The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. March. 29 ; 1933
Breakfast Club Hears
Mrs. J. Vinton Scott
An unusually Interesting meet
ing was tbat which was enjoyed
by the Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club at the Marion ho
tel at which time the 22 guests
gathered' were addressed by Mrs.
J. Vinton Scott. .
Mrs. . Scott became a resident
of China la 1919 and has lived
in close contact "with conditions
there for more than 10 years. She
told her listeners that the women !
in China are the ones who are
awakening to the needed changes
there and that this has come
about mostly throug? the women
who hare gone abroad to study,
and hare come home again with
the information which they gave
to their sisters.
Women are taking adranced
places in professional life In Chi
na and in one Instance are per
haps i-Jique in that in Shanghai
there Is a "Women's Bank" by
name and which is entirely run
by women.
Mrs. Scott told her listeners
that the accounts given of China
by Pearl Bock In her books are
not at all exaggerated.
D. A. R. Will Meet
In Dallas Saturday
Salem members of Chemeketa
chapter. Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, will motor to Dal
las to be the guests of the Dallas
Chemeketa chapter members Sat
urday afternoon.
A distinguished visitor for the
afternoon will a real granddaugh
ter of the revolution, Mrs. Lydia
Learning Miller, granddaughter of
Judan Learning. Mrs. Miller re
sides near Dallas and will come to
the meeting as guest and, informal
Reports of the conference, a
three-day event In Eugene begin
ning today, will be given, and a
social hour will be enjoyed.
Hostesses for the afternoon in
clude Mrs. R. Y. Morrison, Mrs. J.
E. Sibley, Mrs. C. C. Campbell.
Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs. H. C. Aik
en, Mrs. C. B. Sundberg, Mrs. Os-
oar Hayter, Mrs. E. L. Johnson,
Mrs. Nell Hopping, Mrs. J. R. All-
good and Mrs. H. S. Plnkerton.
Mrs. T. A. Livesley
Luncheon Hostess
A charming luncheon of Tues
day afternoon was that for which
Mrs. T. A. Livesley was hostess.
complimenting a group of ma-
gtrons. Following the luncheon
hour contract bridge was in play.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Conrad W. Paulus, Mrs. J. H. Cal-
laghan, Mrs. Jack Elliott, Mrs.-H.
O. Malson, Mrs. Palmer MacDon-
ald, Mrs. James Young, Mrs. Roy
Simmons, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry,
Mrs. Jerald Backstrand, Mrs. W.
E. Scandling of Portland and Miss
Gertrude Hanger of Walla Walla,
and for Mrs. Livesley.
The smart matron can wear a
print frock It It la a carefully se
lected one ... to prove it we have
sketched today this delightful
model. The flattering revers, snug,
hip yoke, smart seaming and new
sleeves give perfect proportion to
the larger figure, and It the print
is a small geometric design, wide
ly spaced, the results will be most
charming. Lace makes a dainty
Pattern, 2488 may be ordered
only in sizes 36, 88, 40, 42, 44,
48. 48 and SO. Site 28 requires
4 yards 39 Inch fabric and
ineh 18 inch lace. Illustrated step-
by-step sewing Instructions includ
ed with pattern.
Sad fifta cu (ISc) la elaa
r sUmpe (coin prafarra), for
tUi pattara. Writ plainly yor
naata, addraas sad atyla number.
B rsra a state liia wanted. . .
8a for tit Asa Adaaia fa
alios book. It f ontaina S3 colorful
pacta at loraly. Paria-laipired nod
la for arcry sawiag imi), aaa
ahawa Saw to b eaia at arary kovr
a taa day. Xvtrj atyla la praetle
al, aai asy to mak. Thar ara
atadala far tka Tartar fifut sad
pare at aUsatfaJ on!or a W4-.
aia atylea. Loral? liafaria, aai ae
aaaory patterns, too. Frisa of eata
latV fiftea casta, catalog aai pat
term togatbar, twaaty-flr aaata."
