The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salens.. Oregon, .Tuesday iloniin;, March 28, 1933
Local News Briefs'
Europe liars
New"" York ' Life Insurance "com
pany rs, Florence M. Parr, and
others. $3331: Investors Syndi
cate rsi Clarence R. , Shreck.
$291t; Portland Mortgage com
pany ri. lal XL Smith and eth
ers. I1SCS.
nr. mm
Tooth Gets Break When i Nurse la Portland Nurses
Vsrloa J. Barklay appeared Is ion the Marion county health de-
Inatfra. innrt i ahnrt tlma ahart I nr(mnt staff in ta1rfna tnma
of the time stipulated when he lending the meun ot the Ore- WflHer Concert tO be GiVCfl
wat arrested. Jaatice ot the Peace fon "f"Bir"r"w, a I Rv Prof Rnhprte. and
Harden attached no slmiflcanee. hw ta Portland. Yesterday By ITOT. KODeriS SHQ
In fact. It wasn't nntil the case 0r Taylor. Margaret
waa almost disposed of that Hay- MeAlpine and Nora Lyndes at
4rMAu4 -. um a tended: today. Dr. Vernon A.
vu.v. fUl rn Douglas, health officer, and Nur- Why Is Hitler persecuting the
.v.. j u- 1 lea irma Lemcne ana juinm bwi in ueriuuj nui auu m
ul-f. vf afternoon will preside orer a dls- War DebU? What haa caused the
and costs, and then remitted the fUMlon tuberculin testing on Europeanteing of Turkey? These Wgliwar department yesterday
f f nja fliMIATifir -With thtt hire I v -w. - - v - i " " cuuiuiim wuv vue vwusatj wuif
wVJ Lrh" ,n aW Woodlark build- sldered by Dr. Alexander A. Va- asking that body to tnrn orer eon-
Carolyn Parker
com OF IDS
Representatirea of the state
you're had punishment enough.'
Too Much Speed When Fred
. ' i ' . 1 I town, in Cascade area are plan-
.'! -: ev J oik -V. organisation of new Boy
. J.,.; . .r; ;V .rrv St troops. Scout ExecutlY. O.
sakaa In his lecture "Will Eur- Itrol of secondary roads In this
I nna'a Pat Roll OrarT" tonlaht In I w aM i
Scout Troops Wanted Two th. auditorium of Waller hall, hiin.ii. th. Mnrt haa t a.aii a
ta SftWaft mmSh. nlflfl- I ... I www- w rv vai
Willamette unirersity. . resolution authorising the trans-
The committee on arrange-1 fer, one Is expected shortly.
ments has announced one of the! Legislation enacted at the last
attempted to arrest him for reck- "2ir.ZZTZ. A-
1 J.I-- W. .J Vl..ll- " co . .... I . ' . .. . . .
iw niiui, .rueura I Churches in Lebanon plan oa Join- I u,0, luk"1CT"u Ul""1 1 session pieces au seconaary nigj-
inw a zo-aay jail sentence. n i. tflr.thtr In Mi.nrln( . troo. tr1" or xne series, iroiessor way construeUon aad malntd-
pleaded guilty to the charge in ! i. T. S. Roberts of the organ de- l.Bc in the hands of the . state.
Justice court yesterday, and got o-- o. partment will present a group of Heretofore the state has had eon-
the SO-day sentence. In riew ,iaoer p. rj. White and Committee outstadl oran both trol of the secondary roads but
iae isci mat ne naa oeea in hhu- Chairman Carl Connet of Albanr I classical ana moaero. n wui on i uu auowea tne county conns 10
lar trouble prerlously. wm attend to organising the two slsted in the brilliant piano-or- handle the actual work.
