;The OREGON STATESMAN. Saten Oregon, Saturday Blornlngf Elarca 18; 1933 PAGE FIVE I;. 6 Local News Briefs 1 M Darkens : Funeral Rev. Fletcher -Galloway of the First; Nazarene church was in Indepen dence -7esterda afternoon to of ficiate at the -funeral aerrlces of George J. Darkens, who died at a Salem - hospital Tuesday. Inter ment was in the Hazel 'Green cemetery. Mr. Darkens leaves his widow, Mary Ellen and eight chil dren: Mabel Henderson ot Boil ing, Mo.; Nellie Rhea of San Ber nardino, Calif., Pearl Knyken dall of Loorals, Calif., Bessie D. of Salem, Elra of Turner. Leslie of Tncarpa. Calif,, and Ira and Nelson of Independence. Local currency good at H. L. Stiff Fnrniture Co. Estate Pays State George A. Duncan, as guardian of the es tate ot IL A. Sharpies, Insane, has been authorized to pay the state $70 for care of the ward. Petition sets out that the state is willing to accept this sum tor a maximum sum of $126.87 ac crued for care of the. ward. An other order directs guardian to pay from estate funds a $200 note. Local currency good at Garner's Barber Shop, 820 State. Petitions Flow In Serenty seren petitions have been filed with county clerk by hop growers pushing the effort to get repeal of the 18th amendment on the special ballot July 21. Of the 77 petitions now, in, 61 have been completely checked, and hare 4001 names certified. Twenty-six unchecked petitions probably bear 1600 signatures that will be all right. Plaa lor Easter Practically all of the youth religion groups in the city are cooperating in ar rangements for a big union Easter sunrise service at Belcrest Mem orial park. April 18, leaders an nounce. Committee meetings are being held now, and the Dallas Christian church minister as the speaker, and Rev. W. Earl Coch ran of 'Calvary Baptist as song leader. Local currency good at H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. At Rural Schools Mrs. Mary L. FulkerBon visited the schools t Buena Crest and Waconda yes terday. Teachers at both schools hare been rehired for the next school year, she reports. At Bue na Trent. Edith M. Manning is nrlnclnal and Esther Albertson, primary; and at "Waconda, Olive 1 M. Manning la teacher. Judgment Entered Default ind tnds-ment in sum of $1400 1 was entered in clreuit court eealnst Marion S. Hunt, in con nection with suit brought by A, a Rrhramm as liquidator of the , Stayton bank. Judgment has also ' hn sintered rains t Hunt-Tate Motor company in suit brought by the same plaintiff. Wanted, used furniture. Tel 5110 tuw Born. Rossells Mr. and Un. Charles Hussell, 650 South lftth street, are the parents ot a seven-pound boy born early yes terday at the Bungalow maiernuy home. Mother and son are doing well, hospital attendants reported. Amend Complaint Claudine Gueffroy by her guardian, A. A. Guetfroy, has filed amended com plaint against Louise Hill, In which she seeks $2,136.40 as re sult of Injuries sustained in an automobile accident January 10. onion Entertain Perrrdale Capital post, American Legion,' cooperat ing: with Salem chamber of com merce, will provide entertainment at the Perrydale eoramunity dab meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday night. The program, arranged for by Onas S. Olson and J. T. De laney, will include: Salem cham pion drum corps; drum solos by Rudy Schultz, corps instructor; Haywire orchestra's funmakers; triple tap dancing by Debs Ander son; and a surprise feature. N. J. Zylstra la president of the Perry dale club. Films, Mission Bottom Resi dents of Mission Bottom were en tertained last night with moving pictures and a talk given by Miss Eleanor Tonsing, physical educa tion Instructor at Leslie Junior high school, and Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer. Dr. ouglas addressed the group on health matters and Miss Ton- sing showed motion pictures de scribing correct posture. Something new in jig-saw puzzles, a big sale of Interlocking, Jig-Zag, the highly colorful, large size pic tures in modern four-color effects. Over 300 pieces. Special, 26c. See these in Miller's window, Book dept. Going to Beach Eleven Chem eketans were signed up at the Jennie Lind last night to go on the club trip to Neskowln Sunday, leaving the confectionery at 7:30 a. m. Those registered were E. M. HoffnelL leader, Ruby N. Hoff nelL Leila Hlnnsey, Constance Smart, Dale McDannel, Grace