The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    4 -
-JTa toft H 1 - - f
' 1
- Rain today and -Snnday, -moderate
tempratare; Max."
Temp. Friday Bft, -Min. 28, ;
riTor feet, raia .42. inch,
doady, oath wind. ,,
Distribution ' 3
Feb., 83
' Net paid, daily Sunday.fiTI?
i . , . MESCEEB V B.. 0. f
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 11, 1933
li ; a a a a a mm it - a . w a .r . m . a a a a - r - aaar a
v j v j
Metropolitan Area of Los
Angeles Scene of Great
Confusion and Horror as
Shocks Recur
Hundreds of Physicians at
Work Bringing Relief to
Injured; Einstein Runs;
Movie Colony hit
LOS ANGELES, March 10.-
(AP) A mounting toll of death
and injury swelled .rapidly" to
night after the worst earthquake
in nearly a century struck South-
fern California.
From all parts of the section
between San Diego and Ventura,
and as far inland as San Ber
nardino, some 200 miles long and
30 miles wide, came reports of
death and destruction.
The first shock struck at 5:55
p. m. Downtown streets in Los
Angeles were thronged. Buildings
swayed violently, from north to
auth. Lights ."metered;
-crashed from the fronts of bid
buildings. Merchandise spilled in
contusion from store shelves as
plate glass windows shattered
and crackled on the sidewalks.
Shock followed shock. At fire
or ten minutes intervals new
shocks added terror to the panic
stricken inhabitants of the entire
region, some two million people.
Panic and destruction, fire and
death spread through the great
metropolitan area as the shocks
The first and most severe
caught tens of thousands of
(Turn to pagj& 2, col. 7)
WASHNGTON, March 10.
(AP) Senators from the west
today Initiated a move to turn the
monetary emergency into rejuv
enated prices for silver.
In three bills designed to bring
silver into wider use. as money
and to lift from the market the
existing surplus, Key Pittman of
Nevada, democratic pro-empore of
the senate, renewed a campaign
begun last session.
One of Pittman's bills would
permit Great Britain to pay up
to 1Q0,000,000 of her war debt
in silver, with the maximum al
lowance to be 45 cents per ounce.
Another bill would authorize
the government to buy 5,000,000
ounces of silver a month of do
mestic production, while the third
proposed that this country pur
chase 1250.000,000 worth in the
open market to remove the world
Against all the silver acquired
under the Pittman bills, currency
would be issued and the metal
added to the base of the nation's
monetary system at the rate of
11.29 per ounce, the value of sil
ver now in monetary use In this
(AP) President Roosevelt was
preparing tonight to submit to
congress possibly tomorrow as
the third point in his emergency
program a far-flung plan for re
cruiting a huge 'army of 500,000
l unemployed to be quartered in
work camps throughout the
The plan, to be submitted by
special: message his third la rap
id succession contemplates a
$500,000,000 bond issue to be ex
pended In wages tor the men and
materials upon which they will
work. '
A corps of army engineers to
night was engaged in drawing up
plana for carrying the ponderous
project into effect should congress
provide the authorisation. The
work upon Vhich the unemployed
would j be engaged would tall un
an n
der the engineers' eupervlslon.
Nation's Finance Leaders Tussle
With Involved Banking Problems
At toa. Secretary of the Treasury
Ad&lph Miller, member or the
treasury building at Washington
ins situation. Below, samples of
i " ' J $ 'ri , 1 sW'l , 8 Six
1, :' : t -A r s-
A jToposed nation-wide program of scrip issuance has been side
tracked with the decision to issue federal reserve bank notes in
stead. This sicrip waa issued in
City, N. J.
State Banks
Be Based on
Increaaine Information from
Washgton, D. C, on the plans of
the federal government for bank
reopening was being used at the
capitol yesterday by state oniciais
and A. A. Schramm, state banking
superintendent, as the basis for
plans for reopening of state banks
In Oregon not ajjectiy unaer con
trol of the comptroller of tne
No final state policy had been
determined upon, pending a meet
ing of the state banking board
and the advisory committee of
five bankers choBen by the Oregon
State Banking association last
week. It was thought at the capi
tol that Oregon's policy regarding
state banks would dovetail with
the federal policies.
