The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    , ' page two;
- ' Titc OREGON STATC31IAN Salenu" Oygon, Friday Morning, February 24, . . - .
, 4
m nans
Polk County Pioneer to be
Burled Here; Funeral Is
Saturday, Independence
Jota S. Bohannoa, old-time roaf-
aent ex Independence, died at the
funny resldeaes, Second and
Moamoath atraeta, today. Funer
al services will be held here 8at
arday at 1 pja., Rer. Dunsmore
cttlclatlng, and Interment will be
made In City rtew cemetery. Ba
lent. Arrangement are la charge
of the Keener Funeral borne.
Mr. Bohannon was born at
RrewaaTfile, Mo.. August 26.
1158. At the age of nine, ha came
to Oregon by mnle team with his
parents, to aettle near Dallas. Ex
opting : a abort time apent la
southern Oregon, the family baa
resided continuously la tula rl-
etaity. ' f
In 188T Mr. Bohannon married
NetUe Mitchell at Dallas. Four
children were bora to them,
Mr. Bohannon was a charter
member and long the cleric of the
local chapter of Woodmen of the
World, and also was a member
of the Odd Fellows lodge here for
31 years. Re at one time owned
a sash and door plant on Main
street bat for the past 20 years
had been In retirement.
Snrrlflng are the widow, and
two daughters, Mrs. Bertha W.
Smith of Dallas, Tex., and Mrs.
B. Harm of Klamath Falls, and
three grandchildren.
The Junior Artisan lodge meet
ing which was scheduled to be
held tonight has been postponed
for one week. The regular meet
ing will be March 2 at 7 o'clock.
Thla date will be the final one
for entrance of names for the
membership campaign contest.
The Call
Today Nancy Carroll In
'Child of Manhattan."
Today Double bill: "Man
Against Woman", and "No
Greater Lore".
Today Vauderille and
screen feature. William
Collier Jr. and Joan Marsh
in "Speed Demon."
Today Ken Maynard in "Dy-
' namite Ranch."
fYi ) -1 Direct from the R.K.O. Orpheum Circuit j
V M& Featuring jl
Vr MZw inunMv niiMMsr'c orinc
V MJWyyW JUillllll UUIIsiL U Ilk I UL I I
mittir jg ohimuuk. ana lukiud i i
rpfl' 3t William i; mi
ff0U& h KEN ROSS I
51e If Ife Hsiil
Saturday Night
Program Artistia
Plans are complete tar the PhO
barmonle Symphony rchestra
prodactloa watch la being spon
sored for Satarday night by- a
group of the board of director.
The brilliant program which
Miss Josephine Albert, contralto,
will establish the tone of the uro
gram with, a number from Sam
son and Delilah.
A trio of Dalbert Jepaea. violin
ist; Reins Eyman, flutist, and
Emory Hobson. pianist, will pre
sent two Mosart numbers aader
the direction of Mary Schultx.
The three-minute play dealing
with the life of Motart will be
siren directly following this and
it will be concluded by aa lmprea
sire pipe organ presentation of
a part of Mozart's Requiem Mass,
played by Prof. T. S. Roberta.
A feature of the play will be
the old melodeon which will be
a part of the stage setting and
which is of the exact type used
by Mozart. It is an heirloom which
has been brought from Monmouth
for the occasion.
Mrs. Charles Sherman haa
charge of the ticket sale for thla
interesting program whVch will
begin at S o'clock In Waller hall.
Mrs. W. T. Jenks and Miss Ruth
Brauti are in charge of the ushers
who include Elaine Sherman, Al
ice Chandler, Mabelle Lllburn and
Nellie Harrington.
Miss Margaret Stevenaoa and
Louise Singer are in charge of
lights and atage sets. Miss Mary
Schults has arranged the musle
and Mrs. W. E. Anderson haa had
charge of the costumes.
Miss Pauline Johnson, Miss Ag
nes Molsan and Miss Angela Myer
were special guests for the bridge
evening with which Miss Ruth
Skinner entertained her club
Wednesday night at her home.
A George Washington decorative
note characterised the guest
rooms. Miss Honora Reidy and
Miss Irma Wiesser held winning
scores for cards.
Mrs. Forrest B. Lloyd enter
tained at her home Tuesday even
ing in compliment to her mother,
Mrs. Margaret Lloyd. The occa
sion was the letter's birthday.
Present were Mrs. Emma Mlnton,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Miss
Katherlne Rowe. Miss Carol Bra-
den, George Lloyd, and Richard
Mlnton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and
Mrs. Margaret Lloyd.