Thrapp, J. A. Burns, Flora Turn- bull. Ellenor Dorance, W. H. and Eunice Fitchy. Public Auditorium benefit concert, armory, Sunday, March 19, 2 p. m. Philharmonic orchestra. Adults 26c, children 15e. Tickets, Atlas, Patton's. Will's. accept m lie II MM Advises Collectors to Take 1930 and Prior Taxes .Sans Penalties Taxis sweet Bermuda plants. Salem Petland. Sacs for Divorce Thelma C. p-tron vesterday tiled divorce complaint against iOke O. Peter son, to whom she was married in Yamhill county In November, 1928. She asks custody of two children, and support. Scout Drive Starting The Sa lem drive for funds to finance this year's Boy Scout program, held up by the banking holidays. will be started Monday morning. according to plans being made yesterday by Irl S. McSherry, president of Cascade area council. T. A. Wlndlshar and Wlllia Clark are directing the campaign. Miller's apparel shops are fashion ready. Legion Meets Monday Monday night Capital post, American Le gion, will hold its regular meet ing at Fraternal temple. The meeting will be devoted largely to business, which may include rote of opinion on President Roosevelt's economy bill which re duces certain types of veterans compensation. Convalescing Mrs. J. V. Lehr. man of the Hazel Green district is recuperating at the Deaconess hospital from a major operation which she underwent early this week. Violets Saturday special. 15c per bunch. Breithaupt's, 667 Court. Resigns as Guardian Resigna tion of Eva M. Churchill as guard ian ot Horace E. Gilbert, incompe tent, has been accepted by the county court, following discharge of ward from the state hospital. Files Accounting First Na tional bank has filed annual ac count in estate of Olln H. Turn er, incompetent, showing cash bal ance ot $323.08. Miller's apparel shops are fashion ready. Appraisal March 25 Notice been filed with the county clerk that appraisal of the Phillip S torts estate at Silverton will be made at 1 o'clock, March 26. Miller's apparel shops are fashion ready. Persons who desire to take ad vantage of Senate bill 76. pro viding tor the cancellation of pen alties and Interest on delinquent taxes of 1930 and prior years, will rfot have to wait until the law be comes effective on June 9, la case the tax collectors accept a sug gestion offered by the state tax commission. Under the proposal outlined by the state tax commission, tenders of these delinquent taxes, without penalty or interest, would be ac cepted . prior to Jane 9, subject to the Issuance of a conditional receipt. 'The question has arisen as to the procedure a tax collector should follow in accepting pay ments of delinquent taxes of 1930 and prior years, on tenders made prior to June 9," a letter issued by the state tax commission read. "Certainly a taxpayer has the right to pay before that date, but of course will not do so if re quired to pay penalties and In terest which will be cancelled when the law goes into effect. 'We recommend that the tax collectors accept payments of de linquent taxes of 1930 and prior years without attempting to col lect penalties or interest, bat write or stamp on each receipt therefore a statement substantial ly as follows: "This receipt covers principal amounts only ot taxes herein specified. Penalties and Interest thereon, as otherwise provided by law, will be subject to collection if the law shall not become ef fective. "Since the installment payment plan provided in the act will not become effective urftll June 9 payments made prior to that date should cover one half or all of the delinquent taxes of a given year, Members of the tax commission said the adoption of this plan may bring in a large amount of tax money during the next few weeks which would assist materially la relieving the present unsatisfac tory financial condition ot many county and local funds. rXBST CKBXSXXAY Center aad Uigk street. Guy L. Brio. minister, 660 H. Cotter tree. Chareh nkMi :ao m. a. w. coin. Moraine worship 10 US. Lord' Sapper am Sersmoa. Second U ssriee a 4 The Distiasaisbia Marks of a Christlea." Yon peept moot at S:0 faa. Ivenias aerrieo directed by th mw Mate ot th char, xfeoo wtua- wu chart fir ot October to bo aoaoc Km to. 8peeiI sermoa for ins aesaiisa, dwesk eervioe Wednesday : 7 S ffl in the CKurches -AWtf- t ARMY SPEAKER! hothu or nans Chameket and 17th streets, laterde- nomine beaal. Prayer