Addrm aU mil ardors t TV
Oreffoa gtateamaa Patters Depart
rant. 143 W. ntk stmt Mw
York city, v . v
.v -vv- .: Cjtr
News and Club
; Olive M. Doak,
Wednesday, March t9
Technocracy forum, city library, 8 o'clock; W. JL
Delzell, speaker.
West Way club of Women's Benefit association,
with Mrs. Jennie Miller, S51 South 19th street. 8 o'clock.
Salem district meeting of W. F. M. S. in First Meth
odist church, beginning at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Florence Wright, 1730 South Liberty street,
hostess for all-day meeting of Royal Neighbors Sewing
dab, potluck dinner, each guest bring own table service.
Thursday, March SO
Monthly W. C- T. TJ. meeting of South Salem In
Leslie church parlors; Mrs. Hannah Martin speaker;
special music planned.
West Salem Foreign Missionary society, S o'clock
with Mrs. C. L. Dark, 97S Edgewater street.
Friday, March SI
Past Matrons club of Order of Eastern Star, reg
ular meeting at home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey; 7:30 o'clock
dinner and business meeting to follow.
North Salem W. C. T. U.. matron's silver medal
contest, 7:30 o'clock in Englewood United Brethern
church, 17 th and Nebraska streets.
Annual Children's program Y. M. C. A. under lead
ership of Mrs. C. A. Kells; high school and Junior high
school children participating.
Saturday, April 1
Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R. to meet in Dallas for
regular monthly .meeting. .
Aurora Lodge Honors Members;
Old Fashioned Dance
At Roy Kennedy Home
Aurora Laurel Chapter O. E.
S. of Canby, honored their char
ter members at a meeting held
Thursday evening. Out of eleven
charter members remaining, five
were present. They were John
Eld. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles,
Mrs. Frank Dodge and Mrs. J. E.
Dodds. Mrs. Eccles, who was
made sentinel at the time the
chapter was organised 19 years
ago, is still holding that office.
Dr. j. Francis Drake and Mrs.
Drake of Portland were also hon
ored, as Dr. Drake instituted the
chapter and is a frequent visitor.
Another pleasant feature was
the presence of Mrs. Alma Camp-
oeu, w. m. of Venus Chapter of
Donald, who was accompanied by
Mrs. D. E. Green.
Zena Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ken
nedy entertained a group of
friends with an old fashioned
dance Saturday night.
Those present included Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Gilbert and son Bob
by, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Creswell and children Bessie,
Lorraine and Dale, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Stephens. Mrs. C. F. But
ler and sons Frank and Louis.
Olga and Ted Horten, Easter Ol-
en, Mrs. Mae Truxall and daugh
ter Jean, Ed Cudney and son Har
ry. Clifford Hopkins, Paul Jew-
ett, Mrs. Robert Austin, W. Card.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hunt and
daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. N.
R. Holland and daughter Laverne,
Lillian, Isabell and Myrtle Ken
nedy, Albert M. Patrick and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy.
Scio Miss Doris NeDtune.
class advisor for the senior class,
entertained that class at a party
Saturday night, at the home of
Mrs. Dean Morris. Durine the
evening, games were in progress
for which Miss Ruby Jackson and
Leland Miller received nriies.
Mrs. Morris assisted Miss Nep
tune in serving.
Guests included the Misses Ru
by Jackson, Veneta McClaln, Hel
en Miller, Doris Clarke, Bernice
Newnouse, Doris Kirk, and Vir
ginia Turnidge, and Messrs. Le
land Miller, Alfred Yunker, Alan
Freitag, Emmet Maine, and
Glenn Arnold.
Aumsvllle. Members of the
Aumsville Women's club held
their regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. Alene Castle Thursday af
ternoon, with Mrs. W. Castle as
assistant hostess. Vases of golden
daffodils added a pretty note to
tne cheerful gue3t rooms.
