1 f The OnilGON STATESMAN. Safest Oregon, Thursday Morniajr, March' S3; 1931 pagc five Eocal News Briefs ' Named T. B. DirectorsThree i Club 2et Aadltoriana Per Salem medical men. Dr. O. C. Bel-1 mission to use the Salem high linger. Dr. W. IL Morse and Dr, I school . auditorium the aljtht of Vernott A. Douglas. - were elected i April 25 has been granted to the directors of the Oregon Tubercu-1 Marion oounty Federated dabs, losls association during the an-J At that time the organization will nnal session at Portland Tuesday. I hold its musical tournament, with Marked. Interest was displayed in I bands, choruses and other rrouoa tuberculin testing dona In.. Marion from Tarious schools participate county schools, according to Dr. ting in the competition. The Douglas, 'who eendueted a, discus-1 chamber of commerce auditorium. aion period on .this subject. These I used in former rears, was : die tcjU :in the past yar haTO been I carded this year as too smalL aAminfatarad ta - iDnroxtmatelv I ' son aiadenta in the county. I Broken lines in hosiery values Among! Marion county .residents P to $1 50. special, 59c. Howard auenatng in meeimsa . wjo Mrs. wuiiam . wnuui ui Ubby Clnbs' Speaker Dr. Mrs. John Ballantyne ot silver-1 ton, Miss JuaniU Johnson pt Sa- Ljretary of the national council for lem. Miss Irma LeRlcbe of S- preTention of war, will speak at verion, ur. V"-"U.' two club meetlngstoday at the Bellinger, ana vr. i . . bewray- Llons club luncheon the Mar. er- I ion hotel at noon and at the Fra- a..v x innm a eneral I ternis club dinner meeting at The denial of the charges of a com- Spa at 6:15 o clock tonight. At plaint recently filed against him 7:30 o clock he will speak af a is made by J. A. Starker in it re- Public gathering ia the First Me- ply filed in circuit court Wednes- thodist Church. . v.. V ...... . J V W.itlr I n'-uft;. "-ited two v ' 7, "l.V " ,a eounty council meetings of the "TV r Iti:, III I American Legion will be held in V i ti. .M,B in. district soon, one at Inde- dr lying and says the accident ift . ' . t. .v which she was severely injured ??ttden?? Ji"'.! Tfcl .HrihniiMA to hr ner- bottt n middle of April. The . I district wreck of the 40 et I, ugeuc.. 1 postponed from mid-March, will Woodmen of the World minstrel be held at Albany in about three show will be given Friday evening weeks. A Marion county voiture at 8:30 at Fraternal temple. Pub- will be organised early in May lie invited. No admission. Choir to Dine A dinner and Franklin Honored Dr. F. G. social event for members of the Franklin, member of the faculty choir of the First Presbyterian at Willamette university, has been church will be held at the church elected secretary ot the Associa- I parlors Friday night, starting at tlon of Independent colleges ot I 6:30 o'clock. Prof. Frank Church- Oreron. The group met last wees:- I m is director of the choir, ana end at Albany. Dr. Elam J. An- a. Kenney is . president ot the derson of Linfield college is the group. newly elected president. The asso ciation is urging greater study ot international relations In the col leges ot the state. -Petl Girdles 12 and 14 inch width. special 89c. Howard Corset Shop. Ask New Administrator S7000 in Estate Emil Krens left an estate ot $7000 value, a re- tlon was filed yesterday in pro- port filed In probate court Wed- bate court here asking the ip- bmojt rBYou. Aiucn. u " i-f f . i,.w Administrator to be administrator. Appraisers for the estate of the late Maud named by the county JudKe are Mlahler W. T. Kigdon Sc Sonttoy uuriuu, wiiiiaui mtuiumui. filed the petition; Guy A. Smith is Jr., and LeRoy Howlett tne present umiu...i.. fihlri. StolenHalf a dozen Against the Zl hve not beTn Lirt, were stolen early Tuesday fewer new cases