4 4- Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Saleau Oren.'Stmday Morninff. BIeh 12,: 1933 PAGC SEVEN piirfl fell v ynyjc if wii u bruifduine " 8 1 1 Business Directory Cards In this directory run on . monthly btili wily. Ratet ll.Of per line par month. AUTO BRAKES "Mika Pane, the brak and shimmy fl, , " M Sooth Comnierglai Street. BEAUTY PARLORS tIUler Beauty 8hop, dial 7988. - .tf.r Beauty 8hop. dial 8818. BICYCLES ".,nrpi veiocloedes new and V Harry W. Scott 147 a ComT CATERING -R .rt Crary. the caterer. Fh. 8788. r . - 1 CHIMNEY SWEEP ri,nhnno 4t50. R. B- Northrtesa. CHIROPRACTORS 777 a L SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor, j ,i N. HlKh. Teu tw. Correspondence Instruction " . I ternatlonal Corwspoadenw schools. ln T. islness. technical courses, o. MrGllllvray Tel. 4IZ3. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELGROVE. 465 N. Cottaaa. TeL 74C. HemstitcninK. c yu.ru. nrffssmkg. 411 8. Cottage. Upper flat. FLORISTS r-itT finwrs. weddlnK bouduets fun- .rrontha. decoraUona C. F. Brelt- hmpt. florUt. 677 Court. TeL 8804. ALL kinds of floral work. Luta Flor ist, nth ft MarKet. let. GLASS Auto and window glass mlrrora TeL r. io. Walter J. Downs, ssu creys. INSURANCE nrnrn a HENDRICKS in N. Hlah TeL 4T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THH W EIDER LAUNDRY stl R. HI eh TeL 8118 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service T-lcnhnne 81SS 184 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. I Fpring mattress s.gu. enovawr i f imleMtora. KUKS cieanea. vipiuu u- i ti ng Co. TeL 4US. svsw n. wiun. i New mattress made to order, old 1 remade; carpet cleaning, sizing ; null l rue weaving. Salem J)iuit nag t.ess Factory. S. 13th ft Wilbur TeL SMI. Otto F. ZwicKcr. kst. imi. MUSIC STORES nvn r will Pianos, radios, sew- ( m.Vhinu sheet musie and piano kiudiea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State Street Salem. I MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for 1 nvtlilndcanuse. stornow.jauwmii. MEDICINE rr rhn Tim Chinese Medicine Co. I Hours Tuesday and -f"m- PETS Wire Fox Terriers, 1G88 Center. PRINTING ur.ii aTiTTrkMRRT- cmtOm. Damoh leta orotTama. books or any kind of I prtlDfc call The Statesman Printing Department I1& phone 9101. PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement Income Tax Reports, Austin Hu N. Com'L Tel 8080 or 6267. REAL ESTATE BECKB ft HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. m u nr a nrosmflRST CO. 114 a Libert St TeL 8488. a-vrrT yiPSITT A SON 104-5 First M.fl Bk. Bldg. TeL 7307, STOVES 8TOVE3 and stove repairing. Stoves I (or sale, rebuilt and repaired. wlr tance. fancy ana plain, hop baskets, hooka. lsan n00,kA Halem Fence and Stove Works, 3 Ph.m.V.tii Tel. 4774. K. rwniiii. TRANSFER Transfer Co. 226 Zrr rX'Ylll.. warding and storage our ajwew Oet our rates. FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. WELL DRILLING R. A. West yew" experience. RKD 6. Box 101 K. Teu liore. Bethany Students to Tl A XI C$-..1aI like UD 4ri OtUulcS BETHANY, March 11 A group ot young people Interested la 4-H club work met Thursday night at tha Bethany school to make initial plans tor the or fsnliation ot a group ot 4-H cluba. The dabs will consist ot calf, pig, sheep and cooking and sewing clubs. Palmer Torrend was in charge ot tha arrange Muts Thursday night Ha was assisted by Howard Lea aad Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising 8ingle Insertion per list. 19s Three insertions pr Una . . I0 81 Insertions per lint. .Ic One month per Use. .