tUr.: The OREGOJTATESIIAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. Marcbi 17, 1933 . c -5 4 A A, i i You Cannot Go 7rong Here Leu Thai Wholesale Prices AIJ lirestock prices hare advance! but our prices re main the same this weekend. V Mt make aU the Hams, Bacon ai d Lard here at our market from the yery best pigs we can buy. You can not tmy better at any price. nf w o SPIED, EIE1IT1 2 WLW-J o o - .y Sugar cured and smoked with oak wood Breakfast Bacon 10 and 12c Bacon Backs .... 8 and 10c Bacon Squares . . .5c Pure Lard .'. 6c Open kettle rendered We sell more pork and pork products than any market in Balem, Pork to Roast 8c AO fat and waste is removed Spareribs 10c Pork Hocks 5c Pig Feet -2c Back Bones 3c Pure Pork Sausage 10c No water - no cereal Our beef is better than usual this week. Oar low prices remain the same. Beef to Roast 8 and 10c Loin Beef Steak 10c Prime Rib Roll 13c Beef to Boil 6c Hamburger 10c No water no cereal n9 extra suet Veal Stew 5c We buy all our livestock direct from the farmer. You pay only one small profit when trading here. MCDOWELL MAERIKO" Where a Dollar Does its Duty 173 S. Commercial St. Phone 8757 GERVAIS, March li At til animal meeting of the Presbyter Ian chare Wednesday renin. Rer. H. L. Gratloue was elected pastor, making his eighth conse- cntrre year. Report were given from the various departments of the ckurch ana all shewed that-4 good work waa dene anrlsg; the past rear. R. 8. Marshall and Ralph Harper were re-elected old er and Gordon - Jones was .re elected, trustee. Mrs. R. S, Mar- kail, who has erred as treasur er for seTeral years, was again elected to that office. Ralph Harper, ssaerlatendent of tho Sanday school and Mrs. T. O. Booster were re elected. Qoso- rioro J elders was sleeted secre tary; Mrs. Orations, treasurer, Mrs. Ross Citstortk. cradl roll inpeTintendouU ,M rs. jL 1U Sres-i trmnd, sppertB.teudeB.t i . I Home department; lean Turner ant Ins Cntstorth." pUnlats; lira. A. B. Jtflnaker we re-sUctes ehoir AU vector and Mrs. Berts Barker, Mrs. G. J. Moteaa sad Iris Cuts forta were appointed pianist. A pot tack dlneer In the social room preceeded tko business meeting. DALLAS BKESS 8RDUP AT BUELL DALLAS, Marck If. Mem kers of tke Dallas chamber ot commerce, tko Kiwanla clob and their wires attended a dinner at the Bnetl grange kail. Tuesday night. Group- singing was partici pated la by the fiesta who also provided tko other musical num ber for tko program; two song trio numbers by Dallas high Schaefer's Drug Store The original Yellow Front Drag and Candy Special Store of Salem 1SS N. Commercial St. Dial 510T Penslar Agency When yon think Drugs, think Schaefer Friday and Saturday Only Stock tip on Schaefer's Home Remedies Made 1st Salem by us in our own Laboratory amd guaranteed to relieve ot money refunded Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam will stop that Bark! This cough syrup is guaranteed 50C and $1.00 If Others Have Failed TRY SCHAEFER'S Corn Remedy The minute you apply Schaefer's corn remedy to tender corns, the pain stops and the remover begin its work. Five days and the corn's gone. Be Wise and Schaeferize Backache (Jy Achy Pains q Fagged Out Then take Schaefer's Kidney Pills Get it today, no cure no pay Price 50c For a Cold That Hangs On It's dangerous to