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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1933)
L A 7 7, 'V Business Directory Carta la tbl directory rosea mentlUy basts eetly. Bates L99 Pr Una pr month. . AUTO BRAKES Mtke Paaek. tba braka and shimmy drr. 379 Sooth Commwctai Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Idler Baanfjr Bbop, dial T358. Senator Beauty Shop, dial Hit. BICYCLES BICYCLES, velocipedes new and used. Harry W. Scott. 14T R Com'l, CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 3763. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. K. Notthaeaa, CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. BCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 26 N. HIsh. Tet Rea 8578. Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence schools. Bustnera, technical courses. Bx. 1(4, C McGIUlTray. TeL 4133. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELCSROVE. 445 N. Cottage. TeL T4I6. Hemstitching, oc yard. Dresamka;. 431 S. Cottage. Upper flat. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decoration. C F. Breit haupt. florist. 1 77 Court. TeL 904. AXX. kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. Ith A Market TeL t5. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL 51 OS. Walter J. Downs. 680 Breye. INSURANCE BBCKB A HENDRICKS 149 N. High TeL 4947 LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRY tt a High TeL MZ5 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 3145 1344 Broadway B1ATTRESSES u.tirMM from faster to home. prlnjr Caattreea $8.00. Renovato-s and fumlgatorm. W vi-i ding Ca TeL 444. -J030 N. Capitol, New mattress made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sUrtng;Ouff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Mat trees Factory, a l$th n?,r: 44L Otto P. Zwlcker. Bet. 11L MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PUnos, radios, sew ing machines, sbeet musio and plane studies. Re pairing radios, phonographs andaewlns Mchlnea 433 State Street. Halem. . B1US1C INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything I can use. Storhow. 458 Court MEDICINE Dr Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday. 10 :30 a.m. foT p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PETS Wire Fox Terriers. 1594 Center. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards. PnP; letaT Drograma, books or any kind of prtaUncaU The Statesman PrinUng Separtment. Jit a Commercial. Tele- phone ilOl-mmimm PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N D. Clement. Income Tax Reports. iidltlng. 110 N Conil X1 S030 Auditing. or 5SS7. REAL ESTATE "nKKB 4 HENDRICX3, TeL 44T. w- ENHRST TeLi4.t. 134 & Liberty 8L BOCOLOFSKT SON ini.s rtr NafL Bk. Blda. Tel. T347. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves foV aaMw rebuilt and repaired. Ail WrUW woven wire fence, fancy 4 puts! J baskets, books, lops i hook Salem Fence and Stove Work 343 oh-m-ir-m. TeL 4774. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER Sttte sTt.L T?73. DUtrlbuUng. for wardlnV and storage eur specialty. Get our rates. . , transfer storage. Si SlSriS -Truster Co. Truck. to PortlanajjajjrIM--. WELL DRILLING r. A. West 30 years experience, RKD 6. Pox 143 B. TeL tlOFS. ChUdrcn't Meeting Is Special Feature nAZBT. GREEN, March. Miss Naomi Van Clear of tna N Dutt evangelistic party, will con duet a children's meeting Sunday V morning; atter Sunday school. . Rev. Clark U. Smith, pnator wSU preach at 11 o'clock. ROT Aliss Penaell. minister Of th9) Naaarenelberriea, some youna berries, blackcaps woraing lor jaws nuuy nuuu-.iv. haa Joined tha Dnf f avangellatic party. Miaa Pennetl; atager wUl assist MUs Sadie Nassie in revival meeting at Liberty beginning Sun- jiay, i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertistac Single insertion er Ilne.lOs