orcommunicabTe against me eat u from a line on the back porch of aP ronnrtaA ,r paia. Brnsber HeUrej Chariee W. Brasher, trill; retire from servict at the Salem postoffice at Hie end of this .month having .reached the age of 15 March 7. and there by, becoming eligible: to retire on pension.' Brasher received bis ap pointment on May 1, It 11 and tor a while worked on rural route number t; but for the past many years has worked on route 7. in the "Sllverton district. TFoodmea Preoore Mlastrel galem camp number .lit. Wood men of the World, are working on a minstrel show, tor be given Friday .evening : at . Sil9 .at the Fraternal temple. The public is to be -Invited- free rof-charge. The event Is to be given mainly for the purpose of engaging Interest ia woodcraft in this locality. Edward Crawford is in charge of the plans for the show. Discuss Celebration The Am erican Legion On-to-Chicago com mittee promoting the Salem drum corps' projected trip to the 1933 national convention convened last night with Chairman J. T. Delaney to discuss new plans. Some scheme of raising extra funds during the July 4 eelebratlon probably will be worked out '.at ensuing . meetiags, it was announced after the meet int.' -:- ' . sprinkler System Opens City firemen were, called to the Fire proof garage, 251 South Liberty street, early yesterday morning when the automatic sprinkler sys tem was set off. There was no tire, it developed, and the sprink lers were turned off before the water in the air-pressure system reached the jets. Poison Beady County In spector Van Trump has prepared another ton ef squirrel poison for distribution among the farm ers of the county to carry on the work of eradicating the pests. The campaign was started two years ago to do away with squirrels, gophers, moles and oth er rodents. Invite Visitors W. R. New meyer, president of the Salem Lion's club, is Inviting all who care to attend to be present at the dub luncheon at noon today. The feature of the meeting will be a talk by Frederick Libby, ex ecutive secretary of the National Council for Prevention of War. L CITIZEN HOOVER BACK HOME k fr 'j f a f 9! ran E Relieved of the strsJn dnder which he labored daring four of tits stormiest years of oof historr. former President Herbert Hoover looks as healthy 'and happy a he did ta 192S before he took on the Job of piloting the' natiea. tie i shown after his arrival at ft is raio auo S-i noma. With him ar Mrs. Hoover and bis soa, Allan. The foraser Chief Execu tiva announced that ha has made bo plana yet for the future. BAPTISTS Fl YEAR I! WITH HO BILLS DU E Disease Caces Fewer Ten the George Cotton residence, 20$ lon count ,Mt WMk according to Bush street, according to reports th. uu department ot health to the police. KnHM nrM.i. 43 to SC. Others were, tubercu losis seven, and pneumonia one. Refrigeration history! Watch for the new Frlgidaire next wees Eotf Electric Co.. $47 Court St. Printa Booklet As part of a . in eamnaizn to bring new sewers i a r-v i r 11 n lr a T II asnnA I ftm Th o.t.f. Ar and tourists to Oregon, me ouiu-1 v- t I UUl y the late Owen Cotterman has .m Pacific company has just pup- i iitnnn !a personal property, ae- llshed a 11-page booklet, "Oregon Tta- cording to an estimate filed here Outdoors" according to informa- wv yesterday. Linda E. Cotterman Is tion received here by A. . wom, - ' .. to be administratrix and anprals- TI,. hnnklat ia Drill t- i .v.auu. o -o I v. t m nviw. "l"10 -a-" I v..r. survival h vtitnw. Vlnla- 1 UM ed in four colors ana c , dlnrhter Mm Buens Ktim mi 1 Pgo and Irene Roemhildt. manv large photographs and brief 5auf ntir. ra; uena Kvans. son. descriptions of the state's scenic ene u. "CKson, au 01 nu 14700 ia Estate Personal ..Undnn lAtov nuifiTca uj OrSHrtT fUBtl St II7B1 IBd Till I uimuo ui. vuiuiMVi viviucif I property vaiuea at szooe com- Wbitmaa Had sssao m unaries jaexson 01 uoioraao. 