The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Tnesday-Morninr, March 28, 1933
DoGiety News and Club
OLIYK M. DOXK, Society Editor
Women ot Rotary
Plans Made
Aa attractive Inncheon meet
Ins with eoTera plaeed tor about
to membcn opened the meeting
of the Women of Rotary organ!
satloa Monday at the Marion ho
tel, i
A business meeting was held
following the Inncheon hoar and
at this time Mrs. William Mc
Gilehrlst Jr., named committees
to serve during the coming year.
These committees include:
Program,' Mrs. Eric Bntler,
Mrs. 1. E. BUnkhorn, Mrs. Grant
Day, Mrs. Walter Malloy; atten
dance, Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. B.
E. Slsson, Mrs. Lyle Bartholo
mew, Mrs. W. J. Bnslck. mem
bership, Mrs. George Hug. Mrs.
Errin Smith, and Mrs. H. C.
Social. Mrs. B. P. Pound. Mrs.
R. A. Fortner, Mrs. J. Lyman
Steed, and Mrs. Roy Simmons;
luncheon, Mrs. Max Page, Mrs.
W. Rr Daney, Mrs. Palmer Mac
Donald; publicity. Mrs. W. L.
Transportation, Mrs. Phil Bik
er, Mrs. Walter Jenks, and Mrs.
W. M. Hamilton. Werk, Mrs. Lelf
Bergrrik. Mrs. F. J. Gilbralth,
Mrs. C. A. Howard, and Mrs.
Vf. O. Morehouse.
Visiting committee. Mrs. H. H.
Smith. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, and
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. Welfare,
Mrs. Tom Delaney, Mrs. Ted En
dieott, Mrs. Roy Stewart, and
Mrs. Chester Pickens.
Following the business meet
ing the group motored to the
school tor the deaf and there en
Joyed an nnusarlly interesting
demonstration of the work ac
complished In the school. The
demonstration was giYen under
the direction of J. Lyman Steed,
superintendent of the school.
The next meeting of the group
will be In April.
Large Dinner, Card
Party Planned
One of (he most attractive af
fairs ot the weelc will be the
smart dinner party at the Sra
Saturday night followed by cards.
Covers will be placed for 16
Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Oooley, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. James Burg
ess, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
The Salem district meeting of
the W. F. M. S. will be held In
our church Wednesday, beginning
at 10 o'clock. Mrs. S. Raynor
Smith of Tillamook will direct a
' candlelight ceremonial following
the luncheon. The following peo
ple win participate In the day's
program: Mrs. Earl Dean, Mrs.
Paul Edwards, Mrs..R. A. Feen
atra, Mrs. William F. Campbell.
Mrs. H. C. Humphrey, Mrs. Carl
0. Doney, Dr. M. A. Marcy and
Dr. B. E. Parker.
i Pattern
Tuesday, March 8
Chi Delta chapter ot Delphlans, with Mrs. E. B.
Millard, 9:30 o'clock.
Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club, Marion ho
tel, 7 o'clock; Mrs. J. Vinton Scott speaker.
Business and Jrofess!onal Women's club, regular
f :30 o'clock dinner; Marlon hotel.
Women's Press elub with Mrs. A. L. Lin d beck, 1373
South High street, 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon fol
lowed by cards.
Wednesday, March 9
Technocracy forum, eity library, 8 o'clock; W. A.
Delzell, speaker.
West Way club of Women's Benefit association,
with Mrs. Jennie Mlller.Sl South 19th street. 8 o'clock.
Salem district meeting ot W. F.- M. S. In First Meth
odist church, beginning at 10 o'clock.
Thursday, March SO
Monthly W. C. T. U. meeting of South Salem In
Leslie church parlors; Mrs. Hannah Martin speaker;
special music planned.
West Salem Foreign Missionary society, 8 o'clock
with Mrs. C. L. Dark, 975 Edgewater street.
Friday, March SI
Past Matrons club of Order ot Eastern Star, reg
ular meeting at home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey; 7:30 o'clock
dinner and business meeting to follow.
North Salem W. C. T. U., matron's silver medal
contest, 7:30 o'clock in Englewood United Brethern
church, 17th and Nebraska streets.
