m pact? ct?c:j J i l I 1 Business Directory Card la this directory ran on monthly basis wily. Rat : It.) pr line per month. AUTO BRAKES lake Panek, the brake aad Shimmy doctor. 27 Sooth Ownmeretat Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Mfflw Beauty Shop, dial W. Senator " Beauty Shop, dial tilt. BICYCLES BICYCLES. velocipedes saw and sjsed. Harry W. Scott. 141 8. Com'L CATERING Burt Orary. the caterer. Ph. 41$ji- CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R R Northnes CHIROPRACTORS DR. a 1 SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor, fit H. High. TaU Re 8572. Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence school Buslneu, technical course Bx. ICS, C. McOllllvray. Tel. 41tl. ! DRESSMAKING MRS. SNELGROVE, 4 N. Cottage. TeL Ttl. HemsUtchlns. ic yard. Prossmair. 431 8. Cottaire. Upper flat. FLORISTS CUT flower wedding bouquets fun eral wreath decoration C. F. Brelt haupt florlat. 117 Court. Tel. t64. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist, ltth st Market. Tel. 5t. GLASS Automobile Glass Mirrors Windows Reglased WALTER J. DOWNS Pnofto tlS 80 Breys Ave.. Salem INSURANCE BECKE At HENDRICKS 1S N. High TeL 484T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT 243 R High TeL 8118 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT -We Wash Everythlns In Lux Telephone 3145 1244 Broadway MATTRESSES -f- V i uuNM. vvw. i k . lumigkwn i- .-j. -- ' . mn-1 iA,i J PanltnL , aing vou v. ---- n.tfMM maim to order. Old remade: carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving saiem nun rv m "t iress Factory, a 13th Wilbur TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwicker. Est. ljL MUSIC STORES nw a WILL piano radio sew- , ...hta ihut musla and piano studie Repairing radio phonographs and sewing macnine 4i ouw tiilem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything I can use, stornow, eov w'' MEDICINE Dr Chan Laao Chinese Medicine Co. Hour's Tuesday and Friday, to 4 p. m, 148 N. Commercial. " PETS . Wire Fox Terriers. 1596 Center. PRINTING FOR ST ATI ON ERT, card patnpb- let program booaa or any printing, call n e,les .V Department. 315 a CommerclaL Tele phone 9101. REAL ESTATE DECKS a HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. ft aRABENHORT A CO. 134 a Liberty St. Tal- ' sow"-"':., 804-8 First watt, p. -1Lj STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves iZ.Jy mnrmn wire fenc fancy and plain, bop basket hook logan hook Balem ence "'" " i-V I Chemeket Tel. t. iv i.--- TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 221 Stau St TeL T77L DistribuUng. for wardlng and storage our specialty. Get ear rate . - i aiatant transfer storage. call 3 131.7 Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portia na oauy. WELL DRILLING R A West, $ years experlenc nro s n i3 g. Tel. ttoF INSPECT CLUB HOUSE WHEATLAND. March . Wheatland Social Service Shower club met Thursday afternoon th r.ivda -Fowler home. Tne group inspected the Whestland community, hall and. report the work progressing splendidly. The Inside furnishing work Is-being done aoir. The next meeting will be at the Mr. and Mrs. T. Law rence horae. UcLlitlSTER ItECOTERS SH AWl March Charles McAllister who has been critically ; - Ul for tho past three months aad pQjj SALE Real' Estatt haa spent considerable time in a UJ-.r-i ' Salem hospital and At thO hpme I have some strictly modern bouses w- Bie) ilaaw nrice. ( fftlcienUy enough to he removed f7 a. eSHHa r ata son. Glen, nas Statesman Classified Adt " Call 9101 Gasified AdTMtUag ; Single Insertion per Lint.! ft Three : lasertloaa per line toe SU Insertions pr Una. .lie One month per Uu. .fl.ffl Mlhlnam chart ..SI Copy , tor tali pit ac cepted until t:SP the even ing' before publication tor classification. Copy ra ce! red attar tUa Umt wHl ba . roa under the bending Too Lata to Classify. The. Statesman assumes no - financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished In Its . cola mas, and in cases where this paper Is st tsalt will reprint thtt part ot aa adTertlsemem In which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the rltht to reject objec tions! adrertlslnt- It far ther reserves the rltht to classtfj all adrertlslnt un der the proper classlfJca-tton-; ;.h.