1 orlse the estata of tha lata D. Van- estate of the late v. r. wnuman, f Funeral services Friday, March derbflt aecordtnr to a renort filed Woodbura merchant, has an ap-I 31, at 2:30 p.m., from the cba- in probate court here Wednesday. nraised value of 1SJ50, accoraiag t Dei the Salem Mortuary. 545 to a report filed in probate court I North Caoitol street. y $5 Fine Ernest D. Hois- ington pieaaea cuuty la luxuce Trotter courx yesceraay - to operating yesterday. Of the estate. $8000 is. a hardware- store inventory of goods and fixtures at Woodbarn. Appraisers were George ueacn, is. T. Sims and Glenn Gouiet. In this city March 28, Mrs. mr Tahiela without a tail lighM Annie Trotter, aged 84 years. was nnea i ana costs Survived by brother, David Bell of Wisconsin: sister, Mrs. G Have Own Post Wanted, used furniture. Tel "10- 5---,. ters. St Salem tO $3000 To Be Distributed AU- airs. isaDeiit reruns 01 Buver- thorlty for Owen Meyer, executor ton, Mrs. Inez Willis of Salem, of the will of the late Magdalen Mrs. Anna McDonald of Wlnfred, Meyer to distribute 85000 in cash Mont., Mrs. Jessie Knouse ot Pa- to the heirs, was granted in pro- cific. Mo. . sons, Charlie of Rock- hatftT court weanesaay. neirs, iora. wasn., i-.. j. 01 lynuau, o. -rMn .f if. . each of whom will receive $1000 I D., C. H. ot Scotland, S. D.. Clyde Ur tomorrow ni-nti At that tlme are. Bertha Lichty. Charles Mey-1 of Salem, E. D. ot Wlnfred, Anmanm n, t er. Oscar Meyer, the heirs of the Mont., Ben of Jordan, Wise; lo eluding several state officers will A 9 i auuvuiiui cii auu baa. icar grandchildren. Funetal serrlces from the Clough-Barrick chapel. i"riJ' Jt?J"h " lUlJtln cessary 'to permit estab Election of officers, reports ot all committees and general busi ness discussion featured an en thusiastic annual meeting of the First Baptist church, held Tues day night at the church. "The church has had a very prosperous year, with attendance filling -the auditorium at nearly every meeting, and especially on Sunday nights, when extra chairs have been needed for the crowds," Rev. Britton Ross, pastor, states. Reports showed 110 additions in the year, with a net gain of 105 members. There were 61 con versions, had from Sunday to Son- day, as no special meetings were held in the year. The year closed without a deficit, and with all bills paid. Officers eleeted for the new year are: Deacons Joseph Johnson, Walter Lotis, Dan Schirmaa and Rer. J. W. Cabeea. Trustees Joseph Graber and A. S. Smither Deaconess Mrs. Ed Lucas. Church elerk, O A. Davidson; treasurer, W. H. Morley; finan cial secretary, Frank Struble: treasurer benevolents, Mis Gall McClain; Sunday school superin tendent, Fred Broer; head usher. Floyd Miller. Committees Musie. Mrs. Daa Schirman, Richard Dierks. Fred Broer, waiter Lotls and Mrs. Mar vin Roth; missions, Mrs. Fred Er- ixon, Mrs. Joe Graber and Mrs. W.' H. Robinson; evangelism. T. Kllngsporn and Miltoa Dierks; fi nance, Mrs. T-. D. MeClain, Mrs. Fred Broer and Mrs. E. J. Ayers. A large crowd was out for the annual business meeting. late Alfred Meyer and the heirs of the late Lena Schutt. West Salem will have an Am ass 1st in the installation ot the new Klngwood post. Capital post No, 9 of Salem, whose approval Portland Speaker Here Rev. "George Pollard, of Portland, will speak at the fourth lenten fellow ship supper, Thursday night at First Congregational church. The meal wjll be a potluck one and will be served at 6:30 o'clock. Those attending are requested to bring dishes and silver. Mrs. Jay A,ma McKitrlck of' Eugene.' winrriH 1 h rn.irmin . i i rin rum I . . h a "" . 1 UM Ua,.narif. MVAIt r KJ. I HTT1 . 