The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    ntvm$XJ?V 4T KSiU siO JGTrAfeUlLsakri. loreon Satiirgay Morning; Marc! 11, S HhAj v-U
iW'ttV-O k E -;oVvi'4 PACS FITS
I -lialM After the
- - - l ininu in nnni 1 rowi
HnflDin iu or L!r:
01 E. Groap Meets ' Tbe
Christian" Endeavor society of the
First Evangelical church held its
monthly business meeting Wed
nesday evening, with a banquet la
the church .dining room. The
tables were effectively decorated
for 8L Patrick's day, using the
shamrock motif with green tap
ers. There were 43 members and
friends present. Dr. John Vincent
Scott, of this city, who has Just
recently returned from China,
gave an interesting talk and show
ed slides of the conditions as they
are in China, today.
Wanted, used fnrniture.Tel.6110;
At Lutheran Church The
Adam trio,, composed of Horace
pud Harvey Adams and Lee Er
trln, with Esther Mueller, accom
panist, will appear Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock at the American
Luthern church. Dr. A. S. Jenson
of the Oregon Normal school at
Monmouth, -will conduct the round
table discussion on pertinent ques
tions of the day. The program
was arranged by Max Gehlhar,
Claude Glenn, W. G. Krueger and
Oscar 8ederstrom.
Study Germany Pupils at the
Looney Butte school, where the
Fulkerson rational education sys
tem is being used this year, hare
nt to County Superintendent
Fulkerson a note book compiled
by all In connection with a study
of Germany. The booklet Is en
tirely the work of the pupils, has
a fitting cover and the fronts
p;ece is the German flag. The
leading cities, the famojis Col
ogne cathedral and Germany's
four most famous men are among
tbe studied included
Pierce Appointed Paul Pierce
has been appointed by County Su
mrintendent Mary L. Fulkerson
member of the board of directors
of the Keizer school district, suc
ceeding Roy Melson. As Mr. Mel
son is county commissioner and
in that capacity a member of the
county boundary board, he con
eldered it best that he resign from
the Keizer board,
"Bishop's", Salem's own store for
.43 years, now continues with our
same policy. Taking checks for
the amount of purchase and ex
tending usual credit. 4
Technicality Bobs Vp Peti
tiona of residents In the Scotts
Mills and Crooked Finger school
districts for changes in the school
boundary between the two were
dismissed at the boundary board
hearing yesterday, due to a tech
nicallty In posting the notices
County School Superintendent
Fulkerson reported. It is consld
ered probable the group will re
petition for the changes.
Meaale 'In Toto" The pri
mary pupils of the ParkersTllle
school evidently hatched a cabal
recently; or If they didn't they
1 could not hare done better if they
bad. There are 25 pupils in the
room, and 22 of the group came
down with the measles at the
tame time. Needless to say, an
attendance moratorium is on for
that room
i Institute Today The second
local teachers' institute of the
school year will be held at Wood
hum today, with teachers of the
Woodburn vicinity sponsoring the
program. R. J. Maaske of the state
d?partment of education and Dean
J. R. Jewell of the University of
Oregon education school, will be
the main speakers at the general
assembly this afternoon.
Heads Campus Y. W. Janett
Weil. Salem Junior, was elected
president of the Willamette uni
versity Y. W. C. A. In the spring
Elections held by that organiza
tion this week. Veva Garrett, Aur
Aato ' Bold. Ball Municipal
Judge Mark Paulsen yesterday re
leased Adam Recnlcsek, Silverton
routs two, and Albert Ped. Salem
route seven, with order to ap
pear la court at a later date on
charges of drunkenness. Their
automobile was held as ban. The
pair was arrested by s state offi
cer for city police Thursday after
an unidentified person had tele
phoned that Recnlcsek and Ped
had ran Into an automobile, then
fled In their own car. As police
hare not been notified of any hit
run cases, they hare dropped that
charge hut hold to the charge of
the pairs being drunk.
Rev. John R. TurnbuII First
White man to Drive
Car Into Arabia
Marriage license When Josh
ua Pearson applied for a marriage
license at the county clerk's office
yesterday, he gave his occupation
as "none", and flashed a $20 bill
in payment. A few weeks ago an
other man reported "unemployed"
after "occupation" on the permit.
