The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Salem, Oregon, Thursday Blornlnjf, March 9, 1933
No. 297
'. - . pounded loai . . . ' ' -
New Beckman Bill, Popular
Vote on Constitution
Provision Downed
Thomas Bill Fate in Doubt
As 14-14 Votes Defeat
The state senate last night re
fused steadfastly to give way to
a renewed drive to pot through
"wet" legislation In the closing
hoars of the session. In succes
sion the members voted down
the "new" Beckman 'beer bill.
15 nays and 14 ayes, while the
upper house also disapproved the
Hall resolutions for a statewide
vote on Oregon's constitutional
prohibition provisions by a 17
to 12 vote.
The debate called forth sharp
personalities between the mem
bers. Senator Staples took the
lead In fighting the beer bill,
holding at the outset the meas
ure could hot be discussed under
the senate rules since a similar
bill had been defeated. Unable to
sustain his point, the Multnomah
senator claimed the beer bill was
only an entering wedge to restore
the evils of the liquor traffic in
Claim Regulation .
Of Beer Necessary
Proponents of the beer bill
claimed the measure was neces
sary to give Oregon some control
over the beer traffic inasmuch as
congressional approval of beer
seemed only a matter of days.
tvia vaviand Pflfkmm beer bill
raised the tax on beer from so
cents to 91 ana piceu icicira
duin clause on the measure which
had been defeated in the senate
earlier in the session.
The Hall resolutions submitted
to the neonle at the next election
the question of repealing the 36th dramatic meeting Charles Boett
and 3h sections of the Oregon cner n .late today sought to throt-
Senate Deadlocked
On Utility Measure
The Tbomas' bill glTinf to the
state utility commissioner aaui-
tin-rial now era in me reuiuuu i i
utility corporations was laid l on
the table in the
bcbbiuu r . r I
and minority repons
jected. This action followed de-1
Date lasting more mu i
rne majority reyun., i6 1
Senators uurite, z,unineriuu
Brown, recommended against eon-
eurrence in tne nouse im-
ments and that the measure be
approved as amended by the sen-
ate. The minority report was
signed by Senator Goss and Bynon
ana recommenuea "' 1
, concur In the house amendments.
Senator Goss argued for the
passage of this bill .as amended by
the house.
"If you want to accomplish
what you intended you had better
concur ln the house amendments
to this measure", Goss declared.
"The original measure was hastily
drafted and was sent to the sen
ate without proper consideration
on the part of its author. The
house amendments have made
this a workable measure and the
utility commissioner is clothed
with ample authority".
Still Thinks Thomas
Want Bill Killed
"We were told that Thomas
wanted this bill passed ln its or
lglnal form or not at all". Sen-
ator Bynon declared. "The more
I have thought about this state -
merit the more I am inclined to
bellove that Thomas wants the
measure killed. We should place
this bill ln Thomas lap and then
If he doesn't perform properly he
should step down and out.
Bynon said that under the
bouse amendments the utility
commissioner would hare control
over all expenditures by public
tlHtles which would protect the
public against rate base inflation
House Amendments
Deemed Ridiculous
Senator Zimmerman eharged
that the house amendments were
ridiculous and would make a mon
key out of the utility com
"If the bill becomes a law as
amended by the house the situa
tion would be worse than nnder
the existing statutes," Senator
Burke averred.
Senator Hess branded the house
amendments as unfair and not in
line with what the senate had at
tempted to accomplish.
Hess said the measure would
aot give the utility commissioner
any control over the holding; cor-
Bota the majority and minority
reports were rejected by a vote or
14 to 14, with Senators Allen and
Mann absent.
Belknap to Head
Medical Alumni
PORTl.ANT3. ryre:. March t
(api rvr vnfnM H Relknan ef
Portland was tonlxht elected pre-
ident Af tha alumni association of
tee University f Oregon medical
aehnni ttim. oiiuinr ttnaineaa ses-
Hon here. Dr. Belknap, secretary menu that u wouio mereiy ro
f Mi WaBftfHAii ta in east I unit In. the construction et nn-
two years; succeeded . Dr. Claude
a t , . . r . -,.t.
ces in
Along With Finance
Tries to Choke
Recent Captor
' a if,
1. A. AT
-a A A A AA -a J
- a
rialnly showing: the effect of his
ordeal, Charles Boettcher, 2nd,
wealthy broker of Denver,
Col., Is pictured in hia home
after he had been released by
kidnappers who held him for
17 days.
