fhe OUCCON STATESMAN, Saieo Oregon, Friday Morning; March 10; 1S23 PACE FIVL ( 1 I 'r V) , California Guest Is Entertained - ' lira. W- Con&ell Dyer enter tained with a charming tea Wed nesday afternoon at her homo fa compliment to Miss' Orytha Gatch of Oakland, Cal., who has been a guest her for Uxe past sereral days at tae.bome of Mias Sally Boah.-i :-va -:t v ; Invited to meet MU Gatch vera Mrs. Print Byrd, Mrs. Curtis B. , Cross, Mrs. Fran. Spears, Mrs. Asa Fisher, Mrs. Clifford Browa. Mrs Chester Cox, - Mrs. W, Earl Sbaf er of : 8a Francisco, Mrs. Bert Haney of Portland, Mrs. Keith Powell of Wbodburn, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Edith Schry r. Miss Mabel Robertson, Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Nell Thielsen, Miss Dorothy Pearce. Miss Wini fred Byrd, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., and Miss Rovena Eyre. Miss Maxine Myers Feted Tonight Mrs. H..H. Winterstein will en tertain at her homo on Virginia street in compliment to Miss Max ine Myers bride-elect of Charles Claggett whose wedding will be solemnised March 24 at the Myers home. i A uniqne shower is being plan ned tor Miss Myers as part of the festivities of the evening. Bridge will bo in play. A color scheme of silver and pale green will be used for the guest room decorations and for the sen-lee table at the late coffee hour. Bidden In compliment to Miss Myers. are Mrs. Deryl F. Myers, Mrs. Alden Adolph, Miss Marmion Connor, Miss Yvonne Smith, Miss Frances Martin, Miss Kreta Jans, and Miss Rita Claggett. Members of Chemeketa players were special guests for an in formal evening at the Frank Tor gerson home Wednesday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. EL J. Peterson, Miss Marguerite Zer san. Miss Hasel Shatt, Miss Lil lian Potter, Mrs. Nellie Rowland Green, Erwln Potter, Arnold Tay lor, Johnny Nathman, Victor Wll llams, Vernon Stohl, Perry Relg el man and Frank Tor gerson. Home Nursing Course is " . Planned by Aid Society Grange Group Entertained; Mrs. Alta Foren Honored by Past Noble Grand Club Woodbura The Federated women of the Methodist Episcopal church "held Its regular business meeting at the church Tuesday afternoon, when plans were mad for a silrer tea to be held at the chureh parlors Tuesday March 28. Mrs. Paul Pern ber ton, pres ident, appointed the following committe.es, Mrs. W. D. Simmons general chairman, program, Mrs. Pemberton and Mrs. V. D. Bain, decorating, Mrs. B: O. Brown, Miss Ina Bonney and Mrs. Oscar Allen. Kitchen, Mrs. Ida Parr, Mrs. James Llvesay and Mrs. E. N. Hall. Those on the receiving committee are Mrs. Pearle L. Love, Mrs. Glenn S. Hartong and Mrs. Ivan C. Beers; Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. F. W. Settlemier, Mrs. Florence Goulet and Mrs. Corrie Young will preside at the tea Urns and the Misses Beatrice Brown, Pearl Tulsdorf and. Miss swiaier woi assist with the serv ing. Woodbura The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society ' observed its 43rd anniversary Wednesday aft ernoon when it met in the church parlor, with Mrs. B. H. Hicks, Mrs. Ellrun Sims, Mrs. Clyde Whitman and Mrs. C. C. Cam mack at hostesses. The