r 1U OREGON ST ATESS1AN Sakmv Oregon, .Thursday Moiiiiflg.-M-rc- SO 193- ' FAGS KINE t' fi WAKT! SI ILL Li STO tc- M 'PT r n 1 i Business Directory Cards In this directory run oa a monthly basis euly. Rata: $1.09 pr Una pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Puttc th brake and shimmy 6nctaT. 378 South Conmwc!al Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Booty Shop. dial Ttil. Senator Beanty Shop, dial 6818. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 7S. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R B. Northneas. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a l SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 358 N. High. TeL Rea. 8S7I. Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence schools. Business, technical courses. Bx. 111. C. McOllllvrs. Tel. 4133. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELQR.OVE, 4IS N. Cottage. Tel. 7466. Hematltchlng. 8c yard. FLORISTS CUT (lowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breit haupt. florist, 7T Court.' TeL 8304. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutt Flor ist. 16th Market Tel. 8592. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL 8108. Waltrr J. Downs. 69 Mreys. INSURANCE BECKE A HENDRICKS 109 N. High Tel. 4947 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM L.AUNDRT THE WEIDEH LAUNDRY 1C3 & High TeL 1 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 318 1214 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, 'The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Bprtng mattress $8.00. Renovators and f umlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4089. 3030 N. CapitoL New mattress made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Huff Rag Mat tress Factory, S 13th St Wlrour. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Eat 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL-PU-os, radio sew- in machines, sheet muelo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything I can use, atoniuw, v v,um v. MEDICINE rr Chan lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a-m. to 4 :3 p. m. 148 N. commercial. PRINTING pnn stationery, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, Zl a. commercial. phono 9101. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement. Income Tax Reports, Auditlna. 110 N. Com'L Tel 3030 or UtT. REAL ESTATE BECKU A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. m H ORARENHORST CO. 184 S. Ubarty St TeL 1418. ftnnnLOFSiTZ A SON a.t Flrat Nat'L Bk. Bldg. Tel. T80T. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. 8toves far sale, rebuilt and repaired. AU kinds of woven wire fence, fancy sod Dials, hop baskets, books, logaa hooks, gllam Fence and Stove Works. $82 --v- Tat 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITA CITY Transfer Co. 228 rrf. - ni-trtbutia for- warawg -- Oat our raws. mo iami nr distant transfer storage. can 8131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland aatiy. WELL DRILLING r. A. Wast. 39 years erpertence. RKD 8. Bos 103 B. TeL livtr. Farining Planting 25 A a- II C:14lln, Phene 3JS2. VCrCS UU A iUJJ A a,wai PPPnvntT.K Marrth 21. Bay 1-oa fg n lit la isttlnt eat 2S rtvsr bottom land. This Is the only hop field being set out in this vicinity. Mr. Fanning slana to set out an add!- tional 25 acres next year. OL3. BROWN PASSES SILYERTON, March 29. Mrs. 1 A. W. Green has received word t the death Friday of her mother. Mrs. Ola Brown at Hoxle Kati., at the home of another daughter- Mrs. Juna D. Neal." Mrs. Brown, had been ill for over two months. A - third daughter, Mrs. Alma Brewster of. Taaeo. also sarvlveH. Mrs. Brown visited at SUverton law years ago. . