The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, -. Oregon, Satnrday Morning, March 11, 1933
and Club Aff
Olive M. Doak, Socwfy Editor
Benefit Bridge
Is! Splendid .
One of the most successful bene
fits of the winter season was that
which was sponsored by the Les
lie Parent - Teacher association
Friday afternoon In the Masonic
St. Patrick's day symbols set
the decorative motif for the large
social room where cards were In
play and i where tea was7 served
following cards.
Winning scores were held by
Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Char
les MeElainney, Mrs. Ray Yok
um. Mrs. George Wood, Mrs. Gut
ter, Mrs. Joe Williams, Mrs. L. V.
Benson and Mrs. F. G. Goode
nough. Those attending the benefit
Included Mrs. Don Roberts, Mrs.
Harry Craln, Mrs. J. E. - Laws,
Miss Sally Lansing, Mrs. E. A.
Rhoten, Mrs. Frank Reeves, Mrs.
Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. Elmer Dane,
Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. O. A. Ol
son, Mrs. Clare a. vioDerx, mn.
McMeachan, Mrs
Saturday, March 11
B. it P. W. dab reception at Lausanne bail, 8 to
10 o'clock; friends invited to call.
Guests will be received at the George H. Stoddard
home for a "tea cup" party.
Salem Women's club, business meeting 2:30 o'clock;
3 o'clock address by Mrs. Ava Mlam, dean and direct
or of borne economics in Oregon State college; address
open to any Interested woman.
B. & P. W. Reception
At Lausanne Hall
State Federation Head is
Honored at Dallas Affair
Card Social Held by Artisans; Albert Tozier
One of Trio Feted; Bridge Club Meets
Hubbard A charming lnnova- Dallas The March meeting of
tion was the dessert bridge party the Dallas Woman's club was In
Thursday night for which Mrs. the form of a buffet luncheon
George Grimps and Mrs. Hugh honoring the state federation
Wells were Joint hostesses at the president, Mrs. Charles N. Bllyeu.
home of the former for the mem- Guests from Portland for the af-
Roger Wood- I bers of their bridge club and their I fair were Mrs. Saidle Orr Dunbar.
row Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. V. husbands. Jonquils and greenery recording secretary of the Gener-
P. McNamara, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, and dainty favors effectively car- al Federation, Mrs. George Ger-
Mrs. William Newmeyer, Mrs. rled out a color scheme of green aid Root, first vice president of
Edgar Pierce, Mrs. H. G. Maison, and yellow. the state federation, Mrs. William
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Kane U. Hign nonors were won oy airs, meizer, eaitor or the Oregon
Becke, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Waldo Brown, Mrs. A. J. Smitb, Clubwoman, and Miss Margaret
j. xi. uieaver ana l,. a. uraaen. uuns, puoue neaitn nurse, who
Guests bidden were Mr. and will soon be on duty in Polk
Mrs. Waldo F. Brown, Mr. and county.
Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. W. Henkle was in
C. H. Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. charge of arrangements for the
Braden, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stew- luncheon
art, Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Boje, Mr. I Following the business meet-
and Mrs. Julius Stauf fer, Mr. and I ing, Mrs. Bllyeu presided for the
Mrs. Lester Will, Mr. and . Mrs. I program which had been arrang-
Elmer Stauffer, Mrs. Neva Mc
Kenzie, Mrs. Alice Weaver, Miss
Frances Weaver, E. O. Erickson
and Dr. Fred Burke.
Y; WCrTAi Executive
Meeting Held5
The county executive -board
I meeting of the W. C, T. TJ..met
at the Salem W. a T. TJ. ball on
Ferry and South Commercial
street Friday for an Interesting
Reports were given from va
rious committee members and
beads. One of the most Interest-
Tie annual celebration of Bus!- ul
eaAaeen en an .1 DAfAaaMl WAHftla I Me WV VMwwu - -
club week will come to a'elose In near Corvallls, an i"tutlon orl-
Salem with the observation of the gn"r 'f0" " w-
rlnK rntlnn -in latareiaraid I U.
friends to be held Saturday n.'ght Report show that It Is free
at TnKAsnn hn hotvAon tha I from debt but receives ail con
hnnri nf X. rtVlnrV anrl 11 nVlor lr. I trlbntlons rladlv because of the
Onaata will It wrnatA (it W man damand Created 10 r ISO
Helen Louise Crosby and Mrs. fast growing number of cnuaren
Esther Hagedorn. Miss Olive Dahl to be eared for; homes are con
will introduce to the receiving stantly being solicited for youth-
line In which will stand the elnh I fnl nroteres: children or niga
president. Miss Ruth Moore, her I school age sent by bus to Corval
mother. Mrs. Arthur H. Moore. n; aneclal study classes are pre-
Miss Merl Dimiek. Mrs. Mona oared In Swiffa home and are
Yoder and Mrs. Susan Varty. conducted by capable teachers.
