The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    ....... - ' . ""...
Tho OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon. Saturday Morning. March 11, H33
LOrJG BEACH IS f3Melliiip
Thousands Injured; Series
pf Violent Upheavals.
Spreads Terror
(OontUHMd from pti 1)
tkl hour this report with the in
dividual reports from the com
ma titles that came before, for It
til learned that some of the bod
ies from towns prevlonsly report-
Uf were moved to nndertsunc
establishments at other nearby
At the receiving hospital. It was
estimated at 10:30 p. m., that
1000.; persons had been treated
daring the D t hour and that the
lalared entered at the rate of 70 o
aa boar steadily, to a total at that
time el more than 3000.
Of these about 200 had been
hart Jumping from windows, 100
struck by falling book .cases and
other furniture, 300 hurt by fall
ing chimneys and 100 by explo
sions i and fires. The remainder
wero Injured in various ways.
First aid to an unascertained
amount was given la various
parts of the city by 600 volun
teer surgeons and nurses.
At Compton, midway between
Long.; Beach and Lor Angeles,
more than 50 automobiles were
buried beaeath debris and falling
walls of the downtown area. Prac
ticallv every building within i
three block area was demolished.
including the Masonic temple, the
Secnritv First National bank
building and a score of commer
cial bouses.
'Eight operating surgeons of the
un were sent bv the U. s
fleet to Long Beach. ,
LONG BEACH. Cal., March 10.
(AP) The business district of
Long Beach was in wreckage to
night, and 13 were known dead
in the Los Angeles beach area,
after the most destructive south
ern California earthquake in
many years.
Business buildings are in ruins
from Cedar and Anaheim streets
for three. jfcxrrs south.
All buildings lost their fronts
between Fourth and Sixth streets
(Continued from Page 1)
persona killed here by tonight's earthquake were in various
undertaking establishments.
The tremors fired a number of public and private
buildings. .
The auditorium of the Huntington Park high school was
aflame, as were several industrial structures nearby.
Walls of many structures were damaged and bricks
strewed the sidewalks. Hundreds of windows were-broken.
Governor Meier Sends Wire
To Los Angeles Mayor;
President Active
(Continued Cron pass 1)
tonight that be was answering as
urgent eaU from Long Beach to
WILMINGTON, Calif, March 10 (AP) A report that
the fashionable Pacific Coast club building in Long Beach. I MBi BB .Bd Mniint t aid is
the Stillman hotel and one other large building were seriously I the search of runis and rescue
damaged at Long Beach was received here tonight. Inform
ants said they "understood" a number of persons were killed. !
work, rive pieces of tiro apparat
us and SO men were rushed to
the beach city.
(AP) Governor Rolph prepar-
. VENTURA, Calif., March 10 (AP) Buildings were
cracked late today in a severe earthquake here. An unveri
fied report said water mains, fourteen miles from here atl4" to leTe Sacramento for Los
Somis, had been broken. - JLiJ1
uaswv igna4 vyci avivua ana vna v
rtl'n n V.tHrtrn triu Web nw
JtUVUKMDU, uaiil- Marca 10 (AJr) The most severe I pecti to drive aU night and ar-
earthquake in more than ten years was felt here tonight. rtT a" tomorrow morning,
Communication was established with San Jacinto and He-1 , rT"T, v .
met, two towns to the south that were nearly wiped out a (ap) Governor Rolph tonight
decade ago. They reported a severe earthquake, but no vis- ordered A. A. Brock, director of
ible damage. I the state department of agricvl-
rare, 10 move men ana laciuuee
SAN PEDRO, Calif., March I0-(AP)-One nerson was In arnt rlut:
Killed, one perhaps lataiiy injured and several reported in- to assist in getting food supplies
jured in the earthquake which early tonight caved in some 10 tne district.