1 M ' . . . i ...j rnurntu iarac v;. i rau- lishment of the new post will send a large delegation. Instruc tions are out for veterans attend. to wear their Farmer In this city March 27 Vincent , h meetIn- 7 aer' a8.eaw.ir official legion caps. ourviveu uj aicuiat mi. uu imm O. Farmer of Salem; sisters. G No. S7 SyaoMi ot iuul 8UUaaBt ot tk Tnrlror starter advertised at SI. 39 of Clough - Barrick and Ui Tuesday sbeuld have mursaay, jnarcn o i been $2.39 and $2.29. Farmers Public Market. m. witn Kev. is. uoenran oiiici- 1 1 iw atlng. Interment Belcrest Memor ial park. company I " thirty-nm eUy of 10.30 a.IiBar a( tk 8t4.U trf One CAPITAlr Aaoaal cspitol itck paid p. DTCOMX Vt sraiBiaae rciT4 4ariac tbe mr. SA.SSS.01.M. lafmt, emeuec hi mil welvea Appraisers Named Judge John Stogmund yesterday named Koy Aldermaa Rafnn J. T. Ulrlch and E. V. An- I Tn hu rftv Marh S7 James derson appraisers of the estate of I v. Alderman, aced 91 Tears. Bar-1 ttnriaa tks yr. ssss.4M.ss tm lata Kdwln E. Denlson. H K Mra Jark Pntlar I . 1 " " aVr mirh BiTo4 -- i hi oicm, .iovci-iu-i.il, I Yotai lacoaa, 3,z,lWT.S faanev and E. V. Anderson ap- a Alderman of Salem. Fnseral I DlftBDESKJClKTS j hum sm ttanac taa ytmr la- D MOMTOUH IS illiSUBEID E Life insurance policy holders in Oregon are not affected by report ed moratoriums on dividend pay ments and cash surrender values and loan privileges, reported re cently by the New York State in surance commissioner on company ies operating under a charter from that state. Such is the opin ion of A. H. Averill, state insur ance commissioner. Mr. Averill said yesterday that Oregon has granted no morator ium on contract fulfillments by life insurance companies. He de nies the right of eastern commis sioners to grant moratoriums ef fective outside their own states During the banking crisis, mor atoriums on cash values and div idend rights spread to 21 states, Averill reported, but a number of FID Hoover New Maji.Withf WdrriesPast Shipments. Classified, Case Of Various. Companies . Against Railroad - Paving the way for a refund to shippers of about a-halt million dollars paid to rau roads m exces sive' rates,; Charles . M. Thomas, public utilities commissioner, Wednesday Issued an order clas sifying intrastate and Interstate Shipments la the ease of the Was eo Warehouse Milling company and others against the Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navlga tlon company and others. The order, considered by utili ties commissioner as the most im portant Issue the past two years. was made upon complaint of about 94 individuals, firms and corporations enraged ia shipping over the rail lines Of defendant firms grain and other commodi ties, wbicft was tne repruary 29. 1919.'.. In issuing the order, Thomas stated that the Oregon Intrastate rates .were less thaa interstate rates, hut that tn many specific saipmeats tne railroads were charging the higher rates. He de clared the order was the first step toward a-rebate to the plaintiffs ot about $500,000. The order commands all the railroads operating in the state to "desist from the violations, and further abstain from demanding. collecting or exacting for the in trastate transportation of grain, grain products and other com modities taking soma rates, char ges tn excess of those found (in the 18 page olaasiflcatlon) as lust." Complainants and interveners were ordered to prepare and file within CO days statements of de tails of shipments on which rep aration is claimed la order that the rebates may be determined, Following the detailed specifies tioas subsequent orders will be Is sued directing rebates by the de fendant railroads. mm REVERSED sheets bo;;d Herbert Hoover, former presi dent, is a vastly improved looking individual aver Herbert Hoover, president and defeated candidate. Leiana uaapw, staniora univer sity debate eoaeh, reported here yesterday Mr. Hoover, bow liv ing In hia home , which Is located on the Stanford campus under a 99-year lease, appears rested and refreshed, Chapia statedwhiU ha was tired and haggard when he came homo to voje last No vember. The former president is quite often seen about the cam pus, ot tste having spent some time In the war memorial library which he helped found. 