Miaa M&rraret Conner and Mrs. hnnnttnl eoninned througn aia 01
LaMoine Clark will preside at the Salem Women's ciuo; aociors nu
service Uble. Serving will be Miss surgeons give services ror cniia
Amanda Scbwabbauer. Miss Mtt- needs In most cases; there are
tie Reeves, Miss Laura Hale, Mrs. I 115 children boused in tne va
Milly Herbster, Mrs. Emma Hlns, rlous homes. Many other inter-
Mrs. Hulda Leldstrum, Mis Edna eating points were tola concern
Lucker, Mrs. Maude Ramsyer, inr the work there.
Miss Mable Llndquist, Mrs. Myr- Rapid growth of union over
tie Anderson and Miss Olga Lar- the country was announced by
son. Mrs. Necla Buck, national or-
Hostease around the truest I anr whn has riven 30 ad-
rooms will Include Mrs. Lizbeth dresses in Marion county within
Waters, Mrs. Winifred Herrlck, recent weeks.
Mrs: Grace E. Smith, Miss Jose- The mid-vear banquet netted
phine Shader, Miss Ola Clark and I ,50 to the union which will be
Bliss j nana noimes. riven to the county organization
Miss Daisy Hayden Is chairman I for use.
'A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs. G. v.
Bmith, Mrs. F.C. Ritner, Mrs. W.
Vincent, Mrs. J V. Schur, Mrs.
B. F. Pound, Mrs. T. E. Rilea,
Mrs. Knight Pearcy, Mrs. H. R.
NVhite, Mrs. E. A. Donnelly, Mrs.
. A. Brown, Mrs. E. N. Ken
nedy, Mrs. Bert Smyth, Mrs. E.
B. Gabriel, Mrs. C. C. Gabriel,
Mrs. Arnold Krueger, Mrs. Walter
Minier, Mrs. Gene Grabenhorst,
Mrs. Leo Page. Mrs. B. F. Fore
man. Mrs. Joe .Williams, Mrs. E.
Jt. Frederickson, Mrs. Max Gut
ter, Mrs. A. L. Llndbeck, Mrs. W.
'A. Pettit, Mrs. Stephen Stone,
Mrs. W. C. Conner, Mrs. David
Wright, Mrs. Walter Pennington,
Mrs. Whiting Thompson, Mrs. W.
. Hansen. Mrs. G. A. Wood, Mrs.
L. C. Smith, Mrs. W. W. Rose
braugh, Mrs. W. I. Staley, Mrs.
George Nelson, Mrs. Roy Hurst,
Mrs. R. F. Watson,
Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs. Fritz
Weisser. Mrs. W. J. Liljequlst,
Aurora Albert Tozier, mayor
ed by her. Mrs. Root spoke brier
ly about the work of the scholar
ship loan fund and said that 75
girls are now in schools of the
state. MrB. Kletzer and Miss Gil
lis also spoke. Miss Louise Cot
trell, secretary of the Child Wel-
of the state fair campgrounds and fare commi88k)n .ald that of 2
627 children taken from their
homes during 1932 only 103 were
full orphans. Polk county bad 50
children in institutions during
Mrs. Virgil Bolton and Mrs.
A. J. Cleveland presented two
duet numbers, accompanied by
Miss Mable Teal at the piano and
Miss Dorothy Palmer on the vio-
erstwhile superintendent of Cham
poeg park, together with Mrs.
John Kister and M. S. Shrock,
master of Champoeg county Po
mona grange was honored Sun
day at the Tozier home at old
Champoeg farm with a dinner In
celebration of their birthday an
niversaries. Albert Tozier the old
est of the three was born in In-
Miss Erma Weisser, Miss Babcock, diana March , 1860, delaying bis 1In
ira. uwiio ". - mmiiies inp wcti i"ie jwn. Following: this Mrs Dunbar
Pratt, Mrs. D. X. Beechler. Mrs. Gathering to enjoy the friend- wa, introduced who told bont
L. E. Barrick. Mrs. Zeda Rhoten Unesa 0f this occasion were Mr. mw inmmi of interest
Lisle. Mrs. F. J. Goodenough, Mrs. and Mrs. George Yergen and Mr. ,v.f . ' f"f! .v.
Frank Boehringer, Mrs. Wayne E. and Mrs. John Kister of Aurora, januarT Doard meetinr in W.h
Greenwood. Mrs H. K. Stockwell, George Whitehead Portland; gKff 0j TS&SmtX
irs. w. a. jouuouu, wu- Mi8B owan, Bmrj nuc, eratlon of Women's clubs.
rt G. Braay, Mrs. ivavia . ni, Kiizaoetn buck, m. t. snroca, Tn conclndJll, nmher.
. tt r..r V.- A in I I w : I r1 1- anil I w
AITS. JLi. V . Aicitietuau, juib. i nmuii) aurvcn, in uire, auu
the hostess, Mrs. Edith Weather
ed Tozier.
