The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    . 'Ttt 1 : fe m&sZ c. S5v tecs?svv; weather. , : vi- m
Net paid, daily, Simday,6717
IDBHBXk A. B. 0. ..
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 12, 1933
No. 300
..'f .' . - , STJ bl river &a fee I ' 7' ''
Fatality List Drops
126: P
roperty is
Damaged 45 Millions
Major Shocks Mount
To 23, Continue
Into Night
Grief and Suffering
Prevail; Morgues
Are Searched
(By The Associated Press)
Long Beach,, 70; Compton 17;
Huntington Park 8; San Pedro 2;
Los Angeles 5; South Gate 2;
Santa Ana 3; Watts 7; Artesia
4; Bellflower 3, Wilmington, Her
mosa Beach, Norwalk, Garden
Grove, Walnut Park and Lyn
wood, one each. Total 126.
Property damage: Long Beach
$25,000,000; Compton, $12,000,-
000 to $15,000,000; Huntington
Park $2,500,000; Lynwood $1,
000,000; South Gate $600,000;
Los Angeles $1,000,000; remain
der scattered.
Gross Business
Tax Enacted by
Olympia Solons
OLYMPIA. Wash., March 11
UP) The first democratic
Washington legislature unofficial
ly came to a close late today
auer spreading a tax on all gross
business, imposing a license on
chain stores and providing an ad
aiuonar $20,000,000 for state
governmental expenses, but ad
journment "sine die," was held
up several hours while employes
enrouea tne new measure.
Many of the legislators had
departed for their homes before
the last bills were voted upon and
others were prepared to leave to
night without waiting for the
final adjournment which was ex
pected about midnight or later.
Dictatorial Powers Given
Ex-City Manager for
60 Dead Identified, Eight
Are not; Martial law
Held Unnecessary
LONG BEACH, March 12
(AP) Starting off the third day
of earth tremblings another sharp
shock was felt here at 1 a. m. to
It was the fifth of the night.
LONG BEACH, Calif., March
11 (AP) Dictatorial powers
for the Immediate rehabilitation
were conferred upon former City
Manager Charles S. Henderson at
a conference held a little more
tnan Z4 Hours after a severe
earthquake devastated this eoaet
al city.
The action was taken at a con
ference attended by Gov. James
Rolph, Jr., Admiral Richard H.
Leigh, commander in chief of the
United States fleet, and county
and city officials.
Henderson, in accepting the ap
pointment, said he would call a
Relatives of Salem
People Apparently
Uninjured in Quake
Belated Word Comes That D. A. White is
Safe; Fear Felt for Earl H. Anderson When
Name Appears in Casualty List
Of Salem is Winner
LONG BEACH, Calif., March
11 (AP) Four sharp earth
quake shocks were feit in the Wins Five Class Titles to
ST. ' ti." T::LZ Chemawa's two; Osland
stive passiveness.
While no material damage was
reported by police, the temblors
struck new fear in the hearts of
the people who late yesterday
saw this city shaken into ruins
and more than 60 people crushed
to death or fatally injured.
The quakes did not prevent the
rehabilitation workers continuing
their all night task of continuing
the removal of debris from the
LOS ANGELES, . March 11
(AP) Southern California trem
bled tonight as she measured her
earthquake dead in hundreds, her
Injured in thousands and her
property damage In tens of mil
lions of dollars.
Recurring earth shocks, in ad
dition to the 23 major convul
sions that killed many and maim
108 pounds Terry Court
ney, Chemawa.
115 pounds Rex McDer
mott, Benson.
121 pounds Albert Gibson,
129 pounds Bob Osland, Sa
lem. 138 pounds Robert Rhoads,
150 pounds Jack Carr, Ben
son. 163 pounds William Dem
ment, Chemawa.
178 pounds Earl Gillis,
Heavyweight Flint, Corrallls.
