The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' fAGS-l OUltf r-r? w fiwHittwr awstem Th OREGON STATESMAN. Ealta, Oregoa SatBTgiyllornlag. 1 31VXS33
I:-:.;;;- mmsM ; "The Challenge of Love" Sct
"No Favor Sways Vi; No Fear S1U AtctT
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851
Chakles A. Snuoui - . ... Editor-Manager
SmtPON F. SACMTT - . . Managing Editor
Member 'of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled U the as for public
fmm ot all mwi dispatches credited to it or Dot othenrU credited to .
tbl paper.
Portland Representative
Gordon B. Bell, Security Building. Portland, Ore.
Eastern Adrertlslaf Representatives
Errant. Griffith Branson lac, Chicago. New York. Detroit.
Boston. Atlanta.
Entered at the Pottoffice at Salem, Oregon, as Second-Clan
Blatter. Published every morning except Monday. Busmeet
if ice, SIS S. Commercial Street.
Stall Subscription Rates. In Advance. Within Oregon : Dally and
Sunday. 1 Ma t cents; Ma 1.2 J; Ha 12.25 ; 1 Tear 14.00.
Elsewhere SO cents per Mo., or fS.OO for 1 year In advance.
By City Carrier: 4S cent a month ; $5.00 a year to advance. Per
Copy i centa On trains ana News Stands I cents.
Digging Out From Under
TN the countries of heaw snowfall, after jir.h hio- rl?rrrf
X householders have to "dig
legislative session in tne History, of the state has brought a
"heavy snow" of new laws. It will take the people weeks
to dig out from under, weeks even to ascertain what the
new laws are. Much has been written about the big items
j)f legislation, the sales tax, the motor license fees, the
truck and bus regulatory measure. Along with such major
laws has come a whole raft of minor bills, amendments of
existing laws, fresh laws adding new controls to competitive
groups. Many of these the public will never hear about un
til they get nicked with some of these statutory provisions.
We will not here attempt any review of the laws. It will
take some days before the compilation is complete enough to
make specific comments with the accuracy required.
It is fitting however to offer words of commendation of
the legislature. It met the problems of the state and offered
constructive solutions for those most pressing. It abstained
from radicalism which might have been feared, judging from
the temper of some of the members. On moral questions
the legislature was retrogressive, only the hold-overs in the
, senate acting as bulwark to protect measures conserving
public morals.
The protracted session, with many critical and serious
questions, progressed with remarkable smoothness. Rarely
were tempers ruffled. Presiding officers won praise for the
fairness and dispatch which they exercised. Members en
deavored to' legislate for the public interest, and though
there are many decisions which we may not agree with
personally, we feel that members displayed careful conscien
tiousness and devotion to state welfare.
Undoubtedly criticisms will arise here and there over
what the legislature did and what it did not do. Some of
them may be justified; others may only be the habitual yap
ping at legislative bodies accompanied by the conventional
shake of the head as though the world was headed fast for
the bow-wows. The legislators worked long overtime, at
their own expense, in order to finish up the necessary la
bors. The general verdict of the state, subject to modifica
tion after further study of the "snowfall" of new laws, may
well be : "Well done, good and faithful servants".
President Speaks for Economy
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S short, crisp message to the
congress on the necessity of national economy is timely
and should receive enthusiastic approval of the masses of the
American people The federal expense has grown like Jon
ah's gourd. As the president plainly said "for three long
years the federal government has been on the road toward
bankruptcy." He further points out the simple truth that
the whole credit structure rests on the stability of the na
tional credit. When the latter is impaired the former cannot
Roosevelt has read the lesson of history regarding the
-weakness of democratic governments owing to failure to
provide sufficient revenues to meet the popular demand for
expenditures. As he says :
"Too often in recent history, liberal governments have been
wrecked on rocks of loose fiscal policy. W must avoid this dan
ger." Finally Pres. Roosevelt recommends, not a boosting of
taxes or a levy of fresh taxes (although that may become
necessary). He asks for authority to reduce the outgo of
the federal government. In view of the clash of interests in
congress the chance of getting such economy by congression
al legislation is very doubtful. Distasteful as it is to the
American people to vest such great powers in the hands of
one man, such is the emergency that it seems a present nec
essity. Veterans' organizations, we note, are becoming active
against this grant of power for fear that their share in the
government outlay may be reduced. It will have to be re
duced. With national bankruptcy just round the corner the
plain mathematics of the treasury makes it mandatory to
reduce the billion dollars which now goes to veterans' relief.
