The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcra. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 7,-IMS' - PAGE FITS 1 i i t :: 1 .Local News Briep"iii Sfe gW Bet Paid- Tha annual , spectacle or. ludicrously dr eased tndents conducting themselves to various extraordinary manners started on tlje Willamette snlrer slty campus yesterday as payment of Freshman Gleo beta began. On young man, garbed In brignt-eol-ored beach pajamas, was expelled from a! classroom -with the order not to return dressed In that fa shioa, 1 Several atedents contrib uted pennies and nickels to a young wpman who was paying off a bet by carrying a 'pleas help the dumb" alga In one of the balls. Men of tae fourth-placa junior elaaa braved a dousing in the miUrace after tha chapel pro gram which devoted to parodying the losing Glee tongs. N . i Liability Not Assumed City Attorney Chris J. Kowitx last night reported to the city council that in bis opinion the city could not be , held liable for injuries Mrs. R. G. Mnie claims to have received as the result of stepping in a bole in the sidewalk at 460 North High btreet. She had filed a claim for "ISO at the last Febru ary meeting. Kowita held that un der provisions of its charter the city cannot be held liable and that none of the employes in the responsible city departments was cognizant of the defect in the sidewalk at time of the accident. Daily Milk Record Sheets, printed on heavy tag board good for IS cow records each day of the month; for sale' at Statesman office. Business Slow While bustaess at the county clerk's office con tinues at a minimum because of the bank holidays, deputy elerks find plenty ot routine matters to keep them busy. The first chattel lien filed in five days was accept ed yesterday because filers urged that It be recorded. No other legal documents were filed. Scores of dog license applications that came in by mail before the deadline are nearly ready to send out, but there may be a question on whether they shall be mailed un til checks can be cashed. Ma and Pa free Wed. night at Mellow Moon dance it accompan ied by son or daughter. A dm. 25c. Ballden Meeting The Salem Builders and Employes associa tion has reserved a room for a meeting at the chamber of com merce tonight. No other meet ings are scheduled there today. Cmrraa At a local hospital, March 6, John J. Curran. aged 56 years, a late resident ot 10CO North 14th street. Survived by widow, Carol J. Curran; son, John Rollln Cur ran; sister. Miss Anna Curran; brothers, William. Frank Edward and Daniel Curran of Cincinnati!, O. Funeral announcements later by Clough-Barrlck company. Moon At a local Hospital, Sunday, ir.rrh e rrHT, Ann Mnn mA " -I ' 46, late resident of 157 South Winter street. Survived by widow er. C. E. Moon; one sister, Mrs. Walter Brophy of Montana; two brothers, William Holefelder of Montana, and Frank Holefelder ot of Kansas. Funeral services from the cathedral at 17th and Coach streets, Portland, Tuesday, March 7, at 10 a. m. interment Mount Calvary cemetery. Clay At the residence, 1409 North Church street, Mrs. Rinnie C. Clay, 74 years old, Sunday, March 5. Survived by three sons, Charles a. Kaymona oi canton, Fran u. Kaymond oi Mt. Holly, is. j., ana Walter E. Raymond of Mexico; lour orotners, Kay k. snyaer or Oakland. CaL. John Snyder of .w icnita, Kan?, Arthur snyaer oi Sioux Fall. S. D.. and George sny- I der of Stockton. Cal. Nine grand- children also survive. Services will be held from the chapel ot the Clough - Barrick company, Tuesday. March 7. at 2 d. m.. Rer. Humphreys officiating. The do- ceased had lived in Salem since 1914. She waa a member of the Jiann f .hiir.1i tha Wnmm'l I ww. v.. U " Relief corps and the W. C. T. TJ. trout Hit? At the residence, six miles east of Salem near FrultUnd. March , uyamia Ann jvesung, wne oi M ... m w ma t m .mi Ob ltuary J. p. of Salem. Mother of George at WilUrd aad Qakridge were vis and sister , ol Jin Mary Ellen lted yegterd4y by Rnral School Sa. "''7"u"' X"."''?:r Mrs. Bertha Muckey of Alton, la.. Eum Lambert of saiem ana uavei Oj. D2 of Philomath. Also surTlved byOej7c2f6 KCJCCtS nine granaemiaren. a. nauve Indiana. Aged S3 years. 7 montns and 13 days. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday. March 7. at 2 p. m. from the Terwllliger funeral home, 770 Chemeketa street. In- terment Macleay cemetery. Smith in thU ettv Sunday. March Dan Smith, aged 65. Funeral an- ' . ' nouneements later by W. T. Rlg- don Son. O 1 -o Births I Abbott To Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Abbott ot 1590 Cherry street, an elrht-nound daughter. born Sunday at the Bungalow Maternity home. Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxers to Rent Call 6910, Used raraitare mK-t.,! iky n h m rn Nameroas Eight au tomobile collisions, an of them at minor nature, vera reported to city police oyer tha weekend, as follows: Gust Peterson. Dallas route one, , and an unidentified motorist, at Marios and Capital streets; Mrs. G. IX. Smith. 1140 Center, and EL K. Byrne, 94S Cen ter,, at Church and Hood; W. C. Mangum, 454 State, aad a. motor ist named Coons. - 1329 Fair ground road, at 1025 Grant; C. B. Smith, state hospital, and Lau rine Bates. CIO North Commer cial,, at State and High; a McAl lister 1TTS Lee, and P. D. Ren nmgs, 19?f Water, at High and Ferry; Harry Erlckson. 198 South 21st, and an unidentified driver, at 12th and State; A. a Miller, 680 South 12th. and an unidenti fied motorist, at 12th and Leslie. a Old time dance, Castillian hall. Nelson bldg. Thurs., 2 5-1 5c. Sooths Bound Over Claude H. South, 44. and his son, Roy C. seutn, 21, were taken to Port land over the weekend by federal officers to face the federal grand jury on charges of possessing mash and manufacturing intoxi cating liquor. Before they left. V. 8. Commissioner Lars Bergs vik set bait for the elder South at $2500 and for his son, at $1000. The pair were planning to post a Dona upon their arrival at Port land. Light Bill Disallowed The city council last night accepted recommendations of the lights and signs committee against al lowing bills for $4.75 and $3.03 for electricity consumed at tha municipal auto park thia winter by destitute families housed there by the Red Cross. Red Cross-Community service officials claim to haT obtained permission from the park board to make use of the auto park cabins. Mod. dance, U-Park tonight. 15c. City Buying Tires At the sug gestion of a local service station proprietor, the eity council last night decided to call for bids in the near future for tires to be used this year on city automo biles, thus taking advantage of low prices. Chairmen of the com mittees affected were Instructed to submit estimates ot the tire needs of their departments for the remainder of the year. Bestead Arrested! City police made one arrest over tha week end, that ot Hilton Halstead of Gervais route two on a charge ot railing to atop at a through traf fic street, according to police rec ords. Halstead was cited to as- pear in municipal court on March 15. Co-op Permit f 10.000 The producers Cooperative Packing company yesterday took out a 1 building permit for Its new can- nary building at 1695 North Com mercial street, to cost $10,000. Prult Brothers bts the contrac tors. Wanted, used furn. Tel. 5110. license Suspended When Wil liam L. Elliott of Salem pleaded , Uullty In municipal court yester I J . . .V ....Jl.. Judge Mark Poulsen ordered him to give up his driver's license for 10 days. No other cases were re ported during the day, Two Eeiaer Meets In the Kei- r district north of town t.n meetings are scheduled for the wefk Thursday the Ladies'' Aid Thursday the Ladies' Aid society will hold an all day meet ing with Mrs. Howard Bilven. Fri day night the community club will be in session, with a special program promised. To Give Pageant A water pag eant entitled "How Swimminr Grew Up." will be given br 25 boys and girls of the Junior life saving corns Monday. March IS. at the Salem T. M. C. A. pool The nrorram is In charea of Minn Helen Ralph I Lodges in JH - Julius Beck- man was arrested by snerur nunc I yesterday and lodged In the conn I ty jail on a etarge of being drunk Arrest followed complaint that the man was beating his wife, and i had also threatened to beat the landlady. I . . " '9 . . i MM.. . " , t ! mp" i axis league win meet at me nome ' a M. 111 M. A .f Elsa Ebf e?- .n. s.tate aiSui. ucioo. i xcm-- qiv. -..