1 Mr. Hoover is a Stanford un iversity trustee and thus is entit led, along with the faculty, to lease lands from the university -corporation. wuayiu o b iviiucr 3.tcui. resi dent, having been a student at Willamette university and later having been a. part-time instruct or at tbe university. He is now an Instructor in public speaking at Stanford and has nearly com' pleted his work -for graduation from the law school. Elks to Install New Officers at Meet Next Week Next Thursday night. April C, will mark the time for the instal lation of the new officers for the local lodge of the B. P. O. E. Ai interesting program Is being ar ranged for that evening. All members are urged espe cially to attend tonight's meeting whleh win be the last time which the present exalted ruler, Leroy Card, and his fellow officers will be in charge. Gard has been with the local lodge for seven years and the members are planning a large time in his behalf. Warren omvwm. ...... . . ' x 1 Highway and i Veterans', aki Sums due are Ready is ; Word at Capitol' :: 1 Arrangements weretag eoar- -t. pleted yesterday for ho State of . Oregon io'nret.fS fill, priaclpe .y aad Interest on bonds duo April I , ; In the sum If $t,l$.17J. V: . Highway fconds totalling $927 -590 will be retired Saturday an 1 - -interest on outstanding bonds ar . gregaUng $S37.72S wfll also b-j paid on that d ate. . The state treasury win auo pa 2500.000 In principal on state bo nus commission bonds and $541,- 944 in intemst. Aggregate higb- . . i in i way douq paymeau wii no 574,228 and aggregato oonu commission bond payments will . be $I,0il,94. - . " ' ' The state highway department ,v ,r fulfilled it bond obllgatlo5 v- through the placing of $1,599,090 r, of short-term bonds with Pert- land banks. Stepayment of $799,- . -. 900 to the bonus commUsioa from - v the general und permitted that , : v ' department to fulfill its bond ob ligations. Outstanding bonded debt of the highway department totals $28, 079,259 after the maturities due Saturday have been met. Pay meats due by December II, 1984. will reduce? the total principal' owning to lees than $25,009,009. Payments i are made through Portland banks to the Chase Na tional bank. New York City, which Is the fiscal agent for the State of Oregon. i KEJZEB NEW COMERS KEIZER, ;March 29 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Norris and son James of San Diego have eome hero to live, aad are located on the Ar thur Holden ranch lust west of the school. fShe has two sisters Jones is the new exalted ruler to here: Mrs. John J. Bloom ana be Installed. Mrs. Bernard' A. Peterson. iCCHT CASE The state supreme court this insurance commissioners have now week reversed the decision of retracted their original morator- Judge L. H. McMahan in the cir lams. cult court here in the case of Averill advised policy holders Frank Rauch against John Steck- of fire insurance companies whleh lin. The suit involved damages are in a conservator's or receiver's claimed for the estate of a minor hands to secure temporary protec- child killed in aa automobile ac tion until the status of the affect ed companies is determined. BETHEL MISSION cident. The plaintiff in the case was awarded a verdict or $599 in the lower court, presided over by Judge L. H. McMahan. The opin ion written by Justice George Rossman reversed the judgment. The defendant m the case, a resident of Mount Augel, is an orchestra leader while the soa of the plaintiff, Paul Ranch. 