PAGE EIGHT ' The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thnrsday Morning, Mirch 30, 1933 ta&yiliameffle. League vTJFV JlMfUg. I Mi T7 . leams J: FOUR -DIVISION CIRCUIT FORMS Cubs' Hopes Take Drop as Kiki Cuyler Fractures Leg; Demaree May (Get Position Will Draft Schedule; Play To Start April 16, is Tentative Program Representatives of at least 28 baseball clubs which will bold membership la the four leagues tt the Mid-Willamette Valley Baseball association, will be in Salem tonight for a meeting at 8 o'clock in Anderson's sport goods store. Frank Bash or. who was secre tary ot the association last year, announces that each club should be represented tonight, as offi cers will be elected and drawings will be made for the schedule. A president and secretary of the association will be elected and each division will have a chair man and secretary. The3e ten men will form the board of directors which will eontrol the associa tion and its subsidiary leagues. The playing season will start April 16, it is planned. The present lineup of divisions, Jn which some changes may pos sibly be made tonight, shows eight teams each in the North Marion and Yamhill-Polk divi sions, and six each in the Linn county and South Marion divi sions. The list follows: Linn division Albany Aces, Tangent, Shedd, Halsey, Harris burg, Lebanon. South Marlon division Scio. Jefferson, Stayton. Sublimity, Mill City, Turner or Mehama. North Marlon division Aurora, Hubbard, St. Paul, Lone Elder, Gervals, Mt. Angel, Monitor and possibly Hazel Green. Yamhill-Polk division N e w berg, Dayton, Amity, Bethel. Grand Ronde, Dallas, WIgrlch Ranch, Falls City. LOS ANGELES, March 29 (AP Chicago's chances of re taining the National league pen nant received a severe blow today when Hazen "Klkl" Cuyler, one of the finest outfielders In the senior circuit, suffered a fracture of his right leg la attempting to steal; second base in an exhibition games with Hollywood. The accident happened in the fourth inning of the contest which the cubs won 10 to 8. Klkl hesitated a moment as he ap proached the bag, and then de cided to hit the dirt. He was halt a step too late in his decision, and his foot caught in the bag, giving his leg a sharp twist. He was carried from the field. Examination at the Cedars of Lebanon hospital showed what doctors termed a "continued fracture of the lower end of the fibula," the smaller bone of the leg. They said a section of the bone three inches In length had been severed from the main bone. Charles Grimm, manager of the Cubs, said Cuyler would be out at least eight or 10 week, de pending on how the bone knits together again. It was considered probable, however, that the In jury would, handicap Kiki in his fielding and . base running per haps through the entire season, once he gets back Into the line up The Chicago manager was not prepared to say Just who would take over the center field post. but Frank Demaree, obtained from Sacramento of the Pacific Coast league was considered the logical choice. There also was the possibility that Chicago might call in George "Tuck" Stainback, young Los Angeles outfielder. who was purchased several months ago at a price variously quoted at from $S0,000 to $71,' 000 for 1934 delivery. Cuyler went to the Cuba from Pittsburgh, where differences with Donle Bush, at that time manager of the Pirates, led to his being kept on the bench most of one season. He became a rex gular with the Cubs, and hit .291 last season and fielded .968 al though a broken bone In his right foot kept him out of the lineup until July. n SCHEDULE in HEED Ml OVER K GORMAN PORTLAND, Ore., March 29 Robin Reed of Reedsport, Ore., defeated Jack Gorman of Dallas, Texas, two falls out of three Jn the main event of tonight's wrest ling matches here. Reed weigh ed 144, a pound less than Gor man. Reed took the first fall in 17 minutes with a "Farmer Burns' handcuff" hold. The Texan won the second fall in 9 minutes with a body scissors, but lost the match when Reed executed the final fall In four minutes with a backward body slam. Henry Jones, 147, Provo, Utah, won the seml-wlndup when Bobby Novak, 148, Cleveland, was un able to return after Jones took one fall. v Wildcat Pete. 158, Eugene. Ore., defeated Wildcat Grey. 156, vnaaron, iNeu., taxing on tail in the opener. j SILVERTON, March 29 The Willamette Valley Interscholastic League