devotions were conducted by Mrs. Mude Mochel. The annual election of officers resulted: Mrs. Henry Layman, re elected president; Mrs. Frank Wright, vice-president; Mrs. E. J, Allen, re-elected treasurer; Mrs. Fern Hasbrook, secretary and Miss Martha Ratclitt, pianist Plans were made for serving the dinner for the annual Congrega tional meeting to bo held in the dining room of the church March 30. Committees appointed are din ner: Mesdames Butterfleld, White Maupin, Hall, Wompole; dining room, Allen, Gibbens. and Faul coner. A program and social time followed. Pioneer. Mrs. Roy Kinion en tertained 'in honor of Mrs. Cecil Dell with a shower Wednesday af ternoon at her home. Joint, host esses were Mrs. Ray Slater and Mrs. Howard Coy. Others present were Mrs. John Keller, Sr.. Mrs. Chet Neswald. Mrs. Roy Black. Mrs. Clyde Robbins. Mrs. Leo Hughes and baby, Mrs. Will Kin ion and children, Mrs. Lawrence Dornhecker, Mrs. Tom and Mrs. Johnnie Keller, Mrs. Frank Dom- aschofsky. Mrs. Frank Dornheck er ' and daughter. Mrs. Mark Blodgett. Mrs. Homer Conley, An na Ladstock. Elsie. Fay and Shir ley Keller. Mrs. Darel Bird and son and Lois Slater. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Liberty. The Younsr oeonle of the Red Hills )t ranee wer enter tained Tuesday night at the A. B. Browning home. Cards and Bu sies were enjoyed. Present Were Dorothr Becklev. Orpha Dasch, Cathrine Dallas, Ruth Dougherty, Mildred Zosel, wuma westennoase. La Verne Oakman, Pearl Scott, Dale Dasch. Mervln and Chester Seeger, Blli Berndt, Harlan Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pruitt, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dallas, Robert Dallas, Peggy Browning, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Browning and Dorothy and Lester Browning. Independence. The Women's dab held its bi-monthly meeting at the clubhouse Tuesday after noon. Tho program consisted of a book report on "Our Yesterdays" by Wright, by Miss MIngors of the Oregon Normal school. Mrs. H. G. Hanson gave current events. A trio, Mrs. M. J. Butter, Mrs. Ellen Davis and Mrs. Dwight Haag, sang, accompanied by Mrs. R. D. Elliott of Monmouth. Hostesses for th meeting were Mrs. Guy Walker, Mrs. S. B. Wal ker and Mrs. Nick Versteeg. Tho next meeting will be a silrer tea benefit. ; ' Hasel Green. Mrs. Joseph Cook and Mrs. Arch McCarfcla war -hostess to th sunshine Sewing slab Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Cook'a hom. Mrs. Bar nick and Mrs. Georg Boyd f Sa lem were guests.- Th club fat spon soring ja course in home nursing to d given by Mrs. Boyd. The first meeting win b at tho school March IS at Site o'clock. Members ot tho sewing clab ar urged to b present at the first meeting with notebooks and pencils. There will bo demonstra tion of first aid and nursing. . Mrs. Joseph. Zielinskl and Mrs. Charles ZlelinskL Jr., will bo hostesses at Mrs. Joseph Zielin ski's home March 22. West Salem Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens wer hosts to tho mem bers of their Plnoehl club at their home Wednesday night. Members include Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boles and daughters, Eve lyn and