A few bold, constructive strokes by Pres. Roosevelt, if
properly supported by the congress, will do more to restore
public confidence and get the wheels of business turning
again than all the pep and cheer propaganda that may be
Public Order
THE foundation of public order is the attitude of the pub
lic For a nation whose citizens glory in their sense of
personal freedom, the American people show remarkable
self-control when times of crisis arise. There have been few
such in the century and a half of the nation's existence; but
many of them have been acute. Each time the sober thought
of the people has been manifested and disorder has been
In past months there have been waves of unrest among
men out of work, but usually this spent itself in parades
with flaming banners. There has been virtually no rioting,
not so much as in' some previous depressions.
At the present time a remarkable restraint is percep
tible. The people go about their daily affairs as usual. They
are cheerful, even humorous about it all; and universally
optimistic They look for swift setting of things to rights
and have a great confidence in the ability of Pres. Roose
velt to get things in order.
It is a proof to the discipline and self-control of our
The column drew the wrong arrow1 from Its Quiver yesterday
;, la discussing the Thomas utility bill a -killed by adjournment",
v When the editorial was written the bill did appear dead, but resus
citation methods were applied while the clock was stopped and the
:- bill restored to life by concurrence of the two houses In amend
meats. The general remarks anenj. the bill still stand however. It
goes practically as far as regulation should go; and if the state
cannot "regulate" the power companies now it WUl either hare to
abandon the attempt or take the utilities QTer and run them.
,. '; I
Sips thinks it was a good thing the Qilmore lion and the cat
tle didn't "cross dates' and. show in Salem the game day. The
estala was already a cross between a buffalo and a cow; and it
- never takes mneh tn . Hn MMI Kwifr tf en list mA Ma1ik
; , , tried a cross. Just wha$ would
a : . v ausv
' fS t It la wewk. wa4V V t ew
" vr, r
out from under". The longest
, j MVtt fMIU S VtUUV
the offspring bet At their respect-
vsu wua MW ctuuo oy
. a.
omcircr nt Kosebsrg.
By Royal S. Copeland, MJ).
KECENTLiT l addressed a group
of mothers interested ia hygiene and
the simple rules of health. One of
the questions asked me was. "What
Is a good dlstn-
I know of many
useful chemical
agents, but I can
think of no bet
t e r method e f
disinfection than
the liberal use of
warm water and
soap. Disinfect
ants and antisep
tics are of value
when applied to
furniture, walla
and bedding, but
few of them can
be osed on the
Dr. Copeland
skin because of
the Irritation they produce. Of course
this is a general statement and your
doctor will advise you as to the
choice of a safe disinfectant.
When using a soap, bear in mind
that a pure, nonlrrttatlng soap Is
best Pure soap used with warm
water keeps the pores of the skin
clean and permits the normal excre
tion of sweat and poisonous waste
Of course plenty of "elbow grease"
is necessary In applying the soap and
water. Vigorous scrubbing Is usefuL
Warm water Is preferable. It dis
solves dirt and grease more readily
than cold water.
Persons afflicted with acne or other
skin disturbance are often misled in
their choice of a suitable soap. Cas
tile soap Is excellent. It Is made
from pure olive oil, does not contain
added fat and Is nonlrritatlng. Medi
cated soaps have a pleasant odor, but
some of them may prove irritating la
certain skin disorders.
Keep the Hands Clean
X cannot overemphasize the impor
tance of keeping the hands clean. It
la a recognized fact that the hands
are the most common agents for
spreading the germs of disease. Chil
dren often contract childhood diseases
because of soiled hands. Common
eating and toilet utensils, door knobs,
chairs, tables and other objects are
laden with many varieties of danger
ous germs. Since It is Impossible to
keep these objects constantly clean,
ft Is necessary that the hands be fre
quently and thoroughly washed with
a good, pure soap and warm water.
Some time ago I pointed out to you
the danger that lurks in the family
towel. Although most persons are
careful about the towels they use,
there are some who are amazingly
careless. It Is always a good plan
to use the Individual toweL
Wash the hands with soap and
water before each meaL If you han
dle soiled objects be sure to wash
your hands immediately. Children
should be encouraged to wash their
hands whenever they are soiled and
always before eating.
A good way to encourage this
health habit is to offer prizes for
dean hands. Once a child acquires
the habit of cleanliness, he will carry
it with falm throughout life.