erviee every Ban dar afternoon, a:45, aad ovary week- Bight T:d. oxeep anuraasy aaa pa- arday. A anal messsr ea some vsn aubieet will bo rivea Sunday after. A. j. Smith, miister ia charge. Boa. ISIS Skinner street, west oaiaav nasi TjjnTaaiax aTortk Cottar aad Caoaakata atresia. Trad Albaa WaiL mialttar. Church aehool at 10. Milaa H. MaXay. Bart. Caarea aarrieo at 11. Strain: "Do Optimo Maxtau." Mrs. Walter A. Jjentoa. or (aaist. OALVABT BAPTIST Sunday aarricea bafia at t:40 a.m. wit a fradad school Mrs. W. A. Bark- Supt. Preaching- at 10:50. Sabject noBiic." A a them: "BeJoiao. tfc Lard is Kiax" (Coaraa) Ineideatal oeke LISTING VICTIMS FOR SMJf AXE by Mlae JosepUaa Ieaa. B. T. P. TJ.'s neat at S:SO BJB. "I Heard the Yoioa of Jeses Bay" (AiMora) uetaeatai som by Waa. Skrwia. Moaoay w. w. . maattnr. wmuuut aTeaiar urarer aor Ties. Tharsday ovoaiaf, choir rehearsaL W. Eari Ooearaa, paster. OHXXST BVAHOELIOAl rOTHXBAV Eirhtoeatk aad Btato street. Be. Aaios B. Miaaeaaaaa. A. M paator. Oar- sua Comnnrnioa aerrieaa S:df ta, Sab- jeat: "ToUow ia the rooUteps of the Lord Jeiaa Uoxiat wao oauoroa a IMad For U. acllsa Uoauaaatoa ar- rioea 11 ia Sobjoct: "Let Vs Love Our Neighbor Ktob as Christ Jesas Xjovod Us and Died rar us." suavoea uaranaa Lento Service Wodaosday ovoaiac. 7:SO pjns. Subject: "Saved by the Pas chal Lamb Slain Uooa Calvary a Bel cat. Special Masie. Midweek Sngiiah Leo tea Serrieaa Priday area lag. 7:80 p-m. Sub ieet: "Joaah Preaches KeDCBtaaee TJa- to the PorriTeneaa ot Siaa Erra as the BerTaaU ee God Today Are ia Daty Boandea To Do." Special Meat a. baa- day school t :40 s.m. Mrs. Amos ' Miaaemaa, Sapt. leather leagae T P-m. Leonard Zanuov. Subject: "Answered Prayers.' FIE ST OHTTBCH OT OOD Hoed aad N. Cotuce streets. e T, NaaL oaMer. Saadar sarrieea 11 S.m. and 7:80 p.m. For the morning serriee Us psator will speak oa "Babies' Day." At the ereninr service the Eranrellst. Rot. 0. K. Chapmaa will preach and continue the revival next week every evening except Satardays. Sunday -school 10 a.. a James Davis, Sapt. Tenag Panola's me tine- 6:30 SJti.. Mrs. Edna Elliot, president, a. if a. ooara. tabbbhacu ess Perry atreet. W. H. Caldwell, pastor. Tel. 8698. Kes. 11SS Msdisoa street. Sunday school at :S a.m. Mr. Gsnvel Sheets, Sapt. Morning worship at 11 aja, "The Lights Along the Shore." Yoang People's meeting st S:S0 p.m. Evening Evangelistic service st 7:80 p.m. Prayer service oa Tidsy evening at 7:S p.m. 0. P. Cottage prayer meeting ea Thartday evening. Special service oa Friday evening ea "Health aad Heat inf." TTnUTEB M. B. CHXJECH K. 6hermaa Hawk, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Special temperance exercise, Ivaa Hadlay. Supt. Worship st 11. 8ermen subject, " WiU He Be at the Feast t" Epworth leagne at S:0 p.m. The service at 7:80 p.as. conducted by the M. E. Brotherhood. M : " . I r ft-. , j v-i.i - .... - ".'...-. " 'i ' I ; i ' -i ', . . " j Uw, - . - - ; ;. - !' , i - ! - .. " i I.. .. : ? . jjli11Ma nil! n i iillIliMli. 11 ' i Major Andrew Leney, Irish tor, who win speak tonight and Sunday at the Salvation Army hall here. Special topics: Sat urday, "Travelogue ef the Soul"; Sonday morning. The Holy Ghost Fire"; night, "The Greatest Text in the Bible." &OSBOALB TBXXjrDS Sunday school. 10: 11 a. as. Was- t rated children' lesson by the paster, Milo Oliftoa Boss. Morning message, The Uaiaae Christ." 7. Christina En- dearer discos lion led by Xne Pears S. Draise serriee aav avoains meaaage. Prayer meetings aad outline stady of Leviticus, Priday. 7:30. WEST 8ALKM a L. Dark, minister. The Sonde school meet aa follows: Ford Metsoria. chare at :: at Oak Grove chapel sad at Summit at 10 a. m. The ea- wertb League meet, at Ford Memorial st 0:80 o. m.: at Oak Grove at S p. as. The Rev. Mr. 8im will preach at Perd Memorial chursh st 11 a. m aad at 7 :80 a. au. oa Sunday, and sseh evea iag throughout the week except Satur day evening at 7:80 J. m. A 30-miauto prayer servieo preoedes each meeting. The pastor will preseh st Oak Grove st 11 a. am. fianaay. iraaseuase u. . a Evsagetiati servieo, Highway Straight. '' atiag Thursday. 