Benson Tech of Portland won
the state wrestling championship
a .nri h.rasaaf thft rianRolv noB- among the high schools of Oregon
lt1 mPtroDolitan area. keDt or lne seconu successive year,
rasping at the already raw nerves DT taking five out of the nine
Of the tWO million. . cuampionauipu in lue Biavo mur
An afternoon wore on into nament which came to a success
niehfc tha lean severe shocks zot ful conclusion here Saturday
beyond count. Grief, suf fering night. Benson was awarded the
and fear edged into the wide plc-J piaque emoiemaiic or me uue,
ture of death and destruction as I , Chemawa Indian school placed
the citizenry watched the corpse second with two class champion-
hunters fill the marble slabs oi ships, and Salem and Corvallis
the morgues, read tne casualty divided the other two.
list and inspected the far-flung Summary'
ruins, all the while keeping on 108 Clark, Salem heat G
eage lor me recurring r.lhn Ttwnn. rrnirttmv. Chfi-
which scientists said might con
tinue for days or even weeks.
il,t74 C,V 1 TT.r3o.h. .t 1 bone;
Ultra pivuu kva, i
in. J A J ....IVI.. C AAA In. I 1iarK.
mawa, beat O'Mara, Benson, who
defaulted, having broken his col-
Courtney defeated
44 F nHwnlHa hASt
; T. m.v nw htilThs beat Underwood, Chemawa;
casej i that .may prove .fatal. M MeDermott defeated Thomas.
v.,.-i a. cti. I 121 A. Gibson, Benson, beat
rA"r: , ArT-rir .,m Alderin. Salem: Meiss. Benson
beat Baberies, Franklin; Gibson
Co In ronortu beat MeiSZ
.v. in 129 Berglund, Benson, beat
1IUU1 lilt? VL1 LI WUUA!UUUAfc.,co, I - ,
..ii.i. i r.rt M. Pepion, Chemawa; Osland, Sa
S'SSi b7VrbT...l .i-- SS.-f -1222. ch'm"':
,red tb. toul from 140 to 12, ... . X.Jn.f"Sr t....
14B u. nuunua, dcubuu, umi
Palmer, Chemawa; R. Rhoads,
whthTictuirumbof" - Benson, beat Bagsland Sandy;
1E0 P. Summerset, Franklin,
beat Iron Mocassin, Chemawa;
Associated Press Team had
Pre-Knowledge, Writer at
Los Angeles Says
Associated Press Staff Writer
(AP) Jolt and rocking jar that
marked an earth wave of death
and destruction for southern Cal
ifornia pulled a trigger that sent
meeting early tomorrow with the the news flashing to the world
city council. while the 20 seconds shock was
Rolph told the group that Pres- pulling down the debris from
ident Roosevelt had telegraphed torn buildings.
him this morning, asking if the It so happened that a team
federal government could in any of two men who had been or-
way aid Long Beach and other ganized for this event for eight
stricken southern California com- years were in the Associated
munities. He said the president Press office at the Times building
had suggested that no technical!- here. These were Jack C. Mooney,
ties be permitted to stand In the veteran telegraph operator, and
way of Immediate relief. myself.
Traffic in Damaged i w&g in the midst of writing
Region Prohibited the results of an interview with
Traffic into the area badly dam- Professor Albert Einstein when
aged by the quake was prohibited the iolt came. As the chair sway-
after 9 p. m. tonight with the Los j. clutched the desk to make
Angeles police department guard- certain it was an earthquake,
ing the north and west edgea of planting both feet solidly against
iuo wne ana me siai motor pa- the cnair iegr8. But there was no
trol in charge of the roads lead- nnrtalntr. This was the moment
ing into the area from the south. T v.,, wn .IDectinr since 1925.
According to the announcement .,t Mnnn.v .n h
of Chief of Police Steckel after a Lpraug the 10-foot interval be-
vw"1 ... . ; , . tween an automatic printer and a
police officials, only bona fide telegraph key. and the flash of a
Iti .0t cn. Comp- major earthquake in Los Angeles
HOPING good, yet fearing bad news, numberless Salem
residents last night anxiously awaited 'word from rela
tives and friends who lived or were visiting'in Southern Cal
ifornia's earthquake-stricken area. Telegrams sent south
ward went unanswered in many cases ; the few received from
temblor belt arrived here hours late.