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adver-slng Single insertion per Une.lOo Three Insertions -per lint 10c Six lasrUoBi per line... 0c On month per Hoe .f 1.00 Minimal, chare . . . .hi- It Copy for thLs pate ac cepted an til :3 the even Ins before) publication tor Classification. Copy re ceived after tale time win be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In eases where this paper is st tanlt will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee Uonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. SALESMEN WANTED On mitaWla Ralpsman. . Must have car. 1ZB wmL rtoor uepi. o :i a. m. Wanted district sales manager. Muat have enough to pay for supplies. Room 4 S. Senator Hotel. Three neat atroearlng men to can- rase. See Mr. Morgan at 58 Center St. Apt 1. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product Nationally adver tised. Crazy Crystals, lis H. Ilign. 3 wood ransres and many other household art for sale cheap at 2095 North Commercial street Seed ptcia Earnest "au: Early Rote, Early Ohio. British Queen. Net- ted Gem, Burbank. H. A. Hyde Co., 2698 Portland Road, Tel. 9596. Fresh crabs now at Filler's stand. Intersection Sllverten-Portland road. Aiaae Keo tpeea wagon z. uim- i ber brick, stairs, doors, w.ndowa 255 Market HAT. ALFALFA, first quality. 411 Guardian Bldg. Tam weight 3000, and harness. Inquire 1495 N. 18th or Tel. 8990. Will trade 4 ft oak wood for horse 1 or cow. Rt 4. Box 78. WANTED To exchange household furniture for small car. Phone 7228, 8 to 12 a. m. TRADE FOR CAR Lot on paved street Concrete walk, no indebtedness. Phone J54. Eleven goats, 2 milking. 2 nearly fresh. Td. for cow or hogs. Silverton, Route 2. A. J. Dunn. WANTED Miscellaneous Why throw away good money T The Tr.? store repairs hoe like new,-Co to 28. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child, tie. Two blocks S of library. S. Winter. We will again pick up free of charge dead and worthless horses and cows.. Tel. 4889. Gilt edge mortgiige for $2080.00 for sale, paying 7 . Semi-annually. TeL 592f3. Madam Romine. spiritualist, palm ist, tells , all In lov e, marriage, bus- mesa iz you wane racts, not promises, consult her for advice. Noah's Ark Auto Camp, North Hollywood. FOR RENT ROOMS n nn nnnnnnn n n an n.rLju-ij-u-ij-ij-tj-LrLru-L-u-u- Mod, rooms, reasonable. 145 Marlon. Rooms hot and cold water. Nicely turn. 998 Court Tel. 9490 ROOM AND BOARD Board, rm.. near P. O. 320. TeL- 6482. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call Patton'a book stare. Fur. X R. apt. Z281 HaxaL TeL 1884; Mod, at. heated upt. TeL 9. Nice Croat apt 858 Center. Very fine- 2-room turn., h. w. heat. alec, refrlg garage. $35. Phone 8184. S R. basement apt Everything la - eluded. $8.88 wk 302 a Winter. u-ju-un-L-i rAjwuiruijyinA n.ru- ,nj- . -. - r - 1 anil a mm anta.. SIS and lib. .1m rooms $$ me. $48 Marlon. S room furn. apt upstalra $10 mo. Adults 1384 Marion. j u J?J jSM I Piano, radio. Reasonable. Flasa Apt., First floor apt. 1411 Court FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfnrn. houses. R. A. rorkner, 1818 N. Cottage. TeL 303L Furn. S and 8 room duplex, ground floor. 884 Mill. T. G. Albert. S room bungalow for rent. 1348 Cbe- meketa St 8 tn. bungalow with garage. Close Klee 4 R. bouse, modern excelt fur I -- T---aKI 1AU7 a lath. - I Cr" .... .., vr rh,,--H I n imiww..' .,.. i 1 Attme. ttrm. 8 R. cottage. Tel. 8274 FOR RENT 1 mmw iwwmw I Improved acreage, wtth bldg. Clees WANTED TO RENT J wUh oe, bath, lavatory, all on firat now, box No. 178. statesman. EXCHANGE Real Estate - One of the best diversified farms tn the Mart Howell district, te trad tor mle?.St? tLfZtgJ'TLtZ "in Sciiul 22l. Oregon Bldg. , Tel. till, EXCHANGE Real Estate Clear acreage. Exchange (or mod- era t noma by owner. Box 114. Statesman. - -wwww X I WANT good clear city property, in Sxchanga for 28 acres clear, rood lf&d -ta prunes, - cherries, logana, B. English walnuts, grapes, good prune dryer, small ban. f rm. mod. honaa. good well, close In, will offer at a great reduction for quick deal VAN M. GREER 114. Hr,rnn TllA.r Vh K - L. A . I . V. urrunnjBHi anuualMu 160-acre ranch. 