Besides the regular business
March 30th
10 A. M. to
4 P. M.
First Quality;
Lavce Top;
French Heel;
Cradle Sole,
00 Keedle
Society Editor
Miss Neptune Scio Hostess
Compliments Friends
session the afternoon activities
consisted of a variety of needle
work. A pleasant event of the af
ternoon was the handkerchief
gift shower, complimenting Mrs.
W. A. Forgey, who will soon move
to her new home north of Salem.
Special guests for the afternoon
were Mrs. Columus and Mrs. Ham.
Mrs. T. Y. McClellan will be
hostess to the club at her home in
West Stayton April 6 for an all
day quilting.
West Salem. Miss Lottie Mo-
Adams was the inspiration for a
pleasant surprise when a group
of neighbors and friends helped
her celebrate her birthday anni
versary. After social afternoon
of five hundred, the guests pres
ented Miss McAdams and Mrs. EL
L. Miller each with a beautifully
decorated cake for their joint
Those present were Mesdames
William L. La Due. Guy C. New
gent, John A. Gosser, Nicholas
Brlnkley, Dale Lemon, Frank P.
Wells, Ray Lacey, Elmer D. Cook.
Fred Gibson, Robert Pattlson,
Olive Hawk, Ray Ferguson and B,
L. Miller and the Misses Betty
Bedford and Lottie McAdams.
Mrs. E. Lloyd Miller was given
a delightful birthday surprise par
ty Sarturday night when Salem
callers were Messers, and Mes
dames Ralph Curtis, A. E. Ullman,
Don Hendrie, Mark Wilbur, Loren
Hove ana E. L.. Muter ana family,
St. Paul The Lady Forest
ers held their March meeting at
the home of Mrs. E. C. Davidson.
Playing 500, Mrs. Charles Good
ing received the first prize and
Mrs. Steve Merten received con
solation; playing bridge. Miss
Zella Davidson received first and
Mrs. Edward Davidson, consola
Sunday afternoon, Miss Patri
cia Davidson was honored by i
birthday dinner at her home. Her
schoolmates present at the dinner
were Virginia Ernst, Mary David
son, Marcello Stupfel, Mary Ann
Kir and Dorothy Faber.
Riverview. A surprise party
was given for Mrs. L. P. Bart-
nek in honor of her birthday, Sat
urday night at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Lora Piatt, here.
Mrs. Florence Wright will en
tertaln the Royal Neighbors club
at her home today for an all-day
meeting with potluck lunch at
noon. Members are requested to
bring their own table service.
Special Advertising Sale
vg) InJ (
$2.00 Genuine Rock Crystal Necklace
I I W W strnn on Silver-Finish non-tarnishing
Present this adTertisement and 99 cents and receive one $1.00
.7 Face Powder, one l-OO bottle May Qveem
Exquisite Perfume, a S2.00 Genuine Rock Crystal Necklace Strang
on silver-tlnfeh chain and TWO PAIRS of LADIES' 800 needle
chiffon S 1.00 HOSE. Remember, yon get 2 PAIRS of hosiery. II
you cannot come, send someone to onr store Thursday and leave
e and yoar set will be . la Id aside.
Only ZzSZS
Present This Ad
Opera Hoisso Pfaactaacy
Oourt and High Street -
Special Advertising Sale v - -
Basketball Team
Is Complimented
The Salem chapter of the Co
lumbia District Luther league en
tertained the champion .basket
ball team of the American Luth
eran church at a banquet given
In their honor Sunday evening
at i o'clock.
The banquet was held In the
church parlors. Max Oehlar was
the head of the ceremonies while
Ward Horn acted as toastmaster.
The president, of the Columbia
District Luther league. Ralph
Luedtke was one of the many
honored guests.
Speeches were made by the fol
lowing. Tyrus Hillway, Alvin Ol
son. Rev. ETlckson, Mark Oelhlar,
Marvin Johnson and Tom Allport.
The personnel of the basketball
team are Tom Allport, captain
and business manager; Irvin
Bahlburg, Tyrus Hillway, William
Schnieder, William White, Terdl
Sederstrom, Howard King. Stan
ley Knight, Mark Gelhlar and Wil
liam Haskins.