- tvwi.ywi uuiiuwiiia muse. gN FRANCISCO. Uuek 10.
r fart ot the faios Verde hills four miles south of Redon- rap
do beach were reported to have slid down. A large cloud of San Francisco, sent the following
dust from that vicinitv was seen. telegram to Mayor John O. Porter
V I -M . , A J .
was killed here by bricks from a building top. An unidentl. earthquake. Hope the reports are
ilea man was in a hospital perhaps mortallv wounded. exaggerated. San Francisco offers
At nearov Wi minortnn mntm-iof whbibujuibq nnoiviaea
-- a "t wm vv4iutti tuiiububiaicu. naa i . -
fatally hurtin an accident in excitement foUowing the quake, rfunacomnnltib.'ad-
x wo siuis oi ine union ou reiinery in the harbor district rise me how we can be of assist
were reported ablaze.
(AP) A Ust ot identified dead
la tonigbt's earthanako follows:
Flon WeedoB, Montebello, kd
ei tm collapse of market baUdlix
la Long Beach.
, B Tobtas, killed oa Cast Fire
stoao boulevard. Lot Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack KHIsosw
knisd by-falling debris la 8aaU
Ana business district.
Earl Adamsoa, trapped la tail
ing Santa Ana bunding.
WfUlana P. Marshall, iajcred
at Compton, died 1b Los Angeles
general hospitaL -
Mrs. Moore, ft, killed br
hock at her Hermosa Beach
Antonio Dacharme, mechanle,
electrocuted by wires la collaps
ing building, at Slausen and Cen
tral streets, Los Angeles.
J. W. Marray, fireman from U.
S. g. Marblehead, killed by falling
bricks at San Pedro,
Mrs. Irene Campbell. kUled at
Mrs. Frank Ball, killed at Bell-
Richard Wade of Compton and
bis Infant son, killed in the col
lapse of the Stockwell building
at Compton
Bale Jane Boyer. S, killed In
an explosion in her Los Angeles
George Stone, Artesia.
A Mr. Green, Artesia.
Mrs. LneDa Alcurm, 73. Los
Angeles, struck and kUled by an
automobile when she ran from
her home in the first earthquake,
Edna Greentnayer, Huntington
Puk. kfflei br falling debris.
Datu Maitj aa v nuanw
. kfllad hv fallinar bricks.
urmim cl van neve. as.
e4 la Hnntlngtoa Park inslaoM
Mrs. Balph Bwenaonv Hnnting
imrv vnied in eoUapse ot
a e4A iPAflaL
BT. Lobes, IT, Huntington Park,
killed by taiua oneas.
V. CL Bryner. Lona Beaek.
k Thomas Many. Ln5.B6afV.
Belem Lererlch. S.
Beach. . '
v m m Tnr Beach.
Dorothy Xaln, 18, Long Beach.
J. A. Bocera, irons; wa.
Mrs. Ancnst Lenta, Long Beach.
A. B. Sommers, Long; Beach.
top wwrniaa. Long Beach.
rwiriit Cornish. IS, Long
Beach. - .
A Mr. White, Long Beach. -Mrs.
T. G. Derry, Long Beach.
rrriMi Roberts. Long Beach.
Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, 18, Long
Beach. .
riavton Stevens, Long Beach
Jack Brodie, assistant manager
r the Ttnuerial theatre, Long
x nr TtnvVf. Lons: Beach
A Mr. Win Hoyt, Long Beach.
Mrs. George Eller, Long Beacn.
Albert Olsesu Huntington Park
Ted Davis, 44, Long Beach mo
torcycle officer.
Alice G. Anthony, Huntington
TimaM Rlaasosu Lone Beaeh.
Dr. A. M. Firkins, denUst,
'Harold Glenn, Compton.
SANTA ANA, Calif., March 10 (AP) Three known
dead were identified tonight as earthquake victims. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellison of 2501 Ivy street Oakland
ana jan Aaamson oi Santa Ana.
The Polytechnic high school was practically demolished.
The Oakland couple were killed bv falling bricks
leaving the cafeteria of the Rossmore hotel in the heart of
the business district.
Adamson was struck by flying bricks as he ran from a
aownrown store by the first shock.
