The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ik iinCGON STATESMAN, Saita. Oregfoa, 8imdar Morning, April 2. 1133
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Local News Briefs
Money doe to Treasury
Money coming into the bands of
t ao atate corporation commission-,
er throngs the liquidation of
Building and Loan associations
.may bo deposited with, the state
treasurer who. in turn, has auth
ority to Invest It In federal secur
ities, Attorney General Van Win
kle held la an opinion handed
down Saturday. The opiakm was
asked by Charles H. Carey, state
corporation commissioner, who
said he now. hat approximately
$209,000 Of these funds deposited
in various banks.
S75 Seafft In Salt a B.
sad Dora McElhaney brought suit
yesterday against the estate of the
Ute Lewis C. McCoy, asking
I2S75 for board, lodging and
nurslrg services alleged to hare
bees furnished him between 192
, and lfJl. Maude McCoy Lantis
administratrix oft the estate.
Plaintiffs say they presented thetr
bill to the administratrix and the
claim was not paid. Fifty dollars
a month la the ' compensation
sought for earing for; McCoy.
Change Residence Laurel
Springs on the Crolsan road has
been sold by ,E. JL Rboten and
George Rboten to A. C. Haag.
This transfer has caused an ex
change of residence by Everett
Lisle who has been residing at
Laurel Springs and who now i
taking up his residence on tne
Harry Parcy farm Nortn or sa
lem. i ;
Averill Issued Warning Resi
dents of Oregon yesterday were
warned against taking out mem
berships in the Union and Auto
club of Willow Hill, 111., in a let
ter issued by A. H. Averill, state
insurance commissioner. The com
missioner asks that the names of
nersons offering these member
ships for sale be reported to the
district attorneys or other peace
Fischer Firm Answers Answer
was filed in circuit court here yes
terday by the Fischer Warehouse
romnany aralnst the state or ore
gon, ex rel Cawrse Bros., the suit
concerning grain allegedly aepos
ited in the Fischer warehouse at
SHverton. The American Surety
eompany, co-defendant, also filed
Its answer
Hayee Sues Suit to collect
12251. toaether with Interest and
costs, was begun, yesterday in cir
cuit court by Robert L. Hayes, ue-
fondants named are Charles W
and Effie M. Veries. Plaintiff says
he loaned the defendants 35000
In 1925, at four per cent annual
interest. The amount sought Is the
unpaid portion of the principal.
Talk Building Show Further
plans for the spring building show
will be discussed by directors of
Salem chapter, Oregon building
congress, at a special meeting to
be held Monday nignt in me unu-
ed States National bank building.
It is expected dates for the show,
probably to be staged in the arm
ory, will be selected.
Coert District Files The
Oceanlake water district saturaay
filed with the state engineer here
an annHcatlon to appropriate live
isMond feet of water from Rock
creek, tribntarv of Devils Lake,
for domestic and municipal pur-
poses In Lincoln county.
The Soa
Roast chicken and roasti turkey
dinners, 50c and 75c. ;
Artro Hotel
Our famous chicken dinner with
dumplings, 45c.
Do you tire easily? Have you poor
circulation?-Are you short of any
. .s m. oii.e T
or the minerals oi iiie "
s so
take CAL-O-DINE, the Natural
Mineral water, ua
tne mousanus m
boosters, one aau uauon xoiu.
A Montn s auppiy wm cobtio
health juuiiriAL. wiiu iici
lists and other valuable informa
tion on the care of the body.
Write, Phone or Call at 125 N.
Hiirh. Local Distributor, TeL
Croquinole Ringlet End
Open Friday
Evenings by
Castle Permanent
Waver Co.
307 First Natl Bank BIdg.
TeL 363
Branch of Castle Pioneer Per
manent Wavers, Portland
Hospital Beds
to Rent '
Call 6910, Used Farnltare
. Department
IB1 North High
Xlngwood Post Started King-
wood post of the American legion
at West Salem was started on its
way Friday night with the Initia
tion of 18 members by a degree
team from Newberg. Capital post
of Salem furnished the entertain
ment, consisting of the "Haywire
orchestra and the national cham
pion drum corps. Among outside
officers attending were Jack Eak-
in of Dallas, atate commander;
Carl Moser of Portland, atate ad
jutant, and Fred Deiner of New
berg, district commander.