80-A. cult, IS-A. Umber, good springs, all fenced. 8-B. house with bath, good barn and poul try hous. Hog house and machine house, silo, priced at a very low fig ure. .Only $.090.90: will take city property up to 12760.09 as part, good location on gravel road. This place had a mtg. of $5200.80 and has been taken over for the mtg., and Is a dandy. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 1H South High Street FOR SALE Real Estate EAST OP WOODBTJRN 81 acres river bottom and tn-nlrta soil, also 4 acres beaver dam. This Is one of the best pieces of soil m Its locality. Good room plastered house, basement, fireplace, plumbing, electric lights available. Large barn, other outbuildings. Running water and fruit Price 17750.80, 10 down, balance IS years. ; BEE HAWKINS ROBERTS or jrarra Bargains 80-ACRE SNAP $3500. All cultivated land except about 19 acres pasture and timber, part rich river bottom land, best of soU. Large house, barn. 8 miles from town, market road. Shown by ap pointment SEE BECHTEXi or THOM ASON, 341 State St Also one acre suburban home for $2000. Jflso house of 1 3 choice lots for $900 ; terms. ,,-HOP RANCH BARGAIN A money maker, 12-acres ls-acres la producing hops. 1-A. In cherries, pears and apples. Good 4-R. house, electric lights, priced for quick sale at $3150.00. A snap. Better hurry. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street FOR SALE FARMS THREE WONDERFUL. BUYS IN SMALL. FARMS Immediate possession of a choice 20 acre tract few miles out on market road, most all In cultivation, fair set Of bldKS.. Well. It Tnf! A f f hv-i! in-rv 0V.,J!15I.:,CL"1,, from small town, school, fair set of bldgs., with electri city available, 10 acres in cultivation, baL pasture, creek on one line, 3 acres In alfalfa. A real snap for $1400. 5 acre Suburban hnnu nn, S,i,m 1 best of soil, room plastered house wjf1 nlnmhine- .wi,i, i .k,. rr,, 'stemlcer $2950. Liberal terms on any of the above properties. CHILD8 A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708 Business Opportunities For rent Kama's and aei-vlv. atsMnn on busy highway. TeL 8593. w ...... ,.--....n an ,-lAJO A small grocery stock and fixture for only $200.00 with cheap rant for store and living quarters. J cheap dear properties yielding fair Income and some cash for good small farm. City residence properties to trade for farm that Is suitable for dairy. Melvln Johnson W. M. Pennington 275 State Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BART nmenca rifles prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch H. alV Oregon. ing, riaicning eggs. Phone 133F2. IZZZZ.rr.Tr'" --vw Custom hatching. 500 eres at IUi every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. Six weeks old roosters, 10c each. Gehringa Hatchery, Route 3, Silver ton, Ore. -Babv chicks and ptistnm hitxhln. Take wood or wheat for hatching! warmer's Hatchery. 2180 N. Fifth St 8 mules. 4 horses. 819 N. Front 8t MONEY TO LOAN I n-nmynuu 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 118 New BUgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 618 State Street TeL $-7-4-0. W " W U U PERSONAL" LOANS sCADB mm fnrnitur. aara. aalarla lar at bar good aacnrfty. Repayable I monthly. When In financial naad see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION Itrst National Bank Bldg. Phone SSI 8 f mcnartMav. nrn it t .hcttmt m a wo I STATE LOAN COMPANY I 212 Oregon Building, 2nd Floor I . . m . . . , tilwhonV 77sl Stale license No. S-186. avsaww r vu is? vuiiai iivkn u ty s wyoj Ca tM-ka.iiN.-. nm f a ma KTTB LOAN CO., State Ho. 8-188, 805 I Guardian Bid. TeL I ITT. Guardian Bids. TeL 88TT. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yout payments Yon keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Llbartr At and Ferry Pttrma 4T31 Salatn. Ora FOR SALE WOOD NO, 1 18 In, old fbr, $4.09. TeL 4480. POLLY AND HER ! MUSTACHE. MCW UtsJCLE SAML I GOT A IDEA MA'AM. vT (ISSr? A?Srr ) ( -TRV GRSWtN J ' SMEAXT?) nfOWT MOJR5 VOTU- CCWUCB WBUX "I T (F-rr7, VWttS fc?V YERSELP A t fr jv nij ajnj yp' " Interesting Facts Friday's Statesman will -carry food advertising of interest to sy- ery hoaeswif e. Watch for this pa per and ' use It as your buying guide. O The territory of Alaska was purchased 66 years ago today. O . 'y A petition was being circu lated yesterday asking , the school bpard to make a cut of tt per cent. O Most of the Salem Grocers have placed their orders forbear., with a representative who has been covering Salem the past few days. The price seems to be two pint bottles for S5c. O The Ad club are sponsoring the stylo show tonight at the Elal nore. This is a feature of spring opening which is an annual event in Salem. FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood $4.00. Phone 94 1L Green 2nd growth fir II In. $$.TJ. George Meltxler, Marlon, Ore. "-'---- - i'iiiiiniwvwft(wiwji Good dry wood. Reasonable. Lea. load. TeL 8847. Fred E. Wells. II In. dry 2nd fir, $2.50 per load. Planer ends $2.60 per load, at Tracy'a TeL 3988. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 8001 Salem rue! Co. Trade Cottage. Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 789. AAMaewVwVVwVwWw DRY riR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oU. Call on us for price We gtva gooa measura. good qualttv and good aervlee. ARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telechene 8181 Ash, fir and oak. Tel. 8148. FOR SALE USED CARS ssSaMsaVMsMMMaMV BARGAINS IN USED CARS See them at 142 CHEMEKKTA 8T. We trad. Open evenings and Sundays. McKay's Used Cars WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS '28 Essex Coach $ 48.88 31 Ford Tudor Sedan 298.0 83 Bulck Sedan 385.00 38 Chrysler "70" Sedan 475.00 '31 Ford Long w. b. truck 885.00 CHEVROLETS 38 Coupe $ 50.00 '28 Sedan , 8S.80 '31 Coach 885.88 '31 De Luxe Sedan 44S.0S '8$ Special Sedan 676.00 2 Truck 135.00 '31 Long W. B. Truck 495.00 McKay Chevrolet Co. TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays 338 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'L Wanted, Used Cars See Borrego at Borregos Used Car Market 240 N. Liberty Phone 3688 Lambs Gain 25c Late in Portland PORTLAND. March J (AP) Sale of a double deck of clip ped stock in the lamb alleys at a late hour today reflected an ad vance of 1 5c over what similar offerings have moved at, advises I. W. Pew, government reporter at north Portland. The sal was made at 35.60 straight for S3 pounders. Radio Program THURSDAY, MAftCH M KOLW lerU am 0 Xa. :S0 O.aO. faias astessioa talk. T :30 Mori Chatter. 8: SO Drl Brite Wax. CBS. 18:00 La s PhUHvoe. CBS. 11:80 Amerieaa School of the Air. CBS. i:se book ef Lt: 8:00 ramlalM Finciea. DLBS. 8:00 Satk Kttinc. Laaaari Haytaa's are Matra, CBS. 8:0S Redding Walla, toner. t:0 Salvataea SaataeUVe Maaie, IT. S:1S Uakoawa Haada, Z.T. 8:80 Dore4-y Dig Drsm.tlsatUfU 18:05 Ted Plerita's areheftra, DUIf. 10:15 8pert riasbaa. XOAO ervattJ B58 , T:0O Maralag MedUatlena, Wd Vy Dr. Jeka S. Bern 8 :0O Kernia r aaaaart 10:00 Ham Eeaeea-es Obeegvar. 13:807. E. Priea "Cera Drrtag. 1 :45 Arooad taa Caatpasaa. 1:18 Meade Pratt Sat ith, dnamtis reader. 8:00 The Hememsker's Haas. 8:80 The Heme Gardes. 8:80 I. J. Steele "Pailea. 8:45 F. A. Catfcbert "La ail was me Far- Home. 4:18 -uW Vewsar. ' t:45 Beview af New Books. PALS HAY HERE BEACHES T, Feed Situation is Acute as Freeze and wet Weather Reduce Supplies The local bay market this week reached the highest figure in three years, with a sharp advance and firm market due to scarcity of all hays and unusually heavy demand. Oats and vetch hay has climbed to from f 14 to f 14.50 a ton to the grower, although the demand is limited to some extent now be cause grass is coming up and also dne to the condition of Mr. Farmer's pocketbook. Tbero is virtually no local hay available for sale, F. M. White of D. A. White