fcAGS tout:: CHILD BEAM IS FtllS CI1Y BITERS j' " "DISCRETION", COST. HIM LIFE 't0 I , The OREGON STATESMAN.; KaUm, Prison Thursday Morning. March 30, 1933 1 IE FOLK c in Id) m . ) Harry Maetin of Stayton in Jail Here, Facing Still Charge too STAYTON, March 29 Harry Martin, who resides just outside the city limits, was arrested here one assault and battery charge Tuesday night by Deputy Sheriffs Williams and Smith; and this noon Sheriff A. C. Burk and Dep uty Smith came out and took a still from the Martin home. Complaint was made to the sheriff that Martin was beating his 13-year-old daughter, one of a family of eight children. Martin, It develops, has been selling liquor to school children here. However the revenue has apparently not been heavy, as the Red Cross and local relief set-up has been caring for the family for some weeks. Harry Martin of Stayton Is held in the county Jail on a liquor charge, and it Is on this charge be will come before the courts. ...Whether his case will come up In justice court this morning, or whether It will be taken Into the federal court, had not been deter mined last night. The child-beating charge will be dismissed, Sheriff Bnrk stated. Scio, Jefferson Classes Prepare Play Productions SCIO. March 29. The Junior class play, "I Will, t Won't!" will, be given Friday night at the Z. C. B. J. hall. Miss Bernice Newhouse is coach, and parts art taken by Dick Quarry, LaVaun Gardner, Sylvia Bartn, Marley Sims, Lyle Jackson, Maiine Arnold, Marjory Moses, Everett McDonald and El sie Hetzendorf. JEFFERSON, March 29. The senior class will present "Windy Willows," a four-act comedy, Fri day night, April 7. The scene is a small village. Characters are Kenneth Seipp, Robert Harris, Robert Hart, John Wright, Mac Calavan, Dorothy Marcum and Ce celia Robinson. Clear Lake Youths v To Present Drama I At Club's Session CLEAR LAKE. March 29. The community club meeting will be held at the schoolhouse Friday, March 31. The young people will put on the play, "For Rent, Fur nished," at low admissions. The evangelistic meetings clos ed Tuesday with a large attend ance and good results among the young folks. The pageant, "The Pearly Gate," drew a full hoc Be. The party goes from here to Stay-ton. t f y AA V sA2., jr- 1 "i A .-fr Here is ihe last picture, made lost before the fall of bis capital, of Governor Tang Yu-Lin of Jehol Province. He is shown astride his Mongolian pony during the military operations outside Chingte. After a half-hearted defence of bis capital. Governor Tang fled and the city fell into Japanese hands. For his treachery, Tang was executed, ac cording to reports, by order of Marshal Chang HsueE-Liang, commander of China's regular army. Rural Hall Dedication Big Success WHEATLAND, March 29 The dedication of the new Wheatland community hall was held Satur day night. Salem, Brooks and oth er towns and communities were represented, several hundred peo ple attending. Admission fees amounted to more than 334. The hall was beautifully decorated. R. G. Kidd of Hopewell purchased the Wheatland Social Service shower club quilt. An interesting and lengthy pro gram was presented, the Wheat land school giving among other numbers a ngro play. By-laws were read and approv ed by the board of directors, Clyde M. LaFollett, president; Merle Bronson, vice-president; Eugene Wilson, secretary-treasurer; Clyde Fowler, sergeant-at-arms; Philip H. Fowler, assistant sergeant-at- arms. Roy Cooper and Delta Culp were appointed standing music committee. After a delicious supper those who wished enjoyed dancing, to music played by Roy Cooper, Har lan Cooper, Delta Cnlp, Eugene Wilson, Edwin Payne and others. The hall stands as a mark of unusual enterprise and ambition of the Wheatland residents be