vt " vx u-vk p fj vviniuM.uct, Business Directory Cards In this directory run oa monthly besia only. Rata: 1 Ot per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES ilike Fank. the brake and ehlmmy BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Beauty Shop. dhtl'T5., Senator Beauty Shop, dial SSI ft. BICYCLES "o.pvmjs. velocipedes new and Jti Harry W. Scott. 147 & ConVL CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph. 6753. CHIMNEY SWEEP TeW'pnone 4450. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS pll, ft L SCOTT. rsM-. v,iw lit N. Higo. e -v Correspondence Instruction International CorrespondenceK-TOls. BuslneM. tecnnicai cuurxi. . C. McOllIlvray. Tel. 4 US. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELGROVE. 465 N. Cottage. Tel. 74. Hemsuuau-S. c " nronsn.kg. 431 S. Cottage. Upper flat. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouqueta fun ral wreaths, decorations, C. F. Breit tiaupt, florist. 677 Court. TeL S904. ALL kinds of floral work. LuU Flor in!. 14th Market. Tel. az. FLOOR CONTRACTING Oinen Floor Co. TeL 6111. GLASS Automobile Glass Mirrors Windows Reglazed WALTER J. DOWNS p;n t IBS 680 Hr-ya Tt on. INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS TeL 494T jut N. High JUNK We buy everything. CAPITAL BAR GAIN JUNK CO, . BtK'Ilmif mrr. TeL 8913, 14ft -enter o, u Mtif. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB W EIDER LAUNDRY tit S. High lM- CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY -We Wash Everything in Lux" T.lephonetm 1264 Broaaway MATTRESSES ....... rmm fmy-tM-V tO Ol O. a ma Renovators end fiimlgatora RWlC?iai.' Sing Co. TeL 4. M.it.i.. Am tn order, old remade: carpet cleaning. ln'iu" ru wearing. Salem Flu Raf Mat- trti Factory, s. " 1441. Otto F. gwicKer. t-- MUSIC STORES r4hM.aew- bg machines, aheet nnisle JVliSS nnalrtna- radio, phonocrapha ind toK machines. 411 Stat re. 8Alein. MUSIC INSTRUCTION . . l ,ftr tn 11 Wka. W. (X tnrhow. 450 Court wicu MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Maetelne Co. u..r. TuudaT end Frtdar. " m- to 4 p. m. 14S N. Cammeretal. PETS W i r. Fox Terr! 1SH Center. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING end ork. Oraber Bros, ganeraJ repair 16S So. Liberty Tel. 6594. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Lewis E. Neet. Income Tax. .Ao- rcunllnt. ;0-MaSOnKt bhik. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampn- lets. Drograms. aooa or -"-, printing, call The StatimM i Department. 211 & CommerclaL Teie- rtmne 9101. REAL ESTATE BECKB 4 HENDRICKS. TaL 4S4T. , m.7i RH. Bide. TeLTSOi HfN!llLa ana w - .1 r II V m saaaaSaaaSl STOVES and stove Plrln.?:,8t07 sruvLS ana . ' J.Z.a ill f r sale, rebuilt end repMrtl kind, of woven ''75?n J.n hka pialu. bop baskets, books, logan hoc . i ctnv. Works. eaiem renew pumin. u... t.t tt. R B. Fleming. V II ' ! 1 1 1 l W V A, ... TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Trensfar Co. 226 Stats St. TeL 1771. Distributing tor- warding and storage, our vvv. titt our rates. -4 : FOR local er distant transfer storage, call tut. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks o Portland dally. ' WELL DRILLING I K. A. Wast, 1$ years experlsaee. Box 1$ SL TaU tllFfc Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUMlfled AdTMttslag Single Insertion per Une.lOa Three lnsertlona pr line toe Six insertions pr line. .SOc One month pr llne..$l.0e Minimum chart tit Copy for tola page ac cepted until :10 the oven lax before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify, The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and la cases where thl paper is at faalt will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objeo tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the tight to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. SALESMEN WANTED - .v. .... V. .MIQ ant work. See representative at New saiem noiei iuesaay arternoon. SITUATIONS WANTED ej-----i-------a-t- " m i rVeVV"wJVi'jj'Xi Ji jlT Exp. woman wants work. Tel. 4275. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR 8AI.& OM paper tie bun lle Statesman office. 300 Boxes Yakima Delicious apples. Special 69c Box. Frer delivery. Pur itan Cider Works. W Salem. FOR SAXJ3 or trade A-l refriger ator. Perfect condition. TeL 4633. Oregon corn shelled and dried, $19 ton. Reasonable delivery. TeL 5483. Home canned fruit 15c per qt Call 209S 3. Church. St FOR SALE Grocery store fixtures, Salem Grocery, 477 Court St. Red clover st-ed for sale. Mrs. J. H. Wright. Rt 1, Box 137. FOR SALE Cheap, manicure table. lamp, 2 stools and shampoo tray. TeL 3460. WANTED Miscellaneous Cash for fruit Jara Tel. 3593. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child. 15c Two blocks S. of library, S. Winter. Wet wash. 20 lb. 50c. Call 6070. FOR RENT ROOMS Pleasant, light, heated rooms In tnodwn home. IBS S. 15th St. ROOM AND BOARD Sasawayisje WwewaaweWaws. Board. Steam heat $20. Tel. S42. Front room, running water, 645 Marlon. Table board and rooms for ladles. 75T Center 8L TeL 5478. Room, bwwrd, $14, gar. $1. TeL 731$. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fatten apartments dowutown. Can Patton's book stare. Fur. $ a apt, 2261 HaseL TeL T664. Apt. $16 to $29. $$7 N. Com'L rm. furn. apt, furnace heat, vary attractive. Adults. 1664 Oak. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfnm. houses. R. A. Ferkner. 161 N. Cottage. TaL 80SL 6 R. turn, bouse. modern except basement. TeL 5)77. House to rent $7 to $17 mo. In quire 490 N. CapitoL f R. furn. Adults. 774 Trade. Small bouse partly (urn. 2430 Lee. FOR RENT New modern 6 room house, garage. Dial $174. $84 N. 21st. 3 bedrooms modern. 225 N. 24th, S rooms modern. 162$ N. 19th, furnished. P. H, BELL 225 Oregon Btdc Phone 8902. FOR RENT Oarage and service eta. Tel. $59$. FOR RENT Improved 6 acres with building. 31st and Market. FOR SALE Real Estate SPECIAL $10,080 for $6,500 One of Balem's finest homes at bar- sraln nrice. laree corner lot with beau tlful shruts, flowers, pool, etc. House has 7 large rooms with oak floors, fireplace and decorated walls, 8 sets plumbing. In fact everything to com mate a modern Dome. BO sure to see in is. fiace is ciear and can be purchased with easy terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis witR f irri.ns A- MILLER. Realtors $44 State Street Phone 6708 iruinry i-n-1.1 - -i - Grow your own 16 fin acre Just $ mile out. 6 R. nouse. large cnic-en house, 8 acres ot filberts, lots of fruit, splendid oil price only $3100. A beautirui z acre iraci, i m ui fruit, good garden, neat 8 room house, garage, chicken house, beautiful view tor only $2150 on tertna lit ma 1 anilea out: I B. house. lota of fruit, good well, gravel road a real snap lor se. Melvln Johnson W. M. Pennington 17$ State Street 1 rm. modern suburban homo with furnace, fireplace, breakfast room, lots of builtins,.! $-4 1 acres, variety ot fruit, berries, fine shrubbery and flow ers, small bam, large chicken house and pasture. $4308. with good terms. WINNIB PETTYJOHN 178 South High Street -uuiAruuuifiniKViT'r ' l-ecre wtth B bouse near Silver- ton. $1600 clear, will trade lor acre- . T , alm end usmm 10 acres -4H f.l haitlttna-a. ahotlt 16 mllefl from Jaalent on paved road. Will trad lor house m saian w euT-rwe. We bar cms- buyer for 49 to 1 aores. Muet bo a oarga-a. B-X3HTKL or THOMJLSON lilgtate Street FOR SALE Real EataU - rri i ni n n rLII SNAP POn CAKTT Good five room plastered bora-tea SJ? ,.V?B" fu.11 enant basenMBt Price. 12IH cash for IMMEDIATE Sao, W. H. ORABENHORST A CC H4 Honth Liberty Streat EXCHANGE Real Estate 4 A. KelZM imtrrm a Hghts, plumbing, family orchard. Price 13000. win consider tmbn p roved farm. 1T( A, about 25 under cultivation, baL fine Umber, running water. Stock equipment goes with place at 2S . xraae xor smui acraaga. A. close to 8alem, som timber, R.rn,l "n- bouse, electricity. 