(Continued from
pace 1)
late today at the White House,
The nroelamatlon rivtnr
The court house and citv hall wpw nr inlW wrol ! president absolute command over
Many other buildinira nnfUreA Th v.n a i the moneUry situation still stands
on Orange. ha VrttlM r ' fVcwtvia ttUU and he Is going to permit no with-
The Farmers and Merchants 7 .7, , , oulltu' court uouse annex
bank at First and Linden streets, cavea in witn neavy aamage.
was a heap of ruins. Ihe Carnegie library was nartiallv wrecked
William J. Guy and Thomas
- a a i
aiaioney or ixs Angeies, wno AVATATM niT: ti j . .
watched structures fall around fu, marcn XV Ar; KeporU
drawals ot gold or gold certifi
cates from the institutions. The
ban on gold exports and domestic
hoarding is still In effect.
Drastic Reorganization
Of Banks Determined
Operations under the proelama-
lfim rnnorte1 thev saw at least lna & tidal Wave had struck this vacation isla wrA fon1
two persons killed outright and a tonight by the police deDartment. An offirpr aaiA V,-A liol Uon will be carried on bv execu
dozen Injured. been no si on of a wavp Uaj)aMAt... i n i I tive orders and ft la Iikelv Mr.
Other eye witnesses told of see- ghock was f el t here and Tr dtnrl "rtf.! Roosevelt will keep his firm grip
log many persons dead in the neT jBd lesser nrbancea succeeded but on the natonal gold supply and
streets, and report, of wrecked none of them caused damage. the banks unUl congress putl
houses came from an quarters or ..
theclty. CALEXICO, Calif., March 10 (AP) The earthauakA reorganisation legislation
The large telephone company which shoolc fmntWn "H6 1 drafting.
building was almost completely m . . ',1 i, "1 ir V wa mi mruugnow imper- Mr. Roosevelt fat anxious to pre-
rums. one side fell completely in- W valley from Volcano Lake, Mexico, to Westmorland, vent conwrn bv dcitor. it
cmpiores ruuea iwr i vain, uut uu tiamaire was reDOTXea.
to the street. Employes
safety, but It was not known
whether any were trapped.
Six hundred twenty-five armed
men from the battleships West
Virginia, Arizona, Tennessee, Ok
lahoma and Texas landed here to
night with medical equipment to
aid Long Beach police in caring
for Injured and guarding prop
' I5NO BEACH, Calif.. March
1 (AP) With more than 30
Known dead and 35 others report
ed dead but unchecked and ap
proximately a thousand injured,
some of them critically, police,
aided by naval forces and the
American Legion tonight search
ed debris for missing persons as
they continued to rock spasmod-
M.iri. .n.k. tttjitt
ivau livui a iciiiuii wmv"
started at 6:54 o'clock yesterday
Hospitals were filled to over
flowing, with the less secure of
them abandoned in favor of
lawns as doctors worked with the
many injured.
It was impossible to make an
early estimate of the property
damage but many felt It would
run far into the tens of millions.
I -1 I
MIAMI. Fla.. March 10 (API
Boastfully shouting his uncon
cern and defrins the rnnrt
Giuseppe Zangara, the assassin
who tried to kill President Roose
velt, was sentenced today to die
m the electric chair for the mur
fler of Mayor Anton J. Cermak
ot Chicago.
'You is crook man, too," Zan
Kara screamed at Circuit Judge
Uly O. Thompson after sentence
was pronounced. "I no afraid,
You one of the capitalists. Put
me in electric chair."
Zangara asserted he wanted
to kill "all presidents and kings
because he had a feud with, cap
italists and because his. stomach
hurt him. His murderous desire
was to make Mr. Roosevelt suf
fer "fifty-fifty."
Under Florida law, Zangara
must be- taken to Raiford, the
state prison farm, to pay the
penalty for his act in Bay Front
Park February 15.
Governor Sholtz must fix the
banks that are not opened imme
diately for full activity. He ex
plained It will require several
h day. la some instance, to deter-
the itau 7.n 7. .in mine the soundness and solvency
'St6 lilrlm"m. all banks. Only the sonnd banks
aay ana hour. After Zan.
gara is taken to Raiford, ho must
stay u ine death house five days
Salem Residents
Fearful for Kin
In Quake Region
Many residents of Salem and
vicinity have relatives living In
Loa Angeles, Long Beach and
the more than 100 other com
munities struck by Friday night's
earthquake. Dozens of these per
sons telephoned The Statesman
for information, others called at
the office and scanned wire re
ports to determine what the pros
pects were that any of their rela
tives were killed or Injured.
