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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1933)
Tha" OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. : Oregon, Friday Morning, March -31, 1933 s PAGE SEVEN Over 40- aU! attended Ithe Sontk Salem W. 0. T. TJ meeting ThursdayTafternoon. The address of the program was made by Mrs. Hannah Martin who discussed the x e a t - JegialatlT happenings. Mrsv Martla was a Marlon county representatlre. lire. A. X. TJtley sans; a solo group accompanied hy Mrs.' a L. Blodgett. ..".Sease SATURN' April 1st,, 1 P-81' vT 1 loo -yeer til age see o te rhe mm FRIDAY I f $1.73 Sport SAT. Dun,Dwr 1? ( Sweaters I MON. I Sandal 1, ii on OO AC? ( fcaw X IiesMVhite Ladies 3'?5 f Men's Sflk I Moccasin Toe f Work Rayon H I OXFORDS a $i-23 ill fQ Extra Special l J1-48 I I vuuui am m m a Bare-foot Black & White 1 I Sandals J I Kid Gloves 1 1 II XXn MXr X It i New U SUk Dre888 h"' 72-o 1 Ladjegi I Sizes 14 to 48 1 3 Lb. stitched Spring I Extra special I (JrN BLOCH'S GOLDEN RULE STORE Salem, Oregon 220 N. Liberty Phone 8805 Music Club. Elects Officers Ths Junior music eluh of which Mrs. Henry Lea la adrisor and which la a federated elnb, elected officers at the home of Mrs. Lie Tuesday night. President for the year Is Rose Gihson; Yice-presi- dent. Rath Walker; secretary. Marine Woodfleld; treasurer, Mary Louise Rltter. Following the huslnesa meeting a short musical program was pre sented and refreshments were erred. Mrs. Fred Vlesko assisted Mrs. Lee in serving at the re freshment hour. Present for the meeting were Betty Beck, Frances and Dorothy Mott, Ruth Saffron. Edith Maria MOTlftT. Rettr TtMkA Ph-rllhi Walker. Mary Jane Brabec, Phyl lis Gueftroy, Sylria Slater, Lena Bell Atkins, Marjoiie aad Ruth Walker, Leondino Asplnwall, Mary Ann Owens, Dorothea Gra ham, Betty Burroughs, Edith Helse, Thyra Salstron, Ross Gib son, Mary Louise Rltter, Maxlne Woodfleld and Patsy Lee. Miss Phebe McAdams Bridge Hostess Miss Phebe McAdams enter tained Wednesday night at her home on South 12th street In honor of the birthday of her sis ter, Ml&a Ruth McAdams. Spring flowers made a colorful decora tire motif for the guest rooms. High score for the erening of cards waa held by Mrs. Lillian Cadwell. : Present in compliment to Miss McAdams were Miss Josephine Shade, Miss May Clereland, Miss Edith Burch, Miss Alta Kershner, Miss Amanda Schwabbauer, Miss Daisy Hayden, Miss Lois Ohmart, Miss Juana Holmes, Miss Clara Erlaub, Miss Clara Witt. Miss El inor Tomsing, Miss Gladys Tip ton, Miss Aline Phillips, Mrs. Lil lian Cadwell and Miss Phebe Me Adams. Mrs. W.E Kirk Entertains Guests of honor for a delight fully arranged luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kirk Wednes day were Mrs. Ralph Barnes now a guest in Portland after sereral years abroad, and Miss Ruth Barnes of Seattle. Mrs. William Grigg Is Welcomed Mrs. L. D. Lambeth entertained at her home Wednesday with an attractive bridge tea, a gesture of welcome to Mrs. William Grigs who has come to Salem to make her home. For bridge winning scores were held by Mrs. B. V. Wooten. Mrs, H. L. StaTer, and Mrs. L. B. OA bertson. Mrs. Starer assisted Mrs Lambeth in serring at the tea hour. In compliment to Mrs. Grigg were Mrs. H A, Wiley. Mrs. Har- laa Brock, Mrs. X. S. GllberUon. Mrs. H, L. starer, Mrs. Marion k. Smith, Mrs. R. D. Paris, Mrs. 0. 