The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    Th'e OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon, Vednesday Morning; March : zV jSs' B-C -
"No Favor Sways Us; No Fear S1all Ave"
I i From First Statesman, March 28, 1851
Ca&SUCS A. Spragxjc ----- Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett Managing Editor
Member of tbe Associated Press
- The Aaaodlated Preaa la axclualvely entitled to th um for publica
tion ot all oews dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In
this paper. . " '
Portland Representative
Gordon B. Bell. Security Building. Portland. Or a.
; Eastern Advertising Representatives
Bryant. Oritnth a Brunson. lac, Chicago. New Tork. Detroit.
Boston. Atlanta.
Entered at the Poetoffiee at Salem, Oregon, as Seeond-Claee
Matter. Published every morning except Monday, tsusxnese
office, SIS S. Commercial Street.
Mail Subscription Ratea, In Adranoa. Within Ortgon: Dally
nndav. l Mo. to cents: a Mo. St.ts; Mo. SS.M; 1 rear
Elsewhere Is cents per Mo., or $. for 1 rear In advance.
By City Carrier: 41 cents a month: $5.09 a year 1a advance. Per
Copy t centa On trains and News Stands I cent a.
. . . Of Old Salem
Town Talks from Tbe States
man ef Earlier Days
March 29, 100B t
Staytoa -wants a railroad, de
clared residents of that town yes
terday as they passed through
Salem returning from conferring
with, railroad officials at Port
land. In the party were W. T.
Klerker, Geo. Spanlol, R. A. El
wood, L. P. Brown, W. A. Wright,
W. A. Weddle, Dr. H. A. Bean
champ, Jacob Spaniol, G. I.
Brown, IL J. Marking, CLarles
Streft and E. D. Alexander.
Mill creek Is to be stocked with
brook trout by the government
as the result of efforts of Paul H.
Hauser and Congressman W. C.
Hawley. J. W. Irvine of Mehama
has made application for fish to
stock the Santiam river.
The Voice From Over the Grange
mHE Grange Bulletin, official organ of the state grange,
I 1 tlL Al f Wl-.s i- IMtnolnl, 4 111 TTVITl4'
Ja. disagrees wuu we vreguu vube m yaoot-uB j""6'"-",
on the last legislature. Where the Voter has praise for the
labors of the members of the legislature, the Bulletin makes
a wry face over the output of the session. It remarks :
"These men were elected because they promised economy
would be the watchword at Salem, that unnecesiiary boards and
commissions would be eliminated, salaries of state officials re
duced commensurate with present conditions and rigid economy
exercised In appropriations."
It numerous functions and divisions of government
which -are licking their wounds is any criterion the legisla
ture did just the job which it promised to do, only Hanzen
and Meier did it first in many cases. A general law reduc
ing salaries from 5 to 30 was passed.
"We find that six millions were added to the tax load
through the enactment of the sales tax, no reduction was made
la the state budget, but instead taxes will be increased $281,000
in excess of the total estimated requirements as jet forth to the
legislature by Governor Meier."
Such a comment is neither honest nor iair. The sales
tax did not add six millions to the tax load. It relieved real
property of that burden. The only portion of the sales tax
which might be considered an additional tax is $250,000 for
a contingent appropriation for relief of destitution. So far
as reductions in the budget are concerned, it depends on
which budgets are taken for comparison. Compared with
the legislative appropriations of two' years ago, the reduc
tions are about five millions of dollars. Disregarding some
omissions like appropriations for market roads, handled
otherwise this year, the reduction in general expenditures
runa about- one-third. Few states equal that record, few
counties or school districts or cities can approximate such
reductions. , , , ai . .