Norma June, Mr. and Mrs. Saady, Mr. and Mrs. Effen barger and son, Duano of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens and son, Leo and daughter, Miss Bertha ot .Wt Salami " Brooks. The regular meeting' of th Brooks Ladles Aid society was held In the Methodist church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. N. P. Vlnyard, president, led the devo tions and conducted the business. Plans wero made for a group to attend th Ladles' Aid rally In Salem, March' IS, at the First Methodist church. A feature of the afternoon was th gift shower for Mrs. William Hall. Brooks Mrs. Alta Forea was guest of honor at a farewell par ty given by tho Past Noble Grand club at the homo ot Mrs. William Alsup. Mr. and Mrs. Foren are moving to Sweet Home where they will make their home. Lincoln Tho Misses Mary and Lucille Hackett entertained the Young People's Christian Endea vor with a party at their home at Lincoln recently. Additional Society on Pages 3-6 m ii. i ! m 11111 1 m hi iiii Hi" it"1 utiitfi'Ufjnii M1 .1 iHir'ma n u - 1! M A MR II .A I i W Lean Onr plttvkwa ham sales were so popular that again we feature haws. Again we offer yon one of the finest of Eastern mild sugar cured skinned hams at a deep cut ptjee ... a price so low that It's almost extrava gance NOT to buy one. 72 Ik Half or Whole Prices effective Friday & Saturday, March 10th - 11th Arm & Shoulder cuts lb. 2c ioSESmig EteeG ft Sliced Basoim Eastern Sugar Cured Rind off Pork StteaEi Lean Shoulder Cuts lb. Sliced HAM Large Center Cuts each Produce Features P llOtt GG No. 1 Grade 25 lb. bag Young & tender G 3bu. 2c U.S. No. 1 lbs. i Extra fancy Jonathan or Delicious, xrisp-juicy doz fancy, well colored Pound Finest SHORTENING Pie crt made with Formay Is something for hobby to rave about. 34b Can Lenten Suggestions Pink Salmon ..3 for 23c Happy Vale, tall cans Tuna Flakes 10c Clearwater, No. H can Chatka Fancy Crab 25c Chatka, No. H can Tiny Tot Sardines . . . . 1 0c No, U tins Pel-la-co Shrimp 9c No. 1 can Kip'red Snacks 4 for 14c No. M tins 0 Dessert Seedless ST GUOuG Think of it less than 4c a pound for these tender, phunp, seedless raisins. One of today's beet "bays." c Slax-i-mnM Eraporated Quality guaranteed SmallT") Can ZCj CCan6 c SAEiEiIINES Max-i-mnM Mustard or Tomato Banco Oval Tin . 5 Standard Pack, fine for stews 5oz. Tin Q)G EgZh fresh ex. doz. 12 Vic Flour, 49-Ib. bag . . 89c Blue Seal Coffee, lb. can . . . 27c Maxwell House Sugar, pore cane, 7 lbs. 29 c Raisin Nut Bread . . 8c Pound loaf. Sat. Only Minced Clams . . . 19c Ocean Ware brand 10 os. can Pnrex, qt bottle . 10c Pork and Beans, can . 5c Campbell's Pineapple, lobby's 8 or. 4c Libby's Chill ConCame No. 1 Can 10c Edwards Depend. Coffee ' lb. 8c Nob Hill High-Grade tfeffee S8c Airway Santos Coffee pound 22c Grape-Nats Package 15c Colombia Sweet Nabbin ' Pickles ot. Jar SOc -Stroagheart Dog Food, 4 Cans , 20c Harmony Soap ,8 bars. 10c r. J. B. Coffee 84W can for 85c fWE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO USSJT QUANTITIES. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. V KPtfW Ft AStrh 7. FT 'm u m m 0 935 South Commercial St. " . wm Prices Good Friday; atirday, Monday Box Chocolates for St. Patrick's Day 2-to Box 55c, Box 79c Clay Pipe With Each Box St. Patrick Creme Mints 19c Bridge Mix 23c It White Owl Cigars Box 50s $2.05, Box 25s $1.09 El Sidelo Bonton box 10s 79c Prince Albert 16 oz. 83c George Washington 16 oz. 63c Del Monte L. of V. Peas2r25c Rosedale Asparagus TZ' 1 5c Crisco or Formay 3 45 c Fancy Blue Rose Rice 4 ? 15c Chase &. Sanborn Coffee can 29c Silverdale Tomatoes 2 15c Money bays MORE at Fred Meyer' mor. of the country 'a finest soods. Check over these many remarkable prices and see how far your money really goes here! ' Oranges and More Oranges ! ! ! Juice Oranges 5c Doz. Medium Size 2 Doz. 25c Large Fancy 2 Doz. 35c Oxydol, large pkg. 19c, 10c size Free Dromedary Grapefruit 3 He Imported Sardines lZa 5c 25 Troco Margarine 2?kgs.l9c Jell-Well Dessert 4 19c Mascara Pure Fruit Preserrea 21f;-lb. jars 25c Walla Walla Tomato Juice, 4 cans for 25c Fred Meyer Cleaning Fluid 6 oz. bott. 9c Clear Water Tuna Flakes (VsS) 2 tins 19c Fancy Cal. Small White Beans 4 lbs. 15c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, lge. bottle 15c Oregon Franquette Walnuts 2 lbs. 29c . Fancy Large Oregon Prunes 4 lbs. 19c Ammonia or Bluing, large bottle 7c Old Milwaukee Brew 6 bottles 49c White or Black Pop Corn 2 lbs. 11c At Fred Meyer Grocery Department Save! Save! 30c Regular Modess 9c 25c Bayers Aspirin 9c 65c Vicks Vapo Rub 39c 25c Pond's Tissues 11c 25c Jocur Shampoo 14c 25c Pts. Bells Cleaning Fluid 19c 50c tubes Ipana Tooth Paste 25c 25c William's Talc for Men 9c 25c Packer's Tar Soap only 14c 50c Quires Tooth Paste 9c 50c Strasska Original & 50c Peppermint Tooth Paste 33c Coty Face Powder Set with Free Perfume all 98 ZIP The New Sharpener for Gillette Blades 39c 10c Lux, PaJmolive, or Lifebuoy Soap 2 bars 11c $1.00 Ovaltine 59c A wbole track load of cxreptieaalljr fine quality Oranges, tM skinned, cfaack fall of sweet wholesome Juice. Keep a supply hand, 99c for case. Rhubarb 2 lbs. 9c Fresh tender Bunch Carrots 3 for 10c Smooth fine qnaUty Fancy Cauliflour 10c Large snowhlte heads Arizona Seedless Grapefruit 6 for 19c Fancy quality st low price Save! Save! 50c Feenamint for 29c 50c Probak Blades 25c 50c Gillette Blades 25c $1.25 Enos Salts 79c 40c Pluto Water 27c 35c Gem Blades 21c Scott Tissue Toilet Paper 3 for 19c $1.50 Mineral Wells Crystals 79c 10c Mission Bell Soap 3 bars 13c 2 Bots 35c FrosrJlla for 39c 50c Paynes Tooth Paste 9c Handy, Unbreakable Bathroom Tumblers only 9e 25c Mission Dry 12 oz. Grapefruit Juice 3 for 19e 25c Big Jig Saw Puzzles 19c; Others at 2 for 25c 25c pints Cliquot Club Ginger Ale 2 bottles 25c Remedies 60c Sal Hepatica 39c 60c Bromo Seltzer 39e $1 Adlerika 57c 1.35 Sargon 69c 1.25 Smith M.A.C. 59c Guaranteed Rubber Goods Rubber Gloves Pr 10c 2 qt. Hot Water Bottle 25e 2 qt. Fountain Springe 23e 75c Bath Sprays 33c 5 ft. Syringe Lengths 15c First Aid Products 25c Bandaid 19c 1x5 Adhesive 19c 5 Yd. Sterile Gauze 27c 10c Bandages 7c 1 Lb. Hospital Cotton 17c Remedies 1 Lb. Agar Agar 59c 1 Lb. Sassafras Bark 27c 1 Lb. Flax Seed 9c 5 Lbs. Epsom Salts 23c 4 Ot. Senna Leaves 19c PtHs end Tablets 100 Blaud 5 Gr. 25c 100 Hinkla Pills 