PAGE TORES turns te Damage Estimated now at 75 Millions; Radio; Rumors Scored 1 ' C.iUr.ued from, pare' I). les Henderson, rehabilitation" di ,rrtor for the area, estimated "the L.a ot t50.000.000-and' satd-the -,v would' need 75 per cent of . amount for reconstruction. Relief workers estimated the ... A ' .-issine" at 2000 5 but Insisted .k. fteure was not unexpected in The OREGON STATESMAN, Salea,' Oregtm; Toesday Morniag, llarch ll:1933 ....iiiniiin nr TT : - ni iiiiii iiinii" in - n - 1 CITIES TALKED Tinw of the many who had fled I their homes alter the nrst major destruction. Th populace r. rnained outdoors, good, nature n the face of grievous adversity V-t seemingly tense and expec- tnat. . - ' if wbr a city of vacant build-: cs manv of which . were either. In ruins or in some degree dam- j 0,pH Peonle walked In the mid- r,f the streets, steering clear (,f the curbs, many of which were r.,iirrferi hv United States sailors. nolire, American Legionnaires and FPIal officers. 15. F. C. Loan to be k;uirht. Proposal The city water supply was pronounced fit for drinking pur-, noses after authorities had made a two day test of the mains and rprvoirs. for disease germs. Havy doses of chlorine were ,l in the supply, nowever, as h safety precaution. There was no gas, because of the danger nf broken mains. Fortunately, for the city. Fome one shut off the gas of the municipally operated system im mediately "after the first major fl ock. To this was attributed the a'afncfl of fires. Plans for rebuilding the city went forward while it still was shakinsr. Governor Rolph's em ergency relief council, headed by Holland Vandegrift, state director' of finance, went on record in fav or of memorializing congress to make possible a loan from the Reconstruction Finance corpora tion. . - . - - ' . -Nt .,' -ir.ilf-nr -J' OfcMwt t J; ; Kin on ssth (imsiY SHAW. March 13 The 55th welding anniversary of Mr. and Mr?. William Berg was observed recently at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Berg were mar-1 ried in 1878 In Plymouth, Wis., m ovine from there to Nebraska and In 1906 to Oregon where thov haye since resided. Invited guests were: Clark Sie- bel of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Schmltt of Pratum, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bower of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Amort of Mon mouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amort, Mrs Amanda Mathews. Rev. M. Moltz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mas-I ser, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lie-b-r. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAllister- Mr. and Mrs. Martin v.vrz of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ashby and children Mar- j jorie and Shirley of Lebanon, Mr an Mrs. O. J. Bere and chil dren Elgie and Phyllis of Leb-J anon, George Berg, Quldo Bat iinr Waitpr Ratliner. Mr. and Mr?. John L. Amort and daugh- tprt Valra. also of ShaW. The afternoon was spent in vKiHne". and at tea the guests were served refreshments by the daughters. Three Are Injured In Auto Collision But Not Seriously PERRYDALE, March 13 The cars helonging to Jack Shearer of McCoy and Mr. Williamson of Kickroall collided Wednesday afternoon on the highway be tween McCoy and Rickreall, as Mr. Williamson drove on the hi -h way in front of the Shearer car. Three persons were injured. They were Mrs. Effie Williamson, Jark Shearer and Rollo Cobban, Cohban being in the Shearer car. Although none being seriously in jured. Jack Shearer had face burns from battery acid and a dislocated shoulder. Rollo Cob ban received a gash on the fore head, requiring two stiches to close the wound. Rollo also had two front teeth completely knock ed out. Mrs. Williamson received face Injuries. " Revival Campaign Closes With Joint Session at Grove MIDDLE GROVE, March 13 The evangelistic campaign at the Ml41k Rrnn f till roll Ume tO ft close Sunday evening with fair at tendance and interest throughout. The children's meetings were very well attended, the contest for attendance being won 1y the NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion as the Executor oi the Will in the estate ot George Patterson Marshall, deceased, apd that he has duly qualified as such Executor; all persons having a claim against the estate of aid decedent are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to me at the office of Emmons Emmons, my attorneys, at 308 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six montha from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of February. MEM PEARCE, Executor of tn Estate of George Patterson Marshall, Deceased. EMMONS & EMMONS, Attorneys IN Oregon Building. - , K ; v 1 - -m" . t - H Z'i r bovs. Testaments for memory work presented: Mary Barker, El aine Harms, Geneva Hammer, Harry Jones, Francis Rickets, Grace Steinka, David Bartruff, Harry Scharf. Sunday afternoon, present to assist the regular evangelists. were Miss Sadie Nasi, who with another assistant began a cam- Daien at Liberty Sunday evening: Miss Grace Shrock of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Rav Aimes. Al berta Van Cleave and Valentine Cloud f Armenian) who are be ginning a series of meetings at Woodburn Presbyterian church. Lablsh Center people Joined in the night service. t -r ft is jtl' ,? t I J. - I .-';4- HnLiCXUB BfEETS JEFFERSON, March 13 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Grenz were hosts ta members of the Scravel Hill -lnh. Friday, at their home onnthweat of Jefferson. Rolland McGuire is president. Cards were n1nyed Guests nresent were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grenx, and chil dren of Talbot, Mrs. Eva Grenx and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bishop and j sons of Jefferson, and Russell McGuire. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING rP THE MEMBERS OP THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF TURNER, OREGON. is ' ' vr-v. .-i.r-, --,vjsj; j " . - Vi' "in - T 1, i. .111111.111 in rnwiTn ' "' lr " ' ' ' " Notice is hereby given that a arterial meetine of the members of The First Christian Church of Turn nr. Oreeon. will be held at said Church on Sunday, the 26th day of March, 1933, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock, P. M., tor me purpose of voting upon the ques tion of whether or not said The r"v,r-itian church of Turner. Oregon, will accept an appoint t a a tnifttee of a charitable luou. trust created by the seventh pro Tislon of the last win ana lesra Af Cnmelia A. Davis, de ceased, providing a home for the ...A Turner. Oregon, and whether or not supplementary . .I Innnraoration of said The First Christian Church or Turner, Oregon, be adopted and filed o as to provide power . ...I tvm nrt af the salu Church to accept, perform and discharge the dnties of such trustee. orrT.T.TAM UTTTZKJ:. Chairman, Board of Trustees of The First Christian Church of Turner, Oregon. kucf FRED E. BATES, Secretarx r.T;." ft ' 1 i ft It S: a.iT t. --''-'-i i Tilt---1 " rT"""" 1 ,M '" 0 ; '" : ' 41 Am CobiHob: Clifoniia wut at Jfioret iM,vwnpwn vu, wfM. rr-r -rrj!.: i ;