Other bidden guests were the
Misses Vera Coward. Opal 8tri-
gent, Louvera Horn, Iola Znes-
seth, Clarice Kolbe, Mary Dan
ger, Josephine Ackline, Hattle
Bratsel, Lucille Hanson, Berdie
Hebel, Arlene Sholseth, Sybil
Johnson, Phyllis Hart, Luetta
Rienwauld, Olive Ragan, Arlene
Timm, Mildred Loelle, Helena
and Victoria Schnieder. Olive
Schurtz, Dorothy Sederstrom.
Mrs. Max Oelhlar. Mrs. Bill
Brietzke, Oscar Sederstrom, Ro
bert Sederstrom, Harold Toelie.
John Conger, Olive Glenn, Edwin
Vieske. Kenneth Caissex.
Rebekahs Elect
At their regular meeting Mon
day night the Rebekah lodge elect
ed five delegates to attend the
grand lodge session to be held in
Pendleton in May. Delegates elect
ed were Alma Henderson. Grace
M. Taylor, Jessie Moored. Cora
Van Pelt and Ella Smith. The al
ternates: Lillian Fleener, Eugenia
Seigmund, Dora Hill, Evelyn Na-
derman and Helen McLeod. Coral
McNeill was recommended as dis
trict deputy president for this dis
trict. The F. L. Girls from the Re
bekah lodge are going to put on
their play, "Dr. Kure All." at the
girls' state training school Thurs
day night, under the direction of
Miss Wilda Fleener.
Informal Tea Planned
For Studio Afternoon
A pleasing informal tea la an
nounced for Friday afternoon
between the hours of two and
four o'clock In the studio of Mrs.
Jessie Bush and Mrs. Robey Rat
cllffe In the Nelson building.
A program is being arranged
with a guest speaker and several
musical and Interpretative read
ing numbers. Miss Carlotta Crow
ley, of the Salem school system,
will be speaker for the afternoon.
Presiding at the tea table will
be Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs.
Willis J. Roughton. Assisting in
serving will be Miss Genevieve
Thayer, Miss Sally Lansing and
Miss Zora Farnsworth.
Mrs. Frank Powers entertained
at her home Tuesday afternoon In
compliment to the ladles aid so
ciety of the East Division of the
First Methodist church. Mrs. D.
A. Hodge was assisting hostess.
A gay profusion of daffodils and
forsythla were used about the
guest rooms.
Silverton Miss Margaret Rosa,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Custer
Ross, Is spending her two weeks'
spring vacation at the home of
her parents here. Miss Ross is
attending the Annie Wright sem
inary at Tacoma. She will return
to her school work the second
weekend In April.
Mrs. Rachel Reeder has as her
house guests Mr. and Mrs. John
Marrfleld of Waldo Hills. Mrs
Reeder gave a dinner Monday
evening honoring the occasion of
Mr. Man-field's birthday.
March 30th
10 A. M. to
4 P. M.
All Five
Add 10c
Ts Each
in i
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alumnae Meets
! The Salem group of the Alpha
Phi Alpha Alumnae association
met Monday evening at the chap
ter house. The business meeting
was followed by a social evening,
i Hostesses for the occasion were
Mrs. Leonard Helsler and Miss
Rosetta Smith.
: Present were Mrs. A. F. Chiis
tenson. Mrs. Francis De Harpport,
Mrs. W. Wells. Mrs. Harold El
bert, Mrs. Leonard Heisler, Miss
Muriel White, Miss Beneitta Ed
wards, Miss Helen Breithaupt,
Miss Helen Moore. Miss Roberta
Varley, Miss Loretta Varley, Miss
Gladys Miller, Miss Velleda Oh
mart. Miss Rosetta Smith.
J. U. G. dub Has
Special Guests
A number of special guests were
present for the Monday meeting of
the J. U. O. elub at the R. E.