15c 100 Saccharin M gr. 15c 100 Aspirin 5 Gr. 17c -100 Cascara 5 gr. 25c Face Powders 50c Woodburys 33c 50c $1 Tangee 69c 50c 1.10 Ayeristocrat 59c 50c $1 Dona Rosa 69c 35c 50c Java Rice 33c 50c Remedies 4 oz. Camphorated Oil 19c 3 oz. Spirits Camphor 19c 4 oz. Tr Green Soap 19c 6 oz. Aromatic Cascara 29c 6 oz. Castor Oil 19c Remedies 85c Kruschen Salts 43c 85c Jad Salts 41c 60c Cal Syrup Figs 37c 1.20 Caldwells Syrup 69c 1.25 Pierces Remedies 89c Sale! Baby Needs for proper care of the tiny tots. All at remarkable savings. 23 of the finest, nationally-known articles that are so necessary 25c Mulford Infant Suppositories 12c 1 Pint 10 D. Cod Liver Oil only $1.98 15c Gerber's Strained Vegetables 9c $1 Horlick's Malted Milk only 67c 25c Mennens Ba Soapl4c 35c Mennens Ba Oil 19e 25c Mennen Bor Talc 13c Qt. Hot Wat. Bottles 39c 15c Hygeia Nipples 11c 15c Hygeia Bottles lie 25c Pyrex Bottles 19c 75c Dextri Maltose 49c 35c Baby Ralston 29c 10c Oval Nursers 5c 10c Wide Nursers 5c 25c Conti Castile 11c 25c J & J Baby Soap 15c 10c Soft Wash Cloths 5 Soft Sea Wl Sponges 29c 2 oz. Infant Springe 16c 4 oz. Sweet Oil 9c 35c Castoria 23c 4 oz. Boric Acid 6e 85c Mellins Food 57c Lotions Jergens 27c Santiseptic 29c Clover Cream 29c Italian Balm 19c Chamberlains 27c Face Creams 50c Milkweed 29c 65c Ponds 39c 60c Dona Rosa 49c 60c Hoppers Youth39c 60c Elcaya 39c Toiletries 60c Mum 39c 50c Dew 39c 50c Ever Dry 39c $1 Zip Epilator 39c 75c Vivatone 59c For the Hair 60c Danderine 39c 60c Wfld Root 39c 1.25 Nourishine 83c 50c Lucky Tiger 23c $1 Liquid Arvon 69c Tooth Paste 50c Pebeco 29c 25c Listerine 19c 25c Colgatts 19c 50c Astringasol 33c 50c Pepsodent 27c Shaving Creams 35c Barbasol 19c 35c Burma Shave 19c 50c Williams 39c 35c Palm Olive 25c 50c Jar Kranks 29c Remedies 1 Pt. Milk Magnesia 14c 1 Pt. Rubbing Alcohol 15c 1 Pt. Witch Hazel 19c 1 Pt. Bay Rum 39c . 1 1 Pt. Olive Oil 39c Reducing Agents $2 Reduceoids 1.11 75c Lacey3 Gam 59c $2 Van Nay Tablets 1.59 $1 Korjena 69c $1 Bonkor 89c Health Foods 65c Toddy Lbs. 39e 65c Cocoa Malt 39c $1 Lacto Dextrin 89c 1 lb. Laxseed Block 39c 75c Bordens M. Milk 39c Shampoos 50c Conti Castile 27e 50c Woodburys 27c 75c Fitch Ideal 43c 60c Henna Foam 39c 60c Hoppers 39c Foot Remedies 35c Zino Pads 26c 25c Blue Jay Plasters 16c 15c Corn Pads 11c 35c Freezone 23c $1 Outgro 69c Inhalants 65c Mistol 39c 75c Vapex 49c 50c Vicks Drops 29c 1.25 Ehpedrine 79c 50c Pineoleum 39c Antiseptics 60c Zonite 39c 50c Listerine 41c 50c Pepsodent 29c 35c Vicks 23c 50c S. T. 37 Sol 39c Liniments 40c Sloans 27c 85c Moones Oil 47e 60c Hoffs 43c 60c Jap Oil 49c 60c St Jacobs 39c Sale of First Quality Zerolene Motor Oil! 29c Gal. Famous Zerolene 'Oil No.' 5 Only for your car and tractors. Guaranteed first quality t (In your container) At Fred Meyer Grot try Dept. 170 North Liberty St. No mofl orders. No reseTTatlons. j Quantities limited to store stock. We reserve the right to reasonably limit quantities. For Your Spring Salads! Fred Meyer Mayonnaise 15c Pt. Made " of fresh es, puye Tesetable oil, riaegar, and other spices. Not boiled! No filler! Mild or tart flarors. 5c Deposit oil Jars At Fred Meyer Grocery ... Dept. ' ft i 1