Thus when Oregon's state
banks are reopened they will be
forced, under federal and state
orders, to issue no gold or gold
certificates, to restrict foreign ex
change transactions and to pre-
vest all currency hoarding.
The crucial question ot which
state banks will be. permitted to
reopen is as yet undetermined.
There are 80 banki in Oregon
not affected by the federal reserve
system's orders and they, will de
pend on the state banking board's
orders for their ngnt 10 reopen
and for definite regulations on
the basis of their reopening.
Thi state banking department
yesterday wired federal official
which the comptroller will apply
in rconenine closed national
banks. When this information is
received thia "measuring auck
of a 'bank's solvency and liquidity
will probably be applied! to state
bank In Oregon on the basis oi
their recent statement. Banks ad
judged able to meet requirements
for federal banaa wm pro Da d it
be reopened with no more restric
tions than annlled to federal
banks. ' v . -
There has been considerable de
mand by state bankers that uni
form restrictions on a percentage
basis be applied to all deposits,
William H. Woodin ilefti and
reaeral reserve ooara, leaving ue
art or a conrerence on toe Dana
scrip issued in two eastern cities.
Liverpool, N. Y., and Atlantic
Reopening to
Federal Plan
However, if no such restrictions
are applied to federal banks and
a considerable number of the lat
ter reopen without such restric
tions, state banks would be un
duly handicapped. The state has
no power under ary laws passed
by the last session to force restric
tions of deposit withdrawals on a
national bank.
Determination of the federal
banks which will reopen is to be
left to the federal reserve regional
banks and the comptroller of the
treasury. If the same policy of re
opening is applied to state banks,
the state banking superintendent
and the state banking board would
probably make the choice.
Bankers from all parts ot the
state were telephoning and wir
ing bank officials at the capitol
(Turn to page 2, col. 8)
(AP) "I thought at first it was
a heavy truck passing," said C
A. Harding, traffic officer in
downtown Los Angeles, giving a
vivid description of events fol
lowing the first earth shock to
?Then a woman ran screaming
from a building," he said.
. "X looked down Third -street
and bricks were spilling all over
the pavement. "
-Hundreds of 'people cams
fighting their way out ot a the
atre nearby and ran around in
the street. Others poured out of
Stores and off lee buildings. Stm
others got out of their automo
biles and out of street cars and
milled around.
"Some of 'em laughed, 'but
not many.
: "Most of the Quick thinking
ones ran for auto parking lota.
Reopening of Sound Banks
May Begin Monday, .as
Instructions Given
Funds for Necessities Still
To be Provided, Banks
Are Directed
(AP) Confident that the outlook
is excellent. President Roosevelt
today ordered a resumption of
full banking operations by sound
institutions to begin in all prob
ability Monday.
To start the process of orderly
money exchange going again he
authorized the opening tomorrow
or tne twelve lederal reserve
banks with power to make loans
to member Institutions.
Pending complete reopening of
the solvent institutions, the presi
dent directed that all banks con
tlnue limited operations tomorrow
to assure the people of funds for
Instructions for Reopening
sent out rridav
Instructions for the licensing of
state and federal institutions for
the resumption of full activity
were sent throughout the nation
late today by Secretary Woodin
. No definite time for the return
to normal activity was fixed but
it was said the applications for 11
censes would be given as speedily
as possible.
Slightly worn but ready with a
laugh in an exchange of ouetion
and answer with newspapermen,
the president unfolded his plans
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Big Quakes
Occur Often
Since 1900
(By the Associated Press)
Major earthquakes, since the
turn of the century:
1902 St. Pierre, Martinique.
Quake and eruption of Mt. Pelee,
30,000 lives lost.
1906 Mt. Vesuvius. Quake
and eruption, 200 lives lost
1906 San Francisco. Loss of
452 lives; 1350,000,000 property
190 6 Valparaiso, Chile. Loss
of 1500 lives: $100,000,000
property destruction.
1907 Kingston, Jamaica. 1000
persons killed.
1908 Sicily and Calabria. 76,
83 lives lost.
1912 Turkey. 3000 lives lost.
1915 Central Italy. 29,978
persons killed. 372 communities
damaged, several large cities
completely wiped out. 1
1917 Guatemala. 2500 per
sons killed.