Pearson, 444 South High street,
took out license to wed Ella Han
sen, legal, housekeeper, also 444
South High, and they were mar
ried yesterday by Rev. Grover C.
Blrtchet of the First Presbyterian
Bishop's", Salem's home owned
store, continues to serve you as in
the past, taking checks and ex
tending credit to Tellable cus
Pitcher Alters House Bert
Pitcher took out a building per
mit yesterday for alteration of a
house at 1935 North Capitol
street at cost of $150. with H. C.
Hummel doing the work. Two
other permits were Issued: to
Frank Kochwlder. reroofing a
dwelling at 1907 Fir street, $65;
and to w. Price, repairing a
dwelling at 960 North Cottage
street, $22.60.
Accidents Reported Automo
bile accidents reported to city po
lice yesterday were as follows:
Mrs. Carrie Fitzpatrick, 105 Riv
er street, and an unidentified mo
torist, at Center and Church
streets; Merle Matthey, 960
Broadway, and Otto Schieman,
265 South 19th, at 17th and
State. Matthey stated that In or
der to avoid collision with Schie
man, he drove his car over the
Red Cross Rushed Rushed by
late-appearing workmen seeking
their requisitions for foodstuffs.
clerks at Ihe Red Cross-county
court-Community Service relief
office were unable yesterday for
the first time in several weeks to'
accommodate all callers. By E
p. m. 82 persons had been inter
viewed and 15 to 20 more were
cared for after hours.
"Bishop's", Salem's home owned.
store, continues to serve you as in
the past, taking checks and ex
tending credit to reliable cus
Delzell to Speak W. A. Del
zell will lecture Sunday night at
8 o clock at the Workers' Center,
Court and Commercial street, on
a phase of world economic con
ditions. Questions and discussion
in open forum will follow his
talk. These meetings are held un
der auspices of the Salem Unem
ployed Council, and are open to
Send Out License Persons who
remitted by mail for their 1932
dog licenses around the first of
the month, received their licenses
in Friday's mails, as they were
sent out Thursday from the office
of the county clerk. Mailing was
held up a few days on account of
the bank holiday and the ques
tion of getting checks cashed.
Reports Accident Ruby L.
Woodward, route nine, box 69B,
yesterday reported to the sheriff
a minor automobile accident ln-
Notes of the reverberations
. lingering oa; incident sad
ruminations rer "nicJdnz
Tof-f-lfk CDW after, tit lejrislatire
ac vu ' storm
Despite the fact that his life
was twice threatened by wild
Arabian tribes. Rev. John R.
Turnbnll, tint white man to drive
an automobile into Arabia, de
clares the natives there are s
hospitable lot.
"The Arab la a strange mix
ture; he shoots first and then
asks questions, so toapeak. But
once he accepts you, his friend
ship Is permanent," Rev. Turn-
bull, who spent 19 years In
northern Arabia on missionary
expeditions, says. Rer. Turnbnll
spoke here Thursday night to a
crowded house at the Christian
and Missionary gospel tabernacle.
and tonight at 7:45 o'clock he
will speak again, showing also
slides of scenes taken in Ara
bia. He also spoke Friday at Par
rlsh and Grant schools.
Rev. TurnbuII made his first
automobile trip over the sands
of Arabia the same year Lind
bergh flew the Atlantic, and was
in London on his first return at
the same time Lindy" landed
there on his epochal flight. Rer.
TurnbuII received the same hon
or from the Royal Geographical
society of London for his expedi
tion into Arabia as Lindbergh
did for the solo flight.
Since there are no gasoline
stations in the Arabian country,
gasoline for the 1000-mile round
trip had to be supplied at the
start; but it la not the distance
that Is difficult In such a trip,
but the reception which natives
may accord, Rev. TurnbuII said.
Favorable progress is being
made In the gospel work in Ara
ble. Rev. TurnbuII says, with
some conversions already among
both high and low of northern
Arabia. The governor of one sec
tion is a firm convert.
