The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Sated Oregon, Friday Moraing, March 17. 1833'
St. Patrick Program JL . pro-1 Loan Rraueet Hevv YesUr-
l1?, i?" ft-Patrick day WM the btt6le8t day ttte Med
lo&a workers bare experienced
motif will be beld at the Ameri
can Lutheran church tonight, at
7 : S 0 v o'clock. .Thev program - fol
low: Jtwo girls' chor
us of Parrish Junior high school,
directed by Helen Prang; play,
"Does Credit Payr by Lougene
Brietike, Gladys Edgar, Mary
Danger, S. Ward Horn. Mark
Gehlhar and Tom Allport; piano
duets, the Sextette -from "Lucia"
and Orerture from "Carman" by
Miss Gladys Edgar and Miss Ho
st Watanabe; reading by Tyrus
Hill way; dialogs "By Agree
ment", Mr. and Mrs. Edward For-
gard; remarks, Pastor P. W. Er
ik sen; social hour. .
Would Tax Wealth Louis Ol
son, national representative of
Unemployed Councils, spoke to
local council members at the
workers hall last night. ' Olaon
presented what he termed was a
constructive plan for relief for
unemployed which consisted of
taxing the wealth for their sup-
Sort; and militant, effort- to en
orce demands but without vio
lence. He denounced war and
urged workers' resistance to im
pending wars.'
this season, it was reported. A
large number of West Stayton
farmers Yisited the ' chamber of
.commerce to file their applica
tions. ' Although the approval
committee is somewhat behind at
present in checking on the appli
cations, it expects soon to catch
up and. handle them as they come
in. It is anticipated that conges
tion at the chamber application
office will diminish from now on.
Fascinating will be the Spring dis
plays of interest to all women
See the Greater Shipley Store.
Opening Saturday. "
Quake Fund Started A small
start was gained yesterday in
Marion county's $500 quota tor
Red Cross relief and rehabllita
tion work in the Southern Cali
fornia earthquake area. It was
expected, however, that contribu
tions would Increase today and
hope was expressed that the quota
would be raised. Contributions
may be made to H. V. Compt6n
at Ladd k. Bush bank. Linn C
Smith at United States National
Local currency good at H. L. stiff ;bnVw HLB: Eakin at Flr8t N'
Furniture Co.
tional bank.
No Deficit, W. U. In the
face of financial straits being ex
perienced by many institutions of
higher education, Willamette uni
versity will complete Us fiscal
year June 30 without an oper
ating defieit, it was announced
yesterday; Alt tuition is paid up
and salary bills are being met
when due. Income from endow
ment this year will total approxi
mately $60,000.
Fellowship Talked William
McGllchrist Jr., district governor
for Rotary International, stressed
fellowship as one of the chief
values of service club, member
ship in his talk at the Salem
Lions club luncheon. He pointed
out that Rotary club 28 years
ago and Lions club 16 years ago
both had been started for this
main purpose. "'It is important
more so today in times of stress
to have this fellowship than when
Rotary started," he declared.
Hill's candy. Sat. A Sun. special:
Varsity fudge 29c lb. 2 lbs. 53c.
697 North Capitol.
Beer Petitions Ga.1 Forty
petitions of 100 names each were
filed with the county clerk ye's
terday in the hopgrowers' drive to
secure sufficient names to put re
peal of the 18th amendment on
the ballot July 21. Slightly more
than 85 per cent of the 4000
names have checked all right
with the qualified voting list.
The county elerk's office is check
ing the petitions about as fast
as they come in. Two extra check
ers are on the job.
St. Patrick's dance Crystal Gar
den tonite, 25c.
(Jet Marriage License Two
marriage licenses were issued by
the county clerk yesterday to:
John Wagner Jr., 30, Falls. City
laborer, and Clara Sawatiky, 19,
route three, Salem, domestic, who
were married yesterday by Judge
Siegmund; and to Henry French,
3 6, Newberg electrician, and
Ruhy Nelson. 32, domestic. Wood
burn. They will be married
March 19.
iBCWuac Mem Hew Willam
ette valley agents of tho New
York Life Insurance company as
sembled her yesterday for a two
day meeting at which the Invest
ment value of life insurance is be
ing stressed. B. M. Downle, Port
land agency director, and William
E. North, Portland agency organ
izer, are in charge. Agents attend
ing the meeting, being held in the
office of Owen F. Ogden in the
Oregon building are: J .Carothers,
Salem; John M. Novak; Molalla;
John H. Small, Portland; W. W.
