.4 - - The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 31, 191 - PAGE NDIE . 3 ( v. n . . v a. V ss Directory Card In this .directory a monthly baala Oy. : Bates L pr Um par month. AUTO BRAKES Hike PanaW tha brake and shtnuuy A.Tlti. 876 Sonth Comtniat Street, BEAUTY PARLORS -nii.r Beauty Shots dial 79tt. CATERING Tinrt Cram tha caterer: Pti. 78. CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIROPRACTORS' . .----mfco-fc- a L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor, til H. High. - TaL Baa, t W 8. " Correspondence lnstrcctton International Coiraapondenoeacboola, Business, technical courses. Bx, lit. DRESSMAKING MRS. SNKLOROVE. 415 N. Cottage. Tel. 7466. Hefnswcnins;. c 7jjj FLORISTS CUT flowera, wedding bouqueta fun Iril wreathe, decoratlona a F. Brelt bflertat. H7 Court. VeL t04. - ALL kind of floral wort LuU Flor- Kth A Market. Te- GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tat 8106. Walter J. uowna i prry. INSURANCE BECKB a HENDRICKS lt N. High Tel. 44T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE W EIDER LAUNDRY tit a High ,l f.APITAL CITY LAUNDRY First la Quality, and Service tTeleohono tilt ' Broaaway LAWN MOWERS ahantanaA renalred and traaea. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattreaa $t.0O. Renovators and fumlgatora Ruga eleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. . TeL 4. 1030 N. CapltoL Now mattress made W order bM remade; carpet cleaning. slxlng:flu rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag a Mat tress Factory, a ltth Miltof. TaL 1441. Otto F. Z wicker. Est. 11L MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew tag machlnea sheet music and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 43t State Street, Kaletn. MUSIC INSTRUCTION . --v.- "rgggnotS. W- B- -Korthnaaa, anything I can use. Storhow. 45S Court Mod, rooms, reasonable. S 5 Marlon. iinmpiMC Rooms hot and cold water. Nicely OLbDlClIM Hi furn. 993 Court Tel. 9490. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co " Boor; Ttt-day sad Friday. 10 : Ma .m. ROOM AND BOARD to 4:80 p. m. 14 N. Commercial. KrtJJ1lwnj1n r"""" Board, rm., near P. O. f 20. TeL 1488. I PRINTING Room and board, also t room apt " 2 S. Cottage. N FOR STATION EK i, earas, pu.mVu leta, programaj books or any kind of prlatlng. can -no owi '"-r-Departinont. Sit a Commercial. Tele pbone ltl- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. IX Clement, Income Tsx JReporta Audltlntv lit N. Corn'k. Tal t030 or S347. REAL ESTATE BECKB a HENDRICKS. TeL 494T. W. IL GRABENHORST a CO; i 134 a Liberty Bt TeL 841a. OOCOLOFSKY a SON 804-t rtrot Nata Bk. Bid. TeL T30T. STOYES 8TOVE3 ami stove reaeJring. Storsa for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AH kindest woven wire 'fJg? alala, nop baskets. book books, talem Fence, SJd toTO WoL! ,Z" rk i.kL Tea. Tie. ss. " TRANSFER CAWTAICrTTTraascor CITY Transfer Co. Btato St Tau 1 1 1 . wardlna and storage eur special ty. 3e oar ratoa roa local or distant t eaS S18L warmer mw w to Pnrtiana aauy. WELL DRILLING R. A RFD S. Wast to years experience, Box 101 B. TeL I10FS. Quarterly Confab Grange Committee Slated On April 5 : iki. MmI MinfannM af'tbel ! .-.r-vTi,,..t ..it W... M ; grange agricultural and home onorale committees or Manoa eountr wBl be held at the Red Hill grange hall Wednesday. Ap ril 5 beginning at 10 a.m. ! Ray QiatU of Woodburn, ; Pomona i chairman, will preside at tha ag ricultural meeting and Mrs. O. Yt. TJnmnhrera of Shaw Pomona, II. chairman, will hare charge E. C. of tha economic session, ' T ' i r T4 4FFODLL8 BLOOM ; " SILVERTON HILLS. March 1 0 s -Daffodils aa re. oegan wooni imt tha k: O. Nelson bulb farm here ; and Tuesday ieuo wooms ttj : ..ra'titM to Salem. The blooms .. ni.ntifnl vet as ther tr - - - J, 7 , srlU fca la a short Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Ctasajfled Advertising Single lusrtloa