The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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aw vw,:M -frfe OKEGOxVrATKSMAW: Sliest, UresoiCrriday Morning. Mxrea iMfcyfc'
"No Favor Sways rjr No Fear Slatt AwV
From Firit SUtesman, March 28, 1851
Chasles A. S PRAGUE ..... Editor-Manager
Sueldon F. Sackett ..... Managing Editor
Member of the Associated Press
The AtsocUted Press la zclusivdy entitled to th dm (or publics,
toon ct ail bws dispatches credited to tt or sot otherwise credited la
this paper.
Portland Representative
Oordon B. Bell. Security Building. Portland. Ore
Eastern Advertising Representatives
Bryant. Griffith a B run son. Inc., Chicago. Nw Tork. Detroit.
Boston. Atlanta.
Entered- at the Postoffice at Sedtm, Oregon, at Seeond-Clas
Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueinete
office, 15 S. Commercial Street.
Mall Subscription Rates, fn Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and
Sunday. 1 Mo. 60 cents; S Mo. 11.25; t Mo. $2.25; 1 year 14.00.
Btaew!her SO cents per Mo., or $5.00 for 1 year In advance.
ByiCitr Carrier: 45 cents a month; $5.00 a year In advance. Per
Copy t ci'nta On trains and News Stands S cents.
Defeat of the Thomas Bill
THE Thomas bill died with the adjournment of the legis
lature because the senate refused to concur in certain
house amendments. This was of course a skillful way of
killing a measure which had much merit in it. Utility inter-;
esta will naturally be jubilant because they are never
friendly to more regulation.
But the real responsibility for the defeat of the meas
ure must rest on Judge Thomas himself. From the first his I
attitude was unbending. It was "This bill as written, or
nothing". Yet it was precisely the following of that dictum
two years ago which gave the state the partial and inef
fective Clark bill. The legislature is not the mere rubber
stamp for the executive departments.
The appearance of Commissioner Thomas before the
senate and house committee was unfortunate. He took the
occasions to make stump speeches. We heard the one at the
senate hearing and it sounded like soapboxing for House
wife Dan Kellaher and the other housewives who were
present; and, the house committee speech was equally bad.
This alienated members who were trying to keep an open
mind and permitted the ever-present utility lobbyists to gain
a foothold.
If at the house committee hearing Commissioner Thom
as had said that while the senate bill was not as full a
grant of power as he felt necessary, still he would accept
it; and if he had asked for its adoption without further
amendment we believe he would have gained a more sym
pathetic audience ; and that his pet bill would Tiave become
In short Thomas played his politics wrong. He let him
self be smeared with lobby gossip that he was Hanzen's
runner-up and that the utility regulation bill was his spring
board for the governorship. With as many aspiring politi
cians as the legislature was full of, that was bad medicine
for Thomas.
The Statesman is genuinely sorry that the Thomas bill,
as amended in the senate, was defeated. It contained some
much needed control over security issues, .and would have
strengthened the commissioner's hand in preventing the si
phoning of operating company earnings into holding or man
agement company hands. The senate amendments toned
down some of the more drastic provisions of the original
draft, making it in our opinion a very wholesome measure.
Now the measure will be whanged over in politics for a bi
ennium or longer.
Fall of Jehol
mHE collapse of the Chinese
J. en as proof of previous
Yu-Lin, the commander of the
to the Japanese, after the old
ported that General Tang has been caught and executed for
bis betrayal. That too is an ancient Chinese custom in which
the victim of the execution is resurrected after an appropri
ate lapse of time. It reminds one of the other custom of a
general's "resigning" his command, though he may still go
on bossing his troops.
General Tancr was loner
ported that the loyal Chinese were keeping his favorite wife
as hostage in Peiping. Later correspondents who penetrated
to Jehol city were told by Tang himself that his favorite
.rife had just died.
Wr has raced almost
tories, but the most effective tools have been bribery and
rrrnrition- Governors maintained their armies by extor
tion; bandit forces supported themselves on what later be
came approved methods of American city rackets.