"The legislature not only failed to adopt legislation that
-would effectively regulate utilities, leaving this momentuous
question very much up in the air, but spent its valuable time de
bating the return of fish wheels on the Columbia River, a ques
tion -which was settled with a 30,000 majority when the people
were given the opportunity by the Grange initiative measure in
Once again the Bulletin is unfair, because the Thomas
bill as amended, if properly and vigorously enforced will sup
ply all the regulation which is required to prevent exploita
tion of public interests. When the teeth in that law get to
biting, well, God help the utility promoter on a night like
"And the results Of the special session, called Just prior to
the regular meeting time, represented an outlay ot state funds
. i Aalt mama wi vH aVi a4 1
estimated at JSa.uou witn aosoiuieiy nuimug awwjiuyox.
We credit the Bulletin here with an unintentional error
in misplacing its decimal point. The expense was $8,500. It
was thrown away, yes; but it did have the effect of fixing
the attention of legislators and the public to the critical state
of Oregon's finances, which the regular session undertook,
and successfully we think, to solve.
Mutterings in the Provinces
OREGON senators have rarely cast more unpopular votes
than when they voted to perpetuate the mileage graft of
20c a mile. There are many rumblings in the commonwealth
over their votes. Since Oregon is about tie farthest re
moved from the national capital the allowance is a fat one,
about $1200 for the round trip which is ensily done for
around $500. , . ,
The Dalles Chronicle is one of the paper which speaks
"McNary and his team mate, Frederick Steiwer, are none
too popular "back home" right now as a result of their votes on
recent controversial issues. McNary and Steiwer voted to re
tain the racketeering 20-cents-a-mile travel allowance for con
gressmen, despite the fact that the actual cost to congressmen
of travel to and from Washington is less than f. cents a mile.
Many congressmen collected their mileage in full at the close of
the regular session, despite the fact that they did not leave
"Also, Stelwer's opposition to the Roosevelt economy pro
gram, and his bellicose statement charging Roosevelt with an
attempt to establish a dictatorship, did not set well with his
constituents. Virtually every newspaper in Oregon, republican
and democratic alike, has taken Steiwer to task fur this action."
The accident by which a youth lost his life Monday night was
sad; but its infrequenee Is in decided contrast with former times.
Now public attention Is centered on automobile accidents. A gener
ation ago the train was the chief killer; and as in the case of the
automobile today, the accident was generally the result ot careless
ness. In those days the continuing fear of mothers was over the
.habit of boys to "hop rides" on trains. Just as now they live in dread
of some auto wreck. Many a lad had an arm or a leg clipped off
while enjoying the thrill of stealing a short train ride. How many
grown men today can confess to having their hands peeled on the
cindera of the right-of-way: when they didn't Jump off quickly enough
and tumbled . . . well, rolled end-over-end? Railroading has lost
much of its romance, and boys do not play around railroad yards
like they used to. Their ambitions run now to driving motor cars
and becoming aviators.
The directors of the Salem
Board of Trade have contracted
with the Sunset magazine for
82200 worth of advertising for
Salem and Marion county. The
money has been raised through
popular subscription.
March 29, 1923
PARIS The body of Sarah
Bernhardt last night rested In
the famous rosewood casket lined
with white satin which was made
with her order 30 yean ago
and in which she was frequently
photographed while on her fam
ous tours. The "Divine Sarah"
died March 27.
Phil Bayes of Salem won
decisive victory over Soldier Ar
cher of San Diego at the Com
pany T boxing program last
Salem school board has retain
ed Superintendent George Hug
for another year and employed
two architects, Fred Leggo of Sa
lem to. draw plans for the $65.
000 addition to the senior high
school, and W. O. Knighton of
Portland to plan the new $75,
000 Junior high school structure.
New Views
"What do you think of the
spring weather this far?" asked
Statesman reporters as it rained
JT. D. McArthnr, unemployed
laborer! It ought to quit rain
ing pretty soon, oughtn't It?"
Wflma Godsey, student: "Oh,
It's lorely! Anyway it will de
until we are more ready for
spring. I haven't my spring
clothes ready yet."