1919 Java. 5100 killed. 31
villages destroyed.
1920 Mexico. 3000 lives lost.
1920 China. 200,000 lives
lost, 10 cities destroyed in area
of 300 square miles.
19 23 Persia. 4600 live lost.
1923 Japan. Tokyo, Yokoha
ma and vicinity, 99,331 persons
1927 Japan (northern part of
Kioto). 3274 lives lost.
1928 Dutch East Indies. 1200
lives lost.
1929 Persia. 2000 lives lost.
700 buildings destroyed.
1929 New York to Newfound
land. Slight shock felt. Tidal
wave drowned more than 40 per
192 8 Southern Italy. More
than 1475 killed.
1929 Managua, Nicaragua.
1000 dead.
50,000 March iA
Funeral Cortege
Of Anton Cermak
CHICAGO, March 10 (AP)
Mayor Anton Joseph Cermak, Chi
cago's first foreign born mayor.
who started in the coal pits.
rose to the mayoralty and died
from an assassin s ballet, was
buried in the Bohemian national
cemetery today In the most im
pressive funeral the city ever
saw. .
It was Just 21 days after - he
was wounded by a shot Intended
for .Presidentelect Roosevelt at
Miami, Fla.
The police estimated ' 10,900
persons marched In his funeral
procession, a line tiro miles long.
The 12-mile route was lined with
crowds estimated In hundreds oi
thousands. -
Hundred Towns Twisted and
Torn: Fire Adds to Horror
Governor Meier Sends Wire
To Los Angeles Mayor;
President Active
Navy men, Police, Firemen
Of Region Take Field
To aid Sufferers
PORTLAND, March 10. (AP)
Governor Julius L. Meier to
night wired Mayor John C. Porter
of Los Angeles, assurance that
the people of Oregon stand ready
to give any assistance the mayor
might request for relief to earth
quake sufferers.
(AP) The full force of Ameri
can relief agencies was thrown
into action for the California
earthquake area tonight by Presi
dent Roosevelt.
The army, navy and public
health service were ordered to
work for whatever steps might be
necessary to protect human life
and eronertv.
Reports at ' midnight to' "the
White House from the commander
in chief of the battle fleet in Pa
cific waters Indicated that this
unit could take care of the situa
tlon. .
Red Cross headquarters' awaited
word from regional headquarters
at San Francisco before swinging
its huge resources into action to
relieve distress.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., March 10.
(AP) Navy officials announced
at 7:45 p. m., five battleships
were sending a total of 625 men
ashore to aid police in Long
(AP) Governor Rolph on re
ceipt of a message from City
Manager Dobbins of Long Beach,
that more national guardsmen are
needed. Instructed Colonel Paul
Amdt of the national guard head
quarters here, to order a company
of 250 men from the vicinity of
Long Beach to report to Dobbins.
LOS ANGELES. March, 10.
(AP) Fire Chief Scott of Los
Angeles, announced at 11 o'clock
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Many Banks
Ordered to
Open, Word
(By The Associated Press)
Treasury department report
ed authorizing many banks to
President Roosevelt said he
considered situation excellent.
Millions of dollars in gold
.poured into Federal Reserve
banks from hoarding.
National banks to prove sound
ness and solvency to Federal Re
serve-before opening; state banks
to do likewise to proper state au
President Roosevelt expects
immediate reopening of banks
on gradual basis beginning
Monday with normal banking
everywhere soon.
Federal Reserve banks ordered
to reopen Saturday to provide for
transmission of money - to mem
ber banks opening next week.
Two billion dollars In new
currency rushed to banks by
Fisherman Dies,
Columbia River
ASTORIA. Ore. March 10
(AP) Paul Planting-. If. Astoria
fisherman, -. was drowned tn the
Colarabla river here tonight when
the skiff in which he waa rowing
with his cousin, Robert. Barde,
over-turned la the swift current.
Barde clung to the skiff and was
rescned. Planting's body was re
covered two hours later by a coast
guard picket boat.
Quake Bulletins!
TilS ANflFT.FS. March 10
lnr. shnck that RAemed to rock
rious directions swept southern
strong shock and making a total of more than 130 including
minor shocks, struck southern California at 10:30 p. m.
received a report tonight that
men, bound for the stricken district in Long Beach, crashed
in the Baldwin hills in the western section of this city, killing
all three.