Bethany Mrs. Oscar Satern
entertained members of the Stitch
and Chatter club at her home
laa, Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. Thursday afternoon. Present from
H T. Love. Mrs. William Cnana- other communities were Mrs.
ler, Mrs. A. R. Hunter, Mrs. H. Martin Hatteberg and Mrs. Hans Rebekah lodge who attended the
G Smith. Mrs. A. B. AdkisBon, Jensen of Silverton and Mrs. Rebekah district convention at
Mrs. Max Rogers, Mrs. T. T. Mack- George Elton of Brush Creek. The Silverton Tuesday were, Mrs. Zel
amzie Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. J. I afternoon was spent In quilting. I la Smith, chaplin of the conven
I U. irehler. Mrs. W. S. Dustin, Mrs
Perry. Mrs. E. G. Sanders, Mrs.
R. D. Fferls, Mrs. Fred Wolf, Mrs.
JCarl Bear Mrs. J. E. Whitehead,
Jr., Mrs. John Cox. Mrs. Thurlo
Smith. Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mrs.
E. G. RlcWetts, Mrs. Vernon Doug-
two trios with Miss Edrls Greene
playing the cello, Miss Palmer the
violin and Mr. Joe Hartley the pi
ano. Miss Greene and Miss Pal
mer are member of the Salem
Philharmonic symphony,
Scott Mills Members of Ivy
Earl Unruh, Mrs. Ben Drager,
Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mrs. C. A.
JJowns, Mrs. Hal Hobs, Mrs. Min
nie' Watson. Mrs. Clara Lucas,
Mrs. Marvin Lewis, Mrs. Clara
Udams. Mrs. J. D. Foley. Mrs.
Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Claud Elll
pon and Mrs. Herbert Ostlind.
The committee In charge of the
arrangements included Mrs. Earl
Pearcy, Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs.
deorge' Grabenhorst and Mrs. E.
'IV. Newcombe.
i a
Child Study Group
Changes Program
The Association for Childhood
Education announces a change in
program for March 14 at which
time will be heard Miss Harriet
Long who will speak on new
, books for children". All teachers
'of the city are invited to attend
this meeting which will be held at
S-45 o'clock in the fireplace room
! of the city library.
v ' The program which was sched
tilfd for this day was to have been
demonstration Instruction for the
feebleminded and this has been
i advanced to the April 11 meeting.
Keizer The home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Weathers was the
pcene of a happy gathering Mon
day night in honor of their daugh
ter, Goldle's, 20th birthday anni
versary. Mr. and Mrs. Weathers
were assisted by Ruth Weathers.
Those present were Dorothy
ekman, Jimmle Spitter, Delia
Weathers, Tom Burton, Evelyn
Beckner, Ernest Savage, Maxine
England, Vernal Weathers, Rosa
lie Evans, Victor DeJardin, Fawn
England, Earl Weathers, Nora
Thomas, John Evans, Eugene
Weather. Adlna Paulus, Virgil
Ohman, El ma Paulus, James
r.mnWl. Laura Mills. Alfred
ctrl 2305
tion; Mrs. Addle Smith, Mrs. Vina
Loslnger, Mrs. Blondina Sanders
Mrs. Goldie Marquam, Mrs. Clara
Nicholson, Mrs. Pauline Swart
out, Mrs. Edith Hogg, Mrs. Min
nie Groshong, Mrs. Delia Rich
Mrs. Rosa Murray, Mr. and Mrs
George Haynes and Mr. and Mrs
Joe Jones.
iis vanetia uosKins was
pleasantly surprised Saturday
sight after choir practice at the
home of iMr. atf Mrs. Iyan Smitb
Miss Mildred Rich sang a special
A surprise party was riven at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Crites, Friday recently, honoring
Mrs. crites on her 62nd birthday
The evening was spent in dancing
Silverton Twenty-nine quilts
were displayed at a party at
which Mrs. Frank Rahn was host
ess. Assisting Mrs. Rahn in serv
ing were Mrs. Dan Geiser an
Mrs. B. G. Oeder.
Those present were Mrs. Gei
ser, Mrs. Oder, Mrs. J. F. Fish
wood, Mrs. Albert Webb, Mrs. C.
M. Wray. Mrs. Ben Gifford, Mrs.
H. Good, Mrs. Emil Loe, Mrs.
Ross Wlnslow, Mrs. Martin Hat
teberg, Mrs. Hans Jensen, Mr3.
Frank Powell, Mrs. L. C. East
man, Mrs. A. A. Grlnde, Miss Ella
Varies u4 LJbartj. Brlttoa Xau,
minUtar. Bible aeaooi, t:4S, Tn Braar,
apariatamdaat. ViBiaf worship, 11,
"Tha Mew mm TUm al Ufa"; auii by
ataj ckaraa. Pnjar Bteatiag', :i0. Ja
iar, iataraiadiaU ami aaaiar B. T. P.
:S0. Orcaastra prahida, 1:19. JLwming
warship. T:0. 'Ta B-taa Wnui ai
Ua lZtk Caaptar af Uk Book af Bavela
tioa"; special aiatla kjr caoir. Aaaoel
basiaete aiacttag Taetday alfbt, Marek
28, at ekarek.
Tarry at 18U. O. Q. Wastea, paster.
Charch aarriee, I, wiUr baptisaaal acrr
iee. EvanceUatia sarrioa. 7:45, "The
BaralatioK.'' Prajar maatiars Moadar,
Wedaesdar, Txiimy, 1 p. m. Bible study
Taesdar, I Choir rehearsal Taorsday
at 7. deretiea aarriee at 8. Orchestra
practice Saturday, T; 700a people 'a
serriee at 8.
