Th; OREGON STATESMAN, SaWm, Oregon. Thursday Morning, March SO, 1S33 fAU12 SLX. Ik'- P. ' ' f ; Sofciety : Farewell Dinner is .Compliment to Matron .'Jtfra. Mildred Waters, who Is t:avln shortly to make her home it California after seTeral years i.pent in the motor rehicie depart- l-vent of the secreury of state's office, was the inspiration for a v alarming dinner party Tuesday might at the Bohemian. Gayiy 'toned place cards suggestire of Rprlnfr marked corers for SI peo ple. Bowls arranged with daffo dils and fern and green and yel low tapers completed a lovely table decoration. At the close of dinner amid ex pressions of appreciations from : her feltaw staff members, Mrs. Waters was presented with a fare well token from the department. Present were Mrs. Waters, guest of honor and Miss Alene Phillips. Miss Audra Wlnship, Miss Viola Lottia, Miss Ruth Cole. Miss ViTian Leffingwell. Miss Do rath Manning, Miss Velna Gil liam, Miss Mardette Heenan, Miss Lena Cherrington, Miss Wilma Giese, Miss Trances Feller, Miss Elaine Steingrube. Miss Elisabeth Schotthofer, Miss Lena Cox, Miss Uasel Harper, Miss Pauline Eyer ly, Miss Bernlce Humphreys. Miss Esther Erickson, MIbs Velma Rp minger. Miss Cleo Walker, Miss Marguerite Crossen, Miss Ruby Weiderkehr. Miss Edith Libby. Miss Cora Randle, Miss Viola Mo- riarty. Miss Leolyn Barnett, Mlssj Irene uraaiora, mjs snjru dui- fhardt, Miss Rosena Kerber, Miss Dorothy Bjork. Mlss Mildred Mul- l:ey, Miss Rose Peterson, Miss Uuda Quartme, Miss Grace Quack- rnbush, Miss Hester Hlllpot, Miss -Kathryn Reinhart, Miss Louise " Bryan, Miss LaVern Kantner, :Jlss Cora Talklagton, Miss Cora fhrapp, Miss Mary Chadwick, Mrs. Lila Bier, Mrs. Ruth Mont- p -.ornery, Mrs. Charlotte Fake. Mrs. Martha Bergman, Mrs. Sam Burk- .iart, Mrs. Lily Vaughn, Mrs. Lot- l"3 Robbins. Mrs. May Moores and T rs. M. G. Klttredge. Cards and Jigsaw Evening Arranged Members of the student body (.1 Capital Business college will eatertain this evening with a card ?d jigsaw social evening in the r.uditorium of the college. Spring (lowers are being used for a dec- ratlve note for the guest room r nd will also be used for the serv ice tattle. General arrangements are in charge of H. H. Clement, presi dent of the student body. He is being assisted by a committee on arrangements. Miss Mildred Kiss ling, John H. Farrar, Miss Jean Woodard, H. A. Leeper and J. Richard Renttro; entertainment, Miss Colene Mennis, Mrs. Ruth Norris, Paul Forrette; refresh ments. Miss Winifred Rowland, Miss Mabel Jacobsen, Miss Mar r caret Marsland, Miss Helen Hol ' ford and Harry Erickson. 1 t Nancy Thielsen Will t Direct Broadcast Miss Nancy Thielsen of Salem will direct the Albany college "Polyphonic choir in its third radio concert at 11:30 o'clock Saturday v over station KOIN. This concert is . one of the six college concerts sponsored by the Portland Coun- ell of Churches during Lent. , ij Numbers will include Cherubim - Song (Bortnyanski), Hymn to the -.Trinity (Gretchaninotf), Gallia ' .'(Gounod), Victory (Alsatian Eas ter . carol arranged by Harvey iGaul), Christ is Risen (Kapoly- ' off). Legend (Tehaikovski) ; Mor ning Hymn (Henschel). ..":' , i' Lincoln. An interesting' affair of Sunday was the joint birthday dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Heyden of Salem in honor of Mr. Heyden, whose birth day was 28, his two daughters, . Mrs. H. J. Neiger of Lincoln and Mrs. Paul Fuhrer of Salem, whose birthdays were March 27 and 23, - -and a granddaughter, Miss Helen i Neiger of Lincoln; whose birthday ,was March 22. pi ? Today nn b ? :r only t oY ri ( 10 A. M. to SJJ (1 V ; 4 p.m. u u v ; FkSKE $2.00 Value ir:I .cJM5; Free m . if Re-4aforeed I i Freach Jleel; I ' Cradle Sole, I i, I 800 Needle I . 4 ;. 'II ' ' ' News a OLIVE M. DoAX, Skinner-Bennett Nuptials Pretty Ceremony at Independence Home Odd Fellows- and Rebekaha at Jefferson are Jointly Feted; old Timers Gather Independence. Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner, was united in marriage to Dr. Iran Bennett, son of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Bennett of Lebanon, at the home of the bride's parents, Sunday at 2 o'clock. Miss Ruth Bedford of Salem played a piano solo, after which she accompanied Mrs. M. J. But ler, who sang, "Beloved, It Is Morn." Miss Bedford played the wedding march. The bride entered on the arm of her father, to meet the groom before an improvised altar -in a double bay window - gorgeously decked with huckleberry green, yellow forsythla and daffodils, and at each end were plaeed tall can delabra which burned yellow ta pers. Here the couple were pro nounced man and