$1.00 Minimum charge ...... lie Copy tor thla pace ae eeptcd until f :3Q the even las before' publication tor . classification. Copy re eel red after this time will be rnn under tbe heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and In cases where this paper is st fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. Tbe Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tlonal adTertlsing. It fur ther reserres the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED By an old . established concern a man represent tain Sa lem ana vicinity. Married; between the ages of 28 and 45 ; must have a fair education and be well regarded by people who know him. A fine op portunity ior trie rirnt man. Address vox care statesman. Ambitious, reliable man wanted to take orders and deliver Watkins products in Salem. Customers estab lished, good pay every day from start. experience unnecessary, complete training- given. Write Immediately. Tha J. B. Watkins Company, 45ST Hollls St. Oakland. Calif. STEADY WORK GOOD PAT Choice openings In country and towns for reliable men and women. No capital or experience required. MR. THOMAS, Supt., 428 Third St, Oakland. California. SITUATIONS WANTED wan tea Manual worir. sue ter nour. x manage my own business. Gar den work. carDenteerina. or wood splitting. Chas. Berry, Room 4. W. a T. U. bulldliag. Unencumbered woman wants houe work. Motherless home preferred. Write Box 180, Statesman. WANTED Houce work, desire home more than wages. Tel. 4915. 1205 N. Cottage. m w w m mm - -..-ll-Ln-riru- Exp. housekeeper wishes oosition. mrnisn Dest or rererencea Box lsz. Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous fop gi0 jn canoatj iota, f508 bush- ets Jiany Mart eeea wheat, suitable for Bprms seeams. aea weus Taiiman, ssi state Street Quart bottles 30c doz. So. Salem Oarage, 980 S. Com'L Oat vetch hay. Astrian Pea hay loose, tot aie. k. , box 14 3. Salem. TRADE Miscellaneous Electric brooder for wood. Ph. 4044. Baby chicks to trade for wheat or oats. Present or fall delivery. Wood. eil Ul UUII&OI UUlliy. CSLTV WANTED Miscellaneous Cash for fruit Jara TeL 8581. Why throw away good money? The hosiery mending dept at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, 5c to 85c. , . ... , . ., . Reasonable price Tel. 4055. 1838 8. Liberty. WANTED: Namea men wishing post-depression government Jobs. Start 1 141. wo month. sample ooachtng free. Apply today. Box 1274M, care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut AdulU 20c, child, 15c Tw btocka a of library, a Winter. vix .' a ''' ' l l.. Vibration and massage treatments 35o and up. Forenoons, evenings, and all day Saturday. 647 Center St ROOM AND BOARD Board and rooms for ladlea 757 Center St TeL 5878. Good rooms board. Tel. 6769. FOR RENT APARTMENTS P&tton ap&rtment3--downtowTL Call Pat ton's book etera. Pur. 8 R. apt. 3261 HaxeL Tel 7684. Nice front apt 658 Center. 1 room, furn. for housekeeping, $1.00 wfc 1280 Oak. TeL 5276, Nice Turn, apt, 590 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and nnfurn. house a R. A. Forkner. 1610 N. Cottage. TeL 3031 Furn. or unfurn. modern 5 r. house. Close ln.,,CaU. 131 or753; Close in 3 and 6 room furn. duplex, 1st floor. Garage. 864 Mill St Desire to lease my attractive home at 2090 South HigfL Oliver B. Huston, phone 4388. Modern 4 room bungalow with gar ftge. nicely rurnianea, at zss west ! Miller St, $ze.o. e. as. mAtujBi 80 8 N. High Phone 9678 or 386 WANTED TO RENT WANT 10 or 20 A. poultry farm, MumMd for about lOOO laying hens. I i-J m . . TIT It .alAlai , Jrvftrf'rWTI "It .. !' ataaa syu uwwmm sa. i H. E. Shade. R. 2. Corvallla. FOR SALE Real Estatt y.i 1 mmTmvmm win totb'w vrrrRRY . $10 down, buys a f R. jhouaa barn, etc an is gooa iota in w bubm. Mttllul A karnln. tittu Ammnt hnva a modern DUO- galow, baaesaent .nrB'?.?1Iblt room, dlaiag room, built-in kitchen, bath, toilet, oa paved street ; dandy location. Price only ,1800.00. Too am. a iTTibuvs a good R. house and two good lots n good location. Hero yL .c"? "?"