cause it was erected entirely by donation and completed in record speed In this time of depression It will be used for all civic activi ties. Mrs. Edna Geer New Riverview Teacher FALLS CITY, March If. The March meeting of the local P.TJL was held In the school auditorium Monday sight. Miss Gerald In e Richardson, commercial 'instruc tor, gave a talk on typing and pre sented one of her classes In a drill. Miss Richardson Is entering sev eral of her students In the county typing contest at Dallas Saturday. Round-table talks on "How the School and Home Training of the Child May Be Blended so as to Bring Best Results" were held, with Mrs. Chester Beneflel eon ducting the discussions. The va rious bills pertaining to the school that were passed and rejected by the legislature were discussed by Prof. D. J. Ickes. meeting of bovs interested in the forming of a garden club will be held at the home of Mrs. O. L. Frink after school Thursday. Camelia Has Escape From Heavy Frost 8ILVERTON, March 19. Friends are admiring the beauti ful camelia bush which Is now in full bloom in the P. L. Brown gar dens. Most of the camellas in Sll- verton gardens were caught by the heavy frosts of the past winter so that the bush in the Brown gar dens Is outstanding. The large camelia bush which has always attracted visitors in the W. 8. Jack gardens with its hundreds of blooms, will not bloom this year. While the bush will live, the buds all trose. Other gardeners are reporting the same trouble and one of the camellas in the Brown gardens also frose. The bush in bloom was thought to have been more heavily protected. RIVERVIEW, March 29 Ralph MacDonald, who has taught in the Riverside school for the past 13 terms, will teach in the Oakview school next term, and Mrs. Edna Geer, former Linn county school superintendent, is elected to carry on the excellent work of Mr. Mae-Donald. SILVERTON, March 29. Will Linn, who suffered a stroke ef paralysis Sunday morning, is re ported as getting along very well. His condition Sunday night was reported quite critical but early in the week he rallied sufficiently to strengthen the hope of his ul timate recovery. Rickreall Schools Start Last Period; Install Gas Pump RICKREALL, March 29 Rick reall schools resumed classes this week after a week of spring vaca tion. A new group of student teachers from Monmouth Normal will start their practice teaching, to continue for the remaining 12 wks of school. Les Hanna, proprietor of the Black Bird Inn, has recently in stalled an electric gas pump and a 6000-gallon storage gas tank. THE CAPITAL DRUG STORE Free Lunch Feature Of Club's Program HOPEWELL, March 29. El mer Wood has a serious case of blood-poisoning in his leg, as re sult of a slight injury from a saw tooth. The monthly program will be given at the Fairview school Fri day, March 31, at 8 p. m. Free lunch will be served. Violets TEACHER FINISHES STUDY SILVERTON, March 29. Mrs. JVida Bennett, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett, who has been attending the University of Oregon during the autumn and winter term, has completed her work for her B.A. degree and is at home with her parents at on ver ton. Mrs. Bennett has taught in the Silverton schools for a number of vears. She backed lust 19 hours of credit for her degree aud these shu completed the past two terms. No. 64 8raopsis of Annual Statement of the Hichifaa Millers Mutual lira Insurance Company of Laming-, in. the State of Jtichifan, on the thirty-first day of D trmber, 1932, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the 8tste ol Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL A moo at of capital stock paid Bp, liutaal Co. f INCOME Ket premium received daring the jesr, $3,178,863.01. Interest, dividends and rests received J.ir.nv taa Tear. I212.3a2.33. Income from other sources received during the year, 8,061.66. Total income, $2,392,256.00. DISBURSEMENTS ' Net losses paid during the yea' in- sloding adjustment expenses, 8955,199 5. Dividends paid to policy-holders dorisg the year, $597,128.03. Commissions and salaries paid d Bring sa vaar. S7S7.095.68. Taxes, licenses sad fees paid daring ah tur. SS4.S41.2S. Amoont of all other expenditures, 218.677.45. Total expenditures, $2,587,482.24. . ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Tehie). 878,407.68. Basis of Valuation: Bonds, Conven Una BtAt-ka. Vahtaa. Value of stocks and ponds owned ,kM valaa). S 1.177.831.89. Loans oa mortgages sad collateral. .i. ai sua 101.01. Cash la baako sad on hand, 8806.197. 48. Premium in course of collection writ- tea since September SO, 1933, 1171,977, I ate rest sad rents dae and accrued. 56,928. 43. Total admitted a sets, $8,940,440.80, LIABILITIES - Gross elaima for losses unpaid, $868, ai 02. 4 Amos at of aaearned premiums oa all Mtitaadin risks. S1.634.647.8S. Dao for oommiesioa and brokerage. (U.600.0O. AU .tear liabilities. $385,305.46. Reserve for fluctuation of Market vol smb. 9146,456.77. fetal liabilities, except oapitaL 92, 94,640.47. Capital paid ap. Mutual Co. Surplus ever all Babilitiea, Bated Market YsJaea. 81.545.800.03. Surplus as regards policy-holders. 91.645.800.03. Total, 83.940.440.50. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB TH5 TEAR Vol premiums received daring the rear. 920.680.19. Losses paid during the year, 97,334.67, Lessee Incurred daring , the year, ta.823.4A. Jfamo of Compasy, Hlellraa Millers Mutual liro la a. Co. Name of President, A. 1. Baker. Name of Secretary, IV H. Baker. tatntery resident attorney for sorv lea. Iasaraaeo Commissionsr. 'See reserve for flnctastioa reducing Coaventlea Values to market values as (mk X Fresh GIVEN I T f AWAY 1 itErfs 3 Days Thursday Friday Saturday A beautiful corsage bouquet of fresh-fragrant violets will be presented to our customers with' each purchase as long as the supply; lasts. The Capital Drug Store is friendly, dependa ble and appreciative. An Added Feature SPECIAL PRICES ON THE DRAM SIZE OF PERFUMES FOR THESE THREE DAYS ROGER AND GALLET 50c dram. Feu Follet. 33c dram. Le Jade ,39c -29e DeRAYMOND'S $1.25 dram. Mimzy -89c HOUBIGANTS 50c dram. Qnelque Flcurs. 50c dram. Ideal ... COTY 50c dram. Paris .39c -39c 75e dram. Appel d Amour 69c $15 dram. Mon Gardenia 89c $1.25 dram. Sweet MasnoliJU.89c C-ARON'S $1.35 dram. Bellodsla 98c $2.00 dram Christmas 50c dram. L'Aimant 50c dram. Chypre ... J9; -39e .S9c Night GUEIRIJUN'S $1.10 dram. Mltsouko 419 $1.10 dram. L'Heure Bleue. 0HLY AT THE CAPITAL DRUG STORE State at Liberty; J, H. WILLETT Phone 3IT8 o -Satwfiday R1 IR1 J CLa o (WITH EVERY PAIR OF SHOES SOLD THURSDAY-FRIDAY- SATURDAY FULL FASfflONED PURE SILK HOSE IN THE LATE SPRING SHADES. SERVICE OR CHIFFON 'Accept your Easter hose as a gift from us 5v Strap PUMPS llack and beige kid strap pumps. Cuban heels. Sandals few mnlined aandali and lea In whita and taaokM So ML PAIR OF HOSB FREBJ PUMPS work ad plain pattern pumps, ties an la beiff. waits. and sorosan. A PAIR OF HOSE FREE! Sport Oxfords Sport oxfords in new iervice calf and smooth feathers, white, smoked elk, and two-tones. A PAIR OF HOSE FREE! Genuine Bass Moccasins Suin Bass DuFlez occasins, all sixes. The most popular sport ox ford we hare erer sold. A PAIR OF H0S3 FRED J I 00000 A PAIR OF HOSE FREE I Noveiiy TIES Press pumps and ties fa black, white, beige kid. A PAIR OF HOSE FREE! Arch: SUPPORTS Pontiac Arch Support Oxfords in brown and black. A PAIR OF HOSE FREE! If v 13 CORNER STATE & HIGH STREETS The "Show House90 between the two show houses. f Dee. 81. 1933.