-.i ..lfti. I Perrisor Wayne Harding oil XTJt. 1 MM rf Ucf IC Ul Cd&Ul C I The senate Monday reiused to approve a house bill by Represen- j tatlve Dech which would have I placed title with the state in all whales landed on the Oregon 1 coast. The bill was a postiude to S. I the Ethelbert" whale incident In I -n A M . A X A.M i-oruano, which aiiracieu aauonai attenton. Senator Franciscovlcb opposed passage of the bill PILES CORED WUboat Opratlos n Lom f Tlai DR. MARSHALL tS9 Ortcra Blag. piMMssoa CHEVROLET OWNERS! DEPRESSION PRICES AT " la Alley at rear of 253 Chemtketa St, ' EELLEY AND JOHNSON I IIWIIIIIIIV HIIHUI 18 Crews Befog Organized Hiring Five to 40 men Each, Road jobs .Machinery for starting men to work en various reads thxoujch- out Maris county waa hi work- in- order yesterday, aad mem vera being: lined up. but wheth er any work, waa actually dona naa not heea reported lata fa the afternoon, County Engineer Swart, is charge of allocation et work, said. Eighteen, crews of men are being organized, with all tha way from five to 40 men on a crew. Swart did not know yesterday how many men had bean signed up, as key men in the county had made no reports. The program Is being carried on under the relief funds bor rowed by Marlon county from tha Reconstruction Finance corn ora tion, and Is entailing county ex penses only for wages of tha key men. Work will be limited to widening, grubbing, digging ditch es or other jobs whera no outlay lor la&or Is necessary. With transfer of moneys stop- pea by the presidential bank proclamation, the question of when Marlon county win receive the funds borrowed was par mount yesterday. The county court, however, was preparing to o ahead with Its announced di rect relief work road program.. Final details on administration of the R. F. C fan da were work ed out yesterday at conference of the county court and other members of the county committee with Iran White, field represen tative of the state relief com ma ttee. The 18 road men named as key men for the relief Jobs, which will be rotated, are: O. D. Needham, RosedaTe: Jo seph Zuber, Sublimity; Theodore Fisher. Victor Point; C. C. Stay- ton, Stayton; Leonard Walker. Stayton; B. J. Be-ttencourt, Rob- PATTERN 2564 .. erts; Lester Van Cleave, Salem: W. W. Westenhouse, Liberty; Ray Keeves, Ankeny; Bert Iverson, suverton; M. N. Magee, Macleay; jonn urleaenauer. ML Ansel: Grant Jones. Hubbard; Peter Jen sen, Gervais; Jim McCormick. West Woodburn; Jim Cook. St. Paul; Bob Cole, Wheatland: L. E. Hennles, Turner. Tho annual missionary conven tion or the Salem Christian and Missionary alliance will open Wednesday night at 7:45 o'elock. and continue through Sunday, with two sessions daily at 2:30 and 7:45 o'elock, except for Sun day when there will be three, at li a. m., 3 and 7:30 p. m. The opening address will be given by Rev. C. T. Carlson, who has been In the fields at Ecua dor. Other speakers will be Rev W. I. McGarvey of Seattle, dis trict superintendent of the alii ance, and John R. Turnbull, mis sionary field evangelist who made three expeditions Into wild Ara bia and who was honored for them by the Royal Geographical society of London. Turnbull has an exceptional collection of colored slides with which he will Illustrate his lec tures on Arabia and what ha found there. The convention here and the annual local meet at Stlverton is being carried on at the same time, with the same set ot speakers interchanging, says the local pastor, Rev. W. H. Cald well. Parent-Teacher Group to Meet Tomorrow Night The Salem parent-teacher-stu dent association will meet at the high school auditorium Wednes day night, with business consider ations to open at 7: SO o'clock. The program, beginning at 1 o'clock, will Include a 20-mInute concert by the high school band, a talk. "What We Should Know About New Automobile Legisla tion", by Hal Hoss, secretary of state: and music by Dr. Leon B. Barrlck's male quartet. . CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for their kindness during our sorrow. Mr. B. C. Andersson & family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. But ler, Frank & Louis. ABOUT YOUR EYES Do not neglect your eyes te do so caases headache and discomfort. Oar optical lee Is ready te serve yea.. j r. ,-t y . MISsiM MEET OPENS WEDNESDAY Ccziiag Evesit Mar. tra. ' ' . Hare 10-11 State high school wrestling trarumeat at Seles high. , lfMcfc 10-ll-DJstxici IS basketball towaaaseat. March lSH-Begfoual ton oouf create. Inatiowal. First Presbyterlaa ebwKb. ' IfareBi 1 prtegr