let an ordinary cold go beyond the first stages. . SCHAEFER'S Gold Tablets It's the sure cure 25c, 50c and $1.00 The Schaefer Way No Cure No Pay 25c size Sulphur and Cream Tartar Lozengers 13c Penslar Beef, Iron & Wine $1.00 size 49c 60c Analgesic Balm 49c 50c F. Sodium Phosphate 23c Hinkle Carcara Pill 100 for 23c Aspirin Tablets 100 for 23c 'Trusses - Braces -5uprkrter Try Schaefer eerrlof If yom wins the bert tit and quality si the moss reasonable price Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. High 4 n 1 vitamin test. "A" and "D" pt. 7C Rubbing Alcohol, pi. 25c N. R. Tablets 19c 17c 16c 25c J. & J. Baby Tale 50c Pacques 07 - Hand Cream 16 oz. Russian Mineral Oil. Extra heavy PATRONIZE TUB DRUG STORB THAT JUSTIFIES VOIR OOXFIDKNOS Your Nyal Service Drug Store Court A liberty TeL 8444 eeneot stria. 4imtoe tT Mies JUles McBride, nn4 tiro patoben oy U1ss Cdris Greene, tsHo, Mlsn Dorothy Palmer, - Tioiia nn nr. Joe Hartley, plane. . . Toe sneaker Tor the nrocrant was Mrs. Edith Toiler Weathered, who related the earty day Wtory of Oregon, sad Polk eonnty. A. re citation and pantomime nnmber by tho Bnell memhers eoseinded tho BTorram. The chamber ot commerce has been lnrlted to attend a meeting of the Brnsh College flange, Aprfl 7, when m dinner wlu be serrsd. On April 14, ther win present the program at a meeting of the Rlekreall grange. MS1LE FOLKS in Qun re etsie sit the ttsre. Ur.AAd Mrs. T. BlghboxgeT lso . reeetred , letter from . rhetr danghter ta Anaheim saylarrtbey were all sals bat badly trlghtsaed. Ther also said that aa basUess houses is Anshetss wnr - Vttch For Th .-V? conditio casmcAii SILVERTOW, March II Urs. John. Porter's condition was re porter Thursday- morning as cri- ttoal following the oyeratlon which she nnderwent at a Port land hospital Wednesday morn ing. . - ... No, We Have No Opening Sale With All the Trimmings at the FARMERS PUBLIC MARKET Phone 0450 364 N. Liberty But just plain every day prices that are good as long as present stocks last Groc. Dept. Royal Club Coffee 07 1 lb. tins Li C Scott Tissue 1000 A sheets, 3 rolls leC Table Salt 8 lb. sacl 23c Wesson Oil, in bulk, per qt 19c Post Toasties 3 pkgs. 19c Freshly Ground Peanut Hotter, 7 per lb. v Pure Apple Vine- 1Q gar, per gal. laC Kellogg's Pep, 2 pkgs. 19c Crown Feed Dept. We have a new low price on Crown Chick Starter. Money -cannot buy a bet ter starting feed at any price. 100 lb. O OC Pellets LfOO 100 lb. Mash 2.25 1.45 Crown Leader Mash, 100 lbs. Crown Komplete t 7A Lav. 100 lbs. 1 I V r w Boiled Oats 60s per sack Ground Oats QC 80s aDC Mill Run 80s per sack Cracked Corn 1 If 100s, per sack 1 1 79c 70c Get our prices on ton lots of any feed FRIDAY-SATURDAY--MONDAY Men's Dress Ox. ) J Q fords. Blaek orJ)jQ Brown, A Pr... . Others IIJI and fi ll Tloy-Tots Oordnroy aq OreraUa. Beige or JJQC Castor. Pr.... Ladtos Skirts. Pnre wool $1,173 net, newest styles Sweaters os Silk AQ Blowses, to fo TrtthyoC Skirts, each ... Close Osti. On Lo J Rayon Slips, lie to jC Talnes, new.. eseitoifsS 98 C naa nayoei AUM8VHX1C, March II Mrs. George Frost reeetred word from her daughter, Mrs. 7e Latta and family, that they had arrlTed safe ly at their destlnatln In Idaho. The women who are on tho pro gram committee for the April meeting ot the community club are bnsUy working