MMMMMaM aMaMMMaMMMmaMa i mmmmmmmmmm mm I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ; j-, :--''..''.'--..'-..-:.-. , r- , " , . , - : . .- . . PAGE SIX -j-,: 1 tl'lll U1UD1 p;t. j. nm GERVAI3, March 3. Sam Mc Langhlln, superintendent of the dots', training school, will be tbe principal speaker at tbe monthly' meeting of tbe Parent-Teaeher a, aoclatlon to be held at tbe audi : tortus Monday night. The boys ot the school will furnish tbe major part of tbe musical program. A large attendance Is expected to bear Mr. McLaughlin. - Tbe east Is being selected for tbe senior class play, "The Pic tare Girl." and rehearsals will be started soon. The date for the play is April 21. Mrs. Helena Es tndillo Is senior class aevisor. The community 600 club Toted at its meeting held Tuesday night to close the season at this time, as attendance is considerably les sened during Lent. Eight tables of the game were played. Prizes tar high scofes went to Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth and Harry Brooke and for second high to Mrs. Ward Lundy and Lawrence Rellng. Mrs. M. D. Hennlng, Mrs. P. w. Seely and Miss Sophie Nibler were host esses for the social hour. Mrs. T. H. Canard, Mrs. A. DeJardln and Mrs. Sumner Stevens are to be hostesses for the opening of the fall and winter season next October. it 'Mozart Night9' Sunday Feature For First M. E. Sunday night "Mozart Night" will be featured at the services of the First Methodist church. A musical program under the di rection of Professors Cameron Marshall and T. S. Roberts will Include the following Mozart numbers: Anthem: "The Gloria" from the twelfth mass; vocal solo by Mr. Marshall, "To Scenes of Peace Retiring"; nolo by Miss Elizabeth Clement, "Alleluia"; a Tlolln selection by Jeanette Smith; two organ numbers by Professor Roberts: "Benedictus" and "Are Verum" from Mozart's Requiem Mass. Dr. B. E. Parker will present a meditation suggesting an appre ciation for the contribution made by Mozart to the world's religious music. The three-minute play, "Mozart and the Gray Steward" by" Thornton Wilder which was presented at Waller hall last Saturday, will be repeated through the courtesy of the Phil harmonic orchestra association. Mrs. Otto K. Paulus will direct the production. The participants Include: Ronald Craven as Mo zart; Miss Genevieve Thayer as Constance, his wife; and John Barr as the Gray Steward. The service will begin promptly at 7:30. PBESBTTZBIAN Winter and Chemeketa. Grover C. Birt eaet, I.I., paitor. Church school, :30, Ik it. Kamage. superintendent. Morning worthip, 11, guest minister, Rev. D. A. Thompson. D.D., Portland (Or. Birtchet will be absent front his pulpit this San 4y); anthrra, "Tarn Ye Even Unto Me" IHarker): solo br Miss JnepbinAlbert, ''One Sweetly Solemn Thought"' (Am rose). Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening J raise, 7:30, under auspices o( Women's lUsionarr society: guests of the STening, Dr. and Mrs. J. Vinton fieott; three reels f Boving pictures of Chins: anthem, "In Heavenly Love Abiding" (Brown). Ulll 1L I Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE 3 K 13 4 16 70 77 23 24 'A 30 Y7A 3 VA 33 36 43 47 51 52 33 ''A 33 34 61 W7, 62 63 VA 65 66 77 MO HORIZONTAL I Turk's headdress 4 small scale in araases 9 aeriform (laid 12 high priest of Israel 18 diminish 14 tear 16 twi or flexible rod 17 fleet ot armed ships 19 word handle n stiii 2 residue Z 4 total 2.6 indolent , - tumors of the akfai $ serafflio II pTotaber - - aneo : . 