Society INews an OUVE M. Doak, Society Editor G ub Affairs p. A ?. Tea Will Center Social Attention p'-.n tor tike annual colonial .. for which th Daughters of .... "iprl A rican Revolution will be s at the home of Mrs. C. Prague. February 22, progress .nm ea or nrm or liib uiasi rirvaMe of the long line of such . .'. ....t .ffol fnr vhlrh Diem. .rtri rharter has been hostess in t!lP v--ars past. T'.:M Is for the public and the On i'liters receive dressed in col onial costume. Program numbers .e being Riven in most part by m'pmbrrs of the Children of the Amer!ran Revolution, of which M-c r. C. Geer is senior presi dent Violin numbers will be gir cn tv Miss Barbara Power of Msnniouth. and Mrs. Roben J. Maaske; Miss Grace Elisabeth jTolman and Miss Ruth Geer will ('anOk) the minuet in costume; jlics Rachael Pemberton will sing, and Miss Mary Lou McKay ac companied by Mrs. Robey Ratcllff will a pianologue. Mrs. C. C. Ceer will give a group, of piano numbers and Mrs. W. J. Mlnkle witi will sing a group of solos. Miss Edna Mlngus will giTe an in tersting talk on the life of Wash ington. Miss Mlngus Is of Mon mouth. Mrs. C. A. Sprague is chair man of the committee, which in cludes: Mrs. John H. Carktn, Mrs. j ryman Steed, Mrs. Edwin Jory, Mrs. C. C. Geer, Mrs. H. G. Bald tree, Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. Frank Settlemeier, both of Wood burn. Mrs. S. L. Mlnard. Mrs. James G. Heltiel, Mrs. C. Leslie, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. M. P. Adam?. Mrs. Oscar Hayter of Dal las, Mrs. Frances Cornell, Mrs. Seymour Jones and Mrs. L. W. Potter. Guests Entertained At Card Afternoon Mrs. Ben Woelke. Mrs. W. H. Bush and Mrs. F. Woelke enter tained at the Ben Woelke home Friday afternoon with a delight- ,..1 n .. m. . ...J. If n tt V. n of the Auxiliary to the Veterans Loan ELXhlDlt 1 ea cf Foreirn Wars were guests tor th- pretty bridge tea with its love ly decorative suggestion of St. YaVntine day and spring. r, ir. ts included Mrs. H. t'm. Mr-. r. Floer. Mrs. J. Moorman SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, February 21 KRor me"n of w-c T-u-to nd South Commercial street. . WIi!r'a ection of Salem Arts league, Willamett lodge, 255 North Capitol street. Woman's Council of First Christian church at church, 2 o'clock all women urged to attend. me!.Ican wr Mothers, covered dish dinner; Gold Star Mothers special guests; Valentine -affair. 12:30 o clock. American Lutheran ehurch. Program to follow. xt C' E ad T- clQb card at K. P. hall, 248 North Commercial street. Mrs. Park's Bible class at her home, 2 o'clock. Wednesday, February 22 ..J ,wr lub of Woman's Benefit association, with Mrs. Hazel Newgent, West Salem; night meeting. Leslie Can Do class with Mrs. Mason Bishop, 1350 South Commercial street. Washington Colonial tea. Ladles Guild of American Lutheran church, hostesses, in church parlors, from 2 to 5 o'clock; heirlooms will be on display; all who wish to dress in colonial costume asked to do so. Presbyterian' Aid society, ehurch parlors, 2:30 o clock; Mrs. R. T. Boals, chairman of hostess commit tee; program and social hour. Jason Lee Ladies Aid quilting and piecing at the church. Patriotic tea, 2:30 o'clock to 4:30 o'clock; sponsor ed by Friendly circle in parlors of Jason Lee church. Thursday, February 23 Technocracy forum, city library, 7:30 o'clock; any one interested welcome; John Clifford leader. Town and Gown club at Lausanne hall, 2:30 o'clock. South Salem W. C. T. TJ. at Leslie Hall, 2 o'clock; Mrs. H. C. Leavenworth speaker; all members urged to come and also all those Interested. U. 8. Grant Circle, Ladles of the G. A. R. meet with Mrs. P. J. Blessing, at her home, 825 North 15th street; Lincoln and Washington program. North Salem W. C. T. U. meets at 2 o'clock. Friday, February 21 Junior Guild of St. Paul's ehurch, card afternoon at home of Mrs. Wallace Carson. Daughters of Veterans at Women's clubhouse, reg ular meeting, 8 o'clock. Faculty Women's club with Mrs. Carl Gregg Don ey, 828 South 12th street, 2:30 o'clock. Heirloom display and afternoon tea in Emerson room of Alliance church, Women's Alliance hostess; hours 2 to 5 o'clock. Interesting Event A loan exhibit and silver tea sponsored by the Womans' Alli ance for next Friday, 2 to 5 !