Briaooe, leader. Prayar aad yraisa serv-
tea Thareeaj, t:o. . .
janaHT aoacoBXAX.
ltth aad Berry. H. C Bterar, aiiala-
tar. Chareh acheel. 10. O. O. Harris, sa
periataadaat. Maralu worsaip 11, "Kaia
Uiaiac Coataoaara ; mala" aaartet.
Bleaae ie He That KeaoXk." Areaiaf
trrieev T:SO. "A Bel 1H ens Experieiiea" :
ekeraa chair. "Great Peace Uae They"
(Ueppia). lease peopi t aaeetiagt,
Fellowship et prayer Wednesday ereaiof
with Krs. Dorhs, 1805 South 14th.
for the reception plans and her
committee Includes Miss Olga Lar
son and Mrs. Lizbeth Waters.
Club colors will be used for
the room decorations and for the
It was announced the W. C. T.
U. convention for April wm w
held In Salem with North Salem
union as hostesses.
Mrs Luell Baker and Mrs.
centemiece motif for the service Helen Prescott were appointed a
table. I mm m lttM to study the state
Program numbers to be Kiven credit nlan for standard of effl-
during- the reception hours will clencv work to be adopted by numbers by the Meisiag- county organization.
nr trio, and nnmhera hw thA r.luh I "
sextet which include Mrs. Lizbeth
Waters, MrB. Margaret Collin, Formal Banquet
ira. .miiy jiowara, Airs. Louise 1 , r ry, . 1 .
Miltenberger and Mrs. Esther Lvent Or 1 Onignt
17th aad-Kebrstka. K. V. Wilsoa, pat
tor. Soaday school, t:45. Uorainf wor
ship, lL "A Baliaioa That hfskea God
BeaL" KTeaia worship, 7:30, "A W cau
sa of Quiet Mary." Yeanr people's
aaeettaf, :J0. "Probleau si Ifarriara
What Does it Keaa to be a Christisat"
Mr. WUsom aad Marioa Chase, leaders.
ISth aad CeaUr. rietcher Galloway,
pastor. 51 North 14th, pheae 9880. Sun
day school. 9:45. P. M. Utwiller, super
inteadeat. Voraiar worship, 11, "Meet
inx the Needs' of Oar Generation." Ere
aing worship, 7:80, "Technocracy Vs.
the Bairn of Christ' N.T.S. and Jun
ior society, 8:80.
Cottere and . G. W. Buteeh, min
ister. Sunday school, 9:45, Ssas Schir
Ban. snperinteadent. Morninf serriee,
11, "At the Dccisioa Poiat" ; choir song.
Women's Missionary raeetinK, 3:80. Era
ning serriee, 7:30 "Still Boom"; quar
tet. Begular midweek prayer terries
Wednesday at 8.
State aad Church. B. Earle Parker,
f u, niniiier. caurca senoou :4S. D.
a. ocnotae, supenntenaent. I'ublie wor
ship. 11, "Why We Behsre Like Chris
tisns." Toung people's forum. 8. Three
i-pworth laaguea, 6:30. Erening serriee,
7:80, "Should We Confets1'r Special
muaie by chorus choir under Cameron
(Mlsssart Syaod)
18th aad A H. W. Gross, pastor.
Sunday school. 9. William O'Neill. aa
periatendent. English aerriees, 9:45. G er
ma a aarricea, 11. English leaten semea
Wedaesday, March 15. at 7:80, sahject.
Weakness aad rower A max in Ely uaited
in the Patience of Jesus."
Plans Made for
A. A. U. W. Exhibit
The exhibit of old wedding
dresses which has been planned
Alpha Phi Alpha sorority will
entertain tonight at 7 o'clock In
the Silver Grille room of the
Gray Belle with a formal banquet
complimenting initiates of the
Covers will be placed tor 8 6
by the American Association of people at a long table made gay
ana aeugnuuiiy preny
Patrick day symbols tor the aec
oratlve motif.
The toasts will carry out tne
St. Patrick day idea too, aiiss
Marjorie O'Dell will speak on St.
Patrick: Miss Edyth daisy er will
talk on the shamrock: Miss Dor-
University Women as one of a ser
ies of original benefits the money
from which to go into the fellow
ship fund of the club, promises
to be a most interesting event of
Monday night at the home of Dr
Helen Pearce
In addition to the weddMU?
dresses some of which reach well othy McDonald will discuss .un
toward the age of 100 years, will erstition; ana miss m
be rare laces and rare shawls. The wm wis u m.
dresses will be modalnrl and will
be shown three times during the YounCTer Set
evening. This will allow guest , 6 . 1
to call at various times and still tUltertaineu
ha ahlA In iaa alt f h avrilMt
Mian Eleanor Asninwaii enter
tained informally for a group of
Parrlsh Junior high school
friend Thursday evening at her
home. Games, Including a Jig
saw puzzle contest, were enjoyed
during the early evening noon
win for the contest were
nnria Cramer and Harry Mason
TAfreahrrtanta concluded the
attractive affair. Mrs. Phil Aspln
The committee in charge in
cludes Mrs. Frank Spear, Mrs. J.