Linn, Bandon; E. F. Smith, Sa
lem; Maud M. Mochel, Wood
burn; Almona Kerry. Taft; Edith
Schmidiskamp, Portland; Maude
M. Brown, Turner; Mrs. K. Hen
derson, Amity; Mrs. My Sylvester,
Silverton, and H. M. Broadbent,
Legion Interest Grows Con
siderable enthusiasm is develop
ing toward boosting membership
in Capital post, American Le
gion, according to Adjutant Wil
liam Bliven, who reported last
night .that, an exceptionally large
number ' of membership commit
teemen turned out for a meeting
in his office. The group decidea
to contact by mail or in person
every legionnaire or ex-legionnaire
in Salem soon to urge him
to r"enew bis membership this
year. The post roster now bears
about 220 names of paid-up vet
erans. Such a Jolly surprise for your par
ty cuests. "The Portrait Art Pui-
xle". We make these from your
photograph. See our window dis
play. Gunnell Robb. 620 state.-
Two Mishaps Reported Two
automobile accidents, both of mi'
nor nature, were reported to city
Dolice yesterday: J. C. Burkholder
of Aurora and C. A. Swope of In
dependence, at Front and Center
streets: W. J. Melchlor, 2155
South Cbureh street, and an un
known motorist, at Court and
12th streets. No heavy damage or
personal injuries were listed.
Ooz Aska Divorce Clifford Cox
haa Clod actio for dlvoree from
Julia Cox, to whom he vraa wed
In Washington is May, XI Si, ana
from whom ho separated last
April. Among other things, the
complaint allege that she flew
into a rage and struck him while
on the way home from church.
Hearing is Set Hearing on
final account of Bertha B. Boot
as administratrix of the estate of
William Henry Boot has been set
for Tuesday, April 18. Order in
probate court has exempted for
the widow certain personal property.
Haay See Games Many Salem
high school students have taken
advantage of the privilege offer
ed to remain out of school in the
afternoons this week in order to
attend the state tournament bas
ketball games. Over 300 were re
ported as having purchased
Opening of the C renter Shipley
store. An added department,
shoes, contributes for your inspec
tion the newest Spring Styles.
Truly its a Greater Shipley Store.
6ae for Divorce Vernon Es-
telle yesterday filed divorce com
plaint against Alvina Estelle,
whom he married In Vancouver.
January 10, 1927. He alleges her
quiek temper has made their-life
together intolerable and that they
have not lived together since last
Incorporate -Articles of incor
poration for a drug store business
to be conducted in Salem were
filed, with the county clerk yes
terday by P. L -Frailer, A. E.
Frazier and Ethel Frailer. .Capi
tal stock is $800, with shares at
a dollar each.
Under Advisement Hearing in
the suit of Fortner vs. Garnjobst,
accounting in connection with for
mer partnership, waB finished be
fore Judge Lewelling yesterday,
and the matter taken under ad
visement. Dance Kenti, 17th. Adm. 10c.
Demurrer Overruled Sep
arate demurrers of defendants in
suit of Cawrse Brothers vs. Fis
cher Warehouse company of Sil
verton have been overruled and
defendants given until March 27
to file answer to complaint.
ladigeat Work Heavy Con
trary to Its ordinary practice, the
Marlon connty health department
th past two months baa had to
devote much time to work cura
tive Instead of preventive of dis
ease. The increase in work among
indigents is shown by the office
visits of persons needing treat
ment and of visits of health
nurses to homes. In the first two
months of 1932, 36 such visits
were recorded, while 1S7 have
been listed to March 1 this year
according to Dr. Vernon A. Dong
las' report to the department ex
ecutive committee yesterday.
Area Reported On -S a I e m
chamber of commerce has. re
ceived a telegram from Senator
Charles L. McNary at Washing
ton, D. C, stating that he has
conferred with forestry officials
relative to setting aside as an ad
dition to the Mt. Jefferson Prim
itive area, the land sonth of Mt.
Jefferson hounded on the west
and south by the North Santiam
highway. The message In part
reads: 'Major Stewart is await
laf report of regional forester la
matter of ML Jeff erson area. As
soon as the report reaches Wash
ington I will be farther advised
and then communicate with yon."
Taylor Committed When Al
exander A. Taylor failed to pay a
fine of $r and costs imposed yes
terday - in - Justice coo ft, J odge
Miller B. Hayden ordered the man
committed to county Jail. Taylor
pleaded guilty to a charge of fall
ing to stop-before entering a ma
jor highway.