1 :8. Hear from Sister Mrs. George O'Neil has receivea wora irom hr sister. Mrs. S. J. Teters and her husband and son. who are staying in Los Angeles for the winter, that they came through e.. nmVa axoerlence without tUV -- av harm. BeiMmraal Today All Girl c.T.a will narticipate in the ceremonial and service of worship at the American Luther an church Sunday night will meet at the church this afternoon at 2 o'clock for rehearsal. Doaieys at Sheridan President and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney drove to Sheridan last night where Mr. Doney gave the address at a father-son banquet. Sunday night Dr. Doney will speak at Chemawa at the Indian school. Attachment Writ of at tachment has been filed In con nection with, suit brought by A. A. Schramm as hank superinten dent and liquidator of the Bank of Stayton against A. M. Doiler. Police Hold Harper State po lice were holding Ralph Harper of West Salem In city Jail here last niht for investigation. He was unable to provide $25 bail. Back from Marsh field Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett re turned last night from a brief visit in Marshfield. Foreclosure Handle Melby has filed a foreclosure complaint against Gerhard H. Fresken and Helen G. Freshen. The state board of control has instructed all state department heads to prepare a complete list of their employes, the salary of each prior to January 1, 1931, and any increases they may have received since that time. The data will be used by the board ot control In computing the April 1 payroll under the new legislative act reducing the sal aries and wages of all state offi cials and employes in amounts ranging from five to SO per cent. There are approximately B0 state departments and 3000 em ployes affected by the salary re duction law. The information will be com piled by William Einzig, secretary of the board of control, after It Is received from the state depart ment heads. Officials estimated that the law would save the tax payers of the state approximately 11.300,000 daring the blennlnm. The hoard of control has au thority to adjust the salary and wage schedule in cases where the revised compensation Is not In line with the Intention of the legislature. SICKSEAIX KVAKGKLICAX John J. Budia, paster. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock: sub ject: "A Diffieslt Christianity." No ev ening service. JASOV IB MEMORIAL M. B. Tarner Jefferson and North Winter streets. H. O. Humphrey, pastor. : s,m. Sunday school. Graded classes for every one. 11 a.m. Sermon by the paa tor. Subject: "Fellowship With the Po ther. Chorus music leo oy rroi. nw man Clark. 0:30 P m. Epworth league. divisions. 7:80 p.m. Special program by the Wesley Fonadetion, uerraiiis, uregoa. Devotional address by Mis Mildred Bar tholomew, director of student aetiivtle. A rrnnn ef students will civs the fol lowing musical numbers, contralto solo. "Trust ia Him" (Hsmblen) by Caro lyn Gaskins, Marjorie Hunter, accompaa it. VUlIn solo. "The RosarV (Sevta) by Paith Lindros, Dorothy Kloepplag, rMnniniit The EDWorth leans conn cil will hold a "Happy Half hour" re reptioa ia the fireplace room, following the evening service. FIRST CHTJBCH OP C HEIST, scnamsT Oh em e sets and Liberty streets. Sunday service 11 e.m. and I p.m.. subject, "Matter. Testimony Rending room at atasoaie tempts opaai 11 to 5:80 except Suadays and holidays. TMMAKTTBX. BAPTIST Comer of Hotel and Academy streets. Bible school at 10 o'clock; lesson: II Samuel S. Bring your Bibles; Mere Sauev. suDerintendent. Preach iag st 11 s. m., and 7:80 p. m. Mid-week prayer and praise service Thursdsy evening at 7:80. LASISH EVAXaKLICAL Pastor. H. B Schsnermaa, 1161 Ua- ioa street, Salem, phaae 48S0. LABISH CEXTE&: Church school 10 a. m., W. A. Starker, saperinteadeat. Worship at 11. robjeot: "Ts Unlet Corners tons." G. E 7 p. m., topic: "What Was Jesus' Estimate of- Hums Lifst Caa W Live It!" The society invited to Clear Lake for the mid-week serriee. Quarterly communion this Sun day morning. CLEAB LAKE: Church school 10 a.m., W. P. Coimrd, peris ten en t Svea gelisUe service aU day; Dr. Duff will preseh at 11 a. m. Bev. VL Cloud, converted Armeniaa. will bring the an ssge tn the sfternooa. aad the evening service will be ia charge of the Irish evsngelist. Afternoon meeting st 3, evening at 7:0. Meetinga continue all week with special featarea each even ing. Monday evening a tableaux will bo presented. MIDDLE GBOVE: Church school 10 a. m.. T. T. Welker, superintendent. E. L. C E. at :80. tople for aiseussioa: "Wast Was Jeeaa' EstimaU of Humaa Lifet Caa W Live By It!" Invitation to Clear Lake for mid-week service. BSOOKS COMMUhUTr CHU'KCH O. H. Quicley. minister. 