-. O-ias Olsen. Mrs. F. Nieswan- o'clock, promises to be an inter- d r. Mr?. E. Wetsel, Mrs. R. W. esting event. Heirlooms and objects of his toric interest, few of which have been shown before in Salem will be on exhibition In the recreation room of the Unitarian church. Old documents, pictures, costumes, ta bleware, shawls, etc., dating from 1800 back to earliest colonial days are being brought out for this display. Mrs. F. A. Weil. Mrs. W. E. An derson, Mrs. J. M. Clifford and K ::: in?' on. Mrs. C. Kaiser. Mrs. V-'ta Kayden, Mrs. B. Conley, J! -. R---p11 Mudd. Mrs. L. Lef f' wr:i. Mrs. J. Gram. Mrs. W. Y,'o'f- Mrs. B. T.ansch. Mrs. J. arn. ard M;s Martha Floer. W. C. T U. Observes Frances Willard Day fl.-m W. C. T. r. will observe Frances E. Willard memorial Mrs. Blanche Jones make up the service at the organization hall on I committee in charge. Firry and South Commercial street. Tuesday afternoon. There ill be a business meeting in addi tion to the program. The proeram is being arranged by Mrs. Oren Stratton. chairman cf the program committee. Rev. F. Earl Cochran will have charge of the devotionals and will sing a group of numbers. Mrs. J. Vin ton Scott will discuss the W. C. T. r. organization In China. Vocal duets will be sung by Mrs. Char le Fessendon and Miss Amy Mar tin. Tributes to Frances E. Willard will be given by Mrs. Beulah Rat II f. Mrs. J. W. Beckley, Mrs. H. Parks, Mrs. W. C. Waterman, Mrs. Joseph Carruthers. Mrs. Lena Lisle and Mrs. Orren Stratton. - Farmer-Myers Nuptials Solemnized A family dinner was given at his home In honor of William Finlay. Sr., of Sidney, Wednes day. The occasion marked his 86th birthday. A large four-layer cake, decorated with candles, formed an attractive center-piece. Songs, recitations, witty stories and music were the features of the evening's entertainment. E. H. Belknap and little Ida Belknap, grand-daughter were the chief en tertainers. To prove that he is not old, but merely 88 years young, sSrandpa Finlay added his bit to the celebration by stepping through the highland fling, the old Scotch dance, which he knows so well In time to music provided by Will Finlay. Jr., and his man- A very enjoyable impromptu dolln. Members of the family pre thowlng of colored motion pic- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, tures were thrown on the screen Sr., Will Finlay, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. In the posing room of the Gun- Gilbert Belknap and daughters, nell & Robb studio last evening Jet and Ida; E. H. Belnap. Mrs. M. Worthingtin, a daughter, ana f jests Rttendtne th. iAitnr. little Irene Herwlck, a great-great errand-daughter, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finlay and sons, Lawrence and John. A varied program was given, consisting of the May day exer cises at Willamette university, reels showing the treasured ev eryday activities of home, with mnrn Mmi from Philadelphia the kiddies and rrownuss in I . .v. uini.t rv hinr done their natural setting. The closing b Miss Thelma Davis, daughter reel consisted of beautiful Salem of Mr aBd Mrs..R. C, Davis, who homes and gardens in which the jg no n tne ea,t studying yoice. colors and composition were tech- Mrf M0nr0e G. Everett, wife of nically perfect. At the close of ur Everett, writes that Miss Da- the evening light refreshments y appeared in concert at the were served. Philadelphia Music club and here Those Invited to attend were maie her formal bow to Phlla- Ttepresentative and Mrs. John jgiphia music circles February 7. Lewis, Miss Helen Lewis et Port- CUD jj the most exclusive land. Judge and Mrs. E. C. Kelly mnse cittb of the city and report of Med ford, Mr. and Mrs. Victor hM It tat Miss Daris was R. Criggs, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Drought back with encores most Poise. Mrs. Frank F. Snedecor, eomi)iimenUry. Miss Davis sang f II T CI 11.1.1. . . m-m "Villi TCwi- ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancey, j r i,iebe" and Der Schmled ; Mrs. William Brown. Mrs. B. D. nd At Night" by Rachmaninoff. Rpoiina