14250. Soma trade. RENTALS On PaIfln hlrlma mrmjt U M . S A. viiuiiauis, eiacmcity, nam. nan house, fruit trees, 115.00 par mo, S A, close to Salem. 4 rm. house, elao- tricity barn, ate $10 mo, BRING IN YOUR TRADES AND WE WILL TRY TO FIND SOME THING TO SATISFY YOTJ. J. F. ULRICH CO- REALTORS 325 State Street Phoaa S4T1 Salem and firm nnl m e.f home. TeL S377. House and lot to trade for farm or good car. 1595 & Cottage. ACREAGE BUYER'S OPPO trill mitt Drastic Reduction for Immediate gale Utt acre tract with creek on one line, close to small town oa market rpad. small set of buildings, electrlo Ughts, near grade and high school and JV.S: ,tllt,on- ""ee tn alfalfa. Price 11400, part terms. . CHILD3 MILLER, Realtor. 244 State Street Phone 701. I have too many good bargains to list in this paper, clear property in other states will assume, farms to sell, easy terms, all kinds, houses to sell like rent, close In acreage to sell and build to suit you, easy terms; all kind trades. I am trying to tell you to see me about your troubles, I have helped others; I might help you. Just give me a trial. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bids. Tel. 8902. WANTEDREAL ESTATE REAL ESTATH WANTED We are receiving many Inquiries from cash buyera for small farms, acreage, tracts and business oppor tunities. One buyer with 62000 cash; wants 6 to 20 acres with fair build ings, another 20 to 40 acres. Visit our sales dept. If you want to sell, trade or rent your property. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS Guardian Building Salem, Oregon Business Opportunities ANGORA WOOLERS Will make you an Independent liTtng Let us show you. HILLCREST ANGORA CO. TeL S156 RL S. Box XI. Pac. Hwy. V, mile So. of Salem. Small store In north Salem doing a fine businesa Other obligitions force sale. Inquire Box 144, care Statesman. For lease dandy service station. good store, in good location. Takes about $1400 to buy stock. This is a good proposition. Also good store room. Fixtures, stock, nice living quarter (modern), corner lot tn fine location at just k value. Better see this before you buy. J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Srreet LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Elroy Nash guarantees satisfaction on all live stock. Auction sales depot, Salem. .. i - rs , - n r,- l-tr Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Co, 25S E. Miller. Phone 170 1. SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at I rlflce prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch ing. Hatching eggs. Phone 13IF2. Lee's Hatchery. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE! 10 head of horses -10 cows. (19 N. Front. REDUCED CHICK PRICES Han son strain. W. L. males pedigreed $00 eggs, $$.0S hundred. R. L Reds, Bar red Rock, W. Dote, $10.00 hundred. Custom hatching. Ruby L. Woodward, R. 9, BX S9B, TeL 44FI1. White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red roeers. TeL 44F14. Rt 9, Box 34. MONET TO LOAN etsgywewwsswtswewejweywejsAwS MONEY LOANED ON AUTOSJ Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce rout payments Toe keeothe rex P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4733 Seiem, Or. 'Bells of Harmony' Beard over KOIN dsSy ring out a loan servlee that Is really, really different. YOO GET TOT FULL AMOUNT Or LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 t $300 Beneficial Loan Society Of AT.1CU Soom 119 New BUgh Bid, tnd floor LICENSED BY 8TATB (1$ State St TeL 8-T-4-9 PERSONAL LOANS MADB oa furniture, ears, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When ta HnancUl need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone 8353. Borrow on personal property; repay tn monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO, State lie. 8-169, (0$ Guardian Bldg. TeL 36TT. FOR SALE WOOD IS In. dry tnd fir, $1.59 per load. Planer ends $1.50 per load, at Tracy' a TaL $986. oaWganaagjwaetjSSBwejwsjwojweya GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 8000 Salens Fuel Co. Trad Cottage POLLY AND HER C3JAMP- OM MOLL YOGI PER MAKINT ME UKE ANGEU, lr4VlSIBLE -I- -a-BB-sea-wa-ai assess. ssnnsi...s.s.,.HMM(M Interesting Pacts There are 459 men on the Port land police force. Salem has 11. 