In addition to the hygiene of the
bands, daily bathing of the body Is
an aid to good health. The skin
throws off many poisonous sub
stances dissolved in the body sweat
Ia this way the skin aids the kidneys
and Intestines in ridding the body of
undesirable waste products.
Dally bathing keeps tba skin In a
healthy condition and aids In proper
elimination of poison. A warm bath
before bed time Is soothing as weU
as cleansing. Insomnia Is often over
come by this simple procedure.
Answers to Health Que rise
A. K. Q. What do you advise for
falling hair?
A. Brush the hair daily and use
good tonic Send self-addressed,
stamped envelope for further particu
lars and repeat your question.
(Copyright, 1919. K. T. S, Ine.)
QUEENER, March 10 Lloyd
Scliaefer has been called to San
Francisco by the Illness of his
uncle. Lloyd will be gone for sev
eral days.
I K i ( V," j, x I
'v . V , Jf
Joaquin's first dollar,
first poetry, other firsts:
(Continuing from yesterday:)
"I left half a doien heads huddled
together over that personal, read
ing and rereading it. Of coarse,
they must hang the man; but as
I, their cook, was already half
dead, what could they doT Why
not one of them go and got the
"They took the terrified, half
dead and helpless convict over to
dinner and asked him all sorts of
questions. No, the woman was not
a bad woman, only not pretty.
That was the only fault he could
bo persuaded to admit. So it was
settled that Long Dan, or Daniel
Long, as he was afterwards
known, set out to bring her, if he
could. Wo could build her a cabin.
The wretched man with his grave
only half dug had been told that
if his story about the woman was
true and Dan could bring her, he
would hare to help her cook. He
meekly agreed that he would pre
fer this to being hung.
"I can now see- that they had
no intention of hanging the man
at all. They set him to filling up
his grave and to cutting cabin
logs close by so that they could
throw up a cabin.
"The logs being cut they put
them in place at once, covering
the cabin with cedar slats, from
which they had made the sluices.
Then . the preacher who would
marry them. If they wanted to be
or would be married, said we
must hare a reception; songs and
a march around, a sort of relig
ious procession around the cabin
with torches. And would the man
we did not hang, help?
"Would he! With a gasp, a
breath that must have reached
away down to the heels of the
big toed shoes, he fairly danced
... Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
man of EarUer Days
March 11, 1908
Wasco county democrats hay
pledged themselves to support
Governor George E. Chamberlain
for the United States senatorshlp.
Members of Company M, O. N.
G., are pleased to learn that the
long-looked-for Springfield rifles
are now on their way here. The
initial shipment of the new guns,
far superior to the Krags, to any
guard unit in the country, was re
ceived at the Portland armory last
week. .
Salem's official water waeon
made its first appearance on the
pared street yesterday, laying the
dust in good shape so that when
the street sweeDer came alone in
the evening there was not the
usual cioud of dust.
March 11, 1923
Minute-men speakers, drawn
from business and professional
ranks. Will sneak in all Salam
churches Sunday advocating pas
sage Monaay or tne proposed
$600,000 bond issue for construc
tion of needed school buildings
hero. -
Figures show that Salem has
spent less money for her schools
than any other first class district
in the state. Part of this is due to
delaying new bunding operations
since 1915.
MEDFORD The Jury in the
first of the Jackson county night
riding and kidnaping cases freed
the trio of defendants after but
abort deliberation yesterday. The
nexx trial win begin next week.
with delight at the idea and be
gan singing this chorus:
" 'For a woman she can do more
with a man
Than a king and his whole
arm -eel'
"And then the preacher asked
me to make the song with that
chorus at the end of each Terse;
to show the woman how truly im
portant she must be in a camp of
so many men and not one single
woman! And this was my first of
fense lu the line of song.
"I did not know anything at all
about poetry, but I was full of the
Bible and Bible themes, so I first
took up Sampson:
" 'Now, Sampson he was a mighty
strong man,
A mighty strong man was he;
But he lost his hair and he lost
his eyes,
And also his liber-tee!
For a woman she can do more
with a man
Than a king and his whole
"Then I took up Daniel in the
lion's dea; then I took up David
and Uriati's wife, and so on. Then
I concluded with the following
lines about that wisest of all
" 'Now. Solomon he was a mighty
wise man,
A mighty wise man was he;
Aye, Solomon he had 700 wives.
And also a dyspep-see.