Three insertions par Urn iOe 8U Insertiona par Una. .lie One month par Una. .1 4.0 Minimum charge ......He Copy tor this pact eepted until I: SO the ri tag before publication for classification. Copy re ceived ntter this Urns will be ran under the heading Too Lata to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and In cases wbero this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED FEMALE Girl for housework, care one child, 110.00 monthly salary. Must have ref erence. Box IS 8, Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED Good man solicitor. Must have car. Apply today, 1391 N. Fourth and Hood St., Salem. Roofing salesmen. Must have car. :30 a. m. Salem Hardware Co. Mr. Bondell. SITUATIONS WANTED - - ... - - -J--L-L- jj-u- Exp. girl wants housework, $10 mo. Mildred Anderson, Melrose, Ore. Boy, 1 8 yra old, wishes work en farm. Box 155, care Statesman. Wanted Manual work, 30c per hour. I manage my own business. Gar den work, carpenteerlng, or wood splitting. Chas. Berry, Room 4, W. a T. U. building. FOR SALE Miscellaneous 600 boxea Orchard run. Rome Beau ty and Newtown apples. No worma 43c box; 3-for L25. 30) boxes Rome Beauty and New town's, S5c box, S for $1.00. 250 boxes Newtowns, 25c box; I for $1.15. Bring boxes. Spltzenberg, 43c, 53c and 65e box. Wagoners, 59c Yakima Delicious 63c. Pure apple juice gnL, 20c. We de liver. Open Sunday. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem Radio for sale 10 tube R-32. $173 Victor. Repossessed. Balance due ! $48.24 Terms. $5 down, $5 monthly. See Mr. Jans, Will's Music Store. a-e--- - .--rtr-()-J-u-)J-u-u- recommended by State college. W. U Powell, Kt 4, CorvaliLa, Oregon. TRADE Miscellaneous Electric brooder for wood. Ph. 4044. Baby chicks to trade for wheat or oats. Present or fall delivery. Wood, veal or market poultry. Box 159, care Statesman. WANTED Miscellaneous Caah for fruit Jara TeL 8593. Wanted girls bicycle. TeL 6079. - -- - -i-i".niii'iiiiiiiiririn.i"irniO Why throw away good money T The hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, 6c to 35c. Sewing of all ktnds neatly done. Reasonable prices. - TeL 4055. 1498 a Liberty. Wanted, master 540 size, incubator. Sylvia Konlson. Monmouth. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS Beat hair cut Adults 20c child.. 15c. Two blocks 8. of library, a Winter. Vibration and massage treatments 35c and up. Forenoons, evenings, and all day Saturday. 647 Center St. ROOM AND BOARD Front room, running water. 445 Marlon. Board and rooms for ladles. 757 I Center St. TeL 5478. I 0, Good rooms board. TeL 4769. Excellent board and room for one or two persons In quiet modern home near state house. - Home privileges Box 154, Stateeman. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa apartments downtown. Can Pattern's book store. Fur. 3 R. acU 3211 HaseL TeL lilt Olrmnlc 710 N. Liberty. Modern 3 R. furn. or unfurn. apta Nice frort apt 453 Center. FOR RENT-HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses, R A. Forkner. Ill N. Cottage. TeL 303L Small bouse, partly furn. 3430 Lee. Furn. or unfurn. modern 5 r. house. Close in. Call 3131 or T529. Good 5 R. house furn. 310 per month can work out Vt rent for 6 months. Boy 154, care Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate FOR 994 DOLLARS we will sell yea IS acres of real bottom land, with small nouse, gooa well and some oth er Improvements, a small part cleared balance easy clearing with some good umber. Reasonable down payment and s interest Ws have two very desirable timber tracts that we will sell on attractive terms. Mel v In Johnson W. 1C Penningtoa z grate street HACHAMGfi ReaJ Estate FOB RENT OR TRADE It acre 43antiaa river bottom land l room house, lartre bam. 5 acres straw- fof e1Ti,od cash per year. . ciiAa hudkans - ieva Btere Bicte. - Phone in 0 1S mL