10. 8aady sehool, Lee Bood, superiatendsat ; Charlea Wad, teacher ef adult Bible class. 11, meralng worship, sermon topic: "The Art of Making Religion Human." En joyable serriee ot song. Miss Bernsdino Wheeler, pianist. OOTKT ST. CHTTKCH OP CHSIST Seveateenth aad Court streets. Hsgh X. MeCallum. pastor, 1744 Chemeketa. BibI aehool at :4S, Mrs. Irene WeUer, saperiatendeat. Morning worship aad Lord eapper at 11 a. m., sermon theme "Selfishness and the New Deal." Young People's Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. The Bible Dramatic e!ab will give another of their dramas at the eveaing service depietiag on ot the beautiful stories of Jesus, followed by a sermon oa "Gamb ling with Salvation." Mid-week Bible Ktndv oa Wednesdsy evening st 7:30 ia the Bungalow. Capites aad Marl, W. O. Ueaheemner. pastor. Sunday a eh eel. 10. dohm Demay, upertateaaeas. mi me a aamea, iu, i a Traitor Polatod Out aad th JMaiie Cemlortevi." Xagnak aerviee, 11. "The J earth Word treaa th Cross" t cpeeiaj musi by amah eeartet. HisUnad aad Chare. O. . Biaard. psator. Bible aehool, 10, X. M. Beekatt, supenateaaena. movmias war sain, as. Break Vw Xeur sallow wreaao." aam ior O. X- a: 30. Iateraasdiate a S:SS. Senior O. K, T. 9:80. "Make His Midweek prayer aseetiag TOST SPIMTUAtlJT Velsoa Sail. S81 Cheaseksta. Mary SchwedeL paator. Leetar topi. "Spirit, the Power at Truth." Circle held. S to 7:80, by aocradited medium, rxuT TOaoaxaATioxAi. Caater aad Liberty. J. B. Blmands, pastor. Baadav aehool, :. jsaraiag weraua, la, las meesags ax ajaoa, third ia series ef Lsatea sermoa aa Great Cmapters from the Propbeu aad Tkeir Measef far Today." A1CSXICAJI LUTBJU(AV Church street betweea. Chasneketa aad Center. P. W. Erik sea. pastor. Sunday school. t:5, A. A. Kruegar, aperiatead- eat; maa s rouau-taai ay ux. a. o. Jea- wemea'a class ay ssra. Arutsea. Mornins- weruhini 11- "What is Truth That Seta Tea Pre"; aatham. "Ol Sing to the Lawd" (Bala), directe by U liam MaOUearist. Chare teagaa, :sv, Lentea stadr. Eveaiar service. T:SV, by Girl Reserve ot Y.W.O.A.; musio bv uiri if serve eaora. jaarca coaaeu meet Tuesday. 6. Lentea service Wed aooday, 7:45. PZEST EVANGELICAL Summer aad Marion.. Emory W. Pet tiaord. D.D.. minister. Sunday school. 0:45, L. L Therntoa. auperintendeat. Moraiasr worahia. 11. "raise rreaaet--; nrelnde aad offertory by Mrs. Ethel Pol ing Phelpe. Christisa Endeavor vesper servieo. 8:80. Musical vralade, 7:15. EvsnrelisUe Service. 7:80. gospel song aerviee led by W. E. Kauhut. interspersed with soecial music! selections. "Th Holy Spirit." Bible stady aad prayer Thursdsy. 7:80. XXIGHT KEMOEIAZ. 19th aad Parry. H. C. Stover, mia in ter. Church aehool. 10, 0. C. Harris, su perintendent. Morning worship. 11, "Whst Msy I Expect of My Church": lsdies' trio, "The Stranger ef Galilee." Bveniag serriee, 7:80, pulpit exchange; sermoa by Rev. B, V. Wilson ef Engte wood United Brethrea chareh. Christiaa Endeavor, 0i45. Donald J. Allison, lead er of senior society. Fellowship ot prayer Wednesday. 8 p. as. TOST BAPTIST Marioa aad Liberty. Brit ton Rosa, minister. Bible school. 9:45, Pred Broer. superintendent. Morning worship, 11, "the Pise ef Prayer ' ; special musi by choir. Prsyer meeting, S: 30. Junior. intermediate and ssnior n.T.r.u o:su. Oiehestra prelude, 7:10. Evening wor ship, 7:80, 'The World's Greatest Dic tator WIU lie come ooon i ; special music. Sliffl OF (11101 IRCES TO SPEAK Harold Oncer, one of the speakers of Allied Forces and na tional director of Allied Youth, will hold - a conference at the First Methodist chareh Wednes dsy, March IX, at.T:30 p. m. Mr. Singer who is an outstanding youth leader will make an inter esting and. attractive presentation of the scientific aad sociological truths about beverage alcohol. This meeting is open to the public and every one Interested in education Is invited to attend. Rev. Hugh N. McCallnm Is la charge ot arrangements and Is supported by the local ministers. lirTERIM WORKERS HIE APPOIMTED Earl Snell, speaker ot the house of representatives, has ap- nolnted members ot a number of house committees and Boards pursuant to resolutions adopted during the recent legislative ses sion. House members ot the state emergency board include Repre sentatives walker and Gouley