Jones home, with Miss Lillian
Kayser as hostess. These Included
Mrs. Jenny Shelton, Miss Myrtle
Porter, Miss Caroline Kayser and
Mrs. Louise Jones.
Miss Kayser used a springlike
arrangement of pussywillows and
daffodils for the guest rooms and
for the service table at the coffee
hour. Miss Dorothy Walker and
Mrs. Louise Jones assisted In serv
ing. A short business meeting was
followed by puzzling moments
over a jigsaw puzsle.
Tillicum Club Plans
Guest Dance
The Tillicum dancing club has
planned a gay party for its April
meeting, which will be an event of
April 2S. At this time "guest
night" will be observed at Crystal
Garden. Special features and an
unusually festive time is being an
The club met Tuesday night tor
the March dance at Castillian hall.
One of the largest dinner parties
to precede the dance was that with
covers for 32 guests which was
observed as a no-host affair at
Mrs. Ida Godfrey's.
Mrs. Harold V. Warden enter
tained at her home on Jefferson
street recently, to celebrate the
first birthdays of four little ones
whose birthdays were last week
The guests of honor were Mike
Holms, Barbara Lange. Wayne
Hall, and Nita Lee Warden. Oth
era present were Mr. and Mrs. M.
be chic"--says Anne
A12TI (Ltp)Sixes 16 to 20; MtoH
A2221 (Center) Snail, medium or Isrgt sizes
A240i (Rigbt)Smoll, medium or Urge sixes
Holms, .. Mr. and lira, Herbert
Lange and son Jerry, Mrs. Ferdlg
Hall and daughter Shirley, Mrs.
D. T. Hamm or Jefferson, a spe
cial guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Har
old V. Warden.
Chapter A. B. is
A delightful evening was spent
Monday at the home of Mrs. Ray
L. Smith .when Mrs. Smith and
Mrs. Mary Reerea entertained for
the regular meeting of Chapter
A. B. of the P. E. O. Sisterhood.
For the program Mrs. J. C.
Nelson gave an Interesting book
review. At the coffee hour Mrs.
Roy Hewitt and Mrs. A. R. Hun
ter assisted the hostesses In serv
ing. The next hostess for the group
will be Mrs. E. O. Richards.
A delightful affair of Sunday
was the joint birthday dinner In
Mill City complimenting the 70th
birthdays of Dan Wilkenson and
Tom McCloud. The event was cele
brated at the Wilkinson home. A
noon dinner was followed by an
informal afternoon. Guests in
cluded Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Mc
Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilken
son and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cagle
of West Stayton. Mrs. Clarence
Baldeon, Grants Pass; Mrs. Ruth
Decker, Poeatello, Idaho; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Johnson. Salem, and
Mrs. Wilkenson.
Arnold Wildt Has
Exceptional Card
For School Study
Honor roll students in the inter
mediate room for the past six
weeks are: Arnold Wildt. Eugene
Morrison, Josephine Bruinsma,
Virginia Stapleton and Paul An
Arnold Wildt was on the honor
roll all of last year as all this year
so far. Alga Ribbers and George
VanOtten were the only two pu
pils In Polk county to receive 100
per cent In the recent mid-year
WOODBURN, March 28 C
P. Braanen of Seattle was arrest
ed by state police officer, Farley
Mogan Monday morning neat
Brooks where he overtook and
passed an oil truck, crowding
car off the highway. He appeared
before Judge Hiram Overton and
pleaded guilty. He was fined 8 5
and costs.
"When at home .
every day in
Monmouth High School
Group Will Produce 3
Short Plays
BETHEL, March St A east
selected from the membership of
the Bethel Community elub Is
presenting the two hour play,
"The ' ittle Clodhopper- at the
schoolhouse Friday night. Mrs.
Roy Marchand la in the title role.
Others are J. O. Lauderback, W.
L. Creech, Junior Hamrlck. Mrs.
H. H. Boles, Mrs. A. I. Eoff,
Miss Josephine Zak.