Pair Brought Together and
Police Chief Claims
Mron-Clad' Case
DENVER. March 8 ( AP'J In
tie Arthur Youngberg, suspect In
Boettcher's abduction, when po-
lice confronted Youngberg with
the victim In the J 0,0 00 ransom
-.m . nn iv. n m .
brongnt tne two ffien togetaer ln
his office after Youngberg had
Deen orougnt nere from the re-
mote South Dakota ranch where
Uc- decIar6 Boettcher wa8 held
captive for 16 days before the ran
som was paid
rttor ri.rv q.m .
w n, nerToa8 8tate H; nad Ju8t
con,,, from a no8pltal where hlg
Anna Lon Boettcher nad
glren blrth to a g,rl) her 8econd
A"bout elgnt feet geparated the
men when they were brought to-
getlier. Cark Bald "youngberg
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
Thirty farmers filed seed loan
applications with the Salem loan
approval committee last night as
the result of the first day's work
of the committee's stenographers
and P. H. Bell, adviser, ln the
chamber of commerce auditorium.
Mr. Bell announced that the
committee would scrutinize the
1 applications each night and.
I through cooperation of ;the cham-
I ber of commerce, notify by postal
card each farmer whose applica
I tlon is approved.
As it requires approximately 45
minutes for completion of an ap
plication, the staff will necessar
ily continue for a few days to
accept applications only from
I farmers planning to sow spring
wheat, grey oats, oat-and-vetch
and pease, it was pointed out last
night. Tennant farmers were
again warned that crop lien waiv
ers must be obtained from their
landlords before their applica
tiona will be accepted
Office hours of the loan staff
in the chamber of commerce au
dltorium will be t a.m. to 5 P.m
Relief Aids
At House
The state house of represen-
tatives raced through a schedule
OI minor bills yesterday ln what
I s hoped to be the last night ses-
8i0n of the 37th state legislature
I Consideration of two unem
I ployment relief measures took
the major deliberative efforts of
the representatives. House bill
171, sponsored by Representative
Beckman. to tlTe cities permis
sion to Issue scrip was passed.
A measure by Senator Bynon
to provide tor creation of reeon-
I etruetion districts for renaDiiuai-
I tar areas within Incorporate el-
ties, was killed by the bouse. The
I hill was supported by Represen
j tatiT. Ahrams of Marion eounty
I e a, beneficial relief measure
I but net defeat following argu
I necessary, bousing . . facilities
1 "rTah bar activities
1,4 '
ay - , r v v. - a
E"-.-.v. 'Ai:-:-:crt"Av.v:i-v,.v
f i
Hopeful Signs Noted
But Trend is not
Wholly Clear
NEW YORK, March 8 (AP)
Monev's the thinr this week.
but waii street is closely watch-
Basic raw materials, the real
tools of trade, have appreciated
ln price the past two or three
days. Gains have mostly been
small but sufficiently general to
indicate the upward trend. Some
quotations, notably those of non-
ferrous metals, improved today;
others held to yesterday's levels,
a fw iiHnned haeir Hehtlv.
. . . . I
movement is still obscure since
the period of rise is very brief and
emergency factors have Influ
enced the situation. However,
there is general agreement that a
sustained advance ln commodity
prices would be an essential pre
liminary to business recovery and
that continuation of current
changes. If unaccompanied by ex
cessively inflationary measures,
would be most encouraging.
Futures exchanges are closed.
so the only available quotations
are unofficial 'spots," represent
ing goods for immediate delivery.
In cotton trade circles it was re
ported offerings were being given
to mius at 7 3-4 to 8 cents a
pound and some sales had been
made at the latter figure, com
pared with Friday's closing spot
quotation of 6.35 cents.
Hog prices reacted moderately
at Chicago after yesterday's up
turn because, it was said, buyers
were unwilling to expend their
limited cash; and there was some
further profit-taking in the Win
nipeg wheat market Wheat t
Liverpool, however, was steady.