rrwr.a. c . f. fa, troops. p Appropriated for secondary
Tn";.,r i' 'ifiil . ""r.1?,?" w" "ro?; """' next U MSMOS annually, which
1 1 . - - . 1 icmcn wm ne neia in roruana ur or ner. sua an. d. vi.t,-.- inrinitn mt will h int
LML Mtra. Tvani. S44 State St. . I t.i. . I nignway engineers say wui De im
"Phfla70 7 lBer,u" fjdent for maintenance only
. I ,.. r n-.i I i.n.u. wAnn. mn. The new law Is not efiectire un-
Bcbool Cunlc Tomorrow The I un v"-"
I will be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery 1 1st.
county heath department this " ? I T- " ' .1 anHdi- turn orer the work rolunUrily by
wees is a ngnt one. i nis aiier- - - - , . :::r.. ,r " ' , " V ".7-
noon, there will be a school eunic ''T " " ..rUVl: T,V..: T.Tr.V u ;.nt. I ld to handle the Jobs.
at toe sal em health center, 10- i "- " u5uv, u .....v -
mPM. mvin. . rim. Portland. ing a group of numbers.
IVH ewa U1M ua, vfwb vwa 1 a w . a
tSXIU Slfy.t 2.5r"il!S . -m prSfi. " to5ST Visameter Tube
Ratnrd mornin from 30 to ,nsur"nc P0i"cy Ior M 8:15 o'clock which to preceded by
!r"f,.Jno!nlnr?.-?A-.. the principal asset of the estate thm ,.!,.! nrnmm at t:4B. The
.Unl SS; ' Q of the late William T. Troy, ac pVbc is cordially inrited. The
coramg 10 a repon iiiea in pro- muslcal program is as follows:
Guardianship Reported Sec- Daie Monaay. toui assets Prologne from Organ Suite.
Andante Canta-Diie,
-Mr. Roberts
Mani-Xniri Mr.
fWluwVU. fl illUU ..... I . . w
court here yesterday. Income for mimsiratnx. Marshall
grams of the series. Professor
Guardianship Reported Sec- Daie Monaay. lotai assets proiogne fron
ond annual report on the estate were $1500; cost of administering Rogen; Andante
ot George Howard Hampton, in- tte and Paying bills was Tschaikowskl M
competent, was filed in probate ,7,1r . Ida A' Troy WM d" I Love Life. 1
Tester Installed
By Western Auto
the year. Including cash on hand. Geta 60 Daj-8: paji Earl Within a Chinese
A radio tube tester that is said
te detect erery defect in radio
tubes instantly and visibly so that
Garden, the radio set owner can under-
waa $590; outgo was 1130. Prop- Bach admitted in Justice court Stoughton; Midsummer Caprice, itand what is wrong with the
joansion wr. noueru. itUDes at a glance, nas oeen m-
Slnee First I Met Thee, Ruben- ttalled in the radio department of
stein; The Bell Man, Forsyth the local Western Auto Supply
Mr. Marshall. 1 company store.
Duo: Marche Triomphale, Guil- This tester, known as the "rls-
mant Miss Parker and Mr. Ro- ameter" Is said to be the first de-
O. T. Tate, secretary ot the Ore
gon Retailers association, at the
Salem chamber ot Commerce
luncheon Monday discussed mea
sures affecting retailing - which
were passed at thelast session of
the legislature, particularly sen
ate bills SIS and SCI. sponsored
by his organisation which were
passed notwithstanding the retoes
of Governor Msler. The first bars
"fake sales." prohibits "set-ups"
in auctions, so that. bidding must
be bona fide; bars substitution
of merchandise for that advertis
ed; bars placing of arbitrary lim
its on goods sold where no such
limit waa announced In the adver
tising Bill SCO, the fair trade bill. Is
modeled after the Capper-Kelley
bill which haa been in congress for
18 years and opposed by depart
ment stores It legalises contracts
btftween manufacturers and re
tailers to fix minimum resale
prices, and Is designed to reduce
cutthroat competition or using of
specially trade-marked goods for
"loss leaders"
California has a similar law,
which is being used to establish
"stop" prices on many articles
with nationally known brands.