O Those messages received here,
however, generally brought good
news. No tragedies or serious in
juries among Salem-known per
sons had been reported to The
Statesman late last night.
The White brothers of D. A.
White & Sons feed company re
ceived a telegram, five hours late,
saying that their father and moth
er, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. White, at
Long Beach and Los Angeles, re
spectively, had escaped injury.
Friends' of Earl H. Anderson,
former proprietor of the Capital
City Bindery were anxious when
they saw the name of "Earl An
derson, address unknown' In the
Long Beach death list. Anderson
lives in Hollywood but is said to
make frequent trips to Long
Beach. He has a sister here Mrs.
Verna Starr. As no definite word
1 1
Reduction 33 1-3 per Cent
31-32 Budget, Generous
Way of Figuring
Sales tax Saving Measure
If Upheld; Three-Mill
Levy Held Reserve
What did the 37th session of
the legislature do?
Midst the mental turmoil
which engages each person as
the plight of the nations' banks
and the distress of southern Cali
fornia earthquake sufferers fills
one's mind this persistent ques
tion comes from many citizens.
The prime duties of any legis
lature and any session are: first,
to appropriate moneys for the
state's biennial expenses, and
second, to provide means of rais
ing these moneys.
The legislature did attack the
appropriations problem with a
firm and quite successful hand.
It was on the old teeter-totter of
giving needed funds to worthy
Financial Institutions in 12 Central Federal Reserve
Cities Open That day; Tuesday in 250 Cities Which
Have Recognized Clearing Houses; Wednesday in all
Cities; Regulations Apply to State Banks
has been received up to last night state activities ranging from feed-
fears subsided and friends con
cluded another person of similar
name was the one referred to.
State Printer E. C. Hobbs was
anxious Friday night and Monday
morning until he heard from his
wife and daughter, who are in
ing the men at the end of State
street to allowing higher educa
tion to function without too ruth
less curbing. In every committee
meeting the public demand for
economy was an almost sacred
dictum and the results speak for
Long Beach, that they were safe themselves
naving escaped Injury in the
Among the Salem-known per
sons In the quake area were the
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
ton, Watts and other sections of
the devastated territory were per
mitted through the lines after 9
o'clock and instructions weregiv-
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Retroactive Measures to hit
At Graft; Solidarity is
Appealed of Germany
For 1931-1932 legislative ap
propriations were 315,227,627.
For 1933-1934 legislative ap
propriations were $9,666,992.
Reductions Noteworthy
Considering Varied Ideas
Thus a reduction of more than
33 1-3 per cent was accomplished,
which is a noteworthy result for
any public money where 90 dif
ferent individuals and more than
that many groups intrude with a
heterogeneous display of ideas on
what state children shall be kill
ed, emasculated or built up.
The old adage of liars and
figures must be noted. The 1931-
1932 appropriations do not in
elude the 31.181.173 for higher
education which met the public
guillotine fate after the 36th ses-
was on the nation wide network
of the Associated Press five sec
onds after the Jolt started, and
. a . i f m a a
me ouueun lemng oi n as . - -- - 8A.snn f th ii.utnr w. nnt
. . wivuui win oh wipmon m r ra ir. - - -
hefore the remaining i& seconas v: iumu"u" " uc"
11,1. tint rrt nhnck. two more elections will be held
BERLIN. Maroh 1iupi sion adjourned
Chancellor Adolf Hitler's iron 0n tQe otner hand the S7tn
violent major snoca wu r - rt called on to appropriate anythi
hefore the remaining 15 aeconds , t0" for market roads; the last s'essi
: tnis nrsi great snoca. throuehmit Yhl rVh ti..,-. under statutory requirements rals-
Ever since the 1915 Sant. Bar- I ","1. I IU.1IL Furthermore the
Licenses to Reopen Being Granted by Treasury Through
Federal Reserve Banks for Members, State Officials
To Issue Permits to State Banks; all to Have Supply
Of new Notes; States may Proceed. Monday
(By the Associated Press)
REOPENING of the nation's sound banks will start Mon
day morning, President Roosevelt announced Saturday
Banks whose soundness has been officially approved
will be permitted to resume business on a progressive basis,
as follows:
Monday Banks in the twelve Federal reserve bank
Tuesday Banks in the more than 250 cities which have
active, recognized clearing house associations.