The plane, the report said,
and the occupants intended
The ship was believed to
Towne, Santa Monica airport
named Morton and Frederick
buildings were damaged in the
woman was injured when she
tempt to flee from an auditorium.
A section of the city hall
of one of the palisades above
dancing casino was wrecked.
CAMPTON, Calif., March
were reported here by the Compton Taxicab company after a
hurried survey of the earthquake wreckage. Compton is
about midway between Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Practically every business
ly damaged.
HUNTINGTON PARK, Calif., March 10 (API The
police department reported tonight that the bodies of five
(Turn to
Surge of Business Expected
As Soon as Restrictions
On Banks Withdrawn
While .banking business In Sa
lem Friday was conducted on the
same limited lines as in previous
days of the week, there was gen
eral hope and expectation that
holidays would be lifted perhaps
by Monday so the banks could
handle normal business. Deposi
tors are calling to get small
amounts of cash for necessary
purchases and their needs are
being satisfied. Payroll checks
are being taken care of in the
same way: limited amounts be
ing allowed on bona fide payroll
checks, and balances accepted for
deposit or cashier's checks issued
in lieu thereof.
While banks are expecting to
reopen under terms of the pre
sidential and treasury proclama
tions and orders, the mechanics
of reopening is not simple. There
are different classes of bankB,
and it Is taking some time to
make arrangements so banks may
open simultaneously. This may be
Impossible owing to the problems
Involved, so it may be that banks
will reopen more gradually, each
taking its turn to qualify under
the new conditions.
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Salem Places
0 EN
In Grappling Semi-Finals
Salem fared well in the pre
liminary rounds of the state high
school wrestling tournament here
last night, placing eight men in
the semi-finals, second only to
Benson of Portland, which placed
12. Chemawa placed seven,
Franklin, Corvallis and Sandy
three each. Semi-finals and finals
will be wrestled tonight starting
at 8 o'clock in the high school
Over 100 grapplers took part
in the bouts, speeded up by keep
ing two mats in use. Many of
the bouts were fast and specta
cular and the excellent crowd
present was pleased with the
show, which is under the general
charge of Shannon Hogue, Salem
high coach.
10S Pound Class
Clark,' Salem, beat Lowden,
Corvallis; G. Gibson, Benson,
beat Fnuk, Benson; Courtney,
Chemawa, beat Teruaakl, Salem;
0Mara, Benson, beat Samson,
US Pond Class
Lymp, Sandy, beat Bernard!,
( AP The fourteenth vio-
and swirl the buildings in va
California at 10:59 p. m.
(AP) The thirteenth
(AP) The sheriff's office
an airplane carrying three
took off from Santa Monica
to survey the Long Beach
have been occupied by Charles
manager, a police ' sergeant
Porter, an airplane owner.
March 10 (AP) Several
earthquake here tonight and a
fell over a bench in her at
tower collapsed and a portion
the ocean tumbled down. A
10 (AP) A dozen dead
building was wrecked or bad
Page 2)
Officer, Mechanic Slain by
Pair; two Arresting
Officers Injured
YREKA, Calif., March 19
(AP) Steve Kent, state traffic
officer, and Lester Quigley, gar
age mechanic, were shot and
killed here tonight, authorities
reported, by two men alleged to
have been the kidnapers of C. E.
Ballinger, customs border pa
trolman of Bellingham, Wash.
The men were captured by
Sheriff Andy Calkins and Deputy
Sheriff Charles Calkins of this
They gave the name; bf Paul
Newcomb and George Manning.
Kent and Quigley both lived
Sheriff Calkins and Deputy
Calkins, father and son, both
were wounded in effecting the
The shootings occurred in front
of a hotel here.
Ballinger, the customs patrol
man, was kidnaped by two men
near the Canadian border Wed
nesday; He was thrown into the
rumble seat of a light coupe,
The automobile alleged to have
been used by Balllnger's kidnap
ers, a Ford coupe, was seized
here by Sheriff Calkins and his
Eight Men
Salem; Swartt, Benson, beat
Bergstrom, Franklin; Underwood,
Chemawa, beat Duncan, Salem;
McDermott, Benson, beat Hus
ton, Sandy; Thomas, Corvallis,
beat Lymp; Sandy.