BaW Confirmed Sales of real
property have been confirmed by
the court in two proceedings:
W. T. Tuv.ts. M. I. C. Arnold;
and John F. Johnstone vs. H. L.
Moore and others.
Chimney Fire Occur City fire
men were called out at 7:30
o'clock last night to extinguish a
Uphoff ta Jail -Arraigned he
fore Jodgo Miller B. Hayden in
Justice" court yesterday on a
charge of giving a $7.90 a. a. f.
check, Joe HV Uphoff asked and
received 24 hours la which to en
ter his plea. In lieu of posting
$S00 bail, he was taken to county
SvOterUjftd Safe Mrs. C. O.
Rice of Salem has received word
that her sister, Mrs. J. D. Suth
erland, and niece, Mrs. S. G. Scha
efer. both of Los Angeles, came
through the earthquake unscath
ed. No damage was done to their
home by the tremblors.
Town Auto Park
Gets Sign Painted
Visitors at Salem's municipal
auto park this Summer will. .find
an up-to-date, freshly-painted di
rectional signboard for their in
formation. The big hoard, stating
distances to cities of Interest, haa
just been re-lettered and refin
ished by Robert Crawford, mem
ber of Salem Lions club, which
erected the sign several years ago.
More Interest Paid City Treas
urer C. O. Rice yesterday paid out
$484 more in interest on city
bonds for - streets and improve
ments. Few payments on bond in
stallments. Interest, and assess
ments were - made at his office
i durinc the dar.
chimney blase at 35$ Bush street. .
Tho fire did no noticeable dam-1 Butler Lose license Myron
. Butler. 437 State street, will go
Hanson Estate 500 The Hen
ry Clay Hanson estate was admit
ted to probate yesterday, with Al
ta Marie Hanson executrix and
Bernlce Nelson, Hattle Bratzel
and George A. Rhoten, appraisers.
Estate Is worth about $500.
Thiel Appraisers Appraisers
in the Joseph Thiel estate have
been appointed: Leon N. Childs,
Roy Burton and Ermal Cramer.
; '. "
Salem Heights Elects Teach
. np. Ttwlav . Pre- ! ers of tne Salem Heights school
Rodgers Hearing Today rre- fnr npTt vear at
Uminary hearing will be held in
justice court at 10 a.m. today
for W. C. and Mary Rodgers, hus
band and wife, who are charged
with setting fire to their house
near Ge'rvals. The pair after the
fire applied for payment of insur
ance on the house and its con-
This afternoon Howard
Schuyler will have preliminary
hearing on a charge of theft of
money and Jewelry.
Local currency good at H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co.
Vesper Services Vesper servi
ces arranged for Sunday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock at the Evan
gelical church will feature special
song numbers by Rev. Raymond
Wilder, formerly of San Francis
co, and well-known tenor soloist.
The discussion topic will be
"What Was Jesus' Estimate of
Human Life? Can We Live By
Relatives Safe Mr. and Mrs.
W H. East of 1620 South
Church street, received word yes
terday from their nephew, F. 8.
East and family of Long Beach
that they had survived the re
peat earthquake unharmed. They
ported however that the home
of their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kyle had been
damaged although the family was
Opening Saturday with the sea
son's newest complete wearing ap-..i-ftl
for women. A truly Greater-
Shipley Store.
ZonU at Grange
Zonta club will give its fourth
of a series of programs under
auspices of Salem chamber of
commerce at the North Howell
rrange meeting next Friday
night, March 24. Miss Helen
Yockey is arranging the Zontans
share of the program and J. K.
Paulson, the grange's. The pro
gram will include, music, speak
ing, dancing and refreshments.
Exp. cook wanted. Hunt's Cafe.
Bishop Sumner Coming The
Right Reverend Walter T. Sum
ner, bishop of the diocese of Ore
gon, will vitit St. Paul's Episco
pal church Sunday morning to
confirm a class of adults and
children to be presented by tne
Rev. George H. swiii, recior.
Wreck" Postponed J. J.
Delaney, grand eheminot of the
40 et 8 yesterday was advised
that a "wreck" of the o rder
scheduled for Saturday night had
been postponed until next month
on account of conflicting dates.
geeks Foreclosure Union
r t .if a insurance company
i... m foreclosure complaint
against John N. Schaefer
were reelected for next year at
the board meeting Wednesday
night, according to F. M. Erick
son, chairman of the board. The
faculty -members are: Cecil Wie
gand, principal, Dorothy Dutton,
Wanda Phillips and Hylda Foster.