A Sons states, and eastern. Oregon hay is supplying the market in the main. Retail price on the eastern Oregon offer tags la J 18. "I've never seen hay, grains or other farm products so low as they are right now," declares Mr. White, who has been in the grain business here many years. Pro longed wet weather, together with the heavy cold spells of last win ter, has caused the present acute feed situation. Garden seeds are moving from the stores pretty fast now, indi cating, that both large and small garden growers are taking every advantage of favorable weather for outdoor work. Large amounts f grain seeds. especially wheat and oats, are be ing sold now, Mr. White states, though adds that much of this purchasing is being done through the erop seed loans financed by the R. T. C. No Indication is yet available as to what acreages to various crops will be set 'out in this sec tion. IIT ST. PAUL BiO 1-2 CENTS Hop sales totaling 142 bales. all for 28 H cents a pound, are reported from the St. Paul dis trict. Wolf hop company is the buyer, and growers selling at the figure are E. C. Davidson, 84 bales; Albert McKay, 43 bales; and Arthur McKay, 15 bales. The hop market has been fair ly quiet this week after the activ ity of last week, when a definite 30 -cent market was reached. A few sales at lower than the 30-cent figure are Interpreted by hop men as a good thing, for with occasional sales under thlg figure growers will be more apt to sell than to hold tight, a is the ten dency when the price shoots steadily upward. Be. 88 Sraopsis a Aaaaal Stateaieat ef the Baakara SaMeaal Life Iasaraaca Ca saay af 810 Bergen Aveaaa, Mew Jersey, ia ma state et new Jersey, oa taa thirty imt cay et lecmbr, 1812. sude ta taa Iasaraaca Commiuiosar af taa State af Oregon,- aanmaat ta law: CAPITAL. a-aaaat at cspttai itees paid np suo.ooo.oa. IS CO MK Total preaihua iaeeaae fer the year, 1.471.888410. latere, dividends sad reats received inriag the veer. 3189.608.8L Iaeeaie iram ether eoarees received doriag the year, $384,848.48. Tetal ee-e. SLS3S4S0.40, DI8BUBSK-ESTS Paid fer laesae, eadewBMaU, aaaaltlea aad sarraadar valnes, $84S,10T.1T. LHvideads paid te policy-holders doriag the year, 888438.85. Divldtada paid an capital stock dariag the year, hob a. Cesu sisiiaas aad salaries paid dariag the year. 3380.888.85. Taxes, lieeasea and fees paid dariag taa year, ssi,a.o. Ajaaaat ef aU othar expeaditaree. f 11S.VS4.5S. Total expenaitaraa, 31,387,830.88 ASSSTg Yame ef real estate awnad (market value), $75,40.00. Basis ef Valaatiea: Bead, Coaveatloa Steeka Aetaal Market. Vahse ef stacks aad heads owned (auu-ket ar a vrtised vales), $1,308, Z90.se. Laaas aa BMrtgagas aad ceUateraL ete, 8848.480.80. Preauasi sates aad policy laaas, 9834,' 8S4.S1. Cash m basks aad aa has 4. 1831,111 84. Vat aaeollaetad aad defatiad preaia a, MM.T14.41. latarest aad rents 4 ae aad aeeraai. sad Misa sss.358.5e. Othar aaaata (set). Xaaa. Tatal admitted assess, SI.17,S5$.4S. ian-L-Tixn Vet lassissa 83.488.188.18. Oreaa iris Ian? tar lasses unpaid, $58, IS4.SS. AU aW lurUHtiaa. 8338.453.43 Tatal Wahl-ttea. axeept eapttaL $8. TST.SM.SS. OsaMal said aa 1380.000.00 Sarpms ever eft liabilities, $259,738. 48. aralas as rscards poUey--elders, ss,Tsa.4. TsSaL 3.83T53.48. nsS icss itf oasGON ros thx YSAB Ores arsaslaaia reeeived dariag a year. 85,44.80. PisIbsm aad dlrideaea rstaraad dnrmg the year. $1850. Lasses vaid darlar tha vsar. Nona Mama ad Csaiisay. Baakers National life Iasareaea CaaipaBy. Nana ad Pi sat 4 sat. R. R. Lomnshmry. iraase af W. B. Cham bar Statutory reddest attorney fer aerv - tUs aoaa. "Nipped ia HIGHES 3 MS HUPS WHEAT PRICES SHOOT LOCAL VEGETABLES ON MARKET 'rofit - Takers cut in ; Abandonment of Acreage Noted CHICAGO, March 29. (AP) Big buying shot wheat prices up ward today, but profit-taking at the last nullified most of the gain. Reports of dust storms in Kan sas and Oklahoma did much to inspire the purchsse movement in the wheat pit. Besides, predic tions were plentiful that April un official crop summaries next week would"1 Indicate heavy abandon ment ,ot domestic winter wheat acreage. Wheat closed irregular, M- off to - up compared with yesterday's finish, corn M- ad vance, oats unchanged to a shade higher. Today's closing Quotations: Wheat May. July. 54-54 H; September. 