Dr. Kenneth Waters, dentist:
"I don't mind it much. I put in
some shrubbery and rock plants
when we had a little sunshine,
and now this rain Is doing them
Shrub, Flower Sale
Slated at Woodburn
WOODBURN, March 28. The
Garden club is holding a shrub
and flower sale at the Ogle build
ing Saturday, April 1. This sale la
sponsored by the Garden club but-
all who have seeds, shrubs or
plants have been asked to donate
them. Proceeds are to go towards
planting and beautifying the
grounds of the new Lincoln school.
All Airlie Faculty
Gets Return Ticket
AIRLIE, March 28. At a spe
cial meeting ot the Alrlle school
board Monday night the entire
teaching 6taft was rehired for the
next school term: Walter C. Beck,
second year as principal and ath
letic coach; lone Imbler, assistant
principal, second year; Mrs. J. H
Lewis, intermediate; Valette Ree,
Gnus en
AURORA, March 28 Rev.
H, L. Graflous, pastor ot the Au
rora Presbyterian church was
called by his congregation to
serve as pastor for the eighth
ysar, at the annual meeting. At
that time, Mrs. Lydia Irria was
reelected trustee for three years,
Mrs. Walter Grim, treasurer. Mrs.
.a Diller, pianist, Mrs. Lane
Gribble, assistant pianist, and
Mrs. Fraf: Miller, choir director,
Officers elected for the Sun
day school were E. O. Diller, su
perintendent. Roland Wurster, as
sistant superintendent, Francis
Grow, secretary. Gilbert Bunt,
treasurer and Lola Mannock, pi
anist. .--'
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Long hare
transferred their lease on a ser
vice station which they have
been operating, to A. W. KelL
who took possession Saturday.
- The Nlckle Lunch" aUnd which
was owned by the Longs was
also leased to a Mr. Butterfleld,
who is working on the highway
n.1 whose family Is Irving In
:r,. llanr&han's house. Mrs. But-
terfleld will operate the lunch
stand. Long has purchased a ser
vice station and camp ground on
The Dalles-California highway
near Maupln.
Evangelistic Meet
To. be Terminated
At Friday Session
WOODBURN. March 28. The
evangelistic meetings being: held
at the Presbyterian church hare
been well attended and much In
terest has been tihown. Wednes
day night there will be represen
tation of the Gideons from Port
land. Thursday night there will be
a chureh rapper at f:50 p. m. and
will be followed by an annual
church business meeting. There
are to be no services later la the
events g.
Friday night is the closing
night. Peter Larson will sing and
awards will bo given to the chil
dren tor work done by thtm dur
ing the children's hour held every
afternoon at 8:19.
Saeagawea, bird woman:
Review by Eva Emery Dye:
Continuing from yesterday.
"Perhaps tbe Item that more than
anything else inclined me to be
lieTe that the Wyoming Sacaja
wea might be the right one la the
presence of that Indian adopted
son Basil, a sub-chief ot the Shc
shones. I had been on the point ot
including Basil In The Conquest.
The Lewis and Clark Journals in
full had not yt been published,
so I had to follow the Biddle text.
At the request of Clark himself,
Mr. Biddle of Philadelphia put the
Journals in shape for their first
publication. And to aid him
George Shannon, the boy of the
expedition, was sent to Philadel
phia to assist.
"When Miss Hebard'a conten
tion first came to public notice I
said, 'Tee, that was the child, of
Saeajawea'a dead sister, the one
she adopted.' The later published
Original Journals furnished no
confirmation of this, but it Is re
corded In the Biddle text, no
doubt from Information given by
Shannon. The boy may hare
thrown Jlght on ot!icr matters, in
cluding Biddle's use ot the name
Sacajawea. Shannon's son told me
his father pronounced it Saca
JAWea. That name seems not to
have been used until after she
met her Shoshones. Before that
she was th Bird-woman, that
Crow woman, that woman from
the Crows, as she was known In
Dakota. They never knew her as
Sacajawea, the Boat-launcher.
"In Wyoming, on the Shoshone
reservation this son Basil was
nearer to her than Baptists, cared
for her until her death. That one
little Item helped me to clear up
a doubt It is very probable that
the woman who died on the upper
Missouri was the other Shoshone
wife of Charbonnean.