Roaeburg, clear, good idgs. to trad for place 19 to tl mi iaiem. lit! K. Commercial ft . EXCHANGE: Real EaUU 111 acrea stocked and equipped. I easy terms: will exenanm far email I aoreajre near Salem or any - rood town la valley. See nut about thla aooe. H. C 8HUDS Oregon Bids. TeL 991. FOR SALE FARMS ii-i-ii'in"irvvvnrirrf'wynorvnno.fwuwAi LOOK X am offering- my fine farm of 111 acres for 35500, that la well worth aunt coiuiacr auuia irmam t . if priced right. Well located. II miles 1 Salem. Pacific highway. S you are I iio.oee. Might consider some trade lookUur for a scan see BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Room 4 ACREAGE 9 acres with comfortable new house. 4 rma., elec. llsrhts, bun tins, garage, email barn, variety fruit and berries, close in, 11850., terms. Ask lor ureer. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 175 South High Street SMALL, CLOSE IN ACREAGE 1 1-5 acres near city limits, north, two houses, one 4 rooms and one 4 rooms, garages and woodsheds, drilled well, bearing fruit trees, some berries. Price for all $1900, one-third cash. Dal. terms. 1 acre tract with 5 room plastered ut to-.umbing, electric water system, garage and woodshed. Price 42500 with terms. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 474S SACRIFICED SALES A real bargain 56 -acres. About 11-A. cleared. Most all plow land, good for alfala or hops, Santlam bottom. fair some timber, runtunjr water. bids Price cut for quick sale, $2000. $500. down, baL easy. STOCKED A EQUIPPED 14 -acres. 7 5-A. plow land, some fruit, little timber, nice creek, 7-R. house, bath, electric lights, hen house. S cows, 2 horses, 2 brood sows and some pigs, 22 sheep, 11 lambs. All for 17500 13(100 Anwrn Tnt vmir money In one of these ; safest place. JAS. T. SEARS, Realtor 133 South High Street r Business Opportunities Garage and service eta. TeL 3591. l.lVTWiTnrc pmiiTDV -niiuiwvn anil uuuiui SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at rifice prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch rag. Hatching eggs. Phone 133F3, lm i iiatcnery, salem, Oregon. - --i-i-i-i-yinriru u i.njuLruinru"j Custom hatching: 500 eggs at lHo every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 33F2. Lee's Hatchery. Custom hatching at reduced prlcea prlcea MATTSON'S HATCHERY 2114 North Front St, Salem, Ore. I grade Jerseys, 4 milking; 1 fresh- ens March 20. K. AronsonRouu 3. Stayton. TeL 2S4, Stayton. Market poultry wanted. Any Quan tity. Highest cash prices. TeL 133F2. Lee s Hatchery. FOR SALE Two cows coming fresh soon, $25 and $15. Phone 100F22. MONEY TO LOAN Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New BllghBldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATU 111 State St TeL l-T-4-4 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4733 Salem. Ore rLIUWDAiJ ljUAil D or other good security. Repayable wm i-. wu iui inlaid v I . mn in i i monthly, when In financial need see us oero ciosmg a loan. - GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank B!e. Phone 8553. Borrow on persona property ; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. Btate Ha S-169. 505 Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. FOR SALE WOOD Good dry wood. Reasonable. Lee. load. TeL 8 84 7. Fred E. Wella Dry wood. TeL 4413. is in. arr zna nr. per loma. Planer end. $3.60 per lead, at Tracy'a TeL 3933. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade a Cottage. Fir, ash, reasonable prices. Tel 1739. Dry wood $4.00 cord. Phone 3411, Wood Ind STOWtli ftr. 11 In. 3S.TI. Dry oak $5.00. George Meitsler, Mar lon. Oregon. DRT SIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel OIL Call en ua tor. prlcea, We give com in ea sure, gooa quaiitv ana good aervtce. LARMBR TRANBFSR 8TORAOC Telev&ene sin Ash. ftr and oak. TeL I843L Dry wood that to dry. Call. U3F33. No. i is in. old fir. $4.09. TeL 445. wwivwyw(iwMM Old fir. 13 to $.3. Ph. 3933. A-l old fir 13 in. TeL 813s. POLLY AND HER YE GODS LAST NlOHT 1 f T OU,D BETTER CAU-) ITtthC, WGl. PERKlNaS BUT DOTT OuJl (g) XM$QT CtHB NEXT-DOOR VlTAEV PETXsi XxJOKTT V V THINK IT ANNOV VtXJW . C I3ANCED TILL LWrVH AN f VVS ONE O'ClJXK ($UlXKDH) KEDOCg NESHBCRSJ? Cl tMOW 50 tl) 5r St'night its pollvsY ) i WPC7r " Jeafjg ?b xht ' rs wfe' TSSfr-- crrTS; DIDN'T REAUZ& v y-iv?