So far as could be learned,
none of the known dead reported
by The Associated Press were
relatives or friends of Salem
people, though there was no op
portunity to make a checkup Fri
day night.
will be permitted to continue.
For the third consecutive yesr,
Willamette university's entrant
woa first prise In the extempore
speaking contest conducted by
the Intercollegiate Forensle as
sociation of Oregon, for which
Willamette was host last night.
Ralph McCullough, senior, was
adjudged first and entitled to the
$20 prize for his speech on "The
Third Degree." based on the gen
eral theme, "American Constitu
tional Liberties."
Second place, with $10 prize,
went to Robert Frerichs ot Lin
field college, and honorable men
tion, to George Fletcher of Ore
gon State college.
Three firsts and one second
have been earned in state extem
pore contests by WiUamette stu
dents in the four years that Pro
fessor Herbert E. Rahe baa head
ed the speech department. Last
year Raymond Lafky won first,
the year before, John Rudin, and
in ltSt Charles Campbell took
second. Earlier this year, a Wil
lamette student placed first in
the state after dinner speaking
Two more Important contests
face Willamette students, the
Pacific Forensic league's extem
pore eontest at Eugene March
XI. in -which McCullough will
compete, and the Old Line ora
torical contest.
in banks where they always had
kept It,
Commercial activity was still
mueh handicapped by the banking
restrictions, but some localities re
ported substantial pickup in re
tail trade. Enactment of President
Roosevelt's emergency bank mea
sure appeared to have- restored
(CentlntMd from pat 1)
150 Pound Class
Iron Mocassin, Chedtawa, beat
Goldsmith, CorvalUs; Vlohr, Ben
son, beat Reed, Salem; P. Sum
merset, Franklin, beat .Nash. San
dy; Anderson, Ssndy, beat Jo
seph. Corrallis; C. Pepion, Che-
ma wa, beat F. Simmoias, Frank
lin: Carr, Benson, beat Fisher,
Salem: Iron Mocassin, Chemawa,
beat Mohr, Benson; Carr. Benson,
beat C Pepion, Chemawa.
103 Pound Class
Gray. Franklin, bent Floyd.
Corrallis: Burns. Salem, beat Fe-
derici, Commerce; Halt, Sandv.
beat Allen. Benson; J. Summer
set, Franklin, beat Davis, Benson;
Demmlst, Chemawa. beat Elliott,
Corrallis; Burns. Salem, beat
Gray, Franklin; Demmiit, Chema
wa, beat D. Cannon. Salem.
17ft Pound Clara
' -Patapoff, Corrallis. beat Bal
stger, Benson; Gills, Benson, beat
Cousins, : Sandy;. England, Salem,
beat Mitchell, Corrallis.
Heavyweight Class
Davis,! Benson, beat Smith, Cor-
vallis; Flint, CorvaMls, beat
Whelps, Bandy.
Clerks, Deputies
Get Checks Cashed
--Home-going clerks and depu-
ties of the legislature wero de
lighted yesterday by being able
to cash J their payroll checks at
the auto treasurer's office. Port
-land banks had released $1 MO
la cash at Mr. HolaaaM request
: and this raoaey was ' handed oat
-'yesterday ta permit the recipients
to start I xor taeir. nomes.
Of. Today Only Of
UDQ. Matinee Night OuC
Zano Groy's
From the itmy
Cui)foa Walk
efS5 9k
"Jr fins."? --:,T., M
(Continued from pan t)
As soon as banking Is restored,
it is expected that business which
has been at slow bell tor 10 days
will go forward with a surge.
Stiffening of commodity prices
indicates that there is a belief
that the country Is oa the way
to recover from Its slump.
Some local report is made of
money being returned to banks
by those who had withdrawn it
for hoarding when the panic was
on. Some business houses also re
port receipt of some gold coins in
current business.