-s S
"If Sacajawea stayed with Bap
tists at Saint Louis for a time,
and finally went back to her own
people it would be natural that
she should go with them to their
reservation in Wyoming. Dr. John
Roberts, an Episcopal missionary,
conducted her burial service on
the Shoshone reservation on April
9, 1884. A cement stone marks
the spot. Vigorous to the last she
died in her sleep. Thus passed the
most famous of Indian women,
surpassing even Pocahontas.
"Altogether, Miss Hebard'a au
thoritative work on the heroine
of the Lewis and Clark expedition
Is a most valuable addition to
Americana, touching as it does so
many hitherto unwritten details
of her life and wanderings. The
European Journey ot Baptiste
Charbonneau to the court of
Prince Paul of Wurtemberg, and
his six years of residence there.
all dug out of archives In Stutt
gart, with illustrations of Prince
Paul'a artist, adds a touch of un
expected romance."
S .
The reader has perhaps noted
that the spelling is Saeagawea in
the headline, and Sacajawea in
the body of the article of yester
day and today. The American Ge
ographical Board has recently ad
opted Saeagawea as proper.
There Is surely no doubt now
that Baptiste, the papoose Saea
gawea brought when she accom
panied Lewis and Clark, was her
first born child. His birth was la
the camp ot the explorers on the
Missouri river in the winter of
1804-5; where the city of Man
dan, N. D., Is now located. The
fact that Capt. Clark gave Saea
gawea a string of black beads to
celebrate the coming of her first
born, little Baptiste, is not any
longer questioned by students of
history. The beads were very pre
cious to her, but it la supposed
that she traded that, her most
valued possession, to an Indian
chief of the Chtnooks for an otter
skin robe for her Christmas pres
ent to Capt. Clark at old Fort
Clatsop on January 25, 1805, aft-
er the possessor ot this to him an
almost priceless robe had refused
to part with it for what In other
eyes would be considered articles
ot much higher worth.
Mandan, N. D.. was accredited
with 5037 population in the 1930
census. The boys' reform school
of that state is located there, be
sides Northern Pacific railroad
shops. It la five miles northwest
of Bismarck, N. D,
Railroad travelers passing
through i are entertained at Man-
dan with songs by Indians selling
curios and articles ot their re
puted manufacture. These are
remnants of the, Mandan Indians
among whom Lewis and Clark
wintered there -when severe trees
lag weather overtook them in the
late fall of 1804. It was there that
they engaged as guides Touisaant
Charbonnean and his young slave
wife, Saeagawea, to pilot them
when they should resume their
Journey. In the spring; and to act
as Interpreters.
Saeagawea was a Shoshone In
dian girl, bora near the headwa
ters ot the Missouri river. Mlna
tare Indians captured her after
a battle with members of her
tribe, and sold her as a slave to
Charbonnean, who gave her a sta
tion ot plural wife or concnblne.
" S S
With her babe, little Baptiste,
strapped on her back, she led the
expedition through the wilderness
and aometimea over the territory
of hostile tribes. On one occasion,
Saeagawea, at the risk of her life,
saved the Journals of Lewis and
When the expedition arrived
near the summit ot the Rockies,
among her own people, she was
able to secure food and supplies
aad thus became the salvation of
the expedition. Her own brother,
Camaewhalt, she waa surprised to
find, when an interview was ar
ranged and she was to act as In
terpreter, was a chief of their
tribe. Without Saeagawea, the
whole party might have perished,
or been obliged to turn back.
a .
Mrs. Dye is Justified ia calling
her the "most famous ot Indian
women, surpassing even Pocahon
tas." she is also warranted in her
enthusiasm over the discovery at
Stuttgart, Germany. Baptiste. the
uiue aancmg boy," whom Capt.
Clark called "Pomp," will thus
mi a larger place in history.