0 Reverend Parker, pastor ot the First Methodist church in Salem, announced Sunday that the news tory In Saturday morning's Statesman stating the need for food for Willamette students brought enough prune by Sat urday morning to supply the en tire university the balance ot the rear. 0 Watch The Statesman for an nouncement of a cake baking con test. It won't be long now. FOR SALEWOOD L'1 mnm w 1 juijt Dry wood S4.5S cord. Phono 1411. --i"" rar njiiu Wood ! nil mwtk m pry oak 5.0. George MettsUr. Mar on. Oregon. Dry wood. TaL 441K. uni riH and r A k arnrm ut and fuel etL Call on us for price. We food Vrlce1 1000 d LARUER TRANSFER a BTORimi Telexihone Sill Own in u. . t i- -nr 1 1, , - n riru1-u Ash, fir and oak. TeL SS4a. No. 1 16 tn. oM fir. It oa t.i uii ----- -.-nnr J In. old fir, $4.35. TeL tttt, A-l old fir 16 tn., $160. TeL " TIQt. LOST An pnirNT - - . m mmm ...... -,-i -i-1-in.-inniiiw.iijci. T i(rr t . li . mtI. T11' on breast and feet Re ward. J. W. rntlvhtnn OkA.u Orego ,uivuwKittniii LOST Rn nt hi..nnM n. ior re cum to statesman office. FOUND KTB on rln, r. 1 tlfy and Mr fnr mA mt ao.. - flee. W4' LOST Blue striped silk umbreUaln MlUers rest room. Finder leave at Statesman office. Reward. PERSONAL Lady above fifty. Wishes te r-nrrmm. pond with gentleman ot like age. and of good hablta Box 4. care Statesman. From this day forward I will not be responsible- for any debts contracted by anyone but myself. Olive Benn In ge r. FOR SALE USED CARS ALWAYS Ask to See a TEST RECORD It Provides the rra.teat uairtuiM of a satisfactory purchase when buy ing your used car. It shows yo the condition In detail of the car you buy. This you should know. A $-day driving nrivllece la mnt. ad to further convince yon as to the accuracy of our teat records. Meat assuredly wo Issue a guarantee. Under these conditions you can buy used car wtth the same aea-ree mt assurance ot a satisfactory purchase that you would experience In buying a new car. Constantly Creating Confidence Ford $9 Standard Coupe Four new tire Pals Renovated upholstery Cleaned and .repaired Motor Is very serviceable We will license for $248.00. Terms-Trades VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone $15$ Center Lfberty Phone 7819 Let at Marion and Liberty Streets. McKay's used cabs With an O. K. that Counts Dodge Twurmg f 98.04 Overland Coupe-Sedan - $8.04 Essex Coach 48.04 1928 Bases Sedan 68.00 1927 Olds Coach 96.00 192$ Telle Sedan . 118.M 1328 Stud Sedan ,. 116.04 1939 Dumat Coupe , 116.00 1939 Ford Tudor 13s.ee 1929 Dodge T Coup 238.04 1939 Bulck Standard Bedaa 818.04 1981 Graham Special Coupe.,, 478.00 CHEVROLXTS 193$ Touring $$.80 1939 Coupe, fine eedltw 145.00 1929 Sedan, looks like nw 878.09 1934 Sport Roodeter 171.69 1911 Truck, long W. B 4 speeds, duals $38.04 Terms - Trades McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 818 Center. Phone 3189. 430 M. Court WANTED USED CABS WANTED Sedan or enclosed tour- hue. 871 cash. State model aad eoadi' tlon of car. Write Box 143, Statesman. W. I. Reeves, of Chattanooga, Tenn- produced a sweet potato that measured SO Inches la length. PALS tont blame MAVVMJ IT WAS YOUR ( PW SERtOUS! THB DERM J A fDOPB NEVER HAD A JT , li IP7 J X DEC-34T IDEA IN HIS V ' SO, HUSBAND IDEA PHT ID STUDIES TDID TO UB1SHERS Sixty Farmers Hear Resutts Of Experiments With Soil, Seeds LaBISH CENTER. Feb. 10 Bsnlts ot recent studies in peat landa, some ot whicb had never been released before, were given in a demonstration all day Sat urday at the Labis b. Center school hoase, the meeting being spon sored by the extension service and experiment station ot Oregon State college, cooperating with the Labia.. Celery and Onion Growers' associations. W. L. Powers