-3i THINK Sa 3 fiA' V - ' ' . 'i W': KS . .. .' vipewtr-- JB 7-p. it II .tttviTl'iK- W r.. I IflfffL-Lr -' lv . u. I - FOR SALE USED CARS MeKATS) USED CARS WITH AN aK. THAT COUNTS Overland Sedan t U Rollins Touring tl 39 Eases Coae - .,, 'IS Ford Tudor Sedan, Trunk St Ford Fordor Sa. Overhaul 'IS Dodge Coup '21 Butck Sedan. Special at CHEVBOUTS 11 Coupe. Reconditioned '39 Sport Roadster IS Sedan . II Coach 'IS Ceaoh. Like new TRUCKS 4 late eaodet Chevrolet aad Ford - . ; r . .. .. M "J . : ani I!!Ld rJf 'f, overhauled aad guaranteed, f Sift te 1545. TERMS YBAVU I He AT CHEVROLET (XX 333 Center 430 N. ComX Phone ills bouse. 148 Union 8t ATTHK GETTER Women Will Present Com- munity Entertainment at April Meeting AUMSVTLLE, March The largest crowd ever present at a Community club meeting was on hand Tuesday nlgtit to witness the program presented by the men. A short business meeting nrpuldprt over bv the oresl- , t Mp -m jTaAar dent, MrS. A. J2. Mraaiey. The program consisted or songs by the big chorus, direct ed by T. C. Mountain; music by Haymakers orchestra; high school chorus; song by rhyth mic chorus; readings by Waldo Riches; dnet by Morris and Johnnie Baker; play, a mock trial, "Jones versus Jinks" by I Harvey Snyder, Harvey Carlson, D Eastburn, Sllmer Brown, Iti - - TJ- rv, PI.. Xf-tJ- I Leonard Lee, Sam Weiss, Ar- chie Pardee, Guy Gearhart, Les lie Brauner, Raymond Titus, Eu gene Richards, Fred Stlener, Ed Highberger, Tom Winslow, Bert Bradley, Lee Highberger, Leslie Braune and Lawrence Roberts. Music by Haymakers orchestra; song by alumni quartet, clog dance by Sam Baker and Sam Weiss, song by chorus directed by Theo. Mountain, Let Me Call Yon Sweetheart,' acted ont by Howard Tong and Lawrence Ro berts; and "Good Night Ladles." The grade school 4-H Sewing club Held a candy sale. In April the women will pre sent the program which will be In competition with the one the men gave. Five judges were se lected to determine the winners. who will be entertained by the losers. Miss Marcia Wright was host a Saturday night to her Sun day school class and a few friends at her home. Mrs. susie Ransom and son Wayne, Mrs. Rose Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Martin motor ed to Alsea Saturday to attend the funeral of Cnrtls Seely who was at one time a resident of Aumsvllle. Baseball Players At Brooks Sponsor Benefit Card Play BROOKS. March 9. The Brooks baseball bora snon sored a 1 4. I. V. 4v . A .1.1.. i . . .... " piay weanesaay nigm at tne I community Clubhouse. High score WM won bv Miaa Pearl Johnson I 7 , I ,iiu xvicuara ana tow ocure 1 went to Mrs. Virgil Loomia and George Montgomery. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rasmussen, Mrs. Charles Batchelor and daughter Barbara, Mrs. John Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Wll- lard Ramp, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. James Riggi. Mrs. Fay Loom- is, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asplnwall, Elmer Wood, James Rlggl, Ivan Wood, Mrs. Winnie Hart man, Mrs, Anna nnnlaTV. MIh nniila Aantn. i i, ..... t. -rrr i n. I . T'iTi tie Asplnwall, Donald Montgom ery, Miaa Rea ZieUnskl, George Montgomery, Jack Stelger, Miss Pearl Johnson, John Dualavy. RfoherA TTpaa Ralnh (llrr I and 1 Ear Ramp. Another card party will be giv en in the clubhouse next Wednes day night. Chicken Prices Stay Unchanged