per Itet.lCe Three Insertion par 11a - Six insertions per line. .SOc On month per line. .11.01 Minimum charge ......lid Copy (or this para ac cepted Bntil :30 the even lag before pvblicattoa tor cUuificatlon. Copy ro celred after this time vOl b ma under the headia Too Late to ClaMifr. The fiuteamen eseamee o flnencial . rMpoBBiblllty tor errors whleh may ap pear la adfertlsemenU pah Uabed la Us colamaa, and In ease where thi paper la at tanlt will reprint that part ot aa Kdrertlsemeai la which the typographical miataka ocean. The Statesman rtMrrea the right to reject objee Uonal adrertUlng. It tar ther reeerree the right to classify all adrertisiag aa der the proper elassif ica-tioa. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Elderly German couple. Wa gen. Writ Stateaman. box I7S. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product. Nationally adrer- tlsea. crasy cryatau, lit & uisn. Seed potatoes. EUrllest of All. Early Rosa. Early Ohio. British Utieen. Net ted Gem. Burba. nk. H. A. Hyde Co., Z(I Portland Road, TeL taSS. Fresh crabs now at Fldlera stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland road. Make Reo 8 Deed waxoa 125. Lum ber, brick, stairs, doors, windows. 2S5 Market. HAY. ALFALFA, first quality. Guardian Bids. 411 Team weight 3000, and harness. Inquire 149S N. 18th or TeL 1990. Burbank seed potatoea Quality and Quantity. B. Cunningham. TeL S1F2. COOKING AND T7I N. Com'L SEED potatoea TRADE Miscellaneous TRADE FOR CAR Lot on paved street. Concrete wnlk, no indebtedness. Phone 8364. Eleven goats, t -milking, 8 nearly fresh. Td. for cow or hogs. Sllverton, Route t, A. J. Dunn. WANTED Miscellaneous Why throw away good money T The hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, 5c to t5c. MISCELLANEOUS :6c c Two blocks S. of library, a Winter. Wa will again pick up free of charge dead and worthless horses and cowa TeL 4819. Madam Romine, spiritualist, palm ist, tells all In love, marriage, bus iness. If you want facts, not promises, consult her for advice. Noah's Ark Auto Camp. North Hollywood. FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE. NICELY furn. heated room, with board. Special rate for two people. TeL 437S. STUDENTS. 8208. bustnefij women. Tel. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pa t ton apartment downtown. Call PattotVa took stora. eaeSaaasajsaeeesseyssaeaOsSiSeaS Fur. t R. apt. 2241 HaaeL TeL Ttti. J Uo heated apta TtL 8490. Nice frost apt 158 Center. Vmrr fine. X-nm ftrra. h. W. heat alee, refrlg.. garago. 128. Phono 1114, t R. basement apt Evsrything duded, 88.S0 wk. tot a Winter. WeU fora. apt Downtown. Grand plsa radio. Reasonable, Plaxa Apta. Six coart -i First floor apt. 1411 Court Nice furnished spt tie Union. FOR RENT HOUSES I an.- -tntJu"nfrinririi n ri- Fura. and nnfurn. aoasea it a. I rorfcn.r. ltlf K. Cottage, TeL IUL i mmwwwmw!)!) rnra. I and I room duplex, ground floor. 114 MilL x. u. Aisorw SieajaaiMlSassaveasaaABSaBkaabj f S room bungatow for rent 1348 Che- I mekeU St Nice 4 R. bouaa, modem eept fur nace, garago. Reasonable. 1097 S. ltth. Tet 4ot. inquire i . viwre Attrso. fura. I Ri cottage. Tel 1174. lanasaaaaBasmrfssk44aaaa MODERN t-ROOM bungalow and , garaga, Inat Inaulre less cnemeaeia. a ROOMS, oartly furniaheo. neat. eloao.la. inqairo est w. niga. OOOT R. HOUSE. 