wife in an im pressive ceremony read by the groom's father, Rev. Charles Ben nett. The bride was charmingly dress ed in a gray traveling suit, trim med with gray fur, and carried black accessories. A reception followed the cere mony, and in tne dining room, which was attractively decorated in white and yellow, a luncheon was served. At the table on which were tall yellow tapers and a cen terpiece of plum blossoms, Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. O. D. Butler and Mrs. J. W. Smith poured, and Miss Eleanor Calbreath, Miss Doris Krieg, Mrs. Wayne Mack, Mrs. El sie Bolt, Mrs. Ivan DeArmond, Mrs. M. B. Butler and Mrs. Clar ence Harwood served. Guests included Rev. and Mrs. Charles Bennett of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Suver. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mack. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith of Suver, Mr. and Mrs. Clareuce Harwood, Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Butler, Dr. and Mrs. George Knott, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wal ker, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tallent of Cor- vailis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cra ven. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Mix, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan DeArmond of Suver, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mort, Mrs. Frederick Krief?. Mrs. O. D. But- , Mrs. Doris ' Riddell of Mon- mouth, Mrs. Elsie Bolt, Miss Dor is Krieg, Miss Eleanor Calbreath, Miss Ruth Bedford of Salem, Miss Dora Hall of Monmouth, Miss Nel lie Dale Sneed of Marshfield, little Alice Elaine Smith and Gae Payne, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Skinner. The young couple left shortly after the reception for a wedding trip to Portland. They will reside here at the corner of C and Second streets. Waldo Hills. Mrs. Edson Com' stock had invited members of the Silverton Methodist choir to her home Monday night for a practice and social hour, so great was the surprise of Fred Baker when the party proved to be a surprise for him and his wife on their 13th wedding anniversary. J. B. Alfred in behalf of the choir presented the honor guests with a large, lovely pewter pitcher. Mr. Baker is director of the M E. church concert orchestra. Independence The Sigma The- ta chapter of Delphians met at the home of Mrs. A. B. Robinson Monday to study French opera. with Mrs. R. D. Elliott directing the entire lesson. Mrs. R. D. Elli ott and Mrs. E. M. Wunder played a piano duet; Mrs. Elliott played a piano solo; Mrs. Robinson show ed several pictures of main scenes from operas, and Mrs. Hoag told of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln as told her by an eye wit ness of the tragedy. Woodburn. The St. Paul's Episcopal Guild met at the home of Mrs. John Nolan Tuesday af ternoon, March 28, Mrs. H. L. Gill, president, presiding. Mrs. Frank Wolfe had charge of the devotional. The hostess was as sisted by the Misses Carol and Ro ma Kallak. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. M. Austin April 11. Special Advertising Sale OJltfS Preaent this advertisement and 99 cents and receive one $1.00 box of May Qneea Face Powder, one 1.00 bottle May Queen Exquisite Perfume, a $2.00 Genuine Rock Crystal Necklace strung on silrer-flnlsh chain and TWO PAIRS of LADIES' 8O0 needle chiffon $1.00 HOSE. Remember, yon get 2 PAIRS f hosiery. If yon cannot come, send someone to onr store Thursday and leave 9c and your set will be laid aside. You Pay Only Present This Ad POSITIVELY SO SETS SOLD AFTER CLOSE OF SALE SHOULD ORDINARILY SELL FOR $6.00 Opera House Phasrnaacy Court and High Streets ' . Special Advertising nd Club Society Editor Woodburn. Mrs. Frank Aicher entertained with a birthday din ner Sunday for Joseph Aicher, who celebrated his 70th birthday. Cov en were placed for Mr. and. Mrs. William Harts and family of Scio, Mrs. Augusta Nlerring, Sr., of Portland, Joseph Theis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aicher, and the guest of honor, Joseph Aicher. In the afternoon about 60 friends gathered and the time was spent at cards and later lunch was served by Mrs. Aicher, assisted by Mrs. Fred Reiner, Jr., Mrs. Arista Nendel, Mrs. Fred Eder, Mrs Frank Addelman, Mrs. Sebastian Aicher, Miaa Clara Eder and Miss Cecilia Prantl. Woodburn A Urge attendance was present at the silver tea given by the women of the Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday after noon as a benefit for the Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. G. H. Alden of Salem told of her trip to the orient and