Provided by County Relief
Committee; Orders had
Through Red Cross
First distribution of free gar
den seeds by the county relief set
ud will start this morning at the
White seed store, 251-261 State
street, applicants to enter from
the alley side, S. H. Van Trump,
in cnarge, announces yesteraay
afternoon. The seed packages will
be given only to persons bearing I
VAV fTVh2 Re Cr.8,8 f,C!'
248 North Commercial street,
UD u ut lu
farmArs reAlvln federal imiI
. s
lOanS. I
The packages, finished this
year xnrongn ine t.econsirucuon
Finance corporation, contain a
wiae variety or garaan vegetables.
iw.wwo. yrmo, wU Yttriewen,
iwo pounas; corn, tnree pounds; ed and successfully carried out
string beans, two pounds, dry in Portland. The robbers appear
beans. three pounds; beets, car- d tuddenW nM (h hanv w
rots parsnips cabbage, tomatoes,
rmuisnea. turnips, cucum d e r i,
oquaaa ana lenuce.
Purpose of the free seeds is to
vpy persons noi aoie to ouy
vuc,r "wu ceu, woo wm put in
Braen 10 neip support tnem-
oEitea uunuR ins summer ana
winver, accoraing io miss Maria
Wilson, Red Cross executive sec
retary. Last year the free seeds
were provided by the American
Red Cross.
Persons who anply for the seed
are urged first to get their
ground In condition, thus reliev
ing some of the congestion on the
opening days at the seed depot.
ABTLINE, Tex., March
(AP) A blow on the head from
a golf ball driven off the tee by
a friend brought death today to
Cecil H. Folllaard, S3, railroad
representative here.
Night Session
directed toward the capacious
pockets of the federal reconstruc-
tlon corporation.
Senate Joint resolution 1. dl -
etinr the nubile lilities com-
recting the public sjilitles com
mission to compel the Union Pa
cific company to construct a rail
road from Burns to Prineville
was passed. The measure was fa
vored despite objection that It
would create interminable litiga
tion and only result ln the build
ing of a useless railroad.
SAtiata hill 17t nrovidlTi for
MKMiur' Kttr miiiir was
Vfllt It -hi mit Hia AnnoaitionI
Af ,eraamriien ranerallT. Sun -
nnrtmrm a'sHimA it " a means to
m V nrrnn nntter mere able
A .! iih Afii,,r atatea.
A new hill introduced would
rt the atate board of control
ntiiArttv tt nerotlate with the!
city of. Salem for water sup-
pry for BUte institutions. -
Unfairness to Subdivisions
Which Have Already cut
Costs Brought out
Burke Says Ways and Means
Savings are "Bunk" but
For Lowered Costs
The Gordon bill which called
for -an enforced reduction of all
tax levies for counties and other
subdivisions by 20 per cent, was
snowed under in the senate wea
nesday afternoon, 25 to 2. The
vote was preceded by bitter de-
nate in wnicn senator our
charged that the ways and means
committee had not made finan
cial savings commensurate with
the demands of the times.
Senator Woodward said the
measure would give genuine re
lief throughout the entire state
and was wanted by the taxpay
ers. "The only protests I have re
ceived against this bill came from
persons who are now on the pub
lic payroll". Woodward declared.
The measure was opposed by
Senator Upton who said there has
been no demand for this legisla
tive to reduce local budgets.
'This is the business of the coun
ties", Upton averred, "and is for
eiifn to the duties of this or any
other delegations". Telegrams
were read indicating that virtual
ly all of the larger school districts
ln the state were opposed to the
Senator Hazlett branded the
bill unfair and a violation of the
constitution. Other senators who
opposed the measure on the floor
were Goss, Burke, Wheeler, Hess
and Bynon. "If Multnomah coun
ty wants this bill let them have
it", Goss said. Wheeler said the
bill was unfair and would result
in ruin for many school districts
in Lane county.
Senator Burke charged that the
savings claimed by the ways and
means committee of this legisla
ture were bunk and that the bud
get had been Increased rather
than reduced. "The onlr utIup
uiai nas oeen made bv the Meier
administration was the diffr.
ence between the prices of nork
and beans two years ago and to-
aay , Burke said.
Portt.avii vro., o
The Identity of the two men
held up the Union State
bank h6re Wterday and escaped
with 212.199 ln currency remain-
ea unknown to police today
nv ... .. '
4UO OIllcerB questioned one
TTIBn h.lll In Annnw 4.11 kt
said there was no basis to a re-
port that he might have engin
eered the robbery.