Rev. TurnbuII hopes to go back
to Arabia to pay a visit to the
King of Arabia, at the king's own
Invitation. One of the mission
ary's prize possessions Is a letter
from the official equal to a crown
Friday night Rev. C. T. Carl
son of Ecuador spoke at the alli
ance here, where a missionary
convention has been In progress
since Wednesday.
tumult and the shouting
were noticeably .over Friday
under the dome. Gone were
the anxioua groups. Frank Loner-
gan's football voice waa silenced
In the house. No more tine phras
es whistled through "Pop" Wood
ward's whisksrs in the senate.
There wore reporters aplenty left
and janitors without end and here
and there one of the stragglers
from the ranks of the St. Bnt the
battle was oyer; a soothing quiet
pervaded the air and aside from
an Increased sal of aspirin and
bromo-eeltzer at the Randall's
tloa man and knows how to cor
ral votes. George Winelow is a
candidate aad a good man bwt -
he Is a wt too independent to
draw mnto himself the acces
sary at rotes which insures
election . . Representative
Chllda of Linn county wonld
like the honor aad is working
for it ... ae wonld Frank Lon
ergan although he is folly a
effective on the floor of the
howse end has already set in
the high seat for one term.
la the senate Francisco vich
counter store, good feeling pre- what a name! la the leadinn- can
railed. The now hlstorle 3 7th see- dldate for president. Next in line
sion was on its way to ooimon or i handsome Senator Chinnock,
from the land of the care men.
Franclscovich la a three-year man
in the senate; Chinnock has Just
served his first term. The sena
tors like him but some of the men
are Irate because he voted dry and
drank wet, especially since he re
ceived more readily than he gave.
Senator Corbett, a former presi
dent, is In the race but the insid
ers think that all Corbett wants
Is enough votes to be able to
swing the balance of power and
thus to choose the victor. With a
Corbett man in the president's
chair, the political wiseacres be
lieve the rich Portlander will pro
ceed to become the Gus Moser of
the senate, that Is to be the man
who la future sessions shall say.
yea, yea and nay, nay on commit
tee appointments, and Benate pro
Glad were the newsboys for
few moments of calm. Happy
were the state officials who had
stayed night and day to see de
sired legislation completed.
Less anxious were certain mem
bers of officialdom, who never
were easy while ax-wielders
like Burke, Brown and Zimmer
man stalked the senate cham
bers. The hard-tlmee assembly,
the ruthless tax cutters had
gene home and that was that!
NIee wooden boxes were being
filled all day yesterday, not with
legislators, but with the remains
of the paraphernalia Issued each
member by the state. Into these
boxes were crammed the 1930
code books, all the session bills
and binders and such little trink-
tSLSTSk :SUMS wiv Tubercular
custom the legislative resolution to I A iomffO ft O linn
the members belongs the eaulo- " r .
ment even to the Individual
waste-baskets. Only excluded ar
ticles are the desks, chairs and
spittoons. One member wanted to
crate his desk and send it home
but changed his mind In short or
der when an old-timer told him
it Just wasn't being done.
ra Junior, is newly elected vice- volvlng also car driven by Seth
president; Mary Nelson, freshman Miller of Portland. No one waa
from Junction City, treasurer, ana seriously injured
Martha Jane Hottel. freshman of
'Jennings Lodge, secretary. investigated Uity police yes
terday took into custody James
Mill Pays Cash The Charles K. Harrison and Ed Murray and held
fipaulding Logging company met them for Investigation, according
Its weekly payroll nere uriaay to headquarters records,
ith tlO minimum cash payments
to each man and a balance due
slip for the remainder oi tne
viru dne. Workers were pleased
Inasmuch as they received double
the amount of cash being given
On payroll checks at local oanxs.
Dean JeweH Speaker The
High School league, Willamette
league and the Young Peoples'
forum of the First Methodist
Measles Spread
Through County;
Epidemic Mild
Measles, which have assumed
mildly epidemic proportions In
Salem and Silverton, are now be
ing reported In scattered sections
of Marion county, Dr. Vernon A
Douglas, county health officer,
announced yesterday. He had new
reports of cases at Keizer, Wood
burn and further to the north
end of the county. Flurries of the
disease are normal at this time of
year, he said.