Senator Staples was appointed the senate member of this board. Members of the house seating committee for the 113 B legisla tive session are representatives Childs and Wyers. Representatives Wells and Abrams were appointed house members of an Interim committee on Insurance. The report at this committee will . he filed prior to the ItSS legislative session. - The Interim committee to con duct a study ot small loans and . report their findings at the legis- ' lative session two years hence is , composed ot Representatives Wy- 4 ers. Scott and Paulas, C C Chap man, publisher of tne Oregon Voter, and. George Tumbull or the University of Oregon. Representatives Lonergan and Paget were named to prepare an argument tor the measures' pam phlet nnder a senate resolution referring to the voters the ques tion ot modifying the present grand jury system. House members of the commit tee to prepare the affirmative ar gument tor the measures' pam phlet in connection with the pro posed constitutional amendment dealing with county managerial form ot government are Repre sentatives Ryan. Herman and Cooter. The negative argument will be prepared by Representa tives McCornack, Weatherford and Scott. Representatives Lewis and Nichols were appointed house members ot the committee to pre pare the affirmative argument dealing with the proposal to is sue and sell bonds for engineer ing work in connection with the state power program. The house committee to prepare the affirmative argument in con nection with the proposal to change the date on which legis lators shall assume office, is com posed ot Representatives Eckley, Johnson and Wells. Representatives Kelly and Staples were selected as house members ot the committee to pre pare an affirmative argument on proposed constitutional amend ment restricting the powers of municipal governments to borrow money and incur indebtedness. ST. dona ' a a v am uttutu am Lutnitn (Missouri Synod) 16th sad A. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school. 9. English service, 9:45. German Lent service. 11. English Len tea service Wednesday, 7:80, "The Car- aal-Minded Arrayed Agalast uartat specisl music PKESBTTEE1AK Winter aad Chemehet. Orovar O. Birtehet, D.D., paator. Church school, 9:30. U M. Bamaga. euperiateadeat. Morning worship, 11, ''The Porgiveaeea of 8iaT" ; anthem, "The Psth of the Just" (Lefebvre) : solo, Mr. Dob Smith, "Hear Me Wbea I Call" (Woder). C.S. societies, 6:80. Evening praise, 7:80, Criminal Xgligenee"; sathem, "Sing Aloud Unto God" (Peace). Prayer meet ing aad Bible stady Thursday. 7:80. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Ohsmskets. George H. Swift, rector. Holy communion. 7:80 a. m. Church school, 9:45. Morning prayer and confirmation. 11, Biahop Bamner confirm ing. Midweek Lenten services, 7 end 10 a. au, 7:80 p. as. ESOLEWOOD US1TEP BBXTHKKN 17th aad Nebraaka. R. V. Wilsoa. pastor. 8undsy school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11, "A Religion That Preaches Good-Will aad Means It" Eveaing wor ship, 7:80, exchange ef pulpits with Ksv. H. O. Stover of Knight Memorial church. Young people's meeting, 6:80, "Prob lems of Christisa experience Why We Should Belong to th Chareh," Alice Grant and Ralph Koerner, leaders. Coming Events March 15-18 State high school basketball tourna ment. ffnjrJts 19 rhlIharmoJc Symphony orchestra con cert, armory, 8 p in. March to Minnesota club winter meeting, X. M. C. A. March S3 Herold Singer of A Died Forces speaks at First M. K. church at 7:80 March 22 Leoaard and Robla Moser, Oregon State college students, stvo music program at. T. M. O. A. lobby. clocks open to pablic . , March gS Anneal spring opening, auspices Salem Ad club. " . March JH-23 Marioa and a oik conference for Older Boys at T. M. C A. May 12-18 Oregon State Asseeiatiea of Master riatmlre, guuraal mectin. Jane S-i Fomrth Aannal WsUaaaetts) Valley Flower Shew. " ' - ' Jstfw ed-2( Aanaal Ea- cawmawL Boaaish War Ob ltuary Morris At the residence on route 1, Sa lem, March IT, Thomas B. Morris, aged 7f years. Hnsband of Mrs. Georgia Horrls; father of Mrs. MeFarlaad of route 1. Also leaves son, Voyle Morris ot Ohio, and sis ter, Juletta Bnrkhead of Ohio. Fu neral announcements later by the Salem Mortuary. 