47 1 8. Winter. WANTED TO RENT Gentleman wants board sad room wlth nrepiace, bath, lavatory, aa oa first floor, box Nallt, Statesman. JF0H SiALIH-Rcal Estate 80-ACREt SNAP SJ560. AH cultivated land except abont' ie acrea nasture and Umber, part rich river bottom land, boat ol jtowt, market road? Shown by ap- poiatment SEB-BECKTEL orTHOM- ASON. 41 stale AJsoono acre suburban homo fori ttsoe Also kouse of t Rv t c twice loU fori I960 ; terms. HOP RANCH BASKJAIN A money, maker, ll-afcrts It-acres la producing hope. 1-Ai la cherrlea pe ;aM appoo n at I31S0.00. A snan. Better nurry. JA& D. SBAKS. REALTOR ItS South Hlab SUeet ' - I FOR SALE Real Estate EAST OP WOODBURM BX acrea mar bottosa and pra! ratrla Thia sou. also a acrea Daavar aam. la an of tha beat ptocas of soil la its locality. Good s rot room plastered house, basement, fire place, plumblnav electrlo lljrhta available. Larta baxa, other outbulldlnra. Running- water and fruit Prie 7Tla.0ft. ! down, balance IS years. SEES HAWKINS ROBERTS For Farm Bargains EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE la exchanw for It acrea clear, aeod land In prunes, cherrlea, locana, B Enctlah walnuts, crapes, cood proao dryer, email bars. 7 rm. mod. bouse, srood wall, cioaa rn. will offer at a great reduction for quick deal. VAN H. GREER S14 Ores-on Bids. Pa, Tilt. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKINO 110-acre ranch. tO-A. cult, IS-A. timber, rood sminca all fanead. S.R. house with bath, cood bare and poul try house. Hog bouse and machine house, alio, priced at a very low tig ure. Only I6000.0S; will, taka city property up to J750.0 as part, goad location on gravel road. This plaoa had a rat, of tszoo.ee and has beea taaen oyer ror the mtf and Is a dandy. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 111 South High Street teaeeeeeeaj'jew IS, It, and tt acrea clear of en cumbrance, to trade for larger farm. See me about them. H. a SHIELDS, III Oregon Bids. Salem. Oregon TeL ttOt. FOR SALE FARMS 4QeSonjaaeaojaaoie-ejaaetaee aiifSSjaTa,ae-erfrsaaaaaaslfc THREE WONDERFUL. BUYS IN SMALL FARMS-. ' - Immediate possession of a choice SO aero tract few miles out oa market road, most all fa cultivation, fair sat of bldga, well. H mile of school, grove of trees about bldga Price only ttSSS. 11 acres on market road 4 mile from small town, good grade and high school, fair net of bldga, with electri city available, IS acrea la cultivation. baL pasture, creek oa ono Una, S acrea la alfalfa. 'A real snap for 11460. S acre suburban home, near Salem, best of soil, S room plastered house with plumbing, electric lights, good well, water system. Price reduced to $2950. . Liberal term on any of the above properties. CHILD 3 a MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street u Phono S70t Business Opportunities For rent Karajra and service atatloa on busy highway. TeL 1593. A Small rrocerv stock and flTtnraa for only 1200.00 with cheap rent for t chean clear nrODerttea vleldlnar fair Income and some cash for good mail una City residence properties to trade ror rarm inat is suitable for dairy. MelvJn Johnson W. M Pennington 275 State Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY -ir,vi-yi ft O SURPLUS BABY CHICKS ata. mice prices Tuesday and Friday ooiy. see our Dargaina .custom hatch ing. Hatcntng egga Phono 1IIFS, Leo's Hatchery. Salem. Oregon. n.ii......... -Jiriiii-ii--M'wiiixn.n.fui Custom hatching, S00 eggs at 1M every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL II3F3. Lots Hatchery. Six weeks old roosters. 10c each. Gehrlng'a Hatchery. Route t, SUver- ton. ure. 8 imiies, 4 horses. SI 9 N. Front St MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOlN daily ring out a loan service that la really really different TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to ISO Beneficial Loan Society OP SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE til State Street TeL t-T-4-0. ttaaaSaaSaeaatjSaJlaM. PERSONAL LOANS ' MADE oa furniture, eaas, aalarlea other aood aecurttv. ' Ranavable monthly. When tn financial need aee us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone Itll PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY SIS Oregon Buildina. 2nd Floor Office bra 10:00 A. M. to t:t0 P. M, Tolephono 7788. State license .Na. 8-llS. Borrow oa persona property ; repay monthly inst&Umenta- WTT.LAM- ETTB LOAN CO- State Ua 8-1 SI. ISf Guardlaa Bldg. TeL 1877. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS) Contracta Refinanced Arrange ta rednoa your payments Ton keep tha ear ' P. A, BIKER Cor. Liberty 8t aad Parry Phoo 4733 Salem. Ore FOR SALE WOOD Na 1 It tn. eld fir, tAOO, Tel. 44IA asajsvsaeaaaaaaesay Dry wood S4.M. Phono S41L Greea Sad growth fir It la. Ilia Ooorgo Meltsler. Marlon, Ore. Good dnr wood, Reasonable. load. Tel. 1347. Fred E, Walla. GUARANTEED CRT wood . coal TeL toot Salem fuel Co. Trade Cottsca Old fir. Snd growth. TeL Hit. DRT rm AND OAK WOOD. ' oal and fuel ell Call oa us f or prtcea We give tnao amasaro. goon quaunr aso good eervtee. Lakmsb trakster a stosaqs mi Aah, flr and oak, TeL SMS. POLLY AND HER f -Alt. RIGHT IN AM ASK HIM" fJS fmfiT3 ESN 1 - ttdf rJj?Z S pepi nays derm rr KPvt akt9 CMYK; ; TY'eff ?J LOST AND FOUND - LOST la ami Croak, entail graea row boat Carlo Abrama Tat. Ttle. FOR SALE USED CARS - r risjrvru BARGAINS IN USED CARS Soo them at It CHEM&KETA jrt. Wo trada Open aTaalags- and Suadaya McKay's Used Cars With an o. THAT COUNTS 'SS Eaeex Coach J 4I.OS tt,SS etc aa II Ford Tudor Sodaa is Buicat Badaa '.! Chrraler 7S Sedan ,. 47l!s "H Ford Long w. a, track SSM ... CHEVROLKTS S Badaa ... s.00 tl Coach , 3IS.SS .!! V".1, 44t.SS !i 5peciai 8eda 7$.s tl Truck ltt.l I Long w. B. Track 411.64 McKay Chevrolet Co. TERMS ' TRADES Onea oreninn wA Sim.n V lit Center Phone tits 4tS N. ComX Wanted, Used Cars See Borrego at Borreo's Used Car Market 240 N. Liberty Phone 3688 Oregon Clip Remains Same, With Average per Goat Down Slightly Mohair production In 1111. In cluding kid hair, in six loading mohair states was 18.491)00 ponnds, compared to JJ.OTl.OOO pounds clipped la It SI, according to the estimate ot tha United States department of agriculture. This decline was due to a decrease of T per coat la the number of goats dipped and la the average clip per goat. Last year Oregon clipped 115,- 00Q goats the same as in 1131 and 5000 head less than in JIS0. Tha' total mohair received hrlISS was 460,000 pounds, which was 1Z.000 pounds less than -in 1931. and 30.000 ponnds under 1130. Tho average clip per goat la Ore gon last year was four pounds, the came as in 1930 and a tenth of a pound off 1931. Ia other leading states,, goats clipped In 1933 were: Texas 8, 431.000 head. New Mexico 350 000, Arizona 300,000. California 37.000 and Missouri M00. The mohair cut la these states last year was: Texas 14,000,000 pounds. New Mexico 1,000,000, Arisona 700,000, California ISO,. 000. Missouri 145,000. Missouri's clip last year averag ed only 2.2 pounds per goat: Tex- at" ran highest, with 4.2 pounds. New Mexico reported the same as Oregon, and Arizona's and Cal ifornia's average clip was 8.3 and 8.S pounds, respectively. Lumber Industry Upswing is Seen The Oregon lumber Industry has already made one siseable sale of goods as a direct result of return ot beer, according to a Klamath Falls resident who vis ited in Salem yesterday. He reported that the Weyer hauser Lumber company at Klam ath Falls has sold 30 carloads ot pine material for beer cases to the Owens Bottle company of Alton, Radio e Program raiDAT, MAaOR 31 KOnf PerUaad 040 ZES. t:30 KOIN Kleek. TO Xevia ekattea, S:SO Bettr Croeker. DLBS. 100 Leeia PkliUooa CBS. 11:00 Aaerlesa Sebeel of tka aer. OBL liw-Heow at Litre. t:00 Feminine Vaaeiea, DLBa S:0o Jane Proaiaa, Leonard Haytaa's ereaeaua, van. S:tO Xdwia a HM. CBS, tO Reddiog White, tenor. tOO Band Bex Bevae. B. t. 10. -OS Tad lierHo's etebottra, DLBS. 10:39 8 port naaaee. ' KOAO Oorvania tSO Xa. - TC Mevoiog Bssltseleao lad by Eev. naraia newera. t:SA Merniar Ceaseet, t:SS Xasie AppTeeiarma, aa lUasarated leeuw eaaraa by Byroa AsaoUL 10 :00 Home EeeaenUsa Observe. 11:00 With Undo Sam's ItararaHtt 18:SO Ira Hvda "rederal Seed Leans' B e a a Baeiaa "Attoaettraaesa Threats Aetlvita.' . SitO Aa Tea Like tt-aith Aataeay 740 A. Booqael "ProbUais la Orewtng Early Gsbbere, Peas, Lettaee and Other .Early Tege. tables." t:lt Dr. & M. ZaOer "Sprlag T lseat fer Oeaaaoa PUsasss emak Praaa" . 