Recent press statements con
cerning a new serum being used
to ward off the disease, particu
larly in young children, have In
creased -public interest in that
remedy, according to the health
McAlpin, Looney Butte, Oak
Ridge and Independence
Next February
Lincoln School
Governor Meier was back in
his office after a slight Illness
which kept him apartment-con
fined for two days. With five
days left for determining on
bills, there was likelihood
number of measures would
await final decision this week
end. Much of his time was given
to considering the state and
tional banking situation.
Of 110 pupils examined at Lin
coln school, only three were found
to be carrying tuberculosis bac
teria. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas.
county health officer, reported
yesterday after he and Miss Mar
garet McAIpine, health nurse.
'read" tuberculin tests adminis
tered to 137 pupils on Monday.
The other seven pupils were ab
This percentage Dr. Douglas at
tributed primarily to decrease in
prevalence of tuberculosis and
secondarily to the fact that the
younger children have not yet had
occasion to come in contact with
Only one rural school, Sum
mit, had a perfect attendance re
cord for the school month ending
late la February, and only three
schools, UeAlpIn. Summit and
Bridge Creek registered perfect
attendance for the previous
month, according to compilations
at the office of County School
Superintendent Mary L. Fulker
Attendance certificates for Feb
ruary hare Just been mailed out
to all schools that showed a 95
per eent or better attendance
during the four weeks ending
February 24. Schools receiving
them and the percentage of at
tendance are:
Hundred per eent. Summit; 99
per cent, Looney Butte, Indepen
dence, MeAlpln and Oak Ridge;
93 per cent, McKee, Eratum,
North Howell. Eldrledge, Har
mony, Shaw, Centerview, Oakdale,
Nable, Bethel and Cloverdale.
Ninety-seven per eent, Pringle,
Battle Creek, Willard, Cham
poeg. . Evans Valley. Hazel Dell,
Roberts. Whiskey Hill, Grassy
Pond, Hazel Green, Thomas. Sid
ney, Mehama, Mt. Angel, Fruit
land, Auburn, Bridge Creek and
Ray bell; 9$ per cent, Donald,
Arbor Grove, Sublimity, Marion,
Brooks, Central Howell, Liberty.
Stayton, Swegle. Pleasant Point.
Riverside and Riverview.
Ninety-five per cent. Middle
Grove, Rickey, Macleay, Manning,
Jefferson, Hubbard, Oak Grove,
Parrlsh Gap, niihee, Fairview,
Bethany, Johnston, Oak Glen,
1 '
In the Churches
. (Ceattanet trees rre t)
Xm. tote ltaGUaarUt, "Sun, Soil
Witt Thee" (Steve). twrewM M
vaaa Sam4ay ul aU tee aeawears el tte
cavrah or mrgS te to S tenet. Aaaaal
tpmtlm 1 steal Umimj. Kanh ST,
S4S MarU Of )! mnI BfUe
MlMl-M IS m. AU Bibl eUat t
IS ml C1sm for u M. same at
A SmBjact. "Tto Ito f the lUu
m' by M.X. BaUy. lWrm auric
far ekilaa m4 4alu Friday va-
iaf. Bike atady a TaMday rraaias al
Hi la OUfUa Baaa, paatac ftaaday
10 kjb. T. D. Trie. Batt. Man
ia werU 11. "Allalata, Aaaa." Sola
ky Bait Paaraaa. Cartatia Xadaavar tea
Ma led T TaUala Triek. Evaaiac
Mf at T, Ta Xirael at ta Baamtifal
Oata." Bibl itudjr aad pram Friday,
1 :S0.
North Cottar aad Ckemektt Areata.