54?4-. Com May, 2-; July. SI 94; September. 33-. Oats May 18; July, 19; September, 19. General Markets PBOSUCB ZXCEAVOB PORTLAND. Ori., March 29. (AP) Produce exchaage, set prices: Batter Extrss 18c, standards 17c, prime firsts lTo. firsts 17e Eggs Fresh extrss 15- 16c, fresh mediums 14-15c. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March 29. AP) Wheat Open High Low Close Ms y, new 50 S 51 Vi 50 614 May. eld 511, 93 514 54 July 63 58 51T4 53 Cash wheat JNo. 1 Big Bond bluesteat 55; dsrk hsrd winter, 12 per cent 57, 11 per cent 03: soft whits, hsrd wlator. 49 H: western white 48 ; western red 47V. Osts No. 3 white $20. Corn Xo. 3 esstern yellow $13.25. Millrnn standard $14.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ors- March 59. (AP) Batter Prints, 98 seore or better SOe pound, standards 19 4 c Eggs racme real try rrosacers teu- lag prices : Fresh extras lOe, standards 15c, msdituns 15c. Ceantry meata SelUog priea ta retail- era : uoeairv-auiea aogs. oess cuteBara. under 150 pennds 6V-ftc; vaalers 80 to 100 noands. 7 Vk -Se : ianse llliws. springs 18-19c; yearlings 6c, heavy owes 4-60, canaer cows x-tte, bulla Mate Ort cob wslneta 15-lSe poaad. peaautt 10s, Braill 13- 14a, almoada 15- lee, taoerto zo-sie, peeaaa sua. Caaeara bark Baytag priea. 1913 aaaL Se peead. Heps Kaauaal, l3Z. .svt-soe. Batterfat LHraet ta shippers: StaUaa. 15s: Partlaad delivery prices, chua- iag cream 15-17e. sweet cream higher. Live poultry Baying price: lleavv Baas, colored, 4 pounds 13e; do medi ums lie; light 10-lle; springs light 14c, beavx 14c; old roosters Se, daeks, Pa- Idas, spring 17c. eld 11-lZe, colore 10c Onions Selliac price ia retailers: Ore- go 51.25-1.85 rental. Yakima Spanish 75 90e cental. Potatoes Local. 85-75e araaga bos: Deschutes Oems 81.88-1.40, aa Bakers 31.50, Yakima ferns 31-1 . Wool 1982 clip, nominal: wtiiamatta valley 13-I5e poand. eastern Oregam lO-lle. Hbt Baring ariea treat prodaeer Alfalfa 813-11.60; elevar 89 ., east- era Oregon timothy glS; eete aad vetch $12.58. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore March 39. (API Cattle Receipt 108, calves 10; gsaeral- ly steady. Steers 550-900 lbs. geod. $5.35-5.40; medium. 4.85-5.25; com oa 8.35-4.13 800-1100 lba- goad. $5-5010; medium, 4.35-5.00: can m 85-4.26; 11OO-1800 lbs., road 4.85-8.18: asediam. 8.25-4.85 heifers S54-TS0 the. rood. 4.50-4.75: common mediam a6O-A.50; 750-900 lbs.. good-ehoiee 4.85-4.85; common med mm. 3.50-4.85; cows, goad, S.5O-4.O0; com-mon-mediaaa, 8.75-8.50; lew cutter and cutter. 1.25-3.75: hulls, yearlings exclad ed, good (beef) 8.75-8.35; etUr-cdinm, 2.00-2.75; veamrs, gooa-cnoica, a.-v-e.au; medium S4.50-s.60; eaii-eemmea fa.au 4.25; calves. 350-500 lba., good -c holes 4.00 5.00; eomaum-mediBm 3.00-4.00. Hoa-s Beeeiata 400: about ateady. Light light 140-1SO lba geed-ehoiee. S.50-4.S5: Mrhtwaight 100-180 lba. 4.25- 4.85; 180-300 lba, 4.35-4.85; medium weight 200-220 lbs, 8.7S-4.SS; 330-350 lbs., 3.50-4.25; heavyweights. 350-390 lba 8.88-4.15: 890-850 lba. 8.25-4: paeklag taws 173-850 lbs., geod. 8.35- 8015 ; 850-425 lbs.. 8.35-3.TS; 435-550 lbs.. 8.25-8.73; 275-590 lbs- medium. 3.75-8.50. Sheep sad lambs Receipts 800; steady ta strong. Lambs, 90 lba, down, rood -choice, BJ5-S.65; common-medium. SO0-5.35; 80' 88 lbs., rood-choice, 8-S.80: yaarHag sreth era, 30-110 lba- geedcaefae. 3-4.14; me dium 3.00-S.OO; ewea, 00-180 laa rood choice. 