.0 New 1938 low. BOND AVZRA0R5 20 30 Ind'l Kit' a Today 59.8 58.8 Previoo day 69.6 58. Week ago 61.0 61.4 Yesr ago 65.6 C8.7 3 year age 94.5 104.6 Hire 1938 SS.1 S5.T Lew 1938 68.8 87.0 Hirh 1933 , 71.8 78.0 Lew 1933 , 58.8 47.4 30 60 Ct'a Totol 74,4 S4.1 74.4 S4.4 76.8 66.1 80.7 71.0 99.1 100.0 98.S 72.0 74.4 ss.e 86.3 78.1 70.9 8.75 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLKSCKVr Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the County Court ot th State of Ore gon, for the Cosnty ot Marion, her duly verified Final Account, i administratrix of th esut of William H. Troy, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 2nd day of May, 1933. at th hour ot tea o clock A. M. ot said day, as the time, snd the County Court Room In the County Court Hons st Salem, in Marlon County. Oregon, as the Discs tor hearing said final ac count aad all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this llth day of March. 1933. IDA A. Troy, Administratrix ot the Estar of William H. Troy, Deceased. RONALD C. OLOVER. Attor sey for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. M 28 A 4-11-1 8-25. CALL FOR BIDS West Salem school asks bids for 40 cords wood. Delivery by Aug. II. No wood accepted that wilt sot go through t by IS In. door. Board reserves right to reject any or all blda. Close April 12. MRS. NINA DeLAPP, 291 Oertb A,-. Diet, Clerk. A-2-4-S Chicago Mart Cheered By Adverse News From Planters CHICAGO. Aprn S (AP) Wheat went skyrocketing today t within cent of the peak prices attained Jost after ta recent bank holiday period came t an end. Today's renewal ot soaring, quo tations accompanied authoritative unofficial reports that United States Ills production ot winter wheat would be th smallest sine 1904. totaling bnt S71.009.000 bushels compared with 441,00 .- 009 last year. Th reports esti mated the present condition of the crop as only 41 per cent of nor mal, the lowest condition ever known and 11 points below a ten year average. . Wheat closed strong at virtual ly the day's highest quotations. 1 1-8 to 1 1-4 cents above Satur day's finish, corn 1 1-S to 1 S-S up, oata 1-4 to 1-1 advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May IS 1-4 to T-S: Jly. 56-38 to 1-2; Sep. 57 1-4 to 1-8. Corn: May 31 ft-S to 3-4: Jly. 33 5-8 to 3-4; Sep. 15 3-8 to 1-4. Oats: May 19 3-4: Jly. 20: Sen. SO 1-4. BELOW If.SI YEAR Commercial hatcheries in the country aa a whole produced con siderably fewer ehicks in Janu ary aad February than a year ago, with aome decreases in book ings for March and later, accord ing to the hatchery report re leased by the bureau of -agricultural economics. The trend varied a good dal In the different sec tions of the country. A decrease la February ot approximately 11 per cent oc curred In chicks hatched, with bookings down about S per cent compared to February 1931. Most of the decrease was la th north central states, according to th report. In the Pacific coast s t a t e a hatchings were about S per cent less in February than a year ago. but bookings for March and later wer nearly I per cent greater. Some increase In ehick produc tion In the mountain atates and along th Atlantic coast was In dicated. The decrease la commercial hatchings may b offset more or less by increased farm hatchings. but there- ia no information to show Just what the trend Is farm hatchings is. State hatchery reports vary greatly. For example, aom sec tion ia California show msrked decrease In commercial hatch ings, while some Oregon regions where commercial egg production has been emphasised, report that the hatcheries there dealing in high grade chicka are running to capacity this year with orders booked ahead. Light Demand is Noted for Wool BOSTON. April 3 (AP) Wool quotations show affair de gree of firmness in spue or a very light demand from manufactur ers. About the only business be ing closed Is on small qualities to fill Immediate requirements. Buy ers tbat are looking at wool for which ther may later have a need appear in no baste to close tran sactions. , Receipts of domestic wool here daring th week ending April 1. estimated by the Boston grain and flour exchange were 338,700 lbs- compsred with 381.- 200 lbs. the previous week. ICOTICE OF APPOIXTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been daly sp polnted by the. Cosnty Court of the State of Oregoa for the coun ty ot Marlon, as executrix or th last will and testament and estate ot Julia Schroeder. deceased, and that ahe baa daly qualified as such executrix; all persons hsvlsg clalma aralast the estat of aald decedent srs hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, te me,- at the office ot Ronald C Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building. Salem. Marion County. Oregon, within six months front the date of thla notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 2 1st day of March. 1933. FREDA ENGELHART, Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Julia Schroeder, decessed. RONALD C CLOVER. Attorney for Executrix. Salem. Oregon. M21-2t A (-11-11 By CLIFF STERRETT HHCl ITCH (Its years. - $(L .