7:40 Bnaiaesa Iastttata ef the Air. PALS LOWER MOHAIR CUP PRODUCED III 1932 lOffl II BEIGE ID Wm FflriESEEJJ Predict Uore Activity, Seed Clover and Alfalfa, and Higher Bean Prices CORVALLIS, Ore., March 30 (AP) Smaller prospective flax teed acreage, more activity la the clover and alfalfa seed trade and advancing bean prices were re ported today la a weekly review ot miscellaneous farm rops Is sued by the IL SD. A. bureau ot agricultural economies cooperat ing with the O. S. C. extension service. Flaxseed markets weakened somewhat last week under a more limited crusher demand, putting cash prices at Minneapolis at $1.11 U to 11.11 U a bushel for Ne. 1. This is slightly lower than the January average, hut about la llae. with February prices. Growers intentions to plant in dicate another small flaxseed croe ta this country with acreage near ly IS per cent under 1932. Its normal yields are obtained, how- ever, the total harvest may reach aDeui iz.ssv.uoo ousneis, or aooui . l.uuo.voe bushels more than the unusually short crops of tne past two years. At the present rate of crushing domestic demand will exceed ex pected production, necessitating some importation probably from Argentina where the short crop ot 1932 amounted to more than 52,- 000.000 bushels. Seed marketi In general have been more active this past week with some tendencv toward nrtrel adyaneea In red clorer, and firm maraeia ai uneoaugea quotations for alslke and alfalfa seed. Beaa market continued strong with demand good and off erlngs light, causing price advances of to 40 cents a hundred at leading points. Prospective acreage this year is about the same as last. with considerable decrease in pea beans and an Increase in Plntos and Great Northerns. Wl COAST BERRY A new Pacific coast strawberry. the Corvallis, wae outstanding In an experiment an 6 exhibit of fro sea and defrozen forms made this month by the federal department ot agricultural; according to In formation from the Washington office. In addition to the Corvallis, coast berries which showed exeep- XI I , . , 1 I BETS RECOGNITION iiooaji promise tor preserving oy.liagi the frozen rack nroceas wera the Red heart, Marshall, and seed lings, Oregon No. 81, No. 334, No 221, No, 93 snd No. 7. All the fruits shown were pack ed last summer. An unnamed eastern strawberry seedling, U. S. 010. was the outstanding berry of both eastern aad western berries. Stocks Drag But Ln&z Nnt Great Phone Shares Up NEW TORK, March 30. (AP) Stocks found the market nar row and dull today, though the trend was still slightly downward. the average net change being .a small loss. Total sales aggregated only 034,350 shares. American Telephone shares ral lied halt a point neL U. S. Steel, American Can, Al lied Chemical. duPont and Gen eral Motors average a tittle high er. Eldriedge Carries Away Two Banners " " At S. S. Gathering ELDRIEDOC March 30 Mem hers ot Eldriedge Sunday sahool hare carried oft the baaaers at the recent HayeetiUe district Sun day school convention. Eldriedge received tne banner zor largest growth during the past year and oae tor largest attendance at the cenreauoa. Ambrose Jonas la president of this progressiva) school and George Brown, sice president. laALVEESOXS BIOVE aiLVKRTON. March tO Mr. aad Mrs. A. Ilalrersoa hare mor- ed from their home at Sllrerton ta the farm they recently pur chased near .Monitor. Mr. aad Mrs. Norman Erskke will also lire oa the tana. Mrs. Brekke Is the daughter ot Mr. aat Mrs. Hal-1 erson. 