8.38-8.78; 130-150 taa 1.88-1.50; aU weights, eaauaaa-madiam 1.00-3.00. W1E IS sve III BUTTER IDE PORTLAND, March 2t (AP) The scramble tor baiter coptin tied unabated today. There was 9 strong tone in the trad ea the open market irrespective of what action the produce exchange takes. Recent overthrow of the shipping Interest that controlled the price was received 'with much MiUlm Wm et s-jS aravn alfv Tt 7 - w ".Tt aaa oeen conceava xnat us snair- the Bud" Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-ew pool price, f 1 N per hundred. Soplas 05c. (Milk based ea seml-moethly entterU t arcraga.) Bntterfat Sweet, 17c, soar, 15c. Prints 10 He, robes 174. Prices paid to growers by Balem bayers March .9 ITha Bricaa biw. sbduIioS a a local grocer, are ladlcaUae a! tha daily market 1 bat are Bat gaarsntecd hr The Statasmaa) mOlT AMD VSOSTASkEI Radishes, local, dot. r .30 Potatoes. aw' Florida .08 Asparans .10 te .13 Carrots. CaHL. -rata Oreea peppers, CsliL, Ih. rsas. ueui- ta. Cabbage, lb Osioas. doa. baachaa. Patataea. Yakima He. 1 Local Ssreet aptstoss. crate Lttoee, caul. Osioas. Wslis WalU Labish. ewt. Parselps. kondred Bhaaara, local Calif, lb Celery, Call!.. 4 crate Msxicaa Tomatoes Italiaa Broccoli, lb. Apples Wmesaps, lancy Extra fancr Nowtosras, O grade Paacy Extra fancy 1.35 95 1.00 te 1.25 1.50 to 1.75 ...3.00 to 4.00 .70 2.50 Cauliflower, Calit, crate Rutabagas, hundred O ran res. p.p. Fancy Beet. Calif- dos. Turnips, Calif- crate Spinach, Calif- crate 2.25 .05 Banana. Ib. on stock Hsads .05 H HOPS Top, 1933. Ib. Top. 1931, lb. . .30 .20 EOOS Baying Prices POtXLTBY " Extras .10 . .08 . .04 . .10 . .08 . .08 . .09 . JO .5.00 Standards Old roosters - Colored hens . Medium baas Light seat Bakers Light fryers HEAT Lambs, ton - Hors. top 4.00 .8.75 First cuts Steers 04 to .04 Vt .01 te .02 H ..02 H to .03 .02 te .02 H .05 Cows Heifers Bull Dressed real, top Dressed aogs CO QUAE t AND BAY Wheat, western red - ..- . .34 .54 .18.00 .18.00 .25.00 White. No. 1 Barley, tea. tea - Osts. white, toa Grsx. top. toa Hsy. baytag prises Oats snd vetch, ton 12.00 to 14. PO Alfalfa, valley, 1st cut, -13.00 to 13.00 Kactera Oregoa -lo.so Clorer hay all.OO to 14.00 VfOUli Medians .11 Ooaraa .08. Mohair market Stocks and Bonds lCAKCH 29 (Copyright 1983. 8tsndsrd 8tstUtlcS Co.) STOCK AVSUU-I 50 20 30 80 Iad'la RB's Ofs Total Today 48.4 26.8 W.S 48.3 Previous day 49.S 27.5 87.8 49.3 Week ace 48.9 28.7 66.9 48.8 Yearsrs 57.9 29.0 95.5 60.3 S years era 195.3 141.6 264.8 198.9 High 1933 55.1 30.0 95.8 58.3 Lew 1938 43.8 23.5 66.3 High 1933 , 73.S 39.8 111.0 Law 1933 85.1 18.3 61.8 48.9 73.9 85.0 New 1933 lew. BOND AYEXAQBS 0 30 20 60 lad Is KR's Ut's Total Today Previous day Week age Year ago 8 years sga High 1933 Low 1933 High 1933 Low 1981 60.6 60.6 61.0 66.4 60.8 61.8 60. S 70.8 76.1 76.8 77J 71.9 65.8 66.0 I 66.8 I 72.9 94.5 106.2 66.1 65.7 68.8 87.0 71.8 78.0 83.3 47.4 99.3 100.0 85.1 73.0 75.4 63.6 86J 78.1 70.8 57.5 -era were holding back the local Bploa. tn mnfnrm to what was available at other points, lrrespec tire of home conditions, Market for egg was still af fected by the supplies bought at country points by peddlers who sell such supplies in competition with the legally candled stock of established distributors. Higher buying prices were con tinued In the market for live chickens although there was Quite a fair in crease ef offerings dur ing; the last 24 hours. Light weight hens continue firmest. Slight easiness waa reflected tor eountry killed hogs but the movement waa good, veal tains trifle sluggish at the late price. Spring lamb demand was fully up to offerings. Onion Men Hold Out for $1 Flat PORTLAND, March II (AP With onion growers in the La bish sections holding out for $1 flat and sacks for their best stock, buyers were showing a lack of pep te taking hold. Those seeking the long keeping stock on the w est side were compelled to pay lSe above this figure. 