Cupid Unusually Active Past Few
Days in Various Valley Centers
Miss Beulah Aydelott Bride of Burt Curtisa;
Albert Cammack Weds; F. E. Taylor too
Pioneer Miss Beulah Ayde
lott of Eugene became the bride
of Mr. Burt Curtlss of Pioneer
Friday night at 6:30 o'clock at
a ceremony at the First Christian
church, with Rev. K. E. Burke
Loyal Aydelott, brother of the
bride, sang "I Love You Truly,"
accompanied at the piano by Mrs.
K. E. Burke. Mrs. G. C. Dorn
hecker sang. "Will You Love Me
When I'm Old," accompanied by
Mrs. R. Domaschofsky. Both were
sisters of the groom.
Miss Aydelott was beautiful in
an egg shell silk crepe, trimmed
with lace and pink ribbon.
The following members of the
immediate families were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curtlss. C. 3.
Aydelott and son Loyal, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Aydelott and son Ted
die of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Dornhecker and family of
Albany, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dom
aschofsky of Dallas and Mrs.
Frank Domaschofsky and Clyde
Robbing and family of here.
Miss Aydelott Is a graduate of
the Eugrne high school and a
student of the Eugene Bible col
lege. Mr. Curtlss Is a graduate
of the Dallas high school and at
tended O. S. C. They expect to
make their home in Dallas.
The bride is a daughter of C. S.
Aydelott and Mr. Curtlss is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cur
tlss ot here. ,
The newlyweds left immediate
ly for a short trip.
Monmouth T h e Wednesday
meeting of the Social Hour club
at the home of Mrs. A. F. Courter
was featured by several talks on
spring gardening, speakers being
Mrs. J. B. Lorence, Mrs. J. B. V.
Butler, Mrs. H. W. Morlan, and
Mrs. F. E. Chambers. Mrs. Cham
bers also sang two numbers with
piano accompaniment by Mrs.
Roy Miller. Mrs. E. W. Staata as
sisted Mrs. Courter in entertain
ing. Mrs. James Gentle and Mrs.
Thomas H. Gentle had charge ot
the program.
Wes'. Stay ton Word was re
ceived here Friday of the wedding
of Miss Orpba Shellenberger to
Felix Eugene Taylor. Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor are enjoying a short
wedding trip in Washington.
Mrs. Taylor has lived In this
community for several years. She
and Mr. Vaylor are both grad
uates from the Aumsvllle high
It Is not known where the cou
ple will make their home.
Rosede' Albert Cammack
and Miss Ruth Myers of Green-
leaf, Idaho, were; married at her
home "hnrsday ; morning. Mr.
Cammack was accor-panled from
Portland by the bride's brother.
Lyman Myers, who acted as best
man. Rev. Cbas. Moore of Cald
well, Idaho was the officiating
clergyman About 20 guests were
present. After a wedding break-
fast. Mr. and Mrs. Cammack
started on the return trip. '
Kingwood Pussy willows and
ferns made a seasonal setting Sat
urday night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Cook when they
entertained with , an evening of
cards. The invitational list in-
eluded Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LaDue,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Sloper, Mr. and
Mrs. B. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Pattlson, Mr. and Mrs
Guy Newgent, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Gosser, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lacey.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lemon, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Dyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank K. Wells. Mrs. HetUe
Simpklns. the Misses Lottie Mc-
Adaras and Roberta Peterson and
Charles Ruge. High score was
won by Mrs. Gosser and Robert
Pattlson and the consolation was
awarded to Mrs. Fred Gibson and
Frank Wells.
Aurora Mrs. E. E. Bradtl was
the inspiration for a happy sur
prise party Wednesday afternoon
when a number of her friends ga
thered at the home ot Mrs. A. L.
Strickland to do her honor on her
birthday anniversary. Gueets as
sembled were Mrs. Alice Marvin,
Mrs. A. W. Keil. Mrs. P. O. Otto
way, Mrs. Loran Gtesy. Mrs. Wal
ter Grim, Mrs. C. E. Gllbreath,
Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Mrs. Frank
Miller, Mrs. B. Giesy and Mrs. U.
Eller, Mrs. Bradtl and her twin
sister Mrs. Del Clark of Canby
were dinner guests of Canby
friends that evening.
Woodburn March 25 M r s.