Perhaps the Chinese figured that the easiest way to
crush the Japanese was to let tnem nave tne capital 01 je
hoi province, and then plague them by guerilla warfare. Jap
an ha found its seizure of Manchuria proper a costly ad
venture. Only along the strip of railway is its authority se
cure. The Chinese call time for their ally, time and the
steady march of bankruptcy
RECALL the wartime scourging of the slackers, of the
rwmlp who failed to buy liberty bonds, subscribe to he
RaH CrnfUL conform to food
subjected to a telling ostracism which quickly made the most
obdurate conform. Sometimes the pressure went farther
than words and shrugs, like the recent nose-twisting in the
Pendleton bank drive. Bolder spirits and more araent iuu
per centers" made threats and then proceeded to carry them
U' Thp Rame nrocess may be repeated with the slackers
of 1933, the non-patriots who are hoarding gold and curren
cy, who joined in panic runs on banks with the result that
the arteries of commerce have been frozen. This campaign
against hoarders may be more than mere holding up to pub
lic scorn through publication of names of these "slackers".
It may extend to actual legislation with penalties or with
punitive taxes.
Whether the individual citizen likes it or not congress
is investing wartime powers in the chief executive; and the
individual who likes to boast of his own liberties may soon
find himself goose-stepping to executive edicts, goosestep
ping back to his bank with his bag of gold for redeposit
Spread of Rumor
DAILY newspapers are certainly essential. Publication
morning and evening is hardly adequate now to sat
isfy the public thirst for information. And the news you get
in the newspapers may be relied on as authentic The great
pres3 services are devoted to swift and accurate reporting.
'They are the only agencies equipped with trained men and
women to render this service.
Wild rumors circulate easily in times of unrest. Yes
terday afternoon a story was circulated locally, said to have
come over the radio, that a U. S. cruiser was pursuing a ves
' set said to be laden with $12,000,000 in gold. As .the rumor
'spread the embellishment .was added that it was Hoover's
old ! The story was not served over wires of the Associ-
afMi Press fnor the United
public has learned to rely on the newspapers and should
onntinn trt deoend on them for - reliable information. Ra
dio has no news-gathering' staff of its own ; so its broadcasts events lacK-auiaoriiy.; ...
defense of Jehol may be tak-
intimations that General Tang
defense forces, had sola out
Chinese custom. It is now re
under suspicion and it was re
continuously in China for cen
m Japan.
the Slackers
regulations. The slacker was
Press so far as we learn). The
Joaquin's first dollar.
first poetry, other firsts I
(Conthtnlor from yesterday:)
"Another boy of about my as
joined me. Wo ran away from
school at sight. He was bright,
nrecoclou. comely, and oyer so
much beyond me in wit and wis
dom, for bo bad lired In cities
and mixed with people, while I
m at - at w A
naa oeen airaia 01 rota.
m S
"My bright young companion
fell In with a rich man. who took
a liking to him, as ho rode his
mule behind his loos pack train,
and so be found employment at
once. Right here, where Fremont
had crossed the Klamath named
by him the Klamat almost with
in a stone's throw and far down
the turbulent river toward the
ocean, were found some of the
richest mines ever known.
"Left alone I rode to where I
found a party from Oregon trying
to arrange to open a placer mine
la a deep wooded gulch down on
the Klamath river. There were 37
of them. One of then, a preacher,
knew papa. Each man had a
horse, blanket, pick, shovel and
pan, a tin cap, a sheath knife, and
a gun, pistols, and plenty of am
munition. They were fairly well
equipped, as equipment went in
those days, with mule loads of
beans, bacon, coffees sugar, and
flour. They had chosen their
foreman, their moderator, every
thing but that most important
person, the cook. I said timidly
to the preacher who was moder
ator: 'Will yon let me cook and
come in as a partner? I used to
help mother cook!'
" 'But, my boy, you will have
to get up long- before daylight.