Brake Drive Held Staging a
drive on automobiles operated
with defective brakes, city police
yesterday arrested seven motorists
on this charge. Russell IW. Wrlg-
glesworth of Lyons route one pai
a il line In municipal court o
this charge. Others arrested were
Luther C. Hutto of Brooks, Mike
Meiger of Salem route one, Paul
G. Smith of Jefferson route one.
Otto Hoffman - of Salem route
three. K. F. Edward of 1598
Court street ' and E. A. Bair of
159 C Chemeketa street.
Club Days Set May 4. S and 9
have been set as the dates for the
annual county fair for all 4-H
club workers and their displays,
Wayne D. Harding, club leader,
said yesterday. The fair this year
will be held in the Chambers
building on North High street,
I. O. O. F. Convention Planned
Plans and arrangements are un
der way for the Marion county
convention of the Odd Fellows,
which is to be held in Salem, April
8. Information may be had from
the president, J. C. Formlck, or
the chairman of the committee on
arrangements, Robert Henderson.
' Alford Now Sergeant Max Al
ford, state policeman featured in
vocal numbers at the Elks min
strel show last fall. Is hereafter to
be known as sergeant, the title he
acquired by promotion yesterday.
He will be In charge of investi
gations. One Accident Reported The
only automobile accident reported
to city police yesterday was a colli
sion between cars driven by H. I.
Standley, 1725 State street, and
an unidentified motorist, at 12th
"j No 8erioDS dam-
age was listed.
Bethel Union Meets Bethel lo-
cai ot tne Farmers' Union will
i meet at 8 p. m. next Saturday for
reception of members. Entertain
ment will consist of a 40-mlntite
play given by the Fruitland Com
munity club. Lunch will be served.
Mulkey oa Duty Sergeant W.
J. "Dnbbs" MulVev Jr.. went on
duty at the downtown office of
the state police here yesterday, re-
placing Sergeant Earl Huston who
WM transferred to Eugene dis-
trict. former location ot Mulkey.
Guardian Named Lydia Al-
thoff was named guardian yester
day of the estate of Ervin Meyer,
14. Cheater Coz. Jake Fnhrer and
Mina Ott were annotated br the
COUrt to ascertain the value of the
orooertv the youth has inherited
McMahan to Albany Judge L
I H. McMahan will continue to hold
I a. - . m
coun ac aioanj next wee, re
turning 10 saiem 10 open tne
April term in court here April 10
In this city. April 1, Joseph Ru
dolph Fallin, aged 24 years. Sur
vived by father, John J. Fallin of
Salem; four sisters, Mrs. Ellis
Landahl, Miss Doris Fallin, Miss
Ardyth Fallin, Mrs. Beatrice Wil
liams, all of Salem; five brothers.
John F. Fallin of Toledo, Ore.,
Grant B. Claude C, Max C, Lee
S. Fallin, all of Salem. Services
will be held from the chapel of
Clough-Barrick company Monday,
April 3, at 10:30 a. m. Interment
City View cemetery. Officiating
minister. Rev. H. C. Stover.
At the residence, 1553 State
street, Salem, Friday, March 31,
Horace E. Herren, aged 77 years.
Survived bv widow Florence Her-
rM1 n. p,, ' . ,,af vlM w
- I vaa MwawMp sw9i a imi t w
Estes of Salem; brother. James H
Herren of Salem; three nieces.
Haiel BuCkner. Miss Pauline Her-
reBt of Saiemt and Mlsg WIjia
Herren of Seattle; two nephews,
Arthur M. Herren of Anchorare.
Alaska, and Da r rel Herren of Sa
lem. Funeral services will be held
from the chapel of Clough-Barrick
company, Monday, April 3, at
1:30 p. m. Interment City View
cemetery. Officiating ministers.