PORTLAND. March 9. (AP) T.f hlrlran nr1ia mtnaln nf 1 athe t,m charMter but -ener. ally without pries) change of any sort. Killers while seeking sup- pl,e M onwlmng or n9f to offer an advance. PALS MEN S PROGRAM IS mm SETTLES Two-Cent Increase is Held Along Coast; Exports Above Year ago CORVAJLLI9, Ore.. March (AP) Egg markets fluctuated considerably the. past week bat ndsd with net gain of two eents In Portland and remained fully steady elsewhere along tha coast, it was stated in a review is sued today by the TJ. 8. O. A, bu reau of agricultural economics co operating with the O. S. C. exten sion service. In the east prices also reacted upward with Pacitie coast eggs reaching eents, Just a half cent under a year ago. Production for the week was variable, with California output showing a heavy seasonable in crease to near the season's high point, though Washington and Oregon appear to be slower in reaching the peak, as is custom ary. As a whole, however. Pacif ic coast production is running 10 to 15 per cent under a year ago, Through the middle west the full effect of the February cold wave is Just being felt with col lections at packing plants show ing a sharp decrease last week Storage operations are going for ward with considerable confi dence in the present price level. Exports of case eggs from the United States totaled 140,000 cases in January, mostly to Cen tral America and the West Indies. This was more than 100.000 cases short of January a year ago, while imports of dried and frosen eggs exceeded 1932 for the same month. GERVAI8, March 9 Sam Mc Laughlin, superintendent of the boys training school, took as the theme for his talk before the, Parent-Teacher association Mon day night, the system under which the training school is con ducted. Mrs. Berta Barker, the president, presided. The high school gave a musical program. The teachers of the high and grade schools are to put on the program for tk April meeting. A group of relatives gathered at the Robert Harper home Sun day and gave a pot lock dinner in honor of John H. Cntsforth, Mrs. Zeno Schwab and Lola Rae on their birthday anniversaries, Those present were K. R. Rae and family of Salem, Zeno Schwab and family, Mr. and Mrs Cntsforth and Mr. and Mrs. Bar per and son. The Presbyterian Missionary society will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon. The leaden are Maybelle Jelderks and Kath erlne Marshall and tha hostesses, Bessie Moisan, Pearl 8tevens and Anna Manning. The lesson study is, "Church in Japan." The Fidelia' class of the Pres byterian Sunday chool will meet Thursday night, March II, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harper. AH members, friends and those interested are invited. Unique Gathering . And Program Held By Girl Reserves S1LVERTON, March 9 The Girl Reserves had a particular ly interesting meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Eugene Field building when Rev. J. C. Hall, who spent several years as mis sionary at Sumatra, gave an il lustrated lecture on the island of Sumatra. Each girl carried a passport which was a copy of a real pass pert and was issued by Robert Goett, superintendent of Silver ton schools, acting as secretary of state. Miss Stella Dybevlk, acting as British consul, prepar ed the visas which permitted the girls to make an imaginary stop at the British Isles. Next week Rer. Mr. Hall will continue his talk on Sumatra. St. Patrick Night Chosen For Social 8ILVERTON, March 9 Trin ity Young People's society la planning an interesting social for St. Patrick's night. The affair will be in the natnre of a ahadow social and plas will also be, sold. In charge are Vivian Bunass, Hel ea Tlngeistad, Mrs. M. G. Gaa- derso, Frances Nelson, Peggy Goplerud and John Goplerud. A playlet is being prepared as a part of tha program. fterenge TRAINING SYSTtm