The bank robbery, police said,
was one of the few ever attempt
seconds after the last customer
i had departed and the doors had
ben lArk1 rihnlr .ntnmu
pistols, they forced the cashier
and two other bank employes to
remain quiet while they crammed
currency into a market bag and
George Neuner
Will Resign as
U. S. Attorney
PORTLAND, Ore., March 8.
(AP) George Neuner, United
States district attorney for Ore
gon for the last eight years, an
nounced today that as soon as his
successor Is appointed he will re
tire to private practice in Port-
Neuner was first appointed to
the office by the late former Pres
ident Coolidge and was confirmed
by the senate February 27, 1925.
He assumed office on March 9 of
the same year. His second and
present appointment was also
made by Mr. Coolidge. He came
to the office from Roseburg, suc
ceeding John 8. Coke. He was
graduated from the Willamette
y " ,
KOi72e? OI &DTin
MV "w s-fa a jj
Signs May Fail,
But Not Marbles
Geese bonking northward, buds
appearing knd days warming have
heralded spring's arrival. And
now comes the noyiana -sure
I sign" of winter's demise marble
1 JUOOK lor a Die or ciear grouno,
preieraory soiia cur. i wui e
I laenimeo oy a nuum oi mjouct
I lads anucxiing down to meir
I spnngume spon.
I Spring Is no longer just around
the corner, though its progress
lmay later this month be delayed
ny we aiarcn uoa i unai uiss
Federal Reserve Banks to
Report Names of Those
Taking Large Sums
Re-Deposit by March 13 to
Bring Immunity, Says
Order to Members
(AP) Member banks of the
Twelfth Federal Reserve district
tonight were requested by the
Federal Reserve bank here to
furnish the board of governors
with the names of all person?
who have withdrawn gold from
their institutions since February
W. M. Hale, cashier of the Fed
eral Reserve bank, said the re
quest had been sent to all mem
ber banks in this district, embrac
ing all of California, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Utah
and part of Arizona, and that
similar information would be re
quested from non-member banks.
The names of all persons who
have withdrawn gold from banks
since February 1 and who have
not deposited it before March 13,
are sought by the board of gov
ernors of the Federal Reserve
bank. Hale Bald.
Additional information on per
sons who have withdrawn gold
prior to February 1 will also be
sought from both member and
non-member banks, Hale said.
He refused to divulge for what
purpose me iniormation was
sought but said the date, March
1 "mtarh mask Anuthln ' 1
13, "might mean something.'
(AP) Announcement from
Richmond that the Federal Re
serve board had requested the
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
(AP) Lights blase from the bu
reau of engraving and printing
these nights as three shifts of
workers hasten the printing of
crisp federal reserve notes.
The order for the speed-up
came from the federal reserve
board March 4, bureau officials
say. Printing began immediately
on the higher denominations from
500 to $10,000 bills. Now the
machines are busily turnlne out
denominations from $5 to $50.
The bureau had been working I
its regular one-shift schedule pre
vious to the March 4 order.
Now high stacks of bills pile up
stant flow of visitors, more than
ever curious about the plant, file
across the spectators' ramps hung
above the working floors.
Women counters run through
piles, rubber "fingers" on their
hands, counting, checking for mis
prints, tying sections of uncut
bills together ready for the cut-
ting machines.
Insurance Sale
Fraud Charged
Roseburg Case
ROSEBURG, Ore., March
through sale of Insurance policies,
Hugh Mallott of Peoria. Illinois.
arrested yesterday by state police!
at Ashland, was brought to Rose-
burg today.
Mallott, according to State Po-
lice Serreant Ralnh Qulne. baa
operated ln Lane, Douglas and
Jackson counties. He has admit-
ted. the officer states, that Initial
premiums paid on policies were
appropriated to his own use and I been settled, but in view of See
that policy applications were not I retary of the Treasury Woodln's
filed with the head office. Four
sales ln Douglas eounty have I solve the nation's banking prob
been directly traced. Sersreant I lem would be made with curren-
yume states, and other reported
transactions are being invest! -
I Liner ant tieiQ,
JKOSeDUrg l tiett
(Ap Robert Moore, an Miner-
en t, was arrested hero today at
the ran est of Rosebnrr. Ore., as-
thorities. Police said Moore was
charged -with slugging and rob-
bins A. P. McComber. a San Fran-
felseo salesman, near Elkten, Ore..