Mrs. Dye, the writer under
sianas, is working on another
ooox, concerning the lifo and ca
reer or J esse ADDleeata. at hmr
home in Oregon City. If that be
irao, ii is sare to predict that she
will do the subject Justice; and
inat is saying a great deal. The
iun aeserves the best of her
high talents and her itiav. h.u
devotion to the absolute truths of
Daily Health Talks
Pupils at the Noble school who
were on the honor roll the past
mouth were Charles Wade, Mar
garet, Frances and Antony Bielen
berg, Albert Gersch, Violet and
Margaret Land wing and Robert
Schmaltz. Miss Grace Dunagan is
the teacher.
The Depression club met Friday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Floyd Shepherd.
A good crowd attended the com
edy, "Where's Grandma?" at the
I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night,
sponsored by the P. T. A. All
part were well taken.
Misg Doris Hogg entertained at
her home Saturday night with a
dancing party for Mr. and Mrs.
Ross H1U of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Shepherd, Mr. and Mra.
Franklin Shepherd, Miss Grace
Dunagan, Averitt Dunagan, Paul
and Bob Shepherd, Glenn Shep
herd and Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Mary Faith was burning . her
bridges. For three years, almost
four, she had been waiting to burn
them. Waiting to give up her room
at Mrs. Puckett's family hotel in
River Street. Waiting to tell Mr.
Mark Nesbit, the head of the Nes
bit Mercantile Company, that she
was planning to give p her position
as his private secretary just as soon
as he could fill her place. Waiting
to kt her small world know that she
was going to marry Kim Farrell at
For three years, almost four, she
had been engaged to marry Kim
For three years she had worn his
modest diamond oa the-thlrd finger
of her left hand, aad had speat part
of every lunch hour embroidering
guest towels and tabic runners for
the home that would be Kim's and
hers some day.
"If you don't get married pretty
soon, Jean Bartlctt, the head stea
ographer at Nesbit's, had said to
her less than a week before, "you'll
own enough hand embroidered
linens to start a shop! I don't be
lieve in these long engagements my
self. There should be a law against
them. . . . Too many girls find them
elves disappointed old maids at the
end of them instead of blushing
Mary Faith had not answered her.
She had only looked at her with
dear, untroubled eyes aad smiled.
She had no doubts about Kim Far
relL He loved her just as she loved
him. And so she was willing to
wait for him.
And then late last night, as if to
iustify her faith in him, Kim had
suddenly turned to her in the lamp
lit dimness of Mrs. Puckett's old
fashioned parlor and asked her when
he would marry him.
"Why in about two weeks.
think," she had answered him as
soon as she could get her breath.
"You see, m have to tell Mr. Nes
bit I'm leaving, and it will take me
few days to break his new secre
tary in to do my work. . . . Kim, to
think of us really getting married in
two weeks! Why, I never knew any
one could be so happy as I am right
this minuter
Long afterward H came back to
her that he had said nothing about
his own happiness that night.
At breakfast she had told Mrs.
Puckett that she was going to be
married on the first ef October.
At noon she had broken the news
to Jeaa Bartlctt, who was half ex
pecting to step into her shoes at the
It was half past five ia the after
noon now, aad Mary f attn was
steadiaar at the door of Mr. Mark
Nesbifs private office.
She had something for him to
sign ia one hand and the door knob
in the other. ... It was going to be
hard to opca that door and walk into
the Office to ten him she was Icav
ing Nesbit's at the end of the month.
She had worked for him for four
year one year as a stenographer
and three years as his private secre
tary. The place itself was like home
to her. She had come to love the
big, shabby offices with their cork'
covered floors, their green-shaded
lights and their high, narrow win
dows that faced the west
The people who worked ia them
were her friends all of them, from
Jeaa Bartlett down to Stanley Ode
skafld, the office boy. There was not
one of them whom she was not go
ing to miss in the new life that lay
just ahead of her.
With a keen little sigh she turned
the door knob and stepped into Mr.
Mark Nesbrrs office. He was stand'
ing with his back to the room, look
ing down into the parking space at
die side of the building and fidgeting
with the window shade.