Wednesday Banks elsewhere.
The regulations apply both to banks which are members
O of the federal reserve system and
those st3 banks which are non-
Licenses to reopen, signifying
solvency and stability to stay open
to an unrestricted basis, are being
granted by the treasury depart -
WWW 111 UULU men; mrougn me Jeaerai reserve
nanas ior its members.
I I s n L If. I X l -v.w uaum.a uiusfc
Laaa & BUSH VUlUnieerS 10 receive permission to reopen from
a: u.. o ru Btate banking authorities.
HJaiM uy oeiiumy UUIU By spacing the reopeniaea over
To Federal Reserve thre mrningsr th-e
w duijj iu me uauu ins new
issues or rpriprn I nuns
n . 1 , . . . I . ..uu. .
oaiuraay morning at aDOUt nrovided under Thnr.ln'-
o.ow o tiucn, iue Liaaa oe uusa i gency law.
uan or saiem, snippea ny ex- The Dresldent inthorii tat-
press, with armed escort of state authorities to sUrt the reopen
police, over 3250.000 in United ings Monday "if in their Judgment
o inters guia coin. iu suiymeni tney deem it wise to do so."
was maae to tne eaerai Keserve
Hsu nan
nni n
bara earthquake, which I corered. ine provincial ana munlclpal-com
having also gone through the mnTnV electipns
San Francisco disaster of 1908 I
had been preparing for this mo
ment. It was a thrill to he on
the Job, in office, at the big mo
Five weeks ago I had been ad-
It is estimated the fate of 200.-
ooo office holders will be at
stake. Approximately a million
candidates are running for the
-In Berlin alone, where the
session, directly, did nothing
about the increasing deficit in the
state bonus commission's situa
tion; the last session set up $1,-
125,160 for this purpose.
Problem of 36th, 87th
Sessions Are Different
Eliminate the market road and
west pat.w pf a pw vi r I vtaai thn. hn atndv ftmnt- I communists Mtnerto have been I v v .
March 11 (AP) America Is re- ogy that a restlessness of the aominant. 7403 candidates are the 1931-1932 appropriations and
r great block underlying aoutnero """- uiumcip! omcea yon haye i2,977,206 put out by
- California promised a major n d 78 0 other Jobs in greater the lMt legislators contrasted to
covering from a "wild debauch o
frenzied finance, crazy specula
tion, and insensate greed," but
"never has the country had
brighter prospects ahead than at
present," Adolph S. Ochs, publish
er of the New York Times, said
here today on the eve of his 75th
birthday anniversary.
Mr. Ochs, also the owner of the
Chattanooga, Tenn., Times and
for 30 years a member of the
board of directors of the Associat
ed Press will spend the day in
quiet observance with his wife
and Mrs. Arthur Hays Sulzberger,
his daughter.
"I am in full sympathy with
President Roosevelt s program
tnat only the Federal reserve
movement soon.
Berlins IU UlStriCtS. ,o 14 CfiMQ! ,,tla tnr 19S3
t fc. M m a . a m . m afawwfB w ova
ine rate or anii-nationai social- 104 ftr - T,pr cent rut. In
isi eounenmen ana otner ornciais rinia th -hic-her enpaHon anDrc-
may 09 imaginea irom a speecn nrlntlnn of twrt veara aeo alone
delivered yesterday by Hermann wltn tne bonus funds and market
lioering. minister witnout portro- road heiD ana the total savings of
Ho, at Essen.
He intimated his measures
would be retroactive and that
persons found guilty of graft
would be called upon to refund
their spoils. He hinted the pen-
the session are more than 40 per
cent from a biennium ago.
Figured anyway one wishes, by
comparison with other states.
with cities, with counties and
with the national government
ported dead could be ascertained
for the area, except by the grow
ing partial list of identified dead.
The task of caring for the injured
Carr, Benson, beat Anderson.