8. Paxson, Mrs. J. 9. Delaney, Mrs. V. P. UeNamara aad Mrs. B. V. Wootea. ' Corers were placed for Mrs. Ralph Barnes and Miss Ruth Barnes, and for Mrs. B. T. Barnes, Mrs. S. C. Richards. Mrs. if.. E. Peck, Miss Era Roberts, and Mrs. W. . Kirk. Electric Firm To Reduce Pay Wage reductions affectinr all local employes et the Portland Electric company will be made May 1, It was learned yesterday, following announcement in Pert land by Franklin T. Griffith, com pany .president, that markedly curtailed rerenues for the year to date made such a step imperative. The seals to be enforced has not beea learned here. This will be the second redaction In wages CI IIUUI DULL I I con Preliminary plans vera formu lated last sight at a meeting of the orchestra hoard for the third concert et the PhUharmonle or chestra which will close the sea son. This concert would be pre sented probably oa the night of May S, introducing- the celebra tion of Music week which la past years has brought Salem nation wide fame. Ia this concert the Philharmon ic choir of Willamette) university would also participate, some of the numbers being ensemble pro duction et orchestra and eholr. Jacques Gershkontea will be the conductor. The choir Is directed by Prof. Cameron Marshall. Ths report of Mrs. W. X. An- made by the company la the last two years. dersoa, business manager showed the orchestra la good, financial condition. Twe aoacerts hare been held thus far, and only a small sum remains to be raised for the expenses, ta date with plans al ready formed to. eorer the amooaV. Growing Interest ia the orches tra was reported, and an eager ness on the part of the members te continue through the season, with anticipations for work again next year. CLASSMATES HONORED AX7MSYXLLS, March SO Miss Barbara Roberts waa hostess to a group of her classmates st a fare well party for Miss Ruby Swan- son, -who is leering for California soon and for Eldoa Powell, who is moving to Salem. EVANS VALLEY HIRES EVANS VALLEY, March SO Miss Delia BaUangrud has been secured to teach Erans Valler school for next winter. Miss Bal- lengrud Urea at SUrerton. nnmnv niir tit UOIIAW! m lUllf PORTLAND, Ore., March 30 (AP) Dr. .Richard B. Dillehunt, deaa of the University of Oregon Medical school at Portland, an nounced today that the S-,000-rolumC medical library of Dr. E. A. Sommer has beea presented to the medical sehooL It will bo housed la a special room oa the third floor of the school building, which will bo used as a faculty aad clinical reading room. The collection ia declared to bo one of the finest WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY repaired In first class running order L. G. PRESCOTT JEWELER New location 423 Conrt St. prirate libraries of its kind on the PaclQfl coast.;: ?;:;J-:l'?4? v ' ; "The faculty and students,' Dean Dillehunt said, "aro deeply grateful to Dr. Sommer for this generous donation. It constitutes a very Important addition to the library facilities, not only tor the achool but for the medical pro fession of Portland and surround ing country." Shanks Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Shank of Albany were la Salem yesterday oa business. I i to 4t OPTOMETRIC SERVICE Telephone 5858 Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted All Modern Frames and Lessee at Prices Everyone Can Afford Satiefactioa GaaranteeS Dr. Ruth EL Dangherly S01-2-S First National Bank Bldg. Watches Cleaned $1.0P Wrist Watches .