- SALESMEN WANTED I er'arerseaaeneeaeawaJej Salesladies Have opening- for (I) ladles with nationally known concern permanent must be neat appearing-, ag-gressfve, located In Salem. Pay every day. Call 7567 for Interview. Ask for Mr. Pow ell evenings ( :30 to 8 :00 p. m. Good man solicitor. Must have car. Apply today. 139 S N. Fourth and Hood St, Salem. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE: PedlgTee wire hair fe male pup. Phone 7 875. FOR SALE Team; 1700 lb each, 14 In. plow, 2 section harrow, fan mill, old wagon. Tel. S3 It. Address 2S7 So. Winter. FOR 8ALE Old paper lc i bun dle Statesman office. Must sell Kimball Grand piano, like new. Will sacrifice for caah or terms to responsible party If sold at one 638 So. 23rd. COO boxe Orchard run. Rome Beau ty and Newtown apple No worm 43c box; 3 ror jlzs. 200 boxes Rome Beauty and New town' 35c box, 3 for $1.00. 256 boxes Newtowns, 25c box; S lor $1.15. Bring boxe Spitzenberg, 43c, S3c and 85c box. Wagoner 59c Yakima Delicious 69c. Pura apple juice gal., 20c We de liver. Open Sunday. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem Radio for sale 10 tube R-32, $178 Victor. Repossessed. Balance due $48.20 Term $S down, $5 monthly. See Mr. Jartz. Will's Music Store. Apples See Jimmie at Thompson's mat wliz , -74 mi. ... vu "vi. Market, mL N. on Pacific highway. WANTED Misceflaneons Caah for fruit Jar TeL 3593. Wanted girls bicycle. TeL 4079. Why throw away good money T The hosiery mendlnjr dept. at Grand Silver store repairs hose like new, 6c to sac Want lia- mizzle "The Cardin- al'e Portrait. Wrlte. P. O. Box i az Sewing of all kinds neatly done. Reasonable price TeL 4055. 169S S. Liberty. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child., 15c Two blocks S. of library. S. Winter. Vibration and massage treatments 35c and up. Forenoons, evening ana all day Saturday. 647 Center St Cash paid for horses. Baled hay for sale, $12 ton. Roy Morlan, Rt. 3, Box 229. Inquire Liberty store. ROOM AND BOARD Front room, running water, 64S ZJ Board and rooms for ladle Center SL Tel. 6678. 757 Good rooms board. TeL 6769. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call Patton's book ster Fur. 2 R apt, 2261 HaxeL TeL fttii Nice front apt, 45$ Center. Nicely furnished heated I room I apartment, 590 Union. I Strictly modern 8 room unfurnished rtm T Ui 3 R furn. or tmfura. Garage, 411 N. 21st and 267 a Church. 3 room, furnished, basement Cheap. No children. 6ZZ N. tilgn. Olympic 730 N. Liberty. Modem 2 R turn, or uniurn. apt FOR RENT HOUSES : Furn. and unfurn. house R Forkner. 141 N. Cottage. TeL 303L FOR RENT Unfurnished modern I j room house, close in. Phone 7529 or 3131. Four room furnished cottage with garage close in, aauit mono sss Small house, partly furn. 1430 Le Desire to lease my attractive mod- urn hnma at J & High. Oliver B. ait Huston, pnone jbs. I R nnfurn. house on Fifth street t furn. houses, 710 N. Hign, 3 R fur. house. $ I. 112 N. 4th. WANTED TO RENT By-reliable party, S-bedrooni mod era furnished home. Reasonable. Beat of care. Pnone siri. TTn- for ears and rer-slr by T sponeibt party. Box lis, Statesv L. I man. "St D3 Tex WBt, FOR SALE Real Ettatt 4 X. walt ' tmproTodr elaetrte Hahta, wall tmproraL elaetrte llxhta. I Mdara coaraBlaaoaa.' Hawaii 1 Pralrte tand. nal barcaia at I istea. Ton wm want ta buy tbis whra too aae tr. : HI A. about ft under eulU aal paa tore im umber, manias water, good boose, other bids Badneed to IS. ! win haadla. 1 A.- Folk .Co. -all' mndar- eoltrrmtloa, wen. erchard. A real buy at flirt w wiu iraos-xvr cur prwjwrvj I 8mall apartment house propoattlon, rectal I11.S. Inoorae About fta. irorntrare xor sale at fiTS. Borneo station. 