nr. . r-m VT fl I Tt . w iiumpson, ut. ana airs, ronnu, . T . Mrs. d. Jones and Arnold Thorn- The women of teJ?!M'!JJ ted. society of the First P"6" . church will meet Wednesday aft- Havid Smith, Jr.. eight-year-old ernoon ftttf" piano student of Mrs. Walter uen- o cioca i m airman of ton. on the grammar school dl- Mrs. R. T. Boals Is Tl h His nelpctlrtn win Miss Marguerite Farmer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Farmer, became the bride of Lloyd Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers, at a very quiet ceremony, charm ing In its simplicity, Saturday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The cere mony was read at the parsonage of Rev. Earl Cochran in the pres ence of relatives and a few in timate friends. The young couple were unattended. The bride wore a charming In formal gown of blue crepe with high neck and leg o' mutton sleeves. Black accessories were worn with this. Her corsage was of Talisman roses and freesias. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Myers left by motor for Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. They will be at home to their friends after March 1 at the Am bassador apartments. Mrs. Myers la assistant bookkeeper at the Bishop clothing store and Mr. Myers is connected with the I Union Oil company. A. charming colonial tea was that for which the members of the high school Girl Reserves were hostess at the T. W. C. A. Monday afternoon. This tea mark ed the close of a course in eti quette and was formal and Tery pretty. Miss Rnth Ward and Misa June Ward presided at the attrac tively appointed tea table, uiss Clarice Colbe. Miss Gwen Gallahor and Miss Ethel Abel, in colonial costumes, served. Miss Eioise White, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher d several new girls in the high school this semester made up the special guests. w w Tha hleh school Reserves will meet at the T. W. C. A. this after noon for a cabinet meeting and i-MTutrta of the conference held la - , . Tinrr tw this WMK ena. Al least 200 people were In attendance at the conference which proved to be n Mnclallr fine one. Much social entertainment was a part of the srogram for tne weea ena. for this mid-winter Girl Reserve conference. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Howe wera tMti for an attractive Georga whtneton dinner party at their hA Sunday venlng compli menting member of the Aea High club. Clever decorative effects had j hAMi achieved through the use of patriotic symbols and added mueh tf th interest of the dinner and card evening. Cards were in play at four tables. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendry held high score for carus. Women of Rotary Elect Officers at Luncheon Women of Rotary met at the Marion hotel for a smart lunch eon Monday and this was follow ed by a business meeting and elec tion of officers for this newly formed organization. Mrs. William McGilchrist Jr., will head the organization as president; Mrs. W. L. Phillips is vice president; Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., secretary; and Mrs. Walter Mlnler, treasurer. The board of trustees include Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs. J. Lyman Steed. Mrs. Eric Butler and the elected officers. Following the business meeting at which support was pledged to the Gleeman concert for Friday night at the armory, the group went to the home of Mrs. W. L. Phillips for an afternoon of sew ing for charity. Covers at the luncheon war placed for Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. E. Max Page, Mrs. Leif Bergsvick, Mrs. George Hug. Mrs. J. T. De- laney, Mrs. William Hamilton. Mrs. T. J. Gilbraith. Mrs. W. G. Morehouse, Mrs. George Graben- hoxst, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. E. S. Fortner, Mrs. J. Lyman Steed. Mrs. J. E. Bllnkhorn. Mrs. cnarlea Howard, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs. Charles McElhlnney, Mrs. B. F. Ponnd. Mrs. W. T. Jenks, Mrs. Grant Day, Mrs. Walter Malloy, Mrs. H. C. Epley, Mrs. Ted Endlcott, Mrs. waiter Mlnler. Mrs. Roy Sim mons, Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs William McGilchrist. Jr., Mrs. W. u. Phillips, Mrs. Pickens. Mrs rnii Elker, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, jrs. L.yie Bartholomew and Mrs Eric Butler. A gay Valenlne party was that which complimented the Junior Musicians club at the home of Mrs. W. R. Bush Tuesday niKht. An exchange of valentines and games made several hours pass quickly and at the close of the evening refreshments were serv ed. Present were Caroline Brady Mary Pemberton, Clare Marshall, Eileen Lester, Norma Wooten. Ar lene Wykoff, Bernlce Boyce, Mar- Jorie Boseman, Shlray McKay Marjorie wooten, Dovthy Job i son, Jean Vincent, Jean Lois Vic tor, Richard Springer, Ralph Kletzlng. and Willis Vincent. Wedding Date Set For Popular Couple At a distinctive tea Monday aft ernoon in the Green Gate room of the Spa Miss Maxine Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Myers, announced her wedding date to Charles Claggett aa March 24. The wedding will be at the F. G. Myers home and will ha small with only close friends Invited. Both Miss Myers and Mr. Claggett have been popular members of the younger society circles. Several affairs are being plan ned for Miss Myers this week In cluding Mrs. Alden Adolph and Miss Kreta Jans as joint hostesses Thursday and Miss Phyllis Day and Miss Isobel George Saturday. - Town and Gown Club to Entertain The annual social afternoon and tea with which the Town and Gown club entertains members of the Raphaterian club will be an event of Thursday of this week. at Lausanne hall. Guests will call at 2:30 o'clock. A program has been arranged. The committee in charge in cludes Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs. D. A. Hodge. Mrs. J. H. Lautar- man, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. Her bert E. Rahe, Mrs. F. A. Elliott. and Mrs. Frank Snedecor. Pledges Announced For Sororities Willamette second semester rushing week is a thing of the past with formal pledge service this morning at the various houses. Those announced as pledged to Beta Chi sorority Include Mary Hazard, Dorothy Holly, Virginia Sprague, and Louis Fletcher. Miss Betty Moffat pledged to Delta Phi. Alpha Phi Alpha soror ity announces the pledging . of Rose Naef, Maxine Jewell, and Helen Knight. A no-hostess party Friday night at the Blue Bird proved to be a gay affair with dancing and bridge and solving of Jigsaw puz zles features of entertainment. Guests Included Minnie Newfeld, June Lochridge, Helen Newberry, Helen Putnam, Clara Jane Harms, Pauline Smith, Scabelle Gragg. Priscilla Slmkins, Emma Judson, Frances McCall, Lucille Nash, El sie Permin and Charlotte Haz zard. Other no-hostess affairs are being planned, the next to be at the Gray Belle. Woodburn Wedding Solemnized; Birthday Dinner is Observed Massie-Boone Nuptials Announced; House Guests Entertained, West Salem Woodburn A wedding ot in-; terest took place Saturday eve ning at 7 o'clock when Miss Betty Baillio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrals Baillio. was married to Russell W. Standard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Standard. The wedding was held at the home of the groom's parents. Rev. Glenn Hartung Officiating. The attendance were Miss Ethel Wigle ot Silverton. and Kelly Standard, brother of the groom. After a short trip to Portland tbey will make their home at 270 Third street. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stanard are well known here. Mrs. Stanard has been an employe of the Even den Drug Co. for several yea3. Mr. Stanard ia with the Ray Brown cannery. Victor Point A Joint event was held at the C C. Jones home Sunday night, honoring the birth days of J. C. Kreni and son. Rich ard and C. C. Jones. A o'clo dinner was served Mr. and Mrs. Krens, Laurel and Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Bernlta and Carl and Miss Alice Brown. Additional guests for the evening were Miss es Thelma and Helen Hoover of Independence. Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fisher are entertaining as house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Charbaneau and daughters. Marjorie Nell. June and Rosemary of Santa Crus, Calif., and Mrs. Juliet Bingner whose home is in Portland. Brush Creek Mrs. Dan Hill man was hostess at a little supper party for the pleasure of her daughter. Miss Marjory, In ob servance of her 14th birthday. Guests were those attending Brush Creek school. Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massie are announcing the marriage of their daughter. Verla, to Raymond Boone of Toledo, at Dallas last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Boone will make their home in Salem. Brush Creek Mrs. Victor Mad sen was hostess at a quilting- bee Friday afternoon at her home here. Tea was served at 6 o'clock. Miss Lillie Madsen assisting dur ing the tea hour. Those quilting were Mrs. O. Ormbrek, Mrs. L. H. Meyer, Mrs. Ole Satern, Mrs. Os car Satern, Mrs. Harold Satern, Mrs. E. Holden. Mrs. M. J. Mad sen and Mrs. "Victor Madsen. Quinaby. Edith Manning en tertained the fifth and Sixth grades Monday night with ,a VaV eatlne party at the schoolhouse. The following committees were in charge: Games, Rosie Franks, Donald and Catherine Diem; eats Bobble Beekner, Elsie Diem and Agnes Rleketts; decorations committee. Lola Weese, Robert Zlellnski. Wayne Weese and Edith Nell ton; program. Robert Zielln- su, Meriyn Gigger, Ieroy Ton- The Thimble and Needle Sewing club met for an all-day session at Mrs. Arthur Penny's Those pre sent were Mesdames J. C. McFar- low, A. L. Glrod, A. M. Anderson, E. L. Rogers. Gertrude Weese, M. R. Ector, Cora Rleketts. Mild red Richie, George Beckman Fay Black. Doshia Lyons, Frances Pearmine and Arthur Penny. Independence Sigma Tbeta chapter of Delphians were guests of the president, Mrs. H. W. Hag meier, for a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday. Seventeen members en joyed the meeting which was giv en and decorated with the Valen tine motif. Roll call was answered by quo tation or facts from the life ot George Washington. Two Ellsabethlan classics were studied. Topics were taken by Mrs. O. D. Butler, Mrs. M. J. But ler. Mrs. A. B. Robinson, Mrs. J. C. Collins, and was presented by Mrs. E. M. Ebbert, Mrs. Frances Saunders, and Miss Mabel Riddell. Mrs. R. D. Elliot directed the play Mrs. Hagmeler, In behalf of the chapter, expressed the apprecia tion of the members for their su pervisor, Mrs. D. A. Hoag, and their secretary. Mrs. A. B. Robin son, and presented each with an upholstered footstool. Mrs. Hoag has been supervisor for five years and M:. Robinson, secretary for three years. Then the valentine box was enjoyed. WITlametts shrine. Whits Shrine of Jerusalem, met Monday might in the tempi for a social meet ing and program. Program asm hers were ' given by Mrs. Reeves and Miss .Esther Hagedorn. : The committee In charge et the social hour included Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. Margaret j Montgomery, Mrs. V. R. Griggs, Mrs. Lucille Mills, Mrs. Ida God- ; frey, Mrs. Lfla Palmer and Mrs. . Louise King. Members of th Eastern Star 1 will meet tor the regular social meeting tonight at the Masonlo temple. A program has been ar ranged. Miss Jeanette Scott will be a featured violin soloist, Members of the Altrusa club will meet for a 1:15 o'clock din ner Tuesday night at th Green Dragon. Several additional guests are being invited for tb affair In compliment to "guest" night. Mrs. Charles Newbnrgh and her father, Mr. Hemming, bav been recent guests In Albany, at the home of Mrs. R. Conser. sis ter of Mrs. Newburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goheen have come to Salem to make their residence. They wer for merly residents of Portland. Shaw. The Woman's club met Thursday afternoon at the horn of Mrs. Ernest Peterson in Salem. The Valentine party that had . been planned by the club was postponed Indefinitely en account of so much illness among th members. The afternoon was spent In needlework. Suver. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rlchter and daughter Nellie and Mrs. John Rldders wer present at a klchen shower given recently for Mr. and Mrs. RIehter's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ray Rlchter, at the Picha home near Salem. Jefferson. The Past Noble Grands club met in the kdg rooms of Odd Fellows hall Thurs day afternoon, with Mrs. Le Weils and Mrs. Paul Smith as Joint hostesses. Scio Mrs. Merle Cyrus enter tained the ladles ot the Scio Bridge club at a 1 o'clock lunch eon at her home Friday afternoon. Covers were placed for Mrs. Dr. Prill. Mrs. Vilas Phillppl. Mrs. Frank Gill, Mrs. Joe Wihers, Mrs. Percy Schrunk. Mrs. Fred Bilyeu, Mrs. Rolla Shelton, Mrs. Fred Jones, Mrs. Edwin Holland, Mrs. Birdelle Sticha, Mrs. P. H. Mac Donald and Mrs. Dr. Betzer. Mrs. Cyrus was assistel by Mrs. Ernie Caldwell. at HALF th pricm of other Quality Mouth-washe At yvmr TRIAL STZH 104 Babies and Bouquets WmmmB: fcf ' Carrots and Cabbages rmmm,: aJ alljroman JM' ' -1? .V:' fill fllll jPi lifaif iiiS llliiSitti' yp illusions I " - Kight before your very eyes the man ef magic draws rabbits, Ttgctables, lowers, fruits even babies aQ from aa tab I What an astonishing fellow hs Is I IXPlANATIONi The assorted rabbits, babies, carrots, eabbagea, rib bons and ether magical "props" are not created by magic. The tub has a fab bottom mat is conveniently displaced, and numberless wonderful things spring t life ia the magician's nimble fingers. They do liter ally "spring'' because they are mad ta compress inc the bottom of the tub, taking their natural shape as the magician lifts them one ovscsi Trick md Hmmu" ftjr WOt CoUi, It's w to Foozzz ...JT& MOSS FUN TO &TOW n. won tne grammar acnooi ai-iairs. xv. a Mrs TL inn Mint. th social committee ana . w Md st?hTehb of commerce c7Dsvis. Mrs Robert GlUon. jgj. nutorium Saturday afternoon. J, P. Bat . Mrs C "kMrs. "is neiectlon was "Russicn Ron-1 w T mmif are assist-o-' op. 825. by C. Cserny. A and Mrs. "-JgJSf SI "cial number of students or grammar ing bnsiness hool age were entered by prom- Hour win meeunR. All former residents of Krt- ir.pnt music teachers of the city. The Past Matrons club of the - lted to 4ttend eastern Star held its monthly ""."vT Anh meeting at meetlnr Satnrd lrtt at the th Nebraska club meeung hom iZ: t'. 7TAtr A I th W. C. T. U. " South n ji aa ttift Ferry sua Mabel fl.ttUm.iMi Wnodhnrn W ... husine. .n -t.i mut-. The streets, FTiaay bis. Minnift Mneitav if.vian Trhy. I dinner Commercial meet- potluck uiaess ana social meeting, ine : a potluck Minnie tltii- ,r.i... rtoh-r I dinner at -"v and Cordelia Capper. . i a i vw-pm nas semce. ja iiyc wn arranged for th hours fol- Corvallis eoelet- was all agog lowing th dinner. ; Sunday with report ot th dlrorc ,r- . Ere6l k, nter i Audred Bunch Arnold m i . hom this week Byron D. Arnold of th school of 1 talnd at their .,mwflia. m m , m m avf i it 1 1 i luiu - w music facnltv.fonow.fl hT her mar- 1 end wnn aa .. -, - Mrs. Robert, wss. a? on tim. SO-lnd Mrs. --TO.:yre .s. i tuk Roberts, nuo ? KlddlDr. "uucjr. n " " UAU- ... V, Bvrd and Mr. "- nooens was ai on um w ', r.,rknn1d ci?ty editor of Th BUtesman. . and Mrs. Palmer MacDonald. 25 ounces for25f Tricks are legitimate on the stage bat not in busine$s..Here'i one that has been used in cigarette advertising... the illusion that blending is everything in a cigarette. explanation i Blending is important...but it makes a lot of difference what is blended. Inferior tobaccos can be blended to cover op their humble origin. But your taste soon detects the trick. The proper use of blending is to bring ECONOMICAL AUD EFFICIENT yvuwiw .-- DaabkAeihnf 5 k ' sf sCSssta(w fKBOKKSKKSSn JWWBiSs. SSsj8jssv sS SShv flj -".. j JSU USLi U . . ( . ... . out the full "round" flavor of mild, high grade tobaccos. It's the costliiusx f tks tobiccos,tsvrcll as the blending, that counts. It Is a fact, well known by leaf tobacco experts, that Camels are made from finer, MORI EXPENSIYI tobaccos than any other popular brand. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent by others in the attempt to discover just how Camels are blended. The blend is important. But all the while Camel spends millions more for choice tobaccos. insure your enjoyment. Light up a Camel. Relax, while the deli cate blue smoke floats about you. Enjoy to the full the pleasure that comes from costlier tobaccos. Keep Camels always handyman the air tight, welded Humidor Pack. NO TRICKS .JUST COSTLIER TOBACCOS IN A UATCHLISf BLEHD ) J. V - v