19, was a member of the orchestra. Auc- Evangelist Gray, who has trav- ust 11, 1929. the orchestra was eled throughout the country, has being taken to a ptcnie when the just organised Bethel Mission, automobile accident occurred In with meeting quarters in the which Paul was killed. The su W. C. T. U. hall at Commercial preme court held the defendant. and Ferry. Meetings will be held driver of the car, was not liable. every night at 7:30 o'clock and 0 Iff HERE Referendum of Regulation for Initiative, Plan Preliminary petition for refer endum of the 1933 legislative act providing that sponsors ot Initiative and referendum meas ures shall file with the secretary of state their names, addresses, contributions and expenditures, was presented at the state de partment Wednesday The law carries a penalty of $199 or max imum of 39 days ia the county Jail. The preliminary petition was filed by Ray Gill, master ot the Oregon state grange. Ia case 18.- 887 signatures are obtained to the petitions the referendum ma sura win go on the ballot at the special election Jnly 31. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Sunday.! A v rj Various department leaders flIiIIUdI r lUgLcllIl For Children is sre: Young people. George Har nett; prayer band, Mrs. Lebold; evangelistic team, Frank Bales; song leaders, Mabel Seissen and Mr. McFee: secretary of mission. Miss Ruth Shuey, with Wanda ounpsoa. assistant; grcnesira, will be the feature at the nave nuey; ssunaay scnooi su- Y. M. C. A. lobby Friday evening, perintendent, Mrs Barquist, with Tna program, arranged by Mrs. praisers of the estate of the late Btr,cM Friday, March 21 , at Ida B. Petersen. Trust Company Reports An nual report ot the guardianship of the Ladd & Bush Trust company ot the estate of Leslie N. Stewart, incompetent, was filed in probate 1:20 o.m. from the chapel ot W. Ios4.ts: Interment 1. 1 Xivlaa pM ea rapiUl stack ear- Cowucaioaa aaa aatavUs paid eatlaf tk yaar, $1,S3,7TT .08, Tazat, lieaai ni Imi paid anrinf tba year, 249,5&a.7. Amount of I1 other expaaditarct. Rigdon & Son. O. F. cemetery. Nelson At the residence 110 Hoyt rort vestardav Income for the street, March 29, Chris Nelson. tea7.7eo.T. JllfffSMfnii 79 yean, Survived I by bro- Xatai .ttjx t the estate is $1554. I jama r. "- .V . IWawaae. TmrmbH aapaid lottos. i alia. HIBIOI. niOi A Cui wa-arwaa w i eso.ua.ar. RnMKlliia- Chanreo L 1 1 1 1 a n I Wisconsin: niece. Mrs. "Martin 7' .t-1 owaa (atarkst Black of Chemawa was arrested Jensen of Salem. Funeral an- Baita e taiSSias: Boada AatorUs . m .a I m a a . a wv m W a I - here yesteraay on a cnarge 01 1 nouncemems later oy w. i. mg-ita: stoek. coaTeattoaai. speeding, according to city ponce i don and Son records. ' . . ; - niggens Doner to rortiaaa ur. can u. --.Mn-A soss Eaat Doney, president of winamette j,, Hm st March 29 AlTin P amversiiy, maao a Higgens, husband of Sarah Han yesteraay iu ruuwiii waed Coming Events April 10-11 Opera, "The BohemJaa. Girl." April 16 Easter services in all local churches. April IS Zone Rally of Kazareno youth. , ; . April IS-SOiQmilt exhi bit. Knight Memorial, cbmrch. - " May M Ashmui! May fesUritiea, WiUaaeetto bJ versity eampwa. - " . Hay 7 Maeic sreek opeas la Salem. Fiaal rhnbarmoB le coacert today. May 13-13 Oregon State Assoelalfosi of Master Plambers, asmoal TneeUng. Jane 2-4-FortB Anaoal Willamette VaUey; Flower Show. , . - ;,r --. ... . July 24-28 Annual En campment, Spanish War Veteraaa. " Vtlaa ef ttaekc and bands (ntrktt ), $13,120,710.80. Leaaa aa aortsafes aad CQllateral, tie- S1.71S.SS. Calk ia basks aad oa ktnd, $S88,3S. 21. Prcmisau ia eaartt of collation writ ten tiaeo 8eptmbr JO. 1932. 