February If." -
Will be
They'll Preside Over Congress
In Special Session Now Opening
- - i "a x
1 " v
V ' - ' ''
- TjC'3
l r
1 ll,
- "A 'A? AA m i I I t - i V - ' 1
9,,'-A A AV " A -i M ' 2 t A i A. A . A. lHMM
Vice-President John Nance Garner 1 pictured as he banded over the
gavel be wielded as speaker of the bouse in the 72nd congress,
to Representative Henry T. Rainey who will be the new speaker.
Vice-President Garner will continue to pound for order, but ln the
senate. Both will take up their new duties today.
Makes U. S. Flag, Places it
Atop Building; Bombs
Don't Drop There
JEHOL CITY, Province of Je-
hoi, March 1 Delayed (AP)
Thft oniT American in Jehol. Miss
Harriet F. Minns, a mission work-
. .
er from Buffalo, N. Y., was the
heroine during the capture of
Lingyuan on March 1.
After Japanese airmen had
dropped warnings to foreigners
that they must evacuate or else
eek bomb-proof shelters, Miss
Minns, with her British co-work
ers, made two American flags by
When the bombing started, one
flag was hoisted over the mission
building and the other was spread
over the underground shelter
which Miss Minns bad previously
To this dugout the American
marched the Chinese children who
were under her care.
Evidently observing the flags,
the Japanese aviators spared the
mission. All missionaries ln Jehol
province are safe.
Miss Minns is a worker for the
'Christian missions ln many
Lingyuan was occupied after
heavy fighting by a brigade of
Japanese infantrymen. Lingyuan
lis midway between Chaoyang and
Jehol City.
Tii-fai le ni Tav
Bill Unsettled
Failure of the house to concur
in the senate amendments to the
general sales tax measure sent
that bill to a conference com mi t-
t aa vutanli and MnfiirM A A-
clared last nlght the committee's
report would not be out until this
morning. The house desires to
make slight amendments to its or
iginal bill. On the conference com
mittee are Senators Woodward
i and Corbett and Representatives
McCornack and Lonergan.
,Scrip in Oregon Unlikely
Due to new
PORTLAND, Ore., March .
( AP ) Portland oanu reopenea
I today for limited business In ac-
cordanee with federal regulations.
I Indications tonight were that they
would be open tomorrow under
the same limitations.
The matter ot issuing clearing
honse certificates had not yet
Indication that an attempt to
I cy instead oi scrip, introduction
lot tne certificates appeared aouot-
I fuL
Business conducted at the Port-
I land banks today was similar to
that in effect last week under the
o11 nouaay proclaimed oy
I Governor Julius L. Meier. Small
Iwiuaxawe-i were permiiiea tor
emergency purposes, with food
I -d medicinal requirements tak
I lag preference, Payroll cheeks. If
uey were not too large, were
I cashed. Loans were made to em-
ployers to meet payrolls. Free ae-
cess was naa to saieiy oeposit
I vaults and payments on notes
" were reeexreav
n I ,
Emergencies and Payrolls
Recognized, Latter by
Checks and Cash
Side-door entrances to Salem
banking houses were ln vogue
again yesterday as people entered
to transact the very limited busi
ness which banks are permitted
now to do. Limited withdrawals
of currency were permitted in
strictly emergency cases, but the
applicant had to establish his
Payroll checks were honored
by giving a small sum, say $1 in
cash, and the remainder in cash
ier's checks of small denomina
tion which of course would be
readily accepted In trading places.
One banker commented on the
way the people were getting
along, and that not nearly as
many calls came in for money as
might be expected.
Salem banks marked time wait
ing for word from the treasury.
the federal reserve bank as to re-
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Shantytown is
Without Mayor;
Mortality High
PORTLAND, Ore., March t
(AP) Shantytown Is without a
"mayor" again. Only a couple of
weeks ago the unemployed bache
lors who built the "village" as
their place of residence to "ride
out the depression," recalled Alex
Bingley as mayor.