H. Lauterman, Mrs. J. C. F. Per
ry, Miss Lois Latimer and Miss
Beryl Holt
0 0
Mrs. Powers Honors
Kensington Club
An Informal afternoon was en-
au mini iusi &bc;i uivru wan , , . .
Joyed by members of the Kensing- wall assisted her daughter in
ton club Thursday when Mrs. serving.
Frank Power entertained at her Present were irons
home in compliment to them. Maxine Case, Ger aid lne
t. wit. c T.4tb . - T.nim. Barnholdt. Harry Mason,
gestions, was served late In the Jimmle Bishop, Otto Skopn, Fe-
afternoon to the club members ter Hoiren, ueorgw
and to Mrs. R. T. Boals, Mr. Gro- Eleanor Asplnwau
ri i A v tit i umi I '
1 ci xiiiiv-uoi, mis. naiuu iniiw, i
Arran g e m a i " " -
Tfcnrarlav nirht by the Lincoln
Ptnnt Teacher aasociauon tor
meeting Jointly with tne Mcrvin
t ley and Leslie P. T. A., final Br
and Mrs. Phil Barrett special
Mr. T. 8. Roberts will be next
hostess to th elub.
First Christian ehurch were
guests at the home of Mrs. Doro
thy McDowell Thursday after
noon. A short business meeting
preceded an Informal afternoon
and tea hour. As a pretty part of
the tea hour the high school girls
glee club sang a group of num
bers. Mrs. McDowell was assisted
at the tea hour by Mrs. A. A.
Cooper and Mrs. George Bowen.
Mrs. Verdleck, Mrs. Slevertsen,
Mrs. A. J. Fleming, Mrs. J. H.
Wrath, and Mrs. C. P. Thrapp
were additional guests.
e e
Mrs. L. J. Stewart who is in
Summer and hlarinn. FnAn Wl.
icord, D.D.. Minister. Snndar aphanl
9:45, L. L. Thornton, superintendent.
Morning worship, 11, 4 The Strsightneis
of the Gate"; prelude and offertory by
cuiei roMj rneips. enristisn En'
dasror resper serriee, 8:30 to 4:30,
KrsngelUtio serriee. 7:30. "The Holy
.-ipiru i tint mi uwn Heaaearen" ; ,m
pel song serriee led by W. E. Rsuhut, in-
lenpersea wun ipecisl musical selec-
ions. Bible studr and nrarer Thni-iH.r
- - rfi
t p. m.
Jefferson and Winter. H. G. Humphrey.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Mornicr
worihip, 11, "The Abiding Life": chorus
music led by Prof. Herman Clsrk. Ere-
nlng worship, 7:30, "Touching' Christ.
ung people's meetinc 6:H0. three i
visions, college, hirh school and inter
Commercial at Washinrton Charlea C.
Haworth, pastor. Sundsy schcal, 10,
neien re Jones, inpermtendent. Mornin
worship. 11. "What ia God Like?'
Cbnstisn Endesror, 8.80. Evening wor
shij, 7 :80. Meeting for prayer, praise and
oiDie ttnay inunasy, 7:30.
Hssel and Academy. Bible school. 10
lesson, II Ssmnel 4 and 5. Mere Saner.
superintendent. Preaching by D. S. Tur
ner, ll. u. D. Saucy will preach at 7:88.
Midweek prayer and praise serriee Thurs
day. 7:80.
Oiemeketa and Llbertr. Nalson hall.
Sunday school, 10. Preaching serriee, IS
Msrkst snd Winter. 3. K. Stewart.
pastor. Sunday school. 9:45, Emory
Uoode. superintendent. Morning worship,
11. Cnristisn Jot. Ereninc worship.
7:30, "The Pinal test." Young people i
meeting, 8:30. Prayer meeting Thursday,
i :ao.
19th and Breyman. J. H. Briscoe, pat-
tor. Sunday school, 9:45, If. D. Ander
son, superintendent. Morning worship,
11, "The Eagle's Nest." Evening wor
ship, 7:30, "The Judgment," both serr
icet conducted by E. D. Llnburg; Peggy
Briscoe will slag God a Tomorrow."
ioong peoples meeting, :SO. reggy
815 V& North CoMcrcial. Earl J. Se-
hrist. pastor. Serrieea every aicht. 7 :S0.
Saturday, Bible study, 10; afternoon serr
iee, 8. Sunday, Sunday school, 1; evan
gelistie service, 8. Friday, yoaag people's
night, 7:30. Daily prayer hear. to M
a. am. Belief department doors never close.
Nelson hall, 881 (Thesaeketa, Sunday eve
aings, 7:80. The lecture topic fer March
13 win be "Life's Adveature."