-r2LjT: FOR SALE Real Estate ----------------- r-nr iin in.min.njut FOB $90S COLLARS we wOl sell yew iw acree ox real Bottom land, with wall bouse, rood wall and soma oth- j unproTamanUL a small part cleared fuuea, Jaaay tdaartn with some coed tJwnabla down payment aad Wa have two very desirable Umber tract, that wa will sell o. attraettra Melvm JTohaaon W. U. PatminctM - S7f 8Uta Street 'MiWWM . . , , ,,IMWW. . Extra ,flne. well-built, modera room house only 4 blocks north of state house. Priced for immediats sale termi!" Yln otly S5(M), part SEE Mrs. Kllli with iPpDS ft KTLLER, Realtors 44 State Street Phone (70S '"' - ),- JUUU room nousa in Corvallia near ool- legn, to trade for Salem nrnMrtvL room plaatered honse. Modem ex capt basement Tor sale at 81800.08. s room house in good location for sale cheap at 81200.00. Service station wanted. ' ? ULRICH COMPANY S Stata Street TeL 8878. ..r. CIX)SE IN HOME 81506 will buy this modern 7 room home With automat In nil lmiu fireplace, full cement basement iuvc rvuuu, 2vvo caAn, bal ance terms, located close in on N. """w This property la wurtn consiaeraoie more money t,02 Price asked. DON'T a.xuiMjr iu SSJfiE THIS HOME. NEW MOM-m 14500 will buy this new modern up to date 7 room home, tile bathroom, tile drain board, hardwood floors throughout below, double plumb ing, double garage, corner lot near school and bus line. $1000 uuwiij utuaacs terms. An excep tional buy. Never been occupied. Immediate possession. .,..1145 NEBRASKA STREET lloO cash money will W th k plaatered home with full cement uasenient, large lot garage, good location. A a-ood hnm mntt speculative investment. See us for W; H. GRABENHORST ft CO., . , REALTORS lit B. Liberty St Plmn. ttt V.S mm, . i-mj-LOj-uUTji. ONE AC ft W, T Close la suburban home, 8 rooms, bath, elec. lights, blt-lns. water sys tem, hot and cold water, wood shed, garage, good son. Some fruit hen house, paved highway less than a mile from city limit nf fliAn. t,i ... $2000. Terma. Shown by appointment BECHTEL or THOMAS ON sn eiaie street Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate " " 0mHm)mimm)i0mI00m 110 acres, stocked and equipped. easy terms; will exchange for small acreage near Salem or any good val ley town. See me about this Imme diately. 8 A., all la berries, family orchard, barn, chicken house, garage, will build to suit: tike cow or stock as part H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8908. TRADE HOME FOR WAirTT Nice modern suburban home, base ment furnace, fireplace, built-in kitch en, electric lights and water system and 1 A. ground. Trade for house in oaiern up to iZ&OO.OO. J AS. D. SEARS. REALTOR - - r South High Street TOR SALE OR WILL ACCEPT WOODBURN PROPERTY AS PART a room residence well located la N. Salem, garage, two n!c iot nnu fruit trees. Price 81850. Will take va cant iota or small Douse In Woodburn as part payment CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 878. easi fc.ignt, room residence near state house, clear, value $4,800.00. Trade for farm or acreage of equal value. Ad vise particulars first letter. 16L mmmM ..... --,-)ir)r, nJXJXriJ S3 A. trade for Salem lots. 70s N. commercial. EXCHANGE 65 A. near City without bulltllnara. nearly all in cultivation, some timber, good value, $5500. To trade for city residence property at fair value. Improved 10 A., good level land. wuuia consider ciear s&iem residence, bee ueo. vick with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Phone $488. FOR SALE FARMS saVsWjgaa GOOD FARM BUY 58 acres 15 miles out on graveled road, mostly rich bottom, sandv loan soli, 15 acres in cultivation, ideal for garden, 3 acres in alfalfa. baL imma ture and little Umber, running water. 4 room house, barn, garage and poul try house. Price only 32000, cash, baL easy, or will exchange for good iirsc mortgage. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708. mm iii "ir-tr-r-ij-ir"i iiii fiiijuLn."uxnjai FARM SACRIFICE 81 A. with buildinga bearing orch ard, cultivated land, some fine tim ber and pasture, located on market road. Price 31900 cash to settle an estate. IF YOU WANT A REAL BAR GAIN HERE IT IS. See W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty Phone 6468. ACREAGE . - - -- - -i-i-,-i-i-r-r-r'vuuLrini 5 acres with comfortable new house, rma, elec. lights, builtins. garage. small barn, variety fruit and berries. close in, 81850., terma Ask for Greer. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 175 South High Street 8 nice acres on pavement elec lights, mostly fruit and nuts. 6 room house, mortgages $1300.00; exchange for larger acreage. 30 nice acres east of Woodburn, Tine sandy loam soli, running water, some timber. 6 room house ana barn, eie& lights, price $4000.00; exchange for smau , acreage or nouse in saiem. 7 room house with large lot no mortgage. Wants 40 acres and will pay a urrerence. S. JO- K.IKUEi Hi. IS. KUOtiKXa 208 No. High Phone 9678. SNAP 17 A. all blow land, located near St Paul, near school on good maraei road, price 8750. Terma stas W. H. GRABENHOKST ft UU., REALTORS 134 a Liberty Phone 8468. POLLY AND HER (OKI ADORE ) SUTTINLXv f j If BY CRACfflE,TrW FEU-ER CP) 1 f MO RXX-ltf UNK,) pEE f OH-H HE SHOWED) twf CUPS.' KIN (SWEETHEAFfn') VdEOJS IS A 'CHAMP7 ITS EITHER JZs 2? S ItXJ HIS rTT ftA ClSEElT Y'BETCHAjr V?S OT " v f CHECKERS OR) ciSo 0 0 ( CUR HUH?JE q, Interesting Pacts The United States poet office was established March II, 1711, 144 rears ago today. O Sixteen basketball teams to meet la Salem this week tor state championship. That is 89 play ers and there will be nearly that many substitutes. With tbe coaches there will b at least 10 fi extra peopie nere ior xne zour days. - O News from California makes us appreciate the Willamette valley more than ever. O The 8t. Francis dam broke 10 years ago tomorrow. 0 The average term of the pres idents of the United State is 4.6 years. The first president was in augurated 144 years ago. Roose velt la the 32nd president. O April 1. 1930. there were 14,- 204,149 foreign born people In the United States. O 11.7 per cent of the married women of the United States were gainfully employed in 1930. O Oregon has 4,488 miles of state highway. Washington has 8769 miles. Business Opportunities Garage and service sta. Tel. 8698. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at ssa. r If Ice prices Tuesday aad Frilar only. See our bargain Custom batch ing. Hatching eras. Phone 15355 Lee's Hatchery. Salem. Oregon. Custom hatching, 600 eggs at lUo every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 183F8. Lee's Hatchevy. Custom hatching at redused orloes. prlcea MATTSOPT8 HATCHERY 2214 North Front St. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE Two cows comma? fresh soon, sz ana i none looris. Baby chicks and custom hatching. Can use wheat and wood. Warmers Hatchery, 8160 N. Fifth street MONEY TO LOAN Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 113 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 518 State St TeL 3-7-4-0 MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments Yon keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferrr Mione 4733 Salem. Ore. ----------- - ---ir--WVM-M-.rM-ti-i nj-tfWXWXJ PERSONAL LOANS MADE en furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. UCJNKnAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bide. Poena 8561 Borrow on personal oronerty: retay In monthly Installment WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO., State lie. S-163. 606 Guardian Bldg. Tel. 3877. LOANS WANTED Wanted loan to cover 1st mortaaae on small farm. An excellent Invest ment where your money Is safe. Write Boa 164, Statesman. FOR SALE WOOD Oood dry wood. Reasonable. Lge. load. TeL SS4T. Fred B. Wetla 16 In. dry 2nd fir. 83.50 per load. Planer ends 82.60 oer load, at Tracy a Tel. 3986. GUARANTEED DRY wood ooal TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Co tugs. Fir, ash, reasonable prlcea, Tel. 8769. Dry wood $4.00 cord. Phone 3411. Wood 2nd growth fir. 1$ In. 33.78. Dry oak $5.00. George Maltaler, Mar lon, Oregon. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oil Call on as tor price. We glv ooa measure, gooo quality ana rood serrlce. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Teleshene 8131 Ash. fir and oak. TeL 8848. Dry wood that Is dry. CalL 113F3S, No. 1 16 in. old fir, $4.00. Tel. 4450. Old fir, 1$ In., $4.25. Ph. 8333. A-l old fir 16 In. Tel. 6136. LOST AND FOUND LOST Dark rim glai see tat gray case. Finder TeL 7379 PALS PERSONAL EPILEPSY EPILEPTIC8 1 Detroit lady finds complete roller for husband. Specialists horns abroad. faBed. Noth ing: to selL AU letters answerwl Mrs. Q, Dempster. Apt E-118, 4)60 La- rsyerte mivtl west, t7" FOR SALE USED CARS Mc KAY'S USED CARS WITH an o. sc. that rorrvTa Overland Sedan , f 38 Rollins Touring 88 26 Essex Coach 8$ '29 Ford Tudor Sedan, Trunk 185 '29 Fort Fordor So. Overhauled 818 uooge coupe . 115 '29 Bulck Sedan. Special at ,.. 888 CHEVROLET S '23 Coupe. Reconditioned so Bport Roadster 30 Sedan 31 Coach '32 Coach. Like new TRUCKS 4 lata model Chevrolet and Ford trucks: long wheel base, dual Urea. oTBniwa sprmgs, speea trans. All overhauled and guaranteed, $358 to $648. TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 883 Center 430 N. Com'L Phone 8188 These CARS MUST be SOLD Seo us about them Ask to seo TE8T RECORD 1926 Bulck Roadster $ 85.00 1928 Bulck Coupe 195.00 itzs Kuick coupe 95.00 1931 Ford Standard Coupe 295.00 1931 Ford Standard Coupe 876.00 is:s irora Business coupo , 150.00 1928 Ford Soort Coudo 165.00 660.00 1933 Ford Tudor Sedan 1918 Ford Phaeton 1931 Ford Snort Roadster 140.00 285.00 25.00 19S6 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Touring , ,, 80.00 izi rora pickup 28.00 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coup 1930 Chevrolet Coupo 1928 Chevrolet Delivery 248.00 235.00 326.00 146.00 85.00 125.00 iz( star seaan 1925 Studebaker Sedan Constantly Creating Confidence Terms Trades VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone 8163 Center Street Display Phone 7910. Lot at Marlon ft Liberty ELECTS OFFICERS HAZEL GREEN. March 11 Mrs. Lester Van Cleave was host ess to the Women's Missionary society Thursday afternoon. Dr. Walter Duff, Miss Naomi Van Cleave, Miss Phyllis Koonlg and Miss Sadie Nassle took part In the program. Others taking part were Mrs. W. Q. Davis, who re viewed the study book, "Lady Fourth Daughter." Mrs. O. O. Looney led the devotionala. Officers elected were: Presi dent Mrs. C. H. Van Cleave; vice President, Mrs. Of. O. Loo ney; secretary, Mrs. Lester Van Cleave; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Cook: literature. Miss Ruby Woodward; thank-offering, Mrs. Clark Smith; stewardship, Mrs. W. O. Darts; collector, Mrs. Lou is Wampler; delegates to annual convention, Mrs. C. A. Van Cleave, Mrs. Lester Van Cleare, Mrs. Joseph Cook, alternates, Mrs. Ruby Woodward, Mrs. Clark M. Smith and Mrs. W. G. Davis. The Young People's Sunday school class held their monthly so cial and business meeting at the O. O. Looney home Thursday. Baseball Problems Talked at Meeting Woodburn's Legion WOODBURN, March 11 The American Legion Post No. 48 held Its meeting Wednesday night at which time three past command ers. Dr. J. M. Hanrahan, Elburn T. Sims and Oliver S. Olson were presented with past commanders buttons, district commander, Fred Diener of Newberg making the formal presentation. The post has taken action to sponsor the baseball team in the Cascade league as last year. A re port was made that the Wood burn ball park Is being Improved, with some new bleachers to he erected soon and shingling of the grand stand to be done. A unani mous vote was cast tor resolution favoring reduction in membership dues. Dance and Cherrian Program Postponed SILVERTON, March 11 Two events of considerable interest at Silverton have been postponed for the time being, the "Grub" dance slated for Saturday night by the firemen's club, and the appear ance of the Cherrians ot Salem here Monday night. Present con ditions are ascribed as