has announced its 1934 basketball schedule as follows: Jan. 5 SHverton at Woodburn, Molalla at West Linn; Jan. 12 West Linn at Silverton, Wood burn at Lebanon; Jan. 16 'Mol alla at Woodburn, Silverton at Lebanon; Jan. 19 Woodburn at West Linn, Lebanon at Molalla. Jan. 26 Molalla at Silverton, West Linn at Lebanon; Jan. 30 Silverton at Molalla, Lebanon at West Linn; Feb. 2, Molalla at Lebanon, West - Linn at Wood burn; Feb. 6 Woodburn at JVIol alla. Lebanon at Silverton: Feb. 9 Silverton at West Linn, Leb anon at Woodburn; Feb. 16 West Linn at Molalla, Woodburn at Silverton. Technocrats Win Way Into Finals The Little Shots were defeated by the Technocrats in the last semi-final game In the second an nuat basketball tournament at Parrish Wednesday noon, 13 to 7. Hoffert of the Technocrats was high scorer with seven points. Summary: Little Shots Technocrats Harvey 4 F 6 Hoffert Beall 2.......F 2 Dedman Grlnnell C 3 Bishop Serdotz 1 G Brown Hagedorn . ...G 3 Damon Referee, Frank Brown. Parker's Fetes Hoop Team That Won Two Titles Complimenting the firm's bas ketball team which won both the city and Mid-Willamette Val ley Basketball association cham pionships, Cliff Parker of Par ker's sport goods store was host at a banquet celebrating the sea son's success Wednesday night at the Spa. Guests Invited were Glen Nash Scotty Marr, Truxton Foreman Mel Flake, Hugh Ward, Jim Burrell, Magee and Ralph Nel son, members of the squad, in ad dition to Phil Bell et Parker' sales staff, and sport writers. III. BASEBALL TnwiK AIM I UUULIIU UUUI I3C jesia r fc.ur a " 7 n i nrm- C0SvMENS Weather Keeps Them Inside Gym With First Game Ten Days Away Spring football will be "de-em phasized" completely at Willam ette university this year. It was decided Wednesday. Although a number of ardent gridmen want ed to turn out, a survey disclosed that too many of next year's can didates are working, studying ex tensively, or planning to concen trate on baseball or track. Some of the boys will kick and pass a football around, but there will be no organised practice. The baseball season opens in less than two weeks, with a game at Monmouth against Oregon Nor mal April 11; and so far the Bear cat squad has not been able to do any work outdoors. However, Coach "Spec" Keene plans to seize every opportunity, and meanwhile he Is working with an extensive but inexperienced pitching staff la the gymnasium. Departure of Andy Peterson left a big gap to fill, and no other twirlers from last year's team will be available unless Fred Paul finds time to turn out. Candidates now working out are Rex Pemberton from Dallas, Don Burch from Silverton, Bill Moy from Tangent who is also a catcher; Ed Tweed who did a lit tle pitching two years ago, Gor don Williams and Francis Ely. veterans from the 1932 team which defeated Oregon State, among other accomplishments, in clude Emmett McCann and Bob Houck, catchers; Lowell Gribble, third baseman; Clay Eggleston, first sacker who may don the mask this year; Walt Erickson, Gus Moore and Walt Commons, outfielders. Jobs on both sides of second base are among those prominently vacant, to add to the uncertainty growing out of the absence of any tried and tested hurlers. One or two games with the pen itentiary team may be played be fore April 11, if weather permits, Coach Keene stated Wednesday. WW TOPIC ADDRESS Discharging prisoners from the Texas penal system In 1933 cost more than $100,000 $50 cash to each man, plus a suit of clothes and a pair of shoes. How Long Will Jack Last? By BURNLEY- Brush Creekers Open Baseball Sunday, Maybe . BRUSH CREEK, March 29. Baseball is coming Into promi nence in this district and the past two Sundays have seen a group from the local commun ity slinging balls and bats about the school grounds. If weather permits Brush Creek may play an unofficial game with Central Howell at the latter's field Sunday. No. ei Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Tidelity Mutual Life Insurance ComDanr f PhiladelDhia. in the State of PnnniTl- I vania, on toe tnirty-rint day of utrem er, 1932, mad to the Insurance Com-' nussiooer of the State of Oregon, pur suant to Uw: CAPITAL capital itock paid up. Amount Done. of Most HEAW CHAMPS HAVE Lost the Title BEFORE THE AGE OF 32 -DEMPSEy AMDv CORBETT WERE 31 -WHEN THEy lost the title -JEFF WAS 3l WHEN HE RE-i Tired -tumne uas 30--burms was 29 whem he