83 immerso ' :. 84 correlath f wither 15 steal from 87 restrain from freo ... aTpeech -- 89 towards . 4-riidf4 . v , 42 pnreJiasw; 44-widoVa ? . , part of an , ostata c t 48 Greek : . roddessof . - 4iscrdi-i 48 hiatus 60 a pastry 51 eolemn oath W legends 85 masticated 68 roll or list , 81 ventilate 62 metric measure of capacity 64 period of time 65 trap 66 smallest amount 67 free from moisture VERTICAL 1 of small number Herewith la the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. ; Mj E BPS p nkgl EJkN y.ij'ri j j.TT,f , f ' ilia yjS.l'j,r mMv E IRjC - , 5 . - in : XKXAJTCXX. XATTXIT Basel and Acadesry. Bible msmI, 10, lesson. II Sstasnel S, Mary Bauey, super intendeat. rreaehing at XI and T:30. Mid week T rsyer and praise Berries Tkarsday t 7:30. . TIXST SVAVQXXICAZ. Summer and Marian. Emory W. Feiti rorU, 1 D miaisUr. Sonday aehooL S:4$, It. h. I'koraton, anweriateadeat. Moraing worship, 11, "The Coaditioa of Prayer"; prelude and offertory by Mrs. Ethel Poting Phelps. Christian Kadeavor vesper service, 8:80 to 4:30. Dvaagelistie asrvieo, 7:30, "The Spirit of Wisdom"; gospel song service led by W. E. lUahut, inter spersed witit tpeeisl musical select ioas. Bible study and prayer Thursday, 7:30. chdsch or jesus CHxifT or UlTTB JAY SAJJfXS Liberty and Caoaseketa. Haaday school, 10. Preaching service, 12. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 420 Vx (State, buaday school, 10. Moea iug w or imp, 11. .va&avUistia aervice, 7:i0 and every aight except Monday at 7:45. Bible study 'i'harsday aight. loang people's cervices Taesday, .Thursday and halarday at 4:30. OPEX OOOX MISSIOV Hi hi erth Conuaercial. ttervieea ev ery nigat, 7 :45. ttatarday, Bible study, 10 and 3. Buaday, Sunday school, 3; preaching S. Veung people ia charge Fri day. Jiciict department open S a. an. to 11 f. as. H. W . Coolon, pastor. riBST CHTJECH OP THB VAZAXEKX 13th and Center. Fletcher Galloway, pastor, 2025 Market, phone 0S3O. Bua day school, :46, P. M. JUitwiller, super intendent. Special revival services with Lvangelist J. T. Lailoie close Sunday, iie. LaKose will apeak at 11 aad 7:80. H.iM.H. and junior society, 6:30, Mrs. Panl Hardy, president. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7 :30. riKST TJKITASXaJI North Cottage aad Chemeketa. Pred Alban Weil, minister. Church school, 10, Miles U. MeKey, superintendent. Church service, 11, "The Hour is at Hand." ilra. Walter A. lenton, organist. EkOLEWOOD UNITED BBETHBEH 17th and Nebraska. K. V. Wilson, pas tor. Sunday school, 9 :45. Morning wor ship, 11, "Foreign Missions," Mrs. Soctt of balem will deliver the address. Evening worship, 7:30, "A Public Spirited Wom an." Young people's meeting, 0:30, problems of marriage, continued, and "What Should We Think About Cod I" Eleanor Means and Mr. Wilson, leaders. rntST GERMAN BAPTI8T 16 tl and A. H. W. Gross, pastor. Eng ister. Sunday school, 9:45, Sam Schir man, superintendent. Morning service, 11, "A Tested and Proved Faith"; choir anthem; Lord's Supper following morn ing service. B.T.P.U., 6:45, Henry Neu man, president. Evening service, 7:30, "A Four-Fold Call of God"; special music. Regular midweek prayer, lervice Wednes day, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) 16th and A. H. W. Gross, pastro. Eng lish services, 9:45. German services, 11. Sunday school. 