B. J. Allen and daughter Helen,
were hostesses for Chapter J,
P. E. O. Sisterhood at their home
Thursday evening, the occasion
being a children's party, each
member present was in appropri
ate costume. Dinner was served
at 6:30 o'clock after which a
children's program in charge of
Mrs. Ivan Beers was enjoyed.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Gill.
April 13.
Sidney Mrs. J. D. Farr enter
tained the Ankeny Women's club
at her home Thursday afternoon
Mrs. Helen Doty was an invited
guest. Roll call was answered
with "current events."
North Santiam Mrs. A. T.
Keithley was pleasantly surprised
Thursday when relatives and
friends came to celebrate her
birthday anniversary.
Recent guests at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers were
Mrs. Frank Jordan and Mrs.
Charles Craig ot Seattle who step
ped enroute to California where
they will spend the month of
Mrs. J. M. Shively and Mrs
Minnie Nixon of Blue Rapids.
Kansas, are guests at the home
ot Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cady. .
D. A. R. Convention 1.
Eugene Wednesday
Salem Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution are making ready
for the state convention which will
meet te Eugene beginning with
the 1:30 o'clock hoard meeting
In the Masonic temple Wednesday
With this meetinr the 20th an
niversary of the organization of
the Oregon D. A. R. will be ob
served. Mrs. C 8. Jackson often-
called the D. A. R. Mother of Ore
gon, will give reminiscences of
early., meeting at the laneheon
meeting Thursday.
Formal opening- of the confer
ence Is scheduled tor 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, when the processional
ball will be led by state officers.
escorted by pages, honored guests
and the state presidents of patri
otic and genealogical societies in
Oregon. Colonel William H. Pat
terson, united States army, will
give an address on "Historical
Events Leading Up to the World
war," Illustrating with slides. A
reception to stale officers will
Thursday's session will be de
voted te reports of state officers,
state committee chairmen and
.chapter regents. A- memorial serv
ice will be held at 11 a. m., con
ducted by Mrs. William Dell-
schnelder, state chaplain, follow
ed by a service at the grave of
Mrs. F. O. Wilklns. honorary state
regent. Dr. Thomas H. Bibb, presi
dent of Albany college, will be
the luncheon speaker, on - "Stu
dent Loans." At 4 -o'clock there
will be a tea at Gerllnger hall.
honoring delegates to the confer
ence. The at the Hotel
Osburn, headquarters for dele
gates, will be held at 7 o'clock
and Commander Nelson W
Hibbs, U. S. N., will be the speaker.
Friday's session will close the
conference. Dean James H. Gil
bert of the University of Oregon,
will be the Inncheon speaker.
Special musical numbers will be
arranged throughout the sessions.
The following committees are
annonneed: Credentials. Mas-
dames E. B. Stewart ot Rose burg,
Dr. June Martin of Marshtield,
J. O. Shnmaker et MeMinnvtlle.
Edgar Barns ot Newberg; budget.
Miss Ethel May Handy, Mrs.
George P. Brlce of Portland, Mrs
Herman Grossman ot Oregon
City; resolutions, Mesdames Wil
bur Jones of Klamath Falls, J. C.
Woodwortb of Pendleton, J. O,
Grey ot Medford. Paul V. Maris of
Corvallis. N. W. Hibbs or fori-
land; by-laws revision, Mesdames
Sadie Orr-Dunbar or rortiana, j
C. Clarke of Salem, E. C. Bro-
naugh, Jr., and H. R. Wahoske of
Mrs. C. E. Boeschen has as her
house guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wlkldal who are en route to their
home in Dillon. Montana, after
having spent the winter in south
ern California. Mr. wmai ana
Mrs. Boesehen are brother and
sister. The guests have visited in
Salem many times in recent years
and find their return trips more
pleasant each time. They left
Long Beaeh, Cal., the morning of
the disastrous earth quake. Mr.