exhibited many curioa and costumes. Peter Larson sang a solo, accompanied by Miss Nelma Saylor, and Miss Marybelle Adams gave two piano numbers, one com posed by her grandmother, Mrs. Carrie B. Adams of Portland. Mrs. Florence Goulet and Mrs. Carrie Young presided at the tea urns and Miss Beatrice Brown and Miss Lois Swissler assisted with serving. Turner. Victoria chapter No. 76, Order of Eastern Star of Tur ner, was hostess Wednesday for a hard times party and dance in the Masonic temple in compliment to members of Acacia chapter of Stayton. Special guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peebles, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stelner, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, James Erwin and Baxter Fletcher. Spe cial program numbers were given by Marjorle and Dorothy Tucker, Bobby Jones, Jessie Jones and Mary Kelly. A kitchen shower was observed in honor of Mrs. Jessie Jones whose home was recently destroyed by fire. Jefferson Members of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges en joyed a party Saturday night in the lodge rooms. A short program included numbers by the Ren Ash- ford family orchestra; songs by Bertha Dillon and Maude Durfee; piano solo, Beverly Wells, and a reading by Russell Miller. Brush College. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Himmel were hosts at an all-day meeting of the "Jolly Old Timers club" at their rural. home here Sunday. A special feature was the potluck dinner served at noon. . . . . All members of the Past Ma trons club are requested to be at the home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey by 7:30 o'clock Friday night. It is especially important that dinner be served at that hour. The host ess committee included Mrs. M. C Petteys, Mrs. Rose Pratt, Mrs. Rose Babcock and Mrs. Monnie Hauser. EASTER special Permanent WAVE (5 Genuine Supplies.' guaranteed OREGON SCHOOL BEAUTY CULTURE "OVER I. W. "DOC" LEWIS DRCG STORE" Pkone 6800 21 -V Liberty Today Only 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. TWO PAIRS OF CHIFFON HOSE PERFECT QUALITY FRENCH HEEL $2.00 Genuine Rock Crystal Necklace Strung on Silver-Finish non-tarnishinj? Chain. For All Five Article Mail Orders Add 10c LIMIT - - To Each - c Customer Sale - g Affairs Music Contest April 15 W. Tha committee , on - arrange ments for tha music contest which la scheduled for April IS at tha chamber of commerce rooms be ginning at 7 o'clock urge . all teachers of music to enter stu dents at once. The last data for such entry will ba April 1. Tha blanks may b procured from El ma Waller, head of tha committee. This la a new departure in the musical life of Salem which la be ing sponsored by the Salem Music Teachers association and in which any teacher of Salem may enter students, whether or not they are association members. The purpose Is to give an imme diate objective to the student; to stimulate aa artistic attainment through competition, and to give the atudeot an opportunity to eval uate himself by contrast la com petition. , . v Much enthusiastic Interest Is being demonstrated. The program will include ' piano solo work, hymn playing, violin and voice work. North Salem W. C. T. U. Is much interested In the silver med al contest which it is sponsoring Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In the Englewood United Brethren church at 17th and Nebraska streets. Those who have entered the contest Include Mrs. Charles Fessenden, Mrs. Lena Lisle, Mrs. Ruth Toose, Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs. Lydla Lehman and Mrs. L. D. Waterman. A program of readings and music will intersperse the contest. LIVING Kl SINOR j.:::vy ....... -v.-.-.v.-.- :-:jtt-:.'-Vu v.-.-.v, vO. . ' v i - 1 1 I' K us . MILLER'S WILL OFFER THE MOST DELIGHTFUL FASHIONS OF THE SEASON TONIGHT AT THE SHOW ! FASHIONS TO SUIT EVERY WHIM OR FANCY - - SPORTSWEAR, AFTERNOON, EVENING in all the Sparkle and Dash of a Glorious Season fi-r-ivmiLiR's i&cinitireiub Haa- 'Nationwide Banquet The annual observation of the hers of tha Enctaitis clan was ob served Tuesday sight at tha Mar ion hotel. Tha table appointments Indi cated tha scope of Interests dis cussed with the arrangement of small atlas alternated with spring flowers aa a central decorative aote. ' The address of the evening was presented by C. .A. Sprague who outlined la interesting manner the rise of women In the baslnesa world. program of musie and dancing added to the enjoyment of the evening, the numbers pre sented by Pauline Zoe Chambers, Eugene Sewell, dancers, and Mar tha Floor, Mrs. Darlow Johnson, Priacllia Melslnger and Albert