9, Willifm O'Neill, super intendent English Inten services Wed nesday, March 8, 7:30, "Jesus Denied by His Friends": special music German I yen ten service Sunday morning. Ladies Aid Thursday, March 9, at school audi torium, Mrs. Gross and Mrs. Schulen burg, hostesses. FIE ST SPIRITUALIST Kelson hall. Evening lecture, "The Ev er Present Now." Message circle is held by accredited mediums from 6 to 7:30. Mary Sehwedel, pastor. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Center and Liberty. J. R. Simonds, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:43. Morning wor ship, 11, Mr. Simonds will preach the first in series of Lenten sermon on "Great Chapters from the Prophets and Their Message to Our Times." Sermon, "What is a Prophet, and Why!" FIRST BAPTIST Marion and Liberty. Britton Ross, minister. Bible school, 9 :45, Fred Broer, superintendent. Morning worship, 11, spe cial musie by male chorus, sermon. The Rich Man's Doom." Prayer meeting, S:80. Junior, intermediate and senior B.Y.P.U., 6:30. Organ prelude, 7:10, Misa Minnie Miller, orranist. Evening worthip, 7:80, "The Two Witnesses"; special nscrie by mixed ehornt. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS Commercial at Washington. Charles C. Ha worth, pastor. Sunday school, 10, Mrs. Helen Fa Jones, superintendent. Morning SHEFKER 6 10 it 14 17 21 'A 26 27 2S 32 33 37 3d 44 'A 45 30 'A 54 'A T5 i- 67 'A 2 highest tone in Guido's . scale 8 musical instrument 4 cloy 6 aids 6 note of the musical scale 7 Greek letter 8 ethereal 9 irritated 10 assist 11 mineral spring 16 animal of the cat family ?7A VA k2 VA 18 sea gull 20 luminous heavenly body 22 wild dog of India 23 more unusual 25 earthen drinking cup 27 saltpeter 28 frolic 80 unruly crowd 82 erU 86 insect 88 members of aTentonio race 41 amus 43 edible, starchy root 45 dissipated 47 catter seed 49 funeral . : poa 82 fountain ' 4 wrongful . act 65 receptacle 56 hasten 87 expire ' 69 make a mistake 60 beam 63 lymbol f ox .tantahmt f 1 1 Iw5uTm-l-7f 1 rJl .'N f'i-m 1QM iNs IT Y The the Churches worealp, 11. "The LlvGivrng Chriit." CL K. prayer meeting, S:S0 lete Kaapp, j leader. KvanJag worahlp, T :S0. Prayer i maetinf Tharsday, T:0. - ' . TTRST CHTTRCH OF OOD Haoi aad North CetUge. 8. T. VeaL paitor. Snaday aehaol, 10, Jaaaee Davii aeawriataadaat. Merniag werahip, 11 Iveaiag worahlp, 7:10. Zeaag peepht'a meetrag. - S :0, Mlaa ' Ctaadlae diUeaple. preaideat. Frayer and teatiavany meeting Wedneaday. T:S0. ORACX OOSrZZ. BALL S49 North Conuaercial. Bible achool, 10. Bible Btmdy leetore, 8, "Ami of Trampeta." "The Seeaad Coming of the Lrd' hy . K. Bailey ef Salam. Ooipel aerviea at 7:45. Laatcra lecture Triday, 7:45 p. bl ITRST CHRIS TXAJT Center aad High. Gay L. DrilL mia later. Church achool, :S0. E. W. Cooley, aaperiateadent. Meiiaing worahip, aermoa aad Lord's Sapper. Tocag people' a meet ing. Frieada aC the Golden Hour ad three C. . ocietiee, :80. Eveaiag eraa geliatie aerviee, 7:S0, aponaared by yoang people ot the eharch ia special program; large choraa of yoang paopla faraisa ape eial featarea; menage ( iaterest te young people by the pastor. HIGHLAND ya fp.a jf Highland and Church. O. O. Rinard. paitor. Bible achool, 10, Z. M. Beckett, superintendent. Morning worahip, 11, mia aionary aerviee, "Oar Commtaaiea." Jan. lor 0. 