You will have to brown and grind
and make the coffee. You will
have to cook the beans and ba
con, get the wood and water;
weigh and keep the gold dust and
bags of gold, and stick right In
camp all the time."
" 'I'll do it: please let m trv
"There was a consultation, The
preacher was on my side, and It
was finally agreed that if I would
stick to it I could come in a a
full partner; but that if I did not
Stick Close to mv contract T
would have to lose not onlv th
place, but my share of the gold. I
maae out one proviso; I would
.tt.U 11 At. . . .
out, tu ii unm iney could get a
better cook. I tried to believe I
was happy; but I was very mis
erable, thinking about my parents
ana am not sleep.
'We had no coffee mill, and t
had to pound ud the tonzh cof
fee, after browning it in a frying
pan, with the poll of my hatchet
on a stone; had to use a nieca of
my ducks Kin coat the tall of it
" you please, to Dound it in.
uui i wag not happy. I fried tha
beans, brown to a turn; my flap
Jacks were pronounced Derfeet.
and I was in a-Tiew world. I tried
to ieei mat I was going to get on
"In a very few days, the men,
working all the time from sun to
sun, and often by the great cams
urea mi iate ai nignt. had hawn
out sluices for washing and were
soon shoveling in cold, eold and
gold, from the deep bed rocks of
me narrow little gulch with great
irees nangmg over head. Wej
cleaned up' every Saturday even- I
lng. The gold was left sitting
aside by the pile of provisions I
and saddles till Sunday morning,
when the foreman dried it, weigh
ed it, and divided it evenly among
the 28 of the camp. The men al
ways left their bags under the
head of their beds, or by the roots
of the trees where they slept. We
rested and washed up Sundays.
The men were as kind as they
could be to me. It was quite a
task to get wood and to carry all
the water up from the gulch, but
on Sundays when they were idle,
they all lent a hand when they
"Finally one Sunday there came
along with others, a bright ap
pearing and well dressed man
with an English sailor accent and
hair parted in the middle. He
sang most melodiously and with
great sest. The preacher liked
him, had a talk with him, and
finding he was footloose and
looking for a place, asked him to
stay with us and help cook till he
could do better. I was about worn
out and gladly offered to let him
sleep with me, as almost all the
men slept double, if he would
only stay and help for a little
time, ever so little.
U .
"He had the broadest toed
shoes I ever saw on any man's
foot. They were almost, if not
quite -new. The second day I ask
ed him where he got them. Ho
said San Francisco. Remembering
now the Oregonians disliked the
Cm tew MuMiA
4 Fill la BaS aad MV C
1U bow, wk Bl V
'f y r DnnM k
BKANB F1LLK, r 4 jrmxm kaova
aSafcit.Ubta, IitSmI
Noma Foster loobo Brass
Frank Cross Victor Jory
Matine CHILDREN Night
It 8
Calif ornlans, especially the con
vict and Saa Francises) sort, I ad
vised him not to mention San
Francisco, as we an had an iaea
it was a very bad place.
That nla-ht. or rather early
next morning, X felt him get op. I
saw him, or at least I felt I saw
him so down on tiptoe to the
sluices with hi big toed shoed in
his left hand. I felt about, got
hold of a ramrod, and poked the
nearest sleeper, pointing down to
ward the sluices. Some men fol
lowed and found the man, deafen
ed by the rush of water, pleking
up the nuggets la the tall of the
sluice and filling the big toes of
his San Francisco shoes.
"They quietly led him up, put
ting his shoes where they always
sat the gold pan, and then tied
him to a tree and went bsek to
bed. I got up and got breakfast
and then the men got up. beard
the ugly story as they washed and
ate-and got ready in a very few
minute to try the man for his
life. It was a sad case. I pitied
him with all my heart, but knew
that by every rule of miner's law
and equity the man must bang.