Ob ituary
Mrs. Susan McMann, 85, a res
ident of Oregen for 40 years, died
Wednesday evening at the home
of her daughter. Miss Ella Mc
Munn, Salem route 8, near Quin
aby. She had been an Invalid for
the past four years. She was
born in Franklin county, Mo.,
June 28, 1847 and was married
to George Stewart McMunn in
Denver, December 9, 1869. They
came to Oregon in 1892 where he
died 18 years ago. She is survived
by three daughters. Miss Ella Mc
Munn, Mrs. Jenne Corteau of Can
ada and Mrs. Florence Matthes of
Salem route 9; three grandchil
dren, Mrs. Frank Matthes and
Mrs. Harvey Mears, both of Sa
lem and Stewart Corteau of Can
ada, and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be
held from the Clough-Barrlck
mortuary Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock with interment in
the Hayesville cemetery. Rev. B.
Earle Parker of the First Meth
odist church will officiate.
Defendant Winner Judge Lew
elling yesterday handed down a
decision in suit of William !
Schmidt vs. Joseph F. Schmidt
and others, which dismisses com
plaint and entitles defendant Jo
seph F. Schmidt to decree quiet
ing title.
League Takes Charge Rev.
H. A. Humphrey of Jason Lee
Methodist church and the Ep
worth League young people will
be In charge of the service at the
Open Door mission Friday even
ing at 7:30 o'clock.
Appraise Reese Estate Es
tate of Eva A. Reese is evaluated
at $100 by A. Thompson, Hattle
Bratzel and Don Trindle In report
filed with the probate court. A
note says the property Is mort
gaged in sum of $500.
In 8,11a Fine Remitted John A.
Inglis on pleading guilty in jus
tice court yesterday was fined $50
and costs. Judge Miller B. Hay
den. however, remitted the fine,
when Inglls paid the costs.
Final Account Ray F. Dur
ant has filed final account as exe
cutor of the estate of L. W. Dur-ant.
Major Loney Speaker Major
Andrew Loney, Ixish orator and
western pioneer of the Salvation
Army, will speak March 17, 18
and 19 at the Salvation Army hall
here, with the public invited to
hear him.
Come dressed to wiu a prize. Ore
gon Loggers hard time St. Pat
rick's dance Turner, Friday night.
Application Application to
place on trial docket has been
filed in circuit court suit of Ed
ward R. Hougham vs. city of Mt.
Angel; and First National bank
as trustee vs. Fischer Flouring
Mills of Silverton.
McClary Estate June McClary
was yesterday appointed admini
stratrix of the estate of Caroline
J. McClary. estimated to be worth
$1000, and appraisers are Hattle
Bratzel, Beroice Nelson and
George A. Rhoten.
Foreclosure Suit Suit of Fre
sia vs. Zehner, involving foreclos
ure on contract, opened in Judge
dwelling's department of circuit
court yesterday afternoon.
tot UHMMtn .HMMA
HraM P1U. la Urn ud huiwi
omlUc tooxa. Mlii wtta Bio XT
RIfchaa. Taka In W
cn.cHsTtMt BiAjreirs)
BRAND WXa. f T a
as Bart. Safa. kcltoU. Bay Raw)
Boock To Mr. and Mrs. A.
Boock, 1680 North 17th street,
a nine pound daughter, born
Wednesday at the Bungalow Ma
ternity home.
Originators Of Low Prices 351 State St.
Is our special feature this week. The quality is excel
lent. It's the firm, white-meated kind.
Milk Fed
Veal Steak
Fancy Loin
Veal Chops
Coming Evtntt
March 15-18 State high
school basketball
Bient. ,
March 10 Philharmonic
Symphony orchestra con
cert, armory, ft p. an.
March 80 Minnesota dnb
winter meeting, Y. M. C A.
March 23 Leonard and
Robin Moser, Oregon State
college students, give masks
program Y. M. O. A.
lobby, ft o'clock; open to
March 28 Annual spring
opening, anspicea Salem Ad
club. " .
March JM-25 MariOB and
folk conference for OMer
Ann it T. M. C A.
May 12-1 Oregon State
' . . at Wffala)aMi
aiioeiaii"' v",
numbers, annual Bneethus.
;. j.M 2-4 Fourth Anneal
i wm.aet) YaJley . Flower
' rj' 04-20 Aaanal Eat
"Buy American"
Milk Fd
Leg o'Veal
12'2c It
To Bake
Veal Breast
6c lb
"Flavorized" Sliced Bacon, per tt . ..15c
Beit Quality Inspected Beef
Beef Roasts
Fancy Sirloin
12Vc It
f l if a
Local Currency Good
at H. L Stiff Fnrn. Co.