Imagine the town's embarrass
ment when its newly elecfld may
or, James W. Moran, 53, was ar
rested on a charge of grand lar
ceny with ball at $2000. Police
said Moran was married, but not
living with his wife, and bad tak
en about $2000 belonging to his
father-in-law a couple of years
Because of the "high mortal
ity" among Its chief executives,
the town decided to be governed
ln the future by an executive com
mittee Instead of a mayor.
Federal Plan
Banks were able to transact
only such business as authorised
by the treasury secretary. It was
said that a penalty that might be
Imposed on a bank executive for
infraction of the regulations could
be as mueh as 10 years in prison
and a tine of $10,000.
"We are doing everything we
can to keep business moving in so
far as the federal government will
let us," H. Y. Alward, president
of the Portland Clearing House
association, stated.
The association, tried to put in
to operation a system ot Inter
bank clearing ot checks yester
day, but found federal restric
tions would lot permit It.
Banks allowed withdrawals by
the -city ot Portland ot $121,000
to meet payrolls. State Treasurer
Raf as C Hotznan also received
$15,009 cash for payroll purposes.
New accounts, subject to full
withdrawal, were being; accepted
today la Jine with federal regula
tions. The deposits, however, bad
to be In . cash, postal money or
ders or cheeks upon the United
States treasury. .-.
Conference Ending Early Li
Morning Results in
Full Agreement
New Issue of Federal Banl
Notes Will be Sound,
Leaders Explain
WASHINGTON, Mar. 9 Thurs
day (AP) President Roosevelt
and congressional leaders are la
complete agreement on emergen
cy legislation to be passed by the
new congress today which will
permit Immediate opening of Sx
great number of banks.
A protracted conference at the
White House last night brought
unanimous approval of both dem
ocratic and republican congres
sional callers for a new issue of
currency based upon government!
Congress also was represented
as ready to continue in the firm
grip of President Roosevelt the
dlctatoriol control over the na
tional gold supply which he as
sumed in his historic proclama
tion Sunday.
While Mr. Roosevelt was con
sulting until after midnight the
men on Capitol Hill, a new and
forceful drive upon gold hoard
ers, carrying a thinly disguised
threat of publicity, was begun by
the federal reserve board.
W1U Report Names j
Of Gold Hoarders
Upon orders from Secretary
Woodin the member banks were
instructed to report the names of
all. persons who withdrew gold
from members banks after Febru
ary l, and have failed to re-deposit
it by March 13.
The new currency, designed tat
meet the public need for a medi
um of exchange, requires new
legislation, and that is assured. It
also is assured of the backing of
the "sound money" advocates in
This currency, already in pro
cess of Issuance, Is to be based
upon sound government obliga
tions, rather than the 40 per cent
gold requirement of present cur
rency. However, the fact that Ms.
Roosevelt is going to keep tbe
national gold supply jn absolute
check pending new banking legis
lation, is regarded an added as
surance of the new money's
Will Bend Congress
Message at Noon
Today at noon Mr. Roosevelt
win send his message to the ex
tra session of the new congress.
It will embody this emergency
program. With It enacted he Is
confident of steering America
through the banking debacle he
A permanent program calling
for complete reorganization of
the banking system will be sub
mitted to congress about two or
three weeks hence when he has
measured completely the needs
arising from the present crisis.
His plans go to a system that will
forbid any future emergency ot
this kind.
Leaving the White House
shortly before midnight last
night, the congressional leaders
talked through their appointed
spokesmen, speaker - designate
Rainey and Senator Robinson of
Arkansas, the democratic leader.
Senator Robinson read the fol
lowing statement in behalf of
(Turn to page 2. col. 1)
The Day in
By the Associated Press
Officials worked on plans for
additional currency as Presi
dent Roosevelt drafted message
as king; congress for power to
continue command of banks
and called Congressional lend
ers to White Boose.
Senate and house leaders msbv
ed organization plans to expedite
cooperation on president's emer
gency program at special session
starting today.
Efforts to reopen grain ex
changes before end of beak
holiday were abandoned at con
ference . railed by Cbairman
llorgenthan of farm board, and
substitute plan was soaght.
Secretary Wallace eatled farm
leaders to Friday conference to '
consider new farm aid plan..
Inrecicv Woodcock of prolillti-
tlon bc-resta a-usowsteedi en force- -r
mens against spesdces-tlea wonld, -
be left chiefly to local anther
toes. . . -
t -