'A Clean EASTERN ELT(OT Speculators Unload; Wheat, Corn Down; Oats Unchanged CHICAGO,; March 30 (AP) Jolted by a suddea Influx ot east- era selling today at the last, grain values underwent quick setbacks, and finished with losses tor wheat and corn. Late pressure of wheat was at tributed to unloading or gome heavy speculative holdings. An nouncement of proposed liqulda- tlon ot $117,000,000 ot federal commodity loans made to cooper ative marketing associations was' variously construed by traders. some asserting the announcement was bearish, but others saying that most or the loans were against non-grain products, and that la the long run the new pol icy as to the loans was basically constructive. Wheat closed nervous, under yesterday's finish, corn un changed to off, oats to H-H up.- Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 624-: July, Sept.. 54-54 H. Corn May, 29-4; July, 31 ; Sept. tl-. Oats May, 19-19; July, 19 U; Sept., 19 H. General Markets PBODTOB EXCHANGE POETLAKD. Ore- Itareh SO rAPt rreeace exeaaDga, net pncee: Butt. Xxtras 1 Sc. ' standards 1T. nrim firata i7 extras ie. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore Marek 80 (API What Op,a Hit Low Close Jtar.aew 51 51 tl 51 av. eia ana si tiu siu Jnly 53W 63 Vi 53 83 Cask wheat Na. 1 Bir Baad Mnit. 58; dark bard wiater, IS per eeat 57, 11 per cast 58; soft white 50; hard winter 49; western white, northern sprlag 48; waiters red 47. ueta me. s white fio. Corn Ke. S eastera yellow 918.85. Miilroa standard 314.50. Portland Produce POBTLAKD. Ore. Marak 80. (API catier rnata, v score er better ZOe pease, standards 19a. Egca Faeifie Pooltty Producers' sail- teg priees: Freh extras 16a. staaiards 15e, atediams 15c Ooantry meata Sailing price te retail : Cooatrv-killed hoc, best batchers. aader 150 pound 5 -6c; Tellers SO te 100 potrad.. 7-8e; lambs 13-13 a, (print lS-19c; yearlings 5c .heavy ewee e-ae, casner eows i-ine, aaiis 4-4. auts Uretoa walnuts XS-us eoead. peaaats lua, uraaua is-ie, airaeada 15- 16a. filberts JO 31a. aecaaatOe. Oaaeara bark Bariaa ariea 1983 oeeL se poena Rosa KomUal. 1983. SSU-SOe. Batterfat Direct te s-ioners: Stotiea. ise; jrortiaaa aeuvery price, caara- tream 15-170, sweet eveaa aigber. LI Ivs eealtry Sarins arise: Bear heaa. colored. 4 poaada 13c: de atedi- ante lie; ligato 10-11; springs Hgkt 14a. heavy lee: eld roosters 5a. daeka. Pe- una spriag lie. eM ll-lla. eelered lOe. Onlens Selling orioe to retailer: Ore gon 51.35-1.S5 ceatat Yaklwe Bpaalik 75- woe eeatai. Potatoes Local 63-75e eraare bas: Deeehatee Geme 8186 1.40. do Bakers S1.S0. Tsklms Gsms Sl-1 85. Wool 1837 clip, aomlaal; wuiaasetto ralley 13-I5e ponae. eastern Oregon lO-I'M. Hay Baying price from rr Alfalfa tlt-18.50; alever SSwS.SO; eeat era Oregoa timothy 81S; eats aad veteh 812.59. 1 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Marek t0. (API- Cattle Receipt 125, calves IS; steady. Steers 550-900 lbs. good. S5.S9-0.6O: diem. 4.85-5.25; comasoa 8.35-4.35; 900-1100 lbs, good. 85-5.50; Medina, 4.85-5.00; common 3.85-4.35; 1100-1800 lbs, good . 85 6.15; mediant. I.la-a.sa; keUare 650-750 lb- coed. 4.SO-4.75: ommoa medium 3.50-4.50; 760-800 lbs. geed-choiee 4.85-4.66; com oa-med ins. t.50-4.85: cow, good. 3.50-4,00: atoa-aediam, 2.75-3.50; low setter aad ratter. 1.35-3.75: balls, yearlings exc had ed, good (beet) 1.7 5-1.35; eatter-ateaiesa. 3.00-8.73: vsalers. good-cheiee, tOM-S.50; BMdlaa 84.50-5.50; enll-eseaawa SS.50- j 4.3 S; ealres, 850-500 lba. geed-ebolee. A 00-5. 00; eommoa-medituB S.tO-4.09. Hee-i Beeeints S50 : steady. Liaht lirht 140-160 lba rood-aheioa. aS0-A.8t; lirhtwelfht 160-130 Bm, 4-35-4.85; 180-300 lba. 4 J 5-4.85; atediass I 4.85; 180-300 lba, 4 J 5-4.85; weight 300-330 lbs, 3.75-4.88; Ibe, 8.50-A JI; kaavyweighta. aso-aso 350-380 I bt 8.85-All; 390-S5O no, ai! rfe'V as -4: S5- U. 8.15-8.75 1 415-SSO Hs 8.35-3.75; 378-850 lbs, ssadlass. a7 5-8.50. Sheep aad iambs Receipt 875; auat- ablr steady. Lamba 80 lba. dewa. goed-ehoice. 8.IM.S5: commoa-mediaa. 8.50-5.85: SO PS ise, goed-ehetee, 5-5.80; yearUng weth ers, 90-110 lbs., geed-cheiee. 