Drs. B. Earle Parker and D. H
At the residence, 360 East Mey
ers street. Salem, March 31, Wil
liam A. Penney, aged 74 years.
Survived by widow, Sarah Penney
of Salem; two daughters, Mrs.
Blanche Walcher of Salem, Mrs.
Delia Ellison of Portland; sister,
Mrs. Clara Woodruff ot Denver,
Colo.; four grandchildren, Mrs.
Helen Stevenson of Flint, Mich.,
Perry Walcher of Eugene, George
and Viola Ellison of Portland;
great-grandchild, Wesley Steven
son of Flint. Services will be held'
from the chapel of Clough-Barrick
company Monday, April 3, at 3
p. m. Interment I. O. O. F. ceme
tery. Officiating minister. Rev.
Gny Drill of the First Christian
Without Oparatloa er Lets at TIzm
fl9 Ortrea Bid. Pnone SSOt
for eonstlpatlon, rheumatism,
appendicitis, colitis, and blood,
gland, stomach disorders.
Chinese Medicine Co.
133 N. Coml St.
Hoars Dally i-t, Snnday t-13
Mandamus Suit Planned to
Have Adjustments Made
Within Departments
Whether the 1929 legislature
acted within Its constitutional
rights In arbitrarily reducing state
wages and salaries to 30 per
cent will be tested In a mandamus
proceeding to be filed this week
with the state supreme court. The
act was estimated to save 91,200,
000 for taxpayers of Oregon la
The mandamus proceedings will
not ask that salary cuts be set
aside entirely, proponents of the
suit said yesterday, but rather
that the specific adjustments
within a department be left to
the department head. The legisla
ture safeguarded its S to 30 per
cent cut by reducing appropria
tions proportionately.
Reports Indicated that the man
damus proceeding would demand
that the secretary of state audit
the payrolls of the various state
departments as certified in the
past. Tbe right of the legislature
to delegate certification of pay
rolls to the board of eontrol will
be attacked. Officials said the suit
probably would be filed Monday
or Tuesday by a Portland attor
ney with a number of state em
ployeg intervening.
One case will be cited where a
state employe has been receiving
3162 a month since the salary
reductions of last summer and
fall. Application of the legislative
reduction would reduce his salary
to 3111.25 a month. It will be
contended that such a reduction
would be discriminatory and un
Other similar alleged discrep
ancies under the new law also will
be set out in the complaint.
ROSEDALE, April 1 Miss Ma
mie Bostrack has been reemployed
for another year as teacher at the
Rosedale school. The board re
cently decided upon a salary re
A large group of relatives gath
ered at the Cammack home Wed
nesday night in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert R. Cammack who
were recently married at Green-
leaf. Idaho. A lovely bride's cake
and other presents were present
ed. Onclnded in tbe group were
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear and Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Bear and son Ken
neth of Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Millet, Russell and Sara
Millet. Mr. and Mrs. Mel vis Mil
let, Miss Carol Kiser, Miss Ruth
Donnell, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Stroud and family and Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Hoffnell.
Mr and Mrs. Cammack are liv
ing in the Friends parsonage re
cently vacated by the Haldy ram
This service is complimentary, so be our guest and enjoy this real treat. The
reservations are limited, and the demand great, so we urge you to phone for your
reservation at once to avoid disappointment.
Facials in Private Booth April 3rd to 8th
Salem, Oregon
Little Girl Kidniippifl Two
Years Ago is Returned to
Her Mother in This County
Gloria Juno Croy, attractive
four-year old girl, was on her way
back to her mother, Mrs. Martin
J. Croy, yesterday after two
years' separation. The- nbild'a ap
prehension la Los Angeles a tew
day ago solved a two-year mys
tery which Involved her theft by
parties with whom she stayed
temporarily while in Salem. Mrs.
Nona White, Marion ecmsty pro-,
nation officer, had the child last
night pending the arrival of her
mother who lives sear hero. j
Carey F. Martin, Salem attor
ney, bared the story of the kid
naping here Saturday.