1790.- nah Hlggens. father of Mrs. Lib- 18?1- . . ' 4 . . . bte Llngenfelter ot SeatUe. Mrs. LS7$S3V"4 MU " Minnie King and Mrs. Ethel Mc-1 Total admitted . $ii,52i,l33.0S. Intire, both of Salem, Mrs. Ruth , , liabilities Brown and Mrs. Jennie Pahud, 28700 " ' T both Of -Portland, and George S. I Amoant of vaearsed premiams oa all Hlggens ot Aurora, Nebr. Brother oatttan,ar ntaa. s5.533,os,.32. , ,. . . . ' . I Daa foi eomauttioa and broktrage, of Walter of Indiana and Mrs. I 23 sso.oo. Lillie Catt Of Glendale. Calif. All otker lUbiUUet (See Koto balow). Also survived by 18 Kchndrea 1' Me8pt f,ptt,u aad 19 great-grandchildren. Aged j 84i.a4s.si.- 84 years, 1 month and 14 days.! capital paid ap, si.ooo.ooe.oo. A. native of Marion, Ohio. Funer- ,?u,?lM. ow ,u ft'"t,fe: at services Friday. Marca Jl at 1 Sarpla as trcard lirrkaUrn. l;39 .p,m. iroru tne Terwuuger i e.B7.7o.Ts. v W aa4va e avaaa. wa vw, w SAraK Downing is Honored on 80th Birth Anniversary RICKEY, March 29. Mrs. Sar ah Downing of Salem was honor ed Sunday when a group of near relatives and friends remembered her on her 80th birthday. Mrs Downing Is the daughter of W. T. and Anna Dickens Patton, pio neers. She was bora in the Waldo Hills aad has lived in Marion county all her life. Mrs. Downing does her own housework and has crocheted two bedspreads in the past two years. Guests were Allee Patton. Mao Patton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Amort, Valeria Amort, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mader, Howard Mader, Donald Mader. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, Thomas Jonea, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Patton of Portland. Planned at'Y-M. The annual children's program Louise Maw, assistant. Lora McGregor Services Held; Long in Oregon C. A. Kells will bo as follows Violin solo. Ruthyn Thomas: violin solo, Wallace St6ed; vocal solo, Charlotte Hill; piano solo. Betty Steed; reading, Billy Utley; vocal solo, Mary Elizabeth Kells; piano solo. Charlotte Hill; read Ing, Billy Mudd. Piano duet, Dorothy Butte and 74, Elizabeth Lewis; piano solo. Elea nor Aapinwan; reading, graydon Mrs. Lora F. McGregor. died at her home here Tuesday. Funeral services were held yes- Blodgett; piano solo. Alice Chand- teraay aa the remains taken to ler; trumpet solo, Margaret Ana taw Masoaie cemetery near Al- Kells. bany for la torment. She was horn in Guthrie, Mo., March 19, 1259, and came to Ore gon ia 1SS5. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Gregor located on a ranch near Albany where they lived for many years. Surviving are two daughters, FOR THAT TIRED FEELING Try CAL-O-DLVE a Natural Miaeral Water. Nature's gift to Ura. Vaarl if. RAnkart anrf lira I man-kind. For that tired feeling; Arthur S. Benson of Salem; one Th nervousness that does not REV. HALLS HOME AGAIN SILVERTON, March 29 Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Hall have returned to Silverton from Camas, where they were called because ot the death ot the 22 year old son of Mrs. Hall's cousin. The funeral was held at Camas Monday. Johnson ? 1 officiating. Interment City "View eemetry. 1 O ! . Births t o : o KUe To Mr. and Mrs. Martin ; J. ICUe, 1275 North: 18th street, a girl, Carol Ann, bora on March is at Salem general hospital. Whelaa To Mr. and Mrs. Roy TtavM WTiftlan. ronta fanr. a bay. 1 8dS.S lepmantfar diffortaeo batwaaa T1M fwtnt m UareniKaw Tork las. Dept. Basis af Talaattaa Raymond David, bora a Marcn i aaa Ataai Market Oaotatiou a V- Zl at' saiem general aospnai. t center si, l8l. bcsisess is oRXufrs roe the . VEAaf Ket prratianc . iMeirod ' dpriaj tbo year, $1.4T 07. Losto paid dariag tk yer r. 934.372. 