'Miss Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Miss
Colene Mennis, Miss Mabel Ryan,
Larkin Williams, Irving Hale,
Warren Keenie and Doyle Carter
were guests of Miss Rata Godsey
at the William A. Godsey resi
dence Tuesday night. George
Washington's birthday Inspired
the decorative effects for the
guest rooms and for the favors.
News and Club
OLIYX M. DOAX, Sotitty Editor
This is an Absolute
ls- VI i
Salem has never seen such prices. This is without a wo rd of doubt tht biggest, the most far reaching, selling
rent we have ever witnessed her. Men, women are spellbound and wonder how good merchandise eaa ba ao
sacrificed. All day long people say "Is this only 19c or i s this only 34c? How can yon do It?"
We are quitting, folks, absolutely selling out, so if you need to buy, come here and buy now. Wa guarantee)
you a substantia saving on everything, no matter wha t It is.
Let qs say a few words more, that this is a genuine sell ing out, no maybe's about it and we assure you tht great
est savings in years. Do not put off, it may be too late.
One rack of guaranteed fast
color house frocks, in beauti
ful prints and
styles at only
One rack of women's and chil
dren's knit dresses and other
style frocks, at a special price
for 8 days 77
only I C
Here is value see these sen
sational dresses and uni
forms, Indian Head, Peter
Pan prints, all high grade
dresses at a flQn
give away price OV C
Non-Run Rayon Lingerie
Here is a real buy, extra quality
non-run rayons in panties, bloom
era, vests, step-ins, etc, that for
fonnerly sold 10
to 39c, each laC
Pillow Cases
42 inch Pepperil
stamped, pair
80 square
Indian Head Percales
Guaranteed fast color, sun and tub
proof, perspiration proof, 1 4 .
yard . 14C
Bleached quilted
Full 3 pound 72x90, extra fine
grade cotton. flQ
Reg. 98c 00 C
Indian Head
Stamped. 1 A
Now leC
36-Inch Outing
All white, heavy quality, regular
12y2c yard. A
Now yard IC
All Silk
Extra fine, all pure silk hose at
less than factory cost, reg- 1 A
ular 49c. Per pair 1IC
Guaranteed absolutely fast color,
mummie cotton suiting, formerly
sold for 29c yard,
extra special, yard
Fast color guaranteed, checked
Kalbournie gingham in assorted
size checks and 1 Q
colors, an extra buy, yard IOC
100 All Wool Boys' Slipov
ers in blue, black and tan, ex
ceptionally low
priced .
100 All Wool Coat Sweat
ers. Regular
Jersey Knit part wool Coat
Sweaters at the lowest CQ
price In years' 3C
Formerly $3.50
Men's Fancy Oxfords
In Gunmetal, calfskins, t A
Goodyear welt soles yloDal
Union Suits
Extra good medium grade. A(n
Formerly 79c .. fgaC
Men's and Boys'
Men, Here-is a Red
Felt Hats
only C5)C)C
No - Matter -Wnat You Need If We Have it, You Can Get it For Less
oi y
"Antique Teas Find
Social Favor
With tha birthday of Gaorf
Washington haa coma a aambar
of "antique" teas at which most
Interesting heirlooms of treat
as hare been displayed.
Ona such affair will ba held this
afternoon at tha Unitarian church
with members of tha Woman's Al
llanea la charge of it. Quaata will
meat la tha Emerson room for tha
exhibit and tea hour.
Another of these teas was ob
served by women of tha Ameri
can Lutheran church Wednesday
in tha church parlors. Sereral an
tiques on display were mora than
200 years old.
Orer 100 women called for tea,
and to obserra tha many heir
looms. Those appearing on tha
program for tha afternoon Includ
ed Mra. Carrie Chase. Mrs. Ethel
Poling Phelpa. Martin Anderson.
Mrs. Addle Curtis. Miss Martha
rioer, little Miss Margaret Clara
and Mrs. Maxine and Arlene
Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, president
of tha Guild. Mrs. P. W. Erixon,
Mrs. C. H. Glenn, Mra. A. N. Cala
se all In colonial costume, ware
tha Una which received tha guesta.
Alternating at the urns during
tha afternoon were Mra. Elton H.
Thompson, Mrs. E. N. Simonds,
Mrs. C. Floer. and Mrs. A. O. An
derson. Mrs. A. A. Krueger and Mra.
T. B. Borkman were assisted in
serving by Clarice Kolbe, Arlena
Sholseth, Birds Hebel, Paula, and
Margaret Trommlits, and Iola
Kueaseth. All were la colonial
The committee on general ar
rangements Included Mrs. J. A.
Sholseth, Mra. Max Galhler, Mrs.
P. L. Trommlits, Mrs. Carl 8.
Lima, Mrs. B. A. Kolbe and Mra.