The father. Martin declared, de
serted the mother when the ehfldi
was only a tew months old. The
mother later caused her husband's
arrest at Dallas on a non-support
charge but he was caroled under
agreement that he would provide
the support of the baby and three
older children. The father subse
quently " disappeared. Without I
funds, Mrs. Croy then placed
three ot tbe children in the homes
of friends and came to Salem
where she received employment
as a domestic. She was accom
panied here by Gloria June.
Child Spirited Away
She had worked here only a
few m oaths when a traveling
sewing machine agent and a
woman, who he introduced aa his
wife, appeared at the home where
Mrs. Croy was employed and en
gaged lodgings. The woman be
came attached to the child, Mar
tin said, and later agreed to care
for it without recompense If the
mother would agree.
Early in the spring of 1931 the
traveling salesman, the woman
and Glorir June disappeared.
Mrs. Croy Immediately reported
the incident to the officials and
to Martin. Martin took up the
train, and after several weeks of
investigations found that the trio
had been seen In several Oregon
and northern California cities. At
Bakersfield the trail appeared to
lead toward Los Angeles.
Martin then notified the Los
Angeles police and also the pro
j bation officers. Subsequently.
Martin said, the salesman and
woman quarreled and, were about
to separate. Each claimed tbe
Reeemblance Noticed
The matter came before the Ju
venile court in Los Angeles coun
ty, with the result that Martin
was notified the child involved
in the controversy resembled the
little danghter of Mrs. Croy. An
exchange of telegrams followed,
and the woman later was cited to
appear and show by what right
she claimed the child. The wom
an failed to appear and dropped
from sight is far as the officers
were concerned. The child was
identified as Gloria June, and ar
rangements were made for her re
turn to Salem. She arrived here
Officials declare", the child ap
parently had received excellent
care and is In good health. Dl
vorce proceedings are now pend
ing between Mr. and Mrs. CroyJ
This invitation entitles you to a complimentary
beauty analysis.
A staff specialist from the Colonial Dames Laborator
ies in Hollywood is here to advise you. Let her pre
scribe the care best suited to develope your particular
type of beauty. She will also give you a complete
"make-up" and facial treatment with Colonial Dames
Beauty Aids, to show how your complexion may be
kept exquisitely clear and youthful.
United States
Yes! Lending Is Still a
Function of Banking
If you have a problem which requires a
loan come and talk it over with our offi
cers. This bank is as ready now to care for
the reasonable and seasonable needs of its
Customers as it has been in the past.
Affiliation with the United States National Bank of
Portland both strengthens our financial background and
adds to our service abOitf.
States National Bank
"Tft Ban that Service Built?
Condng Event
April 10-11 Opera, "Th
Bohemia GirlV
April 10 Easter service
im alt local ctraichoa.
April IS Zoae Bally of
Naaaraaw yeutk.
April 18-20 QnQt exhi
bit, Knight Memorial
May 5-6 .Annual May
reattritlea, Willamette uni
versity campus.
May 7 Music week opens
la Salem. Final Philharmon
ic coacert today. .
May 13-18 Oregon State
Association of Master
Plumbers, annual meeting.
June 1-4 Evangelical
confsreace, First Evangeli
cal church.
Jaae S-4 Foarth Annual
Wmamette TaUey Flower
Jaly at 86 Annual. Ea
eaarpment, Spanish War
Vetera aa.
BE sociiLira
Business will' be relegated to
the background st tomorrow
night's meeting ot Capital post,
American legion, and entertain
ment will be the order of the
evening. After a brief business
session, post members will join
with women of the auxiliary for
tbe program. All legionnaires are
asked to wear their post caps.
The program, arranged by J. T.
Delaney, entertainment chairman,
will be as follows:
"Original Oregon Wranglers"
under direction of Joe Humfleet,
selections and music for the
dance; Leon Jennison, baritone
solos; Salem Civic Male chorus of
22 voices under direction of Prof.