to make the women's program better than the men's. Members of the committee are Mrs.. Margaret Martin, Mrs. T. C. Mountain, Mrs. Laurence Roberts, Mrs. EUa England. Miss Mabel KaUasder and Miss Gladys Burgess. Friends and relatlree here were glad to hear from Miss Opal Tripp, who left last Wednesday for Los Angeles, getting there In time for part ot the earthquake. In her Utter she states that the dishes la tho ah el res were all shaken to the floor and that they are not Urlng In their house but Watches Cleaned $1.00 Wrist Watches Moderate Prices on watch amd eloek repairing CLAUDE IXLX Marlon sad -Court o0 tido New SIIlfSflGMCEY at SW SGaGs Go (focsswrly Wflllasss Self Serrlee Store) MAKlKlETr DRUG STORE O. Ia Wethnan, Beg. Tbg. " -DC THJE MARKET" TeL S1S8 470 V. Oosnl CUT RATE DRUGS . EVERY DAY free Delivery Magazines . . Sundries Prescriptions OPEN EVENINGS Not a Chain Store Buy aU yon want No limits HAVE YOUR Lawn Mower Sharpened NOW Take Advantage of Our SPECIAL OFFER We will all for your lawn mower, sharpen it on our special factory grinder, completely oil and adjust it and deliver it to you ready QCf to use for only . .JC This etfer coed for a limited time only, before the rash sen sea atarte gtre ms yew order mw. Jt DU1 4516. Besneea bar, we call for and deliver and gnarantee each Job. HARRY W. SCOTT Phone 4510 THPJ CYCLE MAJT 14T So. ComX St. Days v Day utD(D(D s1117 AY Guaranteed Fast Color If VAT-DYED V 111 Regular 12e Print HI C712 WATCH FOR OUR CIRCLE SPECIALS BLOCH'S . Salem. Orezoa L 220 N.liherly . . , PJxoas SS05 DIGTRIDUTION WITHOUT W AO T E Friday and Saturday MarcK 17-18 r Our Markets Have Quality Meats at Economical Prices 1 hii snen nen 1 i (3 CoSS22. 22c Airway Brand, 3 lbs 63c oil FLOUR Safeway HssrOwbeas 4B-lb seek Salmon Alaska Pink Tafi ease for flSc Good Quality, No. B cans, each Corn Meal 9 Eastern Qaalttf lb. sack AKvdyj dependabr cere fully brended, rich, mellow end smootruvery cup wins enthusiastic users. It comes direct from the roasters to you, fresh, fragrant, and at a lower price. Try a can today. CHEEOE Fancy Full Ore u ONE POUND VACUUM PACKED Tw4 m m 11 en NUCOA Bay aH yew want. Sweet Potatoes 1(qc Iibby's Ho. SH eL V MILK Porlt & Deans Oampbell's CELERY Largs We3 Bleached Stalks 2 for H0c fancy Texas a lbs. ac CAnnoTG young & tender Iff. bunches 2 for Uc Post Toasties Fresk and 4 Orlop JELLO 3 pkgs. Cccoonut Baker's k- pkg. BREAD Golden n Krnst a leave SALT Maximum o pound shaker OATS Carnation Iff. pks;. Brooms A good Talae each MALT Boekeye Is- can Buy Kellogg Pep at Safeway Ask our salesmen about Dolly Varden Pastry Fresh " T?A-iMnHn (SHHUGEieElG 77o In Balk -The Very Best Chickens - Rock and ReH Country Style Pork Sansaft AH Drawn raanOTr PURE LAUD or DACON WetoGCS SHORTENING MortTfrEJt Those Good Juiey Kind The Very Best Sugar Cured Bacon Drt forfftt, when yon boy your meat at Safeway Market yon get mere for your money, because we handle ths Best Quality. It does not shrink ? when yon cook it like poor quality eats. W' ,r . - CHARLIE DUVAli, Market llanager. lis, J7 162 N. Commercial i fljOO Orders DELIVERED i Nev-lW70 N. CemaaereiaJ Phons 169 FREE Excepting Features ' Phone 9432 Ne, C$ 1578 N. CaplUI Ws rtserrt ths rishi to limit : p . Phons S62l : quantities No. 7S 1927 SUte. Phone 14W 1 1 . !" 1 i ; V