had charge of the demonstration, whose speakers In cluded A. O. B. Bouanet, Prof. Bans, Prof. Thompson, L. O. Her. rold, and Prof. Powers. In comparing the four types ot peafoand in the northwest, the willow-sedge peat of Lake Labish, with its nearly neutral, sedimen tary, marly and crumbly charac teristics was said to be unex celled. This soli, said Mr. Powers, will absorb great Quantities of water. and more important, its nutrient 1 base absorbing quality 1s high. It is rich in nitrogen. Mr. Powers' talk ended with a consideration ot the durability of this land. Testa which have been ran In this vicinity indicate a shrinkage of about one inch a year. The shrinkage Is heaviest the first years the land is used, and drainage and other factors will affect the rate. Beets, carrots, lettuce and spin ach were specifically considered by Prof. Bouquet in his discus sion of vegetable production on peat, although any vegetable which can be grown at all will flourish on peat when the phos phorus and potash, which Is low, is furnished by fertilizers. Brown rot in beets may be pre vented by irrigation. Bouquet said. The finest roots, such as carrots, are grown on peat as to be found anywhere. They will produce 40 tons to the acre. The saturation point has been reached in lettuce production. Bouquet be lieves, but some ot the difficulties of the lettuce grower were treated. Because of inability to compete with low cost of California spin ach production, not much la raised here. The strains, however, are being improved. In the afternoon samples ot soil each foot do to a depth of 20 feet were taken by Mr. Powers In the beaverdam. Samples of soli brought by farmers were also test ed for deficiencies. All tests which have been made indicate that potassle salts lime, and manare fertilisers increase cron production materially. The first use of potash here in 1911 resulted in doubling of crops. The initial application may need to be heavier than subsequently, Pow are said. The lecture was 111ns- trated with slides. L. O. Herrold. who eoadaeted the drainage and Irrtgatloa dis cussion, stressed the advlsabiuty of retting the water-table down to or S feet as soon as possi ble in the spring, wooden drain age boxes were considered beat tor new soil, and aubselllng every $ yeara was suggested as being helpful. Prof. Baraa said that eelsry blight may be prevented by spray- lag the yonng plants with a i--st Bordeaux, or copper lime dust. The sprays should be given Jest eftem enough to cover new iat grewth. Sanitation and destrae tioa ot the plant refuse Is as! Im portant control factor tor Dots hllchts. Tnrine. the tiny Insects which are becoming more and more et a rreblem t the eaioa grower, are alee killed by poison spray. Bat the spray doea sot kill the eggs. hence spraying does little good. said Prof. TOompeo-, About It tar men were present. Stocks and Bonds rsnvABT te STOCK AVUXAeXS so te te i tad'l aa'e C's Tewal Today . ns. .$) 4TJ rmiMi Aer 4T.S S6.6 TTJ 4S.S Weak ago ----- HJ 80 S . 88.0 Year age 88.8 8801 104.1 ST.T Sreereese 1T6.S 184.6 SS8.T 1T9.8 ELrk 198 SI J S4.S 98.8 $M Lew 1988 48 A SS J 1S.S 4TJ High 1998 VS.S 89.8 111.0 V8 Lew 1931 88.1 18.9 81.8 35.0 BOSS ATBSAOXS Tedsr 6L4 SL.1 T9.8 67.1 Prvrieesasy SS.l CI S S0.4 61.1 Week age -.83.4 68.6 SLS 70 J Year age 88.4 T6.S 88.8 T8.S 8 years at as a 108.S 98.8 08. T High 1688 68.1 SS.T SS.8 T3.6 Lew 1988 TLA- 89.9 T9.8 0T.S High 1839 VLS T8.9 68.8 T6.1 Lew 1938 68.8 4T.4 T0.9 87J Sew 1918 lew. Four physicians are included In the membership of the new Okla homa legislature. The Shock GRAIN RKEST BUT J3 ALES DEPRESS BUTTER CONTINUES FULLY STEADY House Repeal Vote is Booster; Damage to Wheat Irreparable CHICAGO. Feb. 20 (AP) for a brief interval, grain values ran upward today following pro hibition repeal action at Washing ton, but profit-taking sales quick ly wiped out price gains. Belief expressed by crop ex perts that Injury to domestic winter wheat was irreparable, and had bee done on a big score, with the damage area extending, gave an undertone of strength to wheat. Wheat closed . unsettled at the same as Saturday's flalsh te H lower, corn ' unchanged to high er, oats a shade to H up. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May. July, 41-; Sept- 49-. Corn May, -: July. $7-tt-. July. 7-; Sept., -. Oats May, 11. General Markets YXODTCS BXORAJroB PORTLAND. Ore- Psb. 80. fAPl Predace seaaaxe. net ericas: Batui- Extras 19c, standards 18c Prima firsts lSe, firsts 17c. Eggs Freak extras 18- la. tteeiBau U-lie. Portland Grain POBTLAXD. Ore- rah. 20. riPl Wheal Opea Hirt Lew Cleea May, aaw 44 SL 44 44 44 May. eld 49 48 U AAH uu Jaly 46 40 464 4S Casa wheat Na. 1 Blr Bul bluatnK 50H ; dark aard wUter. 13 per eaat 50, xx per cam eo; soil watte, aard wia Ur 48; aortkara spriag, wsstara white x; wastara rea 40. Oets No. 8 white $18.50. Cere Ne. IK Tallow 617.89. Mlllraa 8Uadsr4 $18. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ora Pah. 10. (AP) Butte Priats. 99 score er batter 20a peoad. staadards 10 4c 1st aeiUc Pealtrr Producer' saU- is i prices: Presh eztrss 15c, staadaxds 14a, maaiama 14c Ceeatry saeets SaUiag srlcs te rataii- ars: Cveetry-ktlled hogs, best bateaers. aadar 150 pounds Stt-ec; vaelan, 00 te 100 poeass. SVac: Uba 11-lsc yw liags 8c, heavy ewes 4-4 a, caeaar cows IH-Iae. baus 4-4 c Mate Uregoa wshaots 18-lSe aeaas. peaaate 10a. Bratlls 1814c, almea4 18- 18a. aiberts 80-S3c pecsaa 10c Caacare bark BnyUs criea. 1931 eaeL ae peaae. Urn VoaaiaaL 1088. 34-lOc Botterfat Diree te s-ipaere: Stetias, le-ioi : rortiaaa oauvary prteea. c a are- lag cream 15-170. sweet creesi highar. Lin Donitrr xtariac price: Heavy hens, celored, 4 peaads 10-1 It; do te dinma Be; Ughis fc; apriaga, light 13c, hcevy 18c; eul reoaters Be; decks, Pckia, spring IT a. eld ll-13e, eetered 10c Oaieas Bellies: ertce te retsUers: Ore- gea S0-65e eeetel. Yakima Speaish 00 $1.35 eeateL fetetees LoeaL SS-T5c crease boa: Deechatee Oeavc 60e-Sl, Yakima Oems S0-6S eeaUL Wed 1998 alia, aemlaal: Willamette vaUey 11-lSe seaad. aaitara Oragaa 19-lic Hay bayiag price (rem eredaeert aW faUa. 9 ll.ee-11; clever. 90-8.5 s eaeiara Ureses tUaetay, fiSJ(0 eeU ea4 vetea. $ 10.50-1 L. Portland Livestock POBTLAXIt. Ore. re. SO. ) 11(0, calves 89 steers Cattle fieceipU 85c lower. Steer. 680 te 800 peeaas. good 84.76 6.35. mi 81 844.78, coaame 88-44 900 te 1108 peaae. geed $4.88-8. atma S4-4 is, mmmia fs-e; iee te isoo poaea-. feed 83.844.16. me4i-m $8 8.85. Heifers, 880 te 710 pes-da, geed $4.80-4.98, teimea madh-a 81-0-4.50; 750 te 600 taeeda. geed-eaeice Se-CAO, com diem fS-4. Oewa. geed 68A4 8.76. cesmeea-medieai 9ajt0-S.S8, Uw rat ter aad eatter $1-1.5. Bella, year liars CMlee-d, seed (beef) $3.16-1.76, caster aMdiem $LAO-8.S8. Yeeiece, gee shetes 65Ae-Sr35, saedia-t 9498-8-10. sn m aasa $-.84-4.35. CaJvec 180 te 800 iisala. geed-cbeiee 84-AM, eemmee aae dhna 88-4. Hess Sasatats aoee; steedy to a Creo le f rmar, IdghA Ma-4. 14S 9 180 peaalSL fee4- eeetee eAAO-4.ee. UrMwetr-t, 16 to lie pee-ea, 84J8-4.80; lie to lee panada, f 4418-4.80. -Udtoas weight. 100 to 8& peemae, 88.T 8-4.80; lie to 180 seeds $8.78-4-1 4. Heavyweirt, 880 to ise p see 4a, S80W-4.MI 198 to $88 seeds, Sa.88-4. Peek-ey eewe, 176 to St peamee, geed 880 to 418 eeesasTtTaAft. 418 to peeeds SS 8JM 878 to 888 pe-eia. sndlsia $8 8JM. Puiar mU eteeker pig, Vt to tea, s.s-ie. Socetpto 1808: dewa, geed aheloe tedmaa 6S.80-4A4. 80 to lit pewM SS-a Bwes. tt to 180 geed ekelae. 