4 vomoaL all aubt- Mst. S m honae. located - ea Pacific htshway. Reduced to tM HOUSES FOR RENT rNSTJRANCal TRADES BRING IN TOUR . LISTINGS J. P. TTLRICH COMPANT. Roaltors S2S State Street Phone liTI TOUR MONET IS SAFE BUT ONE OF THESE PLACES 1-acre. some filberts and family or chard, rood a-R. bouse, electrle llshts and pum pine plant, s poultry noasas. aarai-a. Close In on paved road. Price I very lew at lisoo.on. Another one S-A new land, about 75 cord timber, rood well, electric llcht 4-R. house. barn and sjarac Price SlSSt.OO. 2M down. 33-ACRES 8ANTIAM LAND cm.ijr luwa uuiu, kuvui m iu vuw. bat all plow land. Some timber, good , f-R. bungalow, barn and eta. 4 cow team, tools ana implements xor ,- SlO.oe. A real bargain. JAa D. 8EARS. REALTOR 131 South. HI,- GIVE AW AT PRICE 1150 down, baL $20.00 per mo. Prloe $1300.00. Dandy ft-R bungalow on paved street. 1-blk. of schooL Base ment, furnace, composition roof, nice living room, dining room. Duut-in sat- chen, nice lot: a real bargam. APT. HOUSE FOR TRADE t-I R ant. house, in good location In Salem, price $7000.00; trade for stock rancn at about same price. JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 132 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate Modern six room English type house, four blocks from state house. Will take closed car or what have you for down payment Phone 7 875. FOR SALE FARMS 120 acres T miles Salem, 22 acres under plow, about 2500 cords of fine owner will sacrifice for $2400 and terms can be arranged. 10 acres of fine bottom land, good road, small Improvement some tim ber, easy cleared a snap, only $90 hair cash. A good 6 room house furnished, pav ed street, basement, furnace, garage. large lot. only sice. term Melvln Johnson W. II. Pennlngtoa 275 State Street 320 ACRES 160 acres clear. 160 acres timber. running water, electric lln Fair house, only 13 H mnes rrom saiem. Price only $22.00 per acre. Will take small farm or city property as part. HAWKINS A ROBERTS Guardian Building WONDERFUL BUT IN OLOSE IN FARM City Conveniences and Country Privileges tlK acres well located 1U miles out on paved highway, best or dark rich soil, can be easily aivraea into e acre tracts, modern 4 room nous plumbing, electric light built in fireplace, full basement, urove well. water system, double garag chicken coops for 300 hen barn. Priced for a snort time at only isuuu ana worm double. Part term If you are thinking of buying a farm, let us show you this one. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708. $36.00 PER ACRE 105 acre 7 miles east of Salem. Good 5 room house, barn other build ing Running water, some timber, about 60 acres cleared. $750 cash, bal ance 6. SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS Guardian Building For Farm Bargains BIG SNAP-r $35,000 Ranch for $17,000 All stocked and eauipped for $19,- 500; only 12 miles from Salem, on road. 10 cow 5 heifer 4 horse 20 hog 75 chicken all kinds of farm implement tooia. tractor, best farm buy tn valley. 290 A. plow land, crop goes with place. bk,k T?K.CHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Room 4, ACREAGE S acres with comfortable new house. mi. elec light builtln garage. small barn, variety fruit and berrie close in, $1850., terms. Ask for Greer. WINNIE rKlTIJUtin 175 Sooth Hiirh Street . Business Opportunities ANGORA WOOLERS Win make you an independent living- Let us snow yu. HILLCREST ANGORA CO. TeL 8156 Rt 3. Box II. Pac Hwy. V mile So. ji Salem. Garage and service sta. TeL 8593, wvij-vii-inj-M-i-ini'v-ir",-," -" Small grocery with living room Box 161. care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BABT CHICKS at eae- rtflce prices Tuesday and -Friday only. See our bargain Custom hatch ing. Hatching egg Phone 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. Salem, Oregon. POULTRY WANTED SALEM POULTRY COMPANT 255 E. Miller Street Phone 7801 jgh8anM-aeMss-Saia Custom hatching, 500 eggs at le evarv Saturday ana xuesaay. xei. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. saesessSsWS-sesS- niw rhirka everv Wednesday. Han- son strain. White Leghorns from ped -,-ir T t ttm), Rarred Rock Whtt Wvandotte Reduced price RUBT L. WOODWARD Rt t. Box 49B Tel. 44F81 Crlstman hatcheries at reduced Prlces- r,,--- 3114 North Front St, Salem, POLLY AND HER ( JL JS. BUT THAT Vs" CcRrrTERjT ci r IS. OFF 5 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY lCarkat aeottrr waattad. Amr onaa-i Wheat o atloea. Tak lillY. bears EUtchary. MONEY TO LOAN Borrow ea personal property: repay la monthly.' Installments - WIUJLat- RTTB ItiN CfV. Stat lla. SUltS. SSS Qoaruian Braav Tel. If (X Bells of Harmony Beard aver KOTM dally rtaf out a toaar serrtee that la really, realty different. TOO CHST THE FULL AiiOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH OKLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRrVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on loam lie to lire Beneficial Loan Society or a alex Room 11 New BlIsV Bid. Jnd Floor LICENSED EST STATB III State St TeL S-T-4- MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yeui payments Toa keep tee ear P. A. ETKER Cor. Ubertr St. and Ferry PtioM 4713 Salem. Ore. PERSONAL. LOAVB MADS on furniture, ear salaries or. other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. UEITIIRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Pbans llll FOR SALEWOOD Good dry wood. Reasonable. Lc load. TeL II4T. Fred E. Well Dry wood. TeL 4418. II In. drr 2nd fir. trie ner load. Planer ends $2.10 ter load, at Tracy' TOL ass GUARANTEED DBT wood oaal TeL too Salem Fuel C Trade Cottage. Fir. ash. reasonable price TeL ITI8. Dry wood $4.00 cord. Phone 941L . . uu uu .vwvu . t iu. v - Dry oak $5.0. George Meitxler, Mar I lea, Oregon. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel ell Call on us for price We give soeo measure, gooa quaircr ana good service. LARMER TRANSFER 8TORAOE Teleobene 8181 Ash, fir and oak. TeL 148. Dry wood that Is dry. CalL 113F28. Dry fir and oak. Phone 9462. No. 1 16 ra. old fir, $4.00. Tel. 44S0. LOST AND FOUND Strayed to my plac two lamb John R Calmu Aumsvllle, R 1, Box 11 A Lost French bull dog. "Pat" Black with white mark. Reward. TeL 837T. PERSONAL Lady above fifty, wishes te corres pond with gentleman of like age, and of rood habits Box 4. cure Statesman These CARS MUST be SOLD Sea ue about them Ask to see TEST RECORD 1921 Bulck Roadster $ 85.00 1928 Bulck Coupe 195.00 1924 Bulck Coune 95.00 1931 Ford Standard Coupe 395.00 1931 Ford Standard oupe 875.00 1930 Ford Standard Coupe 345.00 1929 Ford Business Coupe 150.00 1928 Ford Sport Coupe 165.04 1933 Ford Tudor Sedan 850.00 1928 Ford Phaeton 140.00 1931 Ford Sport Roadster 385.00 1926 Ford Touring 1925 Ford Touring 1921 Ford Pickup 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coupe . 1928 Chevrolet Delivery 1 25.00 . 20.00 . 25.00 . 145.00 . 235.00 . 225.00 . 145.00 1927 Star Sedan . 95.00 1925 Studebaker Sedan 125.00 ' Constantly Creating Confidence Terms Trades VALLEY MOTOR COMPANT Phone 3168 Center Street Display I Phone 7910. Lot at Marion A Liberty McKATS USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS Overland Sedan $ 25 Rollins Touring 85 '24 Essex Coach 35 "29 Ford Tudor Sedan, Trunk 185 29 Ford Fordor Sn. Overhauled 216 '29 Dodge Coupe 226 29 Bulck Sedan. Special at ass CHEVROLETS '29 Coupe. Reconditioned 345 SO Sport Roadster 250 80 Sedan Jl 81 Coach 345 '32 Coach. Like new 495 TRUCKS 4 lata model Chevrolet aad Ford trucks: long wheel ban dual tires. overload spring 4 speed tran All overhauled and guaranteed, $350 to $545. TERMS TRADES McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 33$ Center 410 N. Coral. - Phone 3119 RECONDITIONED AS sW B 1"? "TfT '31 Hupmobils six Sedan $598 '30 Buick Business Coupe ,,, ... $?s '30 Hudson 8 2-dr. Sedan 48 '29 Hudson 4 -dr. Sedaa 191 '29 Stude Commander Sedaa 281 '31 Ford Business Coupe 398 '31 Ford Snort Roadster 348 3T Hudson Custom Brougham 348 '19 Ksmi a-dr. Sedan . xss '28 Nash Landau Sedan . IB Ttelrk 4-nana. Coub 178 '29 Essex Business Coupe ,, . ICS '24 Stude Big Six Roadster - '2$ Ford Standard Coupe - 14s t ' T WblntMt Six Coudo . 