and Mrs. Wlkldal will spend this
mmmer at their summer home In
the national forest reserve which
Is adjacent to Yellowstone Nation
al park.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert NoUoa are
receiving the congratulations of
their many friends in Salem upon
the birth of a daughter, born Sat
urday in the Emmanuel hospital,
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Notson,
nee Adella White, have both at
tended Willamette university, and
during the legislative session re
cently they have been In Salem
while Mr. Notson was on news
paper duty. The small maid has
been named Jane Carolyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Smith of
Tillamook are receiving the con
gratulations ot their friends upon
the birth ot a daughter, born
Sunday morning la a Tillamook
hospital. Mr. Smith Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith of Sa
lem, and a young attorney In Til
lamook. The latter motored to
Tillamook Sunday. Mrs. Smith
was formerly, Elizabeth Neff. The
wee maid has been named Betty
Mrs. R L. Wright j -
is Honored
Resolutions ef appreciation were
extended to Mrs. R. L. Wright,
vice-president ot the Oregon Con
gress- of Parents and Teachers.
and Dr. B. F. Pound, legislative
chairman, for the Oregon congress
for their untiriag efforts in be
half of all educational and child
welfare measures Introduced dur
ing the recent legislative session,
by the board of managers ot the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers, during their quarterly
meeting Saturday at Portland.
Mrs. Wright was elected to at
tend the annual convention of the
National Congress ot Parents and
Teachers as a, voting delegate.
This convention will be held at
Seattle. May 21-27. Oregon will
have a large representation, 18 of
whom will be elegible to Tote at
all sessions.
The biennial convention ot the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teaebers is scheduled for Octo
ber In Salem. Dr. Pound has been
appointed general chairman. Dele
gates from all section of the state
will attend.
Benefit Series
The second of a series of bene
fits which are being sponsored by
the Knights of Pythias and the
Pythian Sisters will be an event of
8 o'clock Wednesday night at the
K. P. hall. i
Cards will be In play from 8 to
10 o'clock and following this
dancing wilt be enjoyed and a late
supper will bo served.
The committee In charge ot
cards includes Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Greenwood, Mrs. Laura
Johnson, Harold Burn. Louis
Gohrke; refreshment committee.
Mrs. Vent Compton, Mrs. Charles
Ktnser, and Mrs. Del Shellberg.
With' President Seiko Watanabe
and the Rev. Najl In charge, J. Y.
P. L. members met at the Hayes
ville Japanese church Saturday
evening to hold their annual elec
tion ot officers.
The following officers were se
lected for the new year: Presi
dent, Jessie Fukuds; vice-president,
Martha Okuda; devotions,
Hoshie x Watanabe; socials, Xml
Yada, Tammy Oguxa; secretary.
Symjp Mio: treasurer, Hirochl Ka
neko. After the election, members of
the J. Y. P. L. met at the home
of Mrs. R. Kites where a party
was given in their honor. Games
were enjoyed, after which lovely
refreshments were served by the
hostess. A special treat for the
evening, were the trombone solos
played by Mr. Kites, accompanied
by Hoshie Watanabe.
Those present at the party were
Eml Yada, Mary Kaneko, Seiko
Watanabe. Hoshie Watanabe,
Martha Okuda, Symio Mio, Jessie
Fukuda, Susie Fukuda, Kiyo Mio,
Klroahi Kaneka. Jun Watanabe,
Tommy Ognra, Taul Watanabe,
Shlg Watanabe, and the host and
hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Kites.
Agate beaeh and the John Rob
erts cottage there was the scene
ot one of the first weekend beach
parties ot the numerous ones to
follow this spring and summer.
Among those to enjoy the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. Wsyne Lo
der, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Mac
Donald. Miss Gertrude Hanger of
Walla Walla, Miss Ruth Fick and
Miss Margaret Wilson. Tommy
Llvesley, Charles Kay Bishop, Ho
mer Goulet, Reynolds Allen, Allen
Earls, and Miss Betty Powell and
Miss Mae McCluster of Portland.
The high school department Including-
the Sunday school class
and Christian Endeavor society of
First Christian church, enjoyed
the monthly social meeting Fri
day at the church. A St. Patrick's
motif was used tor decorations
and for the refreshment menu. In
ebarce of arrangements were
Opal Yates, Ruth Pendergraft,
Betty Rae MeGahan, Esther Wirt,
and Bill Judson. Warner Jackson
and Howard Cole assisted with
the decoration work. About 40
were present for the jolly even
Mrs. C. L. Dark will entertain
members of the Women's Foreign
Missionary society at her home on
Edgewater street. West Salem
Thursday afternoon beginning at
2 o'clock. Mrs. J. W. Simmons
will be assisting hostess. Mrs. A
L. Smith, returned missionary
who epent much time In China
will be the guest speaker. - This
meeting will be observed with
O ' . o
Many a Congressman has
to be gTatefu to this yovna lady.