97.:: . - - - - JjOfft laeurred. darinj tka,-, yonr, 91S.S37.97. - ' ' Kama of Campaaf, Ta. Praatytaaals Ura la. Co. - . . , . . 'Kaato ot Preaideat, Corit T. Sballerats. Naara o Secretary, Kofcert Kowboailt. Btavatory roaideat arearney fo aorv ka. H. X. Satitlu HOTK: TkU aaioont laeladtt 951 son, Alex MeGregor of Albany. Vettf Meeting at Workers? Center The meeting tor veterans an nounced for tonight will bo held at tho orkers center. Commer cial and Court streets. Veterans of all wars are Invited to attend tor a local unit of the Work ers Ex - Servicemen's league, which has for its aims to oppose redaction of Spanish American war veterans' allowances, to ad vocate Immediate payment of the world war bonus, and to "fight against imperialist wars." PILES CURED VTithoot Oporatioa or Lot of Thaw . DR. MARSHALL 129 Orafaa Bids. tus 9909 allow you to enjoy a night of re freshing sleep. Thousands are re joicing in their new found revi talizing rest thru CAL-O-DINE. One Half Gallon. A Month's sup ply will convince you. GET TOURS TO-DAT. FREE HEALTH JOURNAL with Diet lists and ott er valuable information oa care of the body. Write, Phone or Call. 225 N. High St., Local Distributor. Tel. 9729. Albany Slaw Jailed City police last night Jailed a maa giving hia name as James Bow en aad his ad- drees as Albany, on a charge of being drunk. . . CARD 0;THAXK8 We wish to tMnk our frien&t ' and neighbors for their kindness aad sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved wife aad mother. HENRY F. SCHAKFFER , w AND FAMILY. SPECIAL Creqa I a 1 e Rtagjet Bad Pernuuaeat I'USH WAVE 4fsa aSl - 49 Jv aaaW Uouusn.' CiTaiH( V appointment CASTLE PERMANENT WAVERS CO. 20T First Natl Bank fildg. - - TaL SIIS Branch of Castle rioneor Permanent Wavers. Portland i Dont Neglect Tour Eyes To Do So Bla? Mean TroubU We will test your eyes aad fit the proper prescription Into smart looking frames for an extremely moderate oat. Con sult with us today it wffl pay you. aaSriwl Hospital Beds to Rent Call S81D, t scd Faraitwre . ' - Departmeat . ' : 1S1 5orth Hick 9 In a World of Change Cling to that which Endures t "Thtrt'l No Nted to i Pay Mote Than ill l J I! Genuine ii Let Us' Joe Center at High IN llll II I II III III I I in. ill r n ui hi in 1 1 iiiii I Hill for battery re- cKarge and 2-day rental'' haVs Our Price on I j Villaxrd Ccarvice V- More Mile and Months of Service Care of Your Battery TeL 000 jr 5. Be Prepjared for someone else 's carelessness Yea may be always earefal, whether drivLaa; or walklaig vei ye easwot prevent accideata hap. pening throogh tbo carcleseaeas of others. Yew caa't prevent accidents hntrfyoa can protect yoen family against their consequences, provide for thetr welfare if aoaathiag abowld happen to yaw. Do this today with .0 j-eo Statesman Travel! Accident Insurance Application For Insurance (Age limit 15 to ) 1932 THE OREGON STATESMAN, galem. Oregon. 1 You are hereby authorised to enter ciy subscription to The Oregon Statesman for one year from date. It is under stood that The Oregon Statesman is to be delivered to my ad dress regularly each day by your authorized carrier and I shall pay him for the same at the regular established rate. I am aot now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman ( ) . I am aow a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman ( ) i ( ) Renew Poller ( ) NewPollcy NAME ADDRESS ... 4 Age. CITY 'STAT t OCCUPATION. BENEFICIARY . PRONE . " ' - ........ 4 RELATIONS HIP - . , I am eaclosing a payment et $1.09 FoUcy feeu I am to receive a $19,999.99 Travel Accident Insurance Policy Issued by Cha Korth Americaa AecldeaKlnsurance Capaay at Chi cago, niiaois. -. - - " ' . i-h'-i Blafl 8ubscriplkms Most Be Paid Adrance! .1