Tate discussed the sales tax
briefly and stated his organization
would probably undertake a ref
erendum of Its membership be
fore taking a position on the pend
ing state referred measure.
florists as well as short courses
orer the country. ; ,
! Members Interchange orders tor
flower deliveries la distant points
and settlements are made through
the Detroit office as a clearing
house, .. ;
Governor Julius I Meter and
the Salem Capital Journal were
also favored by the local members.
Ralph W. Barnes. Moscow cor
respondent for the New York Her-ald-TrlVune,
achieved a very un
usual "scoop" recently by receiv
ing a persona letter from Pre
mier Stalin, head of the soviet
government of -all Russia. Barnes
had written him stating that
American citizens resident in Rus
sia had become alarmed because
of the treatment accorded a group
a British technicians in being
clapped Into Jail by the OGPU,
Russian secret police, and sug
gested that a word from Stalin
would reassure them and Stalin
hastened to reply and expressed
appreciation ot the services of
American engineers and stated
they would not be disturbed.
Barnes cabled the letter to his
paper and it was published in full.
Mrs. Barnes and two children
are still sojourning here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Barnes of Salem; and with her
people in Portland. She expects to
leave in April to Join Ralph in
Paris and then go to Moscow to
test, out living conditions there,
coming back later for the children
If she found living in Moscow tol
erable for them.
eriy oi tne estate is in nrst-mon- yesterday that he took a purse be-
ee Donna, uiaa usn trust longing to Fern Davenport at the
company, guardian, reported. Crystal Gardens last week so
Wiww Rm Tw1 John H drew 60-day Jail sentence. He
PipfHSp"kat LTThweit11 rntn9aChendwrPr0bat,n "
glonal boy scout executive, is ex- month9'
pected to arrive in Salem today Campbell Arrested Charge of
to 1 eonfer with local officials In removing fixtures from mort
regard to activities in Cascade gaged land was denied by Roy A.
area. At 7:30 o'clock tomorrow Campbell In Justice court yester
night he will meet with the coun- day. and preliminary hearing was
eil board at the chamber of com- set for April 7 at 10 a. m. He was
merce to discuss the area's finan- released on his own recognizance,
clal situation.
Portlander Fined t3 Guy W.
Discuss Mobilization Scout- Benson pleaded guilty in munl-
mastera ot Salem and vicinity cipal court here yesterday to a
will meet at headquarters, First charge of apeedlng and paid a 36
National bank building, the night fine. He was arrested Sunday by
of April C to develop the plans
for emergency mobilization of all
Boy scouts in this district. They
also will discuss honor court and
other matters.
city police.
Seattle Man Fined C. P. B aan-
burn Justice court yesterday as
penalty for passing an oil truck
and trailer at the crest ot a hill,
forcing another automobile Into
the ditch. Brannon was arrested
by state police.
Mrs. Effle Allen, 61, wife of A.
B. Allen of 1515 North 19th
street, and formerly ot Great
Falls, Mont., died at Camas,
Wash., Sunday morning following
a paralytic stroke. Mr. and Mrs,
Allen had been visiting at the
home ot a daughter. Mrs. . C. L,
Wellman. .
Funeral services will be held
rice that translates all radio
tube troubles Into terms under
standable by all radio set owners
and tests all parts of the tubes
Just as in actual set operation. In
addition it has a built In noise
test, an Invaluable feature, so
that should the tube be noisy in
the home set, the same noises will
be heard through the loud speak
er ot the "visameter" testing out
fit, according to Willis Clark, lo
cal Western Auto manager.
The Statesman was recipient of
magnificent basket of roses.
carnations and snapdragons, with
compliments of the Florists' Tele
graph Delivery association, which
Is making a nation-wide presenta
tion to papers and public officials
In all cities where tbey are repre
sented. Salem members are C. F.
Brelthaupt, Oscar D. Olson and
Adams, Florist.