5:80; Intermediate, 6:80; aes ior, T. Evening aerviee, 7:80, "The Ac ceptable Worshipper . Midweek prayer meeting Tkmraday, 7:S0 p. a. niJT SCETHOSIST State sad Church. B. Earls Parker, D.D.. miniater. Church achool, 9:45. Jun ior chorus practice, 11. Morning worthip, 11. "Rovited Estimates"; solo by Cam eron Marshall; chorus choir. Youag peo ple's forum, 6. Three Epwerth leagues, 0:30. Moxart program, 7:30, mnaie and drama, "Mosart and the Gray Steward," a program of appreciation. COURT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Seventeenth and Court. Hugh N. Me Callum, pastor, 1744 Chemeketa street, phone 8104. Bible school, 9:45, with or chestra mnaie: Mrs. Irene Weller, super intendent. Morning worship, 11, "Doable Minded Men at Seat"; Lord'a Supper. Christian Endeavor, 6:S0. Evening aerv iee, 7:30, "Bringing Up Father." of the series on "Better Homes"; special mnaia by Silver String orchestra. Midweek Bible study Wednesday, 7:30, in the Bungalow. JASOK LEE MEMORIAL METHODIST Jefferson and Winter. H. G. Humphrey, pastor. Sunday achool, 0 :45. Morning worship, 11, !Hoiea'a Menage of Rw- rentanee"; chorus muste. Evening wor sip, 7:30, song service followed by ser mon. Young people's matting, 6:30, three divisions of Ep worth league. KNIGHT MEMORIAL 10th and Ferry. H. C. Btover, minister. Church achool. 10, C. C. Harris, superin tendent. Morning worship, 11, ''The Es sence of Religion"; anthem. "Be Merci ful to Me" (Ashford). Evening service, 7:30. "I Am Not My Brother's Keeper"; anthem. "Thou Wilt Keep Him la Per fect Peace." Young people's meetings, 6:45. Fellowship of prayer Wednesday, 8 p. m. BROOKS COMMUHTTT 9. H. Quigley, minister. Sunday school 10 a. m., Leo Reed, superintendent; Ohas. Wade, teacher of adult Bible elan. 11, morning worship. Sermon topic, "Oat side Looses, Inside Gsins; Outside Gains, Inside Losses. MICKEY MOUSE H f HEY, VOU! WHAOOAVA '(LJULjJD f - I m I MEAN. TELUN' MEJ J CU AWT7! UKEK KlO GET TUlS X l-N, VOU WAS AN JT j w THSeaWQ CTRAIGM-f! OUST 'CAUSQ -MsA. AlR-rvAIU V s&rj ,VA Ml?OLUfED IM AN J PIUOTT J f JSLS r AVIATION SCMOOt. DOMV ,, , -7 f J . 7T" V MAK6 A PIUOT 1 THIMBLE THEATratarring Popeyo -XksoW tUHO I lM. I (the KINQ ff rtt'U- -J A 008 PlKE ! s-OR SMiTrt -v TROM OSCAR 5 yr SP- r)V V7l6? ) am- WUAT oStaAWEOIaTI tZZZi V0MAT ARC X Y 1 GOT THE WiM-VAM5-xM lt I TMV TME ACeSSSTt L TJLT? SOMEBOOY I TOLD T wSeXJSgS fUiy 4 OUTWHE12COUR 7 DOS5HOW ) AAAVBE WEXL. TSSSl' TOau I 7 "P"" MALt 13 Jfl A DOO CHOW BUT IT CtTSLOTSA 1 VTA AQMBgAT J r BErr-0 RETURMS - I H '1 1 1 ' 'A'S BEAT tTJI tKBOtgj NO AAOME- SO I GOE55 WETZESUNkl V j'aa T TOOTS AND CASPER f m 40NNA BBT M mmW t-rv I IU araai. laaraa ntKt NXT FOR Y V, MONDAY. 7K Y SHRIMP. AND I VVAffT TO ' I K1 f FIND OUT LA II .lAIUAT uw r. OREGON 'STATESMAN. Salem; Oregon; Saturday' Morning, REFORMED Capital and Mariea. W. G. Lleal earn per, paster, gaaday scheet. 