1 r Last Times Of
13C Today ZdC
Tin 7 Mickey After 7
Moose Matinee 1:30 P. M.
Attention! Mickey Mouse
at Mickey Monae Matlaee
A New Thrill
Lewis Stone, Karen Morley,
Charles Starrett, Jean Her
sholt and Myrna Ley
Texas Buddies9
Also Comedy, Newi & Ser
lal Hnrricane Express
Attend our o'clock show to
nlte and remain for oar 11: IS
P. M.. Mldnlto Matlneo Free
jcr r -
If -
JoanCSAWFOD WallacetSCSr
NEW YORK, March 10. (AP)
Spirits were bouyed in financial
centers of the nation today by the
prospect of resumption of normal
banking activity in many locallt
ies Monday.
The big Wall Street banks were
ready to resume normal business
tomorrow, and awaited permis
sion ot Treasury Secretary Wood
in, while stock exchange quarters
looked for resumption of business
next week.
Oold and currency were return
ed to the banks la large volume
as gold hoarders turned penitent.
and holders of currency again con
cluded the logical place for It was opposition.
(AP) Fifty farm leaders In
search ot a relief plan determined
tonight to try again tomorrow de
spite first failure to agree.
Gathered at the call of Secre
tary Wallace of the agriculture
department, the leaders ot farm
organizations were unanimous on
one point:
"That the agricultural emer
gency calls tor prompt and drastic
After a long day's session they
wero substantially in accord on
some fundamentals of farm re
lief, but they postponed a decision
on how to obtain help in time to
affect the crops of this year. It
was their purpose to remain In
conference - until the task was
(AP) Democratic leaders to
night wrote and rewrote legtsla
tloa to meet President Roose
velt's request for unprecedented
authority to make big redactions
in veterans' compensation and
other governmental costs, confl
ueni, aespite expressions ot op
position, that congress will ap
The second message from Mr.
Roosevelt in as many days this
one urging a balanced budget as
"the first concern" of the na
tion, was listened to attentively
in both branches. There was an
immediate chorus of approval.
which set the defenders of vet
erans' payments to drumming up
Continued from page 1)
homeward bound cltlxens in the
downtown area. White-faced, they
raahed hero and there seeking
Ranorts of tbo destruction
Mnrht bv the first auako were
just beginning to coma in when
a second one siruca, at ;
fnr miantaa later.
Thar was a third, and the
fourth shock was only two min
utes behind that. At :is P- m.
k firth auake anooK tao area.
Then there was a pause nnui
l:zt. The seventh shock came
while reports of the dead, dying
anil fn 1 nred were beginning to
stream in.
The walls ot the old chamoer
of commerce building fell la Los
Angeles and many injured wero
reported taken from the ruins, a
part or the old police station tell
into the street. A fire in down
town Los Anxeles was noon
quenched, the water mains having
held. A building collapsed at
Central and Slausen streets in
the southwest section ot the city.
Several were injured.
Racing through the lower
floors of the city hall, a woman
who gave her name as Mrs. Vir
ginia Welborn hysterically In
formed police that she had just
killed a man In front ot the build
ing as her automobile ran out of
control as a result of the quake.
The body was removed to a hos
pital by a passing motorist.
Five hundred physicians and
surgeons, 51 ambulances, scores
of private vehicles and practically
all the registered nurses in the
city were working at various hos
pitals and hastily organised em
ergency centers.
The Carnegie institution's seis
mological laboratory at Pasadena
characterised the quake as one
of the severest recorded there
'in a long time." The center of
quake was given as about 60
miles ' from pasadena, the direc
tion as yet undetermined. A ser
ies ot "after shocks" were being
recorded within halt an hour of
the original tremor.
The city hall, which towers 428
feet, was badly rocked -and dam
ages, which may amount to
thousands of dollars came in
cracked walls and falling plaster
In virtually every room of the
gigantic structure.
The shocks were heavy in Cul
ver City, but there was little ac
tual damage. A small fire start
ed by the temblor was extinguish
ed almost Immediately. One man
was reported injured at Venice.