For a woman she can do more
with a man
Than a king and his whole
"You should have heard this
chorus as the 27 men, led by the
preacher and the man wo didn't
hang, marched around that cabin
and held high their blazing pitch
Plno torches. What a rehearsal!
She came! Dan smuggled her into
the cabin and, with a full heart,
get back and around to the
preacher and whispered that they
lredvr. en61. d now,
lnco tho cabin was all ready, they
wanted to bo married right off
"Then Dan led her forth, and
i-!ir.JfSrmrrled T torchlight,
and then the boys all went to bed.
to let the poor, honest woman,
who had come so far to work,
have a good night's rest. I did not
see her till next morning. But I
am frank to say that she had
been bravely honest about her
looks 8ho was the plainest wom
an 1 had ever seen. At least, this
wsa my feeling at first glance.
But she zrew tn r
ory day as she rested, and got up ;
g Booa amners out of al
most nothing.
"I Was TOnr ill nnw an1 .
seo a doctor. Never baring been
t.n. Am v a- . - .
-"""a ouuugu 10 eat ana assim
ilate meat and having here noth
ing at all to eat except beans and
bacon and coffee, and besides
having been on my feet all the
time, mr slim litti u.. .
stiff and began to show purple
oyvt. ui scurry.
"I gave my share of the claims
to the unfortunate creature
known as 'the man wo didn't
hang,' and gave my share of the
gold, 31 ounces, to the preacher,
to take back to papa, as he and
other men with
families in Oregon wero going to
return before the snows made the
mountains impassable.
"I fell la with a new man, a
new manner of man. on my way
to the citr. a rr.t m- ... ...
ana soul; a close companion now
-u iutu aa tne years went by in
many lands both wild and Una
"At Yreka I collapsed and
knew nothing more till I found
myself In the car of a kind lit
tle Chinaman with Dr. Ream pull-
lnaT Din thrnnvli l. a. i. k
8ngtu-In the background stood
-Mr. Wolfs, rns sorry. It is vast
I suspected."
"Yov rw", sir
That there Is something wader
tfee surface. Of course that Burgess
affair. I understood It It was the
throwing down of the flora, I
den t like such methods.''
There was short, tense silence.
Then you are for compromise,
Mr. Flemmingl
ersuaslon.'' "I believed it to bo useless. X
dWt blame men whose first instinct
Is to remember their own interests.
But are these men persuadable T I
think not, by any ordinary meth-
Jlemming stared at a picture of
tho Israelites in t h e Wilderness
that hung on the oposite walL
1 wish for tho best, Mr. Wolfe.
I came here to try and discover
whether tho feeling I had about
things was correct. To see, too, if
something could not be done. .
"I am ready to meet you, sir, la
the best spirit, but "
"I should make it a condition
that there should be no black
guarding, no uproar."
"I dont want questionable meth
ods. But it would be impossible to
promise that there would be no fair
Then I can go no farther. I can
not bring myself to countenance
abuse, and clamour and and a
feeling of revenge."
"I understand."
"And I am sorry."
"Mr. Flemming, I too sm sorry."
Robert Flemming seemed to
have some difficulty in uprooting
himself from the hearthrug. He fell
into a bemused, hesitating stare,
knowing that it behooved him to
shake hands and go. The long si
lence grew oppressive.
"Well well " he heaved him-
eu inio acuon. ininx it over.
Mr. Wolfe."
"I have thought it over. At pres
ent we are in opposite camps.
"I dislike this idea of enmity.1
"I aeTor suggested enmity to
you, sir. Even in war one can be
He opened the door for Robert
Flemming, and accompanied him
out of the house. Flemming turn
ed at the gate.
-iseme ana see me some eve
"I Witt."
Wolfe watched him walk away,
realising that this slow, sleepy,
honest nature had been awakened.
It was tn November that Josiah
Crabber let BoxaU, of The Clar-
. . .
ton," off the leash.
"And doat snarl," said he,
"that's the mistake yon fellows
make. Talk down at the scoundrels;
improve them, but dont snarl. And
keep to the facts no personalities.
I have promised John Wolfe to
make a clean fight of it, and we
can't do better than follow his lead.
Send me the stuff before it is pub
For weeks BoxaU had been clank
ing his chain. There was something
of the look of the half -starved mon
grel about him. He was hungry,
and he got to work.
His bavin? reached even frn thm
seats of the gods. Mrs. Ursula
Brandon had not seen the "Wan
nington Clarion" twice in ten years.