The F. T. D. as the association
Is known for short. Is a far-flung
organization reaching into every
corner of the world, with 6400
members Interchanging speedily
and accurately about a million
and a quarter orders annually
which total In money value 4,-
500,000. This Is done through a
clearing house In Detroit. The as
sociation sponsors a school 'tor
Funeral Services
To be Today ior
Mrs. T Churchill
Mrs. Theodora Q. Churchill,
mother of Mrs. Tom L. Williams
of Salem, passed away in Eugene
Sunday evening after a prolonged
Illness. She was 70 years of age
and had made her home in Eu
gene for 50 years. Four other
daughters and one son survive,
and SS grandchildren and two
Funeral services will be this
morning at 10 in Eugene. Mrs.
Williams has spent much time in
recent months in Eugene assisting
in the care of her mother.
MET ins
Sorrow ever the death of Neal
B. Evans, pilot of the Hi-fated
airplane which crashed Into three
residences at Hayward, CaL,- Sat
urday night and killed IS per
sons, was expressed yesterday by
Dean and Mrs. Frank M. Erlck
son. who had Just returned from
California and had met Evans
there. "He was a fine. pilot; one
of the best In the line," said the
dean. "We had been at the land
ing field last Tuesday to see him
come In from Los Angeles.",
Dean Erickson's son has a man
agerial position with the Varney
Air lines and lives in Oakland.
Evans evidently misjudged how
elose he was to the houses In Hay-
ward aa .he flsw . orer, th city
after "a rain-drenched approach. -
His two passengers, a family ot ' v .'
six and friends and Evans all lost-r
their Urea. - : "
Phillipi Let Go i :
After Entering
Plea of Guilty
When 'Desmond Phillip!, 31, i
pleaded guilty before Jadge L. H.
MeMahaa yesterday to burglary
not la a dwelling, his case waa
continued and he was released
on his ewa recognizance. Counsel
or Phllllppl considered the sc
ion of the court equivalent to ..
dismissal of the case.
Phllllppl waived grand Jury fa- ;
dlctment and pleaded guilty to '
breaking Into a garage owned by
the Stiver Falls Timber company
where to took some tools.
"15.00 THRIFT COUPON $5.00
Beautiful, Indestructible
platevlight weight 02000
Hccovin $3000
plate, odorless, tasteless, easily
mended or relined
V 7 Special Prices on Extractions g
f 0 with Plate and Bridgework 1
1 '
20 Years hi Practice
Daring March this coepoa is
worth $5.00 at say office t apply
a any two plates or S2JSO on any
single plate.
Lirelike Plate
Teeth. Natural
as Your
2 Perfect fitting..
5 lifelike . . . will
I allow you to eat
whatever you
w wish with com
es fort . . . adding
greatly to your
physical fitness.
Double Section
Permitting Too
to Forget Your
Former Plate
A splendid plate
with lite like
teeth and all
pink base material.
Plate Repair ...S1.50
Silver Filling .BOc, $1
Extraction 60c
Clean Teeth ...$1.00
Rellne Plate . . .$4.00
EDffe (So (So MggaonG
Over J. C. Penney 's Store Telephone 834
$5.00 THRIFT COUPON $5.00,
Speeding Cliarged Two motor
ists were booked on charges of
speeding here over the week end
by city police. Tbey were Lela M.
Bailey of Eugene, and Harvey
non Seattle motorist, paid a fine Sharer. 497 South 21st street. Sa- from tn6 R,gdon mortuary today
Final Account in Final ac- Belcrest Memorial park. Rer. Har
count of the estate of the late dy of Montana and Rer. Guy L.
Helen Evans was filed in pro- Drin ot the ,oc1 FIr8t Christian
bate court here Monday. Ruth Ar
nold arid Remoh F. Schuls were
executrices of her will.
Wanted, used furniture, tel 6110.
Indefinite Visit Miss Agatha
B rocker of Santa Ana, Calif., has
Sues on MortgageSuit to
foreclose a mortgage securing a
church will officiate.