1.75 to 2.00 48 is J)2i J5 .83 .75 to 1.00 1.50 S 75 to 85 .85 85 1.50 ns .05 1.90 8.50 07 te .03 .90 1.40 .50 : .90 UP, WARD Hogs Drop 10 Cents; New Potatoes oc; Lettuce Scarce Hogs dropped 10 cents a hun dred here yesterday to aa even $4 ior me top oners, inner maraeu were steady, Isave In the fruit and vegetable row. Local radishes are offered in fair quantity now, with growers receiving 38 cents a doxen bunch es. Asparagus offerings are more plentiful, with quotations from 10 to 13 cents a' bunch. New potatoes, from Florida, are on the Salem market, with eight Cents a pound quoted. Ittn iu sisnr ant Vitfrior at from $2.7 to $3.25 a crate on the California deal. Turnips are a bit cheaper, as is spinach. Apples are scarcer, and more expensive. Winesaps and Newtowns hold the market trade, with quotations ranging from 10 cents to 11.40 according to: variety atfd condi tion. NEW YORK, March 29 (AP) Stocks bobbed up and down in their current;trading range today. closing lower but above the min- imums of a flulet market. Sales totaled 624,796 shares. American telephone. Case, Har vester, Allied; Chemical, American Can, Santa F, American Tobacco, New York Central, Corn Products, Du Pont, Westinghouse and Sears Roebuck were off around 1 to 2 net, while U. 8. Steel, General Mo tors, Montgomery Ward, General Electric, Chesapeake & Ohio, Bal timore & Ohio, Pennsylvania and Bethlehem lost half a point or so. National Distillers Products ral lied a point, leading a rise for al cohol sharesi Gold mining issues were dull. Sugars eased some what, despite firmness of sugar futures. Labish Onion Men Holding For Even Dollar Mart Now LABISH CENTER, March 29. After considerable discussion the Labish Onion Growers' associa tion director! have set the mini mum price at 1 a hundred. With the minimum still at 8-c Saturday, q.uite a number of car load sales were made at 1 with several growers cleaning ip at that price. Na. 71 Synopsis of Aaaual Statemaat af tha Kiaaeseta Mutual Life Iasuraace Cos, paay at Haint Paid, ia tha Bute of Min nesota, oa the thirty-first day af Decern ber, 1933, ssadd ta tha Iasaraaca Com missioner of thai State ef Oregoa, pursu ant to law: a tAPITAL Amount ef capital stock paid up, Neae. aSCO-tE Total premium income far the yean, $8,084,634.74. " latarest, dividends and rest a reeeived during the year; $1,285,225.51. Income from : other sources received 1 dariag the year; 3516.226.65 DISBURSEMENTS Paid for lessee, endowments, annuities) and surrender Value, 83,469.995.59. Dividends paid te policy-holder during the year, $944.7-4.84. Dividends pail ca capital stork daring the year. None. Commissions and salaries paid during Use year, 8951.941.92. 1 the rear. 310.17.15. Tazee. urea aaa fees paid during I Amount c! nil other e-penditurea. 3S64.692.4S. Total expeadiiurev. 36.37L531.96. AS9KTS Value of res; aetata owaed (market value). $3,431,143.40. Vara af stocks sad beads owned (market or smortiied valae), $11,678,. I m.so. Loan ea martgsge and collateraL etc.. 34.084.975.88. Premium notes aad policy loans, $6 833,468.58. S Cash ia banks aad ea aaad. $78T 553.36. . Ket uncollected, aad deferred premiums, 81.ltLtlt.4I. Interest and rent da aad accrued, $287,790.84. Othar aeeete fast), Kaaa. Tetal sdmitted assets. 838.238,339.81 LIABILTTILS Ket reserve, r 833.854.898.00. Ores claims far lessee unpaid, 8.08 sjo.sa. All ether liabilities. 34.485.256.29. Tatal -abilities, except capital, 318. 048.984.78. Capital paid up. Vane. Surplus evsr . aU liahlUtiae, $1,150. 385 03. i Surplus aa regard peBcy-holdera, 31.358.85543. f Total, 829.290.888.81. busikess ik obeoob roa thb TZAM rasa premiums reeeived daring the year. 854.823.84. Premiams ami dividends raturaad dariag taa year. $6,te.9S. Leasee paid day g Ua yeas, flS,844L. 00. ' Vs. a m? Coarpaay, TW tCsaeaata Vataal Life Iasuraace Ceaapaay. Berne af Prasidaat. T. A. P-llHpe. HasM ef Becratary, OL aV Aadeisea- Btatatary redent attaraey fer sere iea, Cemmlssts-er af Internee By CLIFF STERRETT STOCKS:!, DOWN, il CLOSE LOWER I 1 i 9 I i I i