IS TOLD P. T. A. SPRING LAMBS REACH . - - . OUT-STATE Sell at 10c at North Portland, 16c on Wholesale Mart PORTLAND. March 9 (AP) First spring lambs of the sea son to reach north Portland ar rived today. The stock was ship ped by Roy RIckard of Corvallis and void to Swift ft Co. There were 15 head in the lot and they sold 10c lb., weighed 71 lbs. ave rage. PORTLAND, March (AP) First spring lamb of the 1932 season, in the wholesale trade, was reported in today. The, anl- mai arrivea rrom newoerg ana weighed 47 pounds pelted; sold ISc lb. There was a good call for old country killed lambs as well as mutton with few arriving. Hogs and veal were quoted practically unchanged for the day. General Markets PEODUCB BXCRAHOB PORTLAND, Ore., March 9. (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Butter Extra 19c. sUaderdi ISVaC prime tints lltte. firsts 18a. cxs Freeh extras ISc. stadiums 15c. Portland Produce POBTLAND. Ore.. March 9. (AP) Batter Prints, 93 score er better 21e Bound, standards 20 He. tcf Pacific Poultry Prodocera tell-. inf prices: Fre&h extras 16c, itaadaros lSe, mediums 15c. Country meat Selling price te ratall- : Comntry-killed boca. beat butchers. under 150 pounds, 5 He; vealers, 80 to 100 pound t, B-8 He lamb n-ize, spnars 18c. year lines Sc. haary ewaa -5c. can- aer eo-wt 3H-3He, built 4-4 He. Nuts Orefoa walnuts 13-lle pound, peanuts IOe, Bratil 1314c. alaeada 15 16c, filberts 20-22e, pecans 30e. Caseare bark Buying pries. iS3 peel. Se pound. Hit ope Nominal. 1932. 2 4-2 Be, Betterfat Direct to shippers: Statiea, 15e: Portland deliTery prices, ehum- inc cream 18-17. sweet cream higher. LIts poultry Buying price: Heavy hens, colored. 4H pounds 11-12: do m diem 10c: Ughta 8e: springs, light 13a, hoary 12e; old roosters 5e; ducks, Pekia, spring 16c. old 10-I2c. colored IOe. Onions Selling price te retailers: Ore- goa S0-90e eetani, Takima 8panisb 75- Ssc cental. Potatoes LecaL 65-75e orange box: Detchotes Gems 90e-Sl, Takima Game 80-85s costal : new. Florida, Be pound. Wool 1932 clip, nominal: Willamette valley ll-15s pound, eastsra Oregon 10-Ue. Portland Livestock POWTLAKD. Ore., March 9. (AP) Cattle Receipts 80. ealres 10; steady to fum. Steers. 850 te 900 pouads, good 34.75 5.35. medium 84-4.75. common 33-4: 900 te 1190 pouads, good 94.50-6, mediant common ss-4: lioe te ibov pounds. goo tS.S5-4.5e, medium 33-S.I5. Heifers, 550 to 750 pounds, good $4S 4.50, common-medium $2.60-4.25: 750 to 900 pounds, goed-ehoiee 94-4.35. cons-moa-medium 93-4. Oows. good $1.60-1.75, commom-stedrnm 92.75-8.50, low cutter aad cutter 31-83-2.75. Balls, yearlings excluded, rood (beef) 92.25-3.75. cutter- medium 91.50 2.35. Tealers. good -choice 95.50-e.3S. Bedlam f4.Z5-a.30, etui-common 93.50-4.25. Calves. 50 to 500 pounds. rood-choice 94-4.50, common - meat urn Hogs Beeeipto ISO ; steeay. Light lights. 140 to 160 pounds, good- choice, $3.50-4.25. Lightweight, 160 to 180 pounda, $4-4.25; isu to zuu pounds, 94-4.35. Medium weight, 200 to ziv poanea, es.iae.aa; saw pouads. $3.50-4.10. Hearyweight, 250 to 290 pounds, $3.25-4; 290 to 850 pounds, 93.15-8.85. Packing sows. 275 to 850 pounds, good 93-3.75, 850 to 425 pouads $8-8.50, 435 to 550 pounds $3-8.50; 375 to 550 pounds, medium 43-3.15. Feeder and stacker pigs, to to iso peunos, goea cheice 93.50-3.50. Base ens lamee Keceipte ou; aous- inally steady. Lambs, VO pounds a own. gooa-cnoica 85.35-5.05, common-medium $1.50-5.2. Yearling wethers, 90 to 110 pounds, good- choice $3-4.10, medium I'i J. Ewes, w to 120 pounds, good-choice 33.25-2.75, 120 to 150 pounds S3 -.00, all weignis eommon- medium, 91-8. Recital Postponed In Favor Carnival As Church Benefit JEFFERSON. March 9 - The recital to have been given by the tnnsic pupils of Linden R. Lann er, Friday night at the local Evangelical church, has been postponed until a later date, be