"They tried him, found blm
guilty, and sentenced him to hang
that night at 'early candle light
en,' as the preacher put it. A big
oak tree stood, broad bough ed
and stately, on the further bank,
only a few steps from where the
men were at work. He, In a dated
and helpless way, confessed he
came from San Francisco, a crime
in the eyes of Oregonians to be
gin with. And he bopelessely ad
mitted that be had got big toed
shoes made on purpose to plun
der miners.
"They took him over to the big
tree, tied him securely, marked
off the grave and set him to die
glng. I was told to help him dig
his grave and not let him get
away. The foreman said, gruffly:
TCld, there's going to be a hang
ing at early candle lighten. A
hanging of some sort, sure. All
the miners round about here
know, and are a-comlng to a
hangln.' So if he is not here we
must hang some one else. See?
: i.
"I went over to heln the dazed.
dumb sailor man, with his hair
parted in the middle, and when
we had dug down a few feet he
sat down on the edge, wiped his
sweating face, and took out
small newspaper. It was named,
Tne Mstrimonial Noose.' He ex
plained that a party of many con
vict men and women bad come ud
from Australia and that some of
the party had put in the Ion? davs
of that voyage printing this pa
per. He read some very startling
personals from the women of the
party setting forth their merits
and their charms. There was not
one, with but a single exceDtion.
who did not boast ier 4fauty, vir-
me, juuiu, or auuieining or xnai
Is V li
"The one exception was that of
a woman who wanted to get out
into me gold mines and go to
work. The man said she was al
ready over in Yreka, a big town
only a day or so distant, and was
a good cook. I took the paper,
told the man to keen on dijreine.
and went down to the foreman
with it."
(Continued tomorrow.)
... Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
man of Earlier Days
March 10, 1908
Harry E. Bickers, the recently
elected superintendent of the
home for the feeble-minded,
which will be erected south of the
city this summer, arrived In Sa
lem yesterday from his home at
A dispatch from Sacramento,
Cal., states that the Pacific Coats
Hop Growers' Union has at last
taken definite and decisive steps
to oppose the prohibition move
ment. At a meeting of the union,
resolutions were pasted condemn
ing the spread of the prohibition
Mickey Mouse Matinee
Saturday 1:30 P. M.
A New Thrill
Lewis Stone, Karen Morley,
Charles Starrett, Jean Her
sholt and Myrn Loy
Also Comedy, News & Ser
lal "Hurricane Express"
Attention t Mickey Moose
Matinee Saturday 1:80 P.M.
'Texas Buddies'
and "Mask of Fn Manchn"
ton wKAWFORO Wallace BVUCt
,aafaJaaw BaMaSSBBaw Si Sh. aaaaaaa
a. i - - - m
. Jar w a.
en i bill
Holiday Extended as Banks'
Right to Reopen Given
Closer Scrutiny
(Cjnttau fsore pace 1
bank additional currency against
loans mad on government se
curities as well as against note
of member banks when secured
by sound asset.
Re-enactment of some sections
of the 1917 wartime trading with
the enemy act to eover such
emergency as th president shall
declare to exist, Including the
prevention of hoarding and the
control of gold reserves.
Power for th federal govern
ment to control all national and
state banks, through state bank
ing commissioners, with provision
for opening at once institutions
of proved soundness and others
of similar nature after a check
upon them.
Authority to reorganise non-
liquid banks, with government
conservators" placed in charge
of them.
Provision that an amount equal
to the sound assets of such banks
may be made available to depos
itors, and for the receipt of new
deposits in these partially re
opened banks, to be kept either
in cash or government bonds and
available to withdrawal at any
Approves all previous procla
mations and orders of President
Roosevelt and Secretary Woodln
and appropriates $2,000,000 for
carrying out the act.
Former Valley
Newspaper Man
In Suicide Try
ONTARIO. Ore., March 9.
(AP) C. P. Shute, publisher of
the Frultland (Idaho) Banner, at
tempted to end his life at his
home today, police said, by slash
ing his throat and abdomen with
an old knife.