138 i'37 Pontlao Business Coupe 13$ 34 Willys Knight Touring 'IT Ford Touring '34 Ford Conpe STATE MOTORS INC. Dealers for Hudson Studebaker Chrysler Plvnjouth Essex Rockne Or S2S Chemeketa Open evening PALS 1 I wevn. ffiBPlPS ill Corrugated, dedicated Ban Redupf Worm-Infected Apple$at Yakima The valifa of - banding appla trees la orchards badlv Infested with coddlinr moth was pretty wall demonstrated la a aeries oi Oregon field trials -condacted last season through the- cooperation ot ninA ronntv areata, reports u. t. MeWhorter. extension nomcui- tnrslUt at Oregon SUta college. Tests were mada In Lane, Beaton. Polk. Washington. ciacKamas, Wasco. Hood River, TJmatlllaand Josephine eountles. Chemically treated eorrngated bands can undoubtedly ha used to advantaea la orcnaras oaaiy in fested with codling moth," Me- Wnorter concludes. Tha winter carryover of codling moth larvae should be reduced tnrouga tneir rrrnnnr use. Second, and third broods might also ba reduced through their proper use. Second and third broods might also ba reduced through their systematic use. Catches varied from a rata of 89 to 11,000 larvae per acre m our tests." The corrugated bands treated with chemical to kill the trapped larva were found mueh mora ef ficient than the ilaln bands. Home preparation of Beta-Napth-1 hands Is now possible through following directions given in a bureau ot entomology publica tion. E-2J4. The chief trouble and expense in bsndlng trees is In scraping off all loose bark in advance ot hand ing. This cost ranged from 7 to 15 cents per tree In most of the trials, with total cost ayeraglng about 13 cents a tree. MeWhor ter has designed a tree, scraper which is the most efficient tool yet found for doing this scraping work. In the Yakima valley the TJ. S. department of agriculture has de termined that approximately a third of the worms which leave the apples are caught by properly made and placed bands. In the second year of the use of tree bands, on blocks of trees sprayed Identically, the block additionally protected by tree bands showed increased protection of from 20 to 25 per cent. Recent codling moth losses have been severe despite im proved spraying practices, caus ing growers to consider seriously methods of cleaving up hiding places of larvae aLd to use bands as supplements to the spray pro gram, MeWhorter reports. Bf JESUIT FATHERS STAYTON, March St. Mary's church of Stayton has a mission, conducted by the Jesuit Fathers, Cyril R. Kavanaugh, 8. J., and James Buckley, S. J., of San Francisco. While the sermons and instructions are Intended primar ily for Catholics, non-Catholics are invited to attend. The mis sion opened Sunday March 5, at the 10:30 high mass. There will be services every evening, begin ning at 7:15. There will be mass each morning, followed by a mis sion instruction, at 7 and 9 a. m. After conducting the mission here for a week Fathers Kanan augh and Buckley will go to Sub limity to begin a mission there March 12, and the following week they will go to the church of th'e Magdalen in Portland. Honor Roll Listed For Middle Grove Primary Students MIDDLE GROVE, Mare Those on the school "honor roll," In the primary room are: Jack Young, Mary Jean Fisher, Elaine Harms. Barbara Leonhardt,; and Lee Wagers. In the advanced grade: Oscar Warner, Mary Bar ker. Ad drey Harmes, Geneva Hammer, Leo Hammer, Gertrude Stelnka, Norman McAllister. Barbara Dunaway, of Baker, Idaho, aad granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McCormlck, is a new pupil la the primary room At the next community clu1) meeting to be held Friday, March IT, a play, "Deacon