Open, fag. March 15-18 State high basketball toon. Mat. Marsh 20 Minnesota clu winter naeettac T. M. C A. Harrh 28-24 Greaom BaUding Congress Show. Salem Armory. Juno 2-4 Fourth Annas! Willamette Valley Flower Show. July 24-28 Annual Ea p eaaapmentt Spanish War Veterans. FICTI1 IS TOPIC AT W. If. LECTURE Dr. Helen Pearce to Reveal Age of "Best Sellers"; Churchill to Play The truth of fh old epigram. There's nothine new t. ti m IX..?' " la " J LJT- aiscusses m i o m , c J " L vtTZ - Mvaaa m atu naa utfbmv i use of the same baste sterfes and to WerAUf oi ii kI fuw"uoM- mim Parce ai w nmi. i. s una "7. " .tTirl nn,TersUT o'- .f 'fcrK" concerts ? audltorrum in Dr. Pearce has a renutarion as a scnoiar in the field of conrpar- uv liters cures. Having done con-1 ueraDia wotk in that field at tie Uaiverslty of CaUf ornla where sae attained the Pa.D. desree. Tracing the development of the Homerle story of Trov snd the Trojans, Helen, Ulysses, Achilles and tho other figures of legend ary Greek history has been a par ticular hobby of Miss Pearce and will undoubtedly receive soma at tentlon Tuesday nirht. The organ concert at 7:45 will ! d resent Frank E Phurrhtn .n. I of the best known organists in senate bills, all of a special or Oregon. Mr. Churchill has the mmor nature, kept the lower as happy facility of combining tha sembly rn session until V late old masterpieces and tha more bour Monday but provoked little modern popular numbers In a program and his program for Tuesday night is esoeciallv well- balanced. I Mr. Chnrehill la beln BRitl In a group of numbers by Miss Josephine Albert, popular young Salem contralto whoa rDiit- Man as in ATCfmHnnaiw nmm- islng young vocalist Is spreading I throughout the entire northwest. M!rh Allvtrt for on m of har num. I bers has chosen Burleigh's ar - rangement of the "Deep River" spiritual. FIIKItl FH Just another rainy day would characterize Monday in Salem, the second day ot the tight closing of banks due to legal holidays. Bust- ness houses did a fair volume, ea-1 peclally those dealing 4n grocer- I tee, meats, etc. Stores many of I them shut down on taking checks; but shoppers seemed te be wall provided with currency te make 1 ine neeaea yucnuet. uieau stores of course continued sales on credit to their regular cus tomers. The universal expression that tha flurry would soon be ever and that provision would be made so business could continue to car ry on either limited withdrawals from banks or with some form ot new circulating medium. Soma 1 placea had run short ot change, bat when tho banks arranged a place to provide change this diffi culty was overcome. NOTHING DOES SO MUCH FOR M When you're away from home Say ugoodnight,, to tie little fellow by telephone! . Son DAThewilltWnkabultbeiniracleof bcr Daddy roico from miles away. But bow ita enough to just hear that roicc From any of eighteen milliom telephones in this country yon cam talk homeward- -ewifdy, dearly, at low cost. , - -' ".'' Tux Pacific Telepho and Telegraki Com? akt Bnsiitess off iev 740 SUte Street, Phont S101 nil-: HI FEUD FLARES (fill Conduct of Forme Justlcs Of Peaca Attacked at 1 Committee Session ta a. tense c iaaT before the aia commitaee ea revision of laws, tqe long atending McMahan vs. Carson, et al, feud flared up Mon day morning, .the. battle being oc ctstened by d aearlag ea seaate bill Sl which, provides that sen lgr judges In this district shall s4rve In the cufty court and jun ior judges In the law court. If tie bill becomes law. Judge McMa han- will relinquish his present work to Judge Levelling sad the former win take- eharge of the etulty court. Waltes C. Wlnslow. local attor ney, asked the committee to ap prove the bill holding Judge Mc . Mahaa was Incompetent to handle tie law department of the court. Jehn H, Carson, former district attorney, told the committee Jtdge McMahan had written a ptcsenal letter to the grand jury asking, that body to Indict James Smith county commissioner, for 2? tewiihan. gee, attacked the conduct of Bra- sfer Small, former justice of the peace here who was at tha hear fnig. declaring Small acted illegally whila holding his Jptx McMahan alio aacused Carson of. employing a staae graphs r at 150 a month ou ol funds not permitted for such purposes and when Carson .i t . ip.ji. -xri,-- candidate, was doing tha same the x fl a a. .m a K .