At the sound of the door closing
he swung round and met Mary
J 4J If
Tm going to be married on the first of October, Mr. Nesbit," said Mary,
Faith's eyes. Her deep steady eyes
were like Mary Faith herself, some
how. You could not look into them
without seeing that you could bank
on her always for honesty and goodness.
They were dark blue, fringed with
heavy lashes, and they would have
given a certain beauty to even a
plain woman. But Mary Faith was
not plain. Health glowed m her
cheeks and lips with a rose-red flame
that left the rest of her face to the
dusky whiteness of her skin, to the
blackness of her brows aad lashes.
Her dark hair swept up from a
widow's peak on her forehead and
her hps, when she smiled, had the
tilt of flying wings.
She was not smiling now. Serious
and silent, moving like a breath, she
came across the thick carpet of the
office and laid her letters down upon
Mr. Nesbtrs glass-topped desk.
i can mail these on my way
home. Mr. Nesbit" she said quietly
as she stood beside his chair, watch
ing him sign his name to them one
by one.
He had nice, clever-looking haads,
she thought watching them amove
across the papers in front of him.
She had always liked his nice, home
ly face, his dark quick glance, his
firm, pleasant way of giving orders
She knew that he was a bachelor
and that he was only thirty-four
years old. She knew too that he
was making a tremendous success of
the business that had been left to
him by his father.
But neither his money . nor his
attractive bachelorhood had ever
had any power to stir Mary Faith.
For she had met Kim Farrell just
a little while after she began to work
at Nesbirs, and since that time
there had been only one man ia the
world for her Kim.
"Mr. Nesbit" she said when Mr.
Nesbit had laid down his fountain
pen and was blotting the last of the
letters, "Mr. Nesbit, I want to tclJ
you that I am going to leave at the
end of this month."
He turned in his chair and gave
her a sharp frowning look.
"Leaving?" he repeated. "Leav
ing? What do you mean? Don't
things suit you here?".
I m going to be married on the
first of October, Mr. Nesbit."
He went oa frowning at her a mo
ment or two longer.
"Married," he said finally in a flat
colorless voice. "I see."
"I'm sure Miss Bartlett can do my
work, and I think she'd like to have
the position," Mary Faith went on.
If you decide to give it to her I'll
be glad to show her everything;
she'll need to know, before I leave.
She waited for him to answer her;
but he said nothing. He sat looking
at her with a puzzled, curious look
in his eyes.
The room was very stilL Outside
the half past five whistles began to
blow. An unseen door somewhere
in the building banged twice. In the
outer office Stanley Odeskalki began
to whistle "The Wedding of the
Winds." He had been whistling
maddening bits of it all day long.
"IH be sorry to leave," said Mary,
Faith with a nervous little catch in
her voice. "I've enjoyed working
for you. Mr. Nesbit."
Still he said nothing, and there
seemed to he nothing more for her
to say. She turned to go, and at her
sudden movement Mr. Nesbit gave a
start as if he were waking from a
deep reverie.
"Wait a minute," he said. "I I
suppose I should have been exact
ing this. But the fact is that it takes
me completely by surprise. Some
how or other, I've never connected
yon with the idea of getting married
and going away."
(To Be CocrinotO
Utrriffct. 1SI. r Btrlr Bartaat
Dtstrlfeaua r
Kia Fcatarw Sradieat. !.
CLOVER D Litis, March It i
CLOVE RD ALB. March 37
Mrs. Merle Hedge has been re
elected to teach the Crawford
school next school year. This will
make her second term.
United States Senator from New York.
Former Oommlttioner of He si tit,
Vevo York City.
"PRETTY. GOOD for an old man,"
la an expression commonly heard.
But nobody wants to be old Indeed
most ot us resent being told we are
getting old.
'What la old age? Whea doss it
arrive? These
questions taxed
the ancient phil
osophera and
they are stin the
problem of mod
ern scientists.
As tne years
advance, tbe hu
man body under
goes certain
changes. Adjust
ment must be
made to meet
these changes.