the cause of the postponement, FUNERAL RITES DELAYED STAYTON, March 11 Time fer funeral rites for Mrs. Hasel Downing Dominc, who died last : week in Phoenix, Arizona; where she had gone in hopes of regain ing her health, have been delay ed. The body was cremated In Phoenix and the ashes are being brought here for Interment beside her parents in the little cemetery near Kingston. "A Tiller mi n IK! GOOSE TEi mm EVENT TURNER, March 41 The child welfare department ot tbe W. C. T. U. sponsored a "Mother Goose Tea" Wednesday- afternoon at the Methodist church. A. pro gram, ot 8900181 interest to young mothers was presented. An as sortment of children's story books from tha state library were on display, also a table ot articles furnished by the county health department, W. R. Dry. superintendent of the state blind school, was the guest speaker, and showed the need for the special opportunity for the welfare of Oregon's un fortunnte blind. Mr. Day said "in many - cases ot partial vision, they were materially helped In overcoming their weak ness." also that "many are need lessly blind through careless ness." 8amples of books and maps ued at the blind school were hown. Other program numbers con sisted in devotions led by Mrs. H. S. Bond, readings by Mrs. T. W. Smith and Mrs. Anna Fan-is, recitation, Peggy Palmer, piano solo, Betty Peetz, vocal duet. Lo is Grunning and Katherine Sparks. Stories were told to the group of children present by Mrs. E. S. Prather. Mrs. T. W. Smith. Mrs. J. R. Cox presided and was assisted at the tea hour Mr Mrs. E. C. Bear and Mrs. T. W. Smith. CLEAN-UP SUITED VICTOR POINT, March 1 The H. E. club of Union Hill grange met Wednesday at the grange hall. Mrs. Vlrgene Scott was accepted as a new club mem ber. Mrs. Alice Rabens, Miss Le tha Bell Gilmour, Marjorie Tate and Junior Pox were visitors Mrs. H. E. Hubbard, vice presi dent, presided. The next meeting of the club will be Thursday, April IS, and will be an all day affair with the men of the grange as Invited guests tor the spring "clean up" day. Mrs. Argus Pearson is recover lng from an attack of scarlet fe ver. Previous to her illness both of her small daughters had the disease. The Pearsons live in Ostrander, Wash., but were visit ing his parents at Willamina when they were taken ill. Mrs. Pearson is the eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, lo cal residents. Bridge, Pinochle Party Brings $17 For Relief Works DAYTON, March 11. Thirty- three members and friends at tended the Dayton Woman's Civic club bridge and pinochle benefit party held at the Mrs. Heine Mo Donald home Wednesday night. Hothouse daffodils were used in bouquets about the rooms. About S7 was realized, and will be used for the needy in this vicinity. M. R. Cooper and Mrs. Cooper drew the high score prizes. Consolation went to Earl Coburn and Mrs. Par' Londershausen. Twenty members attended the regular monthly meeting of the Dayton Women's Civic club Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Floyd Root and Mrs. Walter Emerick were Joint hostesses at the latter's home. The next meeting will be at the Fred Matches home. Sophomores Lead Interclass Rivals At Dallas School DALLAS, March 11 The soph omore boys walked off with the Interclass basketball title this year by winning three straight games. The juniors took second with two victories and one defeat while the freshmen won one game and lost two. The seniors were sole possessors ot the cellar with three defeats. Present standing in the competition for the Interclass trophy are: Sophomores, 20; jun iors, IS; seniors, 10; freshmen 10. Silverton Hospital Has Annual Meeting SILVERTON, March 11 Di rectors named at the annual meeting of the Silverton Hospi tal association held this week were E. S. Porter, chairman; George Hubbs, George Steelham mer, 1 H. Fischer, Dr. A. W. Simmons and M. G. Gunderson Officers of the board will be named later. of the Soil" West