10. John Denny, superintendent. Gemma servit, -10, "The Begianings at Our- Lard's Fas aloa," a Leatea mediUtlon. Engliah srv teaa, 11, "The First Ward Croat the Crass"; special srasi br mala quartet. This ia All Church day for Marsh, with laaea te church baseaaeat at aaea aad aaeetings af the Ooaaistsry, Saaday aeheol baard aad Ladies' Missionary society ia sfterneoa. AMXRIOAJT LDTHXRAir -Church street betweea Chemeketa aad Center. P. W. Xrikaea, pastor. Saaday school, 9:45, Arnold Krnaker, superin tendent. Mea's Bihla elaaa. Dr. A. 8. Jeasaa, instraator. Morainr worship. 11. "The Sia That Cannot be Forglvaa;" an them, "Lava Divine All Leva Excelling." eheir; solo, William MeGilckriit. Luther league, 6 :S0, Iadlaa mission stady during Lent. Evening worship, T :S0, special song aerviee. Ladies guild Wednesday, t :80, ia eharek parlors; koateaaee, Mrs, A. G. Aaderson, R. O. Arpke aad Mrs. O. A. Ostria. Lenten midweek sravfaea Wednes day, 7:45. RoagpAu rxmrpa Mllo Cliftea Rose, paster. . Saaday school, 10. T. D. Trick, superintendent. Morning worship, "11, "The Christian's Privileges." Christian Xadeavor sad eve ning warship, 7. Bibla stady and prayer Friday, 7:80. 7111 METHODIST Marks aad X. Winter. Her. 3. R. Stewart, paster, 1730 N. Winter, phone 897S. Services 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. m. Sermon topics: Cbristiaa Dovotedaeaa, a. m.; Silence of Gad, p. as. Suaday school 10 a. m., sapsriptendent, Esaory Goods. Young people s meeting, 6:30 p. u. Week day serviees: Prayer meeting 7:30 Thurs day night. Mrs. L. B. Griffith, general superintendent of the Yenng People's sa tiety will speak Friday night at 7:30. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Eighteenth and State streets. Rev. Amos E. Minneman, A.M., pea-tor. Ger man services 0:45 a. m. ; subject, "How te Use the Grace of God Aright Unto the Glory of God." English serviees 11 a.m.; subject, "The Grace of God Unto Our Salvation." German Lenten servieea Wednesday evening 7:30 p. m. ; subject, "The Brother'! Blood Crieth Unto God." English Lenten serviees Friday evening 7:30; subject. "The Dark Fate of Jonah a Type ef the Fate of Jesus Chriit." Lu ther League 7 p. m., Leonard Zamion, leader. . CALVARY BAPTIST High and Ferry streets will begin Sunday serviees st S :40 a. m.. with a graded church achool, Mrs. W. A. Bar-kuSv- superintendent. Morning preaching service at 10:50 o'clock. Subject: "Forward." Anthem, "Let the People Give Thanks" (Leavitt). B. Y. P. U.'s at 6:30 p. m., topic, "Courage." Even ing preaching service at 7:80 e'cleek. Dr. Elam J. Anderson, president of Lin field college will speak. Anthem, "Jesus Lever of My Soul" (Heyser). Monday evening at 7:30 the teachers and offi cers of the? chnrch school will be address ed by Rev. J. R. Turnbull of Albsny. Wednelidsy, prsyer and praise service. Thursday, choir rehearsal. W. Earl Cochrsn, pa tor. HOUSB OF PRAYER Chemeketa end 17th streets. Interde nominational. Prayer lervicea every Sun day afternoon, 2 :45, and every night dur ing the coming week at 7:80, except Thursday and Saturday. 8ubject for Sunday p. m. will be "How to seek and find God." A. J. Smith in ehsrge. Res idence. 