9-3.54; IPS to 150 JLT8-8.18. Ah W-lfkba, 1-1.71. Korean Forage Plant on Trial For Oregon Use Korean lespedesa. a leguminous forage plant of great value in certain sections, will be tried out under various Oregon conditions this year under the supervision of Harry 8cboth, federal agron omist at the Oregon Experiment station at Corvalils. A five-pound sample of this rare seed, valued - Absorber" ISO saa la, gssS sis Sheep and lemse Steady. s sa-a as aesHaea THIS PILJ-CW IDEA MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE. FER ANGEL TMAKE A, G0AL-K1CK7 T 1 73 is.y r .1" w.nu. i iJ. -w ' Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 aattk, co-op pod price f IM per hundred. Sarplns f 1.10 (Kllk ease- ea teatl aost-ly atterfat average.) Botterfat Sweet, 17ej 15c. Prices pel te grewtrs ty Salea bayers Fsbraary $0 (The prices eelee. eappiieS By a leoal grocer, are taaicatrre et the daily sssrket bat ere ee isrsetewS ev Tee Statesaas) rnort AJTD ViaTA-6 Certota. Cent, erste 3.11 Ores eepBera, Califs lb. Pees, CUf, ft. Cebbege. Uk Oeieas, dee. eaediea Potatoes. Yakiaui No. 1 retatees. leeel Sweet petateea. caate uslary hearts, Sea. Lettaec Ca- Tcwatecs. botheeae. crate uateee. Walls Walla Oaioaa. Lahisa. cwt. Daaish acnaah. doe. Habeard ssassb, la. Fsrialpe. haadrad Khaberb. acthease CSeUf. lo. Apples Wiacaepc 8pUsee bergs ftewtewms Oaaee CaeUflew sr. CaHL. nressais spreats Katasesas. boadrcd Orssgss. e-p. Ursagaa, taaey Beets. Clif aea. .8.00 te 4.00 .70 1.85 8,50 .05 .15 Tsraips, Calif, crate npi-aen. CaUL, crate Paraiau noni. retail Orspas. Calif, 8 Iba. HOPS Top. 1638. ft. J7 -to Top, 1931, lb. zooa Baying Prices Zztras -Medietas . .11 . .10 . .04 . .10 . .OS . JDt . .00 . .10 .5.00 .4.28 -4.00 POUXIBY Old reoaters Colored haaa . tedium hens Light heec Bakers Light fryers Lambs, top BOAT Mors, top Hogs, first cuts . Steers Cows Heifers . 08 te .04 -.01 te Jl -01 te .08 .01 te .01 .07 Balls Dressed reel, top U ureases hogs OBTV AJTD HAY Wheat, wettera red White. Ne. 1 Barley, ten. tea .06 .47 .41 .18.00 .18.00 .15.00 OaU, white to Oats, my, top. toa my. bsymg prl Oate sad vetch, toa 6.00 te 11.08 Alfalfa, vslley. let cat. -10.00 te 11.00 Alfalfa, casta ra OraCoo 14.50 WOOL Medium Coerse Mohair . .11H .08 V4 ae auu-krl NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue ot mortgage fore closure execution issued by Cir cult Court ot State of Oregon for Marion County in suit: "No 2313 S, State Savings and Loan Association, a corporation, plain tiff vs. Wilbur L. TragUo and Maymie A. TragUo, his wife, de fendants, therein pending, and te ae directed. I shall, oa Sat urday, the fourth day of March ItSS. at tea o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at west door of Marlon County Courthouse,- Sa lem, Oregon, sell at public auc tion, tor cash, all right, title, la tor est and estate had and possess ed by said defendants, and each of them, oa or since July 11 im. In and to the following- described real property, to-wlt Lot numbered Seven (T) la Block numbered Three (t) of Southwest Addltioa to the City ot Salem, County of Marlon State of Oregon, according to the dulr recorded plat thereof now of record la the office of the Re corder et Conveyances ot and for said oeunty. AND ALSO! Beginning ea the North line of Lot numbered light (8) la Block numbered Three (S) of Southwest Addition te Salsa Maries County. Oregon, at point 100 feet Easterly from the Northwest corner ef said lot: ana raanlng thence Southerly parallel with the West line ot said lot. Tf feet to the 8outh llae ot said lot; theaee easterly along the South line et said lot, 10 feet te the Southeast corner of said lot: thence Northerly along the East line ot said Sot. Tf feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thsnee Westerly along the North line of said let. 10 feet te the place of begin nine. A. C. BTJRK. Sheriff of Mar tea County. Oregon. J. 11-F. T- 14-11-1$. eommerclAllr at 110 a poaad, has been received tor testing pur poses. Common strains of lespedesa. that may do well la the south have been found to be almost worthless in this region, but this Korean strain has been found bet ter adapted to more northerly climates than any other known kind. t , 48 . ,. as oi .95 , , .68 .78 te 1.00 LI 8 .80 8.00 te 130 8.68 .05 .60 as .01 1.50 .75 te 1.09 .08 .50 sad .76 M .40 ea4 .40 .05 crate 1.10 as 1.50 UO (an' sooner or later) (Z tU- SCORE