0 01 """5.1U:47" : Sandy: Carr defeated Summerset.
mng mom Dwu ug , lea Holt, fiandv. heat Burns.
Salem; Demment. Chemawa, beat
the work of maintaining an offi
cial list of dead shoved to one
aide in moat of the communities.
Property damage was eetimated
at least 145,000,000, including
wrecked business buildings and
schools, broken utility lines, dam
aged streets and harbor channels.
J. Summerset. Franklin; Dem
ment beat Holt.
178 patapoff, Corvallis, heat
Drager, Salem; Gillis, Benson,
beat England, Salem; Gillis heat
Heavyweight Yada Salem,
Centralized control of emergen- . .
cy measure was invoked rm, beat 'Earl. Salem; Flint de-Here tonight as mysteriously as
Gov. Jamea Rolph Jr.. who flew
here today, appointed Colonel O.
C. Wyman of the California na
tional guard to head the relief
Swift action to alleTlate grief,
pain and privation was taken
when relief authorities decided
that a portion of the more than
$4,000,000 alloted to the Btate
If arch S by the Reconstruction
Finance corporation might he
diverted qaickly to that end
feated Yaa.
based on liquid assets of the
banks, mobilize the gold of the
country and maintain the gold
standard," said the dean of Amcr
lean newspaper men today
"There Is no need of gold eur
rency in this country, and what
we have, as we have plenty,
should be held to preserve our
credit throughout the world."
TOKYO. March 11 (AP) gions of such offenders might be fie on its extravagance! and the
session Just past was economical
without ruining scores of quite
valuable state activities.
How about taxes?
How well the legislature, did
this portion of its chore rests
with the people.
Income Tax Increased;
May Be Referended
It passed an income tax, Heavy,
stringent; but this will not be ef
fectlve until 1934, the tax being
payable on 1933 incomes. Thus
the 1(50,000 estimated added
revenue per year will be available
for only one-half of the current
biennium. Moreover the tax may
be referended and then will have
to Jump the July 21 general vote
Whether there Is war or peace revoked.
In north China, where there are Chancellor Hitler, in a final
sizeable colonies, of .Americans camnaiirn apneal to the nation,
and other foreigners, "depends asserted that solidarity in Ger
upon the moves made by the Chi- I many must come before solidarity
I a. arU vf fi" A m T V A6 vYl W ri 0 1 W a..wau
banks issue currency and that ' " r' w.m iUrC.Su
viareu tuuaj.
"The Japanese consider that a
new situation has developed in
China with the resignation of
Marshal Chang Hsiao-Liang aa i lill IIL.U1.J1UI.U i
the chief war lora oi tne norm
to make way for Marshal Chiang
Kai-Shek," the war office spokes
man assertea. "li ne senousiy at- Ull UUI1U
tempts to recapture any portion
m Tohnl It himhi war on a 11-
tintii p1a. in which event there Max Ferrar haa been released
T I a. . . it m m
la no reason that Japanese opera- worn county jau on oraer oi uir
niM Rfirjn
CR,0 S0INT' lnh I!.h tions should be restricted by the cult Judge L. H. McMahan, it be- hurdle,
11 (AP) Four-year-old Patri
cia Pearl Tripp, kidnaped four
months ago from her home in
Rensselaer, Ind., was returned
great wall.
(By the Associated Press)
The moratorium on bank in
will be lifted this week.
Starting Monday moraine la
the 12 central cities of the fed
eral reserve district
begin unrestricted
bank in Portland for the account
of the Salem bank. The gold
weighed about 800 pounds.
A. N. Bush, president of the
ladd & Bush bank when inter
viewed, stated that this action
was taken freely and voluntarily banks will
ana as a patriotic act to assist in business
if! Tne Roosevelt program for re-
mo tun D .uu iuo opening doors of financial in-
ary aeparimeni. to marsunr tu stitutions both State and natlon-
gold of the country ior use as a alwlll be Tlrtually complete,
Ki:"??.. mne7 Wednesday morning; wheBP the
a. A. A I " " " J VI 11 La
ine goia, amoununB 10 oyer elrrtilaMn fm .11 u.w. vi.w
quarter of a million dollars, has " ""Z7Z:n" -
been held intact by the Ladd ft
Bush bank for more than 30
years, and is part of their specie
and currency reserve which has
are officially approved as solvent
and stable.