Dubbs," will bo presented by home talent. The part of "Deacon Dubbs" will be taken by W. Gould. Other charac ters are Fern Dow. Faye ColwelL Dorothy Dow, Marlet Stettler, Es ther Hammer, Kenneth Tan 15 U MISSION CONDUCTED Cleave. Orvflle Mala, Lauren Stettler. In LRXrm C-a An. Gj rr krmost in My xhy, but rOTTy TAKES THB CAKErJ EGGS ARE ; S . d LOCAL WHEAT RISES Onion Trading at 50c Reported; Butter Mart Steady PORTLAND, Bfarch t (AP) -r-xarket for batter, shows a fair ly steady., tone tor the week's opening. To some extent demand was curtailed by the financial crisis, retail sales at practically air Pacific slope points showing a sharp cat. Advance of 2c In extras and le each oa standard and mediums, quoted by Manager Reed ot the Pacific co-ops, was generally fol lowed In the trade today although here and there some were Inclined to shade. -Market for chickens continues to reflect strength at the late price advances here and along the . ii t ....i.t. I continue very limited in all class! flcatlons. Demand for dressed turkeys was still-unfilled here generally. Late receipts have been of most nominal volume while demand has been extremely good consider ing financial affairs. Prices were firmer to higher in spots. Owing te the very literal Bupply arriving at the weekend, together with the lessened buying by re tailers, market for veal was off a ...(. tt . t ,k wo- I k . ' ii I uutuMitm gcuciaiijr. i 0. f4. , 1 ..1... i . - t,a n,,Tw wUV, kaa I ,Vvi.cu u vVUUwj " , the general price paid. A small mnnnt nt fnrnlm hnitinMi was I again in sight and some late sales have been made to California and New York. General Markets FBODUCE EXCBAKOB PORTLAND, Ore.. March S.( AP) rrodoee ezehanre. set prices: Battel Extras lSc. standards 18 He. prime firsts 18 He, firsts 19e. Ergt Freeh extras 16c, medium lc Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, March .( AP) Batter Print 03 score or better sis pound. Standards 20 He. Ens Paeitie Poultry Producer' sell ing prices: Freak extras 16 standsrds 14c, mediums 14c. Country menu Sellins price te retail ers: Country killed hoc, best botcher under 150 pound 5 He; vealers, SO te 100 vooad 8-8 He; lambs ll-12c, T ear- line 6c, kesvy ewes 4-5c, canner cows -U-SMre bnlls 4-4 He. Nuts Oregon walnuts 1518c pound, reaasts 10 Braiils 12-14 almonds 18 o. filbert 10 22a. ocean 30 Oascsra bark Buying pries, l.sa peel. Se pons Hod Nominal 1S82. 24 28c Batterfat Direct te shispers: Statio 15-1 4c; Portland delivery prices, churn ing cream 1S-17 sweet cream higher. Live posltrr Baying oriee: Heavy hen colored, 4H pound 11-12; do me- diuma 10c; lights s; spring light is '-T7.1; 'IVfE .i,Ji!1kSn.,klm' OnTone Selling price' to retailers: Ore- gea se-poe eetasi, .sums Bpaema t- 85e cental. . Potatoes Local. 65 75c orange Sox; Deschutes Gems 90c $i. Takima Gems 80-85e cental; new, Florida, Ss pound. Wool 1933 etip. semiaal: Willamette valley 1315s pound, eaitera Oregon 10-13 Portland Livestock POST LAND. Or. Kareh 8. (AP) CatUe Beceipts 800. calves 15; higher ia pot , mv Steer. SSO te POO pounds, good B4.TS- 5.35. medium S4 4.75. common S3 4; 00 te iioo pnand good $4.50-5, medium 84-4.50. common 3-; 110. to ijuu pounds, good S3.85-4.25, medium $3 8.85. iieiier oow 10 1 -v poun, aw- .-- a. sr. m.n,dinm 8.so-4.25: 750 to goo'nonndL eood choice $4-4.25, com nAa.iHalinm WA.A ATI Ba.OU'Ss.1 tl. rommTn-medium $2.71.60. low cutter and euUer $1.25-2.75. Eull yearliaga excluaea, gooa tDeei ij.H-i.u, medium $1.50-2.25. Vealer, good-choice $5.50-6.25. medium S4.25-s.ou. euu-com-nna 12. 60-4.25. CaWe. 50 to 500 pound. good-choice $4-4.60, common - medium .A Hoe Receipt 1400; few best libt butchers 15e higher. Light lights, 140 to 160 pound, good choice. $3.50-4.25. Lightweight, 100 1 to 180 pound $4.10-4.25; 180 to 200 pound. $4.10-4.25. Medium weight, 200 to 220 poanda, $8.75-4.25; 220 to 250 pound $3.50-4.10. Heavyweight, 2 SO to 390 DO TIE U. S3..0-4; -W MI ou $3.15-8.85. Packing sew 278 to 850 pounds, good $3-3.75. 