Mrs. Allen was born near Hal-
sey, Ore., the eldest daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. William Rollins.
Her childhood days were spent in
Brownsville and Craw for dsvllle
$3500 loan was filed Monday in where she has a number of friends
arrived tor an Indefinite stay with circuit court by Frank Comstock. and relatives. She later went to
her Barents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Brocker, 1409 North Church.
Weekend' guestt at the Brocker
home were Mr. and Mrs. 1. L.
Snyder of Perrydale.
Measles Cases Reported Re
ports ot new cases ot measles con
tinue to come ln to the Marion
county health department, accord
ing to Dr. Vernon A. Douglas,
health officer. The epidemic, how
ever, Is dying down, he said yes
terday. ' Smoke False Alarm Rushing
to 13th and State streets on call
early Sunday morning, city fire
men found no fire, only smoke
pouring from a sawdust burner.
The only other alarm over the
weekend was fpr a chimney blaze
Sunday ln east Salem.
Visit ln Olympia Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Pettit spent the
weekend ln Olympia and Seattle.
In Olympia tney cawea on .rwca- Tne Dan0t title for the pro-
ard Hamilton, lormer uregomau p0sed referendum on the oleomar-
Named as defendant were D. Sam
uel and others.
Xo Tail Light Ralph Boje
admitted driving without a tail
light, and was fined $2.50 and
costs in Justice court yesterday.
The fine was remitted.
Driving Costs $10 Reckless
driving charge cost Herbert L.
Burch 310 when he appeared be
fore Judge Hayden ln JuBtlce
court yesterday.
Creamery Sues The Monmouth
Cooperative Creamery yesterday
filed suit in circuit court here,
asking payment of $371 from
G. L. Forge.
Pullman, Wash., where she mar
ried Mr. Allen.
She Is survived by her widow
er; five children, Mrs. C. L. Well-
man of Washougal, Wash., Mrs.
Paul O. Gordon of Pullman, Willis
R. Allen of San Francisco, Stanley
A. Allen of Portland, Glenn B.
Allen ot Salem. A son, Harold Al
len, preceded her In death.
Oleo Referendum
Title Prepared
correspondent, now secretary to
Governor Clarence D. Martin.
Hycock Arrested State police
Sunday arrested Russell Milton
Hycock, 17. of Mt. Angel on a
charge ot operating an automobile
.with four persons In the front
eat. He'tras efted to appear In
Woodburn justice court.
Dl la Portland Barbara,
four-year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Lewis Is serious
ly, ill la a Portland hospital, ac
cording to report. ".Sunday morn
ing It .was necessary to resort to
another biooa transtusion.
Draaks Jailed City police yes
terday Jailed Ernest Whitman ot
Salem, oa a charge of being drunk
and Sunday locked up Andy Cave
of West Linn, on a like charge.
Makes Business Trip J. H.
'Albert made a business trip Into
A Spring Fashion show will be
presented at the Elslnore theatre
Thursday night, March 30, with
a group of local apparel atores
presenting the new styles with
living models. In the past this
show has occurred the same night
as the Ad club's opening, but this
year it was decided to put It on
at a later date because the even
ing of the opening had enough
entertainment of Its own.
Stores which will make ahow-
garine tax law was prepared Mon
day by Attorney General I. H. Van
Winkle. Sponsors of the referen
dum now will start circulation of
petitions to secure the necessary 1 ings of authentic spring fashions
lo.oo signatures to pi ace it on i are: Shipley s, smart snop, mi
the ballot July 21. The petitions
must be completed by June I.
In Portland, March S3. Reas H.
ler's, Johnson's Ready-to-Wsar,
Fashlonette, Montgomery Ward's,
Milady's Shop, Bishop's, Price
Shoe Co., Buster Brown Shoe
Regular shows will be offered
at the Elslnore that night with
th style event as an added attraction.