131. Pound Class
A Gibson, Benson, beat Peltier,
Chemawa; Alderin, Salem, beat
Bennett, Corvallis; Melsx, Benson
beat Frey, Salem; Bartenles,
Franklin, beat Lewis. Corvallis
A. Gibson, Benson, beat Wood,
129 Pound Class
Dudley, Salem, beat Dafley,
Corvallis; M. Peplon, Chemawa,
beat Wheeler, Franklin; Osiand
Salem; v belt Janien.- Corvallis
J. Peplon, Chemawa, beat Hahn
Benson; Berglnnd, Benson, beat
Dudley. Salem.
18S Pound Class
Anderson, Salem, beat Mont
gomery, Corvallis; Palmer, Che-
mawa, beat Roberts, Franklin
Dagsland. Sandy, beat Ferris, Sa
lem; R. Rhoads, Benson, beat
Sea graves, Corvallis; L. Rhoads,
Benson, beat Anderson, Salem.
(Turn to page 2, eoL 1)
Thousands Injured; Series
Of Violent Upheavals
Spreads Terror
Disturbance Reaches From
Santa Ana to Hermosa
Beach; L. A. hit
11 (AP) The fifteenth
strong earthquake shook south
ern California at 12:55 a. m.,
while several hundred leseer
ones were marked up on the
seismological instruments.
(AP) More than a hundred!
communities of southern Cali
fornia were twisted and torn to
night by a series of violent
earthquakes with a death tell
from 14 of the cities being report
ed as 123 and injured being more
than 4150.
The brunt of the terrific con
vulsion that extended from San'
Diego to Santa Barbara, some
200 .miles, and Join .the coast
inshore for some 30 miles, waa
borne by Long Beach.
A' mighty upheaval in the
ocean, to the southwest of Los?
Beach waa believed to have bern
the center of the disturbance.
The spearhead of death and
destruction reached from Santa
Ana, in Orange county, to Her
moso Beach, in Los Angeles coun
ty, with its point in the down
town district of Los Angeles.
Within this triangle the follow
ing death roll was reported:
Long Beach, 65 dead, 1000 in
jured. Los Angeles, 12 dead, 3000 In
jured. -
Watts. 4 dead.
Compton, 13 dead, 150 injured,
Santa Ana, 3 dead.
Huntington Park, 12 dead.
San Pedro, 2 dead. -Wilmington,
1 dead.
Bellflower, 3 dead.
Artesia, 4 dead. x
Hermosa Beach, 1 dead.
Garden Grove, 1 dead.
Walnut Park, 1 dead.
Norwalk, 1 dead.
Into the coroner's office hers
official reports of deaths totaled
59, after a call was Issued to all
undertakers to report for the
county. Those reporting include)
Long Beach 25, Compton 16,
Southgate 5, Lynwood 2, Hynes 1.
Huntington Park 7, Bell 2, Los
Angeles 1.
It was not possible to check at
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
PETPINfi. China. March Ifl
(AP) Chiang Kaf-Shek, China's
highest ranking military officer,
took over direct command of the
army of the north today and im
mediately ordered a division into
the battle with the Japanese in
the area ot Kupeikow, the Great
wall pass on the main highway
from Jehol city to Pelplng.
(A dispatch from Chinchow.
Mancnurla, said Japanese head
quarters there had announced
that Major General Tadashl Raw
ahara's brigade had completed oc
cupation of Kupeikow.)
Marchal Chiang became mili
tary overlord of north China in
succession to Marshal Chang
Hsiao-Liang, whose resignation
was accepted and who will retire
to private life, it was announced,
surrendering his membership in
the Nanking governments councils
as well as his army posts.
North Bend Out
Oi Coos Tourney
MARSHFIELD, March 10.; -(AP)
Coqullle high school ellm-
lasted North Bend high, pre- -tournament
favorites. - 2 -H, in
the semi - finals of the district-
tournament here tonight. Marsh
fledl high defeated . Port Orf ord .
high. 4 to ir. and win meet
Coqullls tomorrow night In the"""
district title game. v V