He was brought to a hospital
here, where attendants expressed
belief he will recover. Police said
the publisher was apparently des
pondent. Before coming to Fruit
land five years ago Shute publish
ed papers In the Willamette val
ley In Oregon, and before that,
in a number of eastern Oregon
movement and urging congress
men to help keep the country
from going dry.
NEW HAVEN. John F. Ste
vens, vice-president of the New
York, New Haven & Hartford
railroad and a former engineer
of the Panama canal, issued a
statement which prophesies fail
ure of the Panama undertaking.
He says the canal will not help
the United States in Its trade with
South America and that our com
mercial relations with the islands
of the Pacific and far east will be
little benefitted.
March 10, 192S
The 12-mile survey for the pro
posed 14-foot wide forest highway
along the north side of the North
Santlam river between Detroit
and Niagara is nearly completed.
At present to reach Breltenbush
hot springs it is necessary to pack
in for 12 miles from the end of
the railroad at Detroit.
"Dream On." the junior class
song for th ICth annual Fresh
man Glee, was awarded first place
at W tllamette university last
night. Ruth Hill wrote the words
nd Mary Jane Albert and Kath
leea LaRaut composed the music.
Free A Jig-Saw Puzzle
Today FRKE to each lady attending theatre
and Tomorrow Only!
DAILY 2:15 LoC
Their Forbidden
Love Wrecked
An Empire!
The world at his feet
. . . yet be wanted only
this beautiful forbidden
A SHOW.. '
A miss m L
f fr ft
fflpM&y ,i!
v ' - it
Today Will Rogers and J a-
net Oaynor in "State Fair.
Today Joan Blondell la
Blondi Johnson.
9 Today Barbara Stanwyck in
The Bitter Tea of General
Today "Mask of Dr. Fu
The last day for Mystlo Calvin
at the Capitol will be today. He
will appear this afternoon in a
special matinee of one hour as a
part of the regular show. At this
time he will answer questions
from th stage.
Mystic Calvin will again appear
on the night program at 8:58
o'clock and this will be the last
(Continued from pa 1)
land, who sang as guest artist,
immediately made a favorite of
himself, to such an extent that
two encores and several bows
were necessary to quiet his audi
ence. Mr. Daniels combines his
splendidly trained operatic voice
with warmth of imagination na
Thespian interpretation and the
result is delightful. He was accom
panied by David Campbell, whose
excellent tones and brilliant per
formance added much to the beau
ty of the songs.
Announcement was made by
Mayor Douglas McKay, that th
program would be repeated March
19 at 3 o'clock, the funds from
th performance to be placed aa
the monetary nucleus for a build
ing fund for a much needed civic
auditorium for Salem.
Circulation of
Money Leaps in
Unusual Manner
NEW YORK. March 9 (AP)
The extraordinary flexibility of
the federal reserve system in is
suing currency to provide for
emergency needs was shown in
the weekly statement issued to
night, banking authorities said.
Money circulation. In th week
ended yesterday, took the unpre
cedented jump of $818,000,000,
boosting the total to the record
figure of $7,538,000,000. The
federal reserve system provided
most of this need by increasing its
note circulation by $636,000,000,
but despite this extraordinary de
mand, its reserve ratio was re
duced only to 45.6 per cent, from
53.5 a week previously, and was
still well above the normal mini
mum of 40 per cent.
Hoover Repeats
Plea For Unity
NEW YORK, March 9 (AP)
In a 14 word statement. Her
bert Hoover today called again
for support of President Roose
velt's efforts to straighten out the
banking situation.
"There is Just on thing to do;
that is to support the president's
Large control or uuimes
& a utmi e
fs Granted but not
Full Dictation
(Continued from page 1)
enc by Burk that Senator Up
ton recently had received $500
from a power company nrougnt
the latter to his feet In a hurry.
"I am glad that yon have men
tioned that transaction In th
open Instead of whispering to your
friends". Upton said. "It 1 true
that I was attorney for a power
company seven month ago and
that I received $600 as compen
sation. The company apparently
thought I was a pretty good law
yer". Upton made It plain that nis
employment in this litigation
would not influence him in voting
for or against any bill.