545 North Capi tol street. Johnson At the residence, route t, Mon mouth, March 17, Olot Johnson, aged 82. Survived by children, Jennie A. Nolton, Angus Johnson, both of Monmouth, Mrs. sopme Belarus of Colorado. John John son of Colorado and Nels Johnson of Minnesota. Funeral announce ment later bv W. T. Kigaon . Son. BoJe At a local hospital Thursday. March It. Iran Elmer BoJe, aged t months. Late resident or route 4. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BoJe of Salem; two brothers. Irwin and Deimer; rrmndnarents. Mr. ana airs. u. c Bole and Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Al- len, all of saiem. services wiu o held from the Friends church at Rosedale, Saturday. March 18. at 8 p. lau, nnder turecuon ei ine Clongh-BarTick company. I Births Towne Chemawa Leader William Towne, scoutmaster of troop 14 at the state school for the deaf, has been selected to lead the Chemawa Indian school, troop eight, also, it was' reported yesterday. The appointment was made by the Chemawa troop committee. Fphoff Posts Bail Arraigned In justice court yesterday on charge of giving an n.s.f. check for I7.se, Joe H. Uphoff pleaded not guilty. At the request of TJp- horrs attorney, who has business ahead In circuit court. Judre Miller B. Hayden set time for tri al as May 15. Uphoff posted 8500 undertaking for bail. Schuyler Jailed Herbert Schayler, charged with larceny ef Jewelry and money, was order ed bound over to the grand Jary yesterday after a preliminary hearing was given him in Justice court. Unable to post $500 ball. he was ordered locked in county jail. Walker Fined f2.50 Plead lng guilty in municipal court yes terday to a charge of failing to stop his automobile upon enter ing a through street. Burton Walker, 538 South 24th street, agreed to pay a 82.50 fine impos ed by Judge Mark Poulsen, ac cording to court records. Defeat Weaver College Argu ing against the cancellation by the United States of the inter allied war debts, Willamette de- haters defeated representatives of Weaver college ot Ogdon, Utsh, here Thursday. Willamette speak ers . were Garfield Barnett and William Mosher. Wiese and Van dyke, represented Weaver, EVANGELISTIC TABEBHACTf. Ferry street at 18th. O. O. Weston, aatnr. Bandar school st 1 :SO p. C rerruson. suuennteaaeat. inure erv ee at a. Bvanreiisnc aerviee a 7-45 SiMeial muale at each servieo. Prayer meetings Monday, Woaneaoay sa Friday at 3 p. m. Bibls stady oa sab. I! . . -r - . . , , .. i A way nooovuo, ana a ao ject of the elect Tuesday night at T:4S. I ' . . rt "fuji ..j bhelr pracUce Th-r.d.yaUrht at T; dj- rCT??'BbWt1 8SheS). votioaal serriee st i. Orchestra practice . , ;. at 7 Saturday service at 8. aight, Toang People' SOUTH SAXEM FRIEITDS Rnntk Commereisl st Wean I or ton. Charles C. Hsworth, psstor. Sunday ervieas! 10 a. sxu. SondaV scbaoL Urs. Helea T. Jones, superiataadeat. 11. Maralne- varshin. 6:10 V. . O. K. iyer meeting, topic: "What was yo- nu' Ketimete of rinmsa irsi wan i tj Vv 7:S0. e-renin worship. Tharsdsy. 7:86 p. m prsyer meeMa sad Bible study. OFEW DOOB MIS SIOW 815 N. Commercial street. Bev. Xari SeehrWt. Berriees every night 7 :80 p.m. Preaching by th different pastor of the Kvsngelistie aerrieo 7 :80, Everrbody wel come to these meetings. tt-.bt.v MXMOXXAX South Commereisl street at hfyera. 8. Dsrlew Jehasoa. pastor. 84S E. Ifyer street. Phone 9SS7. Chareh school for su sges st :. V. M. Sackett, Saps. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermoa by th paster, "The Quality ef Merer." ripeelal muaie, sain em. rrai so ta Lord" (Zeiiberg), aad sow, "Thank be to Goi" (Stanley Piekaoa), snag by Mavaard McKlaler. Three leagues at 6:1. Happy Eveaing Hour Service 7:80, wit song servieo led ay v. a. urang. sermoa en MisSering Uod, - mizoa os teite "The Badieat Mora Ha Passed Awffy" (Woodwsrd). sad a solo by Mis wa ajoae Mid-week honr of fellowshia ia Drsver aad study Thursday, 7:80 p.m. Combined choirs re hearse under direction of Marjorie wall er Batcliffe Thursday evening, 7:45. ITEST CHURCH 07 THE HaXABBaTB 18th and Center streets. Rev. Fletch er Galloway, pastor. 682 K. 14th street, phoae VS80. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m., . M. Idtwiller, superinUnaeat. N. T. P. 8. aad Junior Society. 6:80 p ja Mrs. Psul Hardy, president. 11 a. m.. the pastor p reach aa aa "The right wsy to observe Lent." 7:80 p. m.. the Wo man' Missionary society of the church gives program. FTBST METHODIST OHUBCH Church school graded for aU 9:4S a. as. Public worship, 11 a. m. mm' "The Chnnsraleaa Yardstick.' Dr. Parker. p. av, Yoaag PeopU's Foruau 6:80 p. m.. Three Epworth Leagaea. 