President Roosevelt revealed
his program for the resumption
been held availaMe' for Lmedi ?' f OSjt8 "d -hd
Treasury and federal reserve
officials worked overtime in
technical preparations for
use to carry on the business of
the community. The gold taken
from the reserve of the bank will
. .... j , opening banks tomorrow mornin
currency bu iuhl au rcuuiuuu iu . , , ,
v. , .... v. in the reserve bank cities. Tues-
111 w uiui s casu 1 eoci "iiiiu7- . ,
gQjj I 7 isv ana more ciues
xu1v.11. ui,o recognizea clearing
nouse associations and Wednes
day in other cities and towns.
State authorities were charged
with regulating the reopening of
banks which are not connected
with the federal reserve system.
were caused by the neces
sity of thorough preparations, the
Rumors broke out again late President said, and are no reflec-
yesterday that the price of gas- llon upon banks slow to reopen.
oline here would soon b return- 1 ,aDS proceeaea ror tne corn
ed to the l-cent quotation, pre- Dlet revival of business. Security
vallins: before the February slash- and commodity exchanges which
. At the nam a tlm on chain f Bnt aown wnen tne HOW or
stations reduced the price of first credit was blockaded were pre-
grade motor fuel to 10 cents, the P,nn resume operations,
aama firnre renerallv auoted for ne restriction has been xeal-
thlrd-strncture gasoline. ' onsly aded during the week
Certain motorists reported be- I , pre81aennai morannnm;
Ing warned by retailer friends to that " .the embargo to preserve
Gasoline Price
To Go Up Soon,
Current Jam or Delays
she disappeared.
Tax Roll and Millage in
County are Much Lower
Marlon county's total tax roll
for 1932 shows reduction of
$293,381.57 from the 1931 roll
t ofh. and also a consistent reduction In
attributed to heart failures from millage, according to the ium-
frlght Induced by fear of the mary of assessment and Ux rolls
earthquakes. Coroner's officers Jwt completed by County As-
aald fear that each succeeding feasor Oscar -A. Steelhammer and
shock would be worse than the his lituU. The total 1932
preceding ones, finally became 11 is ;ff "
powerful enough jto kill. PJ 'H3f '"V JL
Four honrs. while chaos pre- . The total Salem levy thtayear
Tailed, the onrecovered dead had ta 41.8 miHs. as compared , to
debris for their STares. crumbl- 47.8 mills on the 1931 rolls For
Ing, shaky or broken walls for city purposes the Salem levy is
thi 19.S mills this year, against 21
shronds. Then there was . lull Hli last year. Similar tions
the earth quieted, somewhat and tare recorded for other towns in
ran. aMhHatiI rflt I the COUUty. .
VTa.. JTw I The toUl levr for farm prop-
There were 11 major shocks rtr. where no fj
from 1:55 p.m, Friday, until road tax was voted .tele: i mills,
noon today. Even cientists fall- a reduction of 7.4 mIa orer the
1.. . nan 1! 1 milla for 1931.
minor tremora. I The assessed Talue on which.
state, county and county school
and library levies are made in
the roll Just completed is $47,-
982,812, as compared to 849,
114,441 on the 1981 roll.
Reduction in personal property
Is largely accounted for in the
lower assessed value, and other
factors entering are loss of a few
Industrial plants and turning in
to reforestation many acres of
cut-over timber lands, together
with equalization of assessment
on farms and homes, Mr. Steel
hammer says.
The state levy for both years Is
21 mills, but on the new roll the
county levy shows a marked re
daction to 2.7 mills. In 1931 roll,
the county levy was 7 mills. The
county road levy Is greatly re
duced because the county 'has
curtailed . road construction pro
jects; the high school tuition levy
(Turn to page 2, cou ij.