"I also want to say", Upton
continued, "that I am not like
Burke who went to the state
board of control and said he could
get a fat commission for selling
the state a power plant. When the
board of control refused to con
sider the proposal Burke lost all
interest In the power plant and
turned against tbe governor and
other state officials'.
Senator Strayer said the senate
was confronted with on of two
things. "We can either approve
this bill as amended by the bouse
or kill It", Strayer declared. "It
Is true that many sections of this
bill are not satisfactory to all tbe
senators. The sensible thing to do,
however, is to concur in the house
amendments. Then if you want to
initiate a bill go ahead and refer
It to the people".
"This matter has now been be
fore us for two months". Senator
Woodward averred. "We know
that the bouse has ruined the
measure and has shorn the utility
commissioner of his powers. If
this bill Is passed as amended by
th house we will return to our
homes ashamed and chagrined.
These eleventh hour amendments
should be voted down".
Senator Hess charged that un
der the house amendments the
utility commissioner would have
no authority to control the bud
gets of the utility corporations
bat would have to be content with
merely looking at them.
"We should reject the house
amendments and pass the meas
ure as It left this senate."
The senate then refused to con
cur in the house amendments and
a conference committee was ap
PORTLAND, Ore.. March 9.
CAP) Miss Ruth Buraess. 40.
Portland Bchool teacher, wss kill
ed tonight when she was struck
by a taxlcab driven by Andrew
Ellison while she was crossing a
street intersection.
On the Same Program!
O X A Street of Beauty and Ugliness . . .
of Wealth and Poverty ... of i
r ' ssssssssssi ' 1 -
; ,
22 250 J
"rn ta n& voidable eir-
eumstaac th ehapUr of
Th , Challenr of Lot.
Statesman serial story, iched-
uled ta appear looay, was
held out., but th story will
resum tomorrow.
(Continued from pa 1) ,
tee's report which sets th dat
for th special statewid electloa
at July 21.
Lonergan served notlc that he
would expos th senate's tactic
in a statement to th voters. H
charged th month' delay would
cost the state $ 0 0,0 00 In needed
revenue. Lonergan said he capi
tulated only because a bloc of sen
ators threatened to go home and
prevent a quorum unless th later
dat for th election was agreed
Good-feeling marked th clos
ing: hours of the session.
Both houses were forced into
frequent recesses to await the re
ports of conference committees.
Senators formed informal groups
to sing familiar songs, the most
staid members of the upper house
joining in th fun.
As midnight approached, a pi
ano was brought to the lobby and ;
a dance begun with house and
senate clerks and Salem citizens
Galleries filled up early in th
evening as Interested townsmen
watched the closing hours of the
Under a resolution passed ia
both houses, adjournment was
taken sine die at 6 p. m. Thurs
day. This called for stopping of
legislative clocks at five minutes
of the hour, tbe session acting on
long-time precedents In this prac
tice. Proceedings of both assem
blies will show that the legisla
ture adjourned at the agreed
upon hour although actuaT clos
ing of the session did not come
until a new day had begun.
Many of the legislators spent
the lull hours packing to go
home. Some of the men had not
been home for more than two
months, and uniformly all mem
bers expressed a wish to be done
with the longest session ia th
state's history.
City Assistance
Bills are Passed
The house late Thursday pass
ed a senate bill authorizing the
state treasurer to assist civil sob
divisions ta their financial affairs
and appropriating money for the
department to use as expense
funds in gotng to and from cities
where conferences are held. The
measure was Introduced by Sen
ator Goes. The senator's bill to
appropriate money to assist In
maintaining a bureau of munici
pal research at the University of
Oregon also Was passed by th
2 Till 11 PJd.
Specie! Matinee!
On the Stage
. Ia addition to oar
Regular Screen Program
Ask mm the Orestloa Nearest
Tw Heart ... Love ...
Business . . . Health . . .
Marrlac ...
Any Time