7:80, Informal eveaing service sermoa: "The Hirher PeteJedness,, Dr. Parker. Parable dramatisation by members of the Drama Guild. 8peil musical numbers by vested shorn choir at both service FOR aEBJCAjr BAPTIST Xmrth Cottar aad T street. 6. W. Ratsch. minister. Sunday sehool 9 AS at- Sam Sealnaan. superintendent. Services 11 a. s aad 7:30 p. . Bee- alar mid-week prayer meeting at 8 p. ta. Wednesday. FTBST TJWTTED BBETHBBV Xissiea betweea 12th end University. A. & Headerson, pastor, 11S5 Missioa street. Serriee 11 a. m., aad 6:80 p.as. Sunday acheel. 18 a. m.. Mr. A. M. Hendareea. sunerintendeat. Tooag Pee r meetings at o:so p. m. "waa a Jens' Estimet of Humaa Lifst Caa We Live by It!" oaxca oospbx. hall Bible aehool at 10 a. as. Servieet at 8 p. ss. d 7:45 p. m. Sunday. F -Bl-Uot win iDesk at both servioee. 8ab- jest for th sfsernoon. Clod's Divine Caa ter. Bible stady class Teas Say aiga. renters service Friday eveaiag for ehil drea and adalts; sabieet. Life of Chris. FIRST CUUI 2 VilQCIiEA VACATION 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! 1 II M 1 1 H If 1! I M 1 M 1 II 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 E And. HOSIERY TOO C FEATURING 111 . - III . Ill - Full fashioned pure thread silk hose with cradle foot and narrow heels. AH new Spring shades. 09c 2 prir 1.60 95c 2 pair 1.75 SHIPLEY'S tttttttttftttTTittttttttttttittttmiittttir PUT ON YOUR SHOES mm AMD RETURN E Kaseell To Mr. aad Mrs. Charles RnaseH. 8 Sooth 18th gtreetv seren-pound hoy, hora early Friday at the Bnagalow Welter Pays $5 - Manlcipal Jadge Mark Ponlsea yesterday fined R- A. Weiser, 181 Trade street, $5 when the latter - plead ed Tallty to speediat:. Weiser was arrested here March S. Tacatixm at TJalyendty WH lametu aalTersity closed last nlxht for the sprlnj racatioa of one week:. Work will resume Linden to Speak Em 11 Lin den, district organizer for the In ternational Labor Defense. wHl speak at the Workers' center, Court and Commercial streets, at I S p.m. Sunday on the topic "Tom Mooney and Class War Prison ers." After the address, there will be an open fornm honr for ques tions and answers. W. A. Delzell last Sunday addressed the forum, sponsored by Salem Unemployed council. No admission is ehargea. Scoat Class Today The first class for latest recruits to the Salem boy scout band will he conducted at 9 o'clock this mora ine In the St. Panrs Episcopal church parish house under super. wtaioii ef T? ft. Stoudeumeyer. band director. Half a doiea boys were signed up last night snd many more are expected to turn up at the class today. Bodcers Bound Over After preliminary heartnr la justice court yesterday on eharre ef urninc property with Intent to injure the insurer, W. C. and Mary Rod iters were ordered bound oTtr tor grand Jury hear-j Inr. Mr. Rodrers posted tlOO" bail and his wife was released en Iharewn- r&eegnlxanee: ' Sprinr Styles as law as $15.00 D. H. MOSHER 474 Court TeL5401 OIL SALE Friday Saturday Menda Western OH, qt. 7, 8 gals. tl tO Eastern Oil, qt 14c, gals ti n Guaranteed II pure Peansylraala Oil, qt....S0e gala. IMS Alemlte grease, lb.. lSe Differential and transmis sion OIL lb, lie Local currency acceptable 8ALX31 OHi DEPOT 527 Marioa Street m i . j ni a CAHACI m tOOS aM A cw.-weeks aee .sacatiaa. re nosaahsle am rerura ml m aarrada arw-wia have a direct espial s tbeee with Usui ted koU- First -Clam aU tb way. aaUtat from Vsaf oaves or Victoria April 2b a Anjotu That Mentions This Ad May Hare a Pair of Bobber Heels Pat on Their Shoes Absolutely Free If They Will Hare a Pair of Half Soles Put On At Our Special Low Prices. 1 1 V I da ladfK. Tk lasareas WJapem.aiitilaeMayt. A aether eaSsateai liar M, froea VasManraar r Vicaarte by tk Ktagnr. emtoaraasaf DeHtktfsd vsyat wfth Csmadhse) Pacific amept taltty asm eatertaiar- aaaat amd ra i SrsprJS0. m PACIFIC Local Ccrrericy. Good atELSbff Fora. Co. Call OtO, Csed fa rait 181 Kortk CXgk as I II FIE roaasw III Seek III I mammaaSnm 1 are inn Womens Soles Men's Soles 0Ea safe. by catthst' Boy's Soles Children's Soles according to size Wt use only the finest leathers and there can be no finer work produced in any shop Veteran, .f) 'r, ; VtJ- , J.aatanilty .horns. ... -" ay.. Marrh Kth I