She is Margaret McMann. 84-rear-
eid secretary to speaker Henry x.
Kaiaey, of Illinois, who acts as
"advisor-in-cUeT to Congressional
"freshmen' and their wives. If
they want an apartment, a cook, a
maid or what-have-yon. Miss Mo
Maaa is right there with the infor
matioa. She also helps the mem
bers to organize their offices.
QUINARY Robert Diem has
Just taken out ft huge walnut tree
near his house to admit more sun
shine. Mr. DIem's father got the
seed from his home in Austria 67
years ago and planted It on the
west side ot his house. The tree
was three feet through at the
base and was In perfect- codltlon.
J. C MeFarlane and A. M. An
derson wsnt to Eugene to visit
Martin Holmes wno Is la the Pa
cific hospital suffering from a
cracked back and a broken collar
bone. He expects that he will
have to stay there for three weeks
The boys baseball team of Bue
na Crest school played their first
championship game of the season
and won It from West Woodburn.
Mn Ross, the pastor here, was
one et the speakers at the pro-
gram following thabanq.uft ;v ,
F. A. Timm and family have left
for their, old home state. Wlacon-
sin. They came west a year ago
and have been living on a farm ia
our community. Ross Eaton start
ed tor Chester, Illinois, Thursday.",
evening, having received a tele
gram that morning that his moth-,
er was seriously 111. She is not
expected to recover.
a T
a' - .-aup
a yw
silver tea and will also be guest
day tor the society.
Mrs. Frank Clark entertained
recently for the Jolly Time bridge
club at her home. Mrs. Albert Cut
ler will be the next hostess to the
group. Mrs. Jan Manning and
Miss Gladys Clark held winning
scores for cards.
Mrs. Carroll Robinson enter
tained Thursday for the Knot-A-Care
club with an afternoon ot
sewing concluded by refresh
ments. Mrs. Delbert Wilson will
be hostess to the group for Its
next meeting.
The Sons of Union Veterans and
its auxiliary have postponed their
regular meeting to April 4. at
the home of H. A. Remington.
Unemployed Relief
Committee to Meet
Wednesday, Dallas
DALLAS. March 27 Mayor
Lett Flnseth. ehalrman of the
Polk County Unemployed Relief
committee, has called a meeting
ot that group for Wednesday.
March 28. at the court house at
7:30 p. m. to perfect organisation.
Clarence Reynolds, field represen
tative ot the state relief councU.
will be present. The Polk county
committee is made up of Lelf Fln
seth, chairman; Mrs. George Van
Santen, Ira Powell, Walter B
Gerth, County Judge O. O. Haw
kins, and County Commissioners
C. 0. Gardner and Frank Farmer.
ROSED ALB, March 27 Two
car loads ot young people of the
Christian Endeavor motored to
Portland Saturday night to attend
the annual Christian Endeavor
banquet, held this year at the
First Friends church in Portland
Z-m Jki
While Her Husband
Sewing Clubs Plan
To Close Meetings
The North Santiam Woman's sew
ing club held its regular meeting
Thursday afternoon with Ruby
McClellan. The next regular meet
ing will be April 6 at the home of
the president. Myrtle Howard,
which, owing to the busy season
coming on will be the last meet
ing till fall, election of officers
and plans for the coming year will
occupy the time.
Pains and Dizziness
After She Began Taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
,....v.M :.::
v v - s t
"My grandmother and my mother
both used the Vegetable Compound
and they started me on it. I can do a
man's work now. I am not- dizzy any
more and the pains in my bead have
all left
SS6 Center SL, Huntington, Indiana
Do not endure another day without
the help this medicine can ghre you.
Sold by sfl droggkU.
Monmouth The Civil club
puffs are I met Saturday afternoon at the
but have! home ot the president, Mrs. H.