ere. INCOME m income for the year. received Total premin S13.W39.7S7.87. Interest, diridenda and rents received urine the year, $4,723,167.77. Income from other sources daring the year. 11,470.103.3. Total income, $20,133,008.98. DISBURSEMENTS - Paid for losses, endowments, annuities nd aurrender values. $11,768,494.08. K (Hvidendc paid te policy-holders during the year, $3,051,227.90. Dividends paid on capital stock daring tie year, None. Commissions and salaries paid during the year. $2,001,212.51. Taxes, licensee and foot paid during I tee year, a t 4,vs.93. i Amount of all other expenditures, i 11,947.181.53. i ; ASSETS ! Vara of real estate . owned (market i value), $7,839,880.14. Baaie of Valuation: Bonds, Amortised; Stocks, CommisaionersL Valaa of stocks and bonds owned (market or amortised value), $29,170, $58.$$. Loans aa mortgages, $$5,089,780.9$. Presainm notes and policy loans, $22, 98,851.58. Cask la banks and on hand, $791,114.-15. - Net uncollected and deferred presala . ate., $2,058.14.74. Interest and rent due a ad a earned. f 1,B)10,I31.V4. Other assets (met), Kone. Total admitted assets, e.754,44$.4$. - LIABILITIES Xet reserves, $79,111,025.00. Gross claima fer losses unpaid, $580, S0.TS. , - All Va W.VftUUa tifmts Special eoaUngent reserve, SOO,00.0. : 90. . r Total UsnUitien, easept capital, $98,- e44.87S.64. Oaaital said M. Keae. Surplus aver all liabilities. S5.T10.OTt.- 1. - 8vrpra aa regard polley-holdera, $5, T10,07S.$1. .-- - Total, $98,754,449.45. BuaojEga is o&eckmt to the - Oroaa premiama received daring : the year. $9T,888.08. I Dividend rotnraed daring tax yaar, zH,iso.eo. Lottos paid during ib yaar, $21,90$. 10. . . i . i ... Name f Companr, Tba Tielity Xn ; tnal Life Inruraeeo CompaTiy. " : Kama ot President, Walter Leltar TaV - Mama of Secretary. 8. W. TalL Statutory resident attorney for ' See, T.. J. MendeaaaH. 1010-1011 Sti j4Zs, "S5kv j ? stA MuTiA WE1RE VOUMS AMOT Fcatmca SyAata. tau Crcnt Bntata) tigbn icawvcell SHARKS S. 3 1 YEARS old show: KEEP, THE TITLE)? Bank Bldg Amari- rerUaad, Ocgoa . , l 1931 Kit IT takes youtk, ambition, aager avess, lovs of the game and 'a lot of other things' to mako a great heaTTwtigiit fight champion. It takes all of that, and more, to mako a popular champion. And rvarythlnx . jt takes, it seems, de pends on- a youthful spirit. How Ions; can a fighter preserv that all- tmportaat youthf ulnesst ' Tho arerag man is young at 32; bat tho avorage fighter, and tho bet ter than averag fighter, Is not a young' man at 32. This Is especially , true of a man who has won bis way to championship. Have no doubt, tho game' wears down tho best of saen physically and mentally. It tends probabl deator. to ago aim mora racidlT. ly. than any other sports am CoaMn4na JauV fiVTWv m have a champion who is far from popular. Ho always has been tem peramental, and in a way that has not endeared him to fight experts or ugnv no is tougn and cold in bis dealings, and there is little in his personality that might catch the imagination of the sports fan. now ne zaces we Deckoninjf. fin ger of Old Man Time. He is 81, and that Twnrr? show tliat mnrf weight champions have lost their aVSAl-. a n) ai m . uues or re urea Bexore xm age oz 8. It 1am BMm mm it 1 & MnU t. nlrrminfl' from kia shimUM. m-r,A one of the young? contenders does not snatch it from him, he prob ably will let it go of his own accord. Regular air mail, passenger and air express service has been re sumed between Mexico City and El Paso, Tex. to come and get me I wont be here long." Well, there are ndldatea. If whan be meets Camera tnls mexe ne prooaory wiu tag on the winner of the Sdunelmg-Baer fight. AosjT xa st cnaacw use ne may gam a measure of popularity if he ac tually wins both, of these eneoun- cexa. -: uai u cnanees are even gTeater that, win or lose, he will re tire after this summer. una place where yon east pull tht WrVU am tJut arM ttf TWa Cm U the fight ring. You may be able to "Vt"'W(i su jot j tut oant want to. ToB'rai tfraxf. een'raMaia nmM wealthy enough to quit. And so H r1at,a.m Gsess all onr theories about what wreaitling fans ought to demand and patronize will have to take a back seat: we know now for sure what they do de mand and plank down the cash to see. Of coarse there was some wreatling at the armory Tues day night, bat you can,t tell me that was what drew the mob; they went there hoping