Garrett, musical numbers! Mrs. Agnes Emmel acted as toast mis tress. Covers were placed for about 40 members and guests. Guests included Effie Grimee, Margaret Townsend, Beth Nowland. Mrs. F. L. Utter, Aaona Welch, Eli sabeth Gallaher, Thelma Young. Mabel Eastridge, Mrs. Darlow Johnson, and Mrs. Priscilla Mels rnger. Noted Speaker Will Talk on World Peace Noted national -lecturer, Fred erick Libby, will be presented to night at the First Methodist church by the National Council for Prevention of War committee of Salem, at 7:30 o'clock. This meeting is open to the public. His talk is expected to be much more than ordinarily interesting because since his last visit in Sa lem he has attended the Geneva peace conference sessions and has made a more extensive study of the present world peace problems. MODEL FASHldN REVUE AT F THK.A 7 14 ON .v.v. vjy.w.v v vlNV ... ?f - ' r fit-'' SALEM'S LEADING . - SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, March SO Monthly W. C. T. U.. meeting of South Salem In Leslie church . parlors: Mrs. Hannah Martin speaker; special music planned. - . .- West Salen Foreign Missionary society, 1 o'elock with Mrs. C. lb Dark, I7i Edge water street. Maecabee Thimble club, with Mrs. Elisabeth Tay lor, 121 North lth street; guests to bring sewing work; finished or unfinished. Past Guardians of Neighbors of Woodcraft, Silver Bell circle, with Mrs. Myrtle Walker, 129 North fifth street. Frederick Libby, speak on subject of world peace at Methodist church, 7: SO o'elock; epea to public. Friday, March 31 Past Matrons club of Order of Eastern Star, reg ular meeting at home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey; 7:30 o'clock dinner and business meeting to follow. North Salem W. C. T. U., matron's silver medal contest, 7:30 o'clock in Englewood United Brethera church, 17th and Nebraska streets. Annual Children's program Y. M. C. A. under lead ership of Mrs. C. A. Kella; high, school and junior high school children participating. All Neighbors of Silver Bell circle. No. 43 requested for regular meeting, 7:30 o'clock; district convention delegates to be nominated. Circle of First Spiritualist, with Mrs. Sliugmau, 1040 South Llbefy street. Tea and euilfbdisplay at. home of Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., hours 2:30 to 6 o'clock. Saturday, April l Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R. to meet in Dallas for regular monthly meeting. He will lecture in the morning at the high school, at noon before the Lions club, at night for the dinner meeting of the Fraternus club and then for the public at 7:30 o'clock in the Methodist church. A unique benefit is being plan ned for Friday afternoon between the hours of 2:30 and 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr. At least 25 choice quilts made by Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Kitty Graver, and Miss Priscilla Fry, will be on dis K.K N to-'- -i: DEPARTMENT play about the lovely rooms of the home. Any Interested woman is asked to call. A sliver tea is be ing served and the funds from this will go to the benefit of the First Congregational church. The Junior Neighbors of Wood craft meeting has been postponed until April 7. Additional Society on page 10 H ! Jl Ji : rr:-xr.--.v.-.& S TORE Mary Ebu McKay . Hat Birthday Rarr Six 'years have ticked off for little Miss Mary Lou lilcKay and this event was celebrated with a gay birthday party at the horn of her . parents Moaday: with bar mother, Mrs. Douglas, McKay, a hostess. Aa at teroaoa of games and fan was enjoyed and thea tha pretty " birthday tea was served with spring flowers and a festive cake for decoratlone.and favors tor fun. Guests la eomallmaat to Miss Mary Lou lacladed Patsy Varley. Murray WaAa, -Tr.. iauxa. May Hose. Elinor la riftif Utpn, Jimmy Phillips, Medeieie wifcane, Sarah Ana Ohling, ICwBathVaiaier, Bet ty Scott and Shirley. McKay. We are Participating- in the Style Show at the Ebinore theatre tonight at 8:30 GREATER i SfflBBEY'S 'STORE j Presents LORRAINE Underthings Made of ; SPUN-LO ESPECIALLY FOR THE WOMEN WHO- ARE "OFF RAYON" NO BADOING i NO STBKTCHTKO NO RUNNINd NO 9J3R1NISXNO Their smart (a&ored lines gracefully slenderize the Ilg ore to fashion's demands. Launder them timi after time and see how they keep their beautiful dull finii and do not shrink. "i Wear it repeatedly and note how it stands ftard service. Lorraine uoderthls are tru ly excellent valoe . . . GOWNS-1 1.00 and 1.95 mi PAJAMAS- 1.29 and 1.95 PANTIES-r- 59c and 85c slips r, 1.00 and 1.98 . . ; . s COMBINATIONS 9c and 1.00 ? : X In Salrmyerjy at THE GREATER SHIPLEY'S f-' STORE j