8-4.10; m- I Jiaia .oo-8.oo;' dlaai 8.00-3.00: ewea. ao-iao im. geea- ahoiaa, t.35-3.71; 135-150 lba, 3.00-3.60; au weights, eemmea-aediaa x.oo-s.oo. SCHOOli QAEfS PUPE. HATESTTJ-LS. Mareh It Twe new students, Vernoa and Wilms Rings, entered school here this week whea their parents moved Into the Reed place. Lawa aa Williamson left school last week when her grandparents and she moved to Salem. MISS VINCENT HIRED WACONDA. March 30 Miss Mamie Vincent has beea rehired ta teaeh grade school next term at St. Louis. Sweep' (ycu -ii SHUX.SON.I vVOULJDNTT let A VJL THIrJG ' t-IKE THAT WORRT MB. ?tt1 ' I? 0 is ha. W .riHt 4-woM- Jt Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 asllk, co-op pool price, f 1.2)0 per hundred. Surplus D5c (Wik beted oa sead-aeetaly batterfat oversea.) Batterfat Sweet. 17c ear,' 15c Print lSttc cwbee 17H- Prices paid to .growers ty Salem barere jiarea so fTke arises bekro. eaepued sr a ieeal greeer. are iadieaUte ef the dally SMrket sat are ranNM er xse buwbui raoTT aJTv vaugrat.r.a Kadlsaes. Ieeal dee. 40 Petateea aew Flerida , .OS Atparaxaa ...... .10 ta .It Oarreta. CaUL, crate a.7 te t.ee ia a , .03 .1 uraea peoeera, uaitx is. Peal. OeaL. la. . ,, , -., Cabbage, w. Osieas, dea, baaehea fetsteea. iuuu aa, l J8 Laeal .7ft te 1.00 SweeS potato, erate .1.80 Uettace. csiu. - - .8.75 te 3.3a- .St,. .SS , I .so . .OS 05 ao Oaioaa. Walla Walla . Lablaa. cwt Parsnips, fcaadred Blrabarb. local Calif, m Celery. Calif.. H erate Haxieaa Tematoes 8.50 .Of te .08 IUIiaa Breecell. lb. Apples Wmesapa, laacy .80 1.40 .50 .90 1.85 .95 .1.00 te 1.38 .1.S0 te L7t -8.00 te 4.00 , .70 3.50 .05 Extra faaey Bewtowas. C grade rmmef Extra fancy Cauliflower. Calif, eraU Retebscaa. haadred OraBgea. p.p. jraaey Beeta. Calif., dox. . Turaipt, Calif., crate Spiaaeh. CalM.. eraU Baaaaaa. lb. oa stack Hands HOPS .05 Top. 1933. Ik. .80 30 Top. 1931. lb. EOOS Baying Prices Extras , .10 .08 .04 MO .08 .06 J09 JO Standards POTJXTBT Old roosters - Colored beas . Median heaa Light hens Bakers - Light fryers . Lambs, top Hoca, top MEAT 6.00. 4.00 8.75 Pint cats Steers . , , . 04 te .04 Cows .01 te ,02 to .03 to .02 Heifers -02 .03 Balls Dressed veal, top 05 uressee aegs .OS GRAXH ABB EAT Wheat, western red .54 ... .54 .16.00 .18.00 ..35.00 White. So. 1 Barley, top. ton Oata. white, tea Gray, top, ton Bit. buying prie Oata aad vetch, ton . .13.00 te 14.00 .18.00 te 15.00 16.50 .13.00 to 14.00 Alfalfa. Talloy. 1st cat Eastera Orefon , , Clorer hay . WOOL Vedlnm Ooarss .11 .08 Mohair . aa market Stocks and Bonds MABCK SO (Copyright, 1933, Standard Statistics Co.) xoca avbuuli 60 30 30 SO Ind'U BB's TJt's Tetsl Today 48.8 36.4 66.0 4S.O Previeasdsy 48.4 se.s ea.i s.z Week age 49.7 37.S 68.4 49.7 Tear age 59.4 39.5 97.4 61.5 S rears ago 195.S 141.6 264.8 198.9 High 1938 55.3 80.0 9S.8 58.8 Lew 1933 43.S 3S.S S6.0 4S.S High 1933 73.S SS.S 111.0 78.9 Low 1883 38.1 13.3 51.8 85.0 New 1988 low. B0BTD AV-XAOBS 30 30 lad'la BB's SO 60 Ut's Total 75.S 65.4 76.1 65.S 77.S 66.8 83.0 73.9 99.3 100.0 85.3 73.0 75.4 63.S Today 60.S 60.8 Previona dsy 60.6 60.S Week ago 61.S 61.S Tears go 66.5 70.8 S years sge 94.5 106.3 High 1983 , 66.1 65.7 Lew 1933 . 58.B 71.S 88.3 67.0 78.0 47.4 High 1933 86.3 78.1 703 57.5 Low 1833 . Downy mildew, scourge ef many valley op yards last year, has ap peared In a few yards, hop grow ers hare reported this week. The appearance this year m about three weeks earlier thaa last year. when this hopyard pest waa first noticed about April is. Downy mildew was largely cause for the unusually light acre age last year, as ia some yards this disease made such inroads It was necessary to abandon all or parts of the field's. Early la the UAPPEJUIG I! Ill If MS season some growers cut back the! aad H. T. Holmes, her husband; rlnes to halt the mildew So tar .methods of control of downy-' mildew are uncertain; however, considerable experlmen tatlea ta combat It Is being ear rid on at the state college Last year Oregon hop produc tion