to see Bulldog Jackson do something wilder than ho had done the week before. The Bulldog didn't, because Robin Reed kept him too busy; but with Reed's able assistance, tho crowd was kept in feverish condition quite satisfactorily, and then there was, of course, that great climax about which the fans are still debating. Did Reed, or did he not, smack the Bulldog with a chair? Personally we like our drama in the theatre excuse it please, if we have said that before. In addition to the other woes of the sport writer we mentioned recently, and which drew ap preciative response from the two examples we mentioned, there is the difficulty of writing a column year in and yeavr out, and trying to avoid repetition. Even a minister has to talk only two or three times a week, and they move to a new flock occa sionally. Getting hack to drama In sports of course that is what the fans always hope to see; they wouldn't, whether they realize is or not, at tend baseball, basketball, football or any other type ot contest un less they expected something dra matic. Home runs, long shots that win in the closing seconds, long runs and passes for touchdown! you can't get a crowd unless there's a promise of some of those thrills. But we won't have to enlarge on that remark about drama in the theatre. You get the idea. ' Bat we will no longer try to tell anybody what he ought to like In the way of sport. Once upon a time we were called as a Juror in a suit involving the merits of a Chautauqua pro gram. Under searching inquiry, we qualified with flying colors. finally the attorney for the Chautauqua people staked If we know of any reason why we would mot be a fair Juror. There upon we broke down and con fessed we had seem the shows In question. Excused for came. Granting at the outset that we know nothing about financing a school district, and the difficulties thereof when taxpayers fall to fay taxes, we must maintain, without any intention to become argumen tative, that it is a unique situa tion when an athletic coach is sug gested for removal, within little more than a week after he has won a championship; especially a championship nobody thought he could win with the Inexperienced material at hand. Collins Awaits Permit to Join Race Commission PORTLAND, Ore., March 29 (AP) Henry W. Collins of Pen dleton stated here today that he has requested permission from the headquarters office of the I Farmers National Grain coroora- Ition at Chicago, ot which he is vice president and western man ager, to accent appointment on the new Oregon racing commis sion. Collins today Informed Gover- No. SO Synopsis of Aanoal Statement of tbe Ifatoal Life Insurance Company of Cai eago, la tba 8tato of Illinois, oa the tWrtj-firit day of December, 1932, made to the Insurance Commissioner of tho State of Oregon, pnrsnant to law: CAPITAL Amonnt of aairital stock nsid at). MatuoJ. IN COME Total premium income for tba year. S5.S8M5S.91. Interest, divideads and rents reaaivod daring tba year, $1,$00,$53.28. Ineoms from, ether aonrees received during tba year, $578,184.12. Total income, T,48s, DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender valnea, 88,759,165.89. Dividend paid to policy-holders duriar the yaar, $892,188.10. Dividends paid on capital Itoek during tba year, Kouav Commissions and salaries said durint the va. $79SS.$4. mil, ueeuees aaa ises paia unag ! tho year. $19,868.42. amount ot all other expenditure, $162.428.01. Total expenditures, $0,49,t64.SI. ASSETS Yalua of real aetata owned (snarket value). $2,512,498.00. Basis of valuation: vonon, Amortiiea value; Stocks, none. Yarns of bonds owned (amortised val ue), $9,809,478.75. Jjeaaa on naortgngea, av,as,aj.S. i Premium aotea and policy loans, $7, $57,745.19. Cash i bank and aa band, $568,-5$$. na Wet uneolloeUd sad deferred premium, $917,150.81. In teres t and resits die and accrued. $629,217.20. Other assets last), V40,B2S.v; TeUl admitted assets, $81,614,491.01. LIABILITIES Set reserves, $20,759,668.00. Gross alaima for loaaes unpaid. $154.- 019.89. All other liabilities. $$.507,262.1$. Total HsblllUes. azoept oapitaL $80, 420.945.05. capital paid up. Mutual. Surplus over all liabilities. $L09I. 545.98. Surplus aa re cards eQsv-beMera. $1. 098,545.98. Total, 181,814,491.08. BUSUfisS IS OBEGOJT tOS THX YXAR - ' Grass preminm reoeired during tba yaar. $47,554.55. , rTUeniuans sua dividends ratnxnod Carina tba veer. $TJ74.