A small change Is being made
for the benefit of the Commun
ity club treasury.
Bethel school is five miles east
of Ladd and Bush bank out State
MONMOUTH, March 28 Mon
mouth high school students will
present three one-act plays Thurs
day and Friday nights. The cast
of "Sir Launfal" Is Leo Blodgett,
John Ha'er, John Murdock and
Charles Petrie.
In "Green Shadows" Dorothy
Rydell and Cyril Wilson play the
leads, supported by Mildred Cole,
Al Snyder and Charles Coleman.
"Elmer" Is played by Warren
Elliott, supported by this cast:
Birdlne Derby. June Craven, Mil
dred McKnight, Mabel Schirman,
Arne Jensen, Jane Parrish, Leroy
Wilson and Elvie Bond.
These are all-school produc
tions, and a senior play will be
presented later In the spring.
I larry Way Entrant
As F. F. Declaimer
SILVERTON, March 28 Har
ry Way will represent Silverton
chapter of the Future Farmers of
America public speaking contest
to be held at McMinnvtlle Thurs
day night. Others going over
from here to the contest are Tom
Miller, Herbert Jones and Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Crabtree.
QUEENER, March 28 A birth
day party given by Mrs. Paul
Lambrecht and Miss Ada Chrls
tensen of Stayton, was much en
joyed Saturday night at the Clem
and through her smartly individual
house dress and apron patterns shows
you how!
Anne Adams lavishes as much. atten
tion on her "styles for sweeping" as she
does on her exquisite afternoon and
formal frocks, for it is her belief that a
comfortable, sensibly designed and be
coming house frock actually lightens
domestic cares.
Patterns for such house frocks and
aprons appear frequently in the Anne
Adams pattern feature published in
this newspaper every day; and several
pages of these patterns appear in the
Anne Adams pattern catalog which
may also be ordered through our Pat
tern Department.
The Wash Goods departments of the
stores have plenty of good, durable,
tubable materials and Anne Adams par
ticularly recommends gay, all-over
prints or bright solid colors.
cents each. The coupon below is for
your convenience in ordering the pat
terns illustrated.
Pattern address of your paper
FiyWM it payment at fifteen ceoo each for
tbe following patterns :
A2403insxz ,
Send to
Crane home. Guests were: - Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Eecl&son. .barrel
Fleming, Ray and Vilas Harold,
Jake Marti. Ben and Joe Seniles,
Clemens Laimhrecht. Mary Schlies,
Nola Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
LambrechUl Ada Chrlstensen and
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Crane and
children, f
Coast Short Cuts .
Are Reported to be
In Pair Condition
BRUSH CREEK, March 18,
Both the "Salmon River cut-off
and the Dallas short cut roads to
the coast are in much better con
dition than Icould be expected fol
lowing the severe winter, reports
a group ot Brush Creek people
who motored out to DeLake Sun
day. ;
Vegetation was further ad
vanced at the coast and grass did
not seem as much damaged by
frost as it does In the Talley. No
rain was reported at DeLake and
no wind blew during the after
noon. County Convention
Of Farmers Union
Slated Saturday
BETHEL? March 28 A large
delegation from Bethel local plans
to attend tQ,e Marion county con
vention of the Farmers Union
Saturday, April 1. at Marlon.
This is to be sn all day session.
Opening at 10 o'clock, pot luck
dinner at noon. Much Important
business is to come before the
MONMOUTH. March 28 The
Oregon Normal school and train
ing school reopened Mondsy after
the spring vacation. Miss Lucille
Wall. Mrs. Melford Nelson and
her brother Frank Haymrn. and
Miss Helen Martin went to Los
Angeles to visit relatives and ob
serve the earthquake stricken ter
PIONEER. March 28. The
"sing" group met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis Sun
day for Its regular covered dish
dinner and social sing. Solos were
given by Mrs. C. Dornhecker and
Vera Miller. The next meeting will
be held at the elubhouse on Easter
Sunday and program win be ar
ranged In keeping with the day.