Ami riSheiwaea Oieaaekaaa-aael
Center. Bey. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. 8:4 C
Banaay'seaeel. A. A kraegar, euro.
ll aja, "He ShaU Net PaO.". Special
neic: Aatheau Rearer ' My; oe4fte) ;
Than,' WUUaass. Tne Adasa Trio, wa- .' ,
eal and ' iartramental. sceasBpaatad! -fey
Esther Maeller, all af the Meamoatk,
State XarmaL :0 atady
alas daring Lent, 7:80 evening warship: ,-. -f
" Uees raUl-oeel Asslstaaeel wtatar i
pleaie next Priday evening, March 17.
f . .
N. Shersnaai Hawk, paster. Sundsy
seheol at 10. Ivan Hadley. Sspt, Wor
ship at 11. Special nrssie. Sermon topic.
"Pardaer'a With God." Epwerth Lesgaa . k.
T:30, ereoia service 7:80. V
Highland aad Church street.
Center aad Liberty. J. B. Slmonda.
pastor. Sunday school, 8:45. Morning
worship, 11, Ceme. Let Us Keasoa To
gether, second ia series of Lenten ser
ious an Ureal Chapters from the
Capitol aad Marian. W. G. Lteakaemper.
pastor. Sunday school, 10, John Denny,
superintendent. German services, 10,
"The Pharisees aad Sadueees Silenced,"
a Lenten meditation. English services, 11,
The Second Word from the Cross'
special mosis by male qaartes.
18th snd State. Amos E. Miuaemaa,
A.M., pastor. Sunday school, N 0 : 40, Mrs.
Minaemaa, superintendent. .German serr
ices, 9:45, "The Woman of Canaan
Comes to Jesus Christ in Behslf of Her
Daughter." English services. 11. "The
Test Jems Puts Those to at Times Who
Call Upon Him." Lather league, 7, Leon
ard Zamxow, leader, subject, "Learning
How to Truly Pay. Midweek German
Lenten services Wednesday, 7:30, "The
Sacrifice of the Only Begotten ; speeisl
music Midweek English Lenten services
Friday, 7:30. "Jonah's Cry Out of the
Deep A Picture of the Saviour Crying
Out of the Depths": special music. Dor
cas society Wednesday, 3 p. m.
E. M. Beckett. Sunt. Merniar worship 11
o'clock. Junior C. E. at S:80 p.m. later-
mediate U. &. a;su. eentoy v. J5. 7.
EraageUstia service 7:30. Midweek
prayer meetlag 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
South Commercial street at Myers. Pas
tor, 8. Darlaw Johnson, 848 . Myera
street, phone 9887. Moraiag- warship
11 a'elock. Sarmoa by the pastor, "Spir
itual Hanger Satisfied." Aatheav "
Will Siag of Thy Power" (Baiaes). Spe
cial Violia maaie frees the Themes ' star
dio, Mrs. B. P. Thomas, aecamaaalat
Trie, "Whisperiag Hope," Bathya
Thomas, Vinton Scott, Vernon Scott. Solo
"The Holy City," Bathya Thomas. Hap-1
py Evening Hear at 7:80. Dsiuas ?
'"Though Thousand Fall" Soto by Carl
Masoa, "Grateful, O Lard." Aathesa.
"The God ef Abraham Praise" (Petri).
Church school at 9:45 a-aa. V. M. Beckett,
Sept. Three leagues at :15. Mid-week ,
prayer aad fellowship hear Thursday
evening, 7:80. Choir rehearsal, both
choirs, Mrs. Marjorie Bateliffe directing,
Thursday evening ia Leslie Hall. 7:45.
H. H. Caldwell, paster. Phono 8SS8,
Sundsy school at 9:45 a. as. Graavel
Sheets, Sapt. Morning worship at 11
a-m. Bev. John B. Turnbull, missionary
from Arabia win speak. 8pecial mission
ary service at 8 p.m. Yoang people meet
ing at 8:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30.
Sundsy C. T. Carlson and Rev. W. L Mc
Garray will speak at this closing service
af missionary convention. Bev. Tarn bull
will speak Saturday evening. Both ev
ening services will be accompanied by
sliea illustrating the sermons. Prayer ser
vice at the Tabernacle Tuesday evening.
Toung People s cottage prayer service
Thursday evening.
G. H. Qnigley, minister. Snnday school,
10, Leo Beed, superintendent; Charles
Wads, tescher of adult Bible class. Morn
ing worship, 11, "The Greatness ef
Love"; hearty song service.
0. L. Dark, minister. Sundsy school,
Ford Memorial, 9:45. Worship, 11, Bev.
Edgsr P. Sims spesks on "I Will Bnild
My Church." Ep worth league. 8:45. Eve
ning sermon. 7:30, "Our Father's God."
Bev. Sims. Sundsy school st Oak Grove
chapel and st Summit, 10. Morning wor
ship. Summit. "Life, the Eternal Quest."
Epworth league. Oak Grove, 8 p. m.
H. B. Schenermsn, pastor, 1181 TJnlon
street, Salem, phone 4389. CLEAR
LAKE Church school, 10, W. P. Collsrd,
superintendent. Worship, 11, conducted
by Bev. E. G. Hornsehueh. Revival serv
ices begin Mondsy evening in ehsrge of
Dr. Duff psrty. W.M.8. Thursdsy at .