$0. Leases staid dnrinaf tba vaar. 811.799.- Vasna mt Cmmst. Vatnal Trari Ufa Iasnraaee Compear. ' iasa oi rreeMleat, m, JL. Ulsan. r : lama a Soaretary, I. L. Orimoa. -StatutarV : real deal atteraav 1mm aarT ilat, lasurnase Commtsiionar. Mary Lw Fulkerson, Marion county school superintendent, last night addressed a meeting ot ap proximately 71 members of the Education Promotion association at Salem high school concerning the new state law creating a special board for non-union high school districts. The entire even ing was devited to discussion of the new law, which becomes ef fective next June. Five directors will be elected June It -by the non-union dis tricts, which as a body will be divided into five districts for re presentation on the board. The duties ot this board will be to contract with school districts having standard high schools to take pupils from non-high school districts at a specified cost per pupil. The board also may con tract tor transportation ot pupils. It will then levy a tax on the non-high school districts to pay for this tuition and transporta tion. L CLUBS W1L L HOLD COU SOON - r . Training Camp Chaffer WOODLAND. Cel., March 29. (AP) Bud Hafey slammed out two homers here today to help give the San Francisco Missions a 13-to-g victory over Portland in the first of two training season contests. Hafey got three hits In four trips to the plate, two of .them ror the full distance. Oscar Eck hardt also boosted the Missions' average, getting three for four, one a double. The Missions piled up 10 runs in the first two Innings, to coast to victory. - Portland 8 1J 3 Missions IS 13 3 Gibson, Radon its and Palmi- bsbo; Cole, Bablch and Fltzpat-rick. SANTA BARBARA, March 29. (AP) Pie Traynor, Pittsburgh third baseman, hammered out a grand prizes banners. Cash awards are announced for only two of the series of contests, with $5 to be given for county winners in each of two divisions of community his tory writing. One division gives the award on basis of historical accuracy; the other on minor at tention to historical fact and em phasis on English competition. i homer and a single? in three times up today to drive In four of the rups which beat Seattle to 3 in the second of their jtwo exhibition games here. The Indians won from the Pirates yesterday. The Pirates touched Phil Page, Seattle Hurler, fordo hits ior an easy victory. They left tonight for Los Angeles whereUhey play the Chicago Cubs, National league champions, in a series before leav ing for the east. The Seattle club will remain here to finish out its spring training work. R H E Seattle ....3 10 2 PitUburgh .. 10 0 Page and Cox; Kremer, Swift and Finney, Paddeh. NEW ORLEANS, March 21. (AP) "Bote" Berger, rookie In dian lnfielder, connected tor a home run in the sixth inning and came back in the ninth tor a single which drove Jn the winning run today as Cleveland defeated the New Orleans Pelicans S to 4. 1KLE IS HIED Two contests in which Marion county rural clubs will compete are scheduled for Wednesday. April 26, when choruses or glee olubs and orchestras will vie to determine championship of the county. The Salem school board this week permitted the Marion County Federated Community Clubs, which is sponsoring the contests, to use the high school auditorium for the April 26 events. Winners in the two contests for the county will appear on a non competitive program to be given at a later date at the Elsinore the atre here. These competitions are two of a series arranged this year by the federated clubs. Both carry as IT ON MEDAL nor Julius L. Meier that he would probably have -to wait until Sat urday to receive an answer to his request, before he could accept or reject the appointment. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 29. (AP) Defeating the Bisons of Buffalo 11 to 6 today, the St. Louis BrOwns made it three victories to cine for Buffalo in their series. One of the coveted Purple Heart medals awarded by the U. S. gov ernment for meriforius service in the world war was received yes terday by Grover C. HInkle, 59 5 South 15th street. Mr. Hinkle served 14 months at the front, and was gassed three times, and because of these ex periences is able to work only a portion of the time. He is a mem ber of the Disabled Veterans here. Hinkle, a Monmoath boy, en listed with a group from Dallas when this country first entered the war. In France he served with the 167th infantry, company E. He also served in the Mexican bor der trouble prior to the world war. The Statesman was Informed of receipt of the Purple Heart rec ognition by members of Hinkle's family, as he did not learn of it until he returned last night from a day's work in the woods. 