was about 45.000 bales, while the year before, whea less trouble was experienced with downy mBdew. the crop totaled about 15.000 bales. wciriJrT? t it cFf an' nyiSk it V :ifew.?glf Offerings are Scarce; Extra Eggs 14-1 6c; Veal Livelier PORTLAND. March 20 (API Butter offerings were scarce here today aad f butterfat values both la the city and "country re mained firm aad well sustained. In fact, the Journal said, some dealers were offering a premium. Market for eggs continued to show a badly mixed price with sales ef extras reported from 14 to ICe dot. Alt aorta ot rumors were out regarding aetual ralues but retail sales would confirm the lower figures aa most general. There was m change In the general chicken; market situation for the day. Quality of late ar- I "rivals of dressed turkeys was not so good and few sales were there-' fore made at extreme prices on this account. Demand remains fa vorable, however. There was a 'better movement ot real at the forice. Hogs were quoted steady also at the late drop. There was good demand for beef as well as for lamb. Market for onions continued-to mark time at WlTlamette ralley sources, and without apparent price ehange. Orders for shipment werr practically! nil while the lo cal trade was being taken care ot by il:e non-keeping stock. CORTALXJS, Ore., March SO (AP) Fruits and vegetables. particularly apples, potatoes and onions in the . northwest hare moved toward higher price levels, it was stated in a weekly review Issued today by the U. S. D. A. bu reau of agricultural economics cooperating with the O. S. C. ex tension service. - With the firmer prices there was increased activity in markets so that carlot shipments from the three states totaled 1954 cars, with potato and apple volume ex ceeding that ot any recent weekly period. Oregon loaded out 0 cars ot apples, 103 cars of potatoes, 39 cars of onions; and 19 cars ot pears. Klamath Falls and Des chutes districts both loaded po tatoes rather freely from limited holdings remaining there. The Oregon ; onion season is about orer, with not more than 75 carg estimated as remaining in growers' hand a. Prices have continued to stiffen in the west till buying was fairly active last week at 76 to 35 cents with re ports of a sale Saturday of 20 carloads at II net to grower. Wool Price Holds But Demand is Nil BOSTON. March 30 (AP) Practically no demand is being re ceived for sizable Quantities of wool. The larger offerings, are firmly held at prices realized two weeks ago during tne active buy ing. Small quantities closing out old accounts sett at prices irreg ularly lower thin last week, but this type ef grading comprising most of the business. NOTICE OF 8HKKIFKS SAI.F. On Saturday the 15th day ot April, 1933, at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, In Salem, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash all the right, title and Interest of the within named defendants, la and to the following described real property situated la Marlon County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot II. Block 7. Oaks Ad dition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said aale Is made by virtue ot a foreclosure Execution Issued out ot the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Marion County, to me directed In the case ot The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a corporation. Plaintiff rs. A. Richard Schmalle aad Lil lian Schmalle, his wife: A- Lin coln Schmalle and Ylnnie Schmal le, his wife: Newton 8. Schmalle. siagle; Esther Schmalle Holmes Raymond A. Schmalle and Grace Schmalle, bis -wife; Fred S. By aoa aad Stella 1 Bynoa. tils wife; J. IV Ulrich and Business Men's Adjustment Col Defendants. . !A. C. BTJRK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. ' j Deputy. Walter. Fubrer, f Attorney for Plaintiff. M 17-J4-31 A 7-14 By CLIFF STERRETT APPLES fD OBIOBS BOTH MOVE HIGHER