MIDDLE GROVE Church school, 10. T.
P. Walker, superintendent. Gospel mes
sage by Dr. Duff, 11. followed by holy
communion with pastor In ehsrge. At
3:30, platform service by evsagelistie
psrty. Bev. Ksl Cloud, converted Armen
ian, spesker. E.L.C.E., 8:30, "The King
of God Jesns Revealed," pastor leading.
Concluding; service of Dr. Duff campaign.
7:80: Lablsh Center society guests at eve
ning serriee. District W.C.T.U. st church
Tuesday at 2. W M S. Wednesdsy st 3
with Mrs. Fred Schsrf. LABiSH CEN
TEB Church tehool. 10. W. A. Stsrker.
superintendent. Congregation invited to
Middle Grove for evening service. Mid
week devotions Thursday evening with
Clear Lake group.
Hood anl N. Cottage streets. 6. T.
Neal. pastor. Sunlay school 10 a.m. Jss.
Dsvis, Supt. Morning worship 11 a m.
Subject: "Bevivs Us Again" ( Pa.
85:6) Eveaing service 7:30 p.m. First
of the revival meeting eonlueted by
Rev. O. K. Chapman of Eugene. Earl
Strattoa Neal. baritone, soloist. Toung
people's meeting 6:30 p.m. Revival ser
vices esrh evening except Sstnrlays.
Center and High streets. Guy L. Drill,
minister, 660 N. Cottage street. Phone
7592. Church school 9:30 am. K. w
Cooley, Supt. Morning worship 10:45,
Lord's Supper. Psstor begins series of
sermons on theme, me .uisunguismng
Marks of a Christian." Three O. E. So
cieties and Friends ef the Golden Hour
meet at 6:30 p.m. Evening service of
church at 7:30 with men in ehsrge, feat
uring banjo solo by O. J. Hull, vocal solo.
Jos. K. Scott, snd a "Dald-neaaea - msie
quartet. Sermon, "Blowing Bubbles."
Winter and Chemeketa. Grover C.
Birtchet, D.D., pastor. Church echoel,
9 :30, L. M. Ramage, superintendent.
Morning worjhip, 11. "She Hsth Done
Whst She Could"; anthem, "Unfold ie
Portals" (Gounod), with piano accom
paniment by Misa Dorothy Pearce and
violin by Mist Jesnette Scott. C. E, so
cieties. 6:30. Evening praise, 7:30.
. . nT . v. . W t . r .J T
v nss is ii so xiave a r"w u ,i u, i .
anthem, "Praise Te the Father"; solo,
(Torn to Psge 5)
hold tbe position, and Frank Wal
dorf will take the place of Max
Warring,' resigned.
. . . Real Throat relief I
Medicated with Ingredi
ents of Vicka VapoRub
First Baptist
Marion & North Liberty
11 A. M. "The Now and
Then Of Life"
7:30 P. M. "The Sun-clad
Read the Twelfth Chapter of
Special Music by the Choir
Grinds. Mrs. Hana ThnL.nn charge of the music tor the spirit
Mrs. William Schuster. ot worship service which the Girl
a e a Reserves will give at the Amerl-
West Salem Mrs w p can Lutheran church, March 19,
Patterson was a gracious hostes's wiu meet a11 tnos a111 Part
to a rrouo of women at a nlnaa- J musical numoen ior me
ant card party- Wednesday night 9rrlcf l the T. W
at ner Home. High score was
vjpuuno Tjrrn.vA, i... Vi A rsnrsmnti and time to be an-
nuilUg VIM, Wl V V I - o . . ,
nouncea at a taier umo.
rr-. wna nrasented at the lnurs-
day night meeting whlcb included
a talk on "Children I have Met
by Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county
school superintendent, a technical
talk on school affairs by Mrs. Dor
othy Daugherty, school principal,
and another such talk by Miss
Burch, 5th grade teacher. Dr.
Leon Barrick led community
WOOD BURN, March 10 J. J.
Donaldson, owner ot the school
buses, has hired two new drivers,
B. F. Shrock is to take the place
of W. J. TJppendahl who it was
found was physically unable to
Frocks that really slenderlie
won by Miss Cecil Pelly and
consolation by her sister, Miss
Letha Pelly. Quests were Mrs.
Glenn Drager, Miss Grace Quack
enbush, ' Mrs.
Letha Pelly,
Miss Cecil Pelly, Mrs. Frank
Whlttimore and Mrs. W. R. Pat
terson, hostess.
Silverton Bridge
C. A.
morning at 10: SO o'clock.
Balem sub-division of tbe La
dies' Aid rally of the First Meth
odist churcb will be an event of
R. C. Abst. Miss lnur8QaT V xw:w ciock in i
Mrs. Jess Jones, church parlors. Tne session win
ciose at o ciocs. a noun iuucu
eon will be served.
a a a
Miss Maxine Myers was an ad
ditional guest for the elub meet-
was en-
fcbmldt. Winnie Blalock, Willis tremendously popular joyed Wednesday afternoon at f "clx Mr.. Deryl Myer.