Salem News WEST SALEM. March 11. Mr. and lira. Otto Peterson and tarn fly ot North Plains have made some Improvements on their place here and moved la to make their home here tor the present. They hare a baby boy only a tew weeks old and some of the older children hare now taken the measles. Beginning Sunday morning the series of p re-Easter services will be held In Ford Memorial church each week day evening except Sat urday. Rev. Edgar P. Sims of Sa lem will be guest speaker, taking for his subjects for the first tew sermons: Sunday morning, 1 Will Build My Church," evening. Our Fathers God"; Monday. "The Coming Dictator"; Tuesday, Men's Hearts Falling for Fear"; Wednesday, "The Soon-Coming Separation." The name ot Earl Maynard was inadvertently omitted from a list of the boys to go up for the rat- Presentation of "Lift Up Your Eyes," the three-act romantic comedy-drama by Perry Prescott Relgelman, which 'was scheduled for this week by Chemeketa play ers has been postponed until March 23. 24 and 25 on account of the bank holidays. Intensive rehearsals of this play held afternoons and evenings on the stage in Nelson auditorium reveal the production as promis ing to be one ot the highlights ot the season in Salem. Lea M. Scheuerman, technical director, is busy constructing special scene ry and Howard Cross, scenic ar tist. Is preparing to transform the scene-set into a ruined, weather beaten interior of an old-time stone house. Production work has been es pecially interesting on account ot the fact that this is an original new play, and whipping it into shape for presentation has in volved much revision and meeting of technical' problems on account of the limited space available. Work on this production bears out the old stage adage that piays are not written, out re written." 4-H ACHIEVEMENT PROGIi APRIL 21 MT. ANGEL, March 11 Divi sions of the Mother's Helpers 4-H cooking club held a baking and Judging demonstration in the school library Thursday. Werner Kimlinger, Wilhelmina Schaffer, Laura Bartnik and Madlen Keber exhibited cakes previously baked and Anastasia Buchheit and Anna Wampach judged the cakes after which all the youngsters helped in disposing of the delicious morsels. Entertainment, refreshment. arrangement and decorating com mittees were appointed to take charge of a tea to be given by the Mother's Helpers club March 17 for ail the club members of the school and their leaders. Friday the Kitchen Mechanics cooking club and the health club met. All clubs are nearing the completion of their work and ex pect to have the achievement pro gram April 21. Magee's Road Crew To Work Near Shaw MACLEAY, March 11 A gang of 15 men under the supervision of M. M. Magee, one ot the key men ior me county u. c. re lief work, has been widening the road and grubbing near the H. D. Taylor place this week. It is ex pected that the gang will be moved to the vicinity of Shaw, Turner and Aumsville next week to give work to those registered for relief work in that section. GERVAIS MAN DIES GERVAIS. March 11. Emmltt 3. LeBrun, 38, died at 6: SO Wed nesday night at the Veterans hos pital iu Portland after an illness of one week with pneumonia. Fu neral services were held from the St Louis church Saturday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Rer. Father Krause will officiate and burial will be In the St. Louis cemetery. Three other members of the fam ily are 111 at this time, Mrs. Louis Forcier Is ill at the home ot her daughter in Portland, Mrs. Ralph Apouey is in a hospital and Ed Wiedge LeBrun is ill at nome. ADDS TO HOUSE SWEGLE, March 11 Kroep lin is remodeling his house and adding more rooms. LOCAL PRODUCTION POSTPONED 1 WEEK lng ot second class scout at the court ot honor tor Cascade area ta be held next week at tha Salem courthouse. Undergoes Operatiem Jed L. Austin went to a Salem hospital and underwent a major operation Thursday. He is doing nicely. Already the beaches are luring Inlanders. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. FeU ger win leave tha middle ot the week for a several days' vacation at Pacific City, where they hare a summer home. Mrs. L. L. Slo per and her mother, Mrs. Ltda Andrews, were vacationing for a few days the first of tbe week at Newport and Toledo where a sis ter and daughter reside. Six men were engaged In exca vating for the basement of the new home Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Min ton are having erected on their place on Piedmont avenue this week. The Mlntons hope to begin work on the residence by April L Old 111 Wind 1 Adage Holds Strong Still PERRYDALE, March 11. Robert Mitchell finds there is nothing so bad but that it conld be worse. With all grain and clo ver frozen out and weather still too unsettled for reseeding, he was repairing fence along Salt creek which flows through his farm, when he noticed a large slide caused by the recent freeze and heavy rains. Upon closer inspection ha found a fine gravel bar, some thing the creek has never given the world before. In many places Salt creek has gravel bottom but no bars that gravel has been tak en from. Apparently there is enough in this bar to use around the farm indefinitely. The bar lays closest from the creek to the barn. Radio Program S TODAY, MABCH 12 KOW PortUnd 620 2Cc. 8:00 Orgsa concert. NBC. 10:00 bt ring wood .Ensemble, KBC. 12:00 Wayne King sad His Orchestra, NBC. 12:30 Hoar ef Worship, KBO. - 1JS0 National Yoatk Conference, KBO. 3:00 National Veapera, KBO. . 1:30 Joaef Koestner'a ercheatrs. Seal ed Power, NBC. 3:00 Willamette ctaorua. 3:80 Melodiana, NBC. 4:30 Great Momenta in History, NB0L 0:80 American Album ot Familiar Mi ie. . 7:05 Mark Daniels, baritone. 7:45 Sundar at Seta Parker's. 8:45 Jesse Crawford, NBC. 9:15 Manhattan Merry -Go-Bxrand, NBO. 9:45 Piaso Pictarea, NBC. 10:45 Bridge to dreamland, NBC. 11:00 Bal Tabaria orchestra. NBC. KOVS Portland 040 Xc 9:00 Salt Lake Tabernacle orpin. CB& 10:30 Colombia Church el the Air, OBS. 11:45 Poet's Uold. CBS. 13:00 N.Y. Philharmonic orchestra. CBS 3:30 Cathedral hoar. CBS. 4:00 Dr. Julius Klein, CBS. 4:45 Cant Niaa Singing Girl. CBS. 5 :0O Black River Giaat, CBS. 5:15 Andre Kosteianets Presents, CBS. 7:00 Ernest Hutcheson. CBS. 8:15 Angelo Patri. CBS. 10:00 The Wanderer. MONDAY, 8CASCH IS KQW Portland 820 Ka. 7: IS Orgaa concert, NBO. T:30 U. 8. Navy band, NBO. 8:30 Ponata recital. NBC. 9:18 Oookisr school. 10:S Woman's Masaaine. KBO. 11 :80 California Foderatiea ef ea's Clnbs. NBC. 13:15 Westers Farm and Horn' NBC. Wool hoar. 1:00 Orgaa concert, NBC. 2 :05 St ring wood Enseesbla, NBC. 3:18 Concert Petite. NBC. 3:80 Foreiga Affairs. 3:30 Al Bernard, tbe Minstrtl Maa, NBC. 4:00 Friendly Chat. 4:45 The Oregonian ot the Air. 5:13 Round tha World club. NBC. 6:00 Captain Krrin's traffic talk. 6:15 Tommy Watkins' orchestra, NB0L 8:00 Amos 'n' Andy. NBO. 9:05 Soathern Harmony Four, NBC. 9:15 Hotel Park Central orchestra, NBO. 10:15 Hotel Mark Hopkins orchestra, NBC. 11:00 Ambassador Hotel orchestra. NBC 11:80 Orgaa concert. XBC. KODf Portland 949 Xe. 6:30 O.8.C. farm extension talk. 7:00 KOIN Sleek. 8 :30 Dixie Baker aad Boa Waite. 11 :00 Bearers dance bind. 1:00 Book ei Life. 8:00 Feminine Fancies, DLB8. 4:45 Cocil end Sally, E.T. 6:00 Rath KUing. Leonard Haytoa's orchestra, OBS. 10:15 Sport Flashes. XOAC OomXUs 650 Xe. 7:00 Morning Meditations, led by Bev. Howard MeConneU. 8:00 Morniar eoacert. 10:00 Home Economies Observer. 12:00 Farm hour. 1:30 Mosie Appreciation, an Illustrat ed lecture course by Byron Ar nold. 3 :00 Mrs. Aaalea Eager '.'Selecttag C ottos Dress Geoda" 8 :30 Aa Yoa Like It Anthony En war. 6:30 Farm boor. 7:30 "4-H Clnb Work la Developing Leaders" Bu J. Maaske. atata department of edaentfem; 4 B sows treat ever the state. 8:20 Ten Mian tea with Famous People By CLIFF STERRETT maerick PaU. JA9. Lf. SIUUUi mcww 1$8 South Hlch Street