-m iWit - . i , 8o aUon. McMahan told the cojmmittee the bill was purely a nautical maUsr. Late Monday tha revision ot uW8 oommiUee reported tha bUl out without recommendation. tt and thraa. osnoaln It- Tha bill will ptobably be on the house ci- eddar today, E E Passage of a brace of appropTt- at ion bills and approval of IP debate. Roll call rouowed roil can ia tedious monotony and at times attendance of house members was decimated by attendance of mem- bers at the senate debate which waged throughout the bulk ot the afternoon on tha Gouley bin for a state constitutional convention on the 18th amendment vote. The house held up Senator Bynon's or consideration today; killed by an unfavorable vote S. B. ( and a B. 14. It passed t& approprtataon tuis with few dissenting rotes. Including a measure to give tha state emer gency board 1 150, 00 for emer gencies which may arise during the next bleunlum. The moneys revert to the general fund If not utilised. Wage Cut Applied By Paper Firm The Oregon Pulp a Paper corn- paay yesterday applied a ten per cent wage reduction to all its lo- cal employes. The salary eut wi the fifth ten per cent reduction NEW TRIAL SUB VAU 10 T n SO LITTLE AS YOUR TH.EPHONJ lie ems me PASS v9 at HALT tktf II usual pstee ol Mourn I0" OAMXi Afldseptks... made by tha company. Officials said that tha operating losses ef J tha null vera aa heavy daring! 1131. tha slash was imperative if tha mill . was t eoattnaa . ta operate. Participation in ) World Court is . Plea Made Here Several thousand postal cards pledging support of Salem dtlsess to tha Roosevelt administration in a program of adherence to tha world court ara to ba sent east this week, under tha leadership ot a local committee for disarma ment and Improved foreign rela tkms. The movement hero la being pushed by Dr. S. B. Laughtte ot THlamette university, who Sun day saw that the blank eards were distributed through local church es. The messages going east ask the president -to urge adherence to tie world court rto fulfill the spirit of the Paris pact to which tha United States senate pledged our nation on January li. 1129." The movement to urge adherence te the court is nationwide-, Langb Im said yesterday, peaee- lovers in all state cooperating to urge this action. METER SIGNS BELLS Goveraor Meier Monday sigaed a Mil Introduced by Senator Dun can authorising an appropriation 14 pay the costs incident to a suit fled by the United States govern ment against tha state of Oregon, involving title to the beds and waters of Malheur, Mud aad Har aey lakes. Another bill signed by the governor abolishes the office ! ol secretary of the state board of higher education. The office was held by Dr. . EL Lindsay, who received a salary of $7500 a year. r Ma and Pa's Dance Mellow Moon Wed. Nite, Mar. 8 Yoang folks brlag your par ents to Mellow Mooa Wed nesday Kite and eajoy spending the evening with Woodry's Mellow Moon Dance Band and Entertainers Admission for the youag folks is 25c All parents ad mitted free if accompanied by a son or daaghter. F. N. WOODRY Mgr. Geo. Strang's Furniture TODAY Lj30 P. M. 1565 S. Church bed davenpert. rag txU, 1 linate- 1 heater, Universal a-hoU raage, eak ex-taUe aad I dmera, 1 Morris chair, 1 sat Ivory beds, 1 Dehrae eeB spring, 1 Ivory dresser, 1 tvery oMrffeur, 1 ehBaTs bed aad mattress, 1 aatoaaatls eleetrk r, 1 wabsat rockt dishes, K. atensfls other artieles. F. N. Woodry Auctioneer 5-l-l-S ,DANMOOR I. sS-nA l . . rr i Wise Travelers stop at thtj DANMOORE IN PORTLAND Downtown Location. . Comfortable Rooms and Good Beds at Special Low Rates. DAN J. UOOU ' Oppssus TeraWasl Sales Bciliiag wmjsm AUCTION imLFTH AND MORRISON PORTLAND to. tne ftmount of purchase taken " at Johnson, , Tuesday -Wednesday POLO COATS and TWEEDS Full Silk Lined Regular Values $12.75 to $18.75 Tuesday and Wednesday $448 SILK HOSE A shipment just unpacked from the eastern market. Most all colors and sizes. We've been selling these reg ular for 69c Today and Wednesday 48' Pair SWEATERS Regular $1.95 Sweaters All Pure Wool THIS SALE WHILE THEY LAST Buy with Confidence at 02 Tht Store for Lau. 4$4468 State Your Check "Accepted to the Amount f of Your im V? ..V. GE .48 saw Purchata ' i 1 5 I n 1 f I ft ii Hi i ! t" E f.- t & t f i r 181 North Qigh Cherretet Employees