Mere momentary curiosity made
her open a copy that had arrived
by yost and got itself included
among the letters on the breakfast
table. Young Aubrey had gone to
the man I had seen in the trail as
1 came to town.
"This man Ream was one of
the handsomest, manliest men
ever seen. He was the idol of the
new city, and, strange and unus
ual aa it may seem, ho is so still.
He is, and has ever been, tho king
and dictator of all that end of
California. They offered to send
him to the federal senate; but he
protested that ho did not want to
go to any place where he could
not seo Mt. Shasta."
As the reader perhaps recalls,
the date of the volume quoted
was 109. There is a footnote in
these words: "Dr. Ream has pass
ed since this was penned. His fun
eral was the largest and most im
pressive seen In California, the
carriages proceeding two
Herr Wagner's closing words in
his book, "Joaquin Miller and His
Other Self." tho Unee being by
"As I stop to tune in now, his
other self is scattered to tho
winds. (The poet's ashes were so
scattered.) I hear his real self
"' 'And o'i. tie vo'eos I have
heprd :
Such visions whore tho morning
A brother's soul in some sweet
A sister's spirit in a rose.
And oh, the beauty I hare foundl
Such beauty, beauty everywhere;
The beauty creeping on tho
The beauty singing through the
Tho lore in all, tho 'good, the
Tho God In all, or dusk or dawn;
Good will to man and peace on
Tho morning stars sing oa and
on. "
(Concluded tomorrow.)
Number Jobless
Set 12 Millions
(AP) William Green, president
of the American federation of la
bor, said here unemployment
rose to a peak of lt.TOt.90t ia
January and probably went high
er afterwards.
Tho Increase for January over
a year ago was - placed at 1,-400,000.
meet of the) foxhounds at Ches-
ton, and Ursula Brandon was alone.
-There vers crosses ia Was pen
cil slashed om the front sheet of
tho paper; also the words, "So
page i." She unfolded the paper,
found two eohrsans marked with red
Ink, and headed. "Public Spirit and
Publio Health."
For Ursula Brandon tho "Wan-
nisgtoa Clarion" had always stood
beyond the pale of decency. It was
tho mouthpiece of a class that she
regarded with frank, full-faced,
casual scorn. It suggested Dickens
at his cheapest to those who pre?
f erred Thackeray at bis best. The
Mieawbers and the SUgginses be
longed to it Nor was there any
doubt about Tho Clarion's" sneer
ing offensiveness. It was a narrow
organ advocating noble alma. It
flaunted the most horrible of com
binationsvenom and piety.
But this particular article sur
prised her into anger. Woman of
tho world that ahe was, mere inso
lence could not disturb her poise.
But this was different. The stuff
had restraint, intensity, a certain
grim humour. It did not run about
like a rabid dog. The characteristic
slaver -was absent
She pushed the paper away after
reading the article right through.
"I wonder who sent this? And I
wonder who wrote those para
graphs T They are perfectly scan
- But were they scandalous?
She refilled her teacup, and sat
looking through the mullioned win
dow at the November sunlight play
ing upon the green boughs of the
cedars. These trees were perfect,
utterly satisfying in their stateli-
nesa, and stateliness was part of
Ursula Brandon's nature. She
loathed such vulgar crudities as the
"Wannington Clarion," and her
loathing was justified. But this a
tide I BoxsH could never have pro
duced it The thing was like Emer
son put up to preach in some mean-
souled chapel.
"I believe that man Wolfe wrote
Tho thought surprised her ia a
new attitude. She was still angry,
but there was no contempt ia her
"I must look into this. Crump
had better come up and see me."
But this affair of the "Wanning
ton Clarioa" was to be hustled mo
mentarily out of her mind. Stand
ing at the window later in the
morning, she saw Whitehead, the
groom, come cantering up the
drive. The man's face had a scared
look. He had beea sent owl ia
charge of Aubrey.
Ursula Brandon went out into the
"What Is It, Whitehead?"
The groom dismounted. His eyes
were afraid of Mrs. Brandon, and
his chalky face glistened with
clammy distress.
"It's Mr. Aubrey, ma'am. He's
had a faU, ma'am."
"Is ft bad?"
"A broken leg;, ma'am. Fm fesr-
She drew a quick breath, a re
flux of relief after an instant of
"How did it happen?"
The man looked ready to snivel.
" Twerent my fault ma'am. Mr.