The Day in
By the Associated Frees
President Roosevelt ubouc
ed plane for reopentns; both na
tional and state beaks begln
mlng tomorrow mnder licenses
Issued by the secretary of the
House democratic split failed to
. . . a49 4V1ba VAAaavaU
economy bill calling for reduc- - rr ,(
tions in allowances ior veterans.
but both these methods will ers reported dealers denying any f f dollars returned from hoard
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Impending Increase.
I ram A known TMtrdiT Th InrfffA I . Tt -Intnaf iftuVlA Inlitflfll,!-
afat last niffht that tvn lnral .A .AAA . tt fir to 1 fill their tank hAforA a Ha tn the nations gold reserves. to
men, whose names he said he did Oregon's means of raising money gasoline prices today, while oth- waicu btb oeen aaaea minions
not remember, naa gone tne ssoo
bond required. The release, said
the Judge, wag made March 4.
Neither employes In the sher
iffs office nor In the county
clerk's office yesterday had seen
the bond papers, ordinarily filed
with the clerk, they reported.
Young' Ferrar was arrested late
last month, charged with assault
and battery upon 8. Ellis Purvlne,
Community Service president, in
the relief office in January. Sub
sequent to the scuffle in the relief
office, Purvlne suffered a stroke
of paralysis from which he Is still
Farm erzanlxatlom leaders
asked president and congress to
place emergency powers ia the
bands of Secretary Wallace to
curtail agricultural production
and promote higher prices.
Senator Howell (R-.Neb.) died
after two weeks' Illness.
President Roosevelt rushed
plans for third measure la his
emergency program $300,
000,000 bond Issue for public
works and anemployment re
lief, sebedaled for presentation
to congress next week.
Ferrar's trial, scheduled for
March f, was postponed en ac
count of the legal holidays.
Bank Holiday in
State Extended
PORTLAND, Ore., March 11
(AP) Governor Julias L. Meier
said tonight that he will extend
the state banking holiday at least
through Monday In accordance
with the national policy announc
ed at Washington that only banks
in Federal Reserve bank cities
, will open Monday. - -
Stalemate in Reopening
Of Banks is Noted Here
o . .
No progress was made in Sa- here at once. The state banking
Ing. x
Stimulating the nation from itt
financial collapse will be the ex
panded issues of currency fed
eral reserve notes secured by
banks' sound assets authorized
by extraordinary session ef con
gress called Thursday as part of
the emergency activities.
lem Saturday towards the reopen
ing ef the 80 state banks in Ore
gon which hare been Tlrtually
closed throughout tne state xor
the last tea days.
State officials In charge of
banking were tied up awaiting
word from Washington. D. C re
garding the actios which should
be taken.
At a late hour Saturday no da
ta had come from the comptroller
of the treasury regarding the
"yardstick" which he proposes to
use to adjudge which banks of
the . national group shall be re
opened at once for 100 per cent
State bankers and officials tele
graphed Washington as soon as
press ' Teporta carried the news
about federal determination of a
bank's solvency, asking that the
standards to be followed be sent
aepartment ana tne Bankers' as- rtr . r f .
sociaUon advisory committee then LO0icSS KBliet
piannea to aeternune an state
banks solvency by this devise.
Meanwhile advices from Wash
ington received here showed that
thousands of banks throughout
the nation were protesting at the
announced plans of the treasurer.
These bankers claimed It
manifestly unfair to let
Next Issue For
New President
was I (AP) President Roosevelt today
ay rushed ahead with the third meas-
banks or group of banks reopen I of his emergency program a
for full business nntil all banks ona issue ior wiae- ,
had been Inspected and an fen- spread anemployment relief. .
partial determination made of The wn w maxe joos ny reior
their ability to do a normal busl- station n1 . other Jnland tm
nass, with restrictions made on prorement pToJecU for aa eati- -hoardings.
mated 600,000 workers eared .
In this state, numerous small I compieuon as niu nuu
city bankers hare eome to Salem meeting which Senators. Wagner,
or telegraphed here, protesting 101 " ,r .
the proposed pUn from Washing- Colorado, democrats, and LaFol- :;
ton. , The leaders of tne Oregon I leue, repuucn o ncvu.iu,
(Turn to page 2, col. 4) participates !? :