At Pasadena a heavy shock
swayed tall palms like great pen
dulums. Dr. Albert Einstein, Ger
man physicist, was just leaving
a seminar at the California Insti
tute of Technology when the tre
mor came. He ran out of the
building. Students fled outside
almost upon his heels. No dam-
ago was Immediately apparent.
Homes of motion . picture stars
in the Malibu Beach colony were
damaged but slightly, telephonic
reports said. The chimney ot the
residence of Walter Morosco was
swept to the ground by the quake
Hundreds of Japanese men.
women and children fled Termin
al Island, between San Pedro and
Long Beach, tearing a tidal wave,
Carrying a smattering of house
hold goods and blankets they
made their way to the mainland
and slept In the foothills.
Kauroaos reported their pas
senger trains operating generally
on schedule. Inspectors rode
ahead of the trains on gasoline
cars on the Southern Pacific to
examine tracks and tunnels.
The Call
Today Will Rogers and Ja-
aet Gaynor la "State Fair.!
" " -
Today Joan Blondell la
Blondle Johnson."
e -- ...i
Today Barbara Stanwyck in
'The Bitter Tea ot General
Today "Mask of Dr.
Mickey Mouse
I only wish that I was one of
those guys that was hoarding the
gold. I'm not particular.
In fact. I don't even know what
gold looks Ilka.
Last week "Boots", Marlon.
George, Elmer and I went to a
Eugene club and put on a show,
and when it was over there were
hundreds of people watting at the
stage door for us, yes, sir daring
ua to come out. And when we did
they picked us ap on their shoul
ders and earrled us to the city
limits. They told "Boots" to tak
his piano, go down to the river,
throw it in, and hang on to it.
Just the same if the squirrels
go hungry during tnese nam
times they dont have to worry
as long as "Boots" is around.
It is now known that certain.
seeds and plants refuse to develop
until they have been subjected t
approximately a freezing temper
ature; this is apparently a solu
tion of puxiling idlosycracies in
some rose bushes.
What a hand be got Chuck
Bier he'll be on again today. Art
Stubberfield, Curt Williams. Alra
Rafferty, Leone Goff, Nona Wood-
ry, and Eugene Sewell did their
stuffs also.
But when "Boots", Uncle Andy,
Jimmle, Draper, and George start
ed their funny stuff that's the
time, the house nearly fell from
laughter. They'll all be on again
this afternoon.
The special picture today is
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in "It's
Tough to bo Famous".
And the last chapter of "Van
ishing Frontier".
So Long,
85 Farmers File
Loan Application
Obtaining a few more seed loan
blanks yesterday, the approval
committee at the chamber of
commerce received aoDllcationa
from 25 more farmers, bringing
the total to Si. The committee
was planning to go ahead today
in the nope more blanks would be
(Continue trots page 11
yesterday for more Information
on reopening plans. Opposition
was expressed to any plan which
would permit one bank or any
group of banks to open before
other institutions could be approv
ed, tor opening, through lack ot
time to ' Inspect assets. Bankers
declared that reopening should
take place at one date the soon
er the better but only after all
banks had been measured by the
agreed - upon "yardstick" and
found to be sound, or sufficiently
weakened not to permit unre
stricted reopening.
The Greek government will
plow land for farmers at a fixed
price per acre, having about 50
tractors ready for assignments.
IT 73
JIM TOLLY'S sensational
novel. It lays bare the true
story of tltt chain sans ... a
hunted man whose son wan
seared by a siren's kiss I
it i . i him fri
A street of beauty and
Sat. - Sanday
a Tin it p. m.
"Mickey Mouse Club, 1 p.m. 10c
"I? Tough to be Famous"
Bring Yow Totes for the Baby Auburn Car
Last A mn of the East ... A woman of the West
-Day Dare 8aar thek desire? See
:y AJ FresldenUal Inauguration
rrx v- -
X surliness ... ol wealth I
r . and poverty ... of vlr- ' '
BeaKtfal Victiras of tie Strane$t Mystery i
THE nrv
. V V
1 f I
AH In Gorteows Technicolor w
- : .'-' j U '.Wit ' ;
Lionel Atwia - Fay Wray
Glenda FarteH 1 Frank McHngh