The person whe
overlooks this
necessity sub
jects his body te
great dangera.
By "adjustment I mean the essen
tial changes which should be made
la habits ot eating, drip V lug, sleep
ing and exercise. O m cannot do at
sixty, what waa rJectly safe at
We are all the time -ading in the
newspapers stories at at Important
men dying unexpectedly. In most in
stances, death occurred after eating
a large meal. There are few things
more danxarons than the common
practice ot overeating. This ia par
ticularly true ef the man or woman
beyond middle age.
Overeating to one ef the common
faults of mankind. It should not be
done. Eat slowly, enjoy your food,
bat always leave the table "a little
hungry". Drink plenty of water, not
at meals but between meals. This
help rid the body of poisonous sub-
Pr. Oopeland
Dam's Cease Street Cars
Ovarezartloa to another danger that
must not be overlooked. The body
is a machine that reqniraa a reason
able degree of cars. It should be
the aim of Its possessor to preserve
the strength and health ot the body.
Avoid sudden exertion, such as
sprints to catch a street car. Ex
cessive and unfamiliar exercise is
Bear In mind that -e man beyond
middle age must secure a complete
night's rest A daily afternoon nap
Is beneficial. Better tar te take too
much sleep and rest than net enough.
reriodio visits -te the doctor are
entiaL A careful check-n wOJ
reveal your weak points. Knowledge
of any weakness will enable you to
guard against undue strain or in
Jury. After middle life a urinary
analysis should be made every six
Know Year Linaitatioms
In what X hava said, I do not mean
to imply that a sedentary life la ad
visable, for all Individual beyond
middle age. But X de meaa to Imply
that everyone ahould be familiar wtta
the limitations ot his body and re
spect it accordingly. A certain
amount ot exercise is benenclaL But
the same sort ot exercise taken in
excess to harmful.
The rule of moderatioa la ptrhsrs
the best guide. If golf has been ad
vised as your form ot exercise, de not
overindulge la It Tee many men
play eighteen holes of golf whea they
should play only nine. This rule ap
plies to walking; swimming; eating
and smoking.
De not deprive yoorself ef the
many pleasures that yon have
accustomed to enjoy, bat take
In moderatioa. "A man to as old aa
his arterea, to a wise aad true state
ment But tt to equally true that a
Is as old as his body. Make the
adjustments required ef
you by nature.
Answers to Health Qaiariee
J. A. H. Q. What do yea advise
tor high bleed pi ensure 1 '
Aw Bead self-eddraased, stamped
envelope fur full partkmlara and re
peat your question.
(Copyright. H,X 1. MtnaJ ..
8UNNYSIDE. March 28. Th
Sunnyside community club nre-
sented the play. "Between the
Acts,- which was well received,
to a fall house Friday night. The
cast will meet with the Robert
community club later for a tryoui
In the contest. The production
Judged the best of the two win
compete In the contest which la
put on by the community clubs of
the county In May.
A Jigsaw pusale party was held
Saturday night at the homo of Mr.
aad Mrs. Frank Barnett. Four
tables of pussies were arranged
and several difficult ones solved.
Unfavorable weather still ore-
vans with heavy and light frosts
Loccurring. Farmers are reaeedlng
son grata fields whieh were tros
en out Some of the berry grower
are putting up the vines with the
hope of a small crop which may
furnish employment for a few
field worker.
Spring Fever
James Alderman Dies
At Advanced Age, 81
ZKNA, James Alderman, pio
neer ot polk county, died at a
hospital in Salem Monday morn
ing, March 27, at the age ot tl
years and 8 months. Mr. Alderman
te survived by a niece, Mrs. Jamea
L. Cutler of Salem. He waa a resi
dent of Zona for many year. Fu
neral services will be held Friday
at 1:10 p. m. from Rlgdon's, with
interment in City View cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wee ma are
the parents ot a boy, Marcus Wal
ton, bora at the homo March Sf.
This la the third child but first
on. , ' ... ' ' . . -
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