Korris, Rath Wright, ErwInWea- Q h 'matronB. Tn6 one sketch- the Arthur Heater borne when Miss KreU Jani were bostes.
li tj-w vnrria Joe Weath- . .tnnninr hir TTentAr ami Vra ifartin Thursday night. St. Patrick's day
era, Olive Weathers, Albert Wea- a wentTag each line reflect per- Waarvick entertained at two ta- decorations were carried out for
thers, Rntn weamers, (Mt taste, charm and aisuncuon. Dies, mgn score prize was won " P.
Poole, NIta Doner,' jacoD uonr, Tn) Urge single rever is ot con- oy Mrs. unaries Lonara. PTes
Wvnn Dver and Goldie Weathers. trmg the tbree-ouarter sleeves I eat were Mrs,. Dewey Serriee,
, - boast a flared treatment, while a Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Roscoe Rams-
St. Paul ; Mrs. JQ. u. ua- snuf; njp J0 leaves nothing to hy, Mrs. Orlo Thompson, Mrs.
Tidson bad a aulltlng bee at her he desired for Bllmness. A lovely I Henry Aim, Miss Bertha Aim and
aome Tuesday afternoon, me J dark print would be very smart, i the two hostesses.
fniiAwinsr ladle were present: pattern M05 may be ordered
arra n fl. RtnnfeL Mrs. J. N. onlv in aises SC. 88, 40, 42, 44 Macleay Mrs. W. B. Frtnk,
k vira John Davidson. 1 am 41. Size 88 requires 8 I Mrs. C. Baker and Mrs. Edith I
Mrs L. P Gooding, Mrs. James I yards 89 incb fabric and yard! Wilson were joint hostesses to
a. n..v. um rnrnllne Me-1 a incb contrasting. Illustrated tbe members of the 4-M clnb at
Kav and Mrs Phillip Wolfe. atep-by-step sewing instrnctlons Ian all day meeUng held at the
e included with this pattern. i nail Wednesday.
St. Paul The meeting of
tbe Ladles Altar 8oclety was neia
at tbe hora of Mrs. Lester Kirk.
pha, tint Tirlze In bridge was won
y Mrs. William Smith, and in
100 by Mrs. Lawrence Banning
m-nA ivtnanlntlon bv Mrs. Herman
Co via aad Mrs. Chester David
son. 1
Silverton Mrs. Lloyd Ken
nedy, who will leave soon tor
Iowa where she will Tlait for week, was the Inspiration
of a handkerchief shower planned
iiw members of the Royal Neigh
bor clnb at the home of Mrs. I
Send 15 tents la eoina ar stamps
(coins preferred), lor this pattern.
Write plainly year naata, addreaa
eelorfnl pages at lovely Pnrla-la-pired
saodele - for every spring
Bead, this aenotifol book akawe
how ia ba eala al every boar e
taa aay. Bvery ityla ta practleal,
and easy to make. Taare are aied
eis fer tks larger figura. ted pagaa
aad style naaiber. Be sor a star
isa wanted. Sand tor Ika aew
spring fashion ax)k. Cor. taking 83
af delitfnl Junior and kiddie
tylea. Frlaa ai eatalog. 1
Catalog and pattern "
eents. Adareta all nisll ordsrs te
BUUfflta Patter - Iartnient,
lit Wart lTtk street, Sear Tark
During tbe social hour Mrs.
Victor Griggs reviewed "Ann
Tickers" and readings were giv
en by Mrs. W. B. Frink and Mrs.
Harry Phillips. The bills passed
by the legislature wui be tne
sabjeet of study for tne .Apru
Woodburn The members of
the United Artisan assembly held
a card social at their hall Thurs
day night, seven Uble of "500"
belns? In nlay. High scores went to
Mrs. Dr. h. W. Biaaorn ana ah-
:ton Hanauska, while Frank Cov
er and Dr. H. W. Biadorn re-
$11 pair
Kecmlar UM
Sheer ebiffoM witk
Heavy aervlea weight wttH M-
lafereed sea. Am
lenrtha aad eeion.
Tahtes to 13.00 U tii
gala. Nested kitchen Mia,
pitchers, consok
bowk, trays, refrijtra
Uoa sats, Taaas, candy
bowk and htradreds jf
other Tery desirable
pieces. Main Floor,
Miner's Miller's
I 3 Fresh New 1933 1
rj Dresses for home and utility wear. Irfj?" 1 I 11
I il Street and sporte wear. Fast color prints i n
P with organdie and self trim. Puff or llUfl
I I I plain short sleeve. Newest neckline. sHtSSsHi I I
Aj Bow, belt and new collars. Print in 1 I j
W ' Coral, stripe and plaid. Bine, green, St-KJL
iSJ pink, red, orchid, brown, yellow, tan, T, i I II
I y roe, black and white, etc Tflltttl II II II
1 I Come seo theso new fashions to- 11
U ( 3r We kve yoar 601X604 size' 111
y Basement y
All Sizes From 14 To 52
P C ' Basement
cefted tna consoiauon.
S. W. Garrer.