Leabo. aged B years. Sutrlred RetUmS Made 012
by widow. Lydia; sister, Mrs. A. Ji ,
znerm oaes
O. Hallln; four nephews and two
nieces. Graveside services Wed
nesday. March 29, at 3:30 p.m
from the Lee Mission cemetery
In this city, James F. Alder-
Reports on four sales of prop
erty by Sheriff A. C. Burk to
satisfy claims of creditors were
filed In circuit court yesterday
Th cases lnrolved and the
turning Sunday.
. Coming Events
March SO Education
promotion association, high
school, S p-m.
April 10-11 Opera, "The
Bohemian Girl. -
Aprfl 18 Easter services
in all local churches.
April IS Zone Rally of
Kazarene yonth.
- Aprfl 18-20 Quilt exhi
bit,' Knight Memorial
chorchw ' ' V"" ,
? May 7 Music week opens
la Salem. Final Philharmon
ic concert today,
S May 12-18 Oregon State ;
Association of Master
Plumbers, annual meeting.
, Jane 2-4 Fourth Annas
. Willamette . Valley Flower
- show. : - ; -'
July 4-20 Annual Ea-
campmene. r Spanish War
Veterans., rii ;: ;
March 37. Survived by niece, Mrs.
Jack Cutler of Salem; a sister-in-law,
Mrs. W. A. Alderman ot
Salem. Funeral services Friday,!
March 31, at 1:30 p.m. from the
chapel ot W. T. Rigdoa A Son.
mountain Building and Loan vs.
Lillian Petrie and others, $1124;
- At Camas, Wash., Mrs. Kffle B.
Allen, aged C2 years. Survived by
widower, A. S. Allen of Salem;
daughters,: Mrs. C. L. Wellman.
Washougal. Wash.. Mrs.' P. O.
Gordon of Pulman, Wash.; sons,
W. R. Allen ot San Francisco,
Stanley Alien of Portland and
Glen Alias of Salem. Funeral ser
vices Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. from
Rlgdon's I mortuary. . Interment
Belcrest Memorial park.
Without Opart Uoa a Lett at Tisa
129 OrafM BMg. Ffcaaa S509
Jones To Mr. and Mrs.9 J. L.
Jones, 131 Bdgswater, West Sa
lem, a seven-pound boy, Patrick
LeRoy, bora March SC at th
. Jackson Maternity home.
Hospital Beds
to Rent
Call $910, Used FuraHore
191 North High
Cmrtim. im. a J. Safari Tobaae Oanau
It's fun to b
A "strong man" once gsrs public performances la
which he stopped a 9 lb. cannon ball shot from a
fully charged cannon. The audience gasped wkea
the gun flashed and the human Gibraltar stepped
forward out ef the smoke uninjured, with the 9 lb.
shot in his hands.
The trick lay la the way as sssiscaat prepared the
cannon for the performance He used the regulation
amount ef powder and wsddiag, but placed the
greater part ef the charge ef powder kJ ef the
shot. The cannon ball wss proptJltd enly by the
small charge Mind k whtca was jutt sufficient te
- lob the 9 lb. ball orer to the strong man. '
W -
imtmi wfiS2
Humidor 'acx
,y s -
e fooled
ore fun to KNOW
A performance sometimes staged
in cigarette advertising is the
slon that cigarettes are made easy
on the throat by some special
process of manufacture.
EXPLANATlONt All cigarettes are
made in almost exactly the same
way. Manufacturing methods are
a-- r' -
?: ' a-
y -
standard and used by all. A ciga
rette is only as good as the tobaccos
it contains.
i T It Is a fact, well known by
" leaf tobacco experts, that
Camels are made from finer,
than any other popular brand.
In costly tobaccos you will find
mildness, good taste, throat-ease.
Smoke Camels critically, and
give your taste a chance to appre
ciate the greater pleasure and sat
isfaction offered by the more ex
pensive tobaccos. Other cigarettes,
we believe, will taste flat and in
sipid to you forever after.
' -