J. C. Woodward.
Mrs. R. C. Arpke, and Mra. O.
N. Fake had charge of tha ex
hibit. The third tea which featured
tha old days was that giren by
tha Women's Aid society of the
First Presbyterian church Wed
nesday afternoon. This tea feat
ured the Colonial period. Mrs.
Gordon McGUchrist sang a group
of old patriotic songs, two of
which were 150 and 140 years
old respectively. They are tha
proud possession of Mrs. John
Others on the program included
Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, Miss Gallaher,
Miss Era Cochran, and Miss Jean
McElhinney, and Mrs. F. O.
Tha service table were color
fully arranged with tapers in red,
white and blue color schema and
a centerpiece of old silver arran
ged with flags.
Mrs. W. H. Byrd and Mra. Wil
liam Schults presided at tha tea
table. Mrs. R. T. Boala. Mra. R. C.
Darls, Mrs. J. T. Whlttlg, Mrs.
J. P. Bates, Mrs. Robert Glllon,
and Mrs. R. A. Clark were tha
hostess committee
Mrs. Clark Wills returned San-
day from Tlffon, Ohio, where she
naa oeen for the past three
months rtaltin at tha ham of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N.
Mr. and Mra. Mason niahon n-
tertained for members of tha Lea
He Caa Do elaaa at tha Bishop
noma wadnaaday erenlag. A
George Washington motif was
used for decoratlra effect.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moot in
being congratulated nnan th
birth of a son, born Tuesday,
as saiem General hospital.
Mrs. Q. F. Ted Chambers will
entertain today with aa Informal
I bridge luncheon at her home. Cor-
ara win oa placed for eight guests.
Friday, February H
Junior Guild of SL Paul'a charch, card afternoon
at home of Mra. Wallace Carson.
Daughters of Veterans at Women's clubhouse, reg
ular meeting, 8 o'clock. .
Faculty Woman's club with Mrs. Carl Gregg Don
ay. Stt South lzth street. 1:19 o'clock.
Heirloom display and afternoon tea In Emerson
room of Unitarian charch Women'a Alliance hostesa:
hours 3 to I o'clock.
W. W. G. First Baptist church, potluck supper.
:30 o'clock; pctluck supper, surprise.
Executlre board of B. and P. W. club, with Mlaa
Ruth Mcore. 241 North High street: 7:50 o'clock.
Past Matroaa club of Eastern Star. 7:10 o'eloek
dinner, followed by initiation service and social. craning;
Miss Minnie Moeller, chairman of hostess committee.
Women'a Bible clasa of First Methodist church.
In elaaa room of church. 10 to 4 o'clock; potluck lunch
eon at noon; sew for Red Cross.
Neighbors of Woodcraft. 8 o'clock; charter mem
bers requested to be present.
Ladles Auxiliary of National aasoclatloa of Letter
Carriers with Mrs. Roy Young, social afternoon.
Distinguished Guest
To Visit Zontas
It was announced at tha Zonta
meeting held Thursday noon at
tha Marion hotel that Katherlne
Maddux, International president
of tha organization would ba in
Salem to attend tha dinner meet
ing of the local organization
Maroh 23. She la coming west to
attend tha district conference to
ba held in Everett.
Plans were made for 14 mem
bers to attend tha birthday din
ner meeting which tha Portland
chapter la giving Saturday night
at tha University club.
Announcements were also made
of tha "mother's" dinner for
which the local club la entertain
ing March t in compliment to
mothers of tha elub. Avery
Thompson will show his pictures
of foreign travel.
Prof. W. C. Jonea addressed the
luncheon meeting Thursday In an
interesting discourse on "depres
sion suggestions."
Mrs. Harris Llets entertained
Wednesday afternoon for mem
bers of tha Adolynk club and for
Mra. Richard Kriesal, Mrs. Leon
Brown, Mrs. T. M. McXamara and
Mrs. Oral Lemon, additional
guests. Mrs. R. C. Hunter and
Mrs. Kriesal assisted at the des
sert luncheon Lour. Mrs. Roy
Hurst. Mrs. Krlesel and Mra. L.
V. Benson held winning acores for
the afternoon of cards.
Members of St. Vincent de Paul
parish and friends will enjoy the
last old fashioned dance of the
pre-lenten period tonight. Mr. and
Mrs. Jamea Mahula, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Prultt, Mr. and Mrs. Amoa
JarvU, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prange.
Mr. and Mra. Lao Doerfler. Mr
and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. Mr. and
Mrs. Bliss Zellnski. and Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Stupfel are the commit
tee In charge.