850 to 425 pounds S3-3.SU, . to ooo pouaai i-o.u, - -to 550 pounds, medium $8-8.25. Feeder and stocker pig 70 te 130 pound, goed choice $2.50-3.50. , a Sheep and Umm rteceipie tedy. , , , Lambs. 0 pound down, soed-jkelee $5.25-5.65. commoa-medium $8.50-5.25. TearUag wether SO te 110 pound good choiee $3-4.10, medium $2-8. Ewes, SO te 180 pound, gooe-cowee .--.-, 130 te 150 pease ---.5, an --Commoa-medium. $!. ML Pisga Meeting Is Well Attended PIONEER. Mar. The reg ular meeting ot the ML Pisga lo cal was held at the North Dallas school Friday night. Special speakers for the evening were Connty Agent J. R. Beck and Sam Steward of McCoy. Liberty Bell local invited the members of ML Pisga to meet with them next Sat urday night for a pie scelaL Self Defense USTI-KDCXKIN rDU COVE RIGHT AROUND TO My HOUSE? QK (THANKS 14 ADV AN CED AT PORTLAND Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 saUk, co-op pool price, S1.20 per haadred. - Sarplas 05c (Milk based- ea send stestaly batterlst average.) Bntterfat Sweet, lc; soar, 17c rrlees pais to gree-ers y Bales bayers March - (The prices belew. sapplieS ey a Iseal Cxct. ere a ilea live f the dairy Market lsre set rasraaUed b The Statetmes) raoTT aits vegetables Carrot Calif, erate Green pepper OaliL, Ik. .IS Pea Oelif, lb. Cat bum lb. Mtea ee esscnee. .JS Pete tee Takhna l .85 retstee .75 te LOO L5 .80 Dot i Celerr aearU. o Lettne CaUt .2.10 te 3.S5 a as .89 Tomatoes, hethess crate Oaiea Walla Walls Oaiea Labltb, ewi Danish saeasb. eoa. ... .19 .01 1.50 .55 te .80 .05 Habhar4 sqaaib, lb. .,, , Parsnip haadred Khabarb. hothouie OaUf. lb. Apeles Wmesaps .50 and .75 .50 SpitsenberfS Kewtewat Rent Beaaty .40 and .40 .40 to .00 .65 1.10 Geaos I CaaUflower. Calif., crate Brnetels snroats .95 RaUb.r-1. hundred .1.00 to 1.35 .1.50 to 1.75 .8 00 te 4.00 Orasre p.p. Beet Calif., do. .70 S.85 3.50 Tanip Calif., crate sDin.eh. c.iif.. erete HOPS .24 .20 eggs Baylnf Prices Extras Standards Medio i .13 .11 .10 .04 .10 .08 .OS .09 .10 POXTLTBT Old roosters . . ...... Colored heai Median hens . Iicht kens Bakers . Li bi fryers --------- Lambi. top .5.00 . 4.00 Hof top Hog Irit cots . Steers 8.T5 .03 te 04 .01 te .03 Oowi . Heifers , , 03 to JOS .03 te .02 U .07 H 06 Balls Dreised veaL P Dressed ho.s V OnAXV AhTD HAT Wheat, western red . .49 .. .40 .16.00 .18.00 -25.00 White, o. 1 . Barter, top. toa Oat whit ton- Oat art-, top. toa Hay. burins prtees Oats and vetch, toa r0 .00 to 11 00 Alfalf valley, let cut -i w w Alfalf eaitera Oreron J-- WUUi, .... Coarse .08 H sarket Mohair XOTTCE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the County I who have lived In this neighbor ennrt of the State of Oregon for hood for so many years end who the County of Marlon duly made, rendered and entered of record In said court on the sixth day or February, 193S. J. c. inAriiAw I j.i, annnlntd aa admlnistra- I . " tor of the estate oi Mincti m. CHAPMAN, deceased, and mat said J. C. Chapman has duly qual ified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, with proper .A.AatlAll A "M . . . "u VT 1. ..'..1 a said aammistraior at 211 uuum states National Bank uuiiaing. c.,0 within six f6) : f months from the date or the rim 1 rjubllcatlon or tnis notice. D.M and first DUblle , .w .... seventh day of February. 1933. - J. C. CHAPMAN. I a J 1 f a . a M a a, - T7at-aA r A' r tSaintUK. ra. UAt Mn.x, cesseu CARSON A CARSON, Attorneys for Administrator. F. 7-14-21-23; M. 7. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon as the Executor of the Will in the estate of George Patterson Marshall, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Executor; all persons having a claim against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to me at the office of Emmons & Emmons, my attorneys, at 30S Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of February. MEM PEARCE. Executor of the Estate of George Patterson Marshall, Deceased. EMMONS EMMONS, Attorneys 3 OS Oregon Building. F25-M.7-1 4-2 1-28 TOE-SCHOOL CLINIC TODAY SLLVERTON, March A pre school clinic will be held Tuesday, March 7, at the health eenter at Eugene Field building. I'M HVEK1TTV THB rTDM VDU SHANT OUSHAMT TWO CENTS Salem Eggs Gain one Cent; Movement ot Fruit Paralyzed Wheat and eggs took a slight boost on the local market yester dsy. Wheat is Quoted two cenU ap, at 49 cents, which is the first change either way in more than two weeks. Eggs were ap a cent, at lo cents oa mediums, 11 on stand ards and IS cents on extras. Money .conditions have more or I less paralysed large movement ot fruits and vegetables, and stores are doing business largely oa the stocks on hand, at no change In prices.- PHY, PARTY ARE - SLATED FOR CLUB WEST STAYTON, March 6 The community club held Its reg ular meeting at the school house Friday night. The program was: Musical selections by the -West Stafenn ' orchestra; a tumbling act by the Harper Brothers; song. by a boys quartet, Verne Cnam berltn. Merle Crane, Wilbur Tripp and Glenn Spies, accompanied by Dorothy Asche; guitar duet by the Woosley brothers; dialogue, by Antoinette Irish, Donald Spies, and Verne Chsmherlin; vocal duet, by Grace Bennett and Lois Lacy, accompanied by Dorothy Asche; musical selections by a string trio. Lyle Spies. William Woosler and Glenn Spies, and dancing by L. P. Spies; vocal solo by Merle Crane, accompanied by Dorothy Asche; dialogue, by Rob ert Royse, Eugene Lee, Glenn Browning and Seymour Stewsrt; and the concluding numbers were furnished by the orchestra. - Mrs. Fred Dickman, president, announced that the three act play the club Is sponsoring is to be giy en at the school house Friday night. March 24 with nominal charge. The date for the party the women are to give the men was eet for Friday night, March 31. Mrs. Arthur Forrette was appointed chalrjuan of the enter tainment committee. It was decided to ask entertain ment from Salem tor the April 7 meeting. DAVEXTORTS MOVING ROBERTS. March C Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Davenport and family hare taken such active part ia ererything of interest to the com- munity. are moving to a small i place In the Liberty district I Ahnnt KA fniarkrie put thnm a " .. "7 i farewell party saturaay, Radio Program TOESDAT, MAECH 7 KQW Fort land 820 Ke. 7:30 Happy Jack, NBC. 7:45 Breea and De Rose, NBC. 8:00 Yosr Child. ABC'. T I : 13 LOOSJUi' iruutN, lo:80-Wom.n. Jtej-xiae, NEC. 11 :80 Rhythm Vendors. BO. 12:15 W eaters Farm and Home hoar, SBC. 1:45 String-wood Ensemble, NBC. 2:00 Whiteman and Hit Rhythm B07 8:00 Madame Frances Alda, NBO. 4:00 Friendly Chat. 5:00 Madi, the Magician. 6:00 The Balladette. KBC. 0:10 Around the World with the Port land Cleaning Work 6:15 Book Chat. 8:00 Amos 'n' Andy. KBC 8:15 Memory Lane, NBC. 10:20 Hotel Mark Hopkins sreehetr NEC. 11:00 Hotel Ambassador-orchestra, XBO 11:30 Organ concert. NBC. KOIH Portland 940 K 6: SO KOIaT Klock. 8:30 Dixie Baker and Bob White. -10:00 George Hall's orchestra, CBS. -11:00 Texas Ranger, CB8. 11:30 American School of Ue Air, CBS. liOO Book of Life. 3:00 Feminine Fancies, DLB3. 4:45 Cecil and Silly. 5:00 Steamboat Bill. 6:00 Leonard Hayton's orehestrs, CBS. 6:30 California Melodies,- CBS. 7:00 Musical Technocrat from KOU. 9:00 Redding White. User. 0:1 J Unknown Haads, E.T. XOAO OorvalllJ 660 Ke. 7:00 Morning Meditation led by Dr. Frank B. Matthew 8 :00 Mamies concert. 10:00 Home Economics Observer. 13:00 Farm hour. . , 8:00 Mr Bars Watt Prentiss "Tak ing Time to Answer Ckildrea'a Question'' T:10 Prof, a R Hyslop "Red sad Alsik Clever." T:4S Miss Ann CSetn "Success ss a Fsetev la Chile Osveiepeseat.--8:15 Dr. Victor P. Mcrri "The WstM In Review." 8:80 Liofield college pregrss. 9:00 University el Oregon Male Octet, directed by Arthur Boardman, By CLIFF STERRETT f-DONT BS A SAP SUSIEI ONly CX44A GHT PI-AGUE -TAKED - CAT TUNED" f j r in " J I 11 H ?! C his home. V(WBWBa 4aSB 2