'i BRADESTON, Fla., March 29. (AP) With! the Cardinals using their regular lineup for the first time this season, the Boston Braves piled up 13 runs to 3 for the Redbirda in -an exhibition game today. Half of the Braves' runs were made off Dazzy Vance in the fourth inning. OAKLAND, CaU March 29. (AP) With EvarjSwanson, out fielder, running wild on the bases, Chicago's White Sox scored their second straight win over Oakland, I 8 to 3, today in an exhibition game. Score: ; R H E Chicago i...8 12 1 Oakland i...3 8 3 Gaston, FTasler and Berry; Phebus. Gabler, Horner and Velt-man. 29. LOS ANGELES,' March (AP) Scort: j R H a Chicago (NL) 10 14 1 Hollywood (PCL) J.. 8 10 3 Malone, Root arid Hartnett. Z. Taylor; Donohue, Page and Pat terson, Bassler. Shades of McGraw -By BURPOJEY For the first time in 30 VEARS THE GIAMT5 ARE GETTIMQ RfeADy TO START THE SEASON WITHOUT MCGRAW TEZ Quickest way to find the soun try's most earnest pessi mists is to speak loudly the menkkor of some baaebaDer who haa lost taken ever a team and prom ised to reorganise that team and brinx it up from the cellar. For in stance, mention the name of Bill Tarry, who is trying to do Just that with the Giants. The gloomy Gus taves with their brsjubeand ham mers have raised! a powerful echo concerning Terry's chances of snc- Ttue skaaafmfnta are nnsetralar nowadays, and there are none in- miA. tV. Afervrfc atfiMmnmaYnt. Trne. Mr. Terry aa lost coma weight mora tnan seven wnaamam win bean from exercise and not from ... mm few mm. wa anvruv. Ton t has set about his task in a business like manner, and is doing all he can f a It. m r3mmr Yorker frrarfl slot number seven, where they finished last year. : rt will I sums tfaaa before the nam mt lcCraw will cease to be mentioned prominently whenever the team is discussed. Terry's every wITl Kb mhmAawrmS hw same similar or txrtallyihriflar strat egy of the great Napoleon. life is like that, be it in the boxes or in! the bleachers. The Giants are new they are different this year, as our adver tising cousin might say. They even hare new uniforms -dark blue sweatshirt and a color schema of gold, if yon care to know. Terry determined early that none but players who would stand four square behind him would be in the lineup. Hence, criticism to the con trary notwithstanding, he disposed of men like Walker, Mooney, Lind- strom and Hoean. What the Giants will need this year more than anything else is first class pitching. Terry intends, he says, to piece us oruns ox ui mound work on Parmelee and Schu macher. Much faith is placed in Starr, whom Terry got from the Cardinals, and he also has Shores, who did nice work in the Coast League, and Spencer, whom Terry eonaiders a better Ditcher than his work with the Pirates showed. Then there are Herman Bell and Luque, for relief, and the old standbys, Hubbell and Fitxaimmons. Among the new members of the team are James and PeeL both heavr kitten from the Texas League; George Davies, former Philliea player, who averaged more than .500 with the stkk, and Ryan, a snortstop woo turned in some sen sational work for the Buffalo Inter nationals last year. And there are many more who have: vet to prove uemseiTes wormy ox toe new man- an aunan anau aatja AAmmjm. 4V4 s in awwaaysaaa j Terry has proclaimed to all and sundry that the new Giants win be a clever aggregation. Lots of base- steaung ana smart 'play. well, that's nice; and foretells a colorful shewing by the Giants. What is more essential, perhaps, is the abil ity to ret to first base, an accom plishment commonly 'achieved by safe hitting, in . carry practice games the Giants were woefully lacking in that branch of the indus try. But we are not the one to slip into the ranks of the pessimists. Not us. We dip our fandom's spotlight to Bill Terry's f ertkright manner and do-or-die spirit. -We cant help peering back over our shoulder at the Greatest-of-'em-avll, McGraw. And we hope that the fans will give Terry a hand. He has a lot to live up to, and a long way to go. 1888.1 i i i I -i