Aubrey would do It It didnt sig
nify what I said. I tried to catch
his bridle and he hit me with his
"What did he do, Whitehead?"
"Put Blinker at a five-barred
gate. The pony couldn't do it,
ma'am. Twerent Blinker's fan It
They are bringing him back in Mr.
Sanderson's cart I thought as I
would ride on."
Free seeds wUl be given only
to persons wanting to plant gar
dens and unable to buy seed; per
sons hsvlng acreage to plant must
PPly for federal seed loans, de
clared 8. H. VanTrump. county
horticultural agent, Thursday
night after the first day's distribu
50 Years Aao
From the Nation's News Files, New York.
Eastera States are ia the grip
meaas of traasportatloa and
JBJr7n hT "Trtd tel1 " how they
cannot forget the help our assistance has given to them.
-M11?. tBced Prof"iaal to care for the hand
SSfnessf 'fee11 7 " nW W M""4
w..., IMII.I., . , ,UI....
Thank you. Whitehead. Bide
oft at ones and tell Dr. Threadgold
to come over immediately."
The groom touehed his hat.
mounted, and went off like a cow
ard galloping out of action.
Aubrey Brandon's accident pro
voked a cotaedy that had its
touches of raw pathos. People who
have been spoilt are bad at bear
ing pain, and the boy's cries could
bo heard half-way to Navestoek
when Whitehead and another serv.
ant carried him up the stairs to
his room. He bit the groom's hand
as a dog that has been run over
bites the hand stretched out to suc
cour it Things cnlrainsted when
Montague Threadgold arrived.
"Bless my soul! Poor little man!
Now, my dear, well see what we
can do, shall we?"
Ingratiatingly benignant, he fussed
with sympathy. The boy was still
dressed in his mannish clothes,
riding-breeches and gaiters muddy,
one foot flopping out
Threadgold s pink hands flutter
ed near.
"Now, my little man, we must
be brave."
The boy sent up a fierce yell.
"Yon shant touch it I wont have
it touched."
"Come, come"
"Aubrey, dear I"
"He shant I tell you the old
" Aubrey!"
Threadgold attempted to rush the
situation. The boy's eyes flared like
the eyes of a cat He hit out wildly,
seresming with fear and fury.
ThreadgoU's pink, face was smack,
ed. The hard young knuckles land
ed oa his aose. He backed, re
adjusting his glasses, and began
to sneeze.
"Aubrey "
Til bite."
The boy was terror-mad, and un
manageable. "Ha tisshoo! ha tisshoo. My
dear "'. I "
Threadgold's face was half hid
den in his silk handkerchief. His
ears and neck were very red.
"I think ha-tisshoo, it would be
ad tisshoo advisable to wait
Ursula Brandon's eyes looked
through and over him.
"But that is impossible. The
child cant be left "
"My dear lady, perhaps you can
soothe him."
It was attempted and it failed.
Probably the boy's terror thrilled
the more to Threadgold's bleating
ineffeetualnesa. Pain refused to be
fumbled with. He fought them off.
The eld fool shant touch me."
Threadgold withdrew into the
shell of his pomposity.
"My dear Mrs. Brandon, ft wnn
to me that someone had hatter at.
tempt moral suasion.-!"
His helplessness fired her impa
tience. "No doubt But the ehtu M
lie there."
"It is im do stable to Aa n.fVi,,.
- wiIUliH
with him."
The situation eama rono-Vlw
against her pride.
Have you anv ob lection tn m
sending for Mr. Wolfe? We will
regard it as an emergency.'
"My dear '" if v, wia.
is summoned, I cannot for one mo
ment think of meeting him."
His piaue sneered hr mnA
her sweeo h i m said hiK.t,...
"I am sorrv. Rnt nm.ti.;..
must be done. I shall send for Mr.
And Threadgold departed.
(Te B Coatiaaed)
Dutribottd by kO Fcatnrr. Sradiu. lit
tion of the seed from the White
feed store. Several applications
for enough seed to sow as much as
three acres were turned down, he
Call for the free seed Thurs
day were few. Sublimity was the
farthest point from which per
sons camo after tho packets.
Mr. Van Trump said that men
with largo families might be giv
en double-size seed packets, while
those needing only smaU gardens
would be presented with half the
amount announced Thursday
morning. 8fteds may be obtained
only upon an order from the Red
of a blizzard that has neralvsed
rommwtLnT Mralysedl
"S i