$10 Moderate Prices on watch and clock repairing .CLAUDE MIX Basic Market Marlon and Ooml Independent Druggists 115 S. Commercial St. Coming Ncixt Week The ORIGINAL REXALL One Cent Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 6, 7 and 8 REBUILD HEALTH, STRENGTH, this os way . Get Pepteaa, the ttfte iroa and malt com pound. It enriches the Mood rebuild serve tff-f Aad It Increases the appetite and aids eV geeaoa. Yea toe wffl benefit foxatt. Oetitte-dayl PGPTONA 1 eertaat. Doable LET US FILL your Friscnnc;! ToerhteBh depends accuracy ta rmirig prteoip tien. That is why ear Pfeescripooa De tsraeeitra- checldngt FRIDAY and SATURDAY 50c Woodbury's Cleansing Cream 60c Mum Deodorant $1 Ironlsed Yeast SSe Ingram's Sharing Cream 0e Dr. Caldwell's Pepsin Syrup . . 11.10 ralue sets Ambrosia ...... 25c Paequin's Hand Cream . . 65c Pond's Creams 1 Krank's Lemon Cream . $1.50 Warner's Agarol 60c Mentholatum Ointment 1 Oraltine food beverage . . 31c 39c 69c 23c 39c 98c 15c 39c 69c 87c 39c 69c 40c Castorla for children . 11.10 Petrolagar all labels 60c Piso's Cough Syrup . . 35c Pape's Cold Compound 85c Freezone for corns 80e Grove's Bromo Quinine 35e Palmollre Sharing Cream 50c Chamberlain's Lotion - 50e Pepsodent Antiseptic . . . . 40e Squlbb's Dental' Cream . 5 yard Sterile Gauss '. . 100 tablets Pure Aspirin, 5 gr. .. 24c 79c 39c 24c 23c . 39c 25c 29c 29c 33c 19c 17c 79c 39 c 69 c 19c 33c UI 3. S. 8. Tonic 10s Sal Hepatlca $L10 Scott's Emulsion ........ 10a Dr. Mile's Alka Seltser 50e Natures Remedy Tablets 75e Telretlna Massage Cream It Velretlaa . Face Powder SOt-YelTetiaa u Medicated Soap SO Velretlaa 49c 69c ...i. 19c this flEVJ MODERNIZED nrhn'fiTaol t0llet l,n8 costs half f - mms r Cat roar benxy sodget right is has? wirheet aactiftce et eauayaaogrfeyeersmlneaseetsei biautf care . . by satag the XXI ToOetrise, Priced te meet the style trend SMrsxi thrift, eechsftpataaes is as aae and puts as sasaiycenbey. The sac is eesMiete. new 6fifBttai See mis Kae may. Jonteel toiletries r 1 1 i hi: '" - Trun (Sam Save R3imGsr aoaol ISiiiifl5sr SavuciGC 17i? I7i?Q. ocn3 Satt. D3oi?s)ii SHctt Ajpi?nil Uctt Large Pkff. Jlg-Saw Pnzzk FtmI ied. bars HarshinaUoua Marshmallovs 1 lb. package as ""ti Spanitb SaECecfl Zlbs. fl()c 1 pound 1 Regular 15c Jig-Saw Puzzle 30c ralua ALL naaier? ato ? Large Package r ! Baby Rntk Fndgt Lot Nest sack 8 Baker's Prem. Coconut aHonomiGft OitinB 1-tb Tins J 2-10c Pkg. SEnallsGi? Sallft Ebinore Plala or Iodized , TT(ppz. bottle SSe pk 9 vy w . fl ' 1 Fort Howard No. 2 TincL3 ) Q T Soft a, Down " I M(M White as Snow s r -j 3 Large Rolls 3 ,3j&)C iTfe Rockdell Tasty Pak Lug9 Cans Baker's Premium CHOCOLATE calic.SSc Purity 1pr Gcldcn Vcot TTTTiTnTn Jul lit !U Asparagus Picnic Tins All Green Each Elsinore No. 2s -Each aim o I w Sam six - Soma quality Same ollv oil content Same schoolgirl complexion 15c 19c pmi ... . .-. mm Tooth Fasts r