ONE PER t-7 M VTOSlDEij J ' Egg Prices Uncertain; Onion Sales Mostly From Yakima PORT-JLND, Feb. II. (AP) Market tor butter continues to reflect a fully steady tone all through the Pacific northwest, al though some California shippers were still trying to force a low er range. There was a mixed butterfat quotation ia Portland and in Its trade territory. More or less uncertain prices continue ia the egg trade. With a greater vume ot storage re jects being sold as extras, the alt nation was showing seasonable complications. Sellers ot quality eggs were finding It difficult to complete as grading rules were Ignored by some. Live chicken prices were held steady in -the Portland market, A small supply continues. Demand tor turkeys was in ex cess ot current offerings. The market waa held firm. Prices were being well held for the week's opening all throu; the country killed meat trade. Lambs were in good call with tojt selling readily at toll quo tations. PToet of the sales of onions were from Yakima because ot the alleged discrimination against Oregon dealers by vslley growers. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE On Saturday the 4th day ot March, 1933. at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House in Salem, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash, all the right. title and interest ot the within named defendants in and to the following described real property situated in Marion County. Ore gon, to-wit: Commencing on the Easterly line of Commercial Street In the City of Salem, In Marlon County, Oregon, 77 feet and X Inches North of the Southwest corner of lot number five In block number 34 in said City of Salem, at the center of the common brick wall running Easterly and Westerly between the brick building situatn on the premises hereby conveyed and the brick building situate Southerly of and adjoining there to; thence running Northerly oa the Westerly boundary line of said lot 18 feet 4 inches; thence running Easterly parallel with ihe Northerly boundary line ot the said premises deeded by Enoch May and wife to said Samuel Adolph 105 feet to the Westerly line of the Alley running through said block; thence running South erly on the said Westerly line ot said Alley II feet and 4 inches, more or leas, to a point opposite the said beginning point; thence running Westerly 1(5 feet to the place ef beginning, all situate la the City ot Salem, Marion County, State of Oregon. This sale is made by virtue of a foreclosure Execution Issued out Circuit Court ot the State of Ore gon for Marlon County, te me di rected ia the case of Mutual Sav ings Loan Association, a corpo ration. Plaintiff vs. Margaret Montgomery Shafer, Cecil T. 8ha fer, and Marian Sharer, his wife: William Earl Shafer and Eugenia Shafer, his wife; Freak E. Shafer and Mary Shafer. his wife; sod Frank E. Shafer. as Executor of the last will aad testament ot Francis B. Shafer. deceased. Plaintlffa. A. C. BTJRK. Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon, By W. RICHARDSON, Deputy. E. M. PAGE. Attorney for plaintiff. J.ll-F.T-14-31-21. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order ot the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Marion duly made, rendered and entered of record in said court on the sixth day of February. 1933, J. C. CHAPMAN was duly appointed as administra tor of the estate of ESTHER M. CHAPMAN, deceased, and that said J. C. Chapman has duly qual ified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required te present the same, with proper vouchers and doe verification, te said administrator at 214 United States National Bank Building. Salem. Oregon, within six (() months from the date of the first publication ot this notice. Dated and tint published the seventh day of February. 1133. J. C. CHAPMAN, as Administrator of the Estate ef ESTHER M. CHAPMAN. De ceased. CARSON A CARSON. .Attorneys for Administrator. F. T-l 4-2 1-21; M. T. By CLIFF STERRETT,