cause of the church carnival giv en by the Christian church peo ple. In the parlors of the cnurcn. The proceeds from the carnival will be used as a church benefit. Mrs. Frank B . Costa arrived from Ooble, Arizona Monday ev ening for a visit with her par ents, Mr. aad Mrs. Joe Harris aad family. Mrs. Costa will be re membered as Miss Minnie Har ris. HALL WILL PRSACH ZENA, Mareh 9 Captain O. L. Hall of McMlnnville win hold church services at 11 o'clock at the Zena church following Sun day school Soaday, March IS. Captain Hall assisted fa organis ing the Union Sunday school here last May. is Sweet! BUTTER COMING IN Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.20 par hudred. Snrplns 03c (Tallk bated ea ml ataataly batterfet eTsrace.) Batterfat Sweet, 18c; sour, 16c. . Prtees paid te (revere by Balea keyen Kerch (Tke prices belew. seppftaS dt a local arecer. ere IsdlestWe ef the daily saarket bet are aet cuaraatee by The sutasaaa) yBUTT AJTO VEGETABLES Carrota. CaUL, erate 3 IS Oreea appera. Oalil, Ik. 4S Peas, CaHt, lb. JS CabUse. lb. . ,. .03 Oaiona, des. "--- .35 Petatoes, lakima Ke. 1 .65 Potatoes, local .75 U 1.00 Sveefc potatoes, crate J.50 Lettace, CaUL .3.19 to 3.S5 S.65 .85 .60 Tomatoes, hothoese, crate Oaiona. Walla Walla Oaiona. Labisa. cwt. - Parsnipa. hundred Rhubarb, hothouse .1.50 .55 to .80 OS 1.90 8.50 .07 to .OS Calif, lb Celery. Calif.. erate Mexican Tomatoes Italian Broccoli, lb. Apples Winesaps .50 and .75 Kswtowns .40 and .SO Borne Beauty .40 te .60 Oenoe .65 Cauliflower, Calif., crate 1.10 Brussels sprouts, Calif., lb .10 Kutabagaa. hundred 1.00 to 1.25 Oranges, p.p. 1.50 to 1.75 Oranges, fancy 3.00 to 4.00 Beets. Calif., dot. .70 Turnips. Calif., erate 2.65 Spinach, Calif- crate . HOPS Top, 1938, lb. Top, 1931, lb. .34 .30 SOOS Buying Prices Extras .. Standards .13 .11 .10 Tediums PO0MK Old roosters - . .04 . .10 . .08 . .06 - .09 . .10 -5.00 4.00 3.73 Colored hens . Medium hens Light hens Bakers Light fryers Lambs, toe MS AT Hogs, top Hogs, first cuts Steers Oows Heifers -.03 te .04 01 to .03 0Q U .03 .03 to .03 .07 Bulls Dressed TeeL top Dressed hogs G3AXV AHD BAT Wheat, western red White, Ke. 1 Barley, top, ton Oats, white, ton Oats, gray, top, ton . OS 49 .49 .16.00 .18.00 ..25.00 Hay. buying prteee Oats and retch, ton 9.00 to 11.00 Alfalfa, ralley, 1st eut -10.00 to 11.00 Alfalfa, ess Urn Oregon 14.50 WOOL Vedtua Coarse Mohair . .08 ao market II. DALLAS. March 9. The book of Revelation will be the basis of a series of sermons which K. E. Burke, pastor of the Dallas Chris tian church, will begin Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock hour. The series will be under the gen eral heading, -Christ's Personal Messages to the Modern Church." Mrs. William Owens of Raymond, Wash., will sing "My Task" (Ash ford 1 at the morning service. The Kdlgar-Qnlrlng male quar tet will sing at the evening serv ice at 7:30 o'clock. The sermon topic will be "The Joy of Fellow ship." Thla will be the first of a series of sermons from the first eotstle of John. The young people's Christian Endeavor society started an at tendance' contest last Sunday. Their aim of 89 was more than reached the first Sunday of the contest with an attendance or 82 The iunlor C. E. group began a verse - finding contest. Donald Burke and Ha Smith are the cap tains for the two sides. NOTICE OF SHKKIKK'S SALE On Saturday the 11th day of starch. 1SS. at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House. In Salem. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of the within named defendants, in and to the follow- in described real property situ ated la Marioa County, Oregon to-wit: Lota tweaty-aix and twenty-seven Ewald Fruit Farms, Marlon County. Oregon. This sale la made by virtue of aa Execution Issued oat of tha Circuit Court ot the State of Ore gon for Marlon County, to me di rected la the case f A. Oehler aad Helen M. Oehrer. Plaintiffs ts. Anton Kalpus aad Vivica Kul- pas. Defendants. A. C BURK. Sheriff at Marioa County, Oregon. ay W. RICHARDSON, Deputy. F 10-1 7-J 4 M S - BURKE STARTS SPECIAL SERMONS PORTLAND ... ' ' Local Bids are More Profitable Than California's PORTLAND, March I (AP) Portland was attracting consid erable out-state butter as a result of Its bids for top scores whiem make it more profitable to ship to this city than to California points. Local make was very spotted la volume with the late total sur prisingly limited although her and there some increase waa noted. Lack of banking facilities has been the chief factors in cre ating a shortage of butterfat of ferings here. Many dairymen appeared un willing to continue to make ship ments to market and receive checks with no money in sight. Some that had shipped previously and had a handful of checks but, could get no actual money for their needs, were discouraged. There was no change in values for the day. Market for eggs was without general change for the day. There continues a small supply with de mand seemingly sufficient to keep effferings cleaned from day to day, Happy Hour Youth To Present Drama For Hills Region WALDO HILLS, March 9 The play, "The Play's the Thing will be produced by the yonng people of the Happy Hour clnb Thursday and Friday nights. March 16 and 1 at the school house. It is a three-act comedy. A nine-pound daughter, Mary Jane, was born March 2 to Mr. and Mrs. George Kaufman (Flor ence Kuenii) at the Silvertoa hospital. Mother and daughter are now at Mrs. Klopfenstein's home. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Ottoway and daughter Beryl, moved from Silverton last weekend to the acreage owned now by John Moe but known as the Bert Iversoa place. The Ottoways lived in this neighborhood before and are be ing welcomed TiaCk. EIGHT ARE EXAMINED HUBBARD. March 9. Elrht infants and six pre-school children were examined at the clinic held Wednesday afternoon at Pythian hall. Fonr were found to be with out defect. Fifteen children re turned to complete the immunisa tion for diphtheria and thee were five new vaccinations. Dr Burke was the examining physician with Nova Lyndes, Mrs. George Grimps, jur. ueorge &nignc ana Mrs. Waldo Brown assisting. FKIDAT, 1CJLRCH 19 SOW roclaad 20 Kc 7:15 Organ concert, KBC. 7:45 Arion trie, KBC. 8:15 Jack aad Patsy. KBC. 8:00 Stnaekoat, SBC. 0:15 Cookies- school. 10:00 Arion trio, KBC. 11:45 Organ concert, KBC. 12:15 Westora farm and Home ftoac NBC 13:45 O. at. Plummer. 1:45 Tha Arcadians, KBC. 3:15 Concert Artists, KBC. 3:00 Melody Mixers, KBC. 4:00 Fnendlr chat. 5:00 Mahdi the magician. 5:39 Little Orphan Annie, KBC. fl:00 First Nighter. KBC, 7:55 Bound the World ia a Giant Amphibian. 3:00 Amoe 'a Andr. KBC. 8:15 Howard Taunton, the magician, KBC. 10:20 Hotel Mark Hopkins orchestra, NBC. 11 :00 Ambassador H e t e 1 orchestra, KBO. 11:80 Organ ceacert. KBC XOrsT Pettlaaa Ka. 8:30 KOIX Kleek. 10:00 George HaU'e archest re, CBS. 11:00 American School et the Air, CBS. 1:00 Beek ef Lite. S:OS Pemiaine Fanciee, DLBS. 4:45 Cecil end Sally, E-T. 6:30 March et Time, CBS. 8:30 Edwin C. Rill. CBS. 8:00 Bedding White, tenor. S:eO BaadBax Kerne, E.T. 10:15 Sport rushes. XOA6 Corrsllis 588 ate. 7:00 hforniag Meditatteas, led y Bee. Srooj sC steiiew. 8:00 Morales' esmcer 10:00 Heme Scestemics Oheerram, 13:00 Term hour. 8:0 Lillian Jeffreys Petri "J Radio 1 Program 1 Masie et nsen." 7H0 O. X. Bckwster "Werid CoaeaV rieea aad etoereee est Kate." T:15 Dr. Peal W. Miller "Filbert Diseases Other Taaa Bilges." T:40 Baetaees Xastitute et the Air Address by Prof. E. X. BeseestaV. 9:30 CorraUie Bkslaeeu aad Praia-. sieaal Women's stub Teeturiegl address by Miss Helen Laeiae Crosby ef Salesa, m "Ke-w lf By CUFF STERRETT jr.