Call ftttlO, Used "Fnrottnre
- Department i
Highest Grade
2 lbs 15o
It'a fresh
Wo lb
Salem 'a Best
Fresh Ground
Pure Pork, Little
Useless to pay more Risky to pay less
Out of consideration ta our employees we close at 6;
p.m. On SaturdayjLat 7 p. m...
. . K - - HARRY M. LEV X. Top.
VJ-r irr. S
4 i
h f r
E. H. Bingenheimer
Proprietor and general man
ager who will give you a hearty
welcome and courteous treat
ment at all times.
I. E. Bingenheimer
Office manager and cashier.
You will be more than pleased
to make ber acquaintance and
see her smile.
W. A. Biles
Manager of Feed and Produce
1 Department, where yon will re
ceive the best of service at all
O. H. Pickens
Manager of Vegetables and
Fresh Fruits. To know him
yon will like him. When in
need of vegetables see O. U.
IristBiisg Grocery
294 N. Commercial St.
4 Deliveries Daily
Phone 3527
With each $1 purchase, to first 100 customers, a big hand bag filled with groceries,
Absolutely Free. (Sugar not included in Deal).
Golden West Coffee Served With Hot Biscuits Made by Sperry's All Day
Sperry's Drifted Snow
491b.ske .$1.29
Bisquick, 2V2 lbs 29c
Soft Silk, the Cake
Flour, pkg. 24c
Ask about the New Cake Plate
Free with 2 Pkjrs. Come in and be
served with Hot Bisqulcks and
Honey. Served all day.
Golden West T) Av
Wlnesaps, fancy wrapped
and packed
large Size . 73
A High Grade
SO flfoS. . . . 33
Demonstration of Oregon's
own Health food
Special for Saturday
Eagle Brand
Oven Fresh Snow Flake
Sodas or Honey Maid
This Product will be Demonstrated
In the different use
Dalit Gplad Oil
Galon, special 48c
Quart -14c
Bring Container
Thompson's Double
Malted Milk, pdw. 39c
1 Pk. Kellot g's Pep
1 Pk. KeUogg's Corn Flakei
1 Pkg. Kellogg's
Whole Wheat Flakes
All for... 27
Free 1 Pkg. Kelloggs Whole
Wheat Biscuits Free
3 cans . . . .12c
Kiddie Cut Outs Free
2 f or . 35c
Carnation Albers
Package. . .23c
with New China
Crisp new Cabbage, Lettuce, Car
rots, Spinach, Rhubarb, Sweet Po
tatoea, Celery.
Crown Kitchen Queen
Flour . .69c
Tour last chance on a high grade
flour cheap
Fresh Extra Eggs,
2 dozen for
Kera's Flour and
Graham, 10-lb sk. 25c
Corn Meal, No. 9 sk 19c
Whole Wheat, 10s .... .25c
Hot Cake Flour 10s ..39c
Farina, 10 lbs 35c
Rolled Oats, 10s ..29c
White Eagle Hard Wheat
Flour, 49s 69c
Last chance on this price flour
Peanut Butter, lb 7c
Shortening, veg. 4 lbs. 25c
Broken Rice, 8 lbs 19c
Fels Naphtha Soap
10 for 47c
Oranges, nice size. doz. 5c
Morton's Shaker Salt O lCr
large package U for 1 C
and a Balloon for the Kiddies
Dalles Diamond Hard QQ
Wheat. Special 49 lbs. O 3C
Hodgen Brewster Feeds
The Best in the West at ail tines
H. B. Baby Chick Mash with milk,
oil, greens and minerals, O OA
100 lbs. L.u)
H. B, Chick Starting Mash O A
with yeast added, 100 lbs. L.OU
H. B. Chick Scratch. This is s 3
grain starling A
scratch, 100 lbs. l.UV
H. B. Egg Producer, the one that
makes them lay, t '7Q
100 lbs.
i 1
H. B. Egg Mash. A good mash for
tho price,
160 lbs. :
Honey :
5 lb. pail
39 c
Amalzo Starch, Corn
or Gloss, per pkg." z
Ye ere having open house c9
day. Don't left to come end tee
ts. Yfe are your Mends end
neighbors. 1 i.
Mill Run ........ .....
Wheat, recleaned
L Barleyv 100s -IfcPulp
Sorne-cf These Items. Are limited
- tl- North High
. . . .
11 ..