Fred Alba a Wtil, miaiiter. Charch acaoal
at 10 e-BL Kile H. McKay. 8upU
(larch eerriee at 11 a.m. Sermoa "Se
curity." Mr. Walter Deatoa, orj
Chmeketa aad lTtk (tracts. Iaterde
BomiMtiooal. Prayer aarrice every Sua
dr eftcraooa at 3:45 and every week
day BlpM at 1:30 excepting Thunder
and Saturday. The anbject for a brief
Lake Lablsh. Elkborn. Clear
Lake, Porter and Mill City.
stceaai Baaday artarmaaa wini
t!.I ntaoa ta a SatleflaS Heart as-
aerlaeea." A. J. Bauta ta eaaria.
daae. 1151 Ssdaaer street, Waat Sale,
s mm
A plan to relieve local people
of giving cash hand-outs to per
sons who beg them for a meal,
and at the same time to assure
that alma given are used for a
meal, has been devised by the
Open Door mission.
The mission offers to anyone,
four meal tickets for SS cents or
12 tickets tor $1. These tickets,
given to any person who seek
of the holder a dime or so. will
entitle him to a meal per ticket
at the Open Door mission.
"Good, substantial food Is as
sured and we have worked costs
down until we can provide plain,
wholesome food', for about nine
cents per individual.'' Mr. Coulon
' of the mission says.
Made by Vicks on
New Mouth-Wash
Holiness Society
Holding Meeting
Here on Tuesday
High School Boy
Oi Dallas Dies
After Operation
DALLAS, March 9 Reuben J.
Martens, 14, died at the Dallas
hospital Wednesday night after
an appendicitis operation a week
He was born July 18. 1918 in
Herbert, Sask. He was in his
freshman year at Dallas high
Martens Is survived by his fa
ther Henry J. Marten; brother,
Bennie Martens; two sisters, Mrs.
Ben Beesl and Mary Martens, all
of Dallas.
Funeral services will be held
under the direction of Hlnkle and
Thomas mortuary Sunday, March
12. at 2 p. m. from the Washing
ton street Mennonlte church in
persons afflicted with the disease,
Bits: Frank Branch Riley who M hTe h,B school students, for
nafnta nrnran with w a t d a instance.
throughout the east, enjoyed the
closing day of the session, spat-at
"I? L"mokin? 8m" ,c,ar Unusual Otter Is
iu iiuiusr . . . xnaay oi iue legis
lators wished a courteous good
bye to the newsmen, especially tbe
members standing for reelection
the next campaign . . . Fred Dra-
ger will be busy for several weeks
with odds and ends In the house
but yesterday he was attired In
his prison guard suit, discarded
during the session . . . Drager has
charge of the entrance gate, end
of State street .... a few members
gave out through overwork and
left one day ere the session ended
not so with President Kiddle,
who will be here until the week
end . . . home scurried most of
the lawyers, dead anxious to re
open their offices . . . lone stars
like WInslow of Tillamook have
done virtually no legal business
since the first of the year and are
anxious to resume serving their
Leading candidate for speak
er. "35' is little Earl Hill of
Lane county. He Is an organiza-
I will accept local exchange currency for
merchandise or on accounts in any
amount desired. No limit.
Corner North Commercial and Center
The Marlon county Holiness as
sociation will hold Its monthly
mAatlfiv mt tfia levari ctaI foal
church, will meet in a comuintj Chnrch. Marlon and North Sum
armin at 8:30 o ClOCK bunaay I m. mtrgkkta nn ThmiIit T?av
evening. Dean J. R. Jewell of the Carl r Miller of the Newberg
department or education oi xm Friends chnrch will give the
University of Oregon win oe me mornlnr message at 10:30
speaker or me eveum. o'clock.
In the afternoon, at 2:30
.&c1 " "7 v "r: o'clock. Guy Sharp, pastor of the
. tendance this term. Natarene church at Newberg. will
ually large attendance tnu term, closine session
rlth 35 students enreiiea u., n T "vwirVr.
If. . I m M 11 I I an a, tJ.iAM.m --
Single room, ... " TTt-oa M-thodist
Vprann COUntT SCnOOl luyenu- vi " " -- - - -
e,? ciL.,-J W church, will speak. Rev. Fenwlck
there Friday. Sheaiso risuea ine wm
nu-nmf.hnrn schools, wnere not u5 -
lunches are still being served, and mer,
the Hall school.