E. W. Hobson; adagio dances by
Naomi Hayes, Jim Stevenson and
Ike Koelfgen. all of Dallas; Wil
lamette university trumpet trio.
Harry Dohrman of Portland,
speaker of the evening, will talk
on "Buy America".
WACONDA, April 1 To hon
or the joint birthdays of Aliyn
Nusom and his son Donald, Mrs.
Nusom entertained at dinner
Thursday night. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Gofftn, Hollis
Becker, Dale Nusom, and the hon
or guests.
Dr. B. H. White
No Charge for Consultation
Night and Day Calls
Osteopathic Physician and
Office: 355 North Capitol St.
Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon
Telephone 3118-3119
Mil OF
Approval ot a ssmber at loan
requests for crop production pur
poses by Oregon farmers was
made Thursday la Minneapolis,
according to word received here
yesterday by Ira B. Hyde, who is
handling the crop prediction
loana for Oregon. Hyde had his
Information from Willis m
Teutsch, Oregon State extension
department worker. Teutsch has
goaa to Minneapolis to advise
with loan officials there concern
ing the crop planting program
which each loan applicant sub
mits. Hyde said three times as many
farmers had applied for crop pro
duction loans in the Salem ter
ritory as made application In
1932. Loans are limited to 925
an aere and this maximum rate
applies only to hop and to or
chard plantings.
Trustees of the Salmon river
super-road district hare filed suit
against the state highway com
mission in the circuit court In
Yamhill county, asking that the
310.00 Oil Permanent 33.00
Shampoo, Fingerwave, Marcel
and Haircuts, each 23c
Beauty Maid Shoppe
Over Steuslotf's Tel. 4481
BOM 80
Put On Your
We use only the finest leathers and
finer work produced in any shop.
I V 13? Idbcfta St'vVgaIcat,Qfog
commission be compelled to pay
Interest and principal oa the Sal
mon river road sones as prenaea
ia aetlon ef the 1933 legislature.
Circuit Judge Walker has 'granted
aa alternative writ of mandamus
against the commission.
The latter body holds the law
authorising; the assumption and
payment ot the Salmon' river
bonds unconstitutional since It is
allegedly In violation ot a state
constitution prohibition of the as
sumption ot any local debt by the
state. The suit brought against tho
highway commission Is welcomed
by that body as a means ot testing
legislative action.
I Bits for Breakfast I
o- o
(Continued from rage 4)
Any history minded person
(and who ahould not be?) will
agree la a vote of thanks to Mr.
Spencer. He will also vote that
the Hudson's Bay eompany, un
der Dr. John McLoughlin, showed
a spirit far above the aordid one
ot mere business practices, la pen
sioning Casaino, after all his pow
er and glory had sped, his people
perished, and his means of Uveli
hood vanished.
Answer Filed Answer was
filed rn circuit court yesterday by
the defendants in tho ease of Nick
Schmaltx against Ralph and Tillie
At Plant's Green
House Sunday
Sale on all kinds' of shrubbery
and potted plants. Two-year
budded roses 20c each.
1298 S. ISth St.
Women's Soles
Soles Boy's Soles
Children's Soles
according to size.
Here mis Week Washington
Mrand Mrs, W. C Hawley are '
expected here this week from
Washington, D. C. They will prob
ably make their permanent home
here at their Oak street residence.
Ronald Glover, formerly secretary
to Mr. Hawley, said yesterday he
had received no definite informa
tion regarding the return ot the
Hawleys other than to expect
them early la April. For years
Mr Hawley, former congressman
from this distrieVhaa shared of
fices ia Salem with Mr. Glover in
the Oregon building.
Watch Yot;
The slightest symp
toms may be signs of !
approaching s e r i ous
illness. i
So, the instant danger
threatens, visit your
physician. Bring his
Drescription to Schaef-
er's where it will be j
filled accurately and u
promptly by registered
Drug Store
1S5 X. Commercial Dial 5107
The Oriaiaal Fellow Front
Candy Special Store ef Salens
there can be no
. !