1382 Skinner street. West Salem. A5 I 5A BEFORE. IF THE BOSS PAYS YOU EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE WORTH m AFRAID YOU'LL - Mauc Tn umnu UOTrTOtA! VB,k mmm. " 3.' Tf 1M- - Omrmmm.t II i flemmsa - in; T:S . m., "Dew. Demy," Mm- ia sseraiar ouauy K7V t.iS, K. IX Aaiersoa, superiataudeat. wl wi.t. a -an lira. Lea Cntt, preaideat Week-day ewjceei Tharsoay, -marea a, - p. w. -hip sapper, every member ef the chnrea please answer present. - j ' aUOKUAIX KVARGEHCAlt " Jeka jr. Raaia. paster. Services; 11 ..' Special mania by Mr. aad Mrs. A, . Smith. Saaday eckeol, 10 a. at, Mrs. Bulleck, superintendent. Ke even tag services. ORIAL Boath Caaasaareial at Myers. S. Par- lew Johason, paster, 4S H. My era trees, pheae S6S7. Merateff warship 11 e'eloek. Aathsm. "Bless ike Lrd O My Seal" (Ashford). Sole by Misa Lillian Gara iobst. Sermon by the paster. "The Prob lem ef the Meek.' Happy Evening Hear service at T:0. Sea feat led by C. S. Orwig. Aathem, "Thy Mersy CalW Me" Ceerae). Sole by Carl Mass a. Sermon by Rev. Robert SniyUe en "Caring aad Sharing er Christ and Teehaocraey." Three leagaea at 6:15. Church school, V. M. 8eckeit. aaperiaUadeat. t:45 a. m. Mid-week prayer aad fellowship hear Tharsday evening at 7:80. Choir re hearsal, - beth ehelra. Thursday eveaiag, 7:48 in LesUe haU, Mra, Marjorie Walk er Ra tcUtfe, directing XTAKaZXICAL TARKUTACLR Terry street at 13th. C G. Westoa. paster. Sunday achool at 1 :4 p. m, R. C. Ferguson, eaperiateadent. Ckoreh ser vice at 3, subject, "BaptUed late Christ." Evaagsiiatie aerviee at 7:45 p. m. Special masls at each service. Prayer meetings Monday. Wedaeaday aad Friday at 3 p. sa. Bible stady at 7:45 Taesday evening. Caotr practice at T Saturday aight, Yeong People' aerviee at S. - r WEST aALSM The Saaday achool at the Ford Memor ial eharek at 9 :45 a. ns, aad at Summit aad at Oak Grave at 10 a. as. Subject at 11 a. m. at Oak Grove win be "The Ohriatiaa'a Bead to Victory," The Ep worth League at 0:80 p. nt. The Rev. Edgar Sime of the Friends ebureh will be guest speaker at 7:80 at the Ford Memorial church. 0. M. A. GOSPEL TABSRVACLS ff55 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, pastor, pheae S693. Buaday school at 1:45 a. m., Graaval Sheets, superintend ent. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Theme, ' 'After the Harvest, what Then I' ' Yoang People's society meets st 6:80 p. m. Evening evsngsllstic service at 7 :80 p. m., subject, "An AU Sufficient Savior. Prayer service Tuesday at ths tabernacle, 7:45 p. m. Missionary con vention begins Wednesday night and con tinues every evening till the following Sunday, with afternoon meetings Thars day, Friday aad Saturday. TURJTER CHXISTLaJT CHURCH E. J. Giletrap. pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Communion and preaching at 11 a. m. special music. O. 6:30 p. m., Ruth Gilstrap, leader. Evening church services 7:80 p. m. Sermon topic, "The Power of Christian Character' LABISH EVANGELICAL Pastor, H. . Schenerman, 1161 Union Street, Salem. Phone 4369. MIDDLE GROVE: Church school 10 a. m., T. T. Walker, superintendent. Preaching service at 11 and 7:30 in charge of evangelist Dr. Duff with bis psrty. E. L. 0. E. at 6:30. Evangelistic meeting each eveaiag except Saturday. Children's meeting eecfc' evening after school. LABISH CECTER: Chnrch school 10 a. m.. W. A. Starker, uperiatendeat. O. E., 7 p. at., with Arte Pugh leading the discussion of the topic "Discovering Je sus' iTiBciples ror irnr Lives." Mia week devotions Thursday at 7 JO Pas tor's subject at 8, "The Market of Sa tan." CLEAR LAKE: Church achool 10 a.m. W. P. Oollard, superintendent. Jr. B. L. Ya Can't Clip Now Showing "A Dose An Even Break THE FACT THAT YOUR WIFE I jJ I.V i J : wJlL rmUuE5jTr ?T WOT MUCH, T TO 5HANYTALrTY ( hS2h VOU KM0W ABOUT SIRl h VHAtIsS I JtEStsssL v 4iiv salary V: ft kot "AND EXACTiNX THSu, FINANCES ? ) tgZ&&.1 MR. PuSScERf Vt AS WITH ANY OTHER .'Sfewi.l - A &y&A&&!j JTTl SIR! 3!archl933 I , .... ... .-'" VesDezServkes Will Start Soon? :AiEyael -'m.. Vridaaror society of the first ETaatelleal chureh. gammer and Marion streets, an- nouacee tne oeginninm- 01 Ilru ji anarnoon veaser serrices. from 3:86 to 4:84 o'clock. These serrices will take tne piace 01 meetings pretionsly held at :0 . a A . A - u M marf 9 a O'elOCK. ana-WlU DO leamtsu "" .n(at - vnaafeal aeleetions. both rocal and Instrumental. - The topic for discussion Sunday is 'DlseoTeriug; the Principles of Jesua In Our Urea." n..vii. tnara hv Kerr. Pa 111 A I VUi uuu, - v - P. Pettlcord, Corrallls, and Wal ter E. Raannt, wui oe ieatureu. Lenten Sermon Series Planned For St. John's PmtAmirv Tnten serrices will be obserred at St. John's Luther an ehureh. lfth and A streets, wttti tm naatnr. H. W. GrOSS. de- Urerlnc the following- sermons at 7:80 p. m. uarch X "Jeana Denied by His Friends": March 15, "Weakness " . . a WW la.a Jem and Power Amaxmg-iy umtea !. TtmUmnmm, n Tan"; March 22. "The - Casual - Minded Arrayed Agalnts Christ"; Marcn 25, "me Innocent Christ Substituted for the Guilty"; April 6, "Christ Cru cified"; Maundy Thursday," The Supper of the New Testament": Good Friday, "Our Peace and Comfort In the Death of Christ," Hubbard School is Burglarized Third Time in 6 Months HUBBARD, March 3 Newell Williams from the sheriff's office was in Hubbard Thursday investi gating the burglary of the school house Wednesday night. Thleres broke the lock of the basement door and ransacked all the desks in all the rooms taking eTery- thing pf Talue including pencils, fountain pens, sweaters, baseball mits. They also broke the lock of Mr. Sllke's office and. among other things, stole the prises for tbe basket ball boys. As they left ser- eral clues It is expected they will soon be apprehended."This is the third time this year the scbool house has been burglarised. a E. st 11, with AHce Msssey and Ha sol Clement In charge. ELD RI EDGE: The Bettor will spesk at the school house st 11; subject, "God's Mesage to Man." BIickeyB Wings TO PLY TME WlU.VOUVE I GOTTA KNOW. YER PLANE BACKWARDS AN FCX?WAROS? VOU'VH GOTTA BE CALA AN' COOL. AN STEADY... AN" YET BE A DAREDEVIL- ! of His Own Medicine" t 1 1 1 I ImMmmmmmUmmm 1 m. : TT-- ' w HKIHt v - flJ'J I I 1 II TKIlllll iml fllij m wnw James V TT-. riled Thursday morning .at hla home near Dayton.. after three days' mness wi firmiUea dne to old age. He lud resided there since October, 1810. . Mr. McDougal. a twin, was norn September 18. 1865, at PhOadel phia. Pa, At the 8 of two years he came west wun nis parent w e Tnia Vn . and subseauently to Pike county, Illinois, and Aur ora, Neb., before coming to Port land in Marett. He was married January a, iitt tA Mtaa Lanrm Chambers at Aurora, Neb. FIto children were born to them. Mr. VcDougal died April 88, 1825. Mr. MeDougal and his twin brother, Alex, were con tinual chums until the brother died three years ago. Their homes and families were always near. He i surrired by four sons and one daughter, Winnie, Leslie aad Roy of Dayton, Ellery or wewoerg and Mrs. Henry Dolge of Port Or ford. Ore.; one brother, half brother and a. halt sister, an re siding at Aurora, Neb. Graveside services in charge oi W. W. Hollingsworth, Newberg undertaker, will be held In tbe Dayton Odd Fellows cemetery. BRUSH CREEK, March 8 Philip Storti, 83, died Xhls morn ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Mathys. Funeral service will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at Kaulf man's church, with Inter ment at the Kauffman eemetery. Friends are asked not to send flowers. Mr. Storti was born in Ger many. He leaves his widow, Sa lome, and seven children: Mary Mathys of. Brush Creek, Sam and Edward of Salem, William of Brownsville, Philip of Indiana, Jacob and Mrs. Gertrude Muns ot Illinois; also ( IS grandchildren and one great grandchild. Larson and Son are In charge. Waconda Community Meeting is Tuesday WACONDA, March 8 The Wa- a t . 1 1 til L .1 J conaa community cud wm uwiu I its regular meeting Tuesday, YOU VE GOTTA HAVE SKlll AN EVPBPtPNCB PUP SWZ. S3. BEBSUSTCIUi IAN' A LOT O BACKBONE CAUSE, COAE WHAT AY, RAIN OR SHINE, YA TVillHr OF JUST ONe -rtHiNG TH' rnAIL. fUST GO THROUGH ! MarchTlTT a the 'home of Mrs. Jnlllan De Jardin at Honm. s w-The laat meeting, was with Mrs. B. J ,4V Miller near Waconis This-, was . interesuag all-da session, : and a large number of members attended. ' Mrs. Vm-L Andres ot Cerrais was a pocisi guest.'- . 8CIO, March t. J. M. Bennett, Linn county school superinternipnt met with a eommIttees.of tearh. era Wedneaday night to make plana for tbe sectional lnstirnu which will be held at the "clo high school auditorium Saturday afternoon, March 25. - A tentative program was made which Includes a brief opening session, .two talks, one ot which will be on the new school iavg Just passed by the legislature, anl a round table discussion on i t. metic, and Its carryover from oe grade to another and Into the u;gb. scbooL Prominent people m make the addresses and !o ai teachers and those from n right r. ing districts will be asked to lead, the discussions. Following the session the Scio teachers will be hosts for t sod&i get-together. Members of the committee in elude F. A. Gollegly, chairn an; Mrs. R. V. Carleson, Miss Iiorig Kllndt and Miss Doris K-r ma, SOPHlSPECHT. 81 . i DIES IT SIIVER1 SILVERTON, March S Mrs, Sophie Speeht, 81, died this m m. ing at the home of her dauzi,:r. Miss Rose Specht, with whom -ha had lived since 1921. Mrs. Specht was born in ,r many, and came to New York when 18 years old. In 1873 .-ha was married to Henry Sixvht, who died in 1921 at Mitchell, Ore gon, where they moved in from Kalama, Wash. They cam West to Washington in 1877. Ten children, survive: Ro?, Mrs. Mary Lytle, William and Carl, all of Sllverton; Henry nt The Dalles; Bertha Blake of Dal las; Helen Woedard and Fr-da Payne of Mitchell; Mrs. Lizzie Mohrof Vacaville, Calif., aid Mrs. Sophie Miller of North Plains, Oregon. F n n e r a 1 arrangement?, ia charge of Ekman, are. incomp:- By WALT DISNEY f NOW DO YA TVilNK YER , AN AIR-AIU PlUOr T h f but: x'a N lirjfV GONNA BE IJC - V ONE SOME DAY. iC? V YOU OUST AiV WATCH J 3 By SEGAR By JIMMY MURPHY 9& Oil hax:d CCLC2L r.:c?ER Tin TIK2 CLOCK utt,i )