Mra. Richard Schotthoafer. re
cent bride, waa complimented by
Mrs. Henry Kayser thla past week
and. A miscellaneous shower pre
senter urs. 8chottboefar with
many lovely gifta. Tea followed
the presentation of gifts
Mra. A. A. Lea la planning.
wnn ma assistance of her-com
mlttea of Mrs. E. M. Kerschnar.
Mra. Graea Lehman and Mlsa Lor
rain Robins, a gay George Wash
ington party for tha Light Bear
era group for Saturday afternoon
between, the hours of 2:10 and
4:30 o'clock.
W. W. O. members will meet
for a 0:30 o'clock pot luck suspar
I and surprlsa at tha First Baptist
cuurca rriaay evening.
Bride Elect Honored
With Shower
Miss Nell Thlelsen and Mlaa
Leila Park entertained at tha
Thlelsen borne Wednesday night
in. compliment to Miss Dorothy
White, popular brlda elect.
An attractive gift waa present
ed Ml&s White by tha group gath
ered to compliment her. Thoaa
bidden included Miss White, Mlsa
Henrietta White, Miss Elizabeth
Welch, Mlas Gretehea Thlelsen,
Miss Anona Welch, Mlsa Berneiss
Cowden, Miss Lorna Howard, and
Miss Clara TJrlaub.
Salem Women's club will meet
this Saturday at tha clubhouse for
its regular aesslon. Tha business
meeting is called for 2 o'clock
and tha program meeting will bo
at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Elan J. An
derson, wife of President Ander
son of Llnfleld college will speak
on China.
The Ladlee Auxiliary of the Na
tional association of Letter Car
riers will meet for a social after
noon on Friday, February 24th,
at the home of Mrs. Roy Tung.
Mrs. Wallace Carson
Fetes Miss White
Mrs. Wailaco Carson entertain
ed at her bom Thursday after
noon complimenting Mlaa Doro
thy White, whoa marriage to
George Elmer Xauga. Jr- will
ba an arent of March XI. -
Cards vera la play for tha af
ternoon hours aad at tha tea hour
which followed bridge Mra. Car
son waa assisted by Mrs. Daa
McClellan and Mrs. Frank Decke-
bach, Jr.
Those calling for tea Included
Mra. Harry Belt.- Mrs. George A.
White. Mrs. Homer Goulet. Mra.
Victor R. Griggs aad Miss Ko
rean Eyre.
. Guests for brldga Included Miss
Henrietta White, Miss Margaret
Drager, Mlaa Dorothy Moore.
Miss Myra Belt. Miss Virginia
Nawland. Mlas Zora Far ns worth.
Mlaa Ruthlta Hotfnell, Mlaa Kate
Corey. Miss Margaret Corey, Miss
Kay Goulet. Miss Margaret Wil
son, Mlsa Virginia Holt, Miss Peg
gy Goodtellow, Miss Jean Wilson.
Miss Maxine Myers, Miss Margar
et Heltsel, Mlsa France Martin,
Mlsa Caroyl Bradan, Mra. Homer
Smith. Jr.. Mrs. Marvin Headrlck.
Mrs. Frank 8hafer and Mrs. Ray
mond Bonesteele.
Word comes from the Fred
Brocks In Saa Diego that Mr. and
Mra. Ray Hart man spent sereral
days with them this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartmaa hare been
la California for tha winter.
I Home f 25e Talkie
1 Mickey Mouse Matin
Saturday 2 P. M.
. . chest
Also Comedy, News, Mickey
Moose Comedy and
"The Hurricane Express"
On the Stage
tniari en
Last Day
! 1
Today Md S.tum.y - Ma, 25c 11 ' TO .. gffl3j
I, rA ...III
The Drama of a Good Girl with a II
I ttrmjt fj r II
I Tha world called her BAD because she dared I H
1 H I A
- I II Hi
...I 1 III III
I - - ' 31 I II I II I
its' II IB I r " S3H 1
ISP 1 e iMli
ixM y iv 1 nm. 11 111 o C3k . -.1 1
J To. II III i , i lOli""
II HI Awr, ;
1 ii
The Story of a Elan' Who Can
"Make" or BredkzMore Women
Than Any Sultan! '
A woman's weakness Is
her, greatest strength
In her battle with man
her; womanly: wiles
more, powerful
than his brute
John Boles
- ' Ipffial lor T-t irgTis
Jack Pearl (Bartm Moaehaosea Himelf )
Famona Radio Star la Th Ileal Ticket"
Stark, Startling Stupeadona ta tha Scope of Its Ap
peal! A BUjhtj Drama of Human Hearts fat Despair!
piaaae atooRa alcxatdeh cark bichjlrd ben-
nsxr D&uxii matcaas xxojbaxct bositobth ;