This season, you know, a yoke,
tie ends, and perky
.antiailv imnortant,
ATnn all three so clever-1 w. Morlan. Miss Florence Beards
ly combined before? Omit the ley spoke on garden pools; and
,.ff fnr a sleeveless frock and! Mrs. J. A, Churchill talked on
vnnii still have an extremely I making of rock gardens. Bever
smart effect. The bodice closing I ly Morlan pleased the group with
mAHm hnttona for a chic note, and a piano number.
. avirt lm In keening with It was announced that Armlne
th. new allhouette. Cooper will take charge of the
Pattern 2578 may be ordered park grounds this summer,
f afzM 14. IS. 18. 20. 32,1
-34 II.-II nd 40. Slxe II re-j Aemsville The Women's
ii v.rd. to Inch fabric, club was delightfully entertained
Illustrated step -by -step lustra- at the home ot Mrs. Aleen Castle
,tims lnclnded -with this pattern. Thursday afternoon.
Jk Business meauag, wh pre
sided over by the president. Mrs.
J. S. Towle. Special guests tor the
afternoon were Mrs. Calmus and
baby. Mrs. A. B. Ham and Vtr
gene HIghberger.
. Crowley Mrs. John Gross en
tertained at her home Thursday
with .a delightful ountlnr party,
Those present were Mrs. J. J.
Johnson, Mrs. J. H. Keuteld and
son Louis,- Mrs. Alice- Jenkins,
Mrs. Chester Jenkins - and son
Richard, Mrs. J. J. Neuf eld. Mrs.
Mary Hewitt, Misses Martha and
V..V m mmM afaMt 184-
r gr -- city. - t -f. I I . s -
ricir t'-'iaifit rf?jt of idti- urns - 1 I'vraaini
Baaf IS seata Is ! r ttsaips
(cot ma ynUm4), Urn this esttwa.
Write pUialy row saw, a4dMM
MlMfaJ ptKM et Wnij PrU-i-pb
Bto4ls tor erary nrtal
ad. tkla Waatifnl cV thaw
kaw t a ante at rry kaor af
Ua 4r. Xvary tjH la practical,
ai aaay te auka. Tkai ara asaaV
ala (or taa Urea, eat pagas
aaa style aamW. Ba aara te state
la waatas. 8a4 far tV aaaf
aprinr faabtra took. Ooatelalnf ts
of 4airatfal jaaior aa4 kJ4dio
tylaa. Prlea et aatalos, IS oaate.
Catalog ami pattara tofotaar
eats. Addraaa aU avail ordara te'
Steteanaa Patters Oapoitaioat,
14 Watt 17U swoot. Vow Tor
city. ';-; - '
TKlt should be your
Clioict of Hotel
UJtii asadaltasuly ntaai J-
-Z-i aprtaa Ua DAMMOOsJ
Mgytsojaait . , , , .
' V Arl Osto Opposite Baoa
March 30th
10 A. M. to
4 P. M.
Special Advertising Sale
March 30th
10 A. M. to
4 P.M.
$2.00 Genuine Rock Crystal Necklace
Strung on Silver-Finish non-tarnishing
Present this advertisement and 00 cents and receive one fl.00
boa at Faea Powder, one $1.00 bottle Exquisite Perfume, a
$240 Genatoe Rock Crystal Necklace strung on silver-finish
chain and TWO PAIRS of IiADIES SOO aeedle chlfToa $1.00
HOSE. Remember, yoa get 9 PAIRS ef hosiery. If yon cannot
come, send someone to oar store Thursday and leave OOe and
your set will be laid aside. ,
Add 10c
Present This Ad
All Fhre
Firs Quality
Laos Toai .
fie-tnf orced
French. Basil
Cradle Sola,
$00 Ifeedle
Opcffci Honso Plaoffmaciy
-- -1 Special Advertiiing. Sale
Mary Faith was on the job, eight hours
a day and some evenings, too flatter
ing, cajoling, waiting on and taking dic
tation from the man who had been the
greatest rival for her hand.
She believed that because she loved her
man so mnch, everything would turn out
right. But she knew what could happen .
the new throbbing serial of TODAY b
the author of 'The Flapper Wife" the
writer who understands women
Wsmtirie3 Mimirtnm,
t i . .. - .,.: -, f
Begin it Tomorrow in
; ti . -mo "iv .-"s.-