Mntnal Movee Offices of thai f---T 1? ))) tfO Cfl
Mutual Benefit Health ft acci- vw
dent and the United Benefit Lire
arencies here have
v... mvAt from 175 South High
VCDU ' . . ... V
street to 235 Union anja wu m
open for business mere mouuj,
It was announcea yesieiu.j,
Licenses are Sold
The makers of Vicks VapoRub
have put out a new antiseptic
mouth-wash and gargle. It will do
everything that any mouth anti
septic can and should do . . . and
at half the usual cost.
The proof is actual use in your
own home. To furnish this proof,
5 million bottles In a special trial
slse were supplied to druggists,
below cost a 25c value for only
But the demand has been enor
mous. If your druggist is already
out of the trial site, the regular
10-ounce site of Vicks Antiseptic
is an even bigger bargain a 76c
value for only 35c. And, after
using it a week, if you are not de
lighted with its quality, and amaz
ing economy, you can return. the
unused portion and get your mon
ey back. Adv.
Legislative Acts
Reviewed, Paulus
Otto K. Paulus, representative,
reviewed the work of the legis-
ture at the Ad club meeting Fri
day noon. He discussed particu
larly the financial legislation and
the motor license and motor :
truck bills. Many questions were
asked by those present regarding
the Tate of various bills.
To Milk and Cream
Will be accepted by tha undersigned Groceries and
Markets in reasonable amount, as payment on tha pur
chase of Food Articles from these stores.
BETHANY. March 10 Mr. and
Mrs. G. Herrigstad who have been ;
llvlnr on the William Barber
farm here have moved to Silver-
ton and are renting the Clarence
Sebo residence. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnson and three children
have purchased the Barber place
and are moving on it at once.
Coming Events
March 10-11 State high
school wrestling tournament
at Salem high.
March 10-11 District 12
basketball tournament.
March 13 Regional Pas
tors conference, Interdenom
inational, First Presbyterian
March 15 Last day for
filing federal Income report.
March 15-18 State high
school basketball tourna
ment. , .
March 20 Minnesota club
winter meeting, I.M.C.A.
Jnne 2-4 Fourth Annual
Willamette Valley Flower
Show. i
July 34-26 Annnal En
campment, Spanish War
yrterane.i ,
More than 12,000 32.50 auto
licenses have been Issued In the
state since the legislature enacted
the law making such a Bum the
flat license until July 1, 1933.
State license officials estimated
yesterday that fully 9000 of the
cars licensed under the new law
would have remained off the
roads until July 1 with the cheap
license rate.
Permanent Wave
Shampoo, Finger Wave;
Manicures and Marcel 25c each
By Junior Apprentice
Beauty Maid Shoppe
Over Steusloff Market
Tel. 4486
As Low g5,
474 Court TeL 5401
Your Check Is Good
II I M man n
Vacuum Cleaners
and Floor Waxers
to Rent
Call 6010, Used Furniture
151 North High
Sosicks Grocery,
7 N. Commercial
Crosa Market & Grocery
185 N. Liberty St.
Commercial Grocery
171 S. Commercial
Caplan'sj Grocery
137 S. Commercial
Goodman Grocery
3441 Fairgrounds RA
Krueger Grocery
1199 S. Commercial
LeGarie Grocery
1669 Center St.
Tha Market
470 N. Commercial
Modal Food Market
171 N. High St.
Roberta, C 11
7St S) Street
Marr Grocery.
17th A Market Sts.
Carl ft Bowersox
387 Court Street
Pad Grocery.
1344 State St.
Fred Meyer Grocer
170 N. Liberty
Steusloff Grocery &
399 Court Street
State Street Grocery
1313 State Street
Shrode, D. L. Grocery
701 S. 12th Street
Upaton Grocery
101 a. Commercial
Wood Bros. Grocery
153 N. Commercial
Irish-Bittff Grocery Co.
394 N. Commercial
Safeway Stores
163 N. Commercial
1978 N. Capitol
370 N. Commercial
